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💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, JonathKane, [Anonymous]
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TH03 gameplay! 📝 It's been over two years. People have been investing some decent money with the intention of eventually getting netplay, so let's cover some more foundations around player movement… and quickly notice that there's almost no overlap between gameplay RE and netplay preparations? That makes for a fitting opportunity to think about what TH03 netplay would look like:

Implementing all of this into TH03 can be done in one, a few, or all of the following 6 ways, depending on what the backers prefer. Sorted from the most generic to the most specialized solution (and, coincidentally, from least to most total effort required):

  1. Generic PC-98 netcode for one or more emulators

    This is the most basic and puristic variant that implements generic netplay for PC-98 games in general by effectively providing remote control of the emulated keyboard and joypad. The emulator will be unaware of the game, and the game will be unaware of being netplayed, which makes this solution particularly interesting for the non-Touhou PC-98 scene, or competitive players who absolutely insist on using ZUN's original binaries and won't trust any of my modded game builds.
    Applied to TH03, this means that players would select the regular hot-seat 1P vs 2P mode and then initiate a match through a new menu in the emulator UI. The same UI must then provide an option to manually remap incoming key and button presses to the 2P controls (newly introducing remapping to the emulator if necessary), as well as blocking any non-2P keys. The host then sends an initial savestate to the guest to ensure an identical starting state, and starts synchronizing and rolling back inputs at VSync boundaries.

    This generic nature means that we don't get to include any of the TH03-specific rollback optimizations mentioned above, leading to the highest CPU and memory requirements out of all the variants. It sure is the easiest to implement though, as we get to freely use modern C++ WebRTC libraries that are designed to work with the network stack of the underlying OS.
    I can try to build this netcode as a generic library that can work with any PC-98 emulator, but it would ultimately be up to the respective upstream developers to integrate it into official releases. Therefore, expect this variant to require separate funding and custom builds for each individual emulator codebase that we'd like to support.

  2. Emulator-level netcode with optional game integration

    Takes the generic netcode developed in 1) and adds the possibility for the game to control it via a special interrupt API. This enables several improvements:

    • Online matches could be initiated through new options in TH03's main menu rather than the emulator's UI.
    • The game could communicate the memory region that should be backed up every frame, cutting down memory usage as described above.
    • The exchanged input data could use the game's internal format instead of keyboard or joypad inputs. This removes the need for key remapping at the emulator level and naturally prevents the inherent issue of remote control where players could mess with each other's controls.
    • The game could be aware of the rollbacks, allowing it to jump over its rendering code while processing the queue of remote inputs and thus gain some performance as explained above.
    • The game could add synchronization points that block gameplay until both players have reached them, preventing the rollback queue from growing infinitely. This solves the issue of 1) not having any inherent way of working around desyncs and the resulting growth of the rollback queue. As an example, if one of the two emulators in 1) took, say, 2 seconds longer to load the game due to a random CPU spike caused by some bloatware on their system, the two players would be out of sync by 2 seconds for the rest of the session, forcing the faster system to render 113 frames every time an input prediction turned out to be incorrect.
      Good places for synchronization points include the beginning of each round, the WARNING!! You are forced to evade / Your life is in peril popups that pause the game for a few frames anyway, and whenever the game is paused via the ESC key.
    • During such pauses, the game could then also block the resuming ESC key of the player who didn't pause the game.

  3. Edit (2024-04-30): Emulated serial port communicating over named pipes with a standalone netplay tool

    This approach would take the netcode developed in 2) out of the emulator and into a separate application running on the (modern) host OS, just like Ju.N.Owen or Adonis. The previous interrupt API would then be turned into binary protocol communicated over the PC-98's serial port, while the rollback snapshots would be stored inside the emulated PC-98 in EMS or XMS/Protected Mode memory. Netplay data would then move through these stages:

    🖥️ PC-98 game logic ⇄ Serial port ⇄ Emulator ⇄ Named pipe ⇄ Netcode logic ⇄ WebRTC Data Channel ⇄ Internet 🛜
    All green steps run natively on the host OS.

    Sending serial port data over named pipes is only a semi-common feature in PC-98 emulators, and would currently restrict netplay to Neko Project 21/W and NP2kai on Windows. This is a pretty clean and generally useful feature to have in an emulator though, and emulator maintainers will be much more likely to include this than the custom netplay code I proposed in 1) and 2). DOSBox-X has an open issue that we could help implement, and the NP2kai Linux port would probably also appreciate a mkfifo(3) implementation.
    This could even work with emulators that only implement PC-98 serial ports in terms of, well, native Windows serial ports. This group currently includes Neko Project II fmgen, SL9821, T98-Next, and rare bundles of Anex86 that replace MIDI support with COM port emulation. These would require separately installed and configured virtual serial port software in place of the named pipe connection, as well as support for actual serial ports in the netplay tool itself. In fact, this is the only way that die-hard Anex86 and T98-Next fans could enjoy any kind of netplay on these two ancient emulators.

    If it works though, it's the optimal solution for the emulated use case if we don't want to fork the emulator. From the point of view of the PC-98, the serial port is the cheapest way to send a couple of bytes to some external thing, and named pipes are one of many native ways for two Windows/Linux applications to efficiently communicate.
    The only slight drawback of this approach is the expected high DOS memory requirement for rollback. Unless we find a way to really compress game state snapshots to just a few KB, this approach will require a more modern DOS setup with EMS/XMS support instead of the pre-installed MS-DOS 3.30C on a certain widely circulated .HDI copy. But apart from that, all you'd need to do is run the separate netplay tool, pick the same pipe name in both the tool and the emulator, and you're good to go.

    Screenshot of Neko Project 21/W's Serial option menu, with COM1 being configured to send over a named pipe
    It could even work for real hardware, but would require the PC-98 to be linked to the separately running modern system via a null modem cable.

  4. Native PC-98 Windows 9x netcode (only for real PC-98 hardware equipped with an Ethernet card)

    Equivalent in features to 2), but pulls the netcode into the PC-98 system itself. The tool developed in 3) would then as a separate 32-bit or 16-bit Windows application that somehow communicates with the game running in a DOS window. The handful of real-hardware owners who have actually equipped their PC-98 with a network card such as the LGY-98 would then no longer require the modern PC from 3) as a bridge in the middle.
    This specific card also happens to be low-level-emulated by the 21/W fork of Neko Project. However, it makes little sense to use this technique in an emulator when compared to 3), as NP21/W requires a separately installed and configured TAP driver to actually be able to access your native Windows Internet connection. While the setup is well-documented and I did manage to get a working Internet connection inside an emulated Windows 95, it's definitely not foolproof. Not to mention DOSBox-X, which currently emulates the apparently hardware-compatible NE2000 card, but disables its emulation in PC-98 mode, most likely because its I/O ports clash with the typical peripherals of a PC-98 system.

    And that's not the end of the drawbacks:

    • Netplay would depend on the PC-98 versions of Windows 9x and its full network stack, nothing of which is required for the game itself.
    • Porting libdatachannel (and especially the required transport encryption) to Windows 95 will probably involve a bit of effort as well.
    • As would actually finding a way to access V86 mode memory from a 32-bit or 16-bit Windows process, particularly due to how isolated DOS processes are from the rest of the system and even each other. A quick investigation revealed three potential approaches:
      • A 32-bit process could read the memory out of the address space of the console host process (WINOA32.MOD). There seems to be no way of locating the specific base address of a DOS process, but you could always do a brute-force search through the memory map.
      • If started before Windows, TSRs will share their resident memory with both DOS and Win16 processes. The segment pointer would then be retrieved through a typical interrupt API.
      • Writing a VxD driver 😩
    • Correctly setting up TH03 to run within Windows 95 to begin with can be rather tricky. The GDC clock speed check needs to be either patched out or overridden using mode-setting tools, Windows needs to be blocked from accessing the FM chip, and even then, MAIN.EXE might still immediately crash during the first frame and leave all of VRAM corrupted:
      Screenshot of the TH03 crash on a Windows 95 system emulated in Neko Project 21/W ver0.86 rev92β3
      This is probably a bug in the latest ver0.86 rev92β3 version of Neko Project 21/W; I got it to work fine on real hardware. 📝 StormySpace did run on the same emulated Windows 95 system without any issues, though. Regardless, it's still worth mentioning as a symbol of everything that can go wrong.
    • A matchmaking server would be much more of a requirement than in any of the emulator variants. Players are unlikely to run their favorite chat client on the same PC-98 system, and the signaling codes are way too unwieldy to type them in manually. (Then again, IRC is always an option, and the people who would fund this variant are probably the exact same people who are already running IRC clients on their PC-98.)

  5. Native PC-98 DOS netcode (only for real PC-98 hardware equipped with an Ethernet card)

    Conceptually the same as 4), but going yet another level deeper, replacing the Windows 9x network stack with a DOS-based one. This might look even more intimidating and error-prone, but after I got ping and even Telnet working, I was pleasantly surprised at how much simpler it is when compared to the Windows variant. The whole stack consists of just one LGY-98 hardware information tool, a LGY-98 packet driver TSR, and a TSR that implements TCP/IP/UDP/DNS/ICMP and is configured with a plaintext file. I don't have any deep experience with these protocols, so I was quite surprised that you can implement all of them in a single 40 KiB binary. Installed as TSRs, the entire stack takes up an acceptable 82 KiB of conventional memory, leaving more than enough space for the game itself. And since both of the TSRs are open-source, we can even legally bundle them with the future modified game binaries.
    The matchmaking issue from the Windows 9x approach remains though, along with the following issues:

    • Porting libdatachannel and the required transport encryption to the TEEN stack seems even more time-consuming than a Windows 95 port.
    • The TEEN stack has no UI for specifying the system's or gateway's IP addresses outside of its plaintext configuration file. This provides a nice opportunity for adding a new Internet settings menu with great error feedback to the game itself. Great for UX, but it's another thing I'd have to write.
    • The LGY-98 is not the only network card for the PC-98. Others might have more complicated DOS drivers that might not work as seamlessly with the TEEN stack, or have no preserved DOS drivers at all. Heck, the most time-consuming part of the DOS setup was finding the correct download link for the LGY-98 packet driver, as the one link that appears in a lot of places only throws an access denied error these days. Edit (2024-04-30): spaztron64 is now hosting both the LGY-98 packet driver and the entire TEEN bundle on his homepage.
      If you're interested in funding this variant and are using a non-LGY-98 card on real hardware, make sure you get general Internet working on DOS first.
  6. Porting the game first

    As always, this is the premium option. If the entire game already runs as a standalone executable on a modern system, we can just put all the netcode into the same binary and have the most seamless integration possible.

That leaves us with these prerequisites:

Once we've reached any of these prerequisites, I'll set up a separate campaign funding method that runs parallel to the cap. As netplay is one of those big features where incremental progress makes little sense and we can expect wide community support for the idea, I'll go for a more classic crowdfunding model with a fixed goal for the minimum feature set and stretch goals for optional quality-of-life features. Since I've still got two other big projects waiting to be finished, I'd like to at least complete the Shuusou Gyoku Linux port before I start working on TH03 netplay, even if we manage to hit any of the funding goals before that.

For the first time in a long while, the actual content of this push can be listed fairly quickly. I've now RE'd:

It's also the third TH03 gameplay push in a row that features inappropriate ASM code in places that really, really didn't need any. As usual, the code is worse than what Turbo C++ 4.0J would generate for idiomatic C code, and the surrounding code remains full of untapped and quick optimization opportunities anyway. This time, the biggest joke is the sprite offset calculation in the hit circle rendering code:

_BX = (circle->age - 1);
_BX >>= 2;
_BX *= 2;
uint16_t sprite_offset_in_sprite16_area = (0x1910 + _BX + _BX + _BX);
A multiplication with 6 would have compiled into a single IMUL instruction. This compiles into 4 MOVs, one IMUL (with 2), and two ADDs. :zunpet: This surely must have been left in on purpose for us to laugh about it one day?

But while we've all come to expect the usual share of ZUN bloat by now, this is also the first push without either a ZUN bug or a landmine since I started using these terms! 🎉 It does contain a single ZUN quirk though, which can also be found in the hit circles. This animation comes in two types with different caps: 12 animation slots across both playfields for the enemy circles shown in alternating bright/dark yellow colors, whereas the white animation for the player characters has a cap of… 1? P2 takes precedence over P1 because its update code always runs last, which explains what happens when both players get hit within the 16 frames of the animation:

If they both get hit on the exact same frame, the animation for P1 never plays, as P2 takes precedence.
If the other player gets hit within 16 frames of an active white circle animation, the animation is reinitialized for the other player as there's only a single slot to hold it. Is this supposed to telegraph that the other player got hit without them having to look over to the other playfield? After all, they're drawn on top of most other entities, but below the player. :onricdennat:
SPRITE16 uses the PC-98's EGC to draw these single-color sprites. If the EGC is already set up, it can be set into a GRCG-equivalent RMW mode using the pattern/read plane register (0x4A2) and foreground color register (0x4A6), together with setting the mode register (0x4A4) to 0x0CAC. Unlike the typical blitting operations that involve its 16-dot pattern register, the EGC even supports 8- or 32-bit writes in this mode, just like the GRCG. 📝 As expected for EGC features beyond the most ordinary ones though, T98-Next simply sets every written pixel to black on a 32-bit write. :tannedcirno: Comparing the actual performance of such writes to the GRCG would be 📝 yet another interesting question to benchmark.

Next up: I think it's time for ReC98's build system to reach its final form. For almost 5 years, I've been using an unreleased sane build system on a parallel private branch that was just missing some final polish and bugfixes. Meanwhile, the public repo is still using the project's initial Makefile that, 📝 as typical for Makefiles, is so unreliable that BUILD16B.BAT force-rebuilds everything by default anyway. While my build system has scaled decently over the years, something even better happened in the meantime: MS-DOS Player, a DOS emulator exclusively meant for seamless integration of CLI programs into the Windows console, has been forked and enhanced enough to finally run Turbo C++ 4.0J at an acceptable speed. So let's remove DOSBox from the equation, merge the 32-bit and 16-bit build steps into a single 32-bit one, set all of this up in a user-friendly way, and maybe squeeze even more performance out of MS-DOS Player specifically for this use case.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0278, P0279
b6a7285...f0fbaf6, f0fbaf6...20bac82
💰 Funded by:
Yanga, Blue Bolt
🏷 Tags:

That was quick: In a surprising turn of events, Romantique Tp themselves came in just one day after the last blog post went up, updated me with their current and much more positive opinion on Sound Canvas VA, and confirmed that real SC-88Pro hardware clamps invalid Reverb Macro values to the specified range. I promised to release a new Sound Canvas VA BGM pack for free once I knew the exact behavior of real hardware, so let's go right back to Seihou and also integrate the necessary SysEx patches into the game's MIDI player behind a toggle. This would also be a great occasion to quickly incorporate some long overdue code maintenance and build system improvements, and a migration to C++ modules in particular. When I started the Shuusou Gyoku Linux port a year ago, the combination of modules and <windows.h> threw lots of weird errors and even crashed the Visual Studio compiler. But nowadays, Microsoft even uses modules in the Office code base. This must mean that these issues are fixed by now, right?
Well, there's still a bug that causes the modularized C++ standard library to be basically unusable in combination with the static analyzer, and somehow, I was the first one to report it. So it's 3½ years after C++20 was finalized, and somehow, modules are still a bleeding-edge feature and a second-class citizen in even the compiler that supports them the best. I want fast compile times already! 😕
Thankfully, Microsoft agrees that this is a bug, and will work on it at some point. While we're waiting, let's return to the original plan of decompiling the endings of the one PC-98 Touhou game that still needed them decompiled.

  1. TH02's endings
  2. TH02's Staff Roll
  3. TH02's verdict screen, and its hidden challenge
  4. TH02's end-of-stage bonus screens

After the textless slideshows of TH01, TH02 was the first Touhou game to feature lore text in its endings. Given that this game stores its 📝 in-game dialog text in fixed-size plaintext files, you wouldn't expect anything more fancy for the endings either, so it's not surprising to see that the END?.TXT files use the same concept, with 44 visible bytes per line followed by two bytes of padding for the CR/LF newline sequence. Each of these lines is typed to the screen in full, with all whitespace and a fixed time for each 2-byte chunk.
As a result, everything surrounding the text is just as hardcoded as TH01's endings were, which once again opens up the possibility of freely integrating all sorts of creative animations without the overhead of an interpreter. Sadly, TH02 only makes use of this freedom in a mere two cases: the picture scrolling effect from Reimu's head to Marisa's head in the Bad Endings, and a single hardware palette change in the Good Endings.

Powered by master.lib's egc_shift_down().
Screenshot of the (0-based) line #13 in TH02's Good Endings, together with its associated (and colored) pictureScreenshot of the (0-based) line #14 in TH02's Good Endings, showing off how it doesn't change the picture of the previous line and only applies a different grayscale palette
Same image, different palette. Note how the palette for 2️⃣ must still contain a green color for the VRAM-rendered bold text, which the image is not supposed to use.

Hardcoding also still made sense for this game because of how the ending text is structured. The Good and Bad Endings for the individual shot types respectively share 55% and 77% of their text, and both only diverge after the first 27 lines. In straight-line procedural code, this translates to one branch for each shot type at a single point, neatly matching the high-level structure of these endings.

But that's the end of the positive or neutral aspects I can find in these scripts. The worst part, by far, is ZUN's approach to displaying the text in alternating colors, and how it impacts the entire structure of the code.
The simplest solution would have involved a hardcoded array with the color of each line, just like how the in-game dialogs store the face IDs for each text box. But for whatever reason, ZUN did not apply this piece of wisdom to the endings and instead hardcoded these color changes by… mutating a global variable before calling the text typing function for every individual line.:zunpet: This approach ruins any possibility of compressing the script code into loops. While ZUN did use loops, all of them are very short because they can only last until the next color change. In the end, the code contains 90 explicitly spelled-out calls to the 5-parameter line typing function that only vary in the pointer to each line and in the slower speed used for the one or two final lines of each ending. As usual, I've deduplicated the code in the ReC98 repository down to a sensible level, but here's the full inlined and macro-expanded horror:

Raw decompilation of TH02's script function for its three Bad Endings, without inline function or macro trickeryRaw decompilation of TH02's script function for its three Good Endings, without inline function or macro trickery
It's highly likely that this is what ZUN hacked into his PC-98 and was staring at back in 1997. :godzun:

All this redundancy bloats the two script functions for the 6 endings to a whopping 3,344 bytes inside TH02's MAINE.EXE. In particular, the single function that covers the three Good Endings ends up with a total of 631 x86 ASM instructions, making it the single largest function in TH02 and the 7th longest function in all of PC-98 Touhou. If the 📝 single-executable build for TH02's debloated and anniversary branches ends up needing a few more KB to reduce its size below the original MAIN.EXE, there are lots of opportunities to compress it all.

The ending text can also be fast-forwarded by holding any key. As we've come to expect for this sort of ZUN code, the text typing function runs its own rendering loop with VSync delays and input detection, which means that we 📝 once 📝 again have to talk about the infamous quirk of the PC-98 keyboard controller in relation to held keys. We've still got 54 not yet decompiled calls to input detection functions left in this codebase, are you excited yet?! :tannedcirno:
Holding any key speeds up the text of all ending lines before the last one by displaying two kana/kanji instead of one per rendered frame and reducing the delay between the rendered frames to 1/3 of its regular length. In pseudocode:

for(i = 0; i < number_of_2_byte_chunks_on_displayed_line; i++) {
	input = convert_current_pc98_bios_input_state_to_game_specific_bitflags();
	if(input == INPUT_NONE) {
		// Basic case, no key pressed
	} else if((i % 2) == 1) {
		// Key pressed, chunk number is odd.
		frame_delay(frames_per_chunk / 3);
	} else {
		// Key pressed, chunk number is even.
		// No delay; next iteration adds to the same frame.

This is exactly the kind of code you would write if you wanted to deliberately maximize the impact of this hardware quirk. If the game happens to read the current input state right after a key up scancode for the last previously held and game-relevant key, it will then wrongly take the branch that uninterruptibly waits for the regular, non-divided amount of VSync interrupts. In my tests, this broke the rhythm of the fast-forwarded text about once per line. Note how this branch can also be taken on an even chunk: Rendering glyphs straight from font ROM to VRAM is not exactly cheap, and if each iteration (needlessly) blits one more full-width glyph than the last one, the probability of a key up scancode arriving in the middle of a frame only increases.
The fact that TH02 allows any of the supported input keys to be held points to another detail of this quirk I haven't mentioned so far. If you press multiple keys at once, the PC-98's keyboard controller only sends the periodic key up scancodes as long as you are holding the last key you pressed. Because the controller only remembers this last key, pressing and releasing any other key would get rid of these scancodes for all keys you are still holding.
As usual, this ZUN bug only occurs on real hardware and with DOSBox-X's correct emulation of the PC-98 keyboard controller.

After the ending, we get to witness the most seamless transition between ending and Staff Roll in any Touhou game as the BGM immediately changes to the Staff Roll theme, and the ending picture is shifted into the same place where the Staff Roll pictures will appear. Except that the code misses the exact position by four pixels, and cuts off another four pixels at the right edge of the picture:

Also, note the green 1-pixel line at the right edge of this specific picture. This is a bug in the .PI file where the picture is indeed shifted one pixel to the left. :zunpet:

What follows is a comparatively large amount of unused content for a single scene. It starts right at the end of this underappreciated 11-frame animation loaded from ENDFT.BFT:

Wastefully using the 4bpp BFNT format. The single ZUN frame at the end of the animation is unused; while it might look identical to the ZUN glyphs later on in the Staff Roll, that's only because both are independently rendered boldfaced versions of the same font ROM glyphs. Then again, it does prove that ZUN created this animation on a PC-98 model made by NEC, as the Epson clones used a font ROM with a distinctly different look.

TH02's Staff Roll is also unique for the pre-made screenshots of all 5 stages that get shown together with a fancy rotating rectangle animation while the Staff Roll progresses in sync with the BGM. The first interesting detail shows up immediately after the first image, where the code jumps over one of the 320×200 quarters in ED06.PI, leaving the screenshot of the Stage 2 midboss unused.
All of the cutscenes in PC-98 Touhou store their pictures as 320×200 quarters within a single 640×400 .PI file. Anywhere else, all four quarters are supposed to be displayed with the same palette specified in the .PI header, but TH02's Staff Roll screenshots are also unique in how all quarters beyond the top-left one require palettes loaded from external .RGB files to look right. Consequently, the game doesn't clearly specify the intended palette of this unused screenshot, and leaves two possibilities:

The unused second 320×200 quarter of TH02's ED06.PI, displayed in the Stage 2 color palette used in-game.
The unused second 320×200 quarter of TH02's ED06.PI, displayed in the palette specified in the .PI header. These are the colors you'd see when looking at the file in a .PI viewer, when converting it into another format with the usual tools, or in sprite rips that don't take TH02's hardcoded palette changes into account. These colors are only intended for the Stage 1 screenshot in the top-left quarter of the file.
The unused second 320×200 quarter of TH02's ED06.PI, displayed in the palette from ED06B.RGB, which the game uses for the following screenshot of the Meira fight. As it's from the same stage, it almost matches the in-game colors seen in 1️⃣, and only differs in the white color (#FFF) being slightly red-tinted (#FCC).

It might seem obvious that the Stage 2 palette in 1️⃣ is the correct one, but ZUN indeed uses ED06B.RGB with the red-tinted white color for the following screenshot of the Meira fight. Not only does this palette not match Meira's in-game appearance, but it also discolors the rectangle animation and the surrounding Staff Roll text:

Also, that tearing on frame #1 is not a recording artifact, but the expected result of yet another VSync-related landmine. 💣 This time, it's caused by the combination of 1) the entire sequence from the ending to the verdict screen being single-buffered, and 2) this animation always running immediately after an expensive operation (640×400 .PI image loading and blitting to VRAM, 320×200 VRAM inter-page copy, or hardware palette loading from a packed file), without waiting for the VSync interrupt. This makes it highly likely for the first frame of this animation to start rendering at a point where the (real or emulated) electron beam has already traveled over a significant portion of the screen.

But when I went into Stage 2 to compare these colors to the in-game palette, I found something even more curious. ZUN obviously made this screenshot with the Reimu-C shot type, but one of the shot sprites looks slightly different from how it does in-game. :thonk: These screenshots must have been made earlier in development when the sprite didn't yet feature the second ring at the top. The same applies to the Stage 4 screenshot later on:

Original version of the third 320×200 quarter from TH02's ED06.PI, representing the Meira boss fight and showing off an old version of the Reimu-C shot spritesOriginal version of the first 320×200 quarter from TH02's ED07.PI, representing Stage 4 and showing off an old version of the Reimu-C shot sprites
Edited version of the third 320×200 quarter from TH02's ED06.PI, representing the Meira boss fight; Reimu-C's shot sprites were replaced with their final versionEdited version of the first 320×200 quarter from TH02's ED07.PI, representing Stage 4; Reimu-C's shot sprites were replaced with their final version

Finally, the rotating rectangle animation delivers one more minor rendering bug. Each of the 20 frames removes the largest and outermost rectangle from VRAM by redrawing it in the same black color of the background before drawing the remaining rectangles on top. The corners of these rectangles are placed on a shrinking circle that starts with a radius of 256 pixels and is centered at (192, 200), which results in a maximum possible X coordinate of 448 for the rightmost corner of the rectangle. However, the Staff Roll text starts at an X coordinate of 416, causing the first two full-width glyphs to still fall within the area of the circle. Each line of text is also only rendered once before the animation. So if any of the rectangles then happens to be placed at an angle that causes its edges to overlap the text, its removal will cut small holes of black pixels into the glyphs:

The green dotted circle corresponds to the newest/smallest rectangle. Note how ZUN only happened to avoid the holes for the two final animations by choosing an initial angle and angular velocity that causes the resulting rectangles to just barely avoid touching the TEST PLAYER glyphs.

At least the following verdict screen manages to have no bugs aside from the slightly imperfect centering of its table values, and only comes with a small amount of additional bloat. Let's get right to the mapping from skill points to the 12 title strings from END3.TXT, because one of them is not like the others:

90 - 99もはや神の領域!!
80 - 99A級シューター!!
78 - 79うきうきゲーマー!
70 - 76うきうきゲーマー!
60 - 69どきどきゲーマー!
50 - 59要練習ゲーマー
40 - 49非ゲーマー級
30 - 39ちょっとだめ
20 - 29非人間級
10 - 19人間でない何か
Looks like I'm the first one to document the required skill points as well? Everyone else just copy-pastes END3.TXT without providing context.

So how would you get exactly 77 and achieve vanilla harmony? Here's the formula:

Difficulty level* × 20
+10 - (Continues used × 3)
+max((50 - (Lives lost × 3) - Bombs used), 0)
+min(max(📝 item_skill, 0), 25)
* Ranges from 0 (Easy) to 3 (Lunatic).
Across all 5 stages.
With Easy Mode capping out at 85, this is possible on every difficulty, although it requires increasingly perfect play the lower you go. Reaching 77 on purpose, however, pretty much demands a careful route through the entire game, as every collected and missed item will influence the item_skill in some way. This almost feels it's like the ultimate challenge that this game has to offer. Looking forward to the first Vanilla Harmony% run!

And with that, TH02's MAINE.EXE is both fully position-independent and ready for translation. There's a tiny bit of undecompiled bit of code left in the binary, but I'll leave that for rounding up a future TH02 decompilation push.

With one of the game's skill-based formulas decompiled, it's fitting to round out the second push with the other two. The in-game bonus tables at the end of a stage also have labels that we'd eventually like to translate, after all.
The bonus formula for the 4 regular stages is also the first place where we encounter TH02's rank value, as well as the only instance in PC-98 Touhou where the game actually displays a rank-derived value to the player. KirbyComment and Colin Douglas Howell accurately documented the rank mechanics over at Touhou Wiki two years ago, which helped quite a bit as rank would have been slightly out of scope for these two pushes. 📝 Similar to TH01, TH02's rank value only affects bullet speed, but the exact details of how rank is factored in will have to wait until RE progress arrives at this game's bullet system.
These bonuses are calculated by taking a sum of various gameplay metrics and multiplying it with the amount of point items collected during the stage. In the 4 regular stages, the sum consists of:

 難易度 Difficulty level* × 2,000
ステージ (Rank + 16) ×   200
ボム max((2,500 - (Bombs used* ×   500)), 0)
ミス max((3,000 - (Lives lost* × 1,000)), 0)
靈撃初期数 (4 - Starting bombs) ×   800
靈夢初期数 (5 - Starting lives) × 1,000
* Within this stage, across all continues.
Yup, 封魔録.TXT does indeed document this correctly.

As rank can range from -6 to +4 on Easy and +16 on the other difficulties, this sum can range between:

Minimum 2,8004,8006,8008,800
Maximum 16,70021,10023,10025,100

The sum for the Extra Stage is not documented in 封魔録.TXT:

クリア 10,000
ミス回数 max((20,000 - (Lives lost × 4,000)), 0)
ボム回数 max((20,000 - (Bombs used × 4,000)), 0)
クリアタイム ⌊max((20,000 - Boss fight frames*), 0) ÷ 10⌋ × 10
* Amount of frames spent fighting Evil Eye Σ, counted from the end of the pre-boss dialog until the start of the defeat animation.

And that's two pushes packed full of the most bloated and copy-pasted code that's unique to TH02! So bloated, in fact, that TH02 RE as a whole jumped by almost 7%, which in turn finally pushed overall RE% over the 60% mark. 🎉 It's been a while since we hit a similar milestone; 50% overall RE happened almost 2 years ago during 📝 P0204, a month before I completed the TH01 decompilation.
Next up: Continuing to wait for Microsoft to fix the static analyzer bug until May at the latest, and working towards the newly popular dreams of TH03 netplay by looking at some of its foundational gameplay code.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0264, P0265
46cd6e7...78728f6, 78728f6...ff19bed
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, [Anonymous], iruleatgames
🏷 Tags:

Oh, it's 2024 already and I didn't even have a delivery for December or January? Yeah… I can only repeat what I said at the end of November, although the finish line is actually in sight now. With 10 pushes across 4 repositories and a blog post that has already reached a word count of 9,240, the Shuusou Gyoku SC-88Pro BGM release is going to break 📝 both the push record set by TH01 Sariel two years ago, and 📝 the blog post length record set by the last Shuusou Gyoku delivery. Until that's done though, let's clear some more PC-98 Touhou pushes out of the backlog, and continue the preparation work for the non-ASCII translation project starting later this year.

But first, we got another free bugfix according to my policy! 📝 Back in April 2022 when I researched the Divide Error crash that can occur in TH04's Stage 4 Marisa fight, I proposed and implemented four possible workarounds and let the community pick one of them for the generally recommended small bugfix mod. I still pushed the others onto individual branches in case the gameplay community ever wants to look more closely into them and maybe pick a different one… except that I accidentally pushed the wrong code for the warp workaround, probably because I got confused with the second warp variant I developed later on.
Fortunately, I still had the intended code for both variants lying around, and used the occasion to merge the current master branch into all of these mod branches. Thanks to wyatt8740 for spotting and reporting this oversight!

  1. The Music Room background masking effect
  2. The GRCG's plane disabling flags
  3. Text color restrictions
  4. The entire messy rest of the Music Room code
  5. TH04's partially consistent congratulation picture on Easy Mode
  6. TH02's boss position and damage variables

As the final piece of code shared in largely identical form between 4 of the 5 games, the Music Rooms were the biggest remaining piece of low-hanging fruit that guaranteed big finalization% gains for comparatively little effort. They seemed to be especially easy because I already decompiled TH02's Music Room together with the rest of that game's OP.EXE back in early 2015, when this project focused on just raw decompilation with little to no research. 9 years of increased standards later though, it turns out that I missed a lot of details, and ended up renaming most variables and functions. Combined with larger-than-expected changes in later games and the usual quality level of ZUN's menu code, this ended up taking noticeably longer than the single push I expected.

The undoubtedly most interesting part about this screen is the animation in the background, with the spinning and falling polygons cutting into a single-color background to reveal a spacey image below. However, the only background image loaded in the Music Room is OP3.PI (TH02/TH03) or MUSIC3.PI (TH04/TH05), which looks like this in a .PI viewer or when converted into another image format with the usual tools:

TH02's Music Room background in its on-disk state TH03's Music Room background in its on-disk state TH04's Music Room background in its on-disk state TH05's Music Room background in its on-disk state
Let's call this "the blank image".

That is definitely the color that appears on top of the polygons, but where is the spacey background? If there is no other .PI file where it could come from, it has to be somewhere in that same file, right? :thonk:
And indeed: This effect is another bitplane/color palette trick, exactly like the 📝 three falling stars in the background of TH04's Stage 5. If we set every bit on the first bitplane and thus change any of the resulting even hardware palette color indices to odd ones, we reveal a full second 8-color sub-image hiding in the same .PI file:

TH02's Music Room background, with all bits in the first bitplane set to reveal the spacey background image, and the full color palette at the bottom TH03's Music Room background, with all bits in the first bitplane set to reveal the spacey background image, and the full color palette at the bottom TH04's Music Room background, with all bits in the first bitplane set to reveal the spacey background image, and the full color palette at the bottom TH05's Music Room background, with all bits in the first bitplane set to reveal the spacey background image, and the full color palette at the bottom
The spacey sub-image. Never before seen!1!! …OK, touhou-memories beat me by a month. Let's add each image's full 16-color palette to deliver some additional value.

On a high level, the first bitplane therefore acts as a stencil buffer that selects between the blank and spacey sub-image for every pixel. The important part here, however, is that the first bitplane of the blank sub-images does not consist entirely of 0 bits, but does have 1 bits at the pixels that represent the caption that's supposed to be overlaid on top of the animation. Since there now are some pixels that should always be taken from the spacey sub-image regardless of whether they're covered by a polygon, the game can no longer just clear the first bitplane at the start of every frame. Instead, it has to keep a separate copy of the first bitplane's original state (called nopoly_B in the code), captured right after it blitted the .PI image to VRAM. Turns out that this copy also comes in quite handy with the text, but more on that later.

Then, the game simply draws polygons onto only the reblitted first bitplane to conditionally set the respective bits. ZUN used master.lib's grcg_polygon_c() function for this, which means that we can entirely thank the uncredited master.lib developers for this iconic animation – if they hadn't included such a function, the Music Rooms would most certainly look completely different.
This is where we get to complete the series on the PC-98 GRCG chip with the last remaining four bits of its mode register. So far, we only needed the highest bit (0x80) to either activate or deactivate it, and the bit below (0x40) to choose between the 📝 RMW and 📝 TCR/📝 TDW modes. But you can also use the lowest four bits to restrict the GRCG's operations to any subset of the four bitplanes, leaving the other ones untouched:

// Enable the GRCG (0x80) in regular RMW mode (0x40). All bitplanes are
// enabled and written according to the contents of the tile register.
outportb(0x7C, 0xC0);

// The same, but limiting writes to the first bitplane by disabling the
// second (0x02), third (0x04), and fourth (0x08) one, as done in the
// PC-98 Touhou Music Rooms.
outportb(0x7C, 0xCE);

// Regular GRCG blitting code to any VRAM segment…
pokeb(0xA8000, offset, …);

// We're done, turn off the GRCG.
outportb(0x7C, 0x00);

This could be used for some unusual effects when writing to two or three of the four planes, but it seems rather pointless for this specific case at first. If we only want to write to a single plane, why not just do so directly, without the GRCG? Using that chip only involves more hardware and is therefore slower by definition, and the blitting code would be the same, right?
This is another one of these questions that would be interesting to benchmark one day, but in this case, the reason is purely practical: All of master.lib's polygon drawing functions expect the GRCG to be running in RMW mode. They write their pixels as bitmasks where 1 and 0 represent pixels that should or should not change, and leave it to the GRCG to combine these masks with its tile register and OR the result into the bitplanes instead of doing so themselves. Since GRCG writes are done via MOV instructions, not using the GRCG would turn these bitmasks into actual dot patterns, overwriting any previous contents of each VRAM byte that gets modified.
Technically, you'd only have to replace a few MOV instructions with OR to build a non-GRCG version of such a function, but why would you do that if you haven't measured polygon drawing to be an actual bottleneck.

Three overlapping Music Room polygons rendered using master.lib's grcg_polygon_c() function with a disabled GRCGThree overlapping Music Room polygons rendered as in the original game, with the GRCG enabled
An example with three polygons drawn from top to bottom. Without the GRCG, edges of later polygons overwrite any previously drawn pixels within the same VRAM byte. Note how treating bitmasks as dot patterns corrupts even those areas where the background image had nonzero bits in its first bitplane.

As far as complexity is concerned though, the worst part is the implicit logic that allows all this text to show up on top of the polygons in the first place. If every single piece of text is only rendered a single time, how can it appear on top of the polygons if those are drawn every frame?
Depending on the game (because of course it's game-specific), the answer involves either the individual bits of the text color index or the actual contents of the palette:

The contents of nopoly_B with each game's first track selected.

Finally, here's a list of all the smaller details that turn the Music Rooms into such a mess:

And that's all the Music Rooms! The OP.EXE binaries of TH04 and especially TH05 are now very close to being 100% RE'd, with only the respective High Score menus and TH04's title animation still missing. As for actual completion though, the finalization% metric is more relevant as it also includes the ZUN Soft logo, which I RE'd on paper but haven't decompiled. I'm 📝 still hoping that this will be the final piece of code I decompile for these two games, and that no one pays to get it done earlier… :onricdennat:

For the rest of the second push, there was a specific goal I wanted to reach for the remaining anything budget, which was blocked by a few functions at the beginning of TH04's and TH05's MAINE.EXE. In another anticlimactic development, this involved yet another way too early decompilation of a main() function…
Generally, this main() function just calls the top-level functions of all other ending-related screens in sequence, but it also handles the TH04-exclusive congratulating All Clear images within itself. After a 1CC, these are an additional reward on top of the Good Ending, showing the player character wearing a different outfit depending on the selected difficulty. On Easy Mode, however, the Good Ending is unattainable because the game always ends after Stage 5 with a Bad Ending, but ZUN still chose to show the EASY ALL CLEAR!! image in this case, regardless of how many continues you used.
While this might seem inconsistent with the other difficulties, it is consistent within Easy Mode itself, as the enforced Bad Ending after Stage 5 also doesn't distinguish between the number of continues. Also, Try to Normal Rank!! could very well be ZUN's roundabout way of implying "because this is how you avoid the Bad Ending".

With that out of the way, I was finally able to separate the VRAM text renderer of TH04 and TH05 into its own assembly unit, 📝 finishing the technical debt repayment project that I couldn't complete in 2021 due to assembly-time code segment label arithmetic in the data segment. This now allows me to translate this undecompilable self-modifying mess of ASM into C++ for the non-ASCII translation project, and thus unify the text renderers of all games and enhance them with support for Unicode characters loaded from a bitmap font. As the final finalized function in the SHARED segment, it also allowed me to remove 143 lines of particularly ugly segmentation workarounds 🙌

The remaining 1/6th of the second push provided the perfect occasion for some light TH02 PI work. The global boss position and damage variables represented some equally low-hanging fruit, being easily identified global variables that aren't part of a larger structure in this game. In an interesting twist, TH02 is the only game that uses an increasing damage value to track boss health rather than decreasing HP, and also doesn't internally distinguish between bosses and midbosses as far as these variables are concerned. Obviously, there's quite a bit of state left to be RE'd, not least because Marisa is doing her own thing with a bunch of redundant copies of her position, but that was too complex to figure out right now.

Also doing their own thing are the Five Magic Stones, which need five positions rather than a single one. Since they don't move, the game doesn't have to keep 📝 separate position variables for both VRAM pages, and can handle their positions in a much simpler way that made for a nice final commit.
And for the first time in a long while, I quite like what ZUN did there! Not only are their positions stored in an array that is indexed with a consistent ID for every stone, but these IDs also follow the order you fight the stones in: The two inner ones use 0 and 1, the two outer ones use 2 and 3, and the one in the center uses 4. This might look like an odd choice at first because it doesn't match their horizontal order on the playfield. But then you notice that ZUN uses this property in the respective phase control functions to iterate over only the subrange of active stones, and you realize how brilliant it actually is.

Screenshot of TH02's Five Magic Stones, with the first two (both internally and in the order you fight them in) alive and activated Screenshot of TH02's Five Magic Stones, with the second two (both internally and in the order you fight them in) alive and activated Screenshot of TH02's Five Magic Stones, with the last one (both internally and in the order you fight them in) alive and activated

This seems like a really basic thing to get excited about, especially since the rest of their data layout sure isn't perfect. Splitting each piece of state and even the individual X and Y coordinates into separate 5-element arrays is still counter-productive because the game ends up paying more memory and CPU cycles to recalculate the element offsets over and over again than this would have ever saved in cache misses on a 486. But that's a minor issue that could be fixed with a few regex replacements, not a misdesigned architecture that would require a full rewrite to clean it up. Compared to the hardcoded and bloated mess that was 📝 YuugenMagan's five eyes, this is definitely an improvement worthy of the good-code tag. The first actual one in two years, and a welcome change after the Music Room!

These three pieces of data alone yielded a whopping 5% of overall TH02 PI in just 1/6th of a push, bringing that game comfortably over the 60% PI mark. MAINE.EXE is guaranteed to reach 100% PI before I start working on the non-ASCII translations, but at this rate, it might even be realistic to go for 100% PI on MAIN.EXE as well? Or at least technical position independence, without the false positives.

Next up: Shuusou Gyoku SC-88Pro BGM. It's going to be wild.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0262, P0263
ae2fc28...741d889, 741d889...46cd6e7
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, [Anonymous]
🏷 Tags:

And once again, the Shuusou Gyoku task was too complex to be satisfyingly solved within a single month. Even just finding provably correct loop sections in both the original and arranged MIDI files required some rather involved detection algorithms. I could have just defined what sounded like correct loops, but the results of these algorithms were quite surprising indeed. Turns out that not even Seihou is safe from ZUN quirks, and some tracks technically loop much later than you'd think they do, or don't loop at all. And since I then wanted to put these MIDI loops back into the game to ensure perfect synchronization between the recordings and MIDI versions, I ended up rewriting basically all the MIDI code in a cross-platform way. This rewrite also uncovered a pbg bug that has traveled from Shuusou Gyoku into Windows Touhou, where it survived until ZUN ultimately removed all MIDI code in TH11 (!)

Fortunately, the backlog still had enough general PC-98 Touhou funds that I could spend on picking some soon-important low-hanging fruit, giving me something to deliver for the end of the month after all. TH04 and TH05 use almost identical code for their main/option menus, so decompiling it would make number go up quite significantly and the associated blog post won't be that long…

Wait, what's this, a bug report from touhou-memories concerning the website?

  1. Tab switchers tended to break on certain Firefox versions, and
  2. video playback didn't work on Microsoft Edge at all?

Those are definitely some high-priority bugs that demand immediate attention.

  1. Microsoft Edge's anti-support of AV1
  2. TH04/TH05's main/option menu
  3. TH04/TH05's first-launch sound setup menu
  4. TH05's title animation ☯️

The tab switcher issue was easily fixed by replacing the previous z-index trickery with a more robust solution involving the hidden attribute. The second one, however, is much more aggravating, because video playback on Edge has been broken ever since I 📝 switched the preferred video codec to AV1.
This goes so far beyond not supporting a specific codec. Usually, unsupported codecs aren't supposed to be an issue: As soon as you start using the HTML <video> tag, you'll learn that not every browser supports all codecs. And so you set up an encoding pipeline to serve each video in a mix of new and ancient formats, put the <source> tag of the most preferred codec first, and rest assured that browsers will fall back on the best-supported option as necessary. Except that Edge doesn't even try, and insists on staying on a non-playing AV1 video. 🙄

The codecs parameter for the <source> type attribute was the first potential solution I came across. Specifying the video codec down to the finest encoding details right in the HTML markup sounds like a good idea, similar to specifying sizes of images and videos to prevent layout reflows on long pages during the initial page load. So why was this the first time I heard of this feature? The fact that there isn't a simple ffprobe -show_html_codecs_string command to retrieve this string might already give a clue about how useful it is in practice. Instead, you have to manually piece the string together by grepping your way through all of a video's metadata
…and then it still doesn't change anything about Edge's behavior, even when also specifying the string for the VP9 and VP8 sources. Calling the infamously ridiculous HTMLMediaElement.canPlayType() method with a representative parameter of "video/webm; codecs=av01.1.04M." explains why: Both the AV1-supporting Chrome and Edge return "probably", but only the former can actually play this format. 🤦

But wait, there is an AV1 video extension in the Microsoft Store that would add support to any unspecified favorite video app. Except that it stopped working inside Edge as of version 116. And even if it did: If you can't query the presence of this extension via JavaScript, it might as well not exist at all.
Not to mention that the favorite video app part is obviously a lie as a lot of widely preferred Windows video apps are bundled with their own codecs, and have probably long supported AV1.

In the end, there's no way around the utter desperation move of removing the AV1 <source> for Edge users. Serving each video in two other formats means that we can at least do something here – try visiting the GitHub release page of the P0234-1 TH01 Anniversary Edition build in Edge and you also don't get to see anything, because that video uses AV1 and GitHub understandably doesn't re-encode every uploaded video into a variety of old formats.
Just for comparison, I tried both that page and the ReC98 blog on an old Android 6 phone from 2014, and even that phone picked and played the AV1 videos with the latest available Chrome and Firefox versions. This was the phone whose available Firefox version didn't support VP9 in 2019, which was my initial reason for adding the VP8 versions. Looks like it's finally time to drop those… 🤔 Maybe in the far future once I start running out of space on this server.

Removing the <source> tags can be done in one of two places:

  1. server-side, detecting Edge via the User-Agent header, or
  2. client-side, using navigator.userAgentData.brands.

I went with 2) because more dynamic server-side code would only move us further away from static site generation, which would make a lot of sense as the next evolutionary step in the architecture of this website. The client-side solution is much simpler too, and we can defer the deletion until a user actually hovers over a specific video.
And while we're at it, let's also add a popup complaining about this whole state of affairs. Edge is heavily marketed inside Windows as "the modern browser recommended by Microsoft", and you sure wouldn't expect low-quality chroma-subsampled VP9 from such a tagline. With such a level of anti-support for AV1, Edge users deserve to know exactly what's going on, especially since this post also explains what they will encounter on other websites.

A popup on top of a ReC98 blog video, showing the caption "⚠️ Edge does not support AV1, falling back on low-quality video…"
That's the polite way of putting it.

Alright, where was I? For TH01, the main menu was the last thing I decompiled before the 100% finalization mark, so it's rather anticlimactic to already cover the TH04/TH05 one now, with both of the games still being very far away from 100%, just because people will soon want to translate the description text in the bottom-right corner of the screen. But then again, the ZUN Soft logo animation would make for an even nicer final piece of decompiled code, especially since the bouncing-ball logo from TH01, TH02, and TH03 was the very first decompilation I did, all the way back in 2015.

The code quality of ZUN's VRAM-based menus has barely increased between TH01 and TH05. Both the top-level and option menu still need to know the bounding rectangle of the other one to unblit the right pixels when switching between the two. And since ZUN sure loved hardcoded and copy-pasted numbers in the PC-98 days, the coordinates both tend to be excessively large, and excessively wrong. :zunpet: Luckily, each menu item comes with its own correct unblitting rectangle, which avoids any graphical glitches that would otherwise occur.
As for actual observable quirks and bugs, these menus only contain one of each, and both are exclusive to TH04:

And yes, these videos do have a frame rate of 2 FPS.

Now that 100% finalization of their OP.EXE binaries is within reach, all this bloat made me think about the viability of a 📝 single-executable build for TH04's and TH05's debloated and anniversary versions. It would be really nice to have such a build ready before I start working on the non-ASCII translations – not just because they will be based on the anniversary branch by default, but also because it would significantly help their development if there are 4 fewer executables to worry about.
However, it's not as simple for these games as it was for TH01. The unique code in their OP.EXE and MAINE.EXE binaries is much larger than Borland's easily removed C++ exception handler, so I'd have to remove a lot more bloat to keep the resulting single binary at or below the size of the original MAIN.EXE. But I'm sure going to try.

Speaking of code that can be debloated for great effect: The second push of this delivery focused on the first-launch sound setup menu, whose BGM and sound effect submenus are almost complete code duplicates of each other. The debloated branch could easily remove more than half of the code in there, yielding another ≈800 bytes in case we need them.
If hex-editing MIKO.CFG is more convenient for you than deleting that file, you can set its first byte to FF to re-trigger this menu. Decompiling this screen was not only relevant now because it contains text rendered with font ROM glyphs and it would help dig our way towards more important strings in the data segment, but also because of its visual style. I can imagine many potential mods that might want to use the same backgrounds and box graphics for their menus.

TH04's first-launch sound setup menu, showing the BGM mode selectionTH05's first-launch sound setup menu, showing the sound effect mode selection
How about an initial language selection menu in the same style?

With the two submenus being shown in a fixed sequence, there's not a lot of room for the code to do anything wrong, and it's even more identical between the two games than the main menu already was. Thankfully, ZUN just reblits the respective options in the new color when moving the cursor, with no 📝 palette tricks. TH04's background image only uses 7 colors, so he could have easily reserved 3 colors for that. In exchange, the TH05 image gets to use the full 16 colors with no change to the code.

Rounding out this delivery, we also got TH05's rolling Yin-Yang Orb animation before the title screen… and it's just more bloat and landmines on a smaller scale that might be noticeable on slower PC-98 models. In total, there are three unnecessary inter-page copies of the entire VRAM that can easily insert lag frames, and two minor page-switching landmines that can potentially lead to tearing on the first frame of the roll or fade animation. Clearly, ZUN did not have smoothness or code quality in mind there, as evidenced by the fact that this animation simply displays 8 .PI files in sequence. But hey, a short animation like this is 📝 another perfectly appropriate place for a quick-and-dirty solution if you develop with a deadline.
And that's 1.30% of all PC-98 Touhou code finalized in two pushes! We're slowly running out of these big shared pieces of ASM code…

I've been neglecting TH03's OP.EXE quite a bit since it simply doesn't contain any translatable plaintext outside the Music Room. All menu labels are gaiji, and even the character selection menu displays its monochrome character names using the 4-plane sprites from CHNAME.BFT. Splitting off half of its data into a separate .ASM file was more akin to getting out a jackhammer to free up the room in front of the third remaining Music Room, but now we're there, and I can decompile all three of them in a natural way, with all referenced data.
Next up, therefore: Doing just that, securing another important piece of text for the upcoming non-ASCII translations and delivering another big piece of easily finalized code. I'm going to work full-time on ReC98 for almost all of December, and delivering that and the Shuusou Gyoku SC-88Pro recording BGM back-to-back should free up about half of the slightly higher cap for this month.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0258, P0259, P0260, P0261
5876755...e8a0b3e, e8a0b3e...dfaa3c6, dfaa3c6...ed9ee93, ed9ee93...ae2fc28
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, [Anonymous], Yanga, Splashman
🏷 Tags:

And we're back to PC-98 Touhou for a brief interruption of the ongoing Shuusou Gyoku Linux port. Let's clear some of the Touhou-related progress from the backlog, and use the unconstrained nature of these contributions to prepare the 📝 upcoming non-ASCII translations commissioned by Touhou Patch Center. The current budget won't cover all of my ambitions, but it would at least be nice if all text in these games was feasibly translatable by the time I officially start working on that project.

At a little over 3 pushes, it might be surprising to see that this took longer than the 📝 TH03/TH04/TH05 cutscene system. It's obvious that TH02 started out with a different system for in-game dialog, but while TH04 and TH05 look identical on the surface, they only actually share 30% of their dialog code. So this felt more like decompiling 2.4 distinct systems, as opposed to one identical base with tons of game-specific differences on top.

The table of contents was pretty popular last time around, so let's have another one:

  1. Overview of TH04's dialog system
  2. Changes introduced in TH05
  3. Command reference for the TH04 and TH05 systems
  4. Overview of TH02's dialog system
  5. TH02's face portrait images
  6. Bugs during TH02's dialog box slide-in animation
  7. Bugs and quirks in Mima's defeat dialog (might be lore-relevant)
  8. TH03 win messages

Let's start with the ones from TH04 and TH05, since they are not that broken. For TH04, ZUN started out by copy-pasting the cutscene system, causing the result to inherit many of the caveats I already described in the cutscene blog post:

Then, however, he greatly simplified the system. Mainly, this was done by moving text rendering from the PC-98 graphics chip to the text chip, which avoids the need for any text-related unblitting code, but ZUN also added a bunch of smaller changes:

While it would seem that TH05 has no issues with ASCII 0x20 spaces, the text as a whole is still blindly processed two bytes at a time, and any commands can only appear at even byte positions within a line. I dimmed the VRAM pixels to 25% of their original brightness to make the text easier to read.
The same text backported to TH04, additionally demonstrating how that game's dialog system inherited the whitespace skipping behavior of TH03's cutscene system. Just like there, ASCII 0x20 spaces only work at odd byte positions because the game treats them as the trailing byte of a full-width Shift-JIS codepoint. I don't know how large the budget for the upcoming non-ASCII translations will be, but I'm going to fix this even in the very basic fully static variant. I dimmed the VRAM pixels to 25% of their original brightness to make the text easier to read.
Demonstrating the lack of automatic line or box breaks in TH05's dialog systemDemonstrating the lack of automatic line or box breaks in TH04's dialog system, in addition to its lack of support for ASCII 0x20 spaces carried over from TH03's cutscene system

TH05 then moved from TH04's plaintext scripts to the binary .TX2 format while removing all the unused commands copy-pasted from the cutscene system. Except for a single additional command intended to clear a text box, TH05's dialog system only supports a strict subset of the features of TH04's system.
This change also introduced the following differences compared to TH04:

Writing the 0x02 byte to text RAM results in an SX character, which is simply the PC-98 font ROM's glyph for that Shift-JIS codepoint.
Also note how each face change is now preceded by two frames of delay.
No problem in TH04. Note how the dialog also runs a bit faster – TH04 only adds the aforementioned one frame of delay to each face change, and has fewer two-byte chunks of text to display overall.

For modding these files, you probably want to use TXDEF from -Tom-'s MysticTK. It decodes these files into a text representation, and its encoder then takes care of the character-specific byte offsets in the 10-byte header. This text representation simplifies the format a lot by avoiding all corner cases and landmines you'd experience during hex-editing – most notably by interpreting the box-starting 0x0D as a command to show text that takes a string parameter, avoiding the broken calls to script commands in the middle of text. However, you'd still have to manually ensure an even number of bytes on every line of text.

In the entry function of TH05's dialog loop, we also encounter the hack that is responsible for properly handling 📝 ZUN's hidden Extra Stage replay. Since the dialog loop doesn't access the replay inputs but still requires key presses to advance through the boxes, ZUN chose to just skip the dialog altogether in the specific case of the Extra Stage replay being active, and replicated all sprite management commands from the dialog script by just hardcoding them.
And you know what? Not only do I not mind this hack, but I would have preferred it over the actual dialog system! The aforementioned sprite management commands effectively boil down to manual memory management, deallocating all stage enemy and midboss sprites and thus ensuring that the boss sprites end up at specific master.lib sprite IDs (patnums). The hardcoded boss rendering function then expects these sprites to be available at these exact IDs… which means that the otherwise hardcoded bosses can't render properly without the dialog script running before them. :zunpet:
There is absolutely no excuse for the game to burden dialog scripts with this functionality. Sure, delayed deallocation would allow them to blit stage-specific sprites, but the original games don't do that; probably because none of the two games feature an unblitting command. And even if they did, it would have still been cleaner to expose the boss-specific sprite setup as a single script command that can then also be called from game code if the script didn't do so. Commands like these just are a recipe for crashes, especially with parsers that expect fullwidth Shift-JIS text and where misaligned ASCII text can easily cause these commands to be skipped.

But then again, it does make for funny screenshot material if you accidentally the deallocation and then see bosses being turned into stage enemies:

TH04's dialog before the Stage 4 Marisa fight without deallocating the stage sprites inside the script, causing Marisa to be turned into one of the stage enemiesTH04's dialog before the Stage 6 Yuuka fight without deallocating the stage sprites inside the script, causing Yuuka to be turned into two different cels of the same stage enemyTH05's dialog before the Louise fight without deallocating the stage sprites inside the script, causing Louise to be turned into one of the ice enemies from TH05's Stage 2TH05's dialog before the Louise fight without deallocating the stage sprites inside the script, causing Mai and Yuki to be turned into a windmill and fairy/demon enemy, respectively
Some of the more amusing consequences of not calling the sprite-deallocating :th04: \c /  :th05: 0x04 command inside a dialog script.
In the case of 4️⃣, the game then even crashes on this frame at the end of the dialog, in a way that resembles the infamous 📝 TH04 crash before Stage 5 Yuuka if no EMS driver is loaded. Both the stage- and boss-specific BFNT sprites are loaded into memory at this point, leaving no room for the 256×256-pixel background image on the size-limited master.lib heap.

With all the general details out of the way, here's the command reference:

:th04: :th05:
Selects either the player character (0) or the boss (1) as the currently speaking character, and moves the cursor to the beginning of the text box. In TH04, this command also directly starts the new dialog box, which is probably why it's not prefixed with a \ as it only makes sense outside of text. TH05 requires a separate 0x0D command to do the same.
\=1 0x02 0x!! Replaces the face portrait of the currently active speaking character with image #1 within her .CD2 file.
\=255 0x02 0xFF Removes the face portrait from the currently active text box.
\l,filename 0x03 filename 0x00 Calls master.lib's super_entry_bfnt() function, which loads sprites from a BFNT file to consecutive IDs starting at the current patnum write cursor.
\c 0x04 Deallocates all stage-specific BFNT sprites (i.e., stage enemies and midbosses), freeing up conventional RAM for the boss sprites and ensuring that master.lib's patnum write cursor ends up at :th04: 128 / :th05: 180.
In TH05's Extra Stage, this command also replaces 📝 the sprites loaded from MIKO16.BFT with the ones from ST06_16.BFT.
\d Deallocates all face portrait images.
The game automatically does this at the end of each dialog sequence. However, ZUN wanted to load Stage 6 Yuuka's 76 KiB of additional animations inside the script via \l, and would have once again run up against the master.lib heap size limit without that extra free memory.
\m,filename 0x05 filename 0x00 Stops the currently playing BGM, loads a new one from the given file, and starts playback.
\m$ 0x05 $ 0x00 Stops the currently playing BGM.
Note that TH05 interprets $ as a null-terminated filename as well.
\m* Restarts playback of the currently loaded BGM from the beginning.
\b0,0,0 0x06 0x!!!! 0x!!!! 0x!! Blits the master.lib patnum with the ID indicated by the third parameter to the current VRAM page at the top-left screen position indicated by the first two parameters.
\e0 Plays the sound effect with the given ID.
\t100 Sets palette brightness via master.lib's palette_settone() to any value from 0 (fully black) to 200 (fully white). 100 corresponds to the palette's original colors.
Calls master.lib's palette_black_out() or palette_black_in() to play a hardware palette fade animation from or to black, spending roughly 1 frame on each of the 16 fade steps.
0x09 0x!!
0x0A 0x!!
Calls master.lib's palette_white_out() or palette_white_in() to play a hardware palette fade animation from or to white, spending roughly 1 frame on each of the 16 fade steps.
The TH05 version of 0x09 also clears the text in both boxes before the animation.
\n 0x0B Starts a new line by resetting the X coordinate of the TRAM cursor to the left edge of the text area and incrementing the Y coordinate.
The new line will always be the next one below the last one that was properly started, regardless of whether the text previously wrapped to the next TRAM row at the edge of the screen.
\g8 Plays a blocking 8-frame screen shake animation. Copy-pasted from the cutscene parser, but actually used right at the end of the dialog shown before TH04's Bad Ending.
\ga0 0x0C 0x!! Shows the gaiji with the given ID from 0 to 255 at the current cursor position, ignoring the per-glyph delay.
\k0 Waits 0 frames (0 = forever) for any key to be pressed before continuing script execution.
0x0D Starts a new dialog box with the previously selected speaker. All text until the next 0xFF command will appear on screen.
Inside dialogs, this is a no-op.
0x0E Takes the current dialog cursor as the top-left corner of a 240×48-pixel rectangle, and replaces all text RAM characters within that rectangle with whitespace.
This is only used to clear the player character's text box before Shinki's final いくよ‼ box. Shinki has two consecutive text boxes in all 4 scripts here, and ZUN probably wanted to clear the otherwise blue text to imply a dramatic pause before Shinki's final sentence. Nice touch.
(You could, however, also use it after a box-ending 0xFF command to mess with text RAM in general.)
\# Quits the currently running loop. This returns from either the text loop to the command loop, or it ends the dialog sequence by returning from the command loop back to gameplay. If this stage of the game later starts another dialog sequence, it will start at the next script byte.
\$ Like \#, but first waits for any key to be pressed.
0xFF Behaves like TH04's \$ in the text loop, and like \# in the command loop. Hence, it's not possible in TH05 to automatically end a text box and advance to the next one without waiting for a key press.
Unused commands are in gray.

At the end of the day, you might criticize the system for how its landmines make it annoying to mod in ASCII text, but it all works and does what it's supposed to. ZUN could have written the cleanest single and central Shift-JIS iterator that properly chunks a byte buffer into halfwidth and fullwidth codepoints, and I'd still be throwing it out for the upcoming non-ASCII translations in favor of something that either also supports UTF-8 or performs dictionary lookups with a full box of text.
The only actual bug can be found in the input detection, which once again doesn't correctly handle the infamous key up/key down scancode quirk of PC-98 keyboards. All it takes is one wrongly placed input polling call, and suddenly you have to think about how the update cycle behind the PC-98 keyboard state bytes might cause the game to run the regular 2-frame delay for a single 2-byte chunk of text before it shows the full text of a box after all… But even this bug is highly theoretical and could probably only be observed very, very rarely, and exclusively on real hardware.

The same can't be said about TH02 though, but more on that later. Let's first take a look at its data, which started out much simpler in that game. The STAGE?.TXT files contain just raw Shift-JIS text with no trace of commands or structure. Turning on the whitespace display feature in your editor reveals how the dialog system even assumes a fixed byte length for each box: 36 bytes per line which will appear on screen, followed by 4 bytes of padding, which the original files conveniently use to visually split the lines via a CR/LF newline sequence. Make sure to disable trimming of trailing whitespace in your editor to not ruin the file when modding the text… :onricdennat:

Two boxes from TH02's STAGE5.TXT with visualized whitespace. These also demonstrate how the CR/LF newlines only make up 2 of the 4 padding bytes, and require each line to be padded with two more bytes; you could not use these trailing spaces for actual text. Also note how the exquisite mixture of fullwidth and halfwidth spaces demands the text to be viewed with only the most metrically consistent monospace fonts to preserve the intended alignment. 🍷 It appears quite misaligned on my phone.

Consequently, everything else is hardcoded – every effect shown between text boxes, the face portrait shown for each box, and even how many boxes are part of each dialog sequence. Which means that the source code now contains a long hardcoded list of face IDs for most of the text boxes in the game, with the rest being part of the dedicated hardcoded dialog scripts for 2/3 of the game's stages.
Without the restriction to a fixed set of scripting commands, TH02 naturally gravitated to having the most varied dialog sequences of all PC-98 Touhou games. This flexibility certainly facilitated Mima's grand entrance animation in Stage 4, or the different lines in Stage 4 and 5 depending on whether you already used a continue or not. Marisa's post-boss dialog even inserts the number of continues into the text itself – by, you guessed it, writing to hardcoded byte offsets inside the dialog text before printing it to the screen. :godzun: But once again, I have nothing to criticize here – not even the fact that the alternate dialog scripts have to mutate the "box cursor" to jump to the intended boxes within the file. I know that some people in my audience like VMs, but I would have considered it more bloated if ZUN had implemented a full-blown scripting language just to handle all these special cases.

Another unique aspect of TH02 is the way it stores its face portraits, which are infamous for how hard they are to find in the original data files. These sprites are actually map tiles, stored in MIKO_K.MPN, and drawn using the same functions used to blit the regular map tiles to the 📝 tile source area in VRAM. We can only guess why ZUN chose this one out of the three graphics formats he used in TH02:

TH02's MIKO_K.PTN, arranged into a 16×16-tile layout that reveals how these tiles are combined into face portraits.
MPNDEF from -Tom-'s MysticTK conveniently uses this exact layout in its .BMP output. Earlier MPNDEF versions crashed when converting this file as its 256 tiles led to an 8-bit overflow bug, so make sure you've updated to the current version from the end of October 2023 if you want to convert this file yourself. The format stores the 4 bitplanes of each 16×16 tile in order, so good luck finding a different planar image viewer that would support both such a tiled layout and a custom palette. Sometimes, a weird internal format is the best type of obfuscation. :tannedcirno:
TH02's MIKO_K.PTN with the 16×16 tile grid overlaid

And since you're certainly wondering about all these black tiles at the edges: Yes, these are not only part of the file and pad it from the required 240×192 pixels to 256×256, but also kept in memory during a stage, wasting 9.5 KiB of conventional RAM. That's 172 seconds of potential input replay data, just for those people who might still think that we need EMS for replays.

Alright, we've got the text, we've got the faces, let's slide in the box and display it all on screen. Apparently though, we also have to blit the player and option sprites using raw, low-level master.lib function calls in the process? :thonk: This can't be right, especially because ZUN always blits the option sprite associated with the Reimu-A shot type, regardless of which one the player actually selected. And if you keep moving above the box area before the dialog starts, you get to see exactly how wrong this is:

Let's look closer at Reimu's sprite during the slide-in animation, and in the two frames before:

Zoomed-in area around Reimu's sprite from frame 35 of the video aboveZoomed-in area around Reimu's sprite from frame 36 of the video aboveZoomed-in area around Reimu's sprite from frame 37 of the video above

This one image shows off no less than 4 bugs:

  1. ZUN blits the stationary player sprite here, regardless of whether the player was previously moving left or right. This is a nice way of indicating that Reimu stops moving once the dialog starts, but maybe ZUN should have unblitted the old sprite so that the new one wouldn't have appeared on top. The game only unblits the 384×64 pixels covered by the dialog box on every frame of the slide-in animation, so Reimu would only appear correctly if her sprite happened to be entirely located within that area.
  2. All sprites are shifted up by 1 pixel in frame 2️⃣. This one is not a bug in the dialog system, but in the main game loop. The game runs the relevant actions in the following order:

    1. Invalidate any map tiles covered by entities
    2. Redraw invalidated tiles
    3. Decrement the Y coordinate at the top of VRAM according to the scroll speed
    4. Update and render all game entities
    5. Scroll in new tiles as necessary according to the scroll speed, and report whether the game has scrolled one pixel past the end of the map
    6. If that happened, pretend it didn't by incrementing the value calculated in #3 for all further frames and skipping to #8.
    7. Issue a GDC SCROLL command to reflect the line calculated in #3 on the display
    8. Wait for VSync
    9. Flip VRAM pages
    10. Start boss if we're past the end of the map

    The problem here: Once the dialog starts, the game has already rendered an entire new frame, with all sprites being offset by a new Y scroll offset, without adjusting the graphics GDC's scroll registers to compensate. Hence, the Y position in 3️⃣ is the correct one, and the whole existence of frame 2️⃣ is a bug in itself. (Well… OK, probably a quirk because speedrunning exists, and it would be pretty annoying to synchronize any video regression tests of the future TH02 Anniversary Edition if it renders one fewer frame in the middle of a stage.)

  3. ZUN blits the option sprites to their position from frame 1️⃣. This brings us back to 📝 TH02's special way of retaining the previous and current position in a two-element array, indexed with a VRAM page ID. Normally, this would be equivalent to using dedicated prev and cur structure fields and you'd just index it with the back page for every rendering call. But if you then decide to go single-buffered for dialogs and render them onto the front page instead… :zunpet:
    Note that fixing bug #2 would not cancel out this one – the sprites would then simply be rendered to their position in the frame before 1️⃣.

  4. And of course, the fixed option sprite ID also counts as a bug.

As for the boxes themselves, it's yet another loop that prints 2-byte chunks of Shift-JIS text at an even slower fixed interval of 3 frames. In an interesting quirk though, ZUN assumes that every box starts with the name of the speaking character in its first two fullwidth Shift-JIS characters, followed by a fullwidth colon. These 6 bytes are displayed immediately at the start of every box, without the usual delay. The resulting alignment looks rather janky with Genjii, whose single right-padded kanji looks quite awkward with the fullwidth space between the name and the colon. Kind of makes you wonder why ZUN just didn't spell out his proper name, 玄爺, instead, but I get the stylistic difference.
In Stage 4, the two-kanji assumption then breaks with Marisa's three-kanji name, which causes the full-width colon to be printed as the first delayed character in each of her boxes:

That's all the issues and quirks in the system itself. The scripts themselves don't leave much room for bugs as they basically just loop over the hardcoded face ID array at this level… until we reach the end of the game. Previously, the slide-in animation could simply use the tile invalidation and re-rendering system to unblit the box on each frame, which also explained why Reimu had to be separately rendered on top. But this no longer works with a custom-rendered boss background, and so the game just chooses to flood-fill the area with graphics chip color #0:

Then again, transferring pixels from the back page would be just as wrong as they lag one frame behind. No way around capturing these 384×64 pixels to main memory here… Oh well, this flood-fill at least adds even more legibility on top of the already half-transparent text box. A property that the following dialog sequence unfortunately lacks…

For Mima's final defeat dialog though, ZUN chose to not even show the box. He might have realized the issue by that point, or simply preferred the more dramatic effect this had on the lines. The resulting issues, however, might even have ramifications for such un-technical things as lore and character dynamics. :zunpet: As it turns out, the code for this dialog sequence does in fact render Mima's smiling face for all boxes?! You only don't see it in the original game because it's rendered to the other VRAM page that remains invisible during the dialog sequence:

Caution, flashing lights.

Here's how I interpret the situation:

So, the future TH02 Anniversary Edition will fix the bug by showing the back page, but retain the quirk by rewriting the dialog code to not blit the face.

And with that, we've secured all in-game dialog for the upcoming non-ASCII translations! The remaining 2/3 of the last push made for a good occasion to also decompile the small amount of code related to TH03's win messages, stored in the @0?TX.TXT files. Similar to TH02's dialog format, these files are also split into fixed-size blocks of 3×60 bytes. But this time, TH03 loads all 60 bytes of a line, including the CR/LF line breaking codepoints in the original files, into the statically allocated buffer that it renders from. These control characters are then only filtered to whitespace by ZUN's graph_putsa_fx() function. If you remove the line breaks, you get to use the full 60 bytes on every line.
The final commits went to the MIKO.CFG loading and saving functions used in TH04's and TH05's OP.EXE, as well as TH04's game startup code to finally catch up with 📝 TH05's counterpart from over 3 years ago. This brought us right in front of the main menu rendering code in both TH04 and TH05, which is identical in both games and will be tackled in the next PC-98 Touhou delivery.

Next up, though: Returning to Shuusou Gyoku, and adding support for SC-88Pro recordings as BGM. Which may or may not come with a slight controversy…

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, Ember2528, [Anonymous], Yanga
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And then, the supposed boilerplate code revealed yet another confusing issue that quickly forced me back to serial work, leading to no parallel progress made with Shuusou Gyoku after all. 🥲 The list of functions I put together for the first ½ of this push seemed so boring at first, and I was so sure that there was almost nothing I could possibly talk about:

That's three instances of ZUN removing sprites way earlier than you'd want to, intentionally deciding against those sprites flying smoothly in and out of the playfield. Clearly, there has to be a system and a reason behind it.

Turns out that it can be almost completely blamed on master.lib. None of the super_*() sprite blitting functions can clip the rendered sprite to the edges of VRAM, and much less to the custom playfield rectangle we would actually want here. This is exactly the wrong choice to make for a game engine: Not only is the game developer now stuck with either rendering the sprite in full or not at all, but they're also left with the burden of manually calculating when not to display a sprite.
However, strictly limiting the top-left screen-space coordinate to (0, 0) and the bottom-right one to (640, 400) would actually stop rendering some of the sprites much earlier than the clipping conditions we encounter in these games. So what's going on there?

The answer is a combination of playfield borders, hardware scrolling, and master.lib needing to provide at least some help to support the latter. Hardware scrolling on PC-98 works by dividing VRAM into two vertical partitions along the Y-axis and telling the GDC to display one of them at the top of the screen and the other one below. The contents of VRAM remain unmodified throughout, which raises the interesting question of how to deal with sprites that reach the vertical edges of VRAM. If the top VRAM row that starts at offset 0x0000 ends up being displayed below the bottom row of VRAM that starts at offset 0x7CB0 for 399 of the 400 possible scrolling positions, wouldn't we then need to vertically wrap most of the rendered sprites?
For this reason, master.lib provides the super_roll_*() functions, which unconditionally perform exactly this vertical wrapping. But this creates a new problem: If these functions still can't clip, and don't even know which VRAM rows currently correspond to the top and bottom row of the screen (since master.lib's graph_scrollup() function doesn't retain this information), won't we also see sprites wrapping around the actual edges of the screen? That's something we certainly wouldn't want in a vertically scrolling game…
The answer is yes, and master.lib offers no solution for this issue. But this is where the playfield borders come in, and helpfully cover 16 pixels at the top and 16 pixels at the bottom of the screen. As a result, they can hide up to 32 rows of potentially wrapped sprite pixels below them:

The earliest possible frame that TH05 can start rendering the Stage 5 midboss on. Hiding the text layer reveals how master.lib did in fact "blindly" render the top part of her sprite to the bottom of the playfield. That's where her sprite starts before it is correctly wrapped around to the top of VRAM.
If we scrolled VRAM by another 200 pixels (and faked an equally shifted TRAM for demonstration purposes), we get an equally valid game scene that points out why a vertically scrolling PC-98 game must wrap all sprites at the vertical edges of VRAM to begin with.
Also, note how the HP bar has filled up quite a bit before the midboss can actually appear on screen.
VRAM contents of the first possible frame that TH05's Stage 5 midboss can appear on, at their original scrolling position. Also featuring the 64×64 bounding box of the midboss sprite.VRAM contents of the first possible frame that TH05's Stage 5 midboss can appear on, scrolled down by a further 200 pixels. Also featuring the 64×64 bounding box of the midboss sprite.

And that's how the lowest possible top Y coordinate for sprites blitted using the master.lib super_roll_*() functions during the scrolling portions of TH02, TH04, and TH05 is not 0, but -16. Any lower, and you would actually see some of the sprite's upper pixels at the bottom of the playfield, as there are no more opaque black text cells to cover them. Theoretically, you could lower this number for some animation frames that start with multiple rows of transparent pixels, but I thankfully haven't found any instance of ZUN using such a hack. So far, at least… :godzun:
Visualized like that, it all looks quite simple and logical, but for days, I did not realize that these sprites were rendered to a scrolling VRAM. This led to a much more complicated initial explanation involving the invisible extra space of VRAM between offsets 0x7D00 and 0x7FFF that effectively grant a hidden additional 9.6 lines below the playfield. Or even above, since PC-98 hardware ignores the highest bit of any offset into a VRAM bitplane segment (& 0x7FFF), which prevents blitting operations from accidentally reaching into a different bitplane. Together with the aforementioned rows of transparent pixels at the top of these midboss sprites, the math would have almost worked out exactly. :tannedcirno:

The need for manual clipping also applies to the X-axis. Due to the lack of scrolling in this dimension, the boundaries there are much more straightforward though. The minimum left coordinate of a sprite can't fall below 0 because any smaller coordinate would wrap around into the 📝 tile source area and overwrite some of the pixels there, which we obviously don't want to re-blit every frame. Similarly, the right coordinate must not extend into the HUD, which starts at 448 pixels.
The last part might be surprising if you aren't familiar with the PC-98 text chip. Contrary to the CGA and VGA text modes of IBM-compatibles, PC-98 text cells can only use a single color for either their foreground or background, with the other pixels being transparent and always revealing the pixels in VRAM below. If you look closely at the HUD in the images above, you can see how the background of cells with gaiji glyphs is slightly brighter (◼ #100) than the opaque black cells (◼ #000) surrounding them. This rather custom color clearly implies that those pixels must have been rendered by the graphics GDC. If any other sprite was rendered below the HUD, you would equally see it below the glyphs.

So in the end, I did find the clear and logical system I was looking for, and managed to reduce the new clipping conditions down to a set of basic rules for each edge. Unfortunately, we also need a second macro for each edge to differentiate between sprites that are smaller or larger than the playfield border, which is treated as either 32×32 (for super_roll_*()) or 32×16 (for non-"rolling" super_*() functions). Since smaller sprites can be fully contained within this border, the games can stop rendering them as soon as their bottom-right coordinate is no longer seen within the playfield, by comparing against the clipping boundaries with <= and >=. For example, a 16×16 sprite would be completely invisible once it reaches (16, 0), so it would still be rendered at (17, 1). A larger sprite during the scrolling part of a stage, like, say, the 64×64 midbosses, would still be rendered if their top-left coordinate was (0, -16), so ZUN used < and > comparisons to at least get an additional pixel before having to stop rendering such a sprite. Turbo C++ 4.0J sadly can't constant-fold away such a difference in comparison operators.

And for the most part, ZUN did follow this system consistently. Except for, of course, the typical mistakes you make when faced with such manual decisions, like how he treated TH04's Stage 4 midboss as a "small" sprite below 32×32 pixels (it's 64×64), losing that precious one extra pixel. Or how the entire rendering code for the 48×48 boss explosion sprite pretends that it's actually 64×64 pixels large, which causes even the initial transformation into screen space to be misaligned from the get-go. :zunpet: But these are additional bugs on top of the single one that led to all this research.
Because that's what this is, a bug. 🐞 Every resulting pixel boundary is a systematic result of master.lib's unfortunate lack of clipping. It's as much of a bug as TH01's byte-aligned rendering of entities whose internal position is not byte-aligned. In both cases, the entities are alive, simulated, and partake in collision detection, but their rendered appearance doesn't accurately reflect their internal position.
Initially, I classified 📝 the sudden pop-in of TH05's Stage 5 midboss as a quirk because we had no conclusive evidence that this wasn't intentional, but now we do. There have been multiple explanations for why ZUN put borders around the playfield, but master.lib's lack of sprite clipping might be the biggest reason.

And just like byte-aligned rendering, the clipping conditions can easily be removed when porting the game away from PC-98 hardware. That's also what uth05win chose to do: By using OpenGL and not having to rely on hardware scrolling, it can simply place every sprite as a textured quad at its exact position in screen space, and then draw the black playfield borders on top in the end to clip everything in a single draw call. This way, the Stage 5 midboss can smoothly fly into the playfield, just as defined by its movement code:

The entire smooth Stage 5 midboss entrance animation as shown in uth05win. If the simultaneous appearance of the Enemy!! label doesn't lend further proof to this having been ZUN's actual intention, I don't know what will.

Meanwhile, I designed the interface of the 📝 generic blitter used in the TH01 Anniversary Edition entirely around clipping the blitted sprite at any explicit combination of VRAM edges. This was nothing I tacked on in the end, but a core aspect that informed the architecture of the code from the very beginning. You really want to have one and only one place where sprite clipping is done right – and only once per sprite, regardless of how many bitplanes you want to write to.

Which brings us to the goal that the final ¼ of this push went toward. I thought I was going to start cleaning up the 📝 player movement and rendering code, but that turned out too complicated for that amount of time – especially if you want to start with just cleanup, preserving all original bugs for the time being.
Fixing and smoothening player and Orb movement would be the next big task in Anniversary Edition development, needing about 3 pushes. It would start with more performance research into runtime-shifting of larger sprites, followed by extending my generic blitter according to the results, writing new optimized loaders for the original image formats, and finally rewriting all rendering code accordingly. With that code in place, we can then start cleaning up and fixing the unique code for each boss, one by one.

Until that's funded, the code still contains a few smaller and easier pieces of code that are equally related to rendering bugs, but could be dealt with in a more incremental way. Line rendering is one of those, and first needs some refactoring of every call site, including 📝 the rotating squares around Mima and 📝 YuugenMagan's pentagram. So far, I managed to remove another 1,360 bytes from the binary within this final ¼ of a push, but there's still quite a bit to do in that regard.
This is the perfect kind of feature for smaller (micro-)transactions. Which means that we've now got meaningful TH01 code cleanup and Anniversary Edition subtasks at every price range, no matter whether you want to invest a lot or just a little into this goal.

If you can, because Ember2528 revealed the plan behind his Shuusou Gyoku contributions: A full-on Linux port of the game, which will be receiving all the funding it needs to happen. 🐧 Next up, therefore: Turning this into my main project within ReC98 for the next couple of months, and getting started by shipping the long-awaited first step towards that goal.
I've raised the cap to avoid the potential of rounding errors, which might prevent the last needed Shuusou Gyoku push from being correctly funded. I already had to pick the larger one of the two pending TH02 transactions for this push, because we would have mathematically ended up 1/25500 short of a full push with the smaller transaction. :onricdennat: And if I'm already at it, I might as well free up enough capacity to potentially ship the complete OpenGL backend in a single delivery, which is currently estimated to cost 7 pushes in total.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, [Anonymous]
🏷 Tags:

🎉 After almost 3 years, TH04 finally caught up to TH05 and is now 100% position-independent as well! 🎉

For a refresher on what this means and does not mean, check the announcements from back in 2019 and 2020 when we chased the goal for TH05's 📝 OP.EXE and 📝 the rest of the game. These also feature some demo videos that show off the kind of mods you were able to efficiently code back then. With the occasional reverse-engineering attention it received over the years, TH04's code should now be slightly easier to work with than TH05's was back in the day. Although not by much – TH04 has remained relatively unpopular among backers, and only received more than the funded attention because it shares most of its core code with the more popular TH05. Which, coincidentally, ended up becoming 📝 the reason for getting this done now.
Not that it matters a lot. Ever since we reached 100% PI for TH05, community and backer interest in position independence has dropped to near zero. We just didn't end up seeing the expected large amount of community-made mods that PI was meant to facilitate, and even the 📝 100% decompilation of TH01 changed nothing about that. But that's OK; after all, I do appreciate the business of continually getting commissioned for all the 📝 large-scale mods. Not focusing on PI is also the correct choice for everyone who likes reading these blog posts, as it often means that I can't go that much into detail due to cutting corners and piling up technical debt left and right.

Surprisingly, this only took 1.25 pushes, almost twice as fast as expected. As that's closer to 1 push than it is to 2, I'm OK with releasing it like this – especially since it was originally meant to come out three days ago. 🍋 Unfortunately, it was delayed thanks to surprising website bugs and a certain piece of code that was way more difficult to document than it was to decompile… The next push will have slightly less content in exchange, though.

📝 P0240 and P0241 already covered the final remaining structures, so I only needed to do some superficial RE to prove the remaining numeric literals as either constants or memory addresses. For example, I initially thought I'd have to decompile the dissolve animations in the staff roll, but I only needed to identify a single function pointer type to prove all false positives as screen coordinates there. Now, the TH04 staff roll would be another fast and cheap decompilation, similar to the custom entity types of TH04. (And TH05 as well!)

The one piece of code I did have to decompile was Stage 4's carpet lighting animation, thanks to hex literals that were way too complicated to leave in ASM. And this one probably takes the crown for TH04's worst set of landmines and bloat that still somehow results in no observable bugs or quirks.
This animation starts at frame 1664, roughly 29.5 seconds into the stage, and quickly turns the stage background into a repeated row of dark-red plaid carpet tiles by moving out from the center of the playfield towards the edges. Afterward, the animation repeats with a brighter set of tiles that is then used for the rest of the stage. As I explained 📝 a while ago in the context of TH02, the stage tile and map formats in PC-98 Touhou can't express animations, so all of this needed to be hardcoded in the binary.

A row of the carpet tiles from TH04's Stage 4, at the lowest light levelA row of the carpet tiles from TH04's Stage 4, at the medium light levelA row of the carpet tiles from TH04's Stage 4, at the highest light level
The repeating 384×16 row of carpet tiles at the beginning of TH04's Stage 4 in all three light levels, shown twice for better visibility.

And ZUN did start out making the right decision by only using fully-lit carpet tiles for all tile sections defined in ST03.MAP. This way, the animation can simply disable itself after it completed, letting the rest of the stage render normally and use new tile sections that are only defined for the final light level. This means that the "initial" dark version of the carpet is as much a result of hardcoded tile manipulation as the animation itself.
But then, ZUN proceeded to implement it all by directly manipulating the ring buffer of on-screen tiles. This is the lowest level before the tiles are rendered, and rather detached from the defined content of the 📝 .MAP tile sections. Which leads to a whole lot of problems:

  1. If you decide to do this kind of tile ring modification, it should ideally happen at a very specific point: after scrolling in new tiles into the ring buffer, but before blitting any scrolled or invalidated tiles to VRAM based on the ring buffer. Which is not where ZUN chose to put it, as he placed the call to the stage-specific render function after both of those operations. :zunpet: By the time the function is called, the tile renderer has already blitted a few lines of the fully-lit carpet tiles from the defined .MAP tile section, matching the scroll speed. Fortunately, these are hidden behind the black TRAM cells above and below the playfield…

  2. Still, the code needs to get rid of them before they would become visible. ZUN uses the regular tile invalidation function for this, which will only cause actual redraws on the next frame. Again, the tile rendering call has already happened by the time the Stage 4-specific rendering function gets called.
    But wait, this game also flips VRAM pages between frames to provide a tear-free gameplay experience. This means that the intended redraw of the new tiles actually hits the wrong VRAM page. :tannedcirno: And sure, the code does attempt to invalidate these newly blitted lines every frame – but only relative to the current VRAM Y coordinate that represents the top of the hardware-scrolled screen. Once we're back on the original VRAM page on the next frame, the lines we initially set out to remove could have already scrolled past that point, making it impossible to ever catch up with them in this way.
    The only real "solution": Defining the height of the tile invalidation rectangle at 3× the scroll speed, which ensures that each invalidation call covers 3 frames worth of newly scrolled-in lines. This is not intuitive at all, and requires an understanding of everything I have just written to even arrive at this conclusion. Needless to say that ZUN didn't comprehend it either, and just hardcoded an invalidation height that happened to be enough for the small scroll speeds defined in ST03.STD for the first 30 seconds of the stage.

  3. The effect must consistently modify the tile ring buffer to "fix" any new tiles, overriding them with the intended light level. During the animation, the code not only needs to set the old light level for any tiles that are still waiting to be replaced, but also the new light level for any tiles that were replaced – and ZUN forgot the second part. :zunpet: As a result, newly scrolled-in tiles within the already animated area will "remain" untouched at light level 2 if the scroll speed is fast enough during the transition from light level 0 to 1.

All that means that we only have to raise the scroll speed for the effect to fall apart. Let's try, say, 4 pixels per frame rather than the original 0.25:

By hiding the text RAM layer and revealing what's below the usually opaque black cells above and below the playfield, we can observe all three landmines – 1) and 2) throughout light level 0, and 3) during the transition from level 0 to 1.

All of this could have been so much simpler and actually stable if ZUN applied the tile changes directly onto the .MAP. This is a much more intuitive way of expressing what is supposed to happen to the map, and would have reduced the code to the actually necessary tile changes for the first frame and each individual frame of the animation. It would have still required a way to force these changes into the tile ring buffer, but ZUN could have just used his existing full-playfield redraw functions for that. In any case, there would have been no need for any per-frame tile fixing and redrawing. The CPU cycles saved this way could have then maybe been put towards writing the tile-replacing part of the animation in C++ rather than ASM…

Wow, that was an unreasonable amount of research into a feature that superficially works fine, just because its decompiled code didn't make sense. :onricdennat: To end on a more positive note, here are some minor new discoveries that might actually matter to someone:

Next up: ¾ of a push filled with random boilerplate, finalization, and TH01 code cleanup work, while I finish the preparations for Shuusou Gyoku's OpenGL backend. This month, everything should finally work out as intended: I'll complete both tasks in parallel, ship the former to free up the cap, and then ship the latter once its 5th push is fully funded.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0240, P0241
be69ab6...40c900f, 40c900f...08352a5
💰 Funded by:
JonathKane, Blue Bolt, [Anonymous]
🏷 Tags:

Well, well. My original plan was to ship the first step of Shuusou Gyoku OpenGL support on the next day after this delivery. But unfortunately, the complications just kept piling up, to a point where the required solutions definitely blow the current budget for that goal. I'm currently sitting on over 70 commits that would take at least 5 pushes to deliver as a meaningful release, and all of that is just rearchitecting work, preparing the game for a not too Windows-specific OpenGL backend in the first place. I haven't even written a single line of OpenGL yet… 🥲
This shifts the intended Big Release Month™ to June after all. Now I know that the next round of Shuusou Gyoku features should better start with the SC-88Pro recordings, which are much more likely to get done within their current budget. At least I've already completed the configuration versioning system required for that goal, which leaves only the actual audio part.

So, TH04 position independence. Thanks to a bit of funding for stage dialogue RE, non-ASCII translations will soon become viable, which finally presents a reason to push TH04 to 100% position independence after 📝 TH05 had been there for almost 3 years. I haven't heard back from Touhou Patch Center about how much they want to be involved in funding this goal, if at all, but maybe other backers are interested as well.
And sure, it would be entirely possible to implement non-ASCII translations in a way that retains the layout of the original binaries and can be easily compared at a binary level, in case we consider translations to be a critical piece of infrastructure. This wouldn't even just be an exercise in needless perfectionism, and we only have to look to Shuusou Gyoku to realize why: Players expected that my builds were compatible with existing SpoilerAL SSG files, which was something I hadn't even considered the need for. I mean, the game is open-source 📝 and I made it easy to build. You can just fork the code, implement all the practice features you want in a much more efficient way, and I'd probably even merge your code into my builds then?
But I get it – recompiling the game yields just yet another build that can't be easily compared to the original release. A cheat table is much more trustworthy in giving players the confidence that they're still practicing the same original game. And given the current priorities of my backers, it'll still take a while for me to implement proof by replay validation, which will ultimately free every part of the community from depending on the original builds of both Seihou and PC-98 Touhou.

However, such an implementation within the original binary layout would significantly drive up the budget of non-ASCII translations, and I sure don't want to constantly maintain this layout during development. So, let's chase TH04 position independence like it's 2020, and quickly cover a larger amount of PI-relevant structures and functions at a shallow level. The only parts I decompiled for now contain calculations whose intent can't be clearly communicated in ASM. Hitbox visualizations or other more in-depth research would have to wait until I get to the proper decompilation of these features.
But even this shallow work left us with a large amount of TH04-exclusive code that had its worst parts RE'd and could be decompiled fairly quickly. If you want to see big TH04 finalization% gains, general TH04 progress would be a very good investment.

The first push went to the often-mentioned stage-specific custom entities that share a single statically allocated buffer. Back in 2020, I 📝 wrongly claimed that these were a TH05 innovation, but the system actually originated in TH04. Both games use a 26-byte structure, but TH04 only allocates a 32-element array rather than TH05's 64-element one. The conclusions from back then still apply, but I also kept wondering why these games used a static array for these entities to begin with. You know what they call an area of memory that you can cleanly repurpose for things? That's right, a heap! :tannedcirno: And absolutely no one would mind one additional heap allocation at the start of a stage, next to the ones for all the sprites and portraits.
However, we are still running in Real Mode with segmented memory. Accessing anything outside a common data segment involves modifying segment registers, which has a nonzero CPU cycle cost, and Turbo C++ 4.0J is terrible at optimizing away the respective instructions. Does this matter? Probably not, but you don't take "risks" like these if you're in a permanent micro-optimization mindset… :godzun:

In TH04, this system is used for:

  1. Kurumi's symmetric bullet spawn rays, fired from her hands towards the left and right edges of the playfield. These are rather infamous for being the last thing you see before 📝 the Divide Error crash that can happen in ZUN's original build. Capped to 6 entities.

  2. The 4 📝 bits used in Marisa's Stage 4 boss fight. Coincidentally also related to the rare Divide Error crash in that fight.

  3. Stage 4 Reimu's spinning orbs. Note how the game uses two different sets of sprites just to have two different outline colors. This was probably better than messing with the palette, which can easily cause unintended effects if you only have 16 colors to work with. Heck, I have an entire blog post tag just to highlight these cases. Capped to the full 32 entities.

  4. The chasing cross bullets, seen in Phase 14 of the same Stage 6 Yuuka fight. Featuring some smart sprite work, making use of point symmetry to achieve a fluid animation in just 4 frames. This is good-code in sprite form. Capped to 31 entities, because the 32nd custom entity during this fight is defined to be…

  5. The single purple pulsating and shrinking safety circle, seen in Phase 4 of the same fight. The most interesting aspect here is actually still related to the cross bullets, whose spawn function is wrongly limited to 32 entities and could theoretically overwrite this circle. :zunpet: This is strictly landmine territory though:

    • Yuuka never uses these bullets and the safety circle simultaneously
    • She never spawns more than 24 cross bullets
    • All cross bullets are fast enough to have left the screen by the time Yuuka restarts the corresponding subpattern
    • The cross bullets spawn at Yuuka's center position, and assign its Q12.4 coordinates to structure fields that the safety circle interprets as raw pixels. The game does try to render the circle afterward, but since Yuuka's static position during this phase is nowhere near a valid pixel coordinate, it is immediately clipped.

  6. The flashing lines seen in Phase 5 of the Gengetsu fight, telegraphing the slightly random bullet columns.

    The spawn column lines in the TH05 Gengetsu fight, in the first of their two flashing colors.The spawn column lines in the TH05 Gengetsu fight, in the second of their two flashing colors.

These structures only took 1 push to reverse-engineer rather than the 2 I needed for their TH05 counterparts because they are much simpler in this game. The "structure" for Gengetsu's lines literally uses just a single X position, with the remaining 24 bytes being basically padding. The only minor bug I found on this shallow level concerns Marisa's bits, which are clipped at the right and bottom edges of the playfield 16 pixels earlier than you would expect:

The remaining push went to a bunch of smaller structures and functions:

To top off the second push, we've got the vertically scrolling checkerboard background during the Stage 6 Yuuka fight, made up of 32×32 squares. This one deserves a special highlight just because of its needless complexity. You'd think that even a performant implementation would be pretty simple:

  1. Set the GRCG to TDW mode
  2. Set the GRCG tile to one of the two square colors
  3. Start with Y as the current scroll offset, and X as some indicator of which color is currently shown at the start of each row of squares
  4. Iterate over all lines of the playfield, filling in all pixels that should be displayed in the current color, skipping over the other ones
  5. Count down Y for each line drawn
  6. If Y reaches 0, reset it to 32 and flip X
  7. At the bottom of the playfield, change the GRCG tile to the other color, and repeat with the initial value of X flipped

The most important aspect of this algorithm is how it reduces GRCG state changes to a minimum, avoiding the costly port I/O that we've identified time and time again as one of the main bottlenecks in TH01. With just 2 state variables and 3 loops, the resulting code isn't that complex either. A naive implementation that just drew the squares from top to bottom in a single pass would barely be simpler, but much slower: By changing the GRCG tile on every color, such an implementation would burn a low 5-digit number of CPU cycles per frame for the 12×11.5-square checkerboard used in the game.
And indeed, ZUN retained all important aspects of this algorithm… but still implemented it all in ASM, with a ridiculous layer of x86 segment arithmetic on top? :zunpet: Which blows up the complexity to 4 state variables, 5 nested loops, and a bunch of constants in unusual units. I'm not sure what this code is supposed to optimize for, especially with that rather questionable register allocation that nevertheless leaves one of the general-purpose registers unused. :onricdennat: Fortunately, the function was still decompilable without too many code generation hacks, and retains the 5 nested loops in all their goto-connected glory. If you want to add a checkerboard to your next PC-98 demo, just stick to the algorithm I gave above.
(Using a single XOR for flipping the starting X offset between 32 and 64 pixels is pretty nice though, I have to give him that.)

This makes for a good occasion to talk about the third and final GRCG mode, completing the series I started with my previous coverage of the 📝 RMW and 📝 TCR modes. The TDW (Tile Data Write) mode is the simplest of the three and just writes the 8×1 GRCG tile into VRAM as-is, without applying any alpha bitmask. This makes it perfect for clearing rectangular areas of pixels – or even all of VRAM by doing a single memset():

// Set up the GRCG in TDW mode.
outportb(0x7C, 0x80);

// Fill the tile register with color #7 (0111 in binary).
outportb(0x7E, 0xFF); // Plane 0: (B): (********)
outportb(0x7E, 0xFF); // Plane 1: (R): (********)
outportb(0x7E, 0xFF); // Plane 2: (G): (********)
outportb(0x7E, 0x00); // Plane 3: (E): (        )

// Set the 32 pixels at the top-left corner of VRAM to the exact contents of
// the tile register, effectively repeating the tile 4 times. In TDW mode, the
// GRCG ignores the CPU-supplied operand, so we might as well just pass the
// contents of a register with the intended width. This eliminates useless load
// instructions in the compiled assembly, and even sort of signals to readers
// of this code that we do not care about the source value.
*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t far *>(MK_FP(0xA800, 0)) = _EAX;

// Fill the entirety of VRAM with the GRCG tile. A simple C one-liner that will
// probably compile into a single `REP STOS` instruction. Unfortunately, Turbo
// C++ 4.0J only ever generates the 16-bit `REP STOSW` here, even when using
// the `__memset__` intrinsic and when compiling in 386 mode. When targeting
// that CPU and above, you'd ideally want `REP STOSD` for twice the speed.
memset(MK_FP(0xA800, 0), _AL, ((640 / 8) * 400));

However, this might make you wonder why TDW mode is even necessary. If it's functionally equivalent to RMW mode with a CPU-supplied bitmask made up entirely of 1 bits (i.e., 0xFF, 0xFFFF, or 0xFFFFFFFF), what's the point? The difference lies in the hardware implementation: If all you need to do is write tile data to VRAM, you don't need the read and modify parts of RMW mode which require additional processing time. The PC-9801 Programmers' Bible claims a speedup of almost 2× when using TDW mode over equivalent operations in RMW mode.
And that's the only performance claim I found, because none of these old PC-98 hardware and programming books did any benchmarks. Then again, it's not too interesting of a question to benchmark either, as the byte-aligned nature of TDW blitting severely limits its use in a game engine anyway. Sure, maybe it makes sense to temporarily switch from RMW to TDW mode if you've identified a large rectangular and byte-aligned section within a sprite that could be blitted without a bitmask? But the necessary identification work likely nullifies the performance gained from TDW mode, I'd say. In any case, that's pretty deep micro-optimization territory. Just use TDW mode for the few cases it's good at, and stick to RMW mode for the rest.

So is this all that can be said about the GRCG? Not quite, because there are 4 bits I haven't talked about yet…

And now we're just 5.37% away from 100% position independence for TH04! From this point, another 2 pushes should be enough to reach this goal. It might not look like we're that close based on the current estimate, but a big chunk of the remaining numbers are false positives from the player shot control functions. Since we've got a very special deadline to hit, I'm going to cobble these two pushes together from the two current general subscriptions and the rest of the backlog. But you can, of course, still invest in this goal to allow the existing contributions to go to something else.
… Well, if the store was actually open. :thonk: So I'd better continue with a quick task to free up some capacity sooner rather than later. Next up, therefore: Back to TH02, and its item and player systems. Shouldn't take that long, I'm not expecting any surprises there. (Yeah, I know, famous last words…)

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0238, P0239
(Website) 4698397...edf2926, c5e51e6...P0239
💰 Funded by:
🏷 Tags:

:stripe: Stripe is now properly integrated into this website as an alternative to PayPal! Now, you can also financially support the project if PayPal doesn't work for you, or if you prefer using a provider out of Stripe's greater variety. It's unfortunate that I had to ship this integration while the store is still sold out, but the Shuusou Gyoku OpenGL backend has turned out way too complicated to be finished next to these two pushes within a month. It will take quite a while until the store reopens and you all can start using Stripe, so I'll just link back to this blog post when it happens.

Integrating Stripe wasn't the simplest task in the world either. At first, the Checkout API seems pretty friendly to developers: The entire payment flow is handled on the backend, in the server language of your choice, and requires no frontend JavaScript except for the UI feedback code you choose to write. Your backend API endpoint initiates the Stripe Checkout session, answers with a redirect to Stripe, and Stripe then sends a redirect back to your server if the customer completed the payment. Superficially, this server-based approach seems much more GDPR-friendly than PayPal, because there are no remote scripts to obtain consent for. In reality though, Stripe shares much more potential personal data about your credit card or bank account with a merchant, compared to PayPal's almost bare minimum of necessary data. :thonk:
It's also rather annoying how the backend has to persist the order form information throughout the entire Checkout session, because it would otherwise be lost if the server restarts while a customer is still busy entering data into Stripe's Checkout form. Compare that to the PayPal JavaScript SDK, which only POSTs back to your server after the customer completed a payment. In Stripe's case, more JavaScript actually only makes the integration harder: If you trigger the initial payment HTTP request from JavaScript, you will have to improvise a bit to avoid the CORS error when redirecting away to a different domain.

But sure, it's all not too bad… for regular orders at least. With subscriptions, however, things get much worse. Unlike PayPal, Stripe kind of wants to stay out of the way of the payment process as much as possible, and just be a wrapper around its supported payment methods. So if customers aren't really meant to register with Stripe, how would they cancel their subscriptions? :thonk:
Answer: Through the… merchant? Which I quite dislike in principle, because why should you have to trust me to actually cancel your subscription after you requested it? It also means that I probably should add some sort of UI for self-canceling a Stripe subscription, ideally without adding full-blown user accounts. Not that this solves the underlying trust issue, but it's more convenient than contacting me via email or, worse, going through your bank somehow. Here is how my solution works:

I might have gone a bit overboard with the crypto there, but I liked the idea of not storing any of the Stripe session IDs in the server database. It's not like that makes the system more complex anyway, and it's nice to have a separate confirmation step before canceling a subscription.

But even that wasn't everything I had to keep in mind here. Once you switch from test to production mode for the final tests, you'll notice that certain SEPA-based payment providers take their sweet time to process and activate new subscriptions. The Checkout session object even informs you about that, by including a payment status field. Which initially seems just like another field that could indicate hacking attempts, but treating it as such and rejecting any unpaid session can also reject perfectly valid subscriptions. I don't want all this control… 🥲
Instead, all I can do in this case is to tell you about it. In my test, the Stripe dashboard said that it might take days or even weeks for the initial subscription transaction to be confirmed. In such a case, the respective fraction of the cap will unfortunately need to remain red for that entire time.

And that was 1½ pushes just to replicate the basic functionality of a simple PayPal integration with the simplest type of Stripe integration. On the architectural site, all the necessary refactoring work made me finally upgrade my frontend code to TypeScript at least, using the amazing esbuild to handle transpilation inside the server binary. Let's see how long it will now take for me to upgrade to SCSS…

With the new payment options, it makes sense to go for another slight price increase, from up to per push. The amount of taxes I have to pay on this income is slowly becoming significant, and the store has been selling out almost immediately for the last few months anyway. If demand remains at the current level or even increases, I plan to gradually go up to by the end of the year.
📝 As 📝 usual, I'm going to deliver existing orders in the backlog at the value they were originally purchased at. Due to the way the cap has to be calculated, these contributions now appear to have increased in value by a rather awkward 13.33%.

This left ½ of a push for some more work on the TH01 Anniversary Edition. Unfortunately, this was too little time for the grand issue of removing byte-aligned rendering of bigger sprites, which will need some additional blitting performance research. Instead, I went for a bunch of smaller bugfixes:

The final point, however, raised the question of what we're now going to do about 📝 a certain issue in the 地獄/Jigoku Bad Ending. ZUN's original expensive way of switching the accessed VRAM page was the main reason behind the lag frames on slower PC-98 systems, and search-replacing the respective function calls would immediately get us to the optimized version shown in that blog post. But is this something we actually want? If we wanted to retain the lag, we could surely preserve that function just for this one instance…
The discovery of this issue predates the clear distinction between bloat, quirks, and bugs, so it makes sense to first classify what this issue even is. The distinction comes all down to observability, which I defined as changes to rendered frames between explicitly defined frame boundaries. That alone would be enough to categorize any cause behind lag frames as bloat, but it can't hurt to be more explicit here.

Therefore, I now officially judge observability in terms of an infinitely fast PC-98 that can instantly render everything between two explicitly defined frames, and will never add additional lag frames. If we plan to port the games to faster architectures that aren't bottlenecked by disappointing blitter chips, this is the only reasonable assumption to make, in my opinion: The minimum system requirements in the games' README files are minimums, after all, not recommendations. Chasing the exact frame drop behavior that ZUN must have experienced during the time he developed these games can only be a guessing game at best, because how can we know which PC-98 model ZUN actually developed the games on? There might even be more than one model, especially when it comes to TH01 which had been in development for at least two years before ZUN first sold it. It's also not like any current PC-98 emulator even claims to emulate the specific timing of any existing model, and I sure hope that nobody expects me to import a bunch of bulky obsolete hardware just to count dropped frames.

That leaves the tearing, where it's much more obvious how it's a bug. On an infinitely fast PC-98, the ドカーン frame would never be visible, and thus falls into the same category as the 📝 two unused animations in the Sariel fight. With only a single unconditional 2-frame delay inside the animation loop, it becomes clear that ZUN intended both frames of the animation to be displayed for 2 frames each:

No tearing, and 34 frames in total for the first of the two instances of this animation.

:th01: TH01 Anniversary Edition, version P0239 2023-05-01-th01-anniv.zip

Next up: Taking the oldest still undelivered push and working towards TH04 position independence in preparation for multilingual translations. The Shuusou Gyoku OpenGL backend shouldn't take that much longer either, so I should have lots of stuff coming up in May afterward.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0223, P0224, P0225
139746c...371292d, 371292d...8118e61, 8118e61...4f85326
💰 Funded by:
rosenrose, Blue Bolt, Splashman, -Tom-, Yanga, Enderwolf, 32th System
🏷 Tags:

More than three months without any reverse-engineering progress! It's been way too long. Coincidentally, we're at least back with a surprising 1.25% of overall RE, achieved within just 3 pushes. The ending script system is not only more or less the same in TH04 and TH05, but actually originated in TH03, where it's also used for the cutscenes before stages 8 and 9. This means that it was one of the final pieces of code shared between three of the four remaining games, which I got to decompile at roughly 3× the usual speed, or ⅓ of the price.
The only other bargains of this nature remain in OP.EXE. The Music Room is largely equivalent in all three remaining games as well, and the sound device selection, ZUN Soft logo screens, and main/option menus are the same in TH04 and TH05. A lot of that code is in the "technically RE'd but not yet decompiled" ASM form though, so it would shift Finalized% more significantly than RE%. Therefore, make sure to order the new Finalization option rather than Reverse-engineering if you want to make number go up.

  1. General overview
  2. Game-specific differences
  3. Command reference
  4. Thoughts about translation support

So, cutscenes. On the surface, the .TXT files look simple enough: You directly write the text that should appear on the screen into the file without any special markup, and add commands to define visuals, music, and other effects at any place within the script. Let's start with the basics of how text is rendered, which are the same in all three games:

Superficially, the list of game-specific differences doesn't look too long, and can be summarized in a rather short table:

:th03: TH03 :th04: TH04 :th05: TH05
Script size limit 65536 bytes (heap-allocated) 8192 bytes (statically allocated)
Delay between every 2 bytes of text 1 frame by default, customizable via \v None
Text delay when holding ESC Varying speed-up factor None
Visibility of new text Immediately typed onto the screen Rendered onto invisible VRAM page, faded in on wait commands
Visibility of old text Unblitted when starting a new box Left on screen until crossfaded out with new text
Key binding for advancing the script Any key ⏎ Return, Shot, or ESC
Animation while waiting for an advance key None ⏎⃣, past right edge of current row
Inexplicable delays None 1 frame before changing pictures and after rendering new text boxes
Additional delay per interpreter loop 614.4 µs None 614.4 µs
The 614.4 µs correspond to the necessary delay for working around the repeated key up and key down events sent by PC-98 keyboards when holding down a key. While the absence of this delay significantly speeds up TH04's interpreter, it's also the reason why that game will stop recognizing a held ESC key after a few seconds, requiring you to press it again.

It's when you get into the implementation that the combined three systems reveal themselves as a giant mess, with more like 56 differences between the games. :zunpet: Every single new weird line of code opened up another can of worms, which ultimately made all of this end up with 24 pieces of bloat and 14 bugs. The worst of these should be quite interesting for the general PC-98 homebrew developers among my audience:

That brings us to the individual script commands… and yes, I'm going to document every single one of them. Some of their interactions and edge cases are not clear at all from just looking at the code.

Almost all commands are preceded by… well, a 0x5C lead byte. :thonk: Which raises the question of whether we should document it as an ASCII-encoded \ backslash, or a Shift-JIS-encoded ¥ yen sign. From a gaijin perspective, it seems obvious that it's a backslash, as it's consistently displayed as one in most of the editors you would actually use nowadays. But interestingly, iconv -f shift-jis -t utf-8 does convert any 0x5C lead bytes to actual ¥ U+00A5 YEN SIGN code points :tannedcirno:.
Ultimately, the distinction comes down to the font. There are fonts that still render 0x5C as ¥, but mainly do so out of an obvious concern about backward compatibility to JIS X 0201, where this mapping originated. Unsurprisingly, this group includes MS Gothic/Mincho, the old Japanese fonts from Windows 3.1, but even Meiryo and Yu Gothic/Mincho, Microsoft's modern Japanese fonts. Meanwhile, pretty much every other modern font, and freely licensed ones in particular, render this code point as \, even if you set your editor to Shift-JIS. And while ZUN most definitely saw it as a ¥, documenting this code point as \ is less ambiguous in the long run. It can only possibly correspond to one specific code point in either Shift-JIS or UTF-8, and will remain correct even if we later mod the cutscene system to support full-blown Unicode.

Now we've only got to clarify the parameter syntax, and then we can look at the big table of commands:

:th03: :th04: :th05: \@ Clears both VRAM pages by filling them with VRAM color 0.
🐞 In TH03 and TH04, this command does not update the internal text area background used for unblitting. This bug effectively restricts usage of this command to either the beginning of a script (before the first background image is shown) or its end (after no more new text boxes are started). See the image below for an example of using it anywhere else.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \b2 Sets the font weight to a value between 0 (raw font ROM glyphs) to 3 (very thicc). Specifying any other value has no effect.
:th04: :th05: 🐞 In TH04 and TH05, \b3 leads to glitched pixels when rendering half-width glyphs due to a bug in the newly micro-optimized ASM version of 📝 graph_putsa_fx(); see the image below for an example.
In these games, the parameter also directly corresponds to the graph_putsa_fx() effect function, removing the sanity check that was present in TH03. In exchange, you can also access the four dissolve masks for the bold font (\b2) by specifying a parameter between 4 (fewest pixels) to 7 (most pixels). Demo video below.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \c15 Changes the text color to VRAM color 15.
:th05: \c=,15 Adds a color map entry: If is the first code point inside the name area on a new line, the text color is automatically set to 15. Up to 8 such entries can be registered before overflowing the statically allocated buffer.
🐞 The comma is assumed to be present even if the color parameter is omitted.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \e0 Plays the sound effect with the given ID.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \f (no-op)
:th03: :th04: :th05: \fi1
Calls master.lib's palette_black_in() or palette_black_out() to play a hardware palette fade animation from or to black, spending roughly 1 frame on each of the 16 fade steps.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \fm1 Fades out BGM volume via PMD's AH=02h interrupt call, in a non-blocking way. The fade speed can range from 1 (slowest) to 127 (fastest).
Values from 128 to 255 technically correspond to AH=02h's fade-in feature, which can't be used from cutscene scripts because it requires BGM volume to first be lowered via AH=19h, and there is no command to do that.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \g8 Plays a blocking 8-frame screen shake animation.
:th03: :th04: \ga0 Shows the gaiji with the given ID from 0 to 255 at the current cursor position. Even in TH03, gaiji always ignore the text delay interval configured with \v.
:th05: @3 TH05's replacement for the \ga command from TH03 and TH04. The default ID of 3 corresponds to the ♫ gaiji. Not to be confused with \@, which starts with a backslash, unlike this command.
:th05: @h Shows the 🎔 gaiji.
:th05: @t Shows the 💦 gaiji.
:th05: @! Shows the ! gaiji.
:th05: @? Shows the ? gaiji.
:th05: @!! Shows the ‼ gaiji.
:th05: @!? Shows the ⁉ gaiji.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \k0 Waits 0 frames (0 = forever) for an advance key to be pressed before continuing script execution. Before waiting, TH05 crossfades in any new text that was previously rendered to the invisible VRAM page…
🐞 …but TH04 doesn't, leaving the text invisible during the wait time. As a workaround, \vp1 can be used before \k to immediately display that text without a fade-in animation.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \m$ Stops the currently playing BGM.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \m* Restarts playback of the currently loaded BGM from the beginning.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \m,filename Stops the currently playing BGM, loads a new one from the given file, and starts playback.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \n Starts a new line at the leftmost X coordinate of the box, i.e., the start of the name area. This is how scripts can "change" the name of the currently speaking character, or use the entire 480×64 pixels without being restricted to the non-name area.
Note that automatic line breaks already move the cursor into a new line. Using this command at the "end" of a line with the maximum number of 30 full-width glyphs would therefore start a second new line and leave the previously started line empty.
If this command moved the cursor into the 5th line of a box, \s is executed afterward, with any of \n's parameters passed to \s.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \p (no-op)
:th03: :th04: :th05: \p- Deallocates the loaded .PI image.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \p,filename Loads the .PI image with the given file into the single .PI slot available to cutscenes. TH04 and TH05 automatically deallocate any previous image, 🐞 TH03 would leak memory without a manual prior call to \p-.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \pp Sets the hardware palette to the one of the loaded .PI image.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \p@ Sets the loaded .PI image as the full-screen 640×400 background image and overwrites both VRAM pages with its pixels, retaining the current hardware palette.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \p= Runs \pp followed by \p@.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \s0
Ends a text box and starts a new one. Fades in any text rendered to the invisible VRAM page, then waits 0 frames (0 = forever) for an advance key to be pressed. Afterward, the new text box is started with the cursor moved to the top-left corner of the name area.
\s- skips the wait time and starts the new box immediately.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \t100 Sets palette brightness via master.lib's palette_settone() to any value from 0 (fully black) to 200 (fully white). 100 corresponds to the palette's original colors. Preceded by a 1-frame delay unless ESC is held.
:th03: \v1 Sets the number of frames to wait between every 2 bytes of rendered text.
:th04: Sets the number of frames to spend on each of the 4 fade steps when crossfading between old and new text. The game-specific default value is also used before the first use of this command.
:th05: \v2
:th03: :th04: :th05: \vp0 Shows VRAM page 0. Completely useless in TH03 (this game always synchronizes both VRAM pages at a command boundary), only of dubious use in TH04 (for working around a bug in \k), and the games always return to their intended shown page before every blitting operation anyway. A debloated mod of this game would just remove this command, as it exposes an implementation detail that script authors should not need to worry about. None of the original scripts use it anyway.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \w64
  • \w and \wk wait for the given number of frames
  • \wm and \wmk wait until PMD has played back the current BGM for the total number of measures, including loops, given in the first parameter, and fall back on calling \w and \wk with the second parameter as the frame number if BGM is disabled.
    🐞 Neither PMD nor MMD reset the internal measure when stopping playback. If no BGM is playing and the previous BGM hasn't been played back for at least the given number of measures, this command will deadlock.
Since both TH04 and TH05 fade in any new text from the invisible VRAM page, these commands can be used to simulate TH03's typing effect in those games. Demo video below.
Contrary to \k and \s, specifying 0 frames would simply remove any frame delay instead of waiting forever.
The TH03-exclusive k variants allow the delay to be interrupted if ⏎ Return or Shot are held down. TH04 and TH05 recognize the k as well, but removed its functionality.
All of these commands have no effect if ESC is held.
:th03: \wk64
:th03: :th04: :th05: \wi1
Calls master.lib's palette_white_in() or palette_white_out() to play a hardware palette fade animation from or to white, spending roughly 1 frame on each of the 16 fade steps.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \=4 Immediately displays the given quarter of the loaded .PI image in the picture area, with no fade effect. Any value ≥ 4 resets the picture area to black.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \==4,1 Crossfades the picture area between its current content and quarter #4 of the loaded .PI image, spending 1 frame on each of the 4 fade steps unless ESC is held. Any value ≥ 4 is replaced with quarter #0.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \$ Stops script execution. Must be called at the end of each file; otherwise, execution continues into whatever lies after the script buffer in memory.
TH05 automatically deallocates the loaded .PI image, TH03 and TH04 require a separate manual call to \p- to not leak its memory.
Bold values signify the default if the parameter is omitted; \c is therefore equivalent to \c15.
Using the \@ command in the middle of a TH03 or TH04 cutscene script
The \@ bug. Yes, the ¥ is fake. It was easier to GIMP it than to reword the sentences so that the backslashes landed on the second byte of a 2-byte half-width character pair. :onricdennat:
Cutscene font weights in TH03Cutscene font weights in TH05, demonstrating the <code>\b3</code> bug that also affects TH04Cutscene font weights in TH03, rendered at a hypothetical unaligned X positionCutscene font weights in TH05, rendered at a hypothetical unaligned X position
The font weights and effects available through \b, including the glitch with \b3 in TH04 and TH05.
Font weight 3 is technically not rendered correctly in TH03 either; if you compare 1️⃣ with 4️⃣, you notice a single missing column of pixels at the left side of each glyph, which would extend into the previous VRAM byte. Ironically, the TH04/TH05 version is more correct in this regard: For half-width glyphs, it preserves any further pixel columns generated by the weight functions in the high byte of the 16-dot glyph variable. Unlike TH03, which still cuts them off when rendering text to unaligned X positions (3️⃣), TH04 and TH05 do bit-rotate them towards their correct place (4️⃣). It's only at byte-aligned X positions (2️⃣) where they remain at their internally calculated place, and appear on screen as these glitched pixel columns, 15 pixels away from the glyph they belong to. It's easy to blame bugs like these on micro-optimized ASM code, but in this instance, you really can't argue against it if the original C++ version was equally incorrect.
Combining \b and s- into a partial dissolve animation. The speed can be controlled with \v.
Simulating TH03's typing effect in TH04 and TH05 via \w. Even prettier in TH05 where we also get an additional fade animation after the box ends.

So yeah, that's the cutscene system. I'm dreading the moment I will have to deal with the other command interpreter in these games, i.e., the stage enemy system. Luckily, that one is completely disconnected from any other system, so I won't have to deal with it until we're close to finishing MAIN.EXE… that is, unless someone requests it before. And it won't involve text encodings or unblitting…

The cutscene system got me thinking in greater detail about how I would implement translations, being one of the main dependencies behind them. This goal has been on the order form for a while and could soon be implemented for these cutscenes, with 100% PI being right around the corner for the TH03 and TH04 cutscene executables.
Once we're there, the "Virgin" old-school way of static translation patching for Latin-script languages could be implemented fairly quickly:

  1. Establish basic UTF-8 parsing for less painful manual editing of the source files
  2. Procedurally generate glyphs for the few required additional letters based on existing font ROM glyphs. For example, we'd generate ä by painting two short lines on top of the font ROM's a glyph, or generate ¿ by vertically flipping the question mark. This way, the text retains a consistent look regardless of whether the translated game is run with an NEC or EPSON font ROM, or the hideous abomination that Neko Project II auto-generates if you don't provide either.
  3. (Optional) Change automatic line breaks to work on a per-word basis, rather than per-glyph

That's it – script editing and distribution would be handled by your local translation group. It might seem as if this would also work for Greek and Cyrillic scripts due to their presence in the PC-98 font ROM, but I'm not sure if I want to attempt procedurally shrinking these glyphs from 16×16 to 8×16… For any more thorough solution, we'd need to go for a more "Chad" kind of full-blown translation support:

  1. Implement text subdivisions at a sensible granularity while retaining automatic line and box breaks
  2. Compile translatable text into a Japanese→target language dictionary (I'm too old to develop any further translation systems that would overwrite modded source text with translations of the original text)
  3. Implement a custom Unicode font system (glyphs would be taken from GNU Unifont unless translators provide a different 8×16 font for their language)
  4. Combine the text compiler with the font compiler to only store needed glyphs as part of the translation's font file (dealing with a multi-MB font file would be rather ugly in a Real Mode game)
  5. Write a simple install/update/patch stacking tool that supports both .HDI and raw-file DOSBox-X scenarios (it's different enough from thcrap to warrant a separate tool – each patch stack would be statically compiled into a single package file in the game's directory)
  6. Add a nice language selection option to the main menu
  7. (Optional) Support proportional fonts

Which sounds more like a separate project to be commissioned from Touhou Patch Center's Open Collective funds, separate from the ReC98 cap. This way, we can make sure that the feature is completely implemented, and I can talk with every interested translator to make sure that their language works.
It's still cheaper overall to do this on PC-98 than to first port the games to a modern system and then translate them. On the other hand, most of the tasks in the Chad variant (3, 4, 5, and half of 2) purely deal with the difficulty of getting arbitrary Unicode characters to work natively in a PC-98 DOS game at all, and would be either unnecessary or trivial if we had already ported the game. Depending on where the patrons' interests lie, it may not be worth it. So let's see what all of you think about which way we should go, or whether it's worth doing at all. (Edit (2022-12-01): With Splashman's order towards the stage dialogue system, we've pretty much confirmed that it is.) Maybe we want to meet in the middle – using e.g. procedural glyph generation for dynamic translations to keep text rendering consistent with the rest of the PC-98 system, and just not support non-Latin-script languages in the beginning? In any case, I've added both options to the order form.
Edit (2023-07-28): Touhou Patch Center has agreed to fund a basic feature set somewhere between the Virgin and Chad level. Check the 📝 dedicated announcement blog post for more details and ideas, and to find out how you can support this goal!

Surprisingly, there was still a bit of RE work left in the third push after all of this, which I filled with some small rendering boilerplate. Since I also wanted to include TH02's playfield overlay functions, 1/15 of that last push went towards getting a TH02-exclusive function out of the way, which also ended up including that game in this delivery. :tannedcirno:
The other small function pointed out how TH05's Stage 5 midboss pops into the playfield quite suddenly, since its clipping test thinks it's only 32 pixels tall rather than 64:

Good chance that the pop-in might have been intended.
Edit (2023-06-30): Actually, it's a 📝 systematic consequence of ZUN having to work around the lack of clipping in master.lib's sprite functions.
There's even another quirk here: The white flash during its first frame is actually carried over from the previous midboss, which the game still considers as actively getting hit by the player shot that defeated it. It's the regular boilerplate code for rendering a midboss that resets the responsible damage variable, and that code doesn't run during the defeat explosion animation.

Next up: Staying with TH05 and looking at more of the pattern code of its boss fights. Given the remaining TH05 budget, it makes the most sense to continue in in-game order, with Sara and the Stage 2 midboss. If more money comes in towards this goal, I could alternatively go for the Mai & Yuki fight and immediately develop a pretty fix for the cheeto storage glitch. Also, there's a rather intricate pull request for direct ZMBV decoding on the website that I've still got to review…

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0214, P0215
158a91e...414770c, 414770c...3123c9d
💰 Funded by:
Ember2528, Yanga
🏷 Tags:

Last blog post before the 100% completion of TH01! The final parts of REIIDEN.EXE would feel rather out of place in a celebratory blog post, after all. They provided quite a neat summary of the typical technical details that are wrong with this game, and that I now get to mention for one final time:

But hey, there's an error message if you start REIIDEN.EXE without a resident MDRV2 or a correctly prepared resident structure! And even a good, user-friendly one, asking the user to launch the batch file instead. For some reason, this convenience went out of fashion in the later games.

The Game Over animation (how fitting) gives us TH01's final piece of weird sprite blitting code, which seriously manages to include 2 bugs and 3 quirks in under 50 lines of code. In test mode (game t or game d), you can trigger this effect by pressing the ⬇️ down arrow key, which certainly explains why I encountered seemingly random Game Over events during all the tests I did with this game…
The animation appears to have changed quite a bit during development, to the point that probably even ZUN himself didn't know what he wanted it to look like in the end:

The original version unblits a 32×32 rectangle around Reimu that only grows on the X axis… for the first 5 frames. The unblitting call is only run if the corresponding sprite wasn't clipped at the edges of the playfield in the frame before, and ZUN uses the animation's frame number rather than the sprite loop variable to index the per-sprite clip flag array. The resulting out-of-bounds access then reads the sprite coordinates instead, which are never 0, thus interpreting all 5 sprites as clipped.
This variant would interpret the declared 5 effect coordinates as distinct sprites and unblit them correctly every frame. The end result is rather wimpy though… hardly appropriate for a Game Over, especially with the original animation in mind.
This variant would not unblit anything, and is probably closest to what the final animation should have been.

Finally, we get to the big main() function, serving as the duct tape that holds this game together. It may read rather disorganized with all the (actually necessary) assignments and function calls, but the only actual minor issue I've seen there is that you're robbed of any pellet destroy bonus collected on the final frame of the final boss. There is a certain charm in directly nesting the infinite main gameplay loop within the infinite per-life loop within the infinite stage loop. But come on, why is there no fourth scene loop? :zunpet: Instead, the game just starts a new REIIDEN.EXE process before and after a boss fight. With all the wildly mutated global state, that was probably a much saner choice.

The final secrets can be found in the debug stage selection. ZUN implemented the prompts using the C standard library's scanf() function, which is the natural choice for quick-and-dirty testing features like this one. However, the C standard library is also complete and utter trash, and so it's not surprising that both of the scanf() calls do… well, probably not what ZUN intended. The guaranteed out-of-bounds memory access in the select_flag route prompt thankfully has no real effect on the game, but it gets really interesting with the 面数 stage prompt.
Back in 2020, I already wrote about 📝 stages 21-24, and how they're loaded from actual data that ZUN shipped with the game. As it now turns out, the code that maps stage IDs to STAGE?.DAT scene numbers contains an explicit branch that maps any (1-based) stage number ≥21 to scene 7. Does this mean that an Extra Stage was indeed planned at some point? That branch seems way too specific to just be meant as a fallback. Maybe Asprey was on to something after all…

However, since ZUN passed the stage ID as a signed integer to scanf(), you can also enter negative numbers. The only place that kind of accidentally checks for them is the aforementioned stage ID → scene mapping, which ensures that (1-based) stages < 5 use the shrine's background image and BGM. With no checks anywhere else, we get a new set of "glitch stages":

TH01's stage -1
Stage -1
TH01's stage -2
Stage -2
TH01's stage -3
Stage -3
TH01's stage -4
Stage -4
TH01's stage -5
Stage -5

The scene loading function takes the entered 0-based stage ID value modulo 5, so these 4 are the only ones that "exist", and lower stage numbers will simply loop around to them. When loading these stages, the function accesses the data in REIIDEN.EXE that lies before the statically allocated 5-element stages-of-scene array, which happens to encompass Borland C++'s locale and exception handling data, as well as a small bit of ZUN's global variables. In particular, the obstacle/card HP on the tile I highlighted in green corresponds to the lowest byte of the 32-bit RNG seed. If it weren't for that and the fact that the obstacles/card HP on the few tiles before are similarly controlled by the x86 segment values of certain initialization function addresses, these glitch stages would be completely deterministic across PC-98 systems, and technically canon… :tannedcirno:
Stage -4 is the only playable one here as it's the only stage to end up below the 📝 heap corruption limit of 102 stage objects. Completing it loads Stage -3, which crashes with a Divide Error just like it does if it's directly selected. Unsurprisingly, this happens because all 50 card bytes at that memory location are 0, so one division (or in this case, modulo operation) by the number of cards is enough to crash the game.
Stage -5 is modulo'd to 0 and thus loads the first regular stage. The only apparent broken element there is the timer, which is handled by a completely different function that still operates with a (0-based) stage ID value of -5. Completing the stage loads Stage -4, which also crashes, but only because its 61 cards naturally cause the 📝 stack overflow in the flip-in animation for any stage with more than 50 cards.

And that's REIIDEN.EXE, the biggest and most bloated PC-98 Touhou executable, fully decompiled! Next up: Finishing this game with the main menu, and hoping I'll actually pull it off within 24 hours. (If I do, we might all have to thank 32th System, who independently decompiled half of the remaining 14 functions…)

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0201, P0202
9342665...ff49e9e, ff49e9e...4568bf7
💰 Funded by:
Ember2528, Yanga, [Anonymous]
🏷 Tags:

The positive:

The negative:

The overview:

This time, we're back to the Orb hitbox being a logical 49×49 pixels in SinGyoku's center, and the shot hitbox being the weird one. What happens if you want the shot hitbox to be both offset to the left a bit and stretch the entire width of SinGyoku's sprite? You get a hitbox that ends in mid-air, far away from the right edge of the sprite:

Due to VRAM byte alignment, all player shots fired between gx = 376 and gx = 383 inclusive appear at the same visual X position, but are internally already partly outside the hitbox and therefore won't hit SinGyoku – compare the marked shot at gx = 376 to the one at gx = 380. So much for precisely visualizing hitboxes in this game…

Since the female and male forms also use the sphere entity's coordinates, they share the same hitbox.

Onto the rendering glitches then, which can – you guessed it – all be found in the sphere form's slam movement:

By having the sphere move from the right edge of the playfield to the left, this video demonstrates both the lazy reblitting and broken unblitting at the right edge for negative X velocities. Also, isn't it funny how Reimu can partly disappear from all the sloppy SinGyoku-related unblitting going on after her sprite was blitted?

Due to the low contrast of the sphere against the background, you typically don't notice these glitches, but the white invincibility flashing after a hit really does draw attention to them. This time, all of these glitches aren't even directly caused by ZUN having never learned about the EGC's bit length register – if he just wrote correct code for SinGyoku, none of this would have been an issue. Sigh… I wonder how many more glitches will be caused by improper use of this one function in the last 18% of REIIDEN.EXE.

There's even another bug here, with ZUN hardcoding a horizontal delta of 8 pixels rather than just passing the actual X velocity. Luckily, the maximum movement speed is 6 pixels on Lunatic, and this would have only turned into an additional observable glitch if the X velocity were to exceed 24 pixels. But that just means it's the kind of bug that still drains RE attention to prove that you can't actually observe it in-game under some circumstances.

The 5 pellet patterns are all pretty straightforward, with nothing to talk about. The code architecture during phase 2 does hint towards ZUN having had more creative patterns in mind – especially for the male form, which uses the transformation function's three pattern callback slots for three repetitions of the same pellet group.
There is one more oddity to be found at the very end of the fight:

The first frame of TH01 SinGyoku's defeat animation, showing the sphere blitted on top of a potentially active person form

Right before the defeat white-out animation, the sphere form is explicitly reblitted for no reason, on top of the form that was blitted to VRAM in the previous frame, and regardless of which form is currently active. If SinGyoku was meant to immediately transform back to the sphere form before being defeated, why isn't the person form unblitted before then? Therefore, the visibility of both forms is undeniably canon, and there is some lore meaning to be found here… :thonk:
In any case, that's SinGyoku done! 6th PC-98 Touhou boss fully decompiled, 25 remaining.

No FUUIN.EXE code rounding out the last push for a change, as the 📝 remaining missile code has been waiting in front of SinGyoku for a while. It already looked bad in November, but the angle-based sprite selection function definitely takes the cake when it comes to unnecessary and decadent floating-point abuse in this game.
The algorithm itself is very trivial: Even with 📝 .PTN requiring an additional quarter parameter to access 16×16 sprites, it's essentially just one bit shift, one addition, and one binary AND. For whatever reason though, ZUN casts the 8-bit missile angle into a 64-bit double, which turns the following explicit comparisons (!) against all possible 4 + 16 boundary angles (!!) into FPU operations. :zunpet: Even with naive and readable division and modulo operations, and the whole existence of this function not playing well with Turbo C++ 4.0J's terrible code generation at all, this could have been 3 lines of code and 35 un-inlined constant-time instructions. Instead, we've got this 207-instruction monster… but hey, at least it works. 🤷
The remaining time then went to YuugenMagan's initialization code, which allowed me to immediately remove more declarations from ASM land, but more on that once we get to the rest of that boss fight.

That leaves 76 functions until we're done with TH01! Next up: Card-flipping stage obstacles.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
💰 Funded by:
Arandui, Lmocinemod
🏷 Tags:

(Before we start: Make sure you've read the current version of the FAQ section on a potential takedown of this project, updated in light of the recent DMCA claims against PC-98 Touhou game downloads.)

Slight change of plans, because we got instructions for reliably reproducing the TH04 Kurumi Divide Error crash! Major thanks to Colin Douglas Howell. With those, it also made sense to immediately look at the crash in the Stage 4 Marisa fight as well. This way, I could release both of the obligatory bugfix mods at the same time.
Especially since it turned out that I was wrong: Both crashes are entirely unrelated to the custom entity structure that would have required PI-centric progress. They are completely specific to Kurumi's and Marisa's danmaku-pattern code, and really are two separate bugs with no connection to each other. All of the necessary research nicely fit into Arandui's 0.5 pushes, with no further deep understanding required here.

But why were there still three weeks between Colin's message and this blog post? DMCA distractions aside: There are no easy fixes this time, unlike 📝 back when I looked at the Stage 5 Yuuka crash. Just like how division by zero is undefined in mathematics, it's also, literally, undefined what should happen instead of these two Divide error crashes. This means that any possible "fix" can only ever be a fanfiction interpretation of the intentions behind ZUN's code. The gameplay community should be aware of this, and might decide to handle these cases differently. And if we have to go into fanfiction territory to work around crashes in the canon games, we'd better document what exactly we're fixing here and how, as comprehensible as possible.

  1. Kurumi's crash
  2. Marisa's crash

With that out of the way, let's look at Kurumi's crash first, since it's way easier to grasp. This one is known to primarily happen to new players, and it's easy to see why:

The pattern that causes the crash in Kurumi's fight. Also demonstrates how the number of bullets in a ring is always halved on Easy Mode after the rank-based tuning, leading to just a 3-ring on playperf = 16.

So, what should the workaround look like? Obviously, we want to modify neither the default number of ring bullets nor the tuning algorithm – that would change all other non-crashing variations of this pattern on other difficulties and ranks, creating a fork of the original gameplay. Instead, I came up with four possible workarounds that all seemed somewhat logical to me:

  1. Firing no bullet, i.e., interpreting 0-ring literally. This would create the only constellation in which a call to the bullet group spawn functions would not spawn at least one new bullet.
  2. Firing a "1-ring", i.e., a single bullet. This would be consistent with how the bullet spawn functions behave for "0-way" stack and spread groups.
  3. Firing a "∞-ring", i.e., 200 bullets, which is as much as the game's cap on 16×16 bullets would allow. This would poke fun at the whole "division by zero" idea… but given that we're still talking about Easy Mode (and especially new players) here, it might be a tad too cruel. Certainly the most trollish interpretation.
  4. Triggering an immediate Game Over, exchanging the hard crash for a softer and more controlled shutdown. Certainly the option that would be closest to the behavior of the original games, and perhaps the only one to be accepted in Serious, High-Level Play™.

As I was writing this post, it felt increasingly wrong for me to make this decision. So I once again went to Twitter, where 56.3% voted in favor of the 1-bullet option. Good that I asked! I myself was more leaning towards the 0-bullet interpretation, which only got 28.7% of the vote. Also interesting are the 2.3% in favor of the Game Over option but I get it, low-rank Easy Mode isn't exactly the most competitive mode of playing TH04.
There are reports of Kurumi crashing on higher difficulties as well, but I could verify none of them. If they aren't fixed by this workaround, they're caused by an entirely different bug that we have yet to discover.

Onto the Stage 4 Marisa crash then, which does in fact apply to all difficulty levels. I was also wrong on this one – it's a hell of a lot more intricate than being just a division by the number of on-screen bits. Without having decompiled the entire fight, I can't give a completely accurate picture of what happens there yet, but here's the rough idea:

Reference points for Marisa's point-reflected movement. Cyan: Marisa's position, green: (192, 112), yellow: the intended end point.
One of the two patterns in TH04's Stage 4 Marisa boss fight that feature frame number-dependent point-reflected movement. The bits were hacked to self-destruct on the respective frame.

tl;dr: "Game crashes if last bit destroyed within 4-frame window near end of two patterns". For an informed decision on a new movement behavior for these last 8 frames, we definitely need to know all the details behind the crash though. Here's what I would interpret into the code:

  1. Not moving at all, i.e., interpreting 0 as the middle ground between positive and negative movement. This would also make sense because a 12-frame duration implies 100% of the movement to consist of the braking phase – and Marisa wasn't moving before, after all.
  2. Move at maximum speed, i.e., dividing by 1 rather than 0. Since the movement duration is still 12 in this case, Marisa will immediately start braking. In total, she will move exactly ¾ of the way from her initial position to (192, 112) within the 8 frames before the pattern ends.
  3. Directly warping to (192, 112) on frame 0, and to the point-reflected target on 4, respectively. This "emulates" the division by zero by moving Marisa at infinite speed to the exact two points indicated by the velocity formula. It also fits nicely into the 8 frames we have to fill here. Sure, Marisa can't reach these points at any other duration, but why shouldn't she be able to, with infinite speed? Then again, if Marisa is far away enough from (192, 112), this workaround would warp her across the entire playfield. Can Marisa teleport according to lore? I have no idea… :tannedcirno:
  4. Triggering an immediate Game O– hell no, this is the Stage 4 boss, people already hate losing runs to this bug!

Asking Twitter worked great for the Kurumi workaround, so let's do it again! Gotta attach a screenshot of an earlier draft of this blog post though, since this stuff is impossible to explain in tweets…

…and it went through the roof, becoming the most successful ReC98 tweet so far?! Apparently, y'all really like to just look at descriptions of overly complex bugs that I'd consider way beyond the typical attention span that can be expected from Twitter. Unfortunately, all those tweet impressions didn't quite translate into poll turnout. The results were pretty evenly split between 1) and 2), with option 1) just coming out slightly ahead at 49.1%, compared to 41.5% of option 2).

(And yes, I only noticed after creating the poll that warping to both the green and yellow points made more sense than warping to just one of the two. Let's hope that this additional variant wouldn't have shifted the results too much. Both warp options only got 9.4% of the vote after all, and no one else came up with the idea either. :onricdennat: In the end, you can always merge together your preferred combination of workarounds from the Git branches linked below.)

So here you go: The new definitive version of TH04, containing not only the community-chosen Kurumi and Stage 4 Marisa workaround variant, but also the 📝 No-EMS bugfix from last year. Edit (2022-05-31): This package is outdated, 📝 the current version is here! 2022-04-18-community-choice-fixes.zip Oh, and let's also add spaztron64's TH03 GDC clock fix from 2019 because why not. This binary was built from the community_choice_fixes branch, and you can find the code for all the individual workarounds on these branches:

Again, because it can't be stated often enough: These fixes are fanfiction. The gameplay community should be aware of this, and might decide to handle these cases differently.

With all of that taking way more time to evaluate and document, this research really had to become part of a proper push, instead of just being covered in the quick non-push blog post I initially intended. With ½ of a push left at the end, TH05's Stage 1-5 boss background rendering functions fit in perfectly there. If you wonder how these static backdrop images even need any boss-specific code to begin with, you're right – it's basically the same function copy-pasted 4 times, differing only in the backdrop image coordinates and some other inconsequential details.
Only Sara receives a nice variation of the typical 📝 blocky entrance animation: The usually opaque bitmap data from ST00.BB is instead used as a transition mask from stage tiles to the backdrop image, by making clever use of the tile invalidation system:

TH04 uses the same effect a bit more frequently, for its first three bosses.

Next up: Shinki, for real this time! I've already managed to decompile 10 of her 11 danmaku patterns within a little more than one push – and yes, that one is included in there. Looks like I've slightly overestimated the amount of work required for TH04's and TH05's bosses…

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0165, P0166, P0167
7a0e5d8...f2bca01, f2bca01...e697907, e697907...c2de6ab
💰 Funded by:
🏷 Tags:

OK, TH01 missile bullets. Can we maybe have a well-behaved entity type, without any weirdness? Just once?

Ehh, kinda. Apart from another 150 bytes wasted on unused structure members, this code is indeed more on the low end in terms of overall jank. It does become very obvious why dodging these missiles in the YuugenMagan, Mima, and Elis fights feels so awful though: An unfair 46×46 pixel hitbox around Reimu's center pixel, combined with the comeback of 📝 interlaced rendering, this time in every stage. ZUN probably did this because missiles are the only 16×16 sprite in TH01 that is blitted to unaligned X positions, which effectively ends up touching a 32×16 area of VRAM per sprite.
But even if we assume VRAM writes to be the bottleneck here, it would have been totally possible to render every missile in every frame at roughly the same amount of CPU time that the original game uses for interlaced rendering:

That's an optimization that would have significantly benefitted the game, in contrast to all of the fake ones introduced in later games. Then again, this optimization is actually something that the later games do, and it might have in fact been necessary to achieve their higher bullet counts without significant slowdown.

Unfortunately, it was only worth decompiling half of the missile code right now, thanks to gratuitous FPU usage in the other half, where 📝 double variables are compared to float literals. That one will have to wait 📝 until after SinGyoku.

After some effectively unused Mima sprite effect code that is so broken that it's impossible to make sense out of it, we get to the final feature I wanted to cover for all bosses in parallel before returning to Sariel: The separate sprite background storage for moving or animated boss sprites in the Mima, Elis, and Sariel fights. But, uh… why is this necessary to begin with? Doesn't TH01 already reserve the other VRAM page for backgrounds?
Well, these sprites are quite big, and ZUN didn't want to blit them from main memory on every frame. After all, TH01 and TH02 had a minimum required clock speed of 33 MHz, half of the speed required for the later three games. So, he simply blitted these boss sprites to both VRAM pages, leading the usual unblitting calls to only remove the other sprites on top of the boss. However, these bosses themselves want to move across the screen… and this makes it necessary to save the stage background behind them in some other way.

Enter .PTN, and its functions to capture a 16×16 or 32×32 square from VRAM into a sprite slot. No problem with that approach in theory, as the size of all these bigger sprites is a multiple of 32×32; splitting a larger sprite into these smaller 32×32 chunks makes the code look just a little bit clumsy (and, of course, slower).
But somewhere during the development of Mima's fight, ZUN apparently forgot that those sprite backgrounds existed. And once Mima's 🚫 casting sprite is blitted on top of her regular sprite, using just regular sprite transparency, she ends up with her infamous third arm:

TH01 Mima's third arm

Ironically, there's an unused code path in Mima's unblit function where ZUN assumes a height of 48 pixels for Mima's animation sprites rather than the actual 64. This leads to even clumsier .PTN function calls for the bottom 128×16 pixels… Failing to unblit the bottom 16 pixels would have also yielded that third arm, although it wouldn't have looked as natural. Still wouldn't say that it was intentional; maybe this casting sprite was just added pretty late in the game's development?

So, mission accomplished, Sariel unblocked… at 2¼ pushes. :thonk: That's quite some time left for some smaller stage initialization code, which bundles a bunch of random function calls in places where they logically really don't belong. The stage opening animation then adds a bunch of VRAM inter-page copies that are not only redundant but can't even be understood without knowing the hidden internal state of the last VRAM page accessed by previous ZUN code…
In better news though: Turbo C++ 4.0 really doesn't seem to have any complexity limit on inlining arithmetic expressions, as long as they only operate on compile-time constants. That's how we get macro-free, compile-time Shift-JIS to JIS X 0208 conversion of the individual code points in the 東方★靈異伝 string, in a compiler from 1994. As long as you don't store any intermediate results in variables, that is… :tannedcirno:

But wait, there's more! With still ¼ of a push left, I also went for the boss defeat animation, which includes the route selection after the SinGyoku fight.
As in all other instances, the 2× scaled font is accomplished by first rendering the text at regular 1× resolution to the other, invisible VRAM page, and then scaled from there to the visible one. However, the route selection is unique in that its scaled text is both drawn transparently on top of the stage background (not onto a black one), and can also change colors depending on the selection. It would have been no problem to unblit and reblit the text by rendering the 1× version to a position on the invisible VRAM page that isn't covered by the 2× version on the visible one, but ZUN (needlessly) clears the invisible page before rendering any text. :zunpet: Instead, he assigned a separate VRAM color for both the 魔界 and 地獄 options, and only changed the palette value for these colors to white or gray, depending on the correct selection. This is another one of the 📝 rare cases where TH01 demonstrates good use of PC-98 hardware, as the 魔界へ and 地獄へ strings don't need to be reblitted during the selection process, only the Orb "cursor" does.

Then, why does this still not count as good-code? When changing palette colors, you kinda need to be aware of everything else that can possibly be on screen, which colors are used there, and which aren't and can therefore be used for such an effect without affecting other sprites. In this case, well… hover over the image below, and notice how Reimu's hair and the bomb sprites in the HUD light up when Makai is selected:

Demonstration of palette changes in TH01's route selection

This push did end on a high note though, with the generic, non-SinGyoku version of the defeat animation being an easily parametrizable copy. And that's how you decompile another 2.58% of TH01 in just slightly over three pushes.

Now, we're not only ready to decompile Sariel, but also Kikuri, Elis, and SinGyoku without needing any more detours into non-boss code. Thanks to the current TH01 funding subscriptions, I can plan to cover most, if not all, of Sariel in a single push series, but the currently 3 pending pushes probably won't suffice for Sariel's 8.10% of all remaining code in TH01. We've got quite a lot of not specifically TH01-related funds in the backlog to pass the time though.

Due to recent developments, it actually makes quite a lot of sense to take a break from TH01: spaztron64 has managed what every Touhou download site so far has failed to do: Bundling all 5 game onto a single .HDI together with pre-configured PC-98 emulators and a nice boot menu, and hosting the resulting package on a proper website. While this first release is already quite good (and much better than my attempt from 2014), there is still a bit of room for improvement to be gained from specific ReC98 research. Next up, therefore:

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0162, P0163, P0164
81dd96e...24b3a0d, 24b3a0d...6d572b3, 6d572b3...7a0e5d8
💰 Funded by:
Ember2528, Yanga
🏷 Tags:

No technical obstacles for once! Just pure overcomplicated ZUN code. Unlike 📝 Konngara's main function, the main TH01 player function was every bit as difficult to decompile as you would expect from its size.

With TH01 using both separate left- and right-facing sprites for all of Reimu's moves and separate classes for Reimu's 32×32 and 48×* sprites, we're already off to a bad start. Sure, sprite mirroring is minimally more involved on PC-98, as the planar nature of VRAM requires the bits within an 8-pixel byte to also be mirrored, in addition to writing the sprite bytes from right to left. TH03 uses a 256-byte lookup table for this, generated at runtime by an infamous micro-optimized and undecompilable ASM algorithm. With TH01's existing architecture, ZUN would have then needed to write 3 additional blitting functions. But instead, he chose to waste a total of 26,112 bytes of memory on pre-mirrored sprites… :godzun:

Alright, but surely selecting those sprites from code is no big deal? Just store the direction Reimu is facing in, and then add some branches to the rendering code. And there is in fact a variable for Reimu's direction… during regular arrow-key movement, and another one while shooting and sliding, and a third as part of the special attack types, launched out of a slide.
Well, OK, technically, the last two are the same variable. But that's even worse, because it means that ZUN stores two distinct enums at the same place in memory: Shooting and sliding uses 1 for left, 2 for right, and 3 for the "invalid" direction of holding both, while the special attack types indicate the direction in their lowest bit, with 0 for right and 1 for left. I decompiled the latter as bitflags, but in ZUN's code, each of the 8 permutations is handled as a distinct type, with copy-pasted and adapted code… :zunpet: The interpretation of this two-enum "sub-mode" union variable is controlled by yet another "mode" variable… and unsurprisingly, two of the bugs in this function relate to the sub-mode variable being interpreted incorrectly.

Also, "rendering code"? This one big function basically consists of separate unblit→update→render code snippets for every state and direction Reimu can be in (moving, shooting, swinging, sliding, special-attacking, and bombing), pasted together into a tangled mess of nested if(…) statements. While a lot of the code is copy-pasted, there are still a number of inconsistencies that defeat the point of my usual refactoring treatment. After all, with a total of 85 conditional branches, anything more than I did would have just obscured the control flow too badly, making it even harder to understand what's going on.
In the end, I spotted a total of 8 bugs in this function, all of which leave Reimu invisible for one or more frames:

Thanks to the last one, Reimu's first swing animation frame is never actually rendered. So whenever someone complains about TH01 sprite flickering on an emulator: That emulator is accurate, it's the game that's poorly written. :tannedcirno:

And guess what, this function doesn't even contain everything you'd associate with per-frame player behavior. While it does handle Yin-Yang Orb repulsion as part of slides and special attacks, it does not handle the actual player/Orb collision that results in lives being lost. The funny thing about this: These two things are done in the same function… :onricdennat:

Therefore, the life loss animation is also part of another function. This is where we find the final glitch in this 3-push series: Before the 16-frame shake, this function only unblits a 32×32 area around Reimu's center point, even though it's possible to lose a life during the non-deflecting part of a 48×48-pixel animation. In that case, the extra pixels will just stay on screen during the shake. They are unblitted afterwards though, which suggests that ZUN was at least somewhat aware of the issue?
Finally, the chance to see the alternate life loss sprite Alternate TH01 life loss sprite is exactly ⅛.

As for any new insights into game mechanics… you know what? I'm just not going to write anything, and leave you with this flowchart instead. Here's the definitive guide on how to control Reimu in TH01 we've been waiting for 24 years:

(SVG download)

Pellets are deflected during all gray states. Not shown is the obvious "double-tap Z and X" transition from all non-(#1) states to the Bomb state, but that would have made this diagram even more unwieldy than it turned out. And yes, you can shoot twice as fast while moving left or right.

While I'm at it, here are two more animations from MIKO.PTN which aren't referenced by any code:

An unused animation from TH01's MIKO.PTNAn unused animation from TH01's MIKO.PTN

With that monster of a function taken care of, we've only got boss sprite animation as the final blocker of uninterrupted Sariel progress. Due to some unfavorable code layout in the Mima segment though, I'll need to spend a bit more time with some of the features used there. Next up: The missile bullets used in the Mima and YuugenMagan fights.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0160, P0161
e491cd7...42ba4a5, 42ba4a5...81dd96e
💰 Funded by:
Yanga, [Anonymous]
🏷 Tags:

Nothing really noteworthy in TH01's stage timer code, just yet another HUD element that is needlessly drawn into VRAM. Sure, ZUN applies his custom boldfacing effect on top of the glyphs retrieved from font ROM, but he could have easily installed those modified glyphs as gaiji.
Well, OK, halfwidth gaiji aren't exactly well documented, and sometimes not even correctly emulated 📝 due to the same PC-98 hardware oddity I was researching last month. I've reserved two of the pending anonymous "anything" pushes for the conclusion of this research, just in case you were wondering why the outstanding workload is now lower after the two delivered here.

And since it doesn't seem to be clearly documented elsewhere: Every 2 ticks on the stage timer correspond to 4 frames.

So, TH01 rank pellet speed. The resident pellet speed value is a factor ranging from a minimum of -0.375 up to a maximum of 0.5 (pixels per frame), multiplied with the difficulty-adjusted base speed for each pellet and added on top of that same speed. This multiplier is modified

Apparently, ZUN noted that these deltas couldn't be losslessly stored in an IEEE 754 floating-point variable, and therefore didn't store the pellet speed factor exactly in a way that would correspond to its gameplay effect. Instead, it's stored similar to Q12.4 subpixels: as a simple integer, pre-multiplied by 40. This results in a raw range of -15 to 20, which is what the undecompiled ASM calls still use. When spawning a new pellet, its base speed is first multiplied by that factor, and then divided by 40 again. This is actually quite smart: The calculation doesn't need to be aware of either Q12.4 or the 40× format, as ((Q12.4 * factor×40) / factor×40) still comes out as a Q12.4 subpixel even if all numbers are integers. The only limiting issue here would be the potential overflow of the 16-bit multiplication at unadjusted base speeds of more than 50 pixels per frame, but that'd be seriously unplayable.
So yeah, pellet speed modifications are indeed gradual, and don't just fall into the coarse three "high, normal, and low" categories.

That's ⅝ of P0160 done, and the continue and pause menus would make good candidates to fill up the remaining ⅜… except that it seemed impossible to figure out the correct compiler options for this code?
The issues centered around the two effects of Turbo C++ 4.0J's -O switch:

  1. Optimizing jump instructions: merging duplicate successive jumps into a single one, and merging duplicated instructions at the end of conditional branches into a single place under a single branch, which the other branches then jump to
  2. Compressing ADD SP and POP CX stack-clearing instructions after multiple successive CALLs to __cdecl functions into a single ADD SP with the combined parameter stack size of all function calls

But how can the ASM for these functions exhibit #1 but not #2? How can it be seemingly optimized and unoptimized at the same time? The only option that gets somewhat close would be -O- -y, which emits line number information into the .OBJ files for debugging. This combination provides its own kind of #1, but these functions clearly need the real deal.

The research into this issue ended up consuming a full push on its own. In the end, this solution turned out to be completely unrelated to compiler options, and instead came from the effects of a compiler bug in a totally different place. Initializing a local structure instance or array like

const uint4_t flash_colors[3] = { 3, 4, 5 };

always emits the { 3, 4, 5 } array into the program's data segment, and then generates a call to the internal SCOPY@ function which copies this data array to the local variable on the stack. And as soon as this SCOPY@ call is emitted, the -O optimization #1 is disabled for the entire rest of the translation unit?!
So, any code segment with an SCOPY@ call followed by __cdecl functions must strictly be decompiled from top to bottom, mirroring the original layout of translation units. That means no TH01 continue and pause menus before we haven't decompiled the bomb animation, which contains such an SCOPY@ call. 😕
Luckily, TH01 is the only game where this bug leads to significant restrictions in decompilation order, as later games predominantly use the pascal calling convention, in which each function itself clears its stack as part of its RET instruction.

What now, then? With 51% of REIIDEN.EXE decompiled, we're slowly running out of small features that can be decompiled within ⅜ of a push. Good that I haven't been looking a lot into OP.EXE and FUUIN.EXE, which pretty much only got easy pieces of code left to do. Maybe I'll end up finishing their decompilations entirely within these smaller gaps?
I still ended up finding one more small piece in REIIDEN.EXE though: The particle system, seen in the Mima fight.

I like how everything about this animation is contained within a single function that is called once per frame, but ZUN could have really consolidated the spawning code for new particles a bit. In Mima's fight, particles are only spawned from the top and right edges of the screen, but the function in fact contains unused code for all other 7 possible directions, written in quite a bloated manner. This wouldn't feel quite as unused if ZUN had used an angle parameter instead… :thonk: Also, why unnecessarily waste another 40 bytes of the BSS segment?

But wait, what's going on with the very first spawned particle that just stops near the bottom edge of the screen in the video above? Well, even in such a simple and self-contained function, ZUN managed to include an off-by-one error. This one then results in an out-of-bounds array access on the 80th frame, where the code attempts to spawn a 41st particle. If the first particle was unlucky to be both slow enough and spawned away far enough from the bottom and right edges, the spawning code will then kill it off before its unblitting code gets to run, leaving its pixel on the screen until something else overlaps it and causes it to be unblitted.
Which, during regular gameplay, will quickly happen with the Orb, all the pellets flying around, and your own player movement. Also, the RNG can easily spawn this particle at a position and velocity that causes it to leave the screen more quickly. Kind of impressive how ZUN laid out the structure of arrays in a way that ensured practically no effect of this bug on the game; this glitch could have easily happened every 80 frames instead. He almost got close to all bugs canceling out each other here! :godzun:

Next up: The player control functions, including the second-biggest function in all of PC-98 Touhou.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0158, P0159
bf7bb7e...c0c0ebc, c0c0ebc...e491cd7
💰 Funded by:
🏷 Tags:

Of course, Sariel's potentially bloated and copy-pasted code is blocked by even more definitely bloated and copy-pasted code. It's TH01, what did you expect? :tannedcirno:

But even then, TH01's item code is on a new level of software architecture ridiculousness. First, ZUN uses distinct arrays for both types of items, with their own caps of 4 for bomb items, and 10 for point items. Since that obviously makes any type-related switch statement redundant, he also used distinct functions for both types, with copy-pasted boilerplate code. The main per-item update and render function is shared though… and takes every single accessed member of the item structure as its own reference parameter. Like, why, you have a structure, right there?! That's one way to really practice the C++ language concept of passing arbitrary structure fields by mutable reference… :zunpet:
To complete the unwarranted grand generic design of this function, it calls back into per-type collision detection, drop, and collect functions with another three reference parameters. Yeah, why use C++ virtual methods when you can also implement the effectively same polymorphism functionality by hand? Oh, and the coordinate clamping code in one of these callbacks could only possibly have come from nested min() and max() preprocessor macros. And that's how you extend such dead-simple functionality to 1¼ pushes…

Amidst all this jank, we've at least got a sensible item↔player hitbox this time, with 24 pixels around Reimu's center point to the left and right, and extending from 24 pixels above Reimu down to the bottom of the playfield. It absolutely didn't look like that from the initial naive decompilation though. Changing entity coordinates from left/top to center was one of the better lessons from TH01 that ZUN implemented in later games, it really makes collision detection code much more intuitive to grasp.

The card flip code is where we find out some slightly more interesting aspects about item drops in this game, and how they're controlled by a hidden cycle variable:

Then again, score players largely ignore point items anyway, as card combos simply have a much bigger effect on the score. With this, I should have RE'd all information necessary to construct a tool-assisted score run, though?
Edit: Turns out that 1) point items are becoming increasingly important in score runs, and 2) Pearl already did a TAS some months ago. Thanks to spaztron64 for the info!

The Orb↔card hitbox also makes perfect sense, with 24 pixels around the center point of a card in every direction.

The rest of the code confirms the card flip score formula documented on Touhou Wiki, as well as the way cards are flipped by bombs: During every of the 90 "damaging" frames of the 140-frame bomb animation, there is a 75% chance to flip the card at the [bomb_frame % total_card_count_in_stage] array index. Since stages can only have up to 50 cards 📝 thanks to a bug, even a 75% chance is high enough to typically flip most cards during a bomb. Each of these flips still only removes a single card HP, just like after a regular collision with the Orb.
Also, why are the card score popups rendered before the cards themselves? That's two needless frames of flicker during that 25-frame animation. Not all too noticeable, but still.

And that's over 50% of REIIDEN.EXE decompiled as well! Next up: More HUD update and rendering code… with a direct dependency on rank pellet speed modifications?

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
💰 Funded by:
🏷 Tags:

Yup, there still are features that can be fully covered in a single push and don't lead to sprawling blog posts. The giant STAGE number and HARRY UP messages, as well as the flashing transparent 東方★靈異伝 at the beginning of each scene are drawn by retrieving the glyphs for each letter from font ROM, and then "blitting" them to text RAM by placing a colored fullwidth 16×16 square at every pixel that is set in the font bitmap.
And 📝 once again, ZUN's code there matches the mediocre example code for the related hardware interrupt from the PC-9801 Programmers' Bible. It's not 100% copied this time, but definitely inspired by the code on page 121. Therefore, we can conclude that these letters are probably only displayed as these 16× scaled glyphs because that book had code on how to achieve this effect.

ZUN "improved" on the example code by implementing a write-only cursor over the entire text RAM that fills every 16×16 cell with a differently colored space character, fully clearing the text RAM as a side effect. For once, he even removed some redundancy here by using helper functions! It's all still far from good-code though. For example, there's a function for filling 5 rows worth of cells, which he uses for both the top and bottom margin of these letters. But since the bottom margin starts at the 22nd line, the code writes past the 25th line and into the second TRAM page. Good that this page is not used by either the hardware or the game.

These cursor functions can actually write any fullwidth JIS code point to text RAM… and seem to do that in a rather simplified way, because shouldn't you set the most significant bit to indicate the right half of a fullwidth character? That's what's written in the same book that ZUN copied all functions out of, after all. 🤔 Researching this led me down quite the rabbit hole, where I found an oddity in PC-98 text RAM rendering that no single one of the widely-used PC-98 emulators gets completely right. I'm almost done with the 2-push research into this issue, which will include fixes for DOSBox-X and Neko Project II. The only thing I'm missing to get these fully accurate is a screenshot of the output created by this binary, on any PC-98 model made by EPSON: 2021-09-12-jist0x28.com.zip That's the reason why this push was rather delayed. Thanks in advance to anyone who'd like to help with this!

In maybe more disappointing news: Sariel is going to be delayed for a while longer. 😕 The player- and HUD-related functions, which previously delayed further progress there, turned out to call a lot of not yet RE'd functions themselves. Seems as if we're doing most of the card-flipping code second, after all? Next up: Point and bomb items, which at least are a significant step in terms of position independence.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0149, P0150, P0151, P0152
e1a26bb...05e4c4a, 05e4c4a...768251d, 768251d...4d24ca5, 4d24ca5...81fc861
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, Ember2528, -Tom-, [Anonymous]
🏷 Tags:

…or maybe not that soon, as it would have only wasted time to untangle the bullet update commits from the rest of the progress. So, here's all the bullet spawning code in TH04 and TH05 instead. I hope you're ready for this, there's a lot to talk about!

(For the sake of readability, "bullets" in this blog post refers to the white 8×8 pellets and all 16×16 bullets loaded from MIKO16.BFT, nothing else.)

But first, what was going on 📝 in 2020? Spent 4 pushes on the basic types and constants back then, still ended up confusing a couple of things, and even getting some wrong. Like how TH05's "bullet slowdown" flag actually always prevents slowdown and fires bullets at a constant speed instead. :tannedcirno: Or how "random spread" is not the best term to describe that unused bullet group type in TH04.
Or that there are two distinct ways of clearing all bullets on screen, which deserve different names:

Mechanic #1: Clearing bullets for a custom amount of time, awarding 1000 points for all bullets alive on the first frame, and 100 points for all bullets spawned during the clear time.
Mechanic #2: Zapping bullets for a fixed 16 frames, awarding a semi-exponential and loudly announced Bonus!! for all bullets alive on the first frame, and preventing new bullets from being spawned during those 16 frames. In TH04 at least; thanks to a ZUN bug, zapping got reduced to 1 frame and no animation in TH05…

Bullets are zapped at the end of most midboss and boss phases, and cleared everywhere else – most notably, during bombs, when losing a life, or as rewards for extends or a maximized Dream bonus. The Bonus!! points awarded for zapping bullets are calculated iteratively, so it's not trivial to give an exact formula for these. For a small number 𝑛 of bullets, it would exactly be 5𝑛³ - 10𝑛² + 15𝑛 points – or, using uth05win's (correct) recursive definition, Bonus(𝑛) = Bonus(𝑛-1) + 15𝑛² - 5𝑛 + 10. However, one of the internal step variables is capped at a different number of points for each difficulty (and game), after which the points only increase linearly. Hence, "semi-exponential".

On to TH04's bullet spawn code then, because that one can at least be decompiled. And immediately, we have to deal with a pointless distinction between regular bullets, with either a decelerating or constant velocity, and special bullets, with preset velocity changes during their lifetime. That preset has to be set somewhere, so why have separate functions? In TH04, this separation continues even down to the lowest level of functions, where values are written into the global bullet array. TH05 merges those two functions into one, but then goes too far and uses self-modifying code to save a grand total of two local variables… Luckily, the rest of its actual code is identical to TH04.

Most of the complexity in bullet spawning comes from the (thankfully shared) helper function that calculates the velocities of the individual bullets within a group. Both games handle each group type via a large switch statement, which is where TH04 shows off another Turbo C++ 4.0 optimization: If the range of case values is too sparse to be meaningfully expressed in a jump table, it usually generates a linear search through a second value table. But with the -G command-line option, it instead generates branching code for a binary search through the set of cases. 𝑂(log 𝑛) as the worst case for a switch statement in a C++ compiler from 1994… that's so cool. But still, why are the values in TH04's group type enum all over the place to begin with? :onricdennat:
Unfortunately, this optimization is pretty rare in PC-98 Touhou. It only shows up here and in a few places in TH02, compared to at least 50 switch value tables.

In all of its micro-optimized pointlessness, TH05's undecompilable version at least fixes some of TH04's redundancy. While it's still not even optimal, it's at least a decently written piece of ASM… if you take the time to understand what's going on there, because it certainly took quite a bit of that to verify that all of the things which looked like bugs or quirks were in fact correct. And that's how the code for this function ended up with 35% comments and blank lines before I could confidently call it "reverse-engineered"…
Oh well, at least it finally fixes a correctness issue from TH01 and TH04, where an invalid bullet group type would fill all remaining slots in the bullet array with identical versions of the first bullet.

Something that both games also share in these functions is an over-reliance on globals for return values or other local state. The most ridiculous example here: Tuning the speed of a bullet based on rank actually mutates the global bullet template… which ZUN then works around by adding a wrapper function around both regular and special bullet spawning, which saves the base speed before executing that function, and restores it afterward. :zunpet: Add another set of wrappers to bypass that exact tuning, and you've expanded your nice 1-function interface to 4 functions. Oh, and did I mention that TH04 pointlessly duplicates the first set of wrapper functions for 3 of the 4 difficulties, which can't even be explained with "debugging reasons"? That's 10 functions then… and probably explains why I've procrastinated this feature for so long.

At this point, I also finally stopped decompiling ZUN's original ASM just for the sake of it. All these small TH05 functions would look horribly unidiomatic, are identical to their decompiled TH04 counterparts anyway, except for some unique constant… and, in the case of TH05's rank-based speed tuning function, actually become undecompilable as soon as we want to return a C++ class to preserve the semantic meaning of the return value. Mainly, this is because Turbo C++ does not allow register pseudo-variables like _AX or _AL to be cast into class types, even if their size matches. Decompiling that function would have therefore lowered the quality of the rest of the decompiled code, in exchange for the additional maintenance and compile-time cost of another translation unit. Not worth it – and for a TH05 port, you'd already have to decompile all the rest of the bullet spawning code anyway!

The only thing in there that was still somewhat worth being decompiled was the pre-spawn clipping and collision detection function. Due to what's probably a micro-optimization mistake, the TH05 version continues to spawn a bullet even if it was spawned on top of the player. This might sound like it has a different effect on gameplay… until you realize that the player got hit in this case and will either lose a life or deathbomb, both of which will cause all on-screen bullets to be cleared anyway. So it's at most a visual glitch.

But while we're at it, can we please stop talking about hitboxes? At least in the context of TH04 and TH05 bullets. The actual collision detection is described way better as a kill delta of 8×8 pixels between the center points of the player and a bullet. You can distribute these pixels to any combination of bullet and player "hitboxes" that make up 8×8. 4×4 around both the player and bullets? 1×1 for bullets, and 8×8 for the player? All equally valid… or perhaps none of them, once you keep in mind that other entity types might have different kill deltas. With that in mind, the concept of a "hitbox" turns into just a confusing abstraction.

The same is true for the 36×44 graze box delta. For some reason, this one is not exactly around the center of a bullet, but shifted to the right by 2 pixels. So, a bullet can be grazed up to 20 pixels right of the player, but only up to 16 pixels left of the player. uth05win also spotted this… and rotated the deltas clockwise by 90°?!

Which brings us to the bullet updates… for which I still had to research a decompilation workaround, because 📝 P0148 turned out to not help at all? Instead, the solution was to lie to the compiler about the true segment distance of the popup function and declare its signature far rather than near. This allowed ZUN to save that ridiculous overhead of 1 additional far function call/return per frame, and those precious 2 bytes in the BSS segment that he didn't have to spend on a segment value. 📝 Another function that didn't have just a single declaration in a common header file… really, 📝 how were these games even built???

The function itself is among the longer ones in both games. It especially stands out in the indentation department, with 7 levels at its most indented point – and that's the minimum of what's possible without goto. Only two more notable discoveries there:

  1. Bullets are the only entity affected by Slow Mode. If the number of bullets on screen is ≥ (24 + (difficulty * 8) + rank) in TH04, or (42 + (difficulty * 8)) in TH05, Slow Mode reduces the frame rate by 33%, by waiting for one additional VSync event every two frames.
    The code also reveals a second tier, with 50% slowdown for a slightly higher number of bullets, but that conditional branch can never be executed :zunpet:
  2. Bullets must have been grazed in a previous frame before they can be collided with. (Note how this does not apply to bullets that spawned on top of the player, as explained earlier!)

Whew… When did ReC98 turn into a full-on code review?! 😅 And after all this, we're still not done with TH04 and TH05 bullets, with all the special movement types still missing. That should be less than one push though, once we get to it. Next up: Back to TH01 and Konngara! Now have fun rewriting the Touhou Wiki Gameplay pages 😛

📝 Posted:
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Back after taking way too long to get Touhou Patch Center's MediaWiki update feature complete… I'm still waiting for more translators to test and review the new translation interface before delivering and deploying it all, which will most likely lead to another break from ReC98 within the next few months. For now though, I'm happy to have mostly addressed the nagging responsibility I still had after willing that site into existence, and to be back working on ReC98. 🙂

As announced, the next few pushes will focus on TH04's and TH05's bullet spawning code, before I get to put all that accumulated TH01 money towards finishing all of konngara's code in TH01. For a full picture of what's happening with bullets, we'd really also like to have the bullet update function as readable C code though.
Clearing all bullets on the playfield will trigger a Bonus!! popup, displayed as 📝 gaiji in that proportional font. Unfortunately, TLINK refused to link the code as soon as I referenced the function for animating the popups at the top of the playfield? Which can only mean that we have to decompile that function first… :thonk:

So, let's turn that piece of technical debt into a full push, and first decompile another random set of previously reverse-engineered TH04 and TH05 functions. Most of these are stored in a different place within the two MAIN.EXE binaries, and the tried-and-true method of matching segment names would therefore have introduced several unnecessary translation units. So I resorted to a segment splitting technique I should have started using way earlier: Simply creating new segments with names derived from their functions, at the exact positions they're needed. All the new segment start and end directives do bloat the ASM code somewhat, and certainly contributed to this push barely removing any actual lines of code. However, what we get in return is total freedom as far as decompilation order is concerned, 📝 which should be the case for any ReC project, really. And in the end, all these tiny code segments will cancel out anyway.
If only we could do the same with the data segment…

The popup function happened to be the final one I RE'd before my long break in the spring of 2019. Back then, I didn't even bother looking into that 64-frame delay between changing popups, and what that meant for the game.
Each of these popups stays on screen for 128 frames, during which, of course, another popup-worthy event might happen. Handling this cleanly without removing previous popups too early would involve some sort of event queue, whose size might even be meaningfully limited to the number of distinct events that can happen. But still, that'd be a data structure, and we're not gonna have that! :zunpet: Instead, ZUN simply keeps two variables for the new and current popup ID. During an active popup, any change to that ID will only be committed once the current popup has been shown for at least 64 frames. And during that time, that new ID can be freely overwritten with a different one, which drops any previous, undisplayed event. But surely, there won't be more than two events happening within 63 frames, right? :tannedcirno:

The rest was fairly uneventful – no newly RE'd functions in this push, after all – until I reached the widely used helper function for applying the current vertical scrolling offset to a Y coordinate. Its combination of a function parameter, the pascal calling convention, and no stack frame was previously thought to be undecompilable… except that it isn't, and the decompilation didn't even require any new workarounds to be developed? Good thing that I already forgot how impossible it was to decompile the first function I looked at that fell into this category!
Oh well, this discovery wasn't too groundbreaking. Looking back at all the other functions with that combination only revealed a grand total of 1 additional one where a decompilation made sense: TH05's version of snd_kaja_interrupt(), which is now compiled from the same C++ file for all 4 games that use it. And well, looks like some quirks really remain unnoticed and undocumented until you look at a function for the 11th time: Its return value is undefined if BGM is inactive – that is, if the user disabled it, or if no FM board is installed. Not that it matters for the original code, which never uses this function to retrieve anything from KAJA's drivers. But people apparently do copy ReC98 code into their own projects, so it is something to keep in mind.

All in all, nothing quite at jank level in this one, but we were surely grazing that tag. Next up, with that out of the way: The bullet update/step function! Very soon in fact, since I've mostly got it done already.

📝 Posted:
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Ember2528, -Tom-
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Didn't quite get to cover background rendering for TH05's Stage 1-5 bosses in this one, as I had to reverse-engineer two more fundamental parts involved in boss background rendering before.

First, we got the those blocky transitions from stage tiles to bomb and boss backgrounds, loaded from BB*.BB and ST*.BB, respectively. These files store 16 frames of animation, with every bit corresponding to a 16×16 tile on the playfield. With 384×368 pixels to be covered, that would require 69 bytes per frame. But since that's a very odd number to work with in micro-optimized ASM, ZUN instead stores 512×512 pixels worth of bits, ending up with a frame size of 128 bytes, and a per-frame waste of 59 bytes. :tannedcirno: At least it was possible to decompile the core blitting function as __fastcall for once.
But wait, TH05 comes with, and loads, a bomb .BB file for every character, not just for the Reimu and Yuuka bomb transitions you see in-game… 🤔 Restoring those unused stage tile → bomb image transition animations for Mima and Marisa isn't that trivial without having decompiled their actual bomb animation functions before, so stay tuned!

Interestingly though, the code leaves out what would look like the most obvious optimization: All stage tiles are unconditionally redrawn each frame before they're erased again with the 16×16 blocks, no matter if they weren't covered by such a block in the previous frame, or are going to be covered by such a block in this frame. The same is true for the static bomb and boss background images, where ZUN simply didn't write a .CDG blitting function that takes the dirty tile array into account. If VRAM writes on PC-98 really were as slow as the games' README.TXT files claim them to be, shouldn't all the optimization work have gone towards minimizing them? :thonk: Oh well, it's not like I have any idea what I'm talking about here. I'd better stop talking about anything relating to VRAM performance on PC-98… :onricdennat:

Second, it finally was time to solve the long-standing confusion about all those callbacks that are supposed to render the playfield background. Given the aforementioned static bomb background images, ZUN chose to make this needlessly complicated. And so, we have two callback function pointers: One during bomb animations, one outside of bomb animations, and each boss update function is responsible for keeping the former in sync with the latter. :zunpet:

Other than that, this was one of the smoothest pushes we've had in a while; the hardest parts of boss background rendering all were part of 📝 the last push. Once you figured out that ZUN does indeed dynamically change hardware color #0 based on the current boss phase, the remaining one function for Shinki, and all of EX-Alice's background rendering becomes very straightforward and understandable.

Meanwhile, -Tom- told me about his plans to publicly release 📝 his TH05 scripting toolkit once TH05's MAIN.EXE would hit around 50% RE! That pretty much defines what the next bunch of generic TH05 pushes will go towards: bullets, shared boss code, and one full, concrete boss script to demonstrate how it's all combined. Next up, therefore: TH04's bullet firing code…? Yes, TH04's. I want to see what I'm doing before I tackle the undecompilable mess that is TH05's bullet firing code, and you all probably want readable code for that feature as well. Turns out it's also the perfect place for Blue Bolt's pending contributions.

📝 Posted:
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Ember2528, -Tom-
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Y'know, I kinda prefer the pending crowdfunded workload to stay more near the middle of the cap, rather than being sold out all the time. So to reach this point more quickly, let's do the most relaxing thing that can be easily done in TH05 right now: The boss backgrounds, starting with Shinki's, 📝 now that we've got the time to look at it in detail.

… Oh come on, more things that are borderline undecompilable, and require new workarounds to be developed? Yup, Borland C++ always optimizes any comparison of a register with a literal 0 to OR reg, reg, no matter how many calculations and inlined function calls you replace the 0 with. Shinki's background particle rendering function contains a CMP AX, 0 instruction though… so yeah, 📝 yet another piece of custom ASM that's worse than what Turbo C++ 4.0J would have generated if ZUN had just written readable C. This was probably motivated by ZUN insisting that his modified master.lib function for blitting particles takes its X and Y parameters as registers. If he had just used the __fastcall convention, he also would have got the sprite ID passed as a register. 🤷
So, we really don't want to be forced into inline assembly just because of the third comparison in the otherwise perfectly decompilable four-comparison if() expression that prevents invisible particles from being drawn. The workaround: Comparing to a pointer instead, which only the linker gets to resolve to the actual value of 0. :tannedcirno: This way, the compiler has to make room for any 16-bit literal, and can't optimize anything.

And then we go straight from micro-optimization to waste, with all the duplication in the code that animates all those particles together with the zooming and spinning lines. This push decompiled 1.31% of all code in TH05, and thanks to alignment, we're still missing Shinki's high-level background rendering function that calls all the subfunctions I decompiled here.
With all the manipulated state involved here, it's not at all trivial to see how this code produces what you see in-game. Like:

  1. If all lines have the same Y velocity, how do the other three lines in background type B get pushed down into this vertical formation while the top one stays still? (Answer: This velocity is only applied to the top line, the other lines are only pushed based on some delta.)
  2. How can this delta be calculated based on the distance of the top line with its supposed target point around Shinki's wings? (Answer: The velocity is never set to 0, so the top line overshoots this target point in every frame. After calculating the delta, the top line itself is pushed down as well, canceling out the movement. :zunpet:)
  3. Why don't they get pushed down infinitely, but stop eventually? (Answer: We only see four lines out of 20, at indices #0, #6, #12, and #18. In each frame, lines [0..17] are copied to lines [1..18], before anything gets moved. The invisible lines are pushed down based on the delta as well, which defines a distance between the visible lines of (velocity * array gap). And since the velocity is capped at -14 pixels per frame, this also means a maximum distance of 84 pixels between the midpoints of each line.)
  4. And why are the lines moving back up when switching to background type C, before moving down? (Answer: Because type C increases the velocity rather than decreasing it. Therefore, it relies on the previous velocity state from type B to show a gapless animation.)

So yeah, it's a nice-looking effect, just very hard to understand. 😵

With the amount of effort I'm putting into this project, I typically gravitate towards more descriptive function names. Here, however, uth05win's simple and seemingly tiny-brained "background type A/B/C/D" was quite a smart choice. It clearly defines the sequence in which these animations are intended to be shown, and as we've seen with point 4 from the list above, that does indeed matter.

Next up: At least EX-Alice's background animations, and probably also the high-level parts of the background rendering for all the other TH05 bosses.

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Done with the .BOS format, at last! While there's still quite a bunch of undecompiled non-format blitting code left, this was in fact the final piece of graphics format loading code in TH01.

📝 Continuing the trend from three pushes ago, we've got yet another class, this time for the 48×48 and 48×32 sprites used in Reimu's gohei, slide, and kick animations. The only reason these had to use the .BOS format at all is simply because Reimu's regular sprites are 32×32, and are therefore loaded from 📝 .PTN files.
Yes, this makes no sense, because why would you split animations for the same character across two file formats and two APIs, just because of a sprite size difference? This necessity for switching blitting APIs might also explain why Reimu vanishes for a few frames at the beginning and the end of the gohei swing animation, but more on that once we get to the high-level rendering code.

Now that we've decompiled all the .BOS implementations in TH01, here's an overview of all of them, together with .PTN to show that there really was no reason for not using the .BOS API for all of Reimu's sprites:

CBossEntity CBossAnim CPlayerAnim ptn_* (32×32)
Format .BOS .BOS .BOS .PTN
Byte-aligned blitting
Byte-aligned unblitting
Unaligned blitting Single-line and wave only
Precise unblitting
Per-file sprite limit 8 8 32 64
Pixels blitted at once 16 16 8 32

And even that last property could simply be handled by branching based on the sprite width, and wouldn't be a reason for switching formats. But well, it just wouldn't be TH01 without all that redundant bloat though, would it?

The basic loading, freeing, and blitting code was yet another variation on the other .BOS code we've seen before. So this should have caused just as little trouble as the CBossAnim code… except that CPlayerAnim did add one slightly difficult function to the mix, which led to it requiring almost a full push after all. Similar to 📝 the unblitting code for moving lasers we've seen in the last push, ZUN tries to minimize the amount of VRAM writes when unblitting Reimu's slide animations. Technically, it's only necessary to restore the pixels that Reimu traveled by, plus the ones that wouldn't be redrawn by the new animation frame at the new X position.
The theoretically arbitrary distance between the two sprites is, of course, modeled by a fixed-size buffer on the stack :onricdennat:, coming with the further assumption that the sprite surely hasn't moved by more than 1 horizontal VRAM byte compared to the last frame. Which, of course, results in glitches if that's not the case, leaving little Reimu parts in VRAM if the slide speed ever exceeded 8 pixels per frame. :tannedcirno: (Which it never does, being hardcoded to 6 pixels, but still.). As it also turns out, all those bit masking operations easily lead to incredibly sloppy C code. Which compiles into incredibly terrible ASM, which in turn might end up wasting way more CPU time than the final VRAM write optimization would have gained? Then again, in-depth profiling is way beyond the scope of this project at this point.

Next up: The TH04 main menu, and some more technical debt.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0111, P0112
8b5c146...4ef4c9e, 4ef4c9e...e447a2d
💰 Funded by:
[Anonymous], Blue Bolt
🏷 Tags:

Only one newly ordered push since I've reopened the store? Great, that's all the justification I needed for the extended maintenance delay that was part of these two pushes 😛

Having to write comments to explain whether coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the screen or the top-left corner of the playfield has finally become old. So, I introduced distinct types for all the coordinate systems we typically encounter, applying them to all code decompiled so far. Note how the planar nature of PC-98 VRAM meant that X and Y coordinates also had to be different from each other. On the X side, there's mainly the distinction between the [0; 640] screen space and the corresponding [0; 80] VRAM byte space. On the Y side, we also have the [0; 400] screen space, but the visible area of VRAM might be limited to [0; 200] when running in the PC-98's line-doubled 640×200 mode. A VRAM Y coordinate also always implies an added offset for vertical scrolling.
During all of the code reconstruction, these types can only have a documenting purpose. Turning them into anything more than just typedefs to int, in order to define conversion operators between them, simply won't recompile into identical binaries. Modding and porting projects, however, now have a nice foundation for doing just that, and can entirely lift coordinate system transformations into the type system, without having to proofread all the meaningless int declarations themselves.

So, what was left in terms of memory references? EX-Alice's fire waves were our final unknown entity that can collide with the player. Decently implemented, with little to say about them.

That left the bomb animation structures as the one big remaining PI blocker. They started out nice and simple in TH04, with a small 6-byte star animation structure used for both Reimu and Marisa. TH05, however, gave each character her own animation… and what the hell is going on with Reimu's blue stars there? Nope, not going to figure this out on ASM level.

A decompilation first required some more bomb-related variables to be named though. Since this was part of a generic RE push, it made sense to do this in all 5 games… which then led to nice PI gains in anything but TH05. :tannedcirno: Most notably, we now got the "pulling all items to player" flag in TH04 and TH05, which is actually separate from bombing. The obvious cheat mod is left as an exercise to the reader.

So, TH05 bomb animations. Just like the 📝 custom entity types of this game, all 4 characters share the same memory, with the superficially same 10-byte structure.
But let's just look at the very first field. Seen from a low level, it's a simple struct { int x, y; } pos, storing the current position of the character-specific bomb animation entity. But all 4 characters use this field differently:

Therefore, I decompiled it as 4 separate structures once again, bundled into an union of arrays.

As for Reimu… yup, that's some pointer arithmetic straight out of Jigoku* for setting and updating the positions of the falling star trails. :zunpet: While that certainly required several comments to wrap my head around the current array positions, the one "bug" in all this arithmetic luckily has no effect on the game.
There is a small glitch with the growing circles, though. They are spawned at the end of the loop, with their position taken from the star pointer… but after that pointer has already been incremented. On the last loop iteration, this leads to an out-of-bounds structure access, with the position taken from some unknown EX-Alice data, which is 0 during most of the game. If you look at the animation, you can easily spot these bugged circles, consistently growing from the top-left corner (0, 0) of the playfield:

After all that, there was barely enough remaining time to filter out and label the final few memory references. But now, TH05's MAIN.EXE is technically position-independent! 🎉 -Tom- is going to work on a pretty extensive demo of this unprecedented level of efficient Touhou game modding. For a more impactful effect of both the 100% PI mark and that demo, I'll be delaying the push covering the remaining false positives in that binary until that demo is done. I've accumulated a pretty huge backlog of minor maintenance issues by now…
Next up though: The first part of the long-awaited build system improvements. I've finally come up with a way of sanely accelerating the 32-bit build part on most setups you could possibly want to build ReC98 on, without making the building experience worse for the other few setups.

📝 Posted:
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💰 Funded by:
[Anonymous], Blue Bolt
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… and just as I explained 📝 in the last post how decompilation is typically more sensible and efficient than ASM-level reverse-engineering, we have this push demonstrating a counter-example. The reason why the background particles and lines in the Shinki and EX-Alice battles contributed so much to position dependence was simply because they're accessed in a relatively large amount of functions, one for each different animation. Too many to spend the remaining precious crowdfunded time on reverse-engineering or even decompiling them all, especially now that everyone anticipates 100% PI for TH05's MAIN.EXE.

Therefore, I only decompiled the two functions of the line structure that also demonstrate best how it works, which in turn also helped with RE. Sadly, this revealed that we actually can't 📝 overload operator =() to get that nice assignment syntax for 12.4 fixed-point values, because one of those new functions relies on Turbo C++'s built-in optimizations for trivially copyable structures. Still, impressive that this abstraction caused no other issues for almost one year.

As for the structures themselves… nope, nothing to criticize this time! Sure, one good particle system would have been awesome, instead of having separate structures for the Stage 2 "starfield" particles and the one used in Shinki's battle, with hardcoded animations for both. But given the game's short development time, that was quite an acceptable compromise, I'd say.
And as for the lines, there just has to be a reason why the game reserves 20 lines per set, but only renders lines #0, #6, #12, and #18. We'll probably see once we get to look at those animation functions more closely.

This was quite a 📝 TH03-style RE push, which yielded way more PI% than RE%. But now that that's done, I can finally not get distracted by all that stuff when looking at the list of remaining memory references. Next up: The last few missing structures in TH05's MAIN.EXE!

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0105, P0106, P0107, P0108
3622eb6...11b776b, 11b776b...1f1829d, 1f1829d...1650241, 1650241...dcf4e2c
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And indeed, I got to end my vacation with a lot of image format and blitting code, covering the final two formats, .GRC and .BOS. .GRC was nothing noteworthy – one function for loading, one function for byte-aligned blitting, and one function for freeing memory. That's it – not even a unblitting function for this one. .BOS, on the other hand…

…has no generic (read: single/sane) implementation, and is only implemented as methods of some boss entity class. And then again for Sariel's dress and wand animations, and then again for Reimu's animations, both of which weren't even part of these 4 pushes. Looking forward to decompiling essentially the same algorithms all over again… And that's how TH01 became the largest and most bloated PC-98 Touhou game. So yeah, still not done with image formats, even at 44% RE.

This means I also had to reverse-engineer that "boss entity" class… yeah, what else to call something a boss can have multiple of, that may or may not be part of a larger boss sprite, may or may not be animated, and that may or may not have an orb hitbox?
All bosses except for Kikuri share the same 5 global instances of this class. Since renaming all these variables in ASM land is tedious anyway, I went the extra mile and directly defined separate, meaningful names for the entities of all bosses. These also now document the natural order in which the bosses will ultimately be decompiled. So, unless a backer requests anything else, this order will be:

  1. Konngara
  2. Sariel
  3. Elis
  4. Kikuri
  5. SinGyoku
  6. (code for regular card-flipping stages)
  7. Mima
  8. YuugenMagan

As everyone kind of expects from TH01 by now, this class reveals yet another… um, unique and quirky piece of code architecture. In addition to the position and hitbox members you'd expect from a class like this, the game also stores the .BOS metadata – width, height, animation frame count, and 📝 bitplane pointer slot number – inside the same class. But if each of those still corresponds to one individual on-screen sprite, how can YuugenMagan have 5 eye sprites, or Kikuri have more than one soul and tear sprite? By duplicating that metadata, of course! And copying it from one entity to another :onricdennat:
At this point, I feel like I even have to congratulate the game for not actually loading YuugenMagan's eye sprites 5 times. But then again, 53,760 bytes of waste would have definitely been noticeable in the DOS days. Makes much more sense to waste that amount of space on an unused C++ exception handler, and a bunch of redundant, unoptimized blitting functions :tannedcirno:

(Thinking about it, YuugenMagan fits this entire system perfectly. And together with its position in the game's code – last to be decompiled means first on the linker command line – we might speculate that YuugenMagan was the first boss to be programmed for TH01?)

So if a boss wants to use sprites with different sizes, there's no way around using another entity. And that's why Girl-Elis and Bat-Elis are two distinct entities internally, and have to manually sync their position. Except that there's also a third one for Attacking-Girl-Elis, because Girl-Elis has 9 frames of animation in total, and the global .BOS bitplane pointers are divided into 4 slots of only 8 images each. :zunpet:
Same for SinGyoku, who is split into a sphere entity, a person entity, and a… white flash entity for all three forms, all at the same resolution. Or Konngara's facial expressions, which also require two entities just for themselves.

And once you decompile all this code, you notice just how much of it the game didn't even use. 13 of the 50 bytes of the boss entity class are outright unused, and 10 bytes are used for a movement clamping and lock system that would have been nice if ZUN also used it outside of Kikuri's soul sprites. Instead, all other bosses ignore this system completely, and just party on the X/Y coordinates of the boss entities directly.

As for the rendering functions, 5 out of 10 are unused. And while those definitely make up less than half of the code, I still must have spent at least 1 of those 4 pushes on effectively unused functionality.
Only one of these functions lends itself to some speculation. For Elis' entrance animation, the class provides functions for wavy blitting and unblitting, which use a separate X coordinate for every line of the sprite. But there's also an unused and sort of broken one for unblitting two overlapping wavy sprites, located at the same Y coordinate. This might indicate that Elis could originally split herself into two sprites, similar to TH04 Stage 6 Yuuka? Or it might just have been some other kind of animation effect, who knows.

After over 3 months of TH01 progress though, it's finally time to look at other games, to cover the rest of the crowdfunding backlog. Next up: Going back to TH05, and getting rid of those last PI false positives. And since I can potentially spend the next 7 weeks on almost full-time ReC98 work, I've also re-opened the store until October!

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0088, P0089
97ce7b7...da6b856, da6b856...90252cc
💰 Funded by:
-Tom-, [Anonymous], Blue Bolt
🏷 Tags:

As expected, we've now got the TH04 and TH05 stage enemy structure, finishing position independence for all big entity types. This one was quite straightfoward, as the .STD scripting system is pretty simple.

Its most interesting aspect can be found in the way timing is handled. In Windows Touhou, all .ECL script instructions come with a frame field that defines when they are executed. In TH04's and TH05's .STD scripts, on the other hand, it's up to each individual instruction to add a frame time parameter, anywhere in its parameter list. This frame time defines for how long this instruction should be repeatedly executed, before it manually advances the instruction pointer to the next one. From what I've seen so far, these instruction typically apply their effect on the first frame they run on, and then do nothing for the remaining frames.
Oh, and you can't nest the LOOP instruction, since the enemy structure only stores one single counter for the current loop iteration.

Just from the structure, the only innovation introduced by TH05 seems to have been enemy subtypes. These can be used to parametrize scripts via conditional jumps based on this value, as a first attempt at cutting down the need to duplicate entire scripts for similar enemy behavior. And thanks to TH05's favorable segment layout, this game's version of the .STD enemy script interpreter is even immediately ready for decompilation, in one single future push.

As far as I can tell, that now only leaves

until TH05's MAIN.EXE is completely position-independent.
Which, however, won't be all it needs for that 100% PI rating on the front page. And with that many false positives, it's quite easy to get lost with immediately reverse-engineering everything around them. This time, the rendering of the text dissolve circles, used for the stage and BGM title popups, caught my eye… and since the high-level code to handle all of that was near the end of a segment in both TH04 and TH05, I just decided to immediately decompile it all. Like, how hard could it possibly be? Sure, it needed another segment split, which was a bit harder due to all the existing ASM referencing code in that segment, but certainly not impossible…

Oh wait, this code depends on 9 other sets of identifiers that haven't been declared in C land before, some of which require vast reorganizations to bring them up to current consistency standards. Whoops! Good thing that this is the part of the project I'm still offering for free…
Among the referenced functions was tiles_invalidate_around(), which marks the stage background tiles within a rectangular area to be redrawn this frame. And this one must have had the hardest function signature to figure out in all of PC-98 Touhou, because it actually seems impossible. Looking at all the ways the game passes the center coordinate to this function, we have

  1. X and Y as 16-bit integer literals, merged into a single PUSH of a 32-bit immediate
  2. X and Y calculated and pushed independently from each other
  3. by-value copies of entire Point instances

Any single declaration would only lead to at most two of the three cases generating the original instructions. No way around separately declaring the function in every translation unit then, with the correct parameter list for the respective calls. That's how ZUN must have also written it.

Oh well, we would have needed to do all of this some time. At least there were quite a bit of insights to be gained from the actual decompilation, where using const references actually made it possible to turn quite a number of potentially ugly macros into wholesome inline functions.

But still, TH04 and TH05 will come out of ReC98's decompilation as one big mess. A lot of further manual decompilation and refactoring, beyond the limits of the original binary, would be needed to make these games portable to any non-PC-98, non-x86 architecture.
And yes, that includes IBM-compatible DOS – which, for some reason, a number of people see as the obvious choice for a first system to port PC-98 Touhou to. This will barely be easier. Sure, you'll save the effort of decompiling all the remaining original ASM. But even with master.lib's MASTER_DOSV setting, these games still very much rely on PC-98 hardware, with corresponding assumptions all over ZUN's code. You will need to provide abstractions for the PC-98's superimposed text mode, the gaiji, and planar 4-bit color access in general, exchanging the use of the PC-98's GRCG and EGC blitter chips with something else. At that point, you might as well port the game to one generic 640×400 framebuffer and away from the constraints of DOS, resulting in that Doom source code-like situation which made that game easily portable to every architecture to begin with. But ZUN just wasn't a John Carmack, sorry.

Or what do I know. I've never programmed for IBM-compatible DOS, but maybe ReC98's audience does include someone who is intimately familiar with IBM-compatible DOS so that the constraints aren't much of an issue for them? But even then, 16-bit Windows would make much more sense as a first porting target if you don't want to bother with that undecompilable ASM.

At least I won't have to look at TH04 and TH05 for quite a while now. :tannedcirno: The delivery delays have made it obvious that my life has become pretty busy again, probably until September. With a total of 9 TH01 pushes from monthly subscriptions now waiting in the backlog, the shop will stay closed until I've caught up with most of these. Which I'm quite hyped for!

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0086, P0087
54ee99b...24b96cd, 24b96cd...97ce7b7
💰 Funded by:
[Anonymous], Blue Bolt, -Tom-
🏷 Tags:

Alright, the score popup numbers shown when collecting items or defeating (mid)bosses. The second-to-last remaining big entity type in TH05… with quite some PI false positives in the memory range occupied by its data. Good thing I still got some outstanding generic RE pushes that haven't been claimed for anything more specific in over a month! These conveniently allowed me to RE most of these functions right away, the right way.

Most of the false positives were boss HP values, passed to a "boss phase end" function which sets the HP value at which the next phase should end. Stage 6 Yuuka, Mugetsu, and EX-Alice have their own copies of this function, in which they also reset certain boss-specific global variables. Since I always like to cover all varieties of such duplicated functions at once, it made sense to reverse-engineer all the involved variables while I was at it… and that's why this was exactly the right time to cover the implementation details of Stage 6 Yuuka's parasol and vanishing animations in TH04. :zunpet:

With still a bit of time left in that RE push afterwards, I could also start looking into some of the smaller functions that didn't quite fit into other pushes. The most notable one there was a simple function that aims from any point to the current player position. Which actually only became a separate function in TH05, probably since it's called 27 times in total. That's 27 places no longer being blocked from further RE progress.

WindowsTiger already did most of the work for the score popup numbers in January, which meant that I only had to review it and bring it up to ReC98's current coding styles and standards. This one turned out to be one of those rare features whose TH05 implementation is significantly less insane than the TH04 one. Both games lazily redraw only the tiles of the stage background that were drawn over in the previous frame, and try their best to minimize the amount of tiles to be redrawn in this way. For these popup numbers, this involves calculating the on-screen width, based on the exact number of digits in the point value. TH04 calculates this width every frame during the rendering function, and even resorts to setting that field through the digit iteration pointer via self-modifying code… yup. TH05, on the other hand, simply calculates the width once when spawning a new popup number, during the conversion of the point value to binary-coded decimal. The "×2" multiplier suffix being removed in TH05 certainly also helped in simplifying that feature in this game.

And that's ⅓ of TH05 reverse-engineered! Next up, one more TH05 PI push, in which the stage enemies hopefully finish all the big entity types. Maybe it will also be accompanied by another RE push? In any case, that will be the last piece of TH05 progress for quite some time. The next TH01 stretch will consist of 6 pushes at the very least, and I currently have no idea of how much time I can spend on ReC98 a month from now…

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
💰 Funded by:
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Wait, PI for FUUIN.EXE is mainly blocked by the high score menu? That one should really be properly decompiled in a separate RE push, since it's also present in largely identical form in REIIDEN.EXE… but I currently lack the explicit funding to do that.

And as it turns out, I shouldn't really capture any of the existing generic RE contributions for it either. Back in 2018 when I ran the crowdfunding on the Touhou Patch Center Discord server, I said that generic RE contributions would never go towards TH01. No one was interested in that game back then, and as it's significantly different from all the other games, it made sense to only cover it if explicitly requested.
As Touhou Patch Center still remains one of the biggest supporters and advertisers for ReC98, someone recently believed that this rule was still in effect, despite not being mentioned anywhere on this website.

Fast forward to today, and TH01 has become the single most supported game lately, with plenty of incomplete pushes still open to be completed. Reverse-engineering it has proven to be quite efficient, yielding lots of completion percentage points per push. This, I suppose, is exactly what backers that don't give any specific priorities are mainly interested in. Therefore, I will allocate future partial contributions to TH01, whenever it makes sense.

So, instead of rushing TH01 PI, let's wait for Ember2528's April subscription, and get the 25% total RE milestone with some TH05 PI progress instead. This one primarily focused on the gather circles (spirals…?), the third-last missing entity type in TH05. These are rendered using the same 8×8 pellet sprite introduced in TH02… except that the actual pellets received a darkened bottom part in TH04 . Which, in turn, is actually rendered quite efficiently – the games first render the top white part of all pellets, followed by the bottom gray part of all pellets. The PC-98 GRCG is used throughout the process, doing its typical job of accelerating monochrome blitting, and by arranging the rendering like this, only two GRCG color changes are required to draw any number of pellets. I guess that makes it quite a worthwhile optimization? Don't ask me for specific performance numbers or even saved cycles, though :onricdennat:

Next up, one more TH05 PI push!

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0078, P0079
f4eb7a8...9e52cb1, 9e52cb1...cd48aa3
💰 Funded by:
iruleatgames, -Tom-
🏷 Tags:

To finish this TH05 stretch, we've got a feature that's exclusive to TH05 for once! As the final memory management innovation in PC-98 Touhou, TH05 provides a single static (64 * 26)-byte array for storing up to 64 entities of a custom type, specific to a stage or boss portion. (Edit (2023-05-29): This system actually debuted in 📝 TH04, where it was used for much simpler entities.)

TH05 uses this array for

  1. the Stage 2 star particles,
  2. Alice's puppets,
  3. the tip of curve ("jello") bullets,
  4. Mai's snowballs and Yuki's fireballs,
  5. Yumeko's swords,
  6. and Shinki's 32×32 bullets,

which makes sense, given that only one of those will be active at any given time.

On the surface, they all appear to share the same 26-byte structure, with consistently sized fields, merely using its 5 generic fields for different purposes. Looking closer though, there actually are differences in the signedness of certain fields across the six types. uth05win chose to declare them as entirely separate structures, and given all the semantic differences (pixels vs. subpixels, regular vs. tiny master.lib sprites, …), it made sense to do the same in ReC98. It quickly turned out to be the only solution to meet my own standards of code readability.

Which blew this one up to two pushes once again… But now, modders can trivially resize any of those structures without affecting the other types within the original (64 * 26)-byte boundary, even without full position independence. While you'd still have to reduce the type-specific number of distinct entities if you made any structure larger, you could also have more entities with fewer structure members.

As for the types themselves, they're full of redundancy once again – as you might have already expected from seeing #4, #5, and #6 listed as unrelated to each other. Those could have indeed been merged into a single 32×32 bullet type, supporting all the unique properties of #4 (destructible, with optional revenge bullets), #5 (optional number of twirl animation frames before they begin to move) and #6 (delay clouds). The *_add(), *_update(), and *_render() functions of #5 and #6 could even already be completely reverse-engineered from just applying the structure onto the ASM, with the ones of #3 and #4 only needing one more RE push.

But perhaps the most interesting discovery here is in the curve bullets: TH05 only renders every second one of the 17 nodes in a curve bullet, yet hit-tests every single one of them. In practice, this is an acceptable optimization though – you only start to notice jagged edges and gaps between the fragments once their speed exceeds roughly 11 pixels per second:

And that brings us to the last 20% of TH05 position independence! But first, we'll have more cheap and fast TH01 progress.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
💰 Funded by:
Touhou Patch Center
🏷 Tags:

Big gains, as expected, but not much to say about this one. With TH05 Reimu being way too easy to decompile after 📝 the shot control groundwork done in October, there was enough time to give the comprehensive PI false-positive treatment to two other sets of functions present in TH04's and TH05's OP.EXE. One of them, master.lib's super_*() functions, was used a lot in TH02, more than in any other game… I wonder how much more that game will progress without even focusing on it in particular.

Alright then! 100% PI for TH04's and TH05's OP.EXE upcoming… (Edit: Already got funding to cover this!)

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
💰 Funded by:
Touhou Patch Center
🏷 Tags:

… nope, with a game whose MAIN.EXE is still just 5% reverse-engineered and which naturally makes heavy use of structures, there's still a lot more PI groundwork to be done before RE progress can speed up to the levels that we've now reached with TH05. The good news is that this game is (now) way easier to understand: In contrast to TH04 and TH05, where we needed to work towards player shots over a two-digit number of pushes, TH03 only needed two for SPRITE16, and a half one for the playfield shaking mechanism. After that, I could even already decompile the per-frame shot update and render functions, thanks to TH03's high number of code segments. Now, even the big 128-byte player structure doesn't seem all too far off.

Then again, as TH03 shares no code with any other game, this actually was a completely average PI push. For the remaining three, we'll return to TH04 and TH05 though, which should more than make up for the slight drop in RE speed after this one.

In other news, we've now also reached peak C++, with the introduction of templates! TH03 stores movement speeds in a 4.4 fixed-point format, which is an 8-bit spin on the usual 16-bit, 12.4 fixed-point format.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0057, P0058
1cb9731...ac7540d, ac7540d...fef0299
💰 Funded by:
[Anonymous], -Tom-
🏷 Tags:

So, here we have the first two pushes with an explicit focus on position independence… and they start out looking barely different from regular reverse-engineering? They even already deduplicate a bunch of item-related code, which was simple enough that it required little additional work? Because the actual work, once again, was in comparing uth05win's interpretations and naming choices with the original PC-98 code? So that we only ended up removing a handful of memory references there?

(Oh well, you can mod item drops now!)

So, continuing to interpret PI as a mere by-product of reverse-engineering might ultimately drive up the total PI cost quite a bit. But alright then, let's systematically clear out some false positives by looking at master.lib function calls instead… and suddenly we get the PI progress we were looking for, nicely spread out over all games since TH02. That kinda makes it sound like useless work, only done because it's dictated by some counting algorithm on a website. But decompilation will want to convert all of these values to decimal anyway. We're merely doing that right now, across all games.

Then again, it doesn't actually make any game more position-independent, and only proves how position-independent it already was. So I'm really wondering right now whether I should just rush actual position independence by simply identifying structures and their sizes, and not bother with members or false positives until that's done. That would certainly get the job done for TH04 and TH05 in just a few more pushes, but then leave all the proving work (and the road to 100% PI on the front page) to reverse-engineering.

I don't know. Would it be worth it to have a game that's "maybe fully position-independent", only for there to maybe be rare edge cases where it isn't?

Or maybe, continuing to strike a balance between identifying false positives (fast) and reverse-engineering structures (slow) will continue to work out like it did now, and make us end up close to the current estimate, which was attractive enough to sell out the crowdfunding for the first time… 🤔

Please give feedback! If possible, by Friday evening UTC+1, before I start working on the next PI push, this time with a focus on TH04.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0034, P0035
6cdd229...6f1f367, 6f1f367...a533b5d
💰 Funded by:
🏷 Tags:

Deathbombs confirmed, in both TH04 and TH05! On the surface, it's the same 8-frame window as in most Windows games, but due to the slightly lower PC-98 frame rate of 56.4 Hz, it's actually slightly more lenient in TH04 and TH05.

The last function in front of the TH05 shot type control functions marks the player's previous position in VRAM to be redrawn. But as it turns out, "player" not only means "the player's option satellites on shot levels ≥ 2", but also "the explosion animation if you lose a life", which required reverse-engineering both things, ultimately leading to the confirmation of deathbombs.

It actually was kind of surprising that we then had reverse-engineered everything related to rendering all three things mentioned above, and could also cover the player rendering function right now. Luckily, TH05 didn't decide to also micro-optimize that function into un-decompilability; in fact, it wasn't changed at all from TH04. Unlike the one invalidation function whose decompilation would have actually been the goal here…

But now, we've finally gotten to where we wanted to… and only got 2 outstanding decompilation pushes left. Time to get the website ready for hosting an actual crowdfunding campaign, I'd say – It'll make a better impression if people can still see things being delivered after the big announcement.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0051, P0052, P0053
💰 Funded by:
🏷 Tags:

Boss explosions! And… urgh, I really also had to wade through that overly complicated HUD rendering code. Even though I had to pick -Tom-'s 7th push here as well, the worst of that is still to come. TH04 and TH05 exclusively store the current and high score internally as unpacked little-endian BCD, with some pretty dense ASM code involving the venerable x86 BCD instructions to update it.

So, what's actually the goal here. Since I was given no priorities :onricdennat:, I still haven't had to (potentially) waste time researching whether we really can decompile from anywhere else inside a segment other than backwards from the end. So, the most efficient place for decompilation right now still is the end of TH05's main_01_TEXT segment. With maybe 1 or 2 more reverse-engineering commits, we'd have everything for an efficient decompilation up to sub_123AD. And that mass of code just happens to include all the shot type control functions, and makes up 3,007 instructions in total, or 12% of the entire remaining unknown code in MAIN.EXE.

So, the most reasonable thing would be to actually put some of the upcoming decompilation pushes towards reverse-engineering that missing part. I don't think that's a bad deal since it will allow us to mod TH05 shot types in C sooner, but zorg and qp might disagree :thonk:

Next up: thcrap TL notes, followed by finally finishing GhostPhanom's old ReC98 future-proofing pushes. I really don't want to decompile without a proper build system.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0047, P0048
💰 Funded by:
🏷 Tags:

So, let's continue with player shots! …eh, or maybe not directly, since they involve two other structure types in TH05, which we'd have to cover first. One of them is a different sort of sprite, and since I like me some context in my reverse-engineering, let's disable every other sprite type first to figure out what it is.

One of those other sprite types were the little sparks flying away from killed stage enemies, midbosses, and grazed bullets; easy enough to also RE right now. Turns out they use the same 8 hardcoded 8×8 sprites in TH02, TH04, and TH05. Except that it's actually 64 16×8 sprites, because ZUN wanted to pre-shift them for all 8 possible start pixels within a planar VRAM byte (rather than, like, just writing a few instructions to shift them programmatically), leading to them taking up 1,024 bytes rather than just 64.
Oh, and the thing I wanted to RE *actually* was the decay animation whenever a shot hits something. Not too complex either, especially since it's exclusive to TH05.

And since there was some time left and I actually have to pick some of the next RE places strategically to best prepare for the upcoming 17 decompilation pushes, here's two more function pointers for good measure.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
💰 Funded by:
🏷 Tags:

Let's start this stretch with a pretty simple entity type, the growing and shrinking circles shown during bomb animations and around bosses in TH04 and TH05. Which can be drawn in varying colors… wait, what's all this inlined and duplicated GRCG mode and color setting code? Let's move that out into macros too, it takes up too much space when grepping for constants, and will raise a "wait, what was that I/O port doing again" question for most people reading the code again after a few months.

🎉 With this push, we've also hit a milestone! Less than 200,000 unknown x86 instructions remain until we've completely reverse-engineered all of PC-98 Touhou.