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And now we're taking this small indie game from the year 2000 and porting its game window, input, and sound to the industry-standard cross-platform API with "simple" in its name.

Why did this have to be so complicated?! I expected this to take maybe 1-2 weeks and result in an equally short blog post. Instead, it raised so many questions that I ended up with the longest blog post so far, by quite a wide margin. These pushes ended up covering so many aspects that could be interesting to a general and non-Seihou-adjacent audience, so I think we need a table of contents for this one:

  1. Evaluating Zig
  2. Visual Studio doesn't implement concepts correctly?
  3. Reusable building blocks for Tup
  4. Compiling SDL 2
  5. The new frame rate limiter
  6. Audio via SDL or SDL_mixer? (Nope, neither)
  7. miniaudio
  8. Resampling defective sound effects (including FLAC not always being lossless)
  9. Joypad input with SDL
  10. Restoring the original screenshot feature
  11. Integer math in hand-written ASM

Before we can start migrating to SDL, we of course have to integrate it into the build somehow. On Linux, we'd ideally like to just dynamically link to a distribution's SDL development package, but since there's no such thing on Windows, we'd like to compile SDL from source there. This allows us to reuse our debug and release flags and ensures that we get debug information, without needing to clone build scripts for every C++ library ever in the process or something.
So let's get my Tup build scripts ready for compiling vendored libraries… or maybe not? Recently, I've kept hearing about a hot new technology that not only provides the rare kind of jank-free cross-compiling build system for C/C++ code, but innovates by even bundling a C++ compiler into a single 279 MiB package with no further dependencies. Realistically replacing both Visual Studio and Tup with a single tool that could target every OS is quite a selling point. The upcoming Linux port makes for the perfect occasion to evaluate Zig, and to find out whether Tup is still my favorite build system in 2023.

Even apart from its main selling point, there's a lot to like about Zig:

However, as a version number of 0.11.0 might already suggest, the whole experience was then bogged down by quite a lot of issues:

So for the time being, I still prefer Tup. But give it maybe two or three years, and I'm sure that Zig will eventually become the best tool for resurrecting legacy C++ codebases. That is, if the proposed divorce of the core Zig compiler from LLVM isn't an indication that the productive parts of the Zig community consider the C/C++ building features to be "good enough", and are about to de-emphasize them to focus more strongly on the actual Zig language. Gaining adoption for your new systems language by bundling it with a C/C++ build system is such a great and unique strategy, and it almost worked in my case. And who knows, maybe Zig will already be good enough by the time I get to port PC-98 Touhou to modern systems.

(If you came from the Zig wiki, you can stop reading here.)

A few remnants of the Zig experiment still remain in the final delivery. If that experiment worked out, I would have had to immediately change the execution encoding to UTF-8, and decompile a few ASM functions exclusive to the 8-bit rendering mode which we could have otherwise ignored. While Clang does support inline assembly with Intel syntax via -fms-extensions, it has trouble with ; comments and instructions like REP STOSD, and if I have to touch that code anyway… (The REP STOSD function translated into a single call to memcpy(), by the way.)

Another smaller issue was Visual Studio's lack of standard library header hygiene, where #including some of the high-level STL features also includes more foundational headers that Clang requires to be included separately, but I've already known about that. Instead, the biggest shocker was that Visual Studio accepts invalid syntax for a language feature as recent as C++20 concepts:

// Defines the interface of a text rendering session class. To simplify this
// example, it only has a single `Print(const char* str)` method.
template <class T> concept Session = requires(T t, const char* str) {

// Once the rendering backend has started a new session, it passes the session
// object as a parameter to a user-defined function, which can then freely call
// any of the functions defined in the `Session` concept to render some text.
template <class F, class S> concept UserFunctionForSession = (
	Session<S> && requires(F f, S& s) {
		{ f(s) };

// The rendering backend defines a `Prerender()` method that takes the
// aforementioned user-defined function object. Unfortunately, C++ concepts
// don't work like this: The standard doesn't allow `auto` in the parameter
// list of a `requires` expression because it defines another implicit
// template parameter. Nevertheless, Visual Studio compiles this code without
// errors.
template <class T, class S> concept BackendAttempt = requires(
	T t, UserFunctionForSession<S> auto func
) {

// A syntactically correct definition would use a different constraint term for
// the type of the user-defined function. But this effectively makes the
// resulting concept unusable for actual validation because you are forced to
// specify a type for `F`.
template <class T, class S, class F> concept SyntacticallyFixedBackend = (
	UserFunctionForSession<F, S> && requires(T t, F func) {

// The solution: Defining a dummy structure that behaves like a lambda as an
// "archetype" for the user-defined function.
struct UserFunctionArchetype {
	void operator ()(Session auto& s) {

// Now, the session type disappears from the template parameter list, which
// even allows the concrete session type to be private.
template <class T> concept CorrectBackend = requires(
	T t, UserFunctionArchetype func
) {
Here's a Godbolt link, configured with both Visual Studio and Clang compilers.

What's this, Visual Studio's infamous delayed template parsing applied to concepts, because they're templates as well? Didn't they get rid of that 6 years ago? You would think that we've moved beyond the age where compilers differed in their interpretation of the core language, and that opting into a current C++ standard turns off any remaining antiquated behaviors…

So let's actually get my Tup build scripts ready for compiling vendored libraries, because the 📝 previous 70 lines of Lua definitely weren't. For this use case, we'd like to have some notion of distinct build targets that can have a unique set of compilation and linking flags. We'd also like to always build them in debug and release versions even if you only intend to build your actual program in one of those versions – with the previous system of specifying a single version for all code, Tup would delete the other one, which forces a time-consuming and ultimately needless rebuild once you switch to the other version.

The solution I came up with treats the set of compiler command-line options like a tree whose branches can concatenate new options and/or filter the versions that are built on this branch. In total, this is my 4th attempt at writing a compiler abstraction layer for Tup. Since we're effectively forced to write such layers in Lua, it will always be a bit janky, but I think I've finally arrived at a solid underlying design that might also be interesting for others. Hence, I've split off the result into its own separate repository and added high-level documentation and a documented example. And yes, that's a Code Nutrition label! I've wanted to add one of these ever since I first heard about the idea, since it communicates nicely how seriously such an open-source project should be taken. Which, in this case, is actually not all too seriously, especially since development of the core Tup project has all but stagnated. If Zig does indeed get better and better at being a Clang frontend/build system, the only niches left for Tup will be Visual Studio-exclusive projects, or retrocoding with nonstandard toolchains (i.e., ReC98). Quite ironic, given Tup's Unix heritage…
Oh, and maybe general Makefile-like tasks where you just want to run specific programs. Maybe once the general hype swings back around and people start demanding proper graph-based dependency tracking instead of just a command runner

Alright, alternatives evaluated, build system ready, time to include SDL! Once again, I went for Git submodules, but this time they're held together by a batch file that ensures that the intended versions are checked out before starting Tup. Git submodules have a bad rap mainly because of their usability issues, and such a script should hopefully work around them? Let's see how this plays out. If it ends up causing issues after all, I'll just switch to a Zig-like model of downloading and unzipping a source archive. Since Windows comes with curl and tar these days, this can even work without any further dependencies, and will also remove all the test code bloat.

Compiling SDL from a non-standard build system requires a bit of globbing to include all the code that is being referenced, as well as a few linker settings, but it's ultimately not much of a big deal. I'm quite happy that it was possible at all without pre-configuring a build, but hey, that's what maintaining a Visual Studio project file does to a project. :tannedcirno:
By building SDL with the stock Windows configuration, we then end up with exactly what the SDL developers want us to use… which is a DLL. You can statically link SDL, but they really don't want you to do that. So strongly, in fact, that they not merely argue how well the textbook advantages of dynamic linking have worked for them and gamers as a whole, but implemented a whole dynamic API system that enforces overridable dynamic function loading even in static builds. Nudging developers to their preferred solution by removing most advantages from static linking by default… that's certainly a strategy. It definitely fits with SDL's grassroots marketing, which is very good at painting SDL as the industry standard and the only reliable way to keep your game running on all originally supported operating systems. Well, at least until SDL 3 is so stable that SDL 2 gets deprecated and won't receive any code for new backends…

However, dynamic linking does make sense if you consider what SDL is. Offering all those multiple rendering, input, and sound backends is what sets it apart from its more hip competition, and you want to have all of them available at any time so that SDL can dynamically select them based on what works best on a system. As a result, everything in SDL is being referenced somewhere, so there's no dead code for the linker to eliminate. Linking SDL statically with link-time code generation just prolongs your link time for no benefit, even without the dynamic API thwarting any chance of SDL calls getting inlined.
There's one thing I still don't like about all this, though. The dynamic API's table references force you to include all of SDL's subsystems in the DLL even if your game doesn't need some of them. But it does fit with their intention of having SDL2.dll be swappable: If an older game stopped working because of an outdated SDL2.dll, it should be possible for anyone to get that game working again by replacing that DLL with any newer version that was bundled with any random newer game. And since that would fail if the newer SDL2.dll was size-optimized to not include some of the subsystems that the older game required, they simply removed (or de-prioritized) the possibility altogether. Maybe that was their train of thought? You can always just use the official Windows DLL, whose whole point is to include everything, after all. 🤷

So, what do we get in these 1.5 MiB? There are:

Unfortunately, SDL 2 also statically references some newer Windows API functions and therefore doesn't run on Windows 98. Since this build of Shuusou Gyoku doesn't introduce any new features to the input or sound interfaces, we can still use pbg's original DirectSound and DirectInput code for the i586 build to keep it working with the rest of the platform-independent game logic code, but it will start to lag behind in features as soon as we add support for SC-88Pro BGM or more sophisticated input remapping. If we do want to keep this build at the same feature level as the SDL one, we now have a choice: Do we write new DirectInput and DirectSound code and get it done quickly but only for Shuusou Gyoku, or do we port SDL 2 to Windows 98 and benefit all other SDL 2 games as well? I leave that for my backers to decide.

Immediately after writing the first bits of actual SDL code to initialize the library and create the game window, you notice that SDL makes it very simple to gradually migrate a game. After creating the game window, you can call SDL_GetWindowWMInfo() to retrieve HWND and HINSTANCE handles that allow you to continue using your original DirectDraw, DirectSound, and DirectInput code and focus on porting one subsystem at a time.
Sadly, D3DWindower can no longer turn SDL's fullscreen mode into a windowed one, but DxWnd still works, albeit behaving a bit janky and insisting on minimizing the game whenever its window loses focus. But in exchange, the game window can surprisingly be moved now! Turns out that the originally fixed window position had nothing to do with the way the game created its DirectDraw context, and everything to do with pbg blocking the Win32 "syscommand" that allows a window to be moved. By deleting a system menu… seriously?! Now I'm dying to hear the Raymond Chen explanation for how this behavior dates back to an unfortunate decision during the Win16 days or something.
As implied by that commit, I immediately backported window movability to the i586 build.

However, the most important part of Shuusou Gyoku's main loop is its frame rate limiter, whose Win32 version leaves a bit of room for improvement. Outside of the uncapped [おまけ] DrawMode, the original main loop continuously checks whether at least 16 milliseconds have elapsed since the last simulated (but not necessarily rendered) frame. And by that I mean continuously, and deliberately without using any of the Windows system facilities to sleep the process in the meantime, as evidenced by a commented-out Sleep(1) call. This has two important effects on the game:

Unsurprisingly, SDL features a delay function that properly sleeps the process for a given number of milliseconds. But just specifying 16 here is not exactly what we want:

  1. Sure, modern computers are fast, but a frame won't ever take an infinitely fast 0 milliseconds to render. So we still need to take the current frame time into account.
  2. SDL_Delay()'s documentation says that the wake-up could be further delayed due to OS scheduling.

To address both of these issues, I went with a base delay time of 15 ms minus the time spent on the current frame, followed by busy-waiting for the last millisecond to make sure that the next frame starts on the exact frame boundary. And lo and behold: Even though this still technically wastes up to 1 ms of CPU time, it still dropped CPU usage into the 0%-2% range during gameplay on my Intel Core i5-8400T CPU, which is over 5 years old at this point. Your laptop battery will appreciate this new build quite a bit.

Time to look at audio then, because it sure looks less complicated than input, doesn't it? Loading sounds from .WAV file buffers, playing a fixed number of instances of every sound at a given position within the stereo field and with optional looping… and that's everything already. The DirectSound implementation is so straightforward that the most complex part of its code is the .WAV file parser.
Well, the big problem with audio is actually finding a cross-platform backend that implements these features in a way that seamlessly works with Shuusou Gyoku's original files. DirectSound really is the perfect sound API for this game:

The last point can't really be an argument against anything, but we'd still be left with 7 other boxes that a cross-platform alternative would have to tick. We already picked SDL for our portability needs, so how does its audio subsystem stack up? Unfortunately, not great:

OK, sure, but you're not supposed to use it for anything more than a single stream of audio. SDL_mixer exists precisely to cover such non-trivial use cases, and it even supports sound effect looping and panning with just a single function call! But as far as the rest of the library is concerned, it manages to be an even bigger disappointment than raw SDL audio:

There is a fork that does add support for an arbitrary number of music streams, but the rest of its features leave me questioning the priorities and focus of this project. Because surely, when I think about missing features in an audio backend, I immediately think about support for a vast array of chiptune file formats… 🤪
And wait, what, they merged this piece of bloat back into the official SDL_mixer library?! Thanks for opening up a vast attack surface for potential security vulnerabilities in code that would never run for the majority of users, just to cover some niche formats that nobody would seriously expect in a general audio library. And that's coming from someone who loves listening to that stuff!
At this rate, I'm expecting SDL_mixer to gain a mail client by the end of the decade. Hmm, what's the closest audio thing to a mail client… oh, right, WebRTC! Yeah, let's just casually drop a giant part of the Chromium codebase into SDL_mixer, what could possibly go wrong?

This dire situation made me wonder if SDL was the wrong choice for Shuusou Gyoku to begin with. Looking at other low-level cross-platform game libraries, you'll quickly notice that all of them come with mostly equally capable 2D renderers these days, and mainly differentiate themselves in minute API details that you'd only notice upon a really close look.
raylib is another one of those libraries and has been getting exceptionally popular in recent years, to the point of even having more than twice as many GitHub stars as SDL. By restricting itself to OpenGL, it can even offer an abstraction for shaders, which we'd really like for the 西方Project lens ball effect.
In the case of raylib's audio system, the lack of sound effect looping is the minute API detail that would make it annoying to use for Shuusou Gyoku. But it might be worth a look at how raylib implements all this if it doesn't use SDL… which turned out to be the best look I've taken in a long time, because raylib builds on top of miniaudio which is exactly the kind of audio library I was hoping to find. Let's check the list from above:

Oh, and it's written by the same developer who also wrote the best FLAC library back in 2018. And that's despite them being single-file C libraries, which I consider to be massively overrated…

The drawback? Similar to Zig, it's only on version 0.11.18, and also focuses on good high-level documentation at the expense of an API reference. Unlike Zig though, the three issues I ran into turned out to be actual and fixable bugs: Two minor ones related to looping of streamed sounds shorter than 2 seconds which won't ever actually affect us before we get into BGM modding, and a critical one that added high-frequency corruption to any mono sound effect during its expansion to stereo. The latter took days to track down – with symptoms like these, you'd immediately suspect the bug to lie in the resampler or its low-pass filter, both of which are so much more of a fickle and configurable part of the conversion chain here. Compared to that, stereo expansion is so conceptually simple that you wouldn't imagine anyone getting it wrong.
While the latter PR has been merged, the fix is still only part of the dev branch and hasn't been properly released yet. Fortunately, raylib is not affected by this bug: It does currently ship version 0.11.16 of miniaudio, but its usage of the library predates miniaudio's high-level API and it therefore uses a different, non-SSE-optimized code path for its format conversions.

The only slightly tricky part of implementing a miniaudio backend for Shuusou Gyoku lies in setting up multiple simultaneously playing instances for each individual sound. The documentation and answers on the issue tracker heavily push you toward miniaudio's resource manager and its file abstractions to handle this use case. We surely could turn Shuusou Gyoku's numeric sound effect IDs into fake file names, but it doesn't really fit the existing architecture where the sound interface just receives in-memory .WAV file buffers loaded from the SOUND.DAT packfile.
In that case, this seems to be the best way:

As a side effect of hunting that one critical bug in miniaudio, I've now learned a fair bit about audio resampling in general. You'll probably need some knowledge about basic digital signal behavior to follow this section, and that video is still probably the best introduction to the topic.

So, how could this ever be an issue? The only time I ever consciously thought about resampling used to be in the context of the Opus codec and its enforced sampling rate of 48,000 Hz, and how Opus advocates claim that resampling is a solved problem and nothing to worry about, especially in the context of a lossy codec. Still, I didn't add Opus to thcrap's BGM modding feature entirely because the mere thought of having to downsample to 44,100 Hz in the decoder was off-putting enough. But even if my worries were unfounded in that specific case: Recording the Stereo Mix of Shuusou Gyoku's now two audio backends revealed that apparently not every audio processing chain features an Opus-quality resampler…

If we take a look at the material that resamplers actually have to work with here, it quickly becomes obvious why their results are so varied. As mentioned above, Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects use rather low sampling rates that are pretty far away from the 48,000 Hz your audio device is most definitely outputting. Therefore, any potential imaging noise across the extended high-frequency range – i.e., from the original Nyquist frequencies of 11,025 Hz/5,512.5 Hz up to the new limit of 24,000 Hz – is still within the audible range of most humans and can clearly color the resulting sound.
But it gets worse if the audio data you put into the resampler is objectively defective to begin with, which is exactly the problem we're facing with over half of Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects. Encoding them all as 8-bit PCM is definitely excusable because it was the turn of the millennium and the resulting noise floor is masked by the BGM anyway, but the blatant clipping and DC offsets definitely aren't:

<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 1/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 2/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 3/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 4/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 5/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 6/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 7/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 8/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 9/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 10/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 11/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 12/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 13/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 14/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 15/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 16/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 17/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 18/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 19/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 20/20
Waveforms for all 20 of Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects, in the order they appear inside SOUND.DAT and with their internal names. We can see quite an abundance of clipping, as well as a significant DC offset in WARNING, BUZZ, JOINT, SBBOMB, and BOSSBOMB.

Wait a moment, true peaks? Where do those come from? And, equally importantly, how can we even observe, measure, and store anything above the maximum amplitude of a digital signal?

The answer to the first question can be directly derived from the Xiph.org video I linked above: Digital signals are lollipop graphs, not stairsteps as commonly depicted in audio editing software. Converting them back to an analog signal involves constructing a continuous curve that passes through each sample point, and whose frequency components stay below the Nyquist frequency. And if the amplitude of that reconstructed wave changes too strongly and too rapidly, the resulting curve can easily overshoot the maximum digital amplitude of 0 dBFS even if none of the defined samples are above that limit.

But I can assure you that I did not create the waveform images above by recording the analog output of some speakers or headphones and then matching the levels to the original files, so how did I end up with that image? It's not an Audacity feature either because the development team argues that there is no "true waveform" to be visualized as every DAC behaves differently. While this is correct in theory, we'd be happy just to get a rough approximation here.
ffmpeg's ebur128 filter has a parameter to measure the true peak of a waveform and fairly understandable source code, and once I looked at it, all the pieces suddenly started to make sense: For our purpose of only looking at digital signals, 💡 resampling to a floating-point signal with an infinite sampling rate is equivalent to a DAC. And that's exactly what this filter does: It picks 192,000 Hz and 64-bit float as a format that's close enough to the ideal of "analog infinity" for all practical purposes that involve digital audio, and then simply converts each incoming 100 ms of audio and keeps the sample with the largest floating-point value.

So let's store the resampled output as a FLAC file and load it into Audacity to visualize the clipped peaks… only to find all of them replaced with the typical kind of clipping distortion? 😕 Turns out that I've stumbled over the one case where the FLAC format isn't lossless and there's actually no alternative to .WAV: FLAC just doesn't support floating-point samples and simply truncates them to discrete integers during encoding. When we measured inter-sample peaks above, we weren't only resampling to a floating-point format to avoid any quantization to discrete integer values, but also to make it possible to store amplitudes beyond the 0 dBFS point of ±1.0 in the first place. Once we lose that ability, these amplitudes are clipped to the maximum value of the integer bit depth, and baked into the waveform with no way to get rid of them again. After all, the resampled file now uses a higher sampling rate, and the clipping distortion is now a defined part of what the sound is.
Finally, storing a digital signal with inter-sample peaks in a floating-point format also makes it possible for you to reduce the volume, which moves these peaks back into the regular, unclipped amplitude range. This is especially relevant for Shuusou Gyoku as you'll probably never listen to sound effects at full volume.

Now that we understand what's going on there, we can finally compare the output of various resamplers and pick a suitable one to use with miniaudio. And immediately, we see how they fall into two categories:

miniaudio only comes with a linear resampler – but so does DirectSound as it turns out, so we can get actually pretty close to how the game sounded originally:

All of Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects combined and resampled into a single 48,000 Hz / 32-bit float .WAV file, using GoldWave's File Merger tool. By converting to 32-bit float first and then resampling, the conversion preserved the exact frequency range of the original 22,050 Hz and 11,025 Hz files, even despite clipping. There are small noise peaks across the entire frequency range, but they only occur at the exact boundary between individual sound effects. These are a simple result of the discontinuities that naturally occur in the waveform when concatenating signals that don't start or end at a 0 sample.
As mentioned above, you'll only get this sound out of your DAC at lower volumes where all of the resampled peaks still fit within 0 dBFS. But you most likely will have reduced your volume anyway, because these effects would be ear-splittingly loud otherwise.
The result of converting 1️⃣ into FLAC. The necessary bit depth conversion from 32-bit float to 16-bit integers clamps any data above 0 dBFS or ±1.0f to the discrete -32,678 32,767, the maximum value of such an integer. The resulting straight lines at maximum amplitude in the time domain then turn into distortion across the entire 24,000 Hz frequency domain, which then remains a part of the waveform even at lower volumes. The locations of the high-frequency noise exactly match the clipped locations in the time-domain waveform images above.
The resulting additional distortion can be best heard in BOSSBOMB, where the low source frequency ensures that any distortion stays firmly within the hearing range of most humans.
All of Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects as played through DirectSound and recorded through Stereo Mix. DirectSound also seems to use a linear low-pass filter that leaves quite a bit of high-frequency noise in the signals, making these effects sound crispier than they should be. Depending on where you stand, this is either highly inaccurate and something that should be fixed, or actually good because the sound effects really benefit from that added high end. I myself am definitely in the latter camp – and hey, this sound is the result of original game code, so it is accurate at least in that regard. :tannedcirno:
All of Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects as converted by miniaudio and directly saved to a file, with the same low-pass filter setting used in the P0256 build. This first-order low-pass filter is a decent approximation of DirectSound's resampler, even though it sounds slightly crispier as the high-frequency noise is boosted a little further. By default, miniaudio would use a 4th-order low-pass filter, so this is the second-lowest resampling quality you can get, short of disabling the low-pass filter altogether.
Conversion results when using miniaudio's 8th-order low-pass filter for resampling, the highest quality supported. This is the closest we can get to the reference conversion without using a custom resampler. If we do want to go for perfect accuracy though, we might as well go for 1️⃣ directly?

These spectrum images were initially created using ffmpeg's -lavfi showspectrumpic=mode=combined:s=1280x720 filter. The samples appear in the same order as in the waveform above.

And yes, these are indeed the first videos on this blog to have sound! I spent another push on preparing the 📝 video conversion pipeline for audio support, and on adding the highly important volume control to the player. Web video codecs only support lossy audio, so the sound in these videos will not exactly match the spectrum image, but the lossless source files do contain the original audio as uncompressed PCM streams.

Compared to that whole mess of signals and noise, keyboard and joypad input is indeed much simpler. Thanks to SDL, it's almost trivial, and only slightly complicated because SDL offers two subsystems with seemingly identical APIs:

To match Shuusou Gyoku's original WinMM backend, we'd ideally want to keep the best aspects from both APIs but without being restricted to SDL_GameController's idea of a controller. The Joy Pad menu just identifies each button with a numeric ID, so SDL_Joystick would be a natural fit. But what do we do about directional controls if SDL_Joystick doesn't tell us which joypad axes correspond to the X and Y directions, and we don't have the SDL-recommended configuration UI yet? Doing that right would also mean supporting POV hats and D-pads, after all… Luckily, all joypads we've tested map their main X axis to ID 0 and their main Y axis to ID 1, so this seems like a reasonable default guess.

Fortunately, there is a solution for our exact issue. We can still try to open a joypad via SDL_GameController, and if that succeeds, we can use a function to retrieve the SDL_Joystick ID for the main X and Y axis, close the SDL_GameController instance, and keep using SDL_Joystick for the rest of the game.
And with that, the SDL build no longer needs DirectInput 7, certain antivirus scanners will no longer complain about its low-level keyboard hook, and I turned the original game's single-joypad hot-plugging into multi-joypad hot-plugging with barely any code. 🎮

The necessary consolidation of the game's original input handling uncovered several minor bugs around the High Score and Game Over screen that I sufficiently described in the release notes of the new build. But it also revealed an interesting detail about the Joy Pad screen: Did you know that Shuusou Gyoku lets you unbind all these actions by pressing more than one joypad button at the same time? The original game indicated unbound actions with a [Button 0] label, which is pretty confusing if you have ever programmed anything because you now no longer know whether the game starts numbering buttons at 0 or 1. This is now communicated much more clearly.

Joypad button unbinding in the original version of Shuusou Gyoku, indicated by a rather confusing [Button 0] labelJoypad button unbinding in the P0256 build of Shuusou Gyoku, using a much clearer [--------] label
ESC is not bound to any joypad button in either screenshot, but it's only really obvious in the P0256 build.

With that, we're finally feature-complete as far as this delivery is concerned! Let's send a build over to the backers as a quick sanity check… a~nd they quickly found a bug when running on Linux and Wine. When holding a button, the game randomly stops registering directional inputs for a short while on some joypads? Sounds very much like a Wine bug, especially if the same pad works without issues on Windows.
And indeed, on certain joypads, Wine maps the buttons to completely different and disconnected IDs, as if it simply invents new buttons or axes to fill the resulting gaps. Until we can differentiate joypad bindings per controller, it's therefore unlikely that you can use the same joypad mapping on both Windows and Linux/Wine without entering the Joy Pad menu and remapping the buttons every time you switch operating systems.

Still, by itself, this shouldn't cause any issues with my SDL event handling code… except, of course, if I forget a break; in a switch case. 🫠
This completely preventable implicit fallthrough has now caused a few hours of debugging on my end. I'd better crank up the warning level to keep this from ever happening again. Opting into this specific warning also revealed why we haven't been getting it so far: Visual Studio did gain a whole host of new warnings related to the C++ Core Guidelines a while ago, including the one I was looking for, but actually getting the compiler to throw these requires activating a separate static analysis mode together with a plugin, which significantly slows down build times. Therefore I only activate them for release builds, since these already take long enough. :onricdennat:

But that wasn't the only step I took as a result of this blunder. In addition, I now offer free fixes for regressions in my mod releases if anyone else reports an issue before I find it myself. I've already been following this policy 📝 earlier this year when mu021 reported the unblitting bug in the initial release of the TH01 Anniversary Edition, and merely made it official now. If I was the one who broke a thing, I'll fix it for free.

Since all that input debugging already started a 5th push, I might as well fill that one by restoring the original screenshot feature. After all, it's triggered by a key press (and is thus related to the input backend), reads the contents of the frame buffer (and is thus related to the graphics backend), and it honestly looks bad to have this disclaimer in the release notes just because we're one small feature away from 100% parity with pbg's original binary.
Coincidentally, I had already written code to save a DirectDraw surface to a .BMP file for all the debugging I did in the last delivery, so we were basically only missing filename generation. Except that Shuusou Gyoku's original choice of mapping screenshots to the PrintScreen key did not age all too well:

As a result, both Arandui and I independently arrived at the idea of remapping screenshots to the P key, which is the same screenshot key used by every Windows Touhou game since TH08.

The rest of the feature remains unchanged from how it was in pbg's original build and will save every distinct frame rendered by the game (i.e., before flipping the two framebuffers) to a .BMP file as long as the P key is being held. At a 32-bit color depth, these screenshots take up 1.2 MB per frame, which will quickly add up – especially since you'll probably hold the P key for more than 1/60 of a second and therefore end up saving multiple frames in a row. We should probably compress them one day.

Since I already translated some of Shuusou Gyoku's ASM code to C++ during the Zig experiment, it made sense to finish the fifth push by covering the rest of those functions. The integer math functions are used all throughout the game logic, and are the main reason why this goal is important for a Linux port, or any port to a 64-bit architecture for that matter. If you've ever read a micro-optimization-related blog post, you'll know that hand-written ASM is a great recipe that often results in the finest jank, and the game's square root function definitely delivers in that regard, right out of the gate.
What slightly differentiates this algorithm from the typical definition of an integer square root is that it rounds up: In real numbers, √3 is ≈ 1.73, so isqrt(3) returns 2 instead of 1. However, if the result is always rounded down, you can determine whether you have to round up by simply squaring the calculated root and comparing it to the radicand. And even that is only necessary if the difference between the two doesn't naturally fall out of the algorithm – which is what also happens with Shuusou Gyoku's original ASM code, but pbg didn't realize this and squared the result regardless. :tannedcirno:

That's one suboptimal detail already. Let's call the original ASM function in a loop over the entire supported range of radicands from 0 to 231 and produce a list of results that I can verify my C++ translation against… and watch as the function's linear time complexity with regard to the radicand causes the loop to run for over 15 hours on my system. 🐌 In a way, I've found the literal opposite of Q_rsqrt() here: Not fast, not inverse, no bit hacks, and surely without the awe-inspiring kind of WTF.
I really didn't want to run the same loop over a literal C++ translation of the same algorithm afterward. Calculating integer square roots is a common problem with lots of solutions, so let's see if we can go better than linear.

And indeed, Wikipedia also has a bitwise algorithm that runs in logarithmic time, uses only additions, subtractions, and bit shifts, and even ends up with an error term that we can use to round up the result as necessary, without a multiplication. And this algorithm delivers the exact same results over the exact same range in… 50 seconds. 🏎️ And that's with the I/O to print the first value that returns each of the 46,341 different square root results.

"But wait a moment!", I hear you say. "Why are you bothering with an integer square root algorithm to begin with? Shouldn't good old round(sqrt(x)) from <math.h> do the trick just fine? Our CPUs have had SSE for a long time, and this probably compiles into the single SQRTSD instruction. All that extra floating-point hardware might mean that this instruction could even run in parallel with non-SSE code!"
And yes, all of that is technically true. So I tested it, and my very synthetic and constructed micro-benchmark did indeed deliver the same results in… 48 seconds. :thonk: That's not enough of a difference to justify breaking the spirit of treating the FPU as lava that permeates Shuusou Gyoku's code base. Besides, it's not used for that much to begin with:

After a quick C++ translation of the RNG function that spells out a 32-bit multiplication on a 32-bit CPU using 16-bit instructions, we reach the final pieces of ASM code for the 8-bit atan2() and trapezoid rendering. These could actually pass for well-written ASM code in how they express their 64-bit calculations: atan8() prepares its 64-bit dividend in the combined EDX and EAX registers in a way that isn't obvious at all from a cursory look at the code, and the trapezoid functions effectively use Q32.32 subpixels. C++ allows us to cleanly model all these calculations with 64-bit variables, but unfortunately compiles the divisions into a call to a comparatively much more bloated 64-bit/64-bit-division polyfill function. So yeah, we've actually found a well-optimized piece of inline assembly that even Visual Studio 2022's optimizer can't compete with. But then again, this is all about code generation details that are specific to 32-bit code, and it wouldn't be surprising if that part of the optimizer isn't getting much attention anymore. Whether that optimization was useful, on the other hand… Oh well, the new C++ version will be much more efficient in 64-bit builds.

And with that, there's no more ASM code left in Shuusou Gyoku's codebase, and the original DirectXUTYs directory is slowly getting emptier and emptier.

Phew! Was that everything for this delivery? I think that was everything. Here's the new build, which checks off 7 of the 15 remaining portability boxes:

:sh01: Shuusou Gyoku P0256

Next up: Taking a well-earned break from Shuusou Gyoku and starting with the preparations for multilingual PC-98 Touhou translatability by looking at TH04's and TH05's in-game dialog system, and definitely writing a shorter blog post about all that…