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📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0278, P0279
b6a7285...f0fbaf6, f0fbaf6...20bac82
💰 Funded by:
Yanga, Blue Bolt
🏷 Tags:

That was quick: In a surprising turn of events, Romantique Tp themselves came in just one day after the last blog post went up, updated me with their current and much more positive opinion on Sound Canvas VA, and confirmed that real SC-88Pro hardware clamps invalid Reverb Macro values to the specified range. I promised to release a new Sound Canvas VA BGM pack for free once I knew the exact behavior of real hardware, so let's go right back to Seihou and also integrate the necessary SysEx patches into the game's MIDI player behind a toggle. This would also be a great occasion to quickly incorporate some long overdue code maintenance and build system improvements, and a migration to C++ modules in particular. When I started the Shuusou Gyoku Linux port a year ago, the combination of modules and <windows.h> threw lots of weird errors and even crashed the Visual Studio compiler. But nowadays, Microsoft even uses modules in the Office code base. This must mean that these issues are fixed by now, right?
Well, there's still a bug that causes the modularized C++ standard library to be basically unusable in combination with the static analyzer, and somehow, I was the first one to report it. So it's 3½ years after C++20 was finalized, and somehow, modules are still a bleeding-edge feature and a second-class citizen in even the compiler that supports them the best. I want fast compile times already! 😕
Thankfully, Microsoft agrees that this is a bug, and will work on it at some point. While we're waiting, let's return to the original plan of decompiling the endings of the one PC-98 Touhou game that still needed them decompiled.

  1. TH02's endings
  2. TH02's Staff Roll
  3. TH02's verdict screen, and its hidden challenge
  4. TH02's end-of-stage bonus screens

After the textless slideshows of TH01, TH02 was the first Touhou game to feature lore text in its endings. Given that this game stores its 📝 in-game dialog text in fixed-size plaintext files, you wouldn't expect anything more fancy for the endings either, so it's not surprising to see that the END?.TXT files use the same concept, with 44 visible bytes per line followed by two bytes of padding for the CR/LF newline sequence. Each of these lines is typed to the screen in full, with all whitespace and a fixed time for each 2-byte chunk.
As a result, everything surrounding the text is just as hardcoded as TH01's endings were, which once again opens up the possibility of freely integrating all sorts of creative animations without the overhead of an interpreter. Sadly, TH02 only makes use of this freedom in a mere two cases: the picture scrolling effect from Reimu's head to Marisa's head in the Bad Endings, and a single hardware palette change in the Good Endings.

Powered by master.lib's egc_shift_down().
Screenshot of the (0-based) line #13 in TH02's Good Endings, together with its associated (and colored) pictureScreenshot of the (0-based) line #14 in TH02's Good Endings, showing off how it doesn't change the picture of the previous line and only applies a different grayscale palette
Same image, different palette. Note how the palette for 2️⃣ must still contain a green color for the VRAM-rendered bold text, which the image is not supposed to use.

Hardcoding also still made sense for this game because of how the ending text is structured. The Good and Bad Endings for the individual shot types respectively share 55% and 77% of their text, and both only diverge after the first 27 lines. In straight-line procedural code, this translates to one branch for each shot type at a single point, neatly matching the high-level structure of these endings.

But that's the end of the positive or neutral aspects I can find in these scripts. The worst part, by far, is ZUN's approach to displaying the text in alternating colors, and how it impacts the entire structure of the code.
The simplest solution would have involved a hardcoded array with the color of each line, just like how the in-game dialogs store the face IDs for each text box. But for whatever reason, ZUN did not apply this piece of wisdom to the endings and instead hardcoded these color changes by… mutating a global variable before calling the text typing function for every individual line.:zunpet: This approach ruins any possibility of compressing the script code into loops. While ZUN did use loops, all of them are very short because they can only last until the next color change. In the end, the code contains 90 explicitly spelled-out calls to the 5-parameter line typing function that only vary in the pointer to each line and in the slower speed used for the one or two final lines of each ending. As usual, I've deduplicated the code in the ReC98 repository down to a sensible level, but here's the full inlined and macro-expanded horror:

Raw decompilation of TH02's script function for its three Bad Endings, without inline function or macro trickeryRaw decompilation of TH02's script function for its three Good Endings, without inline function or macro trickery
It's highly likely that this is what ZUN hacked into his PC-98 and was staring at back in 1997. :godzun:

All this redundancy bloats the two script functions for the 6 endings to a whopping 3,344 bytes inside TH02's MAINE.EXE. In particular, the single function that covers the three Good Endings ends up with a total of 631 x86 ASM instructions, making it the single largest function in TH02 and the 7th longest function in all of PC-98 Touhou. If the 📝 single-executable build for TH02's debloated and anniversary branches ends up needing a few more KB to reduce its size below the original MAIN.EXE, there are lots of opportunities to compress it all.

The ending text can also be fast-forwarded by holding any key. As we've come to expect for this sort of ZUN code, the text typing function runs its own rendering loop with VSync delays and input detection, which means that we 📝 once 📝 again have to talk about the infamous quirk of the PC-98 keyboard controller in relation to held keys. We've still got 54 not yet decompiled calls to input detection functions left in this codebase, are you excited yet?! :tannedcirno:
Holding any key speeds up the text of all ending lines before the last one by displaying two kana/kanji instead of one per rendered frame and reducing the delay between the rendered frames to 1/3 of its regular length. In pseudocode:

for(i = 0; i < number_of_2_byte_chunks_on_displayed_line; i++) {
	input = convert_current_pc98_bios_input_state_to_game_specific_bitflags();
	if(input == INPUT_NONE) {
		// Basic case, no key pressed
	} else if((i % 2) == 1) {
		// Key pressed, chunk number is odd.
		frame_delay(frames_per_chunk / 3);
	} else {
		// Key pressed, chunk number is even.
		// No delay; next iteration adds to the same frame.

This is exactly the kind of code you would write if you wanted to deliberately maximize the impact of this hardware quirk. If the game happens to read the current input state right after a key up scancode for the last previously held and game-relevant key, it will then wrongly take the branch that uninterruptibly waits for the regular, non-divided amount of VSync interrupts. In my tests, this broke the rhythm of the fast-forwarded text about once per line. Note how this branch can also be taken on an even chunk: Rendering glyphs straight from font ROM to VRAM is not exactly cheap, and if each iteration (needlessly) blits one more full-width glyph than the last one, the probability of a key up scancode arriving in the middle of a frame only increases.
The fact that TH02 allows any of the supported input keys to be held points to another detail of this quirk I haven't mentioned so far. If you press multiple keys at once, the PC-98's keyboard controller only sends the periodic key up scancodes as long as you are holding the last key you pressed. Because the controller only remembers this last key, pressing and releasing any other key would get rid of these scancodes for all keys you are still holding.
As usual, this ZUN bug only occurs on real hardware and with DOSBox-X's correct emulation of the PC-98 keyboard controller.

After the ending, we get to witness the most seamless transition between ending and Staff Roll in any Touhou game as the BGM immediately changes to the Staff Roll theme, and the ending picture is shifted into the same place where the Staff Roll pictures will appear. Except that the code misses the exact position by four pixels, and cuts off another four pixels at the right edge of the picture:

Also, note the green 1-pixel line at the right edge of this specific picture. This is a bug in the .PI file where the picture is indeed shifted one pixel to the left. :zunpet:

What follows is a comparatively large amount of unused content for a single scene. It starts right at the end of this underappreciated 11-frame animation loaded from ENDFT.BFT:

Wastefully using the 4bpp BFNT format. The single ZUN frame at the end of the animation is unused; while it might look identical to the ZUN glyphs later on in the Staff Roll, that's only because both are independently rendered boldfaced versions of the same font ROM glyphs. Then again, it does prove that ZUN created this animation on a PC-98 model made by NEC, as the Epson clones used a font ROM with a distinctly different look.

TH02's Staff Roll is also unique for the pre-made screenshots of all 5 stages that get shown together with a fancy rotating rectangle animation while the Staff Roll progresses in sync with the BGM. The first interesting detail shows up immediately after the first image, where the code jumps over one of the 320×200 quarters in ED06.PI, leaving the screenshot of the Stage 2 midboss unused.
All of the cutscenes in PC-98 Touhou store their pictures as 320×200 quarters within a single 640×400 .PI file. Anywhere else, all four quarters are supposed to be displayed with the same palette specified in the .PI header, but TH02's Staff Roll screenshots are also unique in how all quarters beyond the top-left one require palettes loaded from external .RGB files to look right. Consequently, the game doesn't clearly specify the intended palette of this unused screenshot, and leaves two possibilities:

The unused second 320×200 quarter of TH02's ED06.PI, displayed in the Stage 2 color palette used in-game.
The unused second 320×200 quarter of TH02's ED06.PI, displayed in the palette specified in the .PI header. These are the colors you'd see when looking at the file in a .PI viewer, when converting it into another format with the usual tools, or in sprite rips that don't take TH02's hardcoded palette changes into account. These colors are only intended for the Stage 1 screenshot in the top-left quarter of the file.
The unused second 320×200 quarter of TH02's ED06.PI, displayed in the palette from ED06B.RGB, which the game uses for the following screenshot of the Meira fight. As it's from the same stage, it almost matches the in-game colors seen in 1️⃣, and only differs in the white color (#FFF) being slightly red-tinted (#FCC).

It might seem obvious that the Stage 2 palette in 1️⃣ is the correct one, but ZUN indeed uses ED06B.RGB with the red-tinted white color for the following screenshot of the Meira fight. Not only does this palette not match Meira's in-game appearance, but it also discolors the rectangle animation and the surrounding Staff Roll text:

Also, that tearing on frame #1 is not a recording artifact, but the expected result of yet another VSync-related landmine. 💣 This time, it's caused by the combination of 1) the entire sequence from the ending to the verdict screen being single-buffered, and 2) this animation always running immediately after an expensive operation (640×400 .PI image loading and blitting to VRAM, 320×200 VRAM inter-page copy, or hardware palette loading from a packed file), without waiting for the VSync interrupt. This makes it highly likely for the first frame of this animation to start rendering at a point where the (real or emulated) electron beam has already traveled over a significant portion of the screen.

But when I went into Stage 2 to compare these colors to the in-game palette, I found something even more curious. ZUN obviously made this screenshot with the Reimu-C shot type, but one of the shot sprites looks slightly different from how it does in-game. :thonk: These screenshots must have been made earlier in development when the sprite didn't yet feature the second ring at the top. The same applies to the Stage 4 screenshot later on:

Original version of the third 320×200 quarter from TH02's ED06.PI, representing the Meira boss fight and showing off an old version of the Reimu-C shot spritesOriginal version of the first 320×200 quarter from TH02's ED07.PI, representing Stage 4 and showing off an old version of the Reimu-C shot sprites
Edited version of the third 320×200 quarter from TH02's ED06.PI, representing the Meira boss fight; Reimu-C's shot sprites were replaced with their final versionEdited version of the first 320×200 quarter from TH02's ED07.PI, representing Stage 4; Reimu-C's shot sprites were replaced with their final version

Finally, the rotating rectangle animation delivers one more minor rendering bug. Each of the 20 frames removes the largest and outermost rectangle from VRAM by redrawing it in the same black color of the background before drawing the remaining rectangles on top. The corners of these rectangles are placed on a shrinking circle that starts with a radius of 256 pixels and is centered at (192, 200), which results in a maximum possible X coordinate of 448 for the rightmost corner of the rectangle. However, the Staff Roll text starts at an X coordinate of 416, causing the first two full-width glyphs to still fall within the area of the circle. Each line of text is also only rendered once before the animation. So if any of the rectangles then happens to be placed at an angle that causes its edges to overlap the text, its removal will cut small holes of black pixels into the glyphs:

The green dotted circle corresponds to the newest/smallest rectangle. Note how ZUN only happened to avoid the holes for the two final animations by choosing an initial angle and angular velocity that causes the resulting rectangles to just barely avoid touching the TEST PLAYER glyphs.

At least the following verdict screen manages to have no bugs aside from the slightly imperfect centering of its table values, and only comes with a small amount of additional bloat. Let's get right to the mapping from skill points to the 12 title strings from END3.TXT, because one of them is not like the others:

90 - 99もはや神の領域!!
80 - 99A級シューター!!
78 - 79うきうきゲーマー!
70 - 76うきうきゲーマー!
60 - 69どきどきゲーマー!
50 - 59要練習ゲーマー
40 - 49非ゲーマー級
30 - 39ちょっとだめ
20 - 29非人間級
10 - 19人間でない何か
Looks like I'm the first one to document the required skill points as well? Everyone else just copy-pastes END3.TXT without providing context.

So how would you get exactly 77 and achieve vanilla harmony? Here's the formula:

Difficulty level* × 20
+10 - (Continues used × 3)
+max((50 - (Lives lost × 3) - Bombs used), 0)
+min(max(📝 item_skill, 0), 25)
* Ranges from 0 (Easy) to 3 (Lunatic).
Across all 5 stages.
With Easy Mode capping out at 85, this is possible on every difficulty, although it requires increasingly perfect play the lower you go. Reaching 77 on purpose, however, pretty much demands a careful route through the entire game, as every collected and missed item will influence the item_skill in some way. This almost feels it's like the ultimate challenge that this game has to offer. Looking forward to the first Vanilla Harmony% run!

And with that, TH02's MAINE.EXE is both fully position-independent and ready for translation. There's a tiny bit of undecompiled bit of code left in the binary, but I'll leave that for rounding up a future TH02 decompilation push.

With one of the game's skill-based formulas decompiled, it's fitting to round out the second push with the other two. The in-game bonus tables at the end of a stage also have labels that we'd eventually like to translate, after all.
The bonus formula for the 4 regular stages is also the first place where we encounter TH02's rank value, as well as the only instance in PC-98 Touhou where the game actually displays a rank-derived value to the player. KirbyComment and Colin Douglas Howell accurately documented the rank mechanics over at Touhou Wiki two years ago, which helped quite a bit as rank would have been slightly out of scope for these two pushes. 📝 Similar to TH01, TH02's rank value only affects bullet speed, but the exact details of how rank is factored in will have to wait until RE progress arrives at this game's bullet system.
These bonuses are calculated by taking a sum of various gameplay metrics and multiplying it with the amount of point items collected during the stage. In the 4 regular stages, the sum consists of:

 難易度 Difficulty level* × 2,000
ステージ (Rank + 16) ×   200
ボム max((2,500 - (Bombs used* ×   500)), 0)
ミス max((3,000 - (Lives lost* × 1,000)), 0)
靈撃初期数 (4 - Starting bombs) ×   800
靈夢初期数 (5 - Starting lives) × 1,000
* Within this stage, across all continues.
Yup, 封魔録.TXT does indeed document this correctly.

As rank can range from -6 to +4 on Easy and +16 on the other difficulties, this sum can range between:

Minimum 2,8004,8006,8008,800
Maximum 16,70021,10023,10025,100

The sum for the Extra Stage is not documented in 封魔録.TXT:

クリア 10,000
ミス回数 max((20,000 - (Lives lost × 4,000)), 0)
ボム回数 max((20,000 - (Bombs used × 4,000)), 0)
クリアタイム ⌊max((20,000 - Boss fight frames*), 0) ÷ 10⌋ × 10
* Amount of frames spent fighting Evil Eye Σ, counted from the end of the pre-boss dialog until the start of the defeat animation.

And that's two pushes packed full of the most bloated and copy-pasted code that's unique to TH02! So bloated, in fact, that TH02 RE as a whole jumped by almost 7%, which in turn finally pushed overall RE% over the 60% mark. 🎉 It's been a while since we hit a similar milestone; 50% overall RE happened almost 2 years ago during 📝 P0204, a month before I completed the TH01 decompilation.
Next up: Continuing to wait for Microsoft to fix the static analyzer bug until May at the latest, and working towards the newly popular dreams of TH03 netplay by looking at some of its foundational gameplay code.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0264, P0265
46cd6e7...78728f6, 78728f6...ff19bed
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, [Anonymous], iruleatgames
🏷 Tags:

Oh, it's 2024 already and I didn't even have a delivery for December or January? Yeah… I can only repeat what I said at the end of November, although the finish line is actually in sight now. With 10 pushes across 4 repositories and a blog post that has already reached a word count of 9,240, the Shuusou Gyoku SC-88Pro BGM release is going to break 📝 both the push record set by TH01 Sariel two years ago, and 📝 the blog post length record set by the last Shuusou Gyoku delivery. Until that's done though, let's clear some more PC-98 Touhou pushes out of the backlog, and continue the preparation work for the non-ASCII translation project starting later this year.

But first, we got another free bugfix according to my policy! 📝 Back in April 2022 when I researched the Divide Error crash that can occur in TH04's Stage 4 Marisa fight, I proposed and implemented four possible workarounds and let the community pick one of them for the generally recommended small bugfix mod. I still pushed the others onto individual branches in case the gameplay community ever wants to look more closely into them and maybe pick a different one… except that I accidentally pushed the wrong code for the warp workaround, probably because I got confused with the second warp variant I developed later on.
Fortunately, I still had the intended code for both variants lying around, and used the occasion to merge the current master branch into all of these mod branches. Thanks to wyatt8740 for spotting and reporting this oversight!

  1. The Music Room background masking effect
  2. The GRCG's plane disabling flags
  3. Text color restrictions
  4. The entire messy rest of the Music Room code
  5. TH04's partially consistent congratulation picture on Easy Mode
  6. TH02's boss position and damage variables

As the final piece of code shared in largely identical form between 4 of the 5 games, the Music Rooms were the biggest remaining piece of low-hanging fruit that guaranteed big finalization% gains for comparatively little effort. They seemed to be especially easy because I already decompiled TH02's Music Room together with the rest of that game's OP.EXE back in early 2015, when this project focused on just raw decompilation with little to no research. 9 years of increased standards later though, it turns out that I missed a lot of details, and ended up renaming most variables and functions. Combined with larger-than-expected changes in later games and the usual quality level of ZUN's menu code, this ended up taking noticeably longer than the single push I expected.

The undoubtedly most interesting part about this screen is the animation in the background, with the spinning and falling polygons cutting into a single-color background to reveal a spacey image below. However, the only background image loaded in the Music Room is OP3.PI (TH02/TH03) or MUSIC3.PI (TH04/TH05), which looks like this in a .PI viewer or when converted into another image format with the usual tools:

TH02's Music Room background in its on-disk state TH03's Music Room background in its on-disk state TH04's Music Room background in its on-disk state TH05's Music Room background in its on-disk state
Let's call this "the blank image".

That is definitely the color that appears on top of the polygons, but where is the spacey background? If there is no other .PI file where it could come from, it has to be somewhere in that same file, right? :thonk:
And indeed: This effect is another bitplane/color palette trick, exactly like the 📝 three falling stars in the background of TH04's Stage 5. If we set every bit on the first bitplane and thus change any of the resulting even hardware palette color indices to odd ones, we reveal a full second 8-color sub-image hiding in the same .PI file:

TH02's Music Room background, with all bits in the first bitplane set to reveal the spacey background image, and the full color palette at the bottom TH03's Music Room background, with all bits in the first bitplane set to reveal the spacey background image, and the full color palette at the bottom TH04's Music Room background, with all bits in the first bitplane set to reveal the spacey background image, and the full color palette at the bottom TH05's Music Room background, with all bits in the first bitplane set to reveal the spacey background image, and the full color palette at the bottom
The spacey sub-image. Never before seen!1!! …OK, touhou-memories beat me by a month. Let's add each image's full 16-color palette to deliver some additional value.

On a high level, the first bitplane therefore acts as a stencil buffer that selects between the blank and spacey sub-image for every pixel. The important part here, however, is that the first bitplane of the blank sub-images does not consist entirely of 0 bits, but does have 1 bits at the pixels that represent the caption that's supposed to be overlaid on top of the animation. Since there now are some pixels that should always be taken from the spacey sub-image regardless of whether they're covered by a polygon, the game can no longer just clear the first bitplane at the start of every frame. Instead, it has to keep a separate copy of the first bitplane's original state (called nopoly_B in the code), captured right after it blitted the .PI image to VRAM. Turns out that this copy also comes in quite handy with the text, but more on that later.

Then, the game simply draws polygons onto only the reblitted first bitplane to conditionally set the respective bits. ZUN used master.lib's grcg_polygon_c() function for this, which means that we can entirely thank the uncredited master.lib developers for this iconic animation – if they hadn't included such a function, the Music Rooms would most certainly look completely different.
This is where we get to complete the series on the PC-98 GRCG chip with the last remaining four bits of its mode register. So far, we only needed the highest bit (0x80) to either activate or deactivate it, and the bit below (0x40) to choose between the 📝 RMW and 📝 TCR/📝 TDW modes. But you can also use the lowest four bits to restrict the GRCG's operations to any subset of the four bitplanes, leaving the other ones untouched:

// Enable the GRCG (0x80) in regular RMW mode (0x40). All bitplanes are
// enabled and written according to the contents of the tile register.
outportb(0x7C, 0xC0);

// The same, but limiting writes to the first bitplane by disabling the
// second (0x02), third (0x04), and fourth (0x08) one, as done in the
// PC-98 Touhou Music Rooms.
outportb(0x7C, 0xCE);

// Regular GRCG blitting code to any VRAM segment…
pokeb(0xA8000, offset, …);

// We're done, turn off the GRCG.
outportb(0x7C, 0x00);

This could be used for some unusual effects when writing to two or three of the four planes, but it seems rather pointless for this specific case at first. If we only want to write to a single plane, why not just do so directly, without the GRCG? Using that chip only involves more hardware and is therefore slower by definition, and the blitting code would be the same, right?
This is another one of these questions that would be interesting to benchmark one day, but in this case, the reason is purely practical: All of master.lib's polygon drawing functions expect the GRCG to be running in RMW mode. They write their pixels as bitmasks where 1 and 0 represent pixels that should or should not change, and leave it to the GRCG to combine these masks with its tile register and OR the result into the bitplanes instead of doing so themselves. Since GRCG writes are done via MOV instructions, not using the GRCG would turn these bitmasks into actual dot patterns, overwriting any previous contents of each VRAM byte that gets modified.
Technically, you'd only have to replace a few MOV instructions with OR to build a non-GRCG version of such a function, but why would you do that if you haven't measured polygon drawing to be an actual bottleneck.

Three overlapping Music Room polygons rendered using master.lib's grcg_polygon_c() function with a disabled GRCGThree overlapping Music Room polygons rendered as in the original game, with the GRCG enabled
An example with three polygons drawn from top to bottom. Without the GRCG, edges of later polygons overwrite any previously drawn pixels within the same VRAM byte. Note how treating bitmasks as dot patterns corrupts even those areas where the background image had nonzero bits in its first bitplane.

As far as complexity is concerned though, the worst part is the implicit logic that allows all this text to show up on top of the polygons in the first place. If every single piece of text is only rendered a single time, how can it appear on top of the polygons if those are drawn every frame?
Depending on the game (because of course it's game-specific), the answer involves either the individual bits of the text color index or the actual contents of the palette:

The contents of nopoly_B with each game's first track selected.

Finally, here's a list of all the smaller details that turn the Music Rooms into such a mess:

And that's all the Music Rooms! The OP.EXE binaries of TH04 and especially TH05 are now very close to being 100% RE'd, with only the respective High Score menus and TH04's title animation still missing. As for actual completion though, the finalization% metric is more relevant as it also includes the ZUN Soft logo, which I RE'd on paper but haven't decompiled. I'm 📝 still hoping that this will be the final piece of code I decompile for these two games, and that no one pays to get it done earlier… :onricdennat:

For the rest of the second push, there was a specific goal I wanted to reach for the remaining anything budget, which was blocked by a few functions at the beginning of TH04's and TH05's MAINE.EXE. In another anticlimactic development, this involved yet another way too early decompilation of a main() function…
Generally, this main() function just calls the top-level functions of all other ending-related screens in sequence, but it also handles the TH04-exclusive congratulating All Clear images within itself. After a 1CC, these are an additional reward on top of the Good Ending, showing the player character wearing a different outfit depending on the selected difficulty. On Easy Mode, however, the Good Ending is unattainable because the game always ends after Stage 5 with a Bad Ending, but ZUN still chose to show the EASY ALL CLEAR!! image in this case, regardless of how many continues you used.
While this might seem inconsistent with the other difficulties, it is consistent within Easy Mode itself, as the enforced Bad Ending after Stage 5 also doesn't distinguish between the number of continues. Also, Try to Normal Rank!! could very well be ZUN's roundabout way of implying "because this is how you avoid the Bad Ending".

With that out of the way, I was finally able to separate the VRAM text renderer of TH04 and TH05 into its own assembly unit, 📝 finishing the technical debt repayment project that I couldn't complete in 2021 due to assembly-time code segment label arithmetic in the data segment. This now allows me to translate this undecompilable self-modifying mess of ASM into C++ for the non-ASCII translation project, and thus unify the text renderers of all games and enhance them with support for Unicode characters loaded from a bitmap font. As the final finalized function in the SHARED segment, it also allowed me to remove 143 lines of particularly ugly segmentation workarounds 🙌

The remaining 1/6th of the second push provided the perfect occasion for some light TH02 PI work. The global boss position and damage variables represented some equally low-hanging fruit, being easily identified global variables that aren't part of a larger structure in this game. In an interesting twist, TH02 is the only game that uses an increasing damage value to track boss health rather than decreasing HP, and also doesn't internally distinguish between bosses and midbosses as far as these variables are concerned. Obviously, there's quite a bit of state left to be RE'd, not least because Marisa is doing her own thing with a bunch of redundant copies of her position, but that was too complex to figure out right now.

Also doing their own thing are the Five Magic Stones, which need five positions rather than a single one. Since they don't move, the game doesn't have to keep 📝 separate position variables for both VRAM pages, and can handle their positions in a much simpler way that made for a nice final commit.
And for the first time in a long while, I quite like what ZUN did there! Not only are their positions stored in an array that is indexed with a consistent ID for every stone, but these IDs also follow the order you fight the stones in: The two inner ones use 0 and 1, the two outer ones use 2 and 3, and the one in the center uses 4. This might look like an odd choice at first because it doesn't match their horizontal order on the playfield. But then you notice that ZUN uses this property in the respective phase control functions to iterate over only the subrange of active stones, and you realize how brilliant it actually is.

Screenshot of TH02's Five Magic Stones, with the first two (both internally and in the order you fight them in) alive and activated Screenshot of TH02's Five Magic Stones, with the second two (both internally and in the order you fight them in) alive and activated Screenshot of TH02's Five Magic Stones, with the last one (both internally and in the order you fight them in) alive and activated

This seems like a really basic thing to get excited about, especially since the rest of their data layout sure isn't perfect. Splitting each piece of state and even the individual X and Y coordinates into separate 5-element arrays is still counter-productive because the game ends up paying more memory and CPU cycles to recalculate the element offsets over and over again than this would have ever saved in cache misses on a 486. But that's a minor issue that could be fixed with a few regex replacements, not a misdesigned architecture that would require a full rewrite to clean it up. Compared to the hardcoded and bloated mess that was 📝 YuugenMagan's five eyes, this is definitely an improvement worthy of the good-code tag. The first actual one in two years, and a welcome change after the Music Room!

These three pieces of data alone yielded a whopping 5% of overall TH02 PI in just 1/6th of a push, bringing that game comfortably over the 60% PI mark. MAINE.EXE is guaranteed to reach 100% PI before I start working on the non-ASCII translations, but at this rate, it might even be realistic to go for 100% PI on MAIN.EXE as well? Or at least technical position independence, without the false positives.

Next up: Shuusou Gyoku SC-88Pro BGM. It's going to be wild.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0238, P0239
(Website) 4698397...edf2926, c5e51e6...P0239
💰 Funded by:
🏷 Tags:

:stripe: Stripe is now properly integrated into this website as an alternative to PayPal! Now, you can also financially support the project if PayPal doesn't work for you, or if you prefer using a provider out of Stripe's greater variety. It's unfortunate that I had to ship this integration while the store is still sold out, but the Shuusou Gyoku OpenGL backend has turned out way too complicated to be finished next to these two pushes within a month. It will take quite a while until the store reopens and you all can start using Stripe, so I'll just link back to this blog post when it happens.

Integrating Stripe wasn't the simplest task in the world either. At first, the Checkout API seems pretty friendly to developers: The entire payment flow is handled on the backend, in the server language of your choice, and requires no frontend JavaScript except for the UI feedback code you choose to write. Your backend API endpoint initiates the Stripe Checkout session, answers with a redirect to Stripe, and Stripe then sends a redirect back to your server if the customer completed the payment. Superficially, this server-based approach seems much more GDPR-friendly than PayPal, because there are no remote scripts to obtain consent for. In reality though, Stripe shares much more potential personal data about your credit card or bank account with a merchant, compared to PayPal's almost bare minimum of necessary data. :thonk:
It's also rather annoying how the backend has to persist the order form information throughout the entire Checkout session, because it would otherwise be lost if the server restarts while a customer is still busy entering data into Stripe's Checkout form. Compare that to the PayPal JavaScript SDK, which only POSTs back to your server after the customer completed a payment. In Stripe's case, more JavaScript actually only makes the integration harder: If you trigger the initial payment HTTP request from JavaScript, you will have to improvise a bit to avoid the CORS error when redirecting away to a different domain.

But sure, it's all not too bad… for regular orders at least. With subscriptions, however, things get much worse. Unlike PayPal, Stripe kind of wants to stay out of the way of the payment process as much as possible, and just be a wrapper around its supported payment methods. So if customers aren't really meant to register with Stripe, how would they cancel their subscriptions? :thonk:
Answer: Through the… merchant? Which I quite dislike in principle, because why should you have to trust me to actually cancel your subscription after you requested it? It also means that I probably should add some sort of UI for self-canceling a Stripe subscription, ideally without adding full-blown user accounts. Not that this solves the underlying trust issue, but it's more convenient than contacting me via email or, worse, going through your bank somehow. Here is how my solution works:

I might have gone a bit overboard with the crypto there, but I liked the idea of not storing any of the Stripe session IDs in the server database. It's not like that makes the system more complex anyway, and it's nice to have a separate confirmation step before canceling a subscription.

But even that wasn't everything I had to keep in mind here. Once you switch from test to production mode for the final tests, you'll notice that certain SEPA-based payment providers take their sweet time to process and activate new subscriptions. The Checkout session object even informs you about that, by including a payment status field. Which initially seems just like another field that could indicate hacking attempts, but treating it as such and rejecting any unpaid session can also reject perfectly valid subscriptions. I don't want all this control… 🥲
Instead, all I can do in this case is to tell you about it. In my test, the Stripe dashboard said that it might take days or even weeks for the initial subscription transaction to be confirmed. In such a case, the respective fraction of the cap will unfortunately need to remain red for that entire time.

And that was 1½ pushes just to replicate the basic functionality of a simple PayPal integration with the simplest type of Stripe integration. On the architectural site, all the necessary refactoring work made me finally upgrade my frontend code to TypeScript at least, using the amazing esbuild to handle transpilation inside the server binary. Let's see how long it will now take for me to upgrade to SCSS…

With the new payment options, it makes sense to go for another slight price increase, from up to per push. The amount of taxes I have to pay on this income is slowly becoming significant, and the store has been selling out almost immediately for the last few months anyway. If demand remains at the current level or even increases, I plan to gradually go up to by the end of the year.
📝 As 📝 usual, I'm going to deliver existing orders in the backlog at the value they were originally purchased at. Due to the way the cap has to be calculated, these contributions now appear to have increased in value by a rather awkward 13.33%.

This left ½ of a push for some more work on the TH01 Anniversary Edition. Unfortunately, this was too little time for the grand issue of removing byte-aligned rendering of bigger sprites, which will need some additional blitting performance research. Instead, I went for a bunch of smaller bugfixes:

The final point, however, raised the question of what we're now going to do about 📝 a certain issue in the 地獄/Jigoku Bad Ending. ZUN's original expensive way of switching the accessed VRAM page was the main reason behind the lag frames on slower PC-98 systems, and search-replacing the respective function calls would immediately get us to the optimized version shown in that blog post. But is this something we actually want? If we wanted to retain the lag, we could surely preserve that function just for this one instance…
The discovery of this issue predates the clear distinction between bloat, quirks, and bugs, so it makes sense to first classify what this issue even is. The distinction comes all down to observability, which I defined as changes to rendered frames between explicitly defined frame boundaries. That alone would be enough to categorize any cause behind lag frames as bloat, but it can't hurt to be more explicit here.

Therefore, I now officially judge observability in terms of an infinitely fast PC-98 that can instantly render everything between two explicitly defined frames, and will never add additional lag frames. If we plan to port the games to faster architectures that aren't bottlenecked by disappointing blitter chips, this is the only reasonable assumption to make, in my opinion: The minimum system requirements in the games' README files are minimums, after all, not recommendations. Chasing the exact frame drop behavior that ZUN must have experienced during the time he developed these games can only be a guessing game at best, because how can we know which PC-98 model ZUN actually developed the games on? There might even be more than one model, especially when it comes to TH01 which had been in development for at least two years before ZUN first sold it. It's also not like any current PC-98 emulator even claims to emulate the specific timing of any existing model, and I sure hope that nobody expects me to import a bunch of bulky obsolete hardware just to count dropped frames.

That leaves the tearing, where it's much more obvious how it's a bug. On an infinitely fast PC-98, the ドカーン frame would never be visible, and thus falls into the same category as the 📝 two unused animations in the Sariel fight. With only a single unconditional 2-frame delay inside the animation loop, it becomes clear that ZUN intended both frames of the animation to be displayed for 2 frames each:

No tearing, and 34 frames in total for the first of the two instances of this animation.

:th01: TH01 Anniversary Edition, version P0239 2023-05-01-th01-anniv.zip

Next up: Taking the oldest still undelivered push and working towards TH04 position independence in preparation for multilingual translations. The Shuusou Gyoku OpenGL backend shouldn't take that much longer either, so I should have lots of stuff coming up in May afterward.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
(Seihou) M0002...P0226
💰 Funded by:
Arandui, alp-bib
🏷 Tags:
> "OK, TH03/TH04/TH05 cutscenes done, let's quickly finish the Touhou Patch Center MediaWiki upgrade. Just some scripting and verification left, it will be done so quickly that I don't even have to mention it on this blog" > Still not done after 3 weeks > Blocked by one final critical bug that really should be fixed upstream > Code reviewers are probably on vacation

And so, the year unfortunately ended with yet another slow month. During the MediaWiki upgrade, I was slowly decompiling the TH05 Sara fight on the side, but stumbled over one interesting but high-maintenance detail there that would really enhance her blog post. TH02 would need a lot of attention for the basic rendering calls as well…

…so let's end the year with Shuusou Gyoku instead, looking at its most critical issue in particular. As if that were the easy option here… :tannedcirno:
The game does not run properly on modern Windows systems due to its usage of the ancient DirectDraw APIs, with issues ranging from unbearable slowdown to glitched colors to the game not even starting at all. Thankfully, Shuusou Gyoku is not the only ancient Windows game affected by these issues, and people have developed a variety of generic DirectDraw wrappers and patches for playing such games on modern systems. Out of all these, DDrawCompat is one of the simpler solutions for Shuusou Gyoku in particular: Just drop its ddraw proxy DLL into the game directory, and the game will run as it's supposed to.
So let's just bundle that DLL with all my future Shuusou Gyoku releases then? That would have been the quick and dirty option, coming with several drawbacks:

Fortunately, I had the budget to dig a bit deeper and figure out what exactly DDrawCompat does to make Shuusou Gyoku work properly. Turns out that among all the hooks and patches, the game only needs the most central one: Enforcing a 32-bit display mode regardless of whatever lower bit depth the game requests natively, combined with converting the game's pixel buffer to 32-bit on the fly.
So does this mean that adding 32-bit to the game's list of supported bit depths is everything we have to do?

The new 32-bit rendering option in the Shuusou Gyoku P0226 build.
Interestingly, Shuusou Gyoku already saved the DirectDraw enumeration flag that indicates support for 32-bit display modes. The official version just did nothing with it.

Well, almost everything. Initially, this surprised me as well: With all the if statements checking for precise bit depths, you would think that supporting one more bit depth would be way harder in this code base. As it turned out though, these conditional branches are not really about 8-bit or 16-bit color for the most part, but instead differentiate between two very distinct rendering approaches:

Consequently, most of these branches deal with differences between these two approaches that couldn't be nicely abstracted away in pbg's renderer interface: Specific palette changes that are exclusive to "8-bit" mode, or certain entities and effects whose Direct3D draw calls in "16-bit" mode require tailor-made approximations for the "8-bit" mode. Since our new 32-bit mode is equivalent to the 16-bit mode in all of these branches, I only needed to replace the raw number comparisons with more meaningful method calls.

That only left a very small number of 2D raster effects that directly write to or read from DirectDraw surface memory, and therefore do need to know the bit size of each pixel. Thanks to std::variant and std::visit(), adding 32-bit support becomes trivial here: By rewriting the code in a generic manner that derives all offsets from the template type, you only have to say hey, I'd like to have 32-bit as well, and C++ will automatically instantiate correct 32-bit variants of all bit depth-dependent code snippets.
There are only three features in the entire game that access pixel buffers this way: a color key retrieval function, the lens ball animation on the logo screen, and… the ending staff roll? Sure, the text sprites fade in and out, but so does the picture next to it, using Direct3D alpha blending or palette color ramping depending on the current rendering mode. Instead, the only reason why these sprites directly access their pixel buffer is… an unused and pretty wild spiral effect. 😮 It's still part of the code, and only doesn't show up because the parameters that control its timing were commented out before release:

They probably considered it too wild for the mood of this ending.
The main ending text was the only remaining issue of mojibake present in my previous Shuusou Gyoku builds, and is now fixed as well. Windows can render Shift-JIS text via GDI even outside Japanese locale, but only when explicitly selecting a font that supports the SHIFTJIS_CHARSET, and the game simply didn't select any font for rendering this text. Thus, GDI fell back onto its default font, which obviously is only guaranteed to support the SHIFTJIS_CHARSET if your system locale is set to Japanese. This is why the font in the original game might look different between systems. For my build, I chose the font that would appear on a clean Windows installation – a basic 400-weighted MS Gothic at font size 16, which is already used all throughout the game.

Alright, 32-bit mode complete, let's set it as the default if possible… and break compatibility to the original 秋霜CFG.DAT format in the process? When validating this file, the original game only allows the originally supported 8-bit or 16-bit modes. Setting the BitDepth field to any other value causes the entire file to be reset to its defaults, re-locking the Extra Stage in the process. :onricdennat:
Introducing a backward-compatible version system for 秋霜CFG.DAT was beyond the scope of this push. Changing the validation to a per-field approach was a good small first step to take though. The new build no longer validates the BitDepth field against a fixed list, but against the actually supported bit depths on your system, picking a different supported one if necessary. With the original approach, this would have caused your entire configuration to fail the validation check. Instead, you can now safely update to the new build without losing your option settings, or your previously unlocked access to the Extra Stage.
Side note: The validation limit for starting bombs is off by one, and the one for starting lives check is off by two. By modifying 秋霜CFG.DAT, you could theoretically get new games to start with 7 lives and 3 bombs… if you then calculate a correct checksum for your hacked config file, that is. 🧑‍💻

Interestingly, DirectDraw doesn't even indicate support for 8-bit or 16-bit color on systems that are affected by the initially mentioned issues. Therefore, these issues are not the fault of DirectDraw, but of Shuusou Gyoku, as the original release requested a bit depth that it has even verified to be unsupported. Unfortunately, Windows sides with Sim City Shuusou Gyoku here: If you previously experimented with the Windows app compatibility settings, you might have ended up with the DWM8And16BitMitigation flag assigned to the full file path of your Shuusou Gyoku executable in either

As the term mitigation suggests, these modes are (poorly) emulated, which is exactly what causes the issues with this game in the first place. Sure, this might be the lesser evil from the point of view of an operating system: If you don't have the budget for a full-blown DDrawCompat-style DirectDraw wrapper, you might consider it better for users to have the game run poorly than have it fail at startup due to incorrect API usage. Controlling this with a flag that sticks around for future runs of a binary is definitely suboptimal though, especially given how hard it is to programmatically remove this flag within the binary itself. It only adds additional complexity to the ideal clean upgrade path.
So, make sure to check your registry and manually remove these flags for the time being. Without them, the new Config → Graphic menu will correctly prevent you from selecting anything else but 32-bit on modern Windows.

After all that, there was just enough time left in this push to implement basic locale independence, as requested by the Seihou development Discord group, without looking into automatic fixes for previous mojibake filenames yet. Combining std::filesystem::path with the native Win32 API should be straightforward and bloat-free, especially with all the abstractions I've been building, right?
Well, turns out that std::filesystem::path does not actually meet my expectations. At least as long as it's not constexpr-enabled, because you still get the unfortunate conversion from narrow to wide encoding at runtime, even for globals with static storage duration. That brings us back to writing our path abstraction in terms of the regular std::string and std::wstring containers, which at least allow us to enforce the respective encoding at compile time. Even std::string_view only adds to the complexity here, as its strings are never inherently null-terminated, which is required by both the POSIX and Win32 APIs. Not to mention dynamic filenames: C++20's std::format() would be the obvious idiomatic choice here, but using it almost doubles the size of the compiled binary… 🤮
In the end, the most bloat-free way of implementing C++ file I/O in 2023 is still the same as it was 30 years ago: Call system APIs, roll a custom abstraction that conditionally uses the L prefix, and pass around raw pointers. And if you need a dynamic filename, just write the dynamic characters into arrays at fixed positions. Just as PC-98 Touhou used to do… :zunpet:
Oh, and the game's window also uses a Unicode title bar now.

And that's it for this push! Make sure to rename your configuration (秋霜CFG.DAT), score (秋霜SC.DAT), and replay (秋霜りぷ*.DAT) filenames if you were previously running the game on a non-Japanese locale, and then grab the new build:

:sh01: Shuusou Gyoku P0226

With that, we've got the most critical bugs out of the way, but the number of potential fixes and features in Shuusou Gyoku has only increased. Looking forward to what's next in this apparent Seihou revolution, later in 2023!

Next up: Starting the new year with all my plans hopefully working out for once. TH05 Sara very soon, ZMBV code review afterward, low-hanging fruit of the TH01 Anniversary Edition after that, and then kicking off TH02 with a bunch of low-level blitting code.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0223, P0224, P0225
139746c...371292d, 371292d...8118e61, 8118e61...4f85326
💰 Funded by:
rosenrose, Blue Bolt, Splashman, -Tom-, Yanga, Enderwolf, 32th System
🏷 Tags:

More than three months without any reverse-engineering progress! It's been way too long. Coincidentally, we're at least back with a surprising 1.25% of overall RE, achieved within just 3 pushes. The ending script system is not only more or less the same in TH04 and TH05, but actually originated in TH03, where it's also used for the cutscenes before stages 8 and 9. This means that it was one of the final pieces of code shared between three of the four remaining games, which I got to decompile at roughly 3× the usual speed, or ⅓ of the price.
The only other bargains of this nature remain in OP.EXE. The Music Room is largely equivalent in all three remaining games as well, and the sound device selection, ZUN Soft logo screens, and main/option menus are the same in TH04 and TH05. A lot of that code is in the "technically RE'd but not yet decompiled" ASM form though, so it would shift Finalized% more significantly than RE%. Therefore, make sure to order the new Finalization option rather than Reverse-engineering if you want to make number go up.

  1. General overview
  2. Game-specific differences
  3. Command reference
  4. Thoughts about translation support

So, cutscenes. On the surface, the .TXT files look simple enough: You directly write the text that should appear on the screen into the file without any special markup, and add commands to define visuals, music, and other effects at any place within the script. Let's start with the basics of how text is rendered, which are the same in all three games:

Superficially, the list of game-specific differences doesn't look too long, and can be summarized in a rather short table:

:th03: TH03 :th04: TH04 :th05: TH05
Script size limit 65536 bytes (heap-allocated) 8192 bytes (statically allocated)
Delay between every 2 bytes of text 1 frame by default, customizable via \v None
Text delay when holding ESC Varying speed-up factor None
Visibility of new text Immediately typed onto the screen Rendered onto invisible VRAM page, faded in on wait commands
Visibility of old text Unblitted when starting a new box Left on screen until crossfaded out with new text
Key binding for advancing the script Any key ⏎ Return, Shot, or ESC
Animation while waiting for an advance key None ⏎⃣, past right edge of current row
Inexplicable delays None 1 frame before changing pictures and after rendering new text boxes
Additional delay per interpreter loop 614.4 µs None 614.4 µs
The 614.4 µs correspond to the necessary delay for working around the repeated key up and key down events sent by PC-98 keyboards when holding down a key. While the absence of this delay significantly speeds up TH04's interpreter, it's also the reason why that game will stop recognizing a held ESC key after a few seconds, requiring you to press it again.

It's when you get into the implementation that the combined three systems reveal themselves as a giant mess, with more like 56 differences between the games. :zunpet: Every single new weird line of code opened up another can of worms, which ultimately made all of this end up with 24 pieces of bloat and 14 bugs. The worst of these should be quite interesting for the general PC-98 homebrew developers among my audience:

That brings us to the individual script commands… and yes, I'm going to document every single one of them. Some of their interactions and edge cases are not clear at all from just looking at the code.

Almost all commands are preceded by… well, a 0x5C lead byte. :thonk: Which raises the question of whether we should document it as an ASCII-encoded \ backslash, or a Shift-JIS-encoded ¥ yen sign. From a gaijin perspective, it seems obvious that it's a backslash, as it's consistently displayed as one in most of the editors you would actually use nowadays. But interestingly, iconv -f shift-jis -t utf-8 does convert any 0x5C lead bytes to actual ¥ U+00A5 YEN SIGN code points :tannedcirno:.
Ultimately, the distinction comes down to the font. There are fonts that still render 0x5C as ¥, but mainly do so out of an obvious concern about backward compatibility to JIS X 0201, where this mapping originated. Unsurprisingly, this group includes MS Gothic/Mincho, the old Japanese fonts from Windows 3.1, but even Meiryo and Yu Gothic/Mincho, Microsoft's modern Japanese fonts. Meanwhile, pretty much every other modern font, and freely licensed ones in particular, render this code point as \, even if you set your editor to Shift-JIS. And while ZUN most definitely saw it as a ¥, documenting this code point as \ is less ambiguous in the long run. It can only possibly correspond to one specific code point in either Shift-JIS or UTF-8, and will remain correct even if we later mod the cutscene system to support full-blown Unicode.

Now we've only got to clarify the parameter syntax, and then we can look at the big table of commands:

:th03: :th04: :th05: \@ Clears both VRAM pages by filling them with VRAM color 0.
🐞 In TH03 and TH04, this command does not update the internal text area background used for unblitting. This bug effectively restricts usage of this command to either the beginning of a script (before the first background image is shown) or its end (after no more new text boxes are started). See the image below for an example of using it anywhere else.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \b2 Sets the font weight to a value between 0 (raw font ROM glyphs) to 3 (very thicc). Specifying any other value has no effect.
:th04: :th05: 🐞 In TH04 and TH05, \b3 leads to glitched pixels when rendering half-width glyphs due to a bug in the newly micro-optimized ASM version of 📝 graph_putsa_fx(); see the image below for an example.
In these games, the parameter also directly corresponds to the graph_putsa_fx() effect function, removing the sanity check that was present in TH03. In exchange, you can also access the four dissolve masks for the bold font (\b2) by specifying a parameter between 4 (fewest pixels) to 7 (most pixels). Demo video below.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \c15 Changes the text color to VRAM color 15.
:th05: \c=,15 Adds a color map entry: If is the first code point inside the name area on a new line, the text color is automatically set to 15. Up to 8 such entries can be registered before overflowing the statically allocated buffer.
🐞 The comma is assumed to be present even if the color parameter is omitted.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \e0 Plays the sound effect with the given ID.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \f (no-op)
:th03: :th04: :th05: \fi1
Calls master.lib's palette_black_in() or palette_black_out() to play a hardware palette fade animation from or to black, spending roughly 1 frame on each of the 16 fade steps.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \fm1 Fades out BGM volume via PMD's AH=02h interrupt call, in a non-blocking way. The fade speed can range from 1 (slowest) to 127 (fastest).
Values from 128 to 255 technically correspond to AH=02h's fade-in feature, which can't be used from cutscene scripts because it requires BGM volume to first be lowered via AH=19h, and there is no command to do that.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \g8 Plays a blocking 8-frame screen shake animation.
:th03: :th04: \ga0 Shows the gaiji with the given ID from 0 to 255 at the current cursor position. Even in TH03, gaiji always ignore the text delay interval configured with \v.
:th05: @3 TH05's replacement for the \ga command from TH03 and TH04. The default ID of 3 corresponds to the ♫ gaiji. Not to be confused with \@, which starts with a backslash, unlike this command.
:th05: @h Shows the 🎔 gaiji.
:th05: @t Shows the 💦 gaiji.
:th05: @! Shows the ! gaiji.
:th05: @? Shows the ? gaiji.
:th05: @!! Shows the ‼ gaiji.
:th05: @!? Shows the ⁉ gaiji.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \k0 Waits 0 frames (0 = forever) for an advance key to be pressed before continuing script execution. Before waiting, TH05 crossfades in any new text that was previously rendered to the invisible VRAM page…
🐞 …but TH04 doesn't, leaving the text invisible during the wait time. As a workaround, \vp1 can be used before \k to immediately display that text without a fade-in animation.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \m$ Stops the currently playing BGM.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \m* Restarts playback of the currently loaded BGM from the beginning.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \m,filename Stops the currently playing BGM, loads a new one from the given file, and starts playback.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \n Starts a new line at the leftmost X coordinate of the box, i.e., the start of the name area. This is how scripts can "change" the name of the currently speaking character, or use the entire 480×64 pixels without being restricted to the non-name area.
Note that automatic line breaks already move the cursor into a new line. Using this command at the "end" of a line with the maximum number of 30 full-width glyphs would therefore start a second new line and leave the previously started line empty.
If this command moved the cursor into the 5th line of a box, \s is executed afterward, with any of \n's parameters passed to \s.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \p (no-op)
:th03: :th04: :th05: \p- Deallocates the loaded .PI image.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \p,filename Loads the .PI image with the given file into the single .PI slot available to cutscenes. TH04 and TH05 automatically deallocate any previous image, 🐞 TH03 would leak memory without a manual prior call to \p-.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \pp Sets the hardware palette to the one of the loaded .PI image.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \p@ Sets the loaded .PI image as the full-screen 640×400 background image and overwrites both VRAM pages with its pixels, retaining the current hardware palette.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \p= Runs \pp followed by \p@.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \s0
Ends a text box and starts a new one. Fades in any text rendered to the invisible VRAM page, then waits 0 frames (0 = forever) for an advance key to be pressed. Afterward, the new text box is started with the cursor moved to the top-left corner of the name area.
\s- skips the wait time and starts the new box immediately.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \t100 Sets palette brightness via master.lib's palette_settone() to any value from 0 (fully black) to 200 (fully white). 100 corresponds to the palette's original colors. Preceded by a 1-frame delay unless ESC is held.
:th03: \v1 Sets the number of frames to wait between every 2 bytes of rendered text.
:th04: Sets the number of frames to spend on each of the 4 fade steps when crossfading between old and new text. The game-specific default value is also used before the first use of this command.
:th05: \v2
:th03: :th04: :th05: \vp0 Shows VRAM page 0. Completely useless in TH03 (this game always synchronizes both VRAM pages at a command boundary), only of dubious use in TH04 (for working around a bug in \k), and the games always return to their intended shown page before every blitting operation anyway. A debloated mod of this game would just remove this command, as it exposes an implementation detail that script authors should not need to worry about. None of the original scripts use it anyway.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \w64
  • \w and \wk wait for the given number of frames
  • \wm and \wmk wait until PMD has played back the current BGM for the total number of measures, including loops, given in the first parameter, and fall back on calling \w and \wk with the second parameter as the frame number if BGM is disabled.
    🐞 Neither PMD nor MMD reset the internal measure when stopping playback. If no BGM is playing and the previous BGM hasn't been played back for at least the given number of measures, this command will deadlock.
Since both TH04 and TH05 fade in any new text from the invisible VRAM page, these commands can be used to simulate TH03's typing effect in those games. Demo video below.
Contrary to \k and \s, specifying 0 frames would simply remove any frame delay instead of waiting forever.
The TH03-exclusive k variants allow the delay to be interrupted if ⏎ Return or Shot are held down. TH04 and TH05 recognize the k as well, but removed its functionality.
All of these commands have no effect if ESC is held.
:th03: \wk64
:th03: :th04: :th05: \wi1
Calls master.lib's palette_white_in() or palette_white_out() to play a hardware palette fade animation from or to white, spending roughly 1 frame on each of the 16 fade steps.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \=4 Immediately displays the given quarter of the loaded .PI image in the picture area, with no fade effect. Any value ≥ 4 resets the picture area to black.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \==4,1 Crossfades the picture area between its current content and quarter #4 of the loaded .PI image, spending 1 frame on each of the 4 fade steps unless ESC is held. Any value ≥ 4 is replaced with quarter #0.
:th03: :th04: :th05: \$ Stops script execution. Must be called at the end of each file; otherwise, execution continues into whatever lies after the script buffer in memory.
TH05 automatically deallocates the loaded .PI image, TH03 and TH04 require a separate manual call to \p- to not leak its memory.
Bold values signify the default if the parameter is omitted; \c is therefore equivalent to \c15.
Using the \@ command in the middle of a TH03 or TH04 cutscene script
The \@ bug. Yes, the ¥ is fake. It was easier to GIMP it than to reword the sentences so that the backslashes landed on the second byte of a 2-byte half-width character pair. :onricdennat:
Cutscene font weights in TH03Cutscene font weights in TH05, demonstrating the <code>\b3</code> bug that also affects TH04Cutscene font weights in TH03, rendered at a hypothetical unaligned X positionCutscene font weights in TH05, rendered at a hypothetical unaligned X position
The font weights and effects available through \b, including the glitch with \b3 in TH04 and TH05.
Font weight 3 is technically not rendered correctly in TH03 either; if you compare 1️⃣ with 4️⃣, you notice a single missing column of pixels at the left side of each glyph, which would extend into the previous VRAM byte. Ironically, the TH04/TH05 version is more correct in this regard: For half-width glyphs, it preserves any further pixel columns generated by the weight functions in the high byte of the 16-dot glyph variable. Unlike TH03, which still cuts them off when rendering text to unaligned X positions (3️⃣), TH04 and TH05 do bit-rotate them towards their correct place (4️⃣). It's only at byte-aligned X positions (2️⃣) where they remain at their internally calculated place, and appear on screen as these glitched pixel columns, 15 pixels away from the glyph they belong to. It's easy to blame bugs like these on micro-optimized ASM code, but in this instance, you really can't argue against it if the original C++ version was equally incorrect.
Combining \b and s- into a partial dissolve animation. The speed can be controlled with \v.
Simulating TH03's typing effect in TH04 and TH05 via \w. Even prettier in TH05 where we also get an additional fade animation after the box ends.

So yeah, that's the cutscene system. I'm dreading the moment I will have to deal with the other command interpreter in these games, i.e., the stage enemy system. Luckily, that one is completely disconnected from any other system, so I won't have to deal with it until we're close to finishing MAIN.EXE… that is, unless someone requests it before. And it won't involve text encodings or unblitting…

The cutscene system got me thinking in greater detail about how I would implement translations, being one of the main dependencies behind them. This goal has been on the order form for a while and could soon be implemented for these cutscenes, with 100% PI being right around the corner for the TH03 and TH04 cutscene executables.
Once we're there, the "Virgin" old-school way of static translation patching for Latin-script languages could be implemented fairly quickly:

  1. Establish basic UTF-8 parsing for less painful manual editing of the source files
  2. Procedurally generate glyphs for the few required additional letters based on existing font ROM glyphs. For example, we'd generate ä by painting two short lines on top of the font ROM's a glyph, or generate ¿ by vertically flipping the question mark. This way, the text retains a consistent look regardless of whether the translated game is run with an NEC or EPSON font ROM, or the hideous abomination that Neko Project II auto-generates if you don't provide either.
  3. (Optional) Change automatic line breaks to work on a per-word basis, rather than per-glyph

That's it – script editing and distribution would be handled by your local translation group. It might seem as if this would also work for Greek and Cyrillic scripts due to their presence in the PC-98 font ROM, but I'm not sure if I want to attempt procedurally shrinking these glyphs from 16×16 to 8×16… For any more thorough solution, we'd need to go for a more "Chad" kind of full-blown translation support:

  1. Implement text subdivisions at a sensible granularity while retaining automatic line and box breaks
  2. Compile translatable text into a Japanese→target language dictionary (I'm too old to develop any further translation systems that would overwrite modded source text with translations of the original text)
  3. Implement a custom Unicode font system (glyphs would be taken from GNU Unifont unless translators provide a different 8×16 font for their language)
  4. Combine the text compiler with the font compiler to only store needed glyphs as part of the translation's font file (dealing with a multi-MB font file would be rather ugly in a Real Mode game)
  5. Write a simple install/update/patch stacking tool that supports both .HDI and raw-file DOSBox-X scenarios (it's different enough from thcrap to warrant a separate tool – each patch stack would be statically compiled into a single package file in the game's directory)
  6. Add a nice language selection option to the main menu
  7. (Optional) Support proportional fonts

Which sounds more like a separate project to be commissioned from Touhou Patch Center's Open Collective funds, separate from the ReC98 cap. This way, we can make sure that the feature is completely implemented, and I can talk with every interested translator to make sure that their language works.
It's still cheaper overall to do this on PC-98 than to first port the games to a modern system and then translate them. On the other hand, most of the tasks in the Chad variant (3, 4, 5, and half of 2) purely deal with the difficulty of getting arbitrary Unicode characters to work natively in a PC-98 DOS game at all, and would be either unnecessary or trivial if we had already ported the game. Depending on where the patrons' interests lie, it may not be worth it. So let's see what all of you think about which way we should go, or whether it's worth doing at all. (Edit (2022-12-01): With Splashman's order towards the stage dialogue system, we've pretty much confirmed that it is.) Maybe we want to meet in the middle – using e.g. procedural glyph generation for dynamic translations to keep text rendering consistent with the rest of the PC-98 system, and just not support non-Latin-script languages in the beginning? In any case, I've added both options to the order form.
Edit (2023-07-28): Touhou Patch Center has agreed to fund a basic feature set somewhere between the Virgin and Chad level. Check the 📝 dedicated announcement blog post for more details and ideas, and to find out how you can support this goal!

Surprisingly, there was still a bit of RE work left in the third push after all of this, which I filled with some small rendering boilerplate. Since I also wanted to include TH02's playfield overlay functions, 1/15 of that last push went towards getting a TH02-exclusive function out of the way, which also ended up including that game in this delivery. :tannedcirno:
The other small function pointed out how TH05's Stage 5 midboss pops into the playfield quite suddenly, since its clipping test thinks it's only 32 pixels tall rather than 64:

Good chance that the pop-in might have been intended.
Edit (2023-06-30): Actually, it's a 📝 systematic consequence of ZUN having to work around the lack of clipping in master.lib's sprite functions.
There's even another quirk here: The white flash during its first frame is actually carried over from the previous midboss, which the game still considers as actively getting hit by the player shot that defeated it. It's the regular boilerplate code for rendering a midboss that resets the responsible damage variable, and that code doesn't run during the defeat explosion animation.

Next up: Staying with TH05 and looking at more of the pattern code of its boss fights. Given the remaining TH05 budget, it makes the most sense to continue in in-game order, with Sara and the Stage 2 midboss. If more money comes in towards this goal, I could alternatively go for the Mai & Yuki fight and immediately develop a pretty fix for the cheeto storage glitch. Also, there's a rather intricate pull request for direct ZMBV decoding on the website that I've still got to review…

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0212, P0213
d398a94...363fd54, 363fd54...158a91e
💰 Funded by:
LeyDud, Lmocinemod, GhostRiderCog, Ember2528
🏷 Tags:

Wow, it's been 3 days and I'm already back with an unexpectedly long post about TH01's bonus point screens? 3 days used to take much longer in my previous projects…

Before I talk about graphics for the rest of this post, let's start with the exact calculations for both bonuses. Touhou Wiki already got these right, but it still makes sense to provide them here, in a format that allows you to cross-reference them with the source code more easily. For the card-flipping stage bonus:

Time min((Stage timer * 3), 6553)
Continuous min((Highest card combo * 100), 6553)
Bomb&Player min(((Lives * 200) + (Bombs * 100)), 6553)
STAGE min(((Stage number - 1) * 200), 6553)
BONUS Point Sum of all above values * 10

The boss stage bonus is calculated from the exact same metrics, despite half of them being labeled differently. The only actual differences are in the higher multipliers and in the cap for the stage number bonus. Why remove it if raising it high enough also effectively disables it? :tannedcirno:

Time min((Stage timer * 5), 6553)
Continuous min((Highest card combo * 200), 6553)
MIKOsan min(((Lives * 500) + (Bombs * 200)), 6553)
Clear min((Stage number * 1000), 65530)
TOTLE Sum of all above values * 10

The transition between the gameplay and TOTLE screens is one of the more impressive effects showcased in this game, especially due to how wavy it often tends to look. Aside from the palette interpolation (which is, by the way, the first time ZUN wrote a correct interpolation algorithm between two 4-bit palettes), the core of the effect is quite simple. With the TOTLE image blitted to VRAM page 1:

So it's really more like two interlaced shift effects with opposite directions, starting on different scanlines. No trigonometry involved at all.

Horizontally scrolling pixels on a single VRAM page remains one of the few 📝 appropriate uses of the EGC in a fullscreen 640×400 PC-98 game, regardless of the copied block size. The few inter-page copies in this effect are also reasonable: With 8 new lines starting on each effect frame, up to (8 × 20) = 160 lines are transferred at any given time, resulting in a maximum of (160 × 2 × 2) = 640 VRAM page switches per frame for the newly transferred pixels. Not that frame rate matters in this situation to begin with though, as the game is doing nothing else while playing this effect.
What does sort of matter: Why 32 pixels every 2 frames, instead of 16 pixels on every frame? There's no performance difference between doing one half of the work in one frame, or two halves of the work in two frames. It's not like the overhead of another loop has a serious impact here, especially with the PC-98 VRAM being said to have rather high latencies. 32 pixels over 2 frames is also harder to code, so ZUN must have done it on purpose. Guess he really wanted to go for that 📽 cinematic 30 FPS look 📽 here… :zunpet:

Removing the palette interpolation and transitioning from a black screen to CLEAR3.GRP makes it a lot clearer how the effect works.

Once all the metrics have been calculated, ZUN animates each value with a rather fancy left-to-right typing effect. As 16×16 images that use a single bright-red color, these numbers would be perfect candidates for gaiji… except that ZUN wanted to render them at the more natural Y positions of the labels inside CLEAR3.GRP that are far from aligned to the 8×16 text RAM grid. Not having been in the mood for hardcoding another set of monochrome sprites as C arrays that day, ZUN made the still reasonable choice of storing the image data for these numbers in the single-color .GRC form– yeah, no, of course he once again chose the .PTN hammer, and its 📝 16×16 "quarter" wrapper functions around nominal 32×32 sprites.

.PTN sprite for the TOTLE metric digits of 0, 1, 2, and 3.PTN sprite for the TOTLE metric digits of 4, 5, 6, and 7 .PTN sprite for the TOTLE metric digits of 8 and 9, filled with two blank quarters
The three 32×32 TOTLE metric digit sprites inside NUMB.PTN.

Why do I bring up such a detail? What's actually going on there is that ZUN loops through and blits each digit from 0 to 9, and then continues the loop with "digit" numbers from 10 to 19, stopping before the number whose ones digit equals the one that should stay on screen. No problem with that in theory, and the .PTN sprite selection is correct… but the .PTN quarter selection isn't, as ZUN wrote (digit % 4) instead of the correct ((digit % 10) % 4). :onricdennat: Since .PTN quarters are indexed in a row-major way, the 10-19 part of the loop thus ends up blitting 23016745(nothing):

This footage was slowed down to show one sprite blitting operation per frame. The actual game waits a hardcoded 4 milliseconds between each sprite, so even theoretically, you would only see roughly every 4th digit. And yes, we can also observe the empty quarter here, only blitted if one of the digits is a 9.

Seriously though? If the deadline is looming and you've got to rush some part of your game, a standalone screen that doesn't affect anything is the best place to pick. At 4 milliseconds per digit, the animation goes by so fast that this quirk might even add to its perceived fanciness. It's exactly the reason why I've always been rather careful with labeling such quirks as "bugs". And in the end, the code does perform one more blitting call after the loop to make sure that the correct digit remains on screen.

The remaining ¾ of the second push went towards transferring the final data definitions from ASM to C land. Most of the details there paint a rather depressing picture about ZUN's original code layout and the bloat that came with it, but it did end on a real highlight. There was some unused data between ZUN's non-master.lib VSync and text RAM code that I just moved away in September 2015 without taking a closer look at it. Those bytes kind of look like another hardcoded 1bpp image though… wait, what?!

An unused mouse cursor sprite found in all of TH01's binaries

Lovely! With no mouse-related code left in the game otherwise, this cursor sprite provides some great fuel for wild fan theories about TH01's development history:

  1. Could ZUN have 📝 stolen the basic PC-98 VSync or text RAM function code from a source that also implemented mouse support?
  2. Did he have a mouse-controlled level editor during development? It's highly likely that he had something, given all the 📝 bit twiddling seen in the STAGE?.DAT format.
  3. Or was this game actually meant to have mouse-controllable portions at some point during development? Even if it would have just been the menus.

… Actually, you know what, with all shared data moved to C land, I might as well finish FUUIN.EXE right now. The last secret hidden in its main() function: Just like GAME.BAT supports launching the game in various debug modes from the DOS command line, FUUIN.EXE can directly launch one of the game's endings. As long as the MDRV2 driver is installed, you can enter fuuin t1 for the 魔界/Makai Good Ending, or fuuin t for 地獄/Jigoku Good Ending.
Unfortunately, the command-line parameter can only control the route. Choosing between a Good or Bad Ending is still done exclusively through TH01's resident structure, and the continues_per_scene array in particular. But if you pre-allocate that structure somehow and set one of the members to a nonzero value, it would work. Trainers, anyone?

Alright, gotta get back to the code if I want to have any chance of finishing this game before the 15th… Next up: The final 17 functions in REIIDEN.EXE that tie everything together and add some more debug features on top.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0198, P0199, P0200
48db0b7...440637e, 440637e...5af2048, 5af2048...67e46b5
💰 Funded by:
Ember2528, Lmocinemod, Yanga
🏷 Tags:

What's this? A simple, straightforward, easy-to-decompile TH01 boss with just a few minor quirks and only two rendering-related ZUN bugs? Yup, 2½ pushes, and Kikuri was done. Let's get right into the overview:

So yeah, there's your new timeout challenge. :godzun:

The few issues in this fight all relate to hitboxes, starting with the main one of Kikuri against the Orb. The coordinates in the code clearly describe a hitbox in the upper center of the disc, but then ZUN wrote a < sign instead of a > sign, resulting in an in-game hitbox that's not quite where it was intended to be…

Kikuri's actual hitbox. Since the Orb sprite doesn't change its shape, we can visualize the hitbox in a pixel-perfect way here. The Orb must be completely within the red area for a hit to be registered.
TODO TH01 Kikuri's intended hitboxTH01 Kikuri's actual hitbox

Much worse, however, are the teardrop ripples. It already starts with their rendering routine, which places the sprites from TAMAYEN.PTN at byte-aligned VRAM positions in the ultimate piece of if(…) {…} else if(…) {…} else if(…) {…} meme code. Rather than tracking the position of each of the five ripple sprites, ZUN suddenly went purely functional and manually hardcoded the exact rendering and collision detection calls for each frame of the animation, based on nothing but its total frame counter. :zunpet:
Each of the (up to) 5 columns is also unblitted and blitted individually before moving to the next column, starting at the center and then symmetrically moving out to the left and right edges. This wouldn't be a problem if ZUN's EGC-powered unblitting function didn't word-align its X coordinates to a 16×1 grid. If the ripple sprites happen to start at an odd VRAM byte position, their unblitting coordinates get rounded both down and up to the nearest 16 pixels, thus touching the adjacent 8 pixels of the previously blitted columns and leaving the well-known black vertical bars in their place. :tannedcirno:

OK, so where's the hitbox issue here? If you just look at the raw calculation, it's a slightly confusingly expressed, but perfectly logical 17 pixels. But this is where byte-aligned blitting has a direct effect on gameplay: These ripples can be spawned at any arbitrary, non-byte-aligned VRAM position, and collisions are calculated relative to this internal position. Therefore, the actual hitbox is shifted up to 7 pixels to the right, compared to where you would expect it from a ripple sprite's on-screen position:

Due to the deterministic nature of this part of the fight, it's always 5 pixels for this first set of ripples. These visualizations are obviously not pixel-perfect due to the different potential shapes of Reimu's sprite, so they instead relate to her 32×32 bounding box, which needs to be entirely inside the red area.

We've previously seen the same issue with the 📝 shot hitbox of Elis' bat form, where pixel-perfect collision detection against a byte-aligned sprite was merely a sidenote compared to the more serious X=Y coordinate bug. So why do I elevate it to bug status here? Because it directly affects dodging: Reimu's regular movement speed is 4 pixels per frame, and with the internal position of an on-screen ripple sprite varying by up to 7 pixels, any micrododging (or "grazing") attempt turns into a coin flip. It's sort of mitigated by the fact that Reimu is also only ever rendered at byte-aligned VRAM positions, but I wouldn't say that these two bugs cancel out each other.
Oh well, another set of rendering issues to be fixed in the hypothetical Anniversary Edition – obviously, the hitboxes should remain unchanged. Until then, you can always memorize the exact internal positions. The sequence of teardrop spawn points is completely deterministic and only controlled by the fixed per-difficulty spawn interval.

Aside from more minor coordinate inaccuracies, there's not much of interest in the rest of the pattern code. In another parallel to Elis though, the first soul pattern in phase 4 is aimed on every difficulty except Lunatic, where the pellets are once again statically fired downwards. This time, however, the pattern's difficulty is much more appropriately distributed across the four levels, with the simultaneous spinning circle pellets adding a constant aimed component to every difficulty level.

Kikuri's phase 4 patterns, on every difficulty.

That brings us to 5 fully decompiled PC-98 Touhou bosses, with 26 remaining… and another ½ of a push going to the cutscene code in FUUIN.EXE.
You wouldn't expect something as mundane as the boss slideshow code to contain anything interesting, but there is in fact a slight bit of speculation fuel there. The text typing functions take explicit string lengths, which precisely match the corresponding strings… for the most part. For the "Gatekeeper 'SinGyoku'" string though, ZUN passed 23 characters, not 22. Could that have been the "h" from the Hepburn romanization of 神玉?!
Also, come on, if this text is already blitted to VRAM for no reason, you could have gone for perfect centering at unaligned byte positions; the rendering function would have perfectly supported it. Instead, the X coordinates are still rounded up to the nearest byte.

The hardcoded ending cutscene functions should be even less interesting – don't they just show a bunch of images followed by frame delays? Until they don't, and we reach the 地獄/Jigoku Bad Ending with its special shake/"boom" effect, and this picture:

Picture #2 from ED2A.GRP.

Which is rendered by the following code:

for(int i = 0; i <= boom_duration; i++) { // (yes, off-by-one)
	if((i & 3) == 0) {
	} else {

	end_pic_show(1); // ← different picture is rendered
	frame_delay(2);  // ← blocks until 2 VSync interrupts have occurred

	if(i & 1) {
		end_pic_show(2); // ← picture above is rendered
	} else {

Notice something? You should never see this picture because it's immediately overwritten before the frame is supposed to end. And yet it's clearly flickering up for about one frame with common emulation settings as well as on my real PC-9821 Nw133, clocked at 133 MHz. master.lib's graph_scrollup() doesn't block until VSync either, and removing these calls doesn't change anything about the blitted images. end_pic_show() uses the EGC to blit the given 320×200 quarter of VRAM from page 1 to the visible page 0, so the bottleneck shouldn't be there either…

…or should it? After setting it up via a few I/O port writes, the common method of EGC-powered blitting works like this:

  1. Read 16 bits from the source VRAM position on any single bitplane. This fills the EGC's 4 16-bit tile registers with the VRAM contents at that specific position on every bitplane. You do not care about the value the CPU returns from the read – in optimized code, you would make sure to just read into a register to avoid useless additional stores into local variables.
  2. Write any 16 bits to the target VRAM position on any single bitplane. This copies the contents of the EGC's tile registers to that specific position on every bitplane.

To transfer pixels from one VRAM page to another, you insert an additional write to I/O port 0xA6 before 1) and 2) to set your source and destination page… and that's where we find the bottleneck. Taking a look at the i486 CPU and its cycle counts, a single one of these page switches costs 17 cycles – 1 for MOVing the page number into AL, and 16 for the OUT instruction itself. Therefore, the 8,000 page switches required for EGC-copying a 320×200-pixel image require 136,000 cycles in total.

And that's the optimal case of using only those two instructions. 📝 As I implied last time, TH01 uses a function call for VRAM page switches, complete with creating and destroying a useless stack frame and unnecessarily updating a global variable in main memory. I tried optimizing ZUN's code by throwing out unnecessary code and using 📝 pseudo-registers to generate probably optimal assembly code, and that did speed up the blitting to almost exactly 50% of the original version's run time. However, it did little about the flickering itself. Here's a comparison of the first loop with boom_duration = 16, recorded in DOSBox-X with cputype=auto and cycles=max, and with i overlaid using the text chip. Caution, flashing lights:

The original animation, completing in 50 frames instead of the expected 34, thanks to slow blitting. Combined with the lack of double-buffering, this results in noticeable tearing as the screen refreshes while blitting is still in progress. (Note how the background of the ドカーン image is shifted 1 pixel to the left compared to pic #1.)
This optimized version completes in the expected 34 frames. No tearing happens to be visible in this recording, but the ドカーン image is still visible on every second loop iteration. (Note how the background of the ドカーン image is shifted 1 pixel to the left compared to pic #1.)

I pushed the optimized code to the th01_end_pic_optimize branch, to also serve as an example of how to get close to optimal code out of Turbo C++ 4.0J without writing a single ASM instruction.
And if you really want to use the EGC for this, that's the best you can do. It really sucks that it merely expanded the GRCG's 4×8-bit tile register to 4×16 bits. With 32 bits, ≥386 CPUs could have taken advantage of their wider registers and instructions to double the blitting performance. Instead, we now know the reason why 📝 Promisence Soft's EGC-powered sprite driver that ZUN later stole for TH03 is called SPRITE16 and not SPRITE32. What a massive disappointment.

But what's perhaps a bigger surprise: Blitting planar images from main memory is much faster than EGC-powered inter-page VRAM copies, despite the required manual access to all 4 bitplanes. In fact, the blitting functions for the .CDG/.CD2 format, used from TH03 onwards, would later demonstrate the optimal method of using REP MOVSD for blitting every line in 32-pixel chunks. If that was also used for these ending images, the core blitting operation would have taken ((12 + (3 × (320 / 32))) × 200 × 4) = 33,600 cycles, with not much more overhead for the surrounding row and bitplane loops. Sure, this doesn't factor in the whole infamous issue of VRAM being slow on PC-98, but the aforementioned 136,000 cycles don't even include any actual blitting either. And as you move up to later PC-98 models with Pentium CPUs, the gap between OUT and REP MOVSD only becomes larger. (Note that the page I linked above has a typo in the cycle count of REP MOVSD on Pentium CPUs: According to the original Intel Architecture and Programming Manual, it's 13+𝑛, not 3+𝑛.)
This difference explains why later games rarely use EGC-"accelerated" inter-page VRAM copies, and keep all of their larger images in main memory. It especially explains why TH04 and TH05 can get away with naively redrawing boss backdrop images on every frame.

In the end, the whole fact that ZUN did not define how long this image should be visible is enough for me to increment the game's overall bug counter. Who would have thought that looking at endings of all things would teach us a PC-98 performance lesson… Sure, optimizing TH01 already seemed promising just by looking at its bloated code, but I had no idea that its performance issues extended so far past that level.

That only leaves the common beginning part of all endings and a short main() function before we're done with FUUIN.EXE, and 98 functions until all of TH01 is decompiled! Next up: SinGyoku, who not only is the quickest boss to defeat in-game, but also comes with the least amount of code. See you very soon!

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0115, P0116
967bb8b...e5328a3, e5328a3...03048c3
💰 Funded by:
Lmocinemod, Blue Bolt, [Anonymous]
🏷 Tags:

Finally, after a long while, we've got two pushes with barely anything to talk about! Continuing the road towards 100% PI for TH05, these were exactly the two pushes that TH05 MAINE.EXE PI was estimated to additionally cost, relative to TH04's. Consequently, they mostly went to TH05's unique data structures in the ending cutscenes, the score name registration menu, and the staff roll.

A unique feature in there is TH05's support for automatic text color changes in its ending scripts, based on the first full-width Shift-JIS codepoint in a line. The \c=codepoint,color commands at the top of the _ED??.TXT set up exactly this codepoint→color mapping. As far as I can tell, TH05 is the only Touhou game with a feature like this – even the Windows Touhou games went back to manually spelling out each color change.

The orb particles in TH05's staff roll also try to be a bit unique by using 32-bit X and Y subpixel variables for their current position. With still just 4 fractional bits, I can't really tell yet whether the extended range was actually necessary. Maybe due to how the "camera scrolling" through "space" was implemented? All other entities were pretty much the usual fare, though.
12.4, 4.4, and now a 28.4 fixed-point format… yup, 📝 C++ templates were definitely the right choice.

At the end of its staff roll, TH05 not only displays the usual performance verdict, but then scrolls in the scores at the end of each stage before switching to the high score menu. The simplest way to smoothly scroll between two full screens on a PC-98 involves a separate bitmap… which is exactly what TH05 does here, reserving 28,160 bytes of its global data segment for just one overly large monochrome 320×704 bitmap where both the screens are rendered to. That's… one benefit of splitting your game into multiple executables, I guess? :tannedcirno:
Not sure if it's common knowledge that you can actually scroll back and forth between the two screens with the Up and Down keys before moving to the score menu. I surely didn't know that before. But it makes sense – might as well get the most out of that memory.

The necessary groundwork for all of this may have actually made TH04's (yes, TH04's) MAINE.EXE technically position-independent. Didn't quite reach the same goal for TH05's – but what we did reach is ⅔ of all PC-98 Touhou code now being position-independent! Next up: Celebrating even more milestones, as -Tom- is about to finish development on his TH05 MAIN.EXE PI demo…