TH01 decompilation (Card-flipping stages, part 3/4: Bumpers and turrets)
TH01 decompilation (Card-flipping stages, part 4/4: Portals + Bomb animation)
💰 Funded by:
GhostRiderCog, [Anonymous], Yanga
🏷️ Tags:
Let's start right with the milestones:
More than 50% of all PC-98 Touhou game code has now been
reverse-engineered! 🎉 While this number isn't equally distributed among the
games, we've got one game very close to 100% and reverse-engineered most of
the core features of two others. During the last 32 months of continuous
funding, I've averaged an overall speed of 1.11% total RE per month. That
looks like a decent prediction of how much more time it will take for 100%
across all games – unless, of course, I'd get to work towards some of the
non-RE goals in the meantime.
70 functions left in TH01, with less than 10,000 ASM instructions
remaining! Due to immense hype, I've temporarily raised the cap by 50% until
August 15. With the last TH01 pushes delivering at roughly 1.5× of the
currently calculated average speed, that should be more than enough to get
TH01 done – especially since I expect YuugenMagan to come with lots of
redundant code. Therefore, please also request a secondary priority for
these final TH01 RE contributions.
So, how did this card-flipping stage obstacle delivery get so horribly
delayed? With all the different layouts showcased in the 28 card-flipping
stages, you'd expect this to be among the more stable and bug-free parts of
the codebase. Heck, with all stage objects being placed on a 32×32-pixel
grid, this is the first TH01-related blog post this year that doesn't have
to describe an alignment-related unblitting glitch!
That alone doesn't mean that this code is free from quirky behavior though,
and we have to look no further than the first few lines of the collision
handling for round bumpers to already find a whole lot of that. Simplified,
they do the following:
Immediately, you wonder why these assignments only exist for the Y
coordinate. Sure, hitting a bumper from the left or right side should happen
less often, but it's definitely possible. Is it really a good idea to warp
the Orb to the top or bottom edge of a bumper regardless?
What's more important though: The fact that these immediate assignments
exist at all. The game's regular Orb physics work by producing a Y velocity
from the single force acting on the Orb and a gravity factor, and are
completely independent of its current Y position. A bumper collision does
also apply a new force onto the Orb further down in the code, but these
assignments still bypass the physics system and are bound to have
some knock-on effect on the Orb's movement.
To observe that effect, we just have to enter Stage 18 on the 地獄/Jigoku route, where it's particularly trivial to
reproduce. At a 📝 horizontal velocity of ±4,
these assignments are exactly what can cause the Orb to endlessly
bounce between two bumpers. As rudimentary as the Orb's physics may be, just
letting them do their work would have entirely prevented these loops:
Now, you might be thinking that these Y assignments were just an attempt to
prevent the Orb from colliding with the same bumper again on the next frame.
After all, those 24 pixels exactly correspond to ⅓ of the height of a
bumper's hitbox with an additional pixel added on top. However, the game
already perfectly prevents repeated collisions by turning off collision
testing with the same bumper for the next 7 frames after a collision. Thus,
we can conclude that ZUN either explicitly coded bumper collision handling
to facilitate these loops, or just didn't take out that code after
inevitably discovering what it did. This is not janky code, it's not a
glitch, it's not sarcasm from my end, and it's not the game's physics being
But wait. Couldn't these assignments just be a remnant from a time in
development before ZUN decided on the 7-frame delay on further
collisions? Well, even that explanation stops holding water after the next
few lines of code. Simplified, again:
What's important here is the part that's not in the code – namely,
anything that handles X velocities of -8 or +8. In those cases, the Orb
simply continues in the same horizontal direction. The manual Y assignment
is the only part of the code that actually prevents a collision there, as
the newly applied force is not guaranteed to be enough:
Forgetting to handle ⅖ of your discrete X velocity cases is simply not
something you do by accident. So we might as well say that ZUN deliberately
designed the game to behave exactly as it does in this regard.
Bumpers also come in vertical or horizontal bar shapes. Their collision
handling also turns off further collision testing for the next 7 frames, and
doesn't do any manual coordinate assignment. That's definitely a step up in
cleanliness from round bumpers, but it doesn't seem to keep in mind that the
player can fire a new shot every 4 frames when standing still. That makes it
immediately obvious why this works:
That's the most well-known case of reducing the Orb's horizontal velocity to
0 by exactly hitting it with shots in its center and then button-mashing it
through a horizontal bar. This also works with vertical bars and yields even
more interesting results there, but if we want to have any chance of
understanding what happens there, we have to first go over some basics:
Collision detection for all stage obstacles is done in row-major
order from the top-left to the bottom-right corner of the
All obstacles are collision-tested independently from each other, with
the collision response code immediately following the test.
The hitboxes for bumper bars extend far past their 32×32 sprites to make
sure that the Orb can collide with them from any side. They are a
pixel-perfect* 87×56 pixels for horizontal bars, and 57×87 pixels for
vertical ones. Yes, that's no typo, they really do differ in one pixel.
Changing the Y velocity during such a collision just involves applying a
new force with the magnitude of the negated current Y velocity, which can be
done multiple times during a frame without changing the result. This
explains why the force is correctly inverted in the clip above, despite the
Orb colliding with two bumpers simultaneously.
Lacking a similar force system, the X coordinate is simply directly
However, if that were everything the game did, kicking the Orb into a column
of vertical bumper bars would lead them to behave more like a rope that the
Orb can climb, as the initial collision with two hitboxes cancels out the
intended sign change that reflects the Orb away from the bars:
While that would have been a fun gameplay mechanic on its own, it
immediately breaks apart once you place two vertical bumper bars next to
each other. Due to how these bumper bar hitboxes extend past their sprites,
any two adjacent vertical bars will end up with the exact same hitbox in
absolute screen coordinates. Stage 17 on the
魔界/Makai route contains exactly such a layout:
ZUN's workaround: Setting a "vertical bumper bar block flag" after any
collision with such a bar, which simply disables any collision with
any vertical bar for the next 7 frames. This quick hack made all
vertical bars work as intended, and avoided the need for involving the Orb's
X velocity in any kind of physics system.
Edit (2022-07-12): This flag only works around glitches
that would be caused by simultaneously colliding with more than one vertical
bar. The actual response to a bumper bar collision still remains unaffected,
and is very naive:
Horizontal bars always invert the Orb's Y velocity
Vertical bars invert either the Y or X velocity depending on whether
the Orb's current X velocity is 0 (Y) or not (X)
These conditions are only correct if the Orb comes in at an angle roughly
between 45° and 135° on either side of a bar. If it's anywhere close to 0°
or 180°, this response will be incorrect, and send the Orb straight
through the bar. Since the large hitboxes make this easily possible, you can
still get the Orb to climb a vertical column, or glide along a horizontal
Here's the hitbox overlay for
地獄/Jigoku Stage 19, and here's an updated
version of the 📝 Orb physics debug mod that
now also shows bumper bar collision frame numbers:
See the th01_orb_debug
branch for the code. To use it, simply replace REIIDEN.EXE, and
run the game in debug mode, via game d on the DOS prompt. If you
encounter a gameplay situation that doesn't seem to be covered by this blog
post, you can now verify it for yourself. Thanks to touhou-memories for bringing these
issues to my attention! That definitely was a glaring omission from the
initial version of this blog post.
With that clarified, we can now try mashing the Orb into these two vertical
At first, that workaround doesn't seem to make a difference here. As we
expect, the frame numbers now tell us that only one of the two bumper bars
in a row activates, but we couldn't have told otherwise as the number of
bars has no effect on newly applied Y velocity forces. On a closer look, the
Orb's rise to the top of the playfield is in fact caused by that
workaround though, combined with the unchanged top-to-bottom order of
collision testing. As soon as any bumper bar completed its 7
collision delay frames, it resets the aforementioned flag, which already
reactivates collision handling for any remaining vertical bumper bars during
the same frame. Look out for frames with both a 7 and a 1, like the one marked in the video above:
The 7 will always appear before
the 1 in the row-major order. Whenever
this happens, the current oscillation period is cut down from 7 to 6
frames – and because collision testing runs from top to bottom, this will
always happen during the falling part. Depending on the Y velocity, the
rising part may also be cut down to 6 frames from time to time, but that one
at least has a chance to last for the full 7 frames. This difference
adds those crucial extra frames of upward movement, which add up to send the
Orb to the top. Without the flag, you'd always see the Orb oscillating
between a fixed range of the bar column.
Finally, it's the "top of playfield" force that gradually slows down the Orb
and makes sure it ultimately only moves at sub-pixel velocities, which have
no visible effect. Because
📝 the regular effect of gravity is reset with
each newly applied force, it's completely negated during most of the climb.
This even holds true once the Orb reached the top: Since the Orb requires a
negative force to repeatedly arrive up there and be bounced back, this force
will stay active for the first 5 of the 7 collision frames and not move the
Orb at all. Once gravity kicks in at the 5th frame and adds 1 to
the Y velocity, it's already too late: The new velocity can't be larger than
0.5, and the Orb only has 1 or 2 frames before the flag reset causes it to
be bounced back up to the top again.
Portals, on the other hand, turn out to be much simpler than the old
description that ended up on Touhou Wiki in October 2005 might suggest.
Everything about their teleportations is random: The destination portal, the
exit force (as an integer between -9 and +9), as well as the exit X
velocity, with each of the
📝 5 distinct horizontal velocities having an
equal chance of being chosen. Of course, if the destination portal is next
to the left or right edge of the playfield and it chooses to fire the Orb
towards that edge, it immediately bounces off into the opposite direction,
whereas the 0 velocity is always selected with a constant 20% probability.
The selection process for the destination portal involves a bit more than a
single rand() call. The game bundles all obstacles in a single
structure of dynamically allocated arrays, and only knows how many obstacles
there are in total, not per type. Now, that alone wouldn't have much
of an impact on random portal selection, as you could simply roll a random
obstacle ID and try again if it's not a portal. But just to be extra cute,
ZUN instead iterates over all obstacles, selects any non-entered portal with
a chance of ¼, and just gives up if that dice roll wasn't successful after
16 loops over the whole array, defaulting to the entered portal in that
In all its silliness though, this works perfectly fine, and results in a
chance of 0.7516(𝑛 - 1) for the Orb exiting out of the
same portal it entered, with 𝑛 being the total number of portals in a
stage. That's 1% for two portals, and 0.01% for three. Pretty decent for a
random result you don't want to happen, but that hurts nobody if it does.
The one tiny ZUN bug with portals is technically not even part of the newly
decompiled code here. If Reimu gets hit while the Orb is being sent through
a portal, the Orb is immediately kicked out of the portal it entered, no
matter whether it already shows up inside the sprite of the destination
portal. Neither of the two portal sprites is reset when this happens,
leading to "two Orbs" being visible simultaneously.
This makes very little sense no matter how you look at it. The Orb doesn't
receive a new velocity or force when this happens, so it will simply
re-enter the same portal once the gameplay resumes on Reimu's next life:
That left another ½ of a push over at the end. Way too much time to finish
FUUIN.exe, way too little time to start with Mima… but the bomb
animation fit perfectly in there. No secrets or bugs there, just a bunch of
sprite animation code wasting at least another 82 bytes in the data segment.
The special effect after the kuji-in sprites uses the same single-bitplane
32×32 square inversion effect seen at the end of Kikuri's and Sariel's
entrance animation, except that it's a 3-stack of 16-rings moving at 6, 7,
and 8 pixels per frame respectively. At these comparatively slow speeds, the
byte alignment of each square adds some further noise to the discoloration
pattern… if you even notice it below all the shaking and seizure-inducing
hardware palette manipulation.
And yes, due to the very destructive nature of the effect, the game does in
fact rely on it only being applied to VRAM page 0. While that will cause
every moving sprite to tear holes into the inverted squares along its
trajectory, keeping a clean playfield on VRAM page 1 is what allows all that
pixel damage to be easily undone at the end of this 89-frame animation.
Next up: Mima! Let's hope that stage obstacles already were the most complex
part remaining in TH01…
TH01 decompilation (Elis, part 1/4: Preparations + patterns 1-3)
TH01 decompilation (Elis, part 2/4: Patterns 4-6 + transformations)
TH01 decompilation (Elis, part 3/4: Patterns 7-13)
TH01 decompilation (Elis, part 4/4: Entrance animation + main function)
TH01 research (HP bar heap corruption + boss defeat crashes) + decompilation (Verdict screen)
💰 Funded by:
Ember2528, Yanga
🏷️ Tags:
With Elis, we've not only reached the midway point in TH01's boss code, but
also a bunch of other milestones: Both REIIDEN.EXE and TH01 as
a whole have crossed the 75% RE mark, and overall position independence has
also finally cracked 80%!
And it got done in 4 pushes again? Yup, we're back to
📝 Konngara levels of redundancy and
copy-pasta. This time, it didn't even stop at the big copy-pasted code
blocks for the rift sprite and 256-pixel circle animations, with the words
"redundant" and "unnecessary" ending up a total of 18 times in my source
code comments.
But damn is this fight broken. As usual with TH01 bosses, let's start with a
high-level overview:
The Elis fight consists of 5 phases (excluding the entrance animation),
which must be completed in order.
In all odd-numbered phases, Elis uses a random one-shot danmaku pattern
from an exclusive per-phase pool before teleporting to a random
There are 3 exclusive girl-form patterns per phase, plus 4
additional bat-form patterns in phase 5, for a total of 13.
Due to a quirk in the selection algorithm in phases 1 and 3, there
is a 25% chance of Elis skipping an attack cycle and just teleporting
In contrast to Konngara, Elis can freely select the same pattern
multiple times in a row. There's nothing in the code to prevent that
from happening.
This pattern+teleport cycle is repeated until Elis' HP reach a certain
threshold value. The odd-numbered phases correspond to the white (phase 1),
red-white (phase 3), and red (phase 5) sections of the health bar. However,
the next phase can only start at the end of each cycle, after a
Phase 2 simply teleports Elis back to her starting screen position of
(320, 144) and then advances to phase 3.
Phase 4 does the same as phase 2, but adds the initial bat form
transformation before advancing to phase 5.
Phase 5 replaces the teleport with a transformation to the bat form.
Rather than teleporting instantly to the target position, the bat gradually
flies there, firing a randomly selected looping pattern from the 4-pattern
bat pool on the way, before transforming back to the girl form.
This puts the earliest possible end of the fight at the first frame of phase
5. However, nothing prevents Elis' HP from reaching 0 before that point. You
can nicely see this in 📝 debug mode: Wait
until the HP bar has filled up to avoid heap corruption, hold ↵ Return
to reduce her HP to 0, and watch how Elis still goes through a total of
two patterns* and four
teleport animations before accepting defeat.
But wait, heap corruption? Yup, there's a bug in the HP bar that already
affected Konngara as well, and it isn't even just about the graphical
glitches generated by negative HP:
The initial fill-up animation is drawn to both VRAM pages at a rate of 1
HP per frame… by passing the current frame number as the
current_hp number.
The target_hp is indicated by simply passing the current
… which, however, can be reduced in debug mode at an equal rate of up to
1 HP per frame.
The completion condition only checks if
((target_hp - 1) == current_hp). With the
right timing, both numbers can therefore run past each other.
In that case, the function is repeatedly called on every frame, backing
up the original VRAM contents for the current HP point before blitting
… until frame ((96 / 2) + 1), where the
.PTN slot pointer overflows the heap buffer and overwrites whatever comes
after. 📝 Sounds familiar, right?
Since Elis starts with 14 HP, which is an even number, this corruption is
trivial to cause: Simply hold ↵ Return from the beginning of the
fight, and the completion condition will never be true, as the
HP and frame numbers run past the off-by-one meeting point.
Edit (2023-07-21): Pressing ↵ Return to reduce HP
also works in test mode (game t). There, the game doesn't
even check the heap, and consequently won't report any corruption,
allowing the HP bar to be glitched even further.
Regular gameplay, however, entirely prevents this due to the fixed start
positions of Reimu and the Orb, the Orb's fixed initial trajectory, and the
50 frames of delay until a bomb deals damage to a boss. These aspects make
it impossible to hit Elis within the first 14 frames of phase 1, and ensure
that her HP bar is always filled up completely. So ultimately, this bug ends
up comparable in seriousness to the
📝 recursion / stack overflow bug in the memory info screen.
These wavy teleport animations point to a quite frustrating architectural
issue in this fight. It's not even the fact that unblitting the yellow star
sprites rips temporary holes into Elis' sprite; that's almost expected from
TH01 at this point. Instead, it's all because of this unused frame of the
With this sprite still being part of BOSS5.BOS, Girl-Elis has a
total of 9 animation frames, 1 more than the
📝 8 per-entity sprites allowed by ZUN's architecture.
The quick and easy solution would have been to simply bump the sprite array
size by 1, but… nah, this would have added another 20 bytes to all 6 of the
.BOS image slots. Instead, ZUN wrote the manual
position synchronization code I mentioned in that 2020 blog post.
Ironically, he then copy-pasted this snippet of code often enough that it
ended up taking up more than 120 bytes in the Elis fight alone – with, you
guessed it, some of those copies being redundant. Not to mention that just
going from 8 to 9 sprites would have allowed ZUN to go down from 6 .BOS
image slots to 3. That would have actually saved 420 bytes in
addition to the manual synchronization trouble. Looking forward to SinGyoku,
that's going to be fun again…
As for the fight itself, it doesn't take long until we reach its most janky
danmaku pattern, right in phase 1:
The "pellets along circle" pattern on Lunatic, in its original version
and with fanfiction fixes for everything that can potentially be
interpreted as a bug.
For whatever reason, the lower-right quarter of the circle isn't
animated? This animation works by only drawing the new dots added with every
subsequent animation frame, expressed as a tiny arc of a dotted circle. This
arc starts at the animation's current 8-bit angle and ends on the sum of
that angle and a hardcoded constant. In every other (copy-pasted, and
correct) instance of this animation, ZUN uses 0x02 as the
constant, but this one uses… 0.05 for the lower-right quarter?
As in, a 64-bit double constant that truncates to 0 when added
to an 8-bit integer, thus leading to the start and end angles being
identical and the game not drawing anything.
On Easy and Normal, the pattern then spawns 32 bullets along the outline
of the circle, no problem there. On Lunatic though, every one of these
bullets is instead turned into a narrow-angled 5-spread, resulting in 160
pellets… in a game with a pellet cap of 100.
Now, if Elis teleported herself to a position near the top of the playfield,
most of the capped pellets would have been clipped at that top edge anyway,
since the bullets are spawned in clockwise order starting at Elis' right
side with an angle of 0x00. On lower positions though, you can
definitely see a difference if the cap were high enough to allow all coded
pellets to actually be spawned.
The Hard version gets dangerously close to the cap by spawning a total of 96
pellets. Since this is the only pattern in phase 1 that fires pellets
though, you are guaranteed to see all of the unclipped ones.
The pellets also aren't spawned exactly on the telegraphed circle, but 4 pixels to the left.
Then again, it might very well be that all of this was intended, or, most
likely, just left in the game as a happy accident. The latter interpretation
would explain why ZUN didn't just delete the rendering calls for the
lower-right quarter of the circle, because seriously, how would you not spot
that? The phase 3 patterns continue with more minor graphical glitches that
aren't even worth talking about anymore.
And then Elis transforms into her bat form at the beginning of Phase 5,
which displays some rather unique hitboxes. The one against the Orb is fine,
but the one against player shots…
… uses the bat's X coordinate for both X and Y dimensions.
In regular gameplay, it's not too bad as most
of the bat patterns fire aimed pellets which typically don't allow you to
move below her sprite to begin with. But if you ever tried destroying these
pellets while standing near the middle of the playfield, now you know why
that didn't work. This video also nicely points out how the bat, like any
boss sprite, is only ever blitted at positions on the 8×1-pixel VRAM byte
grid, while collision detection uses the actual pixel position.
The bat form patterns are all relatively simple, with little variation
depending on the difficulty level, except for the "slow pellet spreads"
pattern. This one is almost easiest to dodge on Lunatic, where the 5-spreads
are not only always fired downwards, but also at the hardcoded narrow delta
angle, leaving plenty of room for the player to move out of the way:
The "slow pellet spreads" pattern of Elis' bat form, on every
difficulty. Which version do you think is the easiest one?
Finally, we've got another potential timesave in the girl form's "safety
circle" pattern:
After the circle spawned completely, you lose a life by moving outside it,
but doing that immediately advances the pattern past the circle part. This
part takes 200 frames, but the defeat animation only takes 82 frames, so
you can save up to 118 frames there.
Final funny tidbit: As with all dynamic entities, this circle is only
blitted to VRAM page 0 to allow easy unblitting. However, it's also kind of
static, and there needs to be some way to keep the Orb, the player shots,
and the pellets from ripping holes into it. So, ZUN just re-blits the circle
every… 4 frames?! 🤪 The same is true for the Star of David and its
surrounding circle, but there you at least get a flash animation to justify
it. All the overlap is actually quite a good reason for not even attempting
to 📝 mess with the hardware color palette instead.
Reproducing the crash was the whole challenge here. Even after moving Elis
and Reimu to the exact positions seen in Pearl's video and setting Elis' HP
to 0 on the exact same frame, everything ran fine for me. It's definitely no
division by 0 this time, the function perfectly guards against that
possibility. The line specified in the function's parameters is always
clipped to the VRAM region as well, so we can also rule out illegal memory
accesses here…
… or can we? Stepping through it all reminded me of how this function brings
unblitting sloppiness to the next level: For each VRAM byte touched, ZUN
actually unblits the 4 surrounding bytes, adding one byte to the left
and two bytes to the right, and using a single 32-bit read and write per
bitplane. So what happens if the function tries to unblit the topmost byte
of VRAM, covering the pixel positions from (0, 0) to (7, 0)
inclusive? The VRAM offset of 0x0000 is decremented to
0xFFFF to cover the one byte to the left, 4 bytes are written
to this address, the CPU's internal offset overflows… and as it turns out,
that is illegal even in Real Mode as of the 80286, and will raise a General Protection
Fault. Which is… ignored by DOSBox-X,
every Neko Project II version in common use, the CSCP
emulators, SL9821, and T98-Next. Only Anex86 accurately emulates the
behavior of real hardware here.
OK, but no laser fired by Elis ever reaches the top-left corner of the
screen. How can such a fault even happen in practice? That's where the
broken laser reset+unblit function comes in: Not only does it just flat out pass the wrong
parameters to the line unblitting function – describing the line
already traveled by the laser and stopping where the laser begins –
but it also passes them
wrongly, in the form of raw 32-bit fixed-point Q24.8 values, with no
conversion other than a truncation to the signed 16-bit pixels expected by
the function. What then follows is an attempt at interpolation and clipping
to find a line segment between those garbage coordinates that actually falls
within the boundaries of VRAM:
right/bottom correspond to a laser's origin position, and
left/top to the leftmost pixel of its moved-out top line. The
bug therefore only occurs with lasers that stopped growing and have started
Moreover, it will only happen if either (left % 256) or
(right % 256) is ≤ 127 and the other one of the two is ≥ 128.
The typecast to signed 16-bit integers then turns the former into a large
positive value and the latter into a large negative value, triggering the
function's clipping code.
The function then follows Bresenham's
algorithm: left is ensured to be smaller than right
by swapping the two values if necessary. If that happened, top
and bottom are also swapped, regardless of their value – the
algorithm does not care about their order.
The slope in the X dimension is calculated using an integer division of
((bottom - top) /
(right - left)). Both subtractions are done on signed
16-bit integers, and overflow accordingly.
(-left × slope_x) is added to top,
and left is set to 0.
If both top and bottom are < 0 or
≥ 640, there's nothing to be unblitted. Otherwise, the final
coordinates are clipped to the VRAM range of [(0, 0),
(639, 399)].
If the function got this far, the line to be unblitted is now very
likely to reach from
the top-left to the bottom-right corner, starting out at
(0, 0) right away, or
from the bottom-left corner to the top-right corner. In this case,
you'd expect unblitting to end at (639, 0), but thanks to an
off-by-one error,
it actually ends at (640, -1), which is equivalent to
(0, 0). Why add clipping to VRAM offset calculations when
everything else is clipped already, right?
Possible laser states that will cause the fault, with some debug
output to help understand the cause, and any pellets removed for better
readability. This can happen for all bosses that can potentially have
shootout lasers on screen when being defeated, so it also applies to Mima.
Fixing this is easier than understanding why it happens, but since y'all
love reading this stuff…
tl;dr: TH01 has a high chance of freezing at a boss defeat sequence if there
are diagonally moving lasers on screen, and if your PC-98 system
raises a General Protection Fault on a 4-byte write to offset
0xFFFF, and if you don't run a TSR with an INT
0Dh handler that might handle this fault differently.
The easiest fix option would be to just remove the attempted laser
unblitting entirely, but that would also have an impact on this game's…
distinctive visual glitches, in addition to touching a whole lot of
code bytes. If I ever get funded to work on a hypothetical TH01 Anniversary
Edition that completely rearchitects the game to fix all these glitches, it
would be appropriate there, but not for something that purports to be the
original game.
(Sidenote to further hype up this Anniversary Edition idea for PC-98
hardware owners: With the amount of performance left on the table at every
corner of this game, I'm pretty confident that we can get it to work
decently on PC-98 models with just an 80286 CPU.)
Since we're in critical infrastructure territory once again, I went for the
most conservative fix with the least impact on the binary: Simply changing
any VRAM offsets >= 0xFFFD to 0x0000 to avoid
the GPF, and leaving all other bugs in place. Sure, it's rather lazy and
"incorrect"; the function still unblits a 32-pixel block there, but adding a
special case for blitting 24 pixels would add way too much code. And
seriously, it's not like anything happens in the 8 pixels between
(24, 0) and (31, 0) inclusive during gameplay to begin with.
To balance out the additional per-row if() branch, I inlined
the VRAM page change I/O, saving two function calls and one memory write per
unblitted row.
That means it's time for a new community_choice_fixes
build, containing the new definitive bugfixed versions of these games:
Check the th01_critical_fixes
branch for the modified TH01 code. It also contains a fix for the HP bar
heap corruption in test or debug mode – simply changing the ==
comparison to <= is enough to avoid it, and negative HP will
still create aesthetic glitch art.
Once again, I then was left with ½ of a push, which I finally filled with
some FUUIN.EXE code, specifically the verdict screen. The most
interesting part here is the player title calculation, which is quite
sneaky: There are only 6 skill levels, but three groups of
titles for each level, and the title you'll see is picked from a random
group. It looks like this is the first time anyone has documented the
As for the levels, ZUN definitely didn't expect players to do particularly
well. With a 1cc being the standard goal for completing a Touhou game, it's
especially funny how TH01 expects you to continue a lot: The code has
branches for up to 21 continues, and the on-screen table explicitly leaves
room for 3 digits worth of continues per 5-stage scene. Heck, these
counts are even stored in 32-bit long variables.
Next up: 📝 Finally finishing the long
overdue Touhou Patch Center MediaWiki update work, while continuing with
Kikuri in the meantime. Originally I wasn't sure about what to do between
Elis and Seihou,
but with Ember2528's surprise
contribution last week, y'all have
demonstrated more than enough interest in the idea of getting TH01 done
sooner rather than later. And I agree – after all, we've got the 25th
anniversary of its first public release coming up on August 15, and I might
still manage to completely decompile this game by that point…
Slight change of plans, because we got instructions for
reliably reproducing the TH04 Kurumi Divide Error crash! Major thanks to
Colin Douglas Howell. With those, it also made sense to immediately look at
the crash in the Stage 4 Marisa fight as well. This way, I could release
both of the obligatory bugfix mods at the same time.
Especially since it turned out that I was wrong: Both crashes are entirely
unrelated to the custom entity structure that would have required PI-centric
progress. They are completely specific to Kurumi's and Marisa's
danmaku-pattern code, and really are two separate bugs
with no connection to each other. All of the necessary research nicely fit
into Arandui's 0.5 pushes, with no further deep understanding
required here.
But why were there still three weeks between Colin's message and this blog
post? DMCA distractions aside: There are no easy fixes this time, unlike
📝 back when I looked at the Stage 5 Yuuka crash.
Just like how division by zero is undefined in mathematics, it's also,
literally, undefined what should happen instead of these two
Divide error crashes. This means that any possible "fix" can
only ever be a fanfiction interpretation of the intentions behind ZUN's
code. The gameplay community should be aware of this, and
might decide to handle these cases differently. And if we
have to go into fanfiction territory to work around crashes in the
canon games, we'd better document what exactly we're fixing here and how, as
comprehensible as possible.
With that out of the way, let's look at Kurumi's crash first, since it's way
easier to grasp. This one is known to primarily happen to new players, and
it's easy to see why:
In one of the patterns in her third phase, Kurumi fires a series of 3
aimed rings from both edges of the playfield. By default (that is, on Normal
and with regular rank), these are 6-way rings.
6 happens to be quite a peculiar number here, due to how rings are
(manually) tuned based on the current "rank" value (playperf)
before being fired. The code, abbreviated for clarity:
Let's look at the range of possible playperf values per
difficulty level:
Edit (2022-05-24): This blog post initially had
26 instead of 16 for playperf_min for the Extra Stage. Thanks
to Popfan for pointing out that typo!
Reducing rank to its minimum on Easy mode will therefore result in a
0-ring after tuning.
To calculate the individual angles of each bullet in a ring, ZUN divides
360° (or, more correctly,
📝 0x100) by the total number of
Boom, division by zero.
The pattern that causes the crash in Kurumi's fight. Also
demonstrates how the number of bullets in a ring is always halved on
Easy Mode after the rank-based tuning, leading to just a 3-ring on
playperf = 16.
So, what should the workaround look like? Obviously, we want to modify
neither the default number of ring bullets nor the tuning algorithm – that
would change all other non-crashing variations of this pattern on other
difficulties and ranks, creating a fork of the original gameplay. Instead, I
came up with four possible workarounds that all seemed somewhat logical to
Firing no bullet, i.e., interpreting 0-ring literally. This would
create the only constellation in which a call to the bullet group spawn
functions would not spawn at least one new bullet.
Firing a "1-ring", i.e., a single bullet. This would be consistent with
how the bullet spawn functions behave for "0-way" stack and spread
Firing a "∞-ring", i.e., 200 bullets, which is as much as the game's cap
on 16×16 bullets would allow. This would poke fun at the whole "division by
zero" idea… but given that we're still talking about Easy Mode (and
especially new players) here, it might be a tad too cruel. Certainly the
most trollish interpretation.
Triggering an immediate Game Over, exchanging the hard crash for a
softer and more controlled shutdown. Certainly the option that would be
closest to the behavior of the original games, and perhaps the only one to
be accepted in Serious, High-Level Play™.
As I was writing this post, it felt increasingly wrong for me to make this
decision. So I once again went to Twitter, where 56.3%
voted in favor of the 1-bullet option. Good that I asked! I myself was
more leaning towards the 0-bullet interpretation, which only got 28.7% of
the vote. Also interesting are the 2.3% in favor of the Game Over option but
I get it, low-rank Easy Mode isn't exactly the most competitive mode of
playing TH04.
There are reports of Kurumi crashing on higher difficulties as well, but I
could verify none of them. If they aren't fixed by this workaround, they're
caused by an entirely different bug that we have yet to discover.
Onto the Stage 4 Marisa crash then, which does in fact apply to all
difficulty levels. I was also wrong on this one – it's a hell of a lot more
intricate than being just a division by the number of on-screen bits.
Without having decompiled the entire fight, I can't give a completely
accurate picture of what happens there yet, but here's the rough idea:
Marisa uses different patterns, depending on whether at least one of her
bits is still alive, or all of them have been destroyed.
Destroying the last bit will immediately switch to the bit-less
counterpart of the current pattern.
The bits won't respawn before the pattern ended, which ensures that the
bit-less version is always shown in its entirety after being started or
switched into.
In two of the bit-less patterns, Marisa gradually moves to the point
reflection of her position at the start of the pattern across the playfield
coordinate of (192, 112), or (224, 128) on screen.
Reference points for Marisa's point-reflected movement. Cyan:
Marisa's position, green: (192, 112), yellow: the intended end
The velocity of this movement is determined by both her distance to that
point and the total amount of frames that this instance of the bit-less
pattern will last.
Since this frame amount is directly tied to the frame the player
destroyed the last bit on, it becomes a user-controlled variable. I think
you can see where this is going…
The last 12 frames of this duration, however, are always reserved for a
"braking phase", where Marisa's velocity is halved on each frame.
This part of the code only runs every 4 frames though. This expands the
time window for this crash to 4 frames, rather than just the two frames you
would expect from looking at the division itself.
Both of the broken patterns run for a maximum of 160 frames. Therefore,
the crash will occur when Marisa's last bit is destroyed between frame 152
and 155 inclusive. On these frames, the
last_frame_with_bits_alive variable is set to 148, which is the
crucial 12 duration frames away from the maximum of 160.
Interestingly enough, the calculated velocity is also only
applied every 4 frames, with Marisa actually staying still for the 3 frames
inbetween. As a result, she either moves
too slowly to ever actually reach the yellow point if the last bit
was destroyed early in the pattern (see destruction frames 68 or
or way too quickly, and almost in a jerky, teleporting way (see
destruction frames 144 or 148).
Finally, as you may have already gathered from the formula: Destroying
the last bit between frame 156 and 160 inclusive results in
duration values of 8 or 4. These actually push Marisa
away from the intended point, as the divisor becomes negative.
One of the two patterns in TH04's Stage 4 Marisa boss fight that feature
frame number-dependent point-reflected movement. The bits were hacked to
self-destruct on the respective frame.
tl;dr: "Game crashes if last bit destroyed within 4-frame window near end of
two patterns". For an informed decision on a new movement behavior for these
last 8 frames, we definitely need to know all the details behind the crash
though. Here's what I would interpret into the code:
Not moving at all, i.e., interpreting 0 as the middle ground between
positive and negative movement. This would also make sense because a
12-frame duration implies 100% of the movement to consist of
the braking phase – and Marisa wasn't moving before, after all.
Move at maximum speed, i.e., dividing by 1 rather than 0. Since the
movement duration is still 12 in this case, Marisa will immediately start
braking. In total, she will move exactly ¾ of the way from her initial
position to (192, 112) within the 8 frames before the pattern
Directly warping to (192, 112) on frame 0, and to the
point-reflected target on 4, respectively. This "emulates" the division by
zero by moving Marisa at infinite speed to the exact two points indicated by
the velocity formula. It also fits nicely into the 8 frames we have to fill
here. Sure, Marisa can't reach these points at any other duration, but why
shouldn't she be able to, with infinite speed? Then again, if Marisa
is far away enough from (192, 112), this workaround would warp her
across the entire playfield. Can Marisa teleport according to lore? I
have no idea…
Triggering an immediate Game O– hell no, this is the Stage 4 boss,
people already hate losing runs to this bug!
Asking Twitter worked great for the Kurumi workaround, so let's do it again!
Gotta attach a screenshot of an earlier draft of this blog post though,
since this stuff is impossible to explain in tweets…
…and it went
through the roof, becoming the most successful ReC98 tweet so far?!
Apparently, y'all really like to just look at descriptions of overly complex
bugs that I'd consider way beyond the typical attention span that can be
expected from Twitter. Unfortunately, all those tweet impressions didn't
quite translate into poll turnout. The results
were pretty evenly split between 1) and 2), with option 1) just coming out
slightly ahead at 49.1%, compared to 41.5% of option 2).
(And yes, I only noticed after creating the poll that warping to both the
green and yellow points made more sense than warping to just one of the two.
Let's hope that this additional variant wouldn't have shifted the results
too much. Both warp options only got 9.4% of the vote after all, and no one
else came up with the idea either. In the end,
you can always merge together your preferred combination of workarounds from
the Git branches linked below.)
So here you go: The new definitive version of TH04, containing not only the
community-chosen Kurumi and Stage 4 Marisa workaround variant, but also the
📝 No-EMS bugfix from last year.
Edit (2022-05-31): This package is outdated, 📝 the current version is here!2022-04-18-community-choice-fixes.zip
Oh, and let's also add spaztron64's TH03 GDC clock fix
from 2019 because why not. This binary was built from the community_choice_fixes
branch, and you can find the code for all the individual workarounds on
these branches:
Again, because it can't be stated often enough: These fixes are
fanfiction. The gameplay community should be aware of
this, and might decide to handle these cases differently.
With all of that taking way more time to evaluate and document, this
research really had to become part of a proper push, instead of just being
covered in the quick non-push blog post I initially intended. With ½ of a
push left at the end, TH05's Stage 1-5 boss background rendering functions
fit in perfectly there. If you wonder how these static backdrop images even
need any boss-specific code to begin with, you're right – it's basically the
same function copy-pasted 4 times, differing only in the backdrop image
coordinates and some other inconsequential details.
Only Sara receives a nice variation of the typical
📝 blocky entrance animation: The usually
opaque bitmap data from ST00.BB is instead used as a transition
mask from stage tiles to the backdrop image, by making clever use of the
tile invalidation system:
TH04 uses the same effect a bit more frequently, for its first three bosses.
Next up: Shinki, for real this time! I've already managed to decompile 10 of
her 11 danmaku patterns within a little more than one push – and yes,
that one is included in there. Looks like I've slightly
overestimated the amount of work required for TH04's and TH05's bosses…
Been 📝 a while since we last looked at any of
TH03's game code! But before that, we need to talk about Y coordinates.
During TH03's MAIN.EXE, the PC-98 graphics GDC runs in its
line-doubled 640×200 resolution, which gives the in-game portion its
distinctive stretched low-res look. This lower resolution is a consequence
of using 📝 Promisence Soft's SPRITE16 driver:
Its performance simply stems from the fact that it expects sprites to be
stored in the bottom half of VRAM, which allows them to be blitted using the
same EGC-accelerated VRAM-to-VRAM copies we've seen again and again in all
other games. Reducing the visible resolution also means that the sprites can
be stored on both VRAM pages, allowing the game to still be double-buffered.
If you force the graphics chip to run at 640×400, you can see them:
The full VRAM contents during TH03's in-game portion, as seen when forcing the system into a 640×400 resolution.
Note that the text chip still displays its overlaid contents at 640×400,
which means that TH03's in-game portion technically runs at two
resolutions at the same time.
But that means that any mention of a Y coordinate is ambiguous: Does it
refer to undoubled VRAM pixels, or on-screen stretched pixels? Especially
people who have known about the line doubling for years might almost expect
technical blog posts on this game to use undoubled VRAM coordinates. So,
let's introduce a new formatting convention for both on-screen
640×400 and undoubled 640×200 coordinates,
and always write out both to minimize the confusion.
Alright, now what's the thing gonna be? The enemy structure is highly
overloaded, being used for enemies, fireballs, and explosions with seemingly
different semantics for each. Maybe a bit too much to be figured out in what
should ideally be a single push, especially with all the functions that
would need to be decompiled? Bullet code would be easier, but not exactly
single-push material either. As it turns out though, there's something more
fundamental left to be done first, which both of these subsystems depend on:
collision detection!
And it's implemented exactly how I always naively imagined collision
detection to be implemented in a fixed-resolution 2D bullet hell game with
small hitboxes: By keeping a separate 1bpp bitmap of both playfields in
memory, drawing in the collidable regions of all entities on every frame,
and then checking whether any pixels at the current location of the player's
hitbox are set to 1. It's probably not done in the other games because their
single data segment was already too packed for the necessary 17,664 bytes to
store such a bitmap at pixel resolution, and 282,624 bytes for a bitmap at
Q12.4 subpixel resolution would have been prohibitively expensive in 16-bit
Real Mode DOS anyway. In TH03, on the other hand, this bitmap is doubly
useful, as the AI also uses it to elegantly learn what's on the playfield.
By halving the resolution and only tracking tiles of 2×2 / 2×1 pixels, TH03 only requires an adequate total
of 6,624 bytes of memory for the collision bitmaps of both playfields.
So how did the implementation not earn the good-code tag this time? Because the code for drawing into these bitmaps is undecompilable hand-written x86 assembly. And not just your usual ASM that was basically compiled from C and then edited to maybe optimize register allocation and maybe replace a bunch of local variables with self-modifying code, oh no. This code is full of overly clever bit twiddling, abusing the fact that the 16-bit AX,
BX, CX, and DX registers can also be
accessed as two 8-bit registers, calculations that change the semantic
meaning behind the value of a register, or just straight-up reassignments of
different values to the same small set of registers. Sure, in some way it is
impressive, and it all does work and correctly covers every edge
case, but come on. This could have all been a lot more readable in
exchange for just a few CPU cycles.
What's most interesting though are the actual shapes that these functions
draw into the collision bitmap. On the surface, we have:
vertical slopes at any angle across the whole playfield; exclusively
used for Chiyuri's diagonal laser EX attack
straight vertical lines, with a width of 1 tile; exclusively used for
the 2×2 / 2×1 hitboxes of bullets
rectangles at arbitrary sizes
But only 2) actually draws a full solid line. 1) and 3) are only ever drawn
as horizontal stripes, with a hardcoded distance of 2 vertical tiles
between every stripe of a slope, and 4 vertical tiles between every stripe
of a rectangle. That's 66-75% of each rectangular entity's intended hitbox
not actually taking part in collision detection. Now, if player hitboxes
were ≤ 6 / 3 pixels, we'd have one
possible explanation of how the AI can "cheat", because it could just
precisely move through those blank regions at TAS speeds. So, let's make
this two pushes after all and tell the complete story, since this is one of
the more interesting aspects to still be documented in this game.
And the code only gets worse. While the player
collision detection function is decompilable, it might as well not
have been, because it's just more of the same "optimized", hard-to-follow
assembly. With the four splittable 16-bit registers having a total of 20
different meanings in this function, I would have almost preferred
self-modifying code…
In fact, it was so bad that it prompted some maintenance work on my inline
assembly coding standards as a whole. Turns out that the _asm
keyword is not only still supported in modern Visual Studio compilers, but
also in Clang with the -fms-extensions flag, and compiles fine
there even for 64-bit targets. While that might sound like amazing news at
first ("awesome, no need to rewrite this stuff for my x86_64 Linux
port!"), you quickly realize that almost all inline assembly in this
codebase assumes either PC-98 hardware, segmented 16-bit memory addressing,
or is a temporary hack that will be removed with further RE progress.
That's mainly because most of the raw arithmetic code uses Turbo C++'s
register pseudovariables where possible. While they certainly have their
drawbacks, being a non-standard extension that's not supported in other
x86-targeting C compilers, their advantages are quite significant: They
allow this code to stay in the same language, and provide slightly more
immediate portability to any other architecture, together with
📝 readability and maintainability improvements that can get quite significant when combined with inlining:
// This one line compiles to five ASM instructions, which would need to be
// spelled out in any C compiler that doesn't support register pseudovariables.
// By adding typed aliases for these registers via `#define`, this code can be
// both made even more readable, and be prepared for an easier transformation
// into more portable local variables.
_ES = (((_AX * 4) + _BX) + SEG_PLANE_B);
However, register pseudovariables might cause potential portability issues
as soon as they are mixed with inline assembly instructions that rely on
their state. The lazy way of "supporting pseudo-registers" in other
compilers would involve declaring the full set as global variables, which
would immediately break every one of those instances:
_DI = 0;
_AX = 0xFFFF;
// Special x86 instruction doing the equivalent of
// *reinterpret_cast(MK_FP(_ES, _DI)) = _AX;
// _DI += sizeof(uint16_t);
// Only generated by Turbo C++ in very specific cases, and therefore only
// reliably available through inline assembly.
asm { movsw; }
What's also not all too standardized, though, are certain variants of
the asm keyword. That's why I've now introduced a distinction
between the _asm keyword for "decently sane" inline assembly,
and the slightly less standard asm keyword for inline assembly
that relies on the contents of pseudo-registers, and should break on
compilers that don't support them. So yeah, have some minor
portability work in exchange for these two pushes not having all that much
in RE'd content.
With that out of the way and the function deciphered, we can confirm the
player hitboxes to be a constant 8×8 /
8×4 pixels, and prove that the hit stripes are nothing but
an adequate optimization that doesn't affect gameplay in any way.
And what's the obvious thing to immediately do if you have both the
collision bitmap and the player hitbox? Writing a "real hitbox" mod, of
Reorder the calls to rendering functions so that player and shot sprites
are rendered after bullets
Blank out all player sprite pixels outside an
8×8 / 8×4 box around the center
After the bullet rendering function, turn on the GRCG in RMW mode and
set the tile register set to the background color
Stretch the negated contents of collision bitmap onto each playfield,
leaving only collidable pixels untouched
Do the same with the actual, non-negated contents and a white color, for
extra contrast against the background. This also makes sure to show any
collidable areas whose sprite pixels are transparent, such as with the moon
enemy. (Yeah, how unfair.) Doing that also loses a lot of information about
the playfield, such as enemy HP indicated by their color, but what can you
A decently busy TH03 in-game frame and its underlying collision bitmap,
showing off all three different collision shapes together with the
player hitboxes.
The secret for writing such mods before having reached a sufficient level of
position independence? Put your new code segment into DGROUP,
past the end of the uninitialized data section. That's why this modded
MAIN.EXE is a lot larger than you would expect from the raw amount of new code: The file now actually needs to store all these
uninitialized 0 bytes between the end of the data segment and the first
instruction of the mod code – normally, this number is simply a part of the
MZ EXE header, and doesn't need to be redundantly stored on disk. Check the
branch for the code.
And now we know why so many "real hitbox" mods for the Windows Touhou games
are inaccurate: The games would simply be unplayable otherwise – or can
you dodge rapidly moving 2×2 /
2×1 blocks as an 8×8 /
8×4 rectangle that is smaller than your shot sprites,
especially without focused movement? I can't.
Maybe it will feel more playable after making explosions visible, but that
would need more RE groundwork first.
It's also interesting how adding two full GRCG-accelerated redraws of both
playfields per frame doesn't significantly drop the game's frame rate – so
why did the drawing functions have to be micro-optimized again? It
would be possible in one pass by using the GRCG's TDW mode, which
should theoretically be 8× faster, but I have to stop somewhere.
Next up: The final missing piece of TH04's and TH05's
bullet-moving code, which will include a certain other
type of projectile as well.
TH04/TH05 decompilation (EMS swap area, part 1/2)
TH04/TH05 decompilation (EMS swap area, part 2/2) + Research (TH04 No-EMS Reimu Stage 5 crash)
💰 Funded by:
rosenrose, Blue Bolt
🏷️ Tags:
EMS memory! The
infamous stopgap measure between the 640 KiB ("ought to be enough for
everyone") of conventional
memory offered by DOS from the very beginning, and the later XMS standard for
accessing all the rest of memory up to 4 GiB in the x86 Protected Mode. With
an optionally active EMS driver, TH04 and TH05 will make use of EMS memory
to preload a bunch of situational .CDG images at the beginning of
The "eye catch" game title image, shown while stages are loaded
The character-specific background image, shown while bombing
The player character dialog portraits
TH05 additionally stores the boss portraits there, preloading them
at the beginning of each stage. (TH04 instead keeps them in conventional
memory during the entire stage.)
Once these images are needed, they can then be copied into conventional
memory and accessed as usual.
Uh… wait, copied? It certainly would have been possible to map EMS
memory to a regular 16-bit Real Mode segment for direct access,
bank-switching out rarely used system or peripheral memory in exchange for
the EMS data. However, master.lib doesn't expose this functionality, and
only provides functions for copying data from EMS to regular memory and vice
But even that still makes EMS an excellent fit for the large image files
it's used for, as it's possible to directly copy their pixel data from EMS
to VRAM. (Yes, I tried!) Well… would, because ZUN doesn't do
that either, and always naively copies the images to newly allocated
conventional memory first. In essence, this dumbs down EMS into just another
layer of the memory hierarchy, inserted between conventional memory and
disk: Not quite as slow as disk, but still requiring that
memcpy() to retrieve the data. Most importantly though: Using
EMS in this way does not increase the total amount of memory
simultaneously accessible to the game. After all, some other data will have
to be freed from conventional memory to make room for the newly loaded data.
The most idiomatic way to define the game-specific layout of the EMS area
would be either a struct or an enum.
Unfortunately, the total size of all these images exceeds the range of a
16-bit value, and Turbo C++ 4.0J supports neither 32-bit enums
(which are silently degraded to 16-bit) nor 32-bit structs
(which simply don't compile). That still leaves raw compile-time constants
though, you only have to manually define the offset to each image in terms
of the size of its predecessor. But instead of doing that, ZUN just placed
each image at a nice round decimal offset, each slightly larger than the
actual memory required by the previous image, just to make sure that
everything fits. This results not only in quite
a bit of unnecessary padding, but also in technically the single
biggest amount of "wasted" memory in PC-98 Touhou: Out of the 180,000 (TH04)
and 320,000 (TH05) EMS bytes requested, the game only uses 135,552 (TH04)
and 175,904 (TH05) bytes. But hey, it's EMS, so who cares, right? Out of all
the opportunities to take shortcuts during development, this is among the
most acceptable ones. Any actual PC-98 model that could run these two games
comes with plenty of memory for this to not turn into an actual issue.
On to the EMS-using functions themselves, which are the definition of
"cross-cutting concerns". Most of these have a fallback path for the non-EMS
case, and keep the loaded .CDG images in memory if they are immediately
needed. Which totally makes sense, but also makes it difficult to find names
that reflect all the global state changed by these functions. Every one of
these is also just called from a single place, so inlining
them would have saved me a lot of naming and documentation trouble
The TH04 version of the EMS allocation code was actually displayed on ZUN's monitor in the
2010 MAG・ネット documentary; WindowsTiger already transcribed the low-quality video image
in 2019. By 2015 ReC98 standards, I would have just run with that, but
the current project goal is to write better code than ZUN, so I didn't. 😛
We sure ain't going to use magic numbers for EMS offsets.
The dialog init and exit code then is completely different in both games,
yet equally cross-cutting. TH05 goes even further in saving conventional
memory, loading each individual player or boss portrait into a single .CDG
slot immediately before blitting it to VRAM and freeing the pixel data
again. People who play TH05 without an active EMS driver are surely going to
enjoy the hard drive access lag between each portrait change…
TH04, on the other hand, also abuses the dialog
exit function to preload the Mugetsu defeat / Gengetsu entrance and
Gengetsu defeat portraits, using a static variable to track how often the
function has been called during the Extra Stage… who needs function
parameters anyway, right?
This is also the function in which TH04 infamously crashes after the Stage 5
pre-boss dialog when playing with Reimu and without any active EMS driver.
That crash is what motivated this look into the games' EMS usage… but the
code looks perfectly fine? Oh well, guess the crash is not related to EMS
then. Next u–
OK, of course I can't leave it like that. Everyone is expecting a fix now,
and I still got half of a push left over after decompiling the regular EMS
code. Also, I've now RE'd every function that could possibly be involved in
the crash, and this is very likely to be the last time I'll be looking at
Turns out that the bug has little to do with EMS, and everything to do with
ZUN limiting the amount of conventional RAM that TH04's
MAIN.EXE is allowed to use, and then slightly miscalculating
this upper limit. Playing Stage 5 with Reimu is the most asset-intensive
configuration in this game, due to the combination of
6 player portraits (Marisa has only 5), at 128×128 pixels each
a 288×256 background for the boss fight, tied in size only with the
ones in the Extra Stage
the additional 96×80 image for the vertically scrolling stars during
the stage, wastefully stored as 4 bitplanes rather than a single one.
This image is never freed, not even at the end of the stage.
The star image used in TH04's Stage 5.
Remove any single one of the above points, and this crash would have never
occurred. But with all of them combined, the total amount of memory consumed
by TH04's MAIN.EXE just barely exceeds ZUN's limit of 320,000
bytes, by no more than 3,840 bytes, the size of the star image.
But wait: As we established earlier, EMS does nothing to reduce the amount
of conventional memory used by the game. In fact, if you disabled TH04's EMS
handling, you'd still get this crash even if you are running an EMS
driver and loaded DOS into the High Memory Area to free up as much
conventional RAM as possible. How can EMS then prevent this crash in the
first place?
The answer: It's only because ZUN's usage of EMS bypasses the need to load
the cached images back out of the XOR-encrypted 東方幻想.郷
packfile. Leaving aside the general
stupidity of any game data file encryption*, master.lib's decryption
implementation is also quite wasteful: It uses a separate buffer that
receives fixed-size chunks of the file, before decrypting every individual
byte and copying it to its intended destination buffer. That really
resembles the typical slowness of a C fread() implementation
more than it does the highly optimized ASM code that master.lib purports to
be… And how large is this well-hidden decryption buffer? 4 KiB.
So, looking back at the game, here is what happens once the Stage 5
pre-battle dialog ends:
Reimu's bomb background image, which was previously freed to make space
for her dialog portraits, has to be loaded back into conventional memory
from disk
BB0.CDG is found inside the 東方幻想.郷
file_ropen() ends up allocating a 4 KiB buffer for the
encrypted packfile data, getting us the decisive ~4 KiB closer to the memory
The .CDG loader tries to allocate 52 608 contiguous bytes for the
pixel data of Reimu's bomb image
This would exceed the memory limit, so hmem_allocbyte()
fails and returns a nullptr
ZUN doesn't check for this case (as usual)
The pixel data is loaded to address 0000:0000,
overwriting the Interrupt Vector Table and whatever comes after
The game crashes
The final frame rendered by a crashing TH04.
The 4 KiB encryption buffer would only be freed by the corresponding
file_close() call, which of course never happens because the
game crashes before it gets there. At one point, I really did suspect the
cause to be some kind of memory leak or fragmentation inside master.lib,
which would have been quite delightful to fix.
Instead, the most straightforward fix here is to bump up that memory limit
by at least 4 KiB. Certainly easier than squeezing in a
cdg_free() call for the star image before the pre-boss dialog
without breaking position dependence.
Or, even better, let's nuke all these memory limits from orbit
because they make little sense to begin with, and fix every other potential
out-of-memory crash that modders would encounter when adding enough data to
any of the 4 games that impose such limits on themselves. Unless you want to
launch other binaries (which need to do their own memory allocations) after
launching the game, there's really no reason to restrict the amount of
memory available to a DOS process. Heck, whenever DOS creates a new one, it
assigns all remaining free memory by default anyway.
Removing the memory limits also removes one of ZUN's few error checks, which
end up quitting the game if there isn't at least a given maximum amount of
conventional RAM available. While it might be tempting to reserve enough
memory at the beginning of execution and then never check any allocation for
a potential failure, that's exactly where something like TH04's crash
comes from.
This game is also still running on DOS, where such an initial allocation
failure is very unlikely to happen – no one fills close to half of
conventional RAM with TSRs and then tries running one of these games. It
might have been useful to detect systems with less than 640 KiB of
actual, physical RAM, but none of the PC-98 models with that little amount
of memory are fast enough to run these games to begin with. How ironic… a
place where ZUN actually added an error check, and then it's mostly
Here's an archive that contains both fix variants, just in case. These were
compiled from the th04_noems_crash_fix
and mem_assign_all
branches, and contain as little code changes as possible. Edit (2022-04-18): For TH04, you probably want to download
the 📝 community choice fix package instead,
which contains this fix along with other workarounds for the Divide
error crashes.
So yeah, quite a complex bug, leaving no time for the TH03 scorefile format
research after all. Next up: Raising prices.
Separating translation units, part 8/10 (focused around TH03) + Segment alignment research
💰 Funded by:
🏷️ Tags:
Whoops, the build was broken again? Since
P0127 from
mid-November 2020, on TASM32 version 5.3, which also happens to be the
one in the DevKit… That version changed the alignment for the default
segments of certain memory models when requesting .386
support. And since redefining segment alignment apparently is highly
illegal and absolutely has to be a build error, some of the stand-alone
.ASM translation units didn't assemble anymore on this version. I've only
spotted this on my own because I casually compiled ReC98 somewhere else –
on my development system, I happened to have TASM32 version 5.0 in the
PATH during all this time.
At least this was a good occasion to
get rid of some
weird segment alignment workarounds from 2015, and replace them with the
superior convention of using the USE16 modifier for the
.MODEL directive.
ReC98 would highly benefit from a build server – both in order to
immediately spot issues like this one, and as a service for modders.
Even more so than the usual open-source project of its size, I would say.
But that might be exactly
because it doesn't seem like something you can trivially outsource
to one of the big CI providers for open-source projects, and quickly set
it up with a few lines of YAML.
That might still work in the beginning, and we might get by with a regular
64-bit Windows 10 and DOSBox running the exact build tools from the DevKit.
Ideally, though, such a server should really run the optimal configuration
of a 32-bit Windows 10, allowing both the 32-bit and the 16-bit build step
to run natively, which already is something that no popular CI service out
there offers. Then, we'd optimally expand to Linux, every other Windows
version down to 95, emulated PC-98 systems, other TASM versions… yeah, it'd
be a lot. An experimental project all on its own, with additional hosting
costs and probably diminishing returns, the more it expands…
I've added it as a category to the order form, let's see how much interest
there is once the store reopens (which will be at the beginning of May, at
the latest). That aside, it would 📝 also be
a great project for outside contributors!
So, technical debt, part 8… and right away, we're faced with TH03's
low-level input function, which
📝 once📝 again📝 insists on being word-aligned in a way we
can't fake without duplicating translation units.
Being undecompilable isn't exactly the best property for a function that
has been interesting to modders in the past: In 2018,
spaztron64 created an
ASM-level mod that hardcoded more ergonomic key bindings for human-vs-human
multiplayer mode: 2021-04-04-TH03-WASD-2player.zip
However, this remapping attempt remained quite limited, since we hadn't
(and still haven't) reached full position independence for TH03 yet.
There's quite some potential for size optimizations in this function, which
would allow more BIOS key groups to already be used right now, but it's not
all that obvious to modders who aren't intimately familiar with x86 ASM.
Therefore, I really wouldn't want to keep such a long and important
function in ASM if we don't absolutely have to…
… and apparently, that's all the motivation I needed? So I took the risk,
and spent the first half of this push on reverse-engineering
TCC.EXE, to hopefully find a way to get word-aligned code
segments out of Turbo C++ after all.
And there is! The -WX option, used for creating
applications, messes up all sorts of code generation aspects in weird
ways, but does in fact mark the code segment as word-aligned. We can
consider ourselves quite lucky that we get to use Turbo C++ 4.0, because
this feature isn't available in any previous version of Borland's C++
That allowed us to restore all the decompilations I previously threw away…
well, two of the three, that lookup table generator was too much of a mess
in C. But what an abuse this is. The
subtly different code generation has basically required one creative
workaround per usage of -WX. For example, enabling that option
causes the regular PUSH BP and POP BP prolog and
epilog instructions to be wrapped with INC BP and
DEC BP, for some reason:
a_function_compiled_with_wx proc
inc bp ; ???
push bp
mov bp, sp
; [… function code …]
pop bp
dec bp ; ???
a_function_compiled_with_wx endp
Luckily again, all the functions that currently require -WX
don't set up a stack frame and don't take any parameters.
While this hasn't directly been an issue so far, it's been pretty
close: snd_se_reset(void) is one of the functions that require
word alignment. Previously, it shared a translation unit with the
immediately following snd_se_play(int new_se), which does take
a parameter, and therefore would have had its prolog and epilog code messed
up by -WX.
Since the latter function has a consistent (and thus, fakeable) alignment,
I simply split that code segment into two, with a new -WX
translation unit for just snd_se_reset(void). Problem solved –
after all, two C++ translation units are still better than one ASM
translation unit. Especially with all the
previous #include improvements.
The rest was more of the usual, getting us 74% done with repaying the
technical debt in the SHARED segment. A lot of the remaining
26% is TH04 needing to catch up with TH03 and TH05, which takes
comparatively little time. With some good luck, we might get this
done within the next push… that is, if we aren't confronted with all too
many more disgusting decompilations, like the two functions that ended this
If we are, we might be needing 10 pushes to complete this after all, but
that piece of research was definitely worth the delay. Next up: One more of
TH01 decompilation (.PTN format, part 2)
TH01 decompilation (Orb physics)
TH01 decompilation (Player shots)
💰 Funded by:
Ember2528, Yanga
🏷️ Tags:
So, let's finally look at some TH01 gameplay structures! The obvious
choices here are player shots and pellets, which are conveniently located
in the last code segment. Covering these would therefore also help in
transferring some first bits of data in REIIDEN.EXE from ASM
land to C land. (Splitting the data segment would still be quite
annoying.) Player shots are immediately at the beginning…
…but wait, these are drawn as transparent sprites loaded from .PTN files.
Guess we first have to spend a push on
📝 Part 2 of this format.
Hm, 4 functions for alpha-masked blitting and unblitting of both 16×16 and
32×32 .PTN sprites that align the X coordinate to a multiple of 8
(remember, the PC-98 uses a
VRAM memory layout, where 8 pixels correspond to a byte), but only one
function that supports unaligned blitting to any X coordinate, and only
for 16×16 sprites? Which is only called twice? And doesn't come with a
corresponding unblitting function?
Yeah, "unblitting". TH01 isn't
and uses the PC-98's second VRAM page exclusively to store a stage's
background and static sprites. Since the PC-98 has no hardware sprites,
all you can do is write pixels into VRAM, and any animated sprite needs to
be manually removed from VRAM at the beginning of each frame. Not using
double-buffering theoretically allows TH01 to simply copy back all 128 KB
of VRAM once per frame to do this. But that
would be pretty wasteful, so TH01 just looks at all animated sprites, and
selectively copies only their occupied pixels from the second to the first
VRAM page.
Alright, player shot class methods… oh, wait, the collision functions
directly act on the Yin-Yang Orb, so we first have to spend a push on
that one. And that's where the impression we got from the .PTN
functions is confirmed: The orb is, in fact, only ever displayed at
byte-aligned X coordinates, divisible by 8. It's only thanks to the
constant spinning that its movement appears at least somewhat
This is purely a rendering issue; internally, its position is
tracked at pixel precision. Sadly, smooth orb rendering at any unaligned X
coordinate wouldn't be that trivial of a mod, because well, the
necessary functions for unaligned blitting and unblitting of 32×32 sprites
don't exist in TH01's code. Then again, there's so much potential for
optimization in this code, so it might be very possible to squeeze those
additional two functions into the same C++ translation unit, even without
position independence…
More importantly though, this was the right time to decompile the core
functions controlling the orb physics – probably the highlight in these
three pushes for most people.
Well, "physics". The X velocity is restricted to the 5 discrete states of
-8, -4, 0, 4, and 8, and gravity is applied by simply adding 1 to the Y
velocity every 5 frames No wonder that this can
easily lead to situations in which the orb infinitely bounces from the
At least fangame authors now have
reference of how ZUN did it originally, because really, this bad
approximation of physics had to have been written that way on purpose. But
hey, it uses 64-bit floating-point variables!
…sometimes at least, and quite randomly. This was also where I had to
learn about Turbo C++'s floating-point code generation, and how rigorously
it defines the order of instructions when mixing double and
float variables in arithmetic or conditional expressions.
This meant that I could only get ZUN's original instruction order by using
literal constants instead of variables, which is impossible right now
without somehow splitting the data segment. In the end, I had to resort to
spelling out ⅔ of one function, and one conditional branch of another, in
inline ASM. 😕 If ZUN had just written 16.0 instead of
16.0f there, I would have saved quite some hours of my life
trying to decompile this correctly…
To sort of make up for the slowdown in progress, here's the TH01 orb
physics debug mod I made to properly understand them. Edit
(2022-07-12): This mod is outdated,
📝 the current version is here!2020-06-13-TH01OrbPhysicsDebug.zip
To use it, simply replace REIIDEN.EXE, and run the game
in debug mode, via game d on the DOS prompt.
Its code might also serve as an example of how to achieve this sort of
thing without position independence.
Alright, now it's time for player shots though. Yeah, sure, they
don't move horizontally, so it's not too bad that those are also
always rendered at byte-aligned positions. But, uh… why does this code
only use the 16×16 alpha-masked unblitting function for decaying shots,
and just sloppily unblits an entire 16×16 square everywhere else?
The worst part though: Unblitting, moving, and rendering player shots
is done in a single function, in that order. And that's exactly where
TH01's sprite flickering comes from. Since different types of sprites are
free to overlap each other, you'd have to first unblit all types, then
move all types, and then render all types, as done in later
PC-98 Touhou games. If you do these three steps per-type instead, you
will unblit sprites of other types that have been rendered before… and
therefore end up with flicker.
Oh, and finally, ZUN also added an additional sloppy 16×16 square unblit
call if a shot collides with a pellet or a boss, for some
guaranteed flicker. Sigh.
And that's ⅓ of all ZUN code in TH01 decompiled! Next up: Pellets!
… yeah, no, we won't get very far without figuring out these drawing routines.
Which process data that comes from the .STD files.
Which has various arrays related to the background… including one to specify the scrolling speed. And wait, setting that to 0 actually is what starts a boss battle?
So, have a TH05 Boss Rush patch: 2018-12-26-TH05BossRush.zip
Theoretically, this should have also worked for TH04, but for some reason,
the Stage 3 boss gets stuck on the first phase if we do this?