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💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, [Anonymous]
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🎉 After almost 3 years, TH04 finally caught up to TH05 and is now 100% position-independent as well! 🎉

For a refresher on what this means and does not mean, check the announcements from back in 2019 and 2020 when we chased the goal for TH05's 📝 OP.EXE and 📝 the rest of the game. These also feature some demo videos that show off the kind of mods you were able to efficiently code back then. With the occasional reverse-engineering attention it received over the years, TH04's code should now be slightly easier to work with than TH05's was back in the day. Although not by much – TH04 has remained relatively unpopular among backers, and only received more than the funded attention because it shares most of its core code with the more popular TH05. Which, coincidentally, ended up becoming 📝 the reason for getting this done now.
Not that it matters a lot. Ever since we reached 100% PI for TH05, community and backer interest in position independence has dropped to near zero. We just didn't end up seeing the expected large amount of community-made mods that PI was meant to facilitate, and even the 📝 100% decompilation of TH01 changed nothing about that. But that's OK; after all, I do appreciate the business of continually getting commissioned for all the 📝 large-scale mods. Not focusing on PI is also the correct choice for everyone who likes reading these blog posts, as it often means that I can't go that much into detail due to cutting corners and piling up technical debt left and right.

Surprisingly, this only took 1.25 pushes, almost twice as fast as expected. As that's closer to 1 push than it is to 2, I'm OK with releasing it like this – especially since it was originally meant to come out three days ago. 🍋 Unfortunately, it was delayed thanks to surprising website bugs and a certain piece of code that was way more difficult to document than it was to decompile… The next push will have slightly less content in exchange, though.

📝 P0240 and P0241 already covered the final remaining structures, so I only needed to do some superficial RE to prove the remaining numeric literals as either constants or memory addresses. For example, I initially thought I'd have to decompile the dissolve animations in the staff roll, but I only needed to identify a single function pointer type to prove all false positives as screen coordinates there. Now, the TH04 staff roll would be another fast and cheap decompilation, similar to the custom entity types of TH04. (And TH05 as well!)

The one piece of code I did have to decompile was Stage 4's carpet lighting animation, thanks to hex literals that were way too complicated to leave in ASM. And this one probably takes the crown for TH04's worst set of landmines and bloat that still somehow results in no observable bugs or quirks.
This animation starts at frame 1664, roughly 29.5 seconds into the stage, and quickly turns the stage background into a repeated row of dark-red plaid carpet tiles by moving out from the center of the playfield towards the edges. Afterward, the animation repeats with a brighter set of tiles that is then used for the rest of the stage. As I explained 📝 a while ago in the context of TH02, the stage tile and map formats in PC-98 Touhou can't express animations, so all of this needed to be hardcoded in the binary.

A row of the carpet tiles from TH04's Stage 4, at the lowest light levelA row of the carpet tiles from TH04's Stage 4, at the medium light levelA row of the carpet tiles from TH04's Stage 4, at the highest light level
The repeating 384×16 row of carpet tiles at the beginning of TH04's Stage 4 in all three light levels, shown twice for better visibility.

And ZUN did start out making the right decision by only using fully-lit carpet tiles for all tile sections defined in ST03.MAP. This way, the animation can simply disable itself after it completed, letting the rest of the stage render normally and use new tile sections that are only defined for the final light level. This means that the "initial" dark version of the carpet is as much a result of hardcoded tile manipulation as the animation itself.
But then, ZUN proceeded to implement it all by directly manipulating the ring buffer of on-screen tiles. This is the lowest level before the tiles are rendered, and rather detached from the defined content of the 📝 .MAP tile sections. Which leads to a whole lot of problems:

  1. If you decide to do this kind of tile ring modification, it should ideally happen at a very specific point: after scrolling in new tiles into the ring buffer, but before blitting any scrolled or invalidated tiles to VRAM based on the ring buffer. Which is not where ZUN chose to put it, as he placed the call to the stage-specific render function after both of those operations. :zunpet: By the time the function is called, the tile renderer has already blitted a few lines of the fully-lit carpet tiles from the defined .MAP tile section, matching the scroll speed. Fortunately, these are hidden behind the black TRAM cells above and below the playfield…

  2. Still, the code needs to get rid of them before they would become visible. ZUN uses the regular tile invalidation function for this, which will only cause actual redraws on the next frame. Again, the tile rendering call has already happened by the time the Stage 4-specific rendering function gets called.
    But wait, this game also flips VRAM pages between frames to provide a tear-free gameplay experience. This means that the intended redraw of the new tiles actually hits the wrong VRAM page. :tannedcirno: And sure, the code does attempt to invalidate these newly blitted lines every frame – but only relative to the current VRAM Y coordinate that represents the top of the hardware-scrolled screen. Once we're back on the original VRAM page on the next frame, the lines we initially set out to remove could have already scrolled past that point, making it impossible to ever catch up with them in this way.
    The only real "solution": Defining the height of the tile invalidation rectangle at 3× the scroll speed, which ensures that each invalidation call covers 3 frames worth of newly scrolled-in lines. This is not intuitive at all, and requires an understanding of everything I have just written to even arrive at this conclusion. Needless to say that ZUN didn't comprehend it either, and just hardcoded an invalidation height that happened to be enough for the small scroll speeds defined in ST03.STD for the first 30 seconds of the stage.

  3. The effect must consistently modify the tile ring buffer to "fix" any new tiles, overriding them with the intended light level. During the animation, the code not only needs to set the old light level for any tiles that are still waiting to be replaced, but also the new light level for any tiles that were replaced – and ZUN forgot the second part. :zunpet: As a result, newly scrolled-in tiles within the already animated area will "remain" untouched at light level 2 if the scroll speed is fast enough during the transition from light level 0 to 1.

All that means that we only have to raise the scroll speed for the effect to fall apart. Let's try, say, 4 pixels per frame rather than the original 0.25:

By hiding the text RAM layer and revealing what's below the usually opaque black cells above and below the playfield, we can observe all three landmines – 1) and 2) throughout light level 0, and 3) during the transition from level 0 to 1.

All of this could have been so much simpler and actually stable if ZUN applied the tile changes directly onto the .MAP. This is a much more intuitive way of expressing what is supposed to happen to the map, and would have reduced the code to the actually necessary tile changes for the first frame and each individual frame of the animation. It would have still required a way to force these changes into the tile ring buffer, but ZUN could have just used his existing full-playfield redraw functions for that. In any case, there would have been no need for any per-frame tile fixing and redrawing. The CPU cycles saved this way could have then maybe been put towards writing the tile-replacing part of the animation in C++ rather than ASM…

Wow, that was an unreasonable amount of research into a feature that superficially works fine, just because its decompiled code didn't make sense. :onricdennat: To end on a more positive note, here are some minor new discoveries that might actually matter to someone:

Next up: ¾ of a push filled with random boilerplate, finalization, and TH01 code cleanup work, while I finish the preparations for Shuusou Gyoku's OpenGL backend. This month, everything should finally work out as intended: I'll complete both tasks in parallel, ship the former to free up the cap, and then ship the latter once its 5th push is fully funded.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0149, P0150, P0151, P0152
e1a26bb...05e4c4a, 05e4c4a...768251d, 768251d...4d24ca5, 4d24ca5...81fc861
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, Ember2528, -Tom-, [Anonymous]
🏷 Tags:

…or maybe not that soon, as it would have only wasted time to untangle the bullet update commits from the rest of the progress. So, here's all the bullet spawning code in TH04 and TH05 instead. I hope you're ready for this, there's a lot to talk about!

(For the sake of readability, "bullets" in this blog post refers to the white 8×8 pellets and all 16×16 bullets loaded from MIKO16.BFT, nothing else.)

But first, what was going on 📝 in 2020? Spent 4 pushes on the basic types and constants back then, still ended up confusing a couple of things, and even getting some wrong. Like how TH05's "bullet slowdown" flag actually always prevents slowdown and fires bullets at a constant speed instead. :tannedcirno: Or how "random spread" is not the best term to describe that unused bullet group type in TH04.
Or that there are two distinct ways of clearing all bullets on screen, which deserve different names:

Mechanic #1: Clearing bullets for a custom amount of time, awarding 1000 points for all bullets alive on the first frame, and 100 points for all bullets spawned during the clear time.
Mechanic #2: Zapping bullets for a fixed 16 frames, awarding a semi-exponential and loudly announced Bonus!! for all bullets alive on the first frame, and preventing new bullets from being spawned during those 16 frames. In TH04 at least; thanks to a ZUN bug, zapping got reduced to 1 frame and no animation in TH05…

Bullets are zapped at the end of most midboss and boss phases, and cleared everywhere else – most notably, during bombs, when losing a life, or as rewards for extends or a maximized Dream bonus. The Bonus!! points awarded for zapping bullets are calculated iteratively, so it's not trivial to give an exact formula for these. For a small number 𝑛 of bullets, it would exactly be 5𝑛³ - 10𝑛² + 15𝑛 points – or, using uth05win's (correct) recursive definition, Bonus(𝑛) = Bonus(𝑛-1) + 15𝑛² - 5𝑛 + 10. However, one of the internal step variables is capped at a different number of points for each difficulty (and game), after which the points only increase linearly. Hence, "semi-exponential".

On to TH04's bullet spawn code then, because that one can at least be decompiled. And immediately, we have to deal with a pointless distinction between regular bullets, with either a decelerating or constant velocity, and special bullets, with preset velocity changes during their lifetime. That preset has to be set somewhere, so why have separate functions? In TH04, this separation continues even down to the lowest level of functions, where values are written into the global bullet array. TH05 merges those two functions into one, but then goes too far and uses self-modifying code to save a grand total of two local variables… Luckily, the rest of its actual code is identical to TH04.

Most of the complexity in bullet spawning comes from the (thankfully shared) helper function that calculates the velocities of the individual bullets within a group. Both games handle each group type via a large switch statement, which is where TH04 shows off another Turbo C++ 4.0 optimization: If the range of case values is too sparse to be meaningfully expressed in a jump table, it usually generates a linear search through a second value table. But with the -G command-line option, it instead generates branching code for a binary search through the set of cases. 𝑂(log 𝑛) as the worst case for a switch statement in a C++ compiler from 1994… that's so cool. But still, why are the values in TH04's group type enum all over the place to begin with? :onricdennat:
Unfortunately, this optimization is pretty rare in PC-98 Touhou. It only shows up here and in a few places in TH02, compared to at least 50 switch value tables.

In all of its micro-optimized pointlessness, TH05's undecompilable version at least fixes some of TH04's redundancy. While it's still not even optimal, it's at least a decently written piece of ASM… if you take the time to understand what's going on there, because it certainly took quite a bit of that to verify that all of the things which looked like bugs or quirks were in fact correct. And that's how the code for this function ended up with 35% comments and blank lines before I could confidently call it "reverse-engineered"…
Oh well, at least it finally fixes a correctness issue from TH01 and TH04, where an invalid bullet group type would fill all remaining slots in the bullet array with identical versions of the first bullet.

Something that both games also share in these functions is an over-reliance on globals for return values or other local state. The most ridiculous example here: Tuning the speed of a bullet based on rank actually mutates the global bullet template… which ZUN then works around by adding a wrapper function around both regular and special bullet spawning, which saves the base speed before executing that function, and restores it afterward. :zunpet: Add another set of wrappers to bypass that exact tuning, and you've expanded your nice 1-function interface to 4 functions. Oh, and did I mention that TH04 pointlessly duplicates the first set of wrapper functions for 3 of the 4 difficulties, which can't even be explained with "debugging reasons"? That's 10 functions then… and probably explains why I've procrastinated this feature for so long.

At this point, I also finally stopped decompiling ZUN's original ASM just for the sake of it. All these small TH05 functions would look horribly unidiomatic, are identical to their decompiled TH04 counterparts anyway, except for some unique constant… and, in the case of TH05's rank-based speed tuning function, actually become undecompilable as soon as we want to return a C++ class to preserve the semantic meaning of the return value. Mainly, this is because Turbo C++ does not allow register pseudo-variables like _AX or _AL to be cast into class types, even if their size matches. Decompiling that function would have therefore lowered the quality of the rest of the decompiled code, in exchange for the additional maintenance and compile-time cost of another translation unit. Not worth it – and for a TH05 port, you'd already have to decompile all the rest of the bullet spawning code anyway!

The only thing in there that was still somewhat worth being decompiled was the pre-spawn clipping and collision detection function. Due to what's probably a micro-optimization mistake, the TH05 version continues to spawn a bullet even if it was spawned on top of the player. This might sound like it has a different effect on gameplay… until you realize that the player got hit in this case and will either lose a life or deathbomb, both of which will cause all on-screen bullets to be cleared anyway. So it's at most a visual glitch.

But while we're at it, can we please stop talking about hitboxes? At least in the context of TH04 and TH05 bullets. The actual collision detection is described way better as a kill delta of 8×8 pixels between the center points of the player and a bullet. You can distribute these pixels to any combination of bullet and player "hitboxes" that make up 8×8. 4×4 around both the player and bullets? 1×1 for bullets, and 8×8 for the player? All equally valid… or perhaps none of them, once you keep in mind that other entity types might have different kill deltas. With that in mind, the concept of a "hitbox" turns into just a confusing abstraction.

The same is true for the 36×44 graze box delta. For some reason, this one is not exactly around the center of a bullet, but shifted to the right by 2 pixels. So, a bullet can be grazed up to 20 pixels right of the player, but only up to 16 pixels left of the player. uth05win also spotted this… and rotated the deltas clockwise by 90°?!

Which brings us to the bullet updates… for which I still had to research a decompilation workaround, because 📝 P0148 turned out to not help at all? Instead, the solution was to lie to the compiler about the true segment distance of the popup function and declare its signature far rather than near. This allowed ZUN to save that ridiculous overhead of 1 additional far function call/return per frame, and those precious 2 bytes in the BSS segment that he didn't have to spend on a segment value. 📝 Another function that didn't have just a single declaration in a common header file… really, 📝 how were these games even built???

The function itself is among the longer ones in both games. It especially stands out in the indentation department, with 7 levels at its most indented point – and that's the minimum of what's possible without goto. Only two more notable discoveries there:

  1. Bullets are the only entity affected by Slow Mode. If the number of bullets on screen is ≥ (24 + (difficulty * 8) + rank) in TH04, or (42 + (difficulty * 8)) in TH05, Slow Mode reduces the frame rate by 33%, by waiting for one additional VSync event every two frames.
    The code also reveals a second tier, with 50% slowdown for a slightly higher number of bullets, but that conditional branch can never be executed :zunpet:
  2. Bullets must have been grazed in a previous frame before they can be collided with. (Note how this does not apply to bullets that spawned on top of the player, as explained earlier!)

Whew… When did ReC98 turn into a full-on code review?! 😅 And after all this, we're still not done with TH04 and TH05 bullets, with all the special movement types still missing. That should be less than one push though, once we get to it. Next up: Back to TH01 and Konngara! Now have fun rewriting the Touhou Wiki Gameplay pages 😛

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0111, P0112
8b5c146...4ef4c9e, 4ef4c9e...e447a2d
💰 Funded by:
[Anonymous], Blue Bolt
🏷 Tags:

Only one newly ordered push since I've reopened the store? Great, that's all the justification I needed for the extended maintenance delay that was part of these two pushes 😛

Having to write comments to explain whether coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the screen or the top-left corner of the playfield has finally become old. So, I introduced distinct types for all the coordinate systems we typically encounter, applying them to all code decompiled so far. Note how the planar nature of PC-98 VRAM meant that X and Y coordinates also had to be different from each other. On the X side, there's mainly the distinction between the [0; 640] screen space and the corresponding [0; 80] VRAM byte space. On the Y side, we also have the [0; 400] screen space, but the visible area of VRAM might be limited to [0; 200] when running in the PC-98's line-doubled 640×200 mode. A VRAM Y coordinate also always implies an added offset for vertical scrolling.
During all of the code reconstruction, these types can only have a documenting purpose. Turning them into anything more than just typedefs to int, in order to define conversion operators between them, simply won't recompile into identical binaries. Modding and porting projects, however, now have a nice foundation for doing just that, and can entirely lift coordinate system transformations into the type system, without having to proofread all the meaningless int declarations themselves.

So, what was left in terms of memory references? EX-Alice's fire waves were our final unknown entity that can collide with the player. Decently implemented, with little to say about them.

That left the bomb animation structures as the one big remaining PI blocker. They started out nice and simple in TH04, with a small 6-byte star animation structure used for both Reimu and Marisa. TH05, however, gave each character her own animation… and what the hell is going on with Reimu's blue stars there? Nope, not going to figure this out on ASM level.

A decompilation first required some more bomb-related variables to be named though. Since this was part of a generic RE push, it made sense to do this in all 5 games… which then led to nice PI gains in anything but TH05. :tannedcirno: Most notably, we now got the "pulling all items to player" flag in TH04 and TH05, which is actually separate from bombing. The obvious cheat mod is left as an exercise to the reader.

So, TH05 bomb animations. Just like the 📝 custom entity types of this game, all 4 characters share the same memory, with the superficially same 10-byte structure.
But let's just look at the very first field. Seen from a low level, it's a simple struct { int x, y; } pos, storing the current position of the character-specific bomb animation entity. But all 4 characters use this field differently:

Therefore, I decompiled it as 4 separate structures once again, bundled into an union of arrays.

As for Reimu… yup, that's some pointer arithmetic straight out of Jigoku* for setting and updating the positions of the falling star trails. :zunpet: While that certainly required several comments to wrap my head around the current array positions, the one "bug" in all this arithmetic luckily has no effect on the game.
There is a small glitch with the growing circles, though. They are spawned at the end of the loop, with their position taken from the star pointer… but after that pointer has already been incremented. On the last loop iteration, this leads to an out-of-bounds structure access, with the position taken from some unknown EX-Alice data, which is 0 during most of the game. If you look at the animation, you can easily spot these bugged circles, consistently growing from the top-left corner (0, 0) of the playfield:

After all that, there was barely enough remaining time to filter out and label the final few memory references. But now, TH05's MAIN.EXE is technically position-independent! 🎉 -Tom- is going to work on a pretty extensive demo of this unprecedented level of efficient Touhou game modding. For a more impactful effect of both the 100% PI mark and that demo, I'll be delaying the push covering the remaining false positives in that binary until that demo is done. I've accumulated a pretty huge backlog of minor maintenance issues by now…
Next up though: The first part of the long-awaited build system improvements. I've finally come up with a way of sanely accelerating the 32-bit build part on most setups you could possibly want to build ReC98 on, without making the building experience worse for the other few setups.