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P0019, P0020, P0021, P0022
c592464, cbe8a37, 8dfc2cd, 79cc3ed
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> OK, let's do a quick ReC98 update before going back to thcrap, shouldn't take long > Hm, all that input code is kind of in the way, would be nice to cover that first to ease comparisons with uth05win's source code > What the hell, why does ZUN do this? Need to do more research > … > OK, research done, wait, what are those other functions doing? > Wha, everything about this is just ever so slightly awkward

Which ended up turning this one update into 2/10, 3/10, 4/10 and 5/10 of zorg's reverse-engineering commits. But at least we now got all shared input functions of TH02-TH05 covered and well understood.