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[Anonymous], Blue Bolt
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… and just as I explained 📝 in the last post how decompilation is typically more sensible and efficient than ASM-level reverse-engineering, we have this push demonstrating a counter-example. The reason why the background particles and lines in the Shinki and EX-Alice battles contributed so much to position dependence was simply because they're accessed in a relatively large amount of functions, one for each different animation. Too many to spend the remaining precious crowdfunded time on reverse-engineering or even decompiling them all, especially now that everyone anticipates 100% PI for TH05's MAIN.EXE.

Therefore, I only decompiled the two functions of the line structure that also demonstrate best how it works, which in turn also helped with RE. Sadly, this revealed that we actually can't 📝 overload operator =() to get that nice assignment syntax for 12.4 fixed-point values, because one of those new functions relies on Turbo C++'s built-in optimizations for trivially copyable structures. Still, impressive that this abstraction caused no other issues for almost one year.

As for the structures themselves… nope, nothing to criticize this time! Sure, one good particle system would have been awesome, instead of having separate structures for the Stage 2 "starfield" particles and the one used in Shinki's battle, with hardcoded animations for both. But given the game's short development time, that was quite an acceptable compromise, I'd say.
And as for the lines, there just has to be a reason why the game reserves 20 lines per set, but only renders lines #0, #6, #12, and #18. We'll probably see once we get to look at those animation functions more closely.

This was quite a 📝 TH03-style RE push, which yielded way more PI% than RE%. But now that that's done, I can finally not get distracted by all that stuff when looking at the list of remaining memory references. Next up: The last few missing structures in TH05's MAIN.EXE!