
📝 Posted:
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Ember2528, Arandui, alp-bib
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And then I'm even late by yet another two days… For some reason, preparing Shuusou Gyoku for an OpenGL port has been the most difficult and drawn-out task I've worked on so far throughout this project. These pushes were in development since April, and over two months in total. Tackling a legacy codebase with such a rather vague goal while simultaneously wanting to keep everything running did not do me any favors, and it was pretty hard to resist the urge to fix everything that had better be fixed to make this game portable…
📝 2022 ended with Shuusou Gyoku working at full speed on Windows ≥8 by itself, without external tools, for the first time. However, since it all came down to just one small bugfix, the resulting build still had several issues:

Now, we could tackle all of these issues one by one, in focused pushes… or wait for one hero to fund a full-on OpenGL backend as part of the larger goal of porting this game to Linux. This would take much longer, but fix all these issues at once while bringing us significantly closer to Shuusou Gyoku being cross-platform. Which is exactly what Ember2528 did.

  1. The migration strategy
  2. Learning DirectDraw and its surface management
  3. Reverse-engineering the palette logic in 8-bit mode
  4. Portable, offscreen text rendering
  5. The new, forward-compatible configuration file format
  6. SDL_Renderer as the perfect abstraction?

Shuusou Gyoku is a very Windows-native codebase. Its usage of types declared in <windows.h> even extends to core gameplay code, the rendering code is completely architected around DirectDraw's features and drawbacks, and text rendering is not abstracted at all. Looks like it's now my task to write all the abstractions that pbg didn't manage to write…
Therefore, I chose to stay with DirectDraw for a few more pushes while I would build these abstractions. In hindsight, this was the least efficient approach one could possibly imagine for the exact goal of porting the game to Linux. Suddenly, I had to understand all this DirectDraw and GDI jank, just to keep the game running at every step along the way. Retaining Shuusou Gyoku's 8-bit mode in particular was a huge pain, but I didn't want to remove it because it's currently the only way I can easily debug the game in windowed mode at a scaled resolution, through DxWnd. In 16-bit or 32-bit mode, DxWnd slows down to a crawl, roughly resembling the performance drop we used to get with Windows' own compatibility mitigations for the original build.
The upside, though, is that everything I've built so far still works with the original 8-bit and 16-bit graphics modes. And with just one compiler flag to disable any modern x86 instructions, my build can still run on i586/P5 Pentium CPUs, and only requires KernelEx and its latest Kstub822 patches to run on Windows 98. And, surprisingly, my core audience does appreciate this fact. Thus, I will include an i586 build in all of my upcoming Shuusou Gyoku releases from now on. Once this codebase can compile into a 64-bit binary (which will obviously be required for a native Linux build), the i586 build will remain the only 32-bit Windows build I'll include in my releases.

So, what was DirectDraw? In the shortest way that still describes it accurately from the point of view of a developer: "A hardware acceleration layer over Ye Olde Win32 GDI, providing double-buffering and fast blitting of rectangles." There's the primary double-buffered framebuffer surface, the offscreen surfaces that you create (which are comparable to what 3D rendering APIs would call textures), and you can blit rectangular regions between the two. That's it. Except for double-buffering, DirectDraw offers no feature that GDI wouldn't also support, while not covering some of GDI's more complex features. I mean, DirectDraw can blit rectangles only? How lame. :tannedcirno:

However, DirectDraw's relative lack of features is not as much of a problem as it might appear at first. The reason for that lies in what I consider to be DirectDraw's actual killer feature: compatibility with GDI's device context (DC) abstraction. By acquiring a DC for a DirectDraw surface, you can use all existing GDI functions to draw onto the surface, and, in general, it will all just work. 😮 Most notably, you can use GDI's blitting functions (i.e., BitBlt() and friends) to transfer pixel data from a GDI HBITMAP in system memory onto a DirectDraw surface in video memory, which is the easiest and most straightforward way to, well, get sprite data onto a DirectDraw surface in the first place.
In theory, you could do that without ever touching GDI by locking the surface memory and writing the raw bytes yourself. But in practice, you probably won't, because your game has to run under multiple bit depths and your data files typically only store one copy of all your sprites in a single bit depth. And the necessary conversion and palette color matching… is a mere implementation detail of GDI's blitting functions, using a supposedly optimized code path for every permutation of source and destination bit depths.

All in all, DirectDraw doesn't look too bad so far, does it? Fast blitting, and you can still use the full wealth of GDI functions whenever needed… at the small cost of potentially losing your surface memory at any time. 🙄 Yup, if a DirectDraw game runs in true resolution-changing fullscreen mode and you switch to the Windows desktop, all your surface memory is freed and you have to manually restore it once the game regains focus, followed by manually copying all intended bitmap data back onto all surfaces. DirectDraw is where this concept of surface loss originated, which later carried over to the earlier versions of Direct3D and, infamously, Direct2D as well.
Looking at it from the point of view of the mid-90s, it does make sense to let the application handle trashed video memory if that's an unfortunate reality that your graphics API implementation has to deal with. You don't want to retain a second copy of each surface in a less volatile part of memory because you didn't have that much of it. Instead, the application can now choose the most appropriate way to restore each individual surface. For procedurally generated surfaces, it could just re-run the generating code, whereas all the fixed sprite sheets could be reloaded from disk.

In practice though, this well-intentioned freedom turns into a huge pain. Suddenly, it's no longer enough to load every sprite sheet once before it's needed, blit its pixel data onto the DirectDraw surface, and forget about it. Now, the renderer must also be able to refresh the pixel data of every surface from within itself whenever any of DirectDraw's blitting functions fails with a DDERR_SURFACELOST error. This fact alone is enough to push your renderer interface towards central management and allocation of surfaces. You could maybe avoid the conceptual SurfaceManager by bundling each surface with a regeneration callback, but why should you? Any other graphics API would work with straight-line procedural load-and-forget initialization code, so why slice that code into little parts just because of some DirectDraw quirk?

So if your surfaces can get trashed at any time, and you already use GDI to copy them from system memory to DirectDraw-managed video memory, and your game features at least one procedurally generated surface… you might as well retain every currently loaded surface in the form of an additional GDI device-independent bitmap. 🤷 In fact, that's even better than what Shuusou Gyoku did originally: For all .BMP-sourced surfaces, it only kept a buffer of the entire decompressed .BMP file data, which means that it had to recreate said intermediate GDI bitmap every time it needed to restore a surface. The in-game music title was originally restored via regeneration callback that re-rendered the intended title directly onto the DirectDraw surface, but this was handled by an additional "restore hook" system that remained unused for anything else.
Anything more involved would be a micro-optimization, especially since the goal is to get away from DirectDraw here. Not much point in "neatly" reloading sprite surfaces from disk if the total size of all loaded sprite sheets barely exceeds the 1 MiB mark. Also, keeping these GDI DIBs loaded and initialized does speed up getting back into the game… in theory, at least. After all, the game still runs in fullscreen mode, and resolution switching already takes longer on modern flat-panel displays than any surface restoration method we could come up with. :tannedcirno:

So that was all pretty annoying. But once we start rendering in 8-bit mode, it gets even worse as we suddenly have to bother with palette management. Similar to PC-98 Touhou, Shuusou Gyoku uses way too many different palettes. In fact, it creates a separate DirectDraw palette to retain the palette embedded into every loaded .BMP file, and simply sets the palette of the primary surface and the backbuffer to the one it loaded last. Like, why would you retain per-surface palettes, and what effect does this even have? What even happens when you blit between two DirectDraw surfaces that have different palettes? Might this be the cause of the discolored in-game music title when playing under DxWnd? 😵
But if we try throwing out those extra palettes, it only takes until Stage 3 for us to be greeted with… the infamous golf course:

Shuusou Gyoku's Stage 3 if it only used the palette it loaded last
Looks familiar? You might remember these colors from your attempts to run the original build using D3DWindower.

As you might have guessed, these exact colors come from Gates' face sprite, whose palette apparently doesn't match the sprite sheets used in Stage 3. Turns out that 256 colors are not enough for what Shuusou Gyoku would like to use across the entire stage. In sprite loading order:

Sprite sheet GRAPH.DAT file Additional unique colors Total unique colors
General system sprites #0 +96 96
Stage 3 enemies #3 +42 138
Stage 3 map tiles #9 +40 178
Wide Shot bomb cut-in #26 +3 181
VIVIT's faceset #13 +40 221
Unknown face #14 +35 256
Gates' faceset #17 +40 296

And that's why Shuusou Gyoku does not only have to retain these palettes, but also contains stage script commands (!) to switch the current palette back to either the map or enemy one, after the dialog system enforced the face palette.

But the worst aspects about palettes rear their ugly head at the boundary between GDI and DirectDraw, when GDI adds its own palettes into the mix. None of the following points are clearly documented in either ancient or current MSDN, forcing each new DirectDraw developer to figure them out on their own:

Ultimately, all of this is why Shuusou Gyoku's original DirectDraw backend looks the way it does. It might seem redundant and inefficient in places, but pbg did in fact discover the only way where all the undocumented GDI and DirectDraw color mapping internals come together to make the game look as intended. 🧑‍🔬
And what else are you going to do if you want to target old hardware? My PC-9821Nw133, for example, can only run the original Shuusou Gyoku in 8-bit mode. For a Windows game on such old hardware, 8-bit DirectDraw looks like the only viable option. You certainly don't want to use GDI alone, because that's probably slow and you'd have to worry about even more palette-related issues. Although people have reported that Shuusou Gyoku does actually run faster on their old Windows 9x machine if they disable DirectDraw acceleration…?
In that case, it might be worth a try to write a completely new 8-bit software renderer, employing the same retained VRAM techniques that the PC-98 Touhou games used to implement their scrolling playfields with a minimum of redraws. The hardware scrolling feature of the PC-98 GDC would then be replicated by blitting the playfield in two halves every frame. I wonder how fast that would be…
Or you go straight back to DOS, and bring your own font renderer and MIDI/PCM sound driver. :thonk:

So why did we have to learn about all this? Well, if GDI functions can directly render onto any kind of DirectDraw surface, this also includes text rendering functions like TextOut() and DrawText(). If you're really lazy, you can even render your text directly onto the DirectDraw backbuffer, which probably re-rasterizes all glyphs every frame!
Which, you guessed it, is exactly how Shuusou Gyoku renders most of its text. 🐷 Granted, it's not too bad with MS Gothic thanks to its embedded bitmaps for font heights between 7 and 22 inclusive, which replace the usual Bézier curve rasterization for TrueType fonts with a rather quick bitmap lookup. However, it would not only become a hypothetical problem if future translations end up choosing more complex fonts without embedded bitmaps, but also as soon as we port the game to other systems. Nobody in their right mind would integrate a cross-platform font renderer directly with a 3D graphics API… right? :onricdennat:

Instead, let's refactor the game to render all its existing text to and from a bitmap, extending the way the in-game music title is rendered to the rest of the game. Conceptually, this is also how the Windows Touhou games have always rendered their text. Since they've always used Direct3D, they've always had to blit GDI's output onto a texture. Through the definitions in text.anm, this fixed-size texture is then turned into a sprite sheet, allowing every rendered line of text to be individually placed on the screen and animated.
However, the static nature of both the sprite sheet and the texture caused its fair share of problems for thcrap's translation support. Some of the sprites, particularly the ones for spell card titles, don't originally take up the entire width of the playfield, cutting off translations long before they reach the left edge. Consequently, thcrap's base patch for the Windows Touhou games has to resize the respective sprites to make translators happy. Before I added .ANM header patching in late 2018, this had to be done through a complete modified copy of text.anm for every game – with possibly additional variants if ZUN changed the layout of this file between game versions. Not to mention that it's bound to be quite annoying to manually allocate a rectangle for every line of text we want to show. After all, I have at least two text-heavy future features in mind already…

So let's not do exactly that. Since DirectDraw wants us to manage all surfaces in a central place, we keep the idea of using a single surface for all text. But instead of predefining anything about the surface layout, we fully build up the surface at runtime based on whatever rectangles we need, using a rectangle packing algorithm… yup, I wouldn't have expected to enter such territory either. For now, we still hardcode a fixed size that each piece of text is allowed to maximally take up. But once we get translations, nothing is stopping us from dynamically extending this size to fit even longer strings, and fitting them onto the fixed screen space via smooth scrolling.
To prevent the surface from arbitrarily growing as the game wants to render more and more text, we also reset all allocated rectangles whenever the game state changes. In turn, this will also recreate the text surface to match the new bounding box of all rectangles before the first prerendering call with the new layout. And if you remember the first bullet point about DirectDraw palettes in 8-bit mode, this also means that the text surface automatically receives the current palette of the primary surface, giving us correct colors even without requiring DxWnd's DC palette tweak. 🎨

In fact, the need to dynamically create surfaces at custom sizes was the main reason why I had to look into DirectDraw surface management to begin with. The original game created all of its surfaces at once, at startup or after changing the bit depth in the main menu, which was a bad idea for many reasons:

In the end, we get four different layouts for the text surface: One for the main menu, the Music Room, the in-game portion, and the ending. With, perhaps surprisingly, not too much text on either of them:

The font-rendered text from Shuusou Gyoku's sound option menu, packed into a texture. The font-rendered text from Shuusou Gyoku's Music Room, packed into a texture. The font-rendered text from Shuusou Gyoku's Stage 1, packed into a texture. The font-rendered text from Shuusou Gyoku's ending, packed into a texture.
Yes, the ending uses just a single rectangle that takes up the entire screen space below the pictures and credits.
For the menus, the resulting packed layout reveals how I'm assigning a separately cached rectangle to each possible option – otherwise, they couldn't be arranged vertically on screen with this bitmap layout. Right now, I'm only storing all text for the current menu level, which requires text to be rendered again when entering or leaving submenus. However, I'm allocating as many rectangles as required for the submenu with the most amount of items to at least prevent the single text surface from being resized while navigating through the menu. As a side effect, this is also why you can see multiple Exit labels: These simply come from other submenus with more elements than the currently visited Sound / Music one.

Still, we're re-rasterizing whole lines of text exactly as they appear on screen, and are even doing so multiple times to apply any drop shadows. Isn't that exactly what every text rendering tutorial nowadays advises against doing? Why not directly go for the classic solution to this problem and render using a font texture atlas? Well…

While the Music Room and the ending can be easily migrated to a prerendering system, it's much harder for the main menu. Technically, all option strings of the currently active submenu are rewritten every frame, even though that would only be necessary for the scrolling MIDI device name in the Sound / Music submenu. And since all this rewriting is done via a classic sprintf() on fixed-size char buffers, we'd have to deploy our own change detection before prerendering can have any performance difference.
In essence, we'd be shifting the text rendering paradigm from the original immediate approach to a more retained one. If you've ever used any of the hot new immediate-mode GUI or web frameworks that have become popular over the last 10 years, your alarm bells are probably already ringing by now. Adding retained elements is always a step back in terms of code quality, as it increases complexity by storing UI state in a second place.

Wouldn't it be better if we could just stay with the original immediate approach then? Absolutely, and we only need a simple cache system to get there. By remembering the string that was last rendered to every registered rectangle, the text renderer can offer an immediate API that combines the distinct Prerender() and Blit() steps into a single Render() call. There still has to be an initialization point that registers all rectangles for each game state (which, surprisingly, was not present for the in-game portion in the original code), but the rendering code remains architecturally unchanged in how we call the text renderer every frame. As long as the text doesn't change, the text renderer just blits whatever it previously rendered to the respective rectangle. With an API like this, the whole pre-rendering part turns into a mere implementation detail.

So, how much faster is the result? Since I can only measure non-VSynced performance in a quite rudimentary way using DxWnd's FPS counter, it highly depends on the selected renderer. Weirdly enough, even just switching font creation to the Unicode APIs tripled the FPS inside the Music Room when rendering with OpenGL? That said, the primary surface renderer seems to yield the most realistic numbers, as we still stay entirely within DirectDraw and perform no API wrapping. Using this renderer, I get speedups of roughly:

Not bad for something I had to do anyway to port the game away from DirectDraw! Shuusou Gyoku is rather infamous among the vintage computer scene for being ridiculously unoptimized, so I should definitely be able to get some performance gains out of the in-game portion as well.

For a final test of all the new blitting code, I also tried running outside DxWnd to verify everything against real and unpatched DirectDraw. Amusingly, this revealed how blitting from the new text surface seems to reach the color mapping limits of the DWM mitigation in 8-bit mode:

For some reason, my system maps the intended #FFFFFF text color to #E4E3BB in the main menu?

8-bit mode does render correctly when I ran the same build in a Windows 98 VirtualBox on the same system though, so it's not worth looking into a mode that the system reports as unsupported to begin with. Let's leave this as somewhat of a visual reminder for players to select 32-bit mode instead.

Alright, enough about the annoying parts of GDI and DirectDraw for now. Let's stop looking back and start looking forward, to a time within this Seihou revolution when we're going to have lots of new options in the main menu. Due to the nature of delivering individual pushes, we can expect lots of revisions to the config file format. Therefore, we'd like to have a backward-compatible system that allows players to upgrade from any older build, including the original 秋霜玉.exe, to a newer one. The original game predominantly used single-byte values for all its options, but we'd like our system to work with variables of any size, including strings to store things like the name of the selected MIDI device in a more robust way. Also, it's pure evil to reset the entire configuration just because someone tried to hex-edit the config file and didn't keep the checksum in mind.

It didn't take long for me to arrive at a common Size()/Read()/Write() interface. By using the same interface for both arrays and individual values, new config file versions can naturally expand older ones by taking the array of option references from the previous version and wrapping it into a new array, together with the new options.
The classic way of implementing this in C++ involves a typical object-oriented class hierarchy: An Option base class would define the interface in the form of virtual abstract functions, and the Value, Array, and ConfigVersion subclasses would provide different implementations. This works, but introduces quite a bit of boilerplate, not to mention the runtime bloat from all the virtual functions which Visual C++ can't inline. Why should we do any runtime dispatch here? We know the set of configuration options at compile time, after all… :thonk:

Let's try looking into the modern C++ toolbox and see if we can do better. The only real challenge here is that the array type has to support arbitrarily sized option value types, which sounds like a job for template parameter packs. If we save these into a std::tuple, we can then "iterate" over all options with std::apply and fold expressions, in a nice functional style.
I was amazed by just how clearly the "crazy" modern C++ approach with template parameter packs, std::apply() over giant std::tuples, and fold expressions beats a classic polymorphic hierarchy of abstract virtual functions. With the interface moved into an even optional concept, the class hierarchy can be completely flattened, which surprisingly also makes the code easier to both read and write.

Here's how the new system works from the player's point of view:

With that, we've got more than enough code for a new build:

:sh01: Shuusou Gyoku P0251

This build also contains two more fixes that didn't fit into the big DirectDraw or configuration categories:

These 6 pushes still left several of Shuusou Gyoku's DirectDraw portability issues unsolved, but I'd better look at them once I've set up a basic OpenGL skeleton to avoid any more premature abstraction. Since the ultimate goal is a Linux port, I might as well already start looking at the current best platform layer libraries. SDL would be the standard choice here, and while SDL_ttf looks regrettably misdesigned, the core SDL library seems to cover all we could possibly want for Shuusou Gyoku, including a 2D renderer… wait, what?!

Yup. Admittedly, I've been living under a rock as far as SDL is concerned, and thus wasn't aware that SDL 2 introduced its own abstraction for 2D rendering that just happens to almost exactly cover everything we need for Shuusou Gyoku. This API even covers all of the game's Direct3D code, which only draws alpha-blended, untextured, and pre-transformed vertex-colored triangles and lines. It's the exact abstraction over OpenGL I thought I had to write myself, and such a perfect match for this game that it would be foolish to go for a custom OpenGL backend – especially since SDL will automatically target the ideal graphics API for any given operating system.

Sadly, the one thing SDL_Renderer is missing is something equivalent to pixel shaders, which we would need to replicate the 西方Project lens ball effect shown at startup. Looks like we have to drop into a completely separate, unaccelerated rendering mode and continue to software-render this one effect before switching to hardware-accelerated rendering for the rest of the game. But at least we can do that in a cross-platform way, and don't have to bother with shading languages – or, perhaps even worse, SDL's own shading language.
If we were extremely pedantic, we'd also have to do the same for the 📝 unused spiral effect that was originally intended for the staff roll. Software rendering would be even more annoying there, since we don't just have to software-render these staff sprites, but also the ending picture and text, complete with their respective fade effects. And while I typically do go the extra mile to preserve whatever code was present in these games, keeping this effect would just needlessly drive up the cost of the SDL backend. Let's just move this one to the museum of unused code and no longer actively compile it. RIP spiral 🥲 At least you're still preserved in lossless video form.

Now that SDL has become an integral part of Shuusou Gyoku's portability plan rather than just being one potential platform layer among many, the optimal order of tasks has slightly changed. If we stayed within the raw Win32 API any longer than absolutely necessary, we'd only risk writing more Win32-native code for things like audio streaming that we'd then have to throw away and rewrite in SDL later. Next up, therefore: Staying with Shuusou Gyoku, but continuing in a much more focused manner by fixing the input system and starting the SDL migration with input and sound.