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💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, [Anonymous]
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🎉 After almost 3 years, TH04 finally caught up to TH05 and is now 100% position-independent as well! 🎉

For a refresher on what this means and does not mean, check the announcements from back in 2019 and 2020 when we chased the goal for TH05's 📝 OP.EXE and 📝 the rest of the game. These also feature some demo videos that show off the kind of mods you were able to efficiently code back then. With the occasional reverse-engineering attention it received over the years, TH04's code should now be slightly easier to work with than TH05's was back in the day. Although not by much – TH04 has remained relatively unpopular among backers, and only received more than the funded attention because it shares most of its core code with the more popular TH05. Which, coincidentally, ended up becoming 📝 the reason for getting this done now.
Not that it matters a lot. Ever since we reached 100% PI for TH05, community and backer interest in position independence has dropped to near zero. We just didn't end up seeing the expected large amount of community-made mods that PI was meant to facilitate, and even the 📝 100% decompilation of TH01 changed nothing about that. But that's OK; after all, I do appreciate the business of continually getting commissioned for all the 📝 large-scale mods. Not focusing on PI is also the correct choice for everyone who likes reading these blog posts, as it often means that I can't go that much into detail due to cutting corners and piling up technical debt left and right.

Surprisingly, this only took 1.25 pushes, almost twice as fast as expected. As that's closer to 1 push than it is to 2, I'm OK with releasing it like this – especially since it was originally meant to come out three days ago. 🍋 Unfortunately, it was delayed thanks to surprising website bugs and a certain piece of code that was way more difficult to document than it was to decompile… The next push will have slightly less content in exchange, though.

📝 P0240 and P0241 already covered the final remaining structures, so I only needed to do some superficial RE to prove the remaining numeric literals as either constants or memory addresses. For example, I initially thought I'd have to decompile the dissolve animations in the staff roll, but I only needed to identify a single function pointer type to prove all false positives as screen coordinates there. Now, the TH04 staff roll would be another fast and cheap decompilation, similar to the custom entity types of TH04. (And TH05 as well!)

The one piece of code I did have to decompile was Stage 4's carpet lighting animation, thanks to hex literals that were way too complicated to leave in ASM. And this one probably takes the crown for TH04's worst set of landmines and bloat that still somehow results in no observable bugs or quirks.
This animation starts at frame 1664, roughly 29.5 seconds into the stage, and quickly turns the stage background into a repeated row of dark-red plaid carpet tiles by moving out from the center of the playfield towards the edges. Afterward, the animation repeats with a brighter set of tiles that is then used for the rest of the stage. As I explained 📝 a while ago in the context of TH02, the stage tile and map formats in PC-98 Touhou can't express animations, so all of this needed to be hardcoded in the binary.

A row of the carpet tiles from TH04's Stage 4, at the lowest light levelA row of the carpet tiles from TH04's Stage 4, at the medium light levelA row of the carpet tiles from TH04's Stage 4, at the highest light level
The repeating 384×16 row of carpet tiles at the beginning of TH04's Stage 4 in all three light levels, shown twice for better visibility.

And ZUN did start out making the right decision by only using fully-lit carpet tiles for all tile sections defined in ST03.MAP. This way, the animation can simply disable itself after it completed, letting the rest of the stage render normally and use new tile sections that are only defined for the final light level. This means that the "initial" dark version of the carpet is as much a result of hardcoded tile manipulation as the animation itself.
But then, ZUN proceeded to implement it all by directly manipulating the ring buffer of on-screen tiles. This is the lowest level before the tiles are rendered, and rather detached from the defined content of the 📝 .MAP tile sections. Which leads to a whole lot of problems:

  1. If you decide to do this kind of tile ring modification, it should ideally happen at a very specific point: after scrolling in new tiles into the ring buffer, but before blitting any scrolled or invalidated tiles to VRAM based on the ring buffer. Which is not where ZUN chose to put it, as he placed the call to the stage-specific render function after both of those operations. :zunpet: By the time the function is called, the tile renderer has already blitted a few lines of the fully-lit carpet tiles from the defined .MAP tile section, matching the scroll speed. Fortunately, these are hidden behind the black TRAM cells above and below the playfield…

  2. Still, the code needs to get rid of them before they would become visible. ZUN uses the regular tile invalidation function for this, which will only cause actual redraws on the next frame. Again, the tile rendering call has already happened by the time the Stage 4-specific rendering function gets called.
    But wait, this game also flips VRAM pages between frames to provide a tear-free gameplay experience. This means that the intended redraw of the new tiles actually hits the wrong VRAM page. :tannedcirno: And sure, the code does attempt to invalidate these newly blitted lines every frame – but only relative to the current VRAM Y coordinate that represents the top of the hardware-scrolled screen. Once we're back on the original VRAM page on the next frame, the lines we initially set out to remove could have already scrolled past that point, making it impossible to ever catch up with them in this way.
    The only real "solution": Defining the height of the tile invalidation rectangle at 3× the scroll speed, which ensures that each invalidation call covers 3 frames worth of newly scrolled-in lines. This is not intuitive at all, and requires an understanding of everything I have just written to even arrive at this conclusion. Needless to say that ZUN didn't comprehend it either, and just hardcoded an invalidation height that happened to be enough for the small scroll speeds defined in ST03.STD for the first 30 seconds of the stage.

  3. The effect must consistently modify the tile ring buffer to "fix" any new tiles, overriding them with the intended light level. During the animation, the code not only needs to set the old light level for any tiles that are still waiting to be replaced, but also the new light level for any tiles that were replaced – and ZUN forgot the second part. :zunpet: As a result, newly scrolled-in tiles within the already animated area will "remain" untouched at light level 2 if the scroll speed is fast enough during the transition from light level 0 to 1.

All that means that we only have to raise the scroll speed for the effect to fall apart. Let's try, say, 4 pixels per frame rather than the original 0.25:

By hiding the text RAM layer and revealing what's below the usually opaque black cells above and below the playfield, we can observe all three landmines – 1) and 2) throughout light level 0, and 3) during the transition from level 0 to 1.

All of this could have been so much simpler and actually stable if ZUN applied the tile changes directly onto the .MAP. This is a much more intuitive way of expressing what is supposed to happen to the map, and would have reduced the code to the actually necessary tile changes for the first frame and each individual frame of the animation. It would have still required a way to force these changes into the tile ring buffer, but ZUN could have just used his existing full-playfield redraw functions for that. In any case, there would have been no need for any per-frame tile fixing and redrawing. The CPU cycles saved this way could have then maybe been put towards writing the tile-replacing part of the animation in C++ rather than ASM…

Wow, that was an unreasonable amount of research into a feature that superficially works fine, just because its decompiled code didn't make sense. :onricdennat: To end on a more positive note, here are some minor new discoveries that might actually matter to someone:

Next up: ¾ of a push filled with random boilerplate, finalization, and TH01 code cleanup work, while I finish the preparations for Shuusou Gyoku's OpenGL backend. This month, everything should finally work out as intended: I'll complete both tasks in parallel, ship the former to free up the cap, and then ship the latter once its 5th push is fully funded.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0240, P0241
be69ab6...40c900f, 40c900f...08352a5
💰 Funded by:
JonathKane, Blue Bolt, [Anonymous]
🏷 Tags:

Well, well. My original plan was to ship the first step of Shuusou Gyoku OpenGL support on the next day after this delivery. But unfortunately, the complications just kept piling up, to a point where the required solutions definitely blow the current budget for that goal. I'm currently sitting on over 70 commits that would take at least 5 pushes to deliver as a meaningful release, and all of that is just rearchitecting work, preparing the game for a not too Windows-specific OpenGL backend in the first place. I haven't even written a single line of OpenGL yet… 🥲
This shifts the intended Big Release Month™ to June after all. Now I know that the next round of Shuusou Gyoku features should better start with the SC-88Pro recordings, which are much more likely to get done within their current budget. At least I've already completed the configuration versioning system required for that goal, which leaves only the actual audio part.

So, TH04 position independence. Thanks to a bit of funding for stage dialogue RE, non-ASCII translations will soon become viable, which finally presents a reason to push TH04 to 100% position independence after 📝 TH05 had been there for almost 3 years. I haven't heard back from Touhou Patch Center about how much they want to be involved in funding this goal, if at all, but maybe other backers are interested as well.
And sure, it would be entirely possible to implement non-ASCII translations in a way that retains the layout of the original binaries and can be easily compared at a binary level, in case we consider translations to be a critical piece of infrastructure. This wouldn't even just be an exercise in needless perfectionism, and we only have to look to Shuusou Gyoku to realize why: Players expected that my builds were compatible with existing SpoilerAL SSG files, which was something I hadn't even considered the need for. I mean, the game is open-source 📝 and I made it easy to build. You can just fork the code, implement all the practice features you want in a much more efficient way, and I'd probably even merge your code into my builds then?
But I get it – recompiling the game yields just yet another build that can't be easily compared to the original release. A cheat table is much more trustworthy in giving players the confidence that they're still practicing the same original game. And given the current priorities of my backers, it'll still take a while for me to implement proof by replay validation, which will ultimately free every part of the community from depending on the original builds of both Seihou and PC-98 Touhou.

However, such an implementation within the original binary layout would significantly drive up the budget of non-ASCII translations, and I sure don't want to constantly maintain this layout during development. So, let's chase TH04 position independence like it's 2020, and quickly cover a larger amount of PI-relevant structures and functions at a shallow level. The only parts I decompiled for now contain calculations whose intent can't be clearly communicated in ASM. Hitbox visualizations or other more in-depth research would have to wait until I get to the proper decompilation of these features.
But even this shallow work left us with a large amount of TH04-exclusive code that had its worst parts RE'd and could be decompiled fairly quickly. If you want to see big TH04 finalization% gains, general TH04 progress would be a very good investment.

The first push went to the often-mentioned stage-specific custom entities that share a single statically allocated buffer. Back in 2020, I 📝 wrongly claimed that these were a TH05 innovation, but the system actually originated in TH04. Both games use a 26-byte structure, but TH04 only allocates a 32-element array rather than TH05's 64-element one. The conclusions from back then still apply, but I also kept wondering why these games used a static array for these entities to begin with. You know what they call an area of memory that you can cleanly repurpose for things? That's right, a heap! :tannedcirno: And absolutely no one would mind one additional heap allocation at the start of a stage, next to the ones for all the sprites and portraits.
However, we are still running in Real Mode with segmented memory. Accessing anything outside a common data segment involves modifying segment registers, which has a nonzero CPU cycle cost, and Turbo C++ 4.0J is terrible at optimizing away the respective instructions. Does this matter? Probably not, but you don't take "risks" like these if you're in a permanent micro-optimization mindset… :godzun:

In TH04, this system is used for:

  1. Kurumi's symmetric bullet spawn rays, fired from her hands towards the left and right edges of the playfield. These are rather infamous for being the last thing you see before 📝 the Divide Error crash that can happen in ZUN's original build. Capped to 6 entities.

  2. The 4 📝 bits used in Marisa's Stage 4 boss fight. Coincidentally also related to the rare Divide Error crash in that fight.

  3. Stage 4 Reimu's spinning orbs. Note how the game uses two different sets of sprites just to have two different outline colors. This was probably better than messing with the palette, which can easily cause unintended effects if you only have 16 colors to work with. Heck, I have an entire blog post tag just to highlight these cases. Capped to the full 32 entities.

  4. The chasing cross bullets, seen in Phase 14 of the same Stage 6 Yuuka fight. Featuring some smart sprite work, making use of point symmetry to achieve a fluid animation in just 4 frames. This is good-code in sprite form. Capped to 31 entities, because the 32nd custom entity during this fight is defined to be…

  5. The single purple pulsating and shrinking safety circle, seen in Phase 4 of the same fight. The most interesting aspect here is actually still related to the cross bullets, whose spawn function is wrongly limited to 32 entities and could theoretically overwrite this circle. :zunpet: This is strictly landmine territory though:

    • Yuuka never uses these bullets and the safety circle simultaneously
    • She never spawns more than 24 cross bullets
    • All cross bullets are fast enough to have left the screen by the time Yuuka restarts the corresponding subpattern
    • The cross bullets spawn at Yuuka's center position, and assign its Q12.4 coordinates to structure fields that the safety circle interprets as raw pixels. The game does try to render the circle afterward, but since Yuuka's static position during this phase is nowhere near a valid pixel coordinate, it is immediately clipped.

  6. The flashing lines seen in Phase 5 of the Gengetsu fight, telegraphing the slightly random bullet columns.

    The spawn column lines in the TH05 Gengetsu fight, in the first of their two flashing colors.The spawn column lines in the TH05 Gengetsu fight, in the second of their two flashing colors.

These structures only took 1 push to reverse-engineer rather than the 2 I needed for their TH05 counterparts because they are much simpler in this game. The "structure" for Gengetsu's lines literally uses just a single X position, with the remaining 24 bytes being basically padding. The only minor bug I found on this shallow level concerns Marisa's bits, which are clipped at the right and bottom edges of the playfield 16 pixels earlier than you would expect:

The remaining push went to a bunch of smaller structures and functions:

To top off the second push, we've got the vertically scrolling checkerboard background during the Stage 6 Yuuka fight, made up of 32×32 squares. This one deserves a special highlight just because of its needless complexity. You'd think that even a performant implementation would be pretty simple:

  1. Set the GRCG to TDW mode
  2. Set the GRCG tile to one of the two square colors
  3. Start with Y as the current scroll offset, and X as some indicator of which color is currently shown at the start of each row of squares
  4. Iterate over all lines of the playfield, filling in all pixels that should be displayed in the current color, skipping over the other ones
  5. Count down Y for each line drawn
  6. If Y reaches 0, reset it to 32 and flip X
  7. At the bottom of the playfield, change the GRCG tile to the other color, and repeat with the initial value of X flipped

The most important aspect of this algorithm is how it reduces GRCG state changes to a minimum, avoiding the costly port I/O that we've identified time and time again as one of the main bottlenecks in TH01. With just 2 state variables and 3 loops, the resulting code isn't that complex either. A naive implementation that just drew the squares from top to bottom in a single pass would barely be simpler, but much slower: By changing the GRCG tile on every color, such an implementation would burn a low 5-digit number of CPU cycles per frame for the 12×11.5-square checkerboard used in the game.
And indeed, ZUN retained all important aspects of this algorithm… but still implemented it all in ASM, with a ridiculous layer of x86 segment arithmetic on top? :zunpet: Which blows up the complexity to 4 state variables, 5 nested loops, and a bunch of constants in unusual units. I'm not sure what this code is supposed to optimize for, especially with that rather questionable register allocation that nevertheless leaves one of the general-purpose registers unused. :onricdennat: Fortunately, the function was still decompilable without too many code generation hacks, and retains the 5 nested loops in all their goto-connected glory. If you want to add a checkerboard to your next PC-98 demo, just stick to the algorithm I gave above.
(Using a single XOR for flipping the starting X offset between 32 and 64 pixels is pretty nice though, I have to give him that.)

This makes for a good occasion to talk about the third and final GRCG mode, completing the series I started with my previous coverage of the 📝 RMW and 📝 TCR modes. The TDW (Tile Data Write) mode is the simplest of the three and just writes the 8×1 GRCG tile into VRAM as-is, without applying any alpha bitmask. This makes it perfect for clearing rectangular areas of pixels – or even all of VRAM by doing a single memset():

// Set up the GRCG in TDW mode.
outportb(0x7C, 0x80);

// Fill the tile register with color #7 (0111 in binary).
outportb(0x7E, 0xFF); // Plane 0: (B): (********)
outportb(0x7E, 0xFF); // Plane 1: (R): (********)
outportb(0x7E, 0xFF); // Plane 2: (G): (********)
outportb(0x7E, 0x00); // Plane 3: (E): (        )

// Set the 32 pixels at the top-left corner of VRAM to the exact contents of
// the tile register, effectively repeating the tile 4 times. In TDW mode, the
// GRCG ignores the CPU-supplied operand, so we might as well just pass the
// contents of a register with the intended width. This eliminates useless load
// instructions in the compiled assembly, and even sort of signals to readers
// of this code that we do not care about the source value.
*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t far *>(MK_FP(0xA800, 0)) = _EAX;

// Fill the entirety of VRAM with the GRCG tile. A simple C one-liner that will
// probably compile into a single `REP STOS` instruction. Unfortunately, Turbo
// C++ 4.0J only ever generates the 16-bit `REP STOSW` here, even when using
// the `__memset__` intrinsic and when compiling in 386 mode. When targeting
// that CPU and above, you'd ideally want `REP STOSD` for twice the speed.
memset(MK_FP(0xA800, 0), _AL, ((640 / 8) * 400));

However, this might make you wonder why TDW mode is even necessary. If it's functionally equivalent to RMW mode with a CPU-supplied bitmask made up entirely of 1 bits (i.e., 0xFF, 0xFFFF, or 0xFFFFFFFF), what's the point? The difference lies in the hardware implementation: If all you need to do is write tile data to VRAM, you don't need the read and modify parts of RMW mode which require additional processing time. The PC-9801 Programmers' Bible claims a speedup of almost 2× when using TDW mode over equivalent operations in RMW mode.
And that's the only performance claim I found, because none of these old PC-98 hardware and programming books did any benchmarks. Then again, it's not too interesting of a question to benchmark either, as the byte-aligned nature of TDW blitting severely limits its use in a game engine anyway. Sure, maybe it makes sense to temporarily switch from RMW to TDW mode if you've identified a large rectangular and byte-aligned section within a sprite that could be blitted without a bitmask? But the necessary identification work likely nullifies the performance gained from TDW mode, I'd say. In any case, that's pretty deep micro-optimization territory. Just use TDW mode for the few cases it's good at, and stick to RMW mode for the rest.

So is this all that can be said about the GRCG? Not quite, because there are 4 bits I haven't talked about yet…

And now we're just 5.37% away from 100% position independence for TH04! From this point, another 2 pushes should be enough to reach this goal. It might not look like we're that close based on the current estimate, but a big chunk of the remaining numbers are false positives from the player shot control functions. Since we've got a very special deadline to hit, I'm going to cobble these two pushes together from the two current general subscriptions and the rest of the backlog. But you can, of course, still invest in this goal to allow the existing contributions to go to something else.
… Well, if the store was actually open. :thonk: So I'd better continue with a quick task to free up some capacity sooner rather than later. Next up, therefore: Back to TH02, and its item and player systems. Shouldn't take that long, I'm not expecting any surprises there. (Yeah, I know, famous last words…)

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0086, P0087
54ee99b...24b96cd, 24b96cd...97ce7b7
💰 Funded by:
[Anonymous], Blue Bolt, -Tom-
🏷 Tags:

Alright, the score popup numbers shown when collecting items or defeating (mid)bosses. The second-to-last remaining big entity type in TH05… with quite some PI false positives in the memory range occupied by its data. Good thing I still got some outstanding generic RE pushes that haven't been claimed for anything more specific in over a month! These conveniently allowed me to RE most of these functions right away, the right way.

Most of the false positives were boss HP values, passed to a "boss phase end" function which sets the HP value at which the next phase should end. Stage 6 Yuuka, Mugetsu, and EX-Alice have their own copies of this function, in which they also reset certain boss-specific global variables. Since I always like to cover all varieties of such duplicated functions at once, it made sense to reverse-engineer all the involved variables while I was at it… and that's why this was exactly the right time to cover the implementation details of Stage 6 Yuuka's parasol and vanishing animations in TH04. :zunpet:

With still a bit of time left in that RE push afterwards, I could also start looking into some of the smaller functions that didn't quite fit into other pushes. The most notable one there was a simple function that aims from any point to the current player position. Which actually only became a separate function in TH05, probably since it's called 27 times in total. That's 27 places no longer being blocked from further RE progress.

WindowsTiger already did most of the work for the score popup numbers in January, which meant that I only had to review it and bring it up to ReC98's current coding styles and standards. This one turned out to be one of those rare features whose TH05 implementation is significantly less insane than the TH04 one. Both games lazily redraw only the tiles of the stage background that were drawn over in the previous frame, and try their best to minimize the amount of tiles to be redrawn in this way. For these popup numbers, this involves calculating the on-screen width, based on the exact number of digits in the point value. TH04 calculates this width every frame during the rendering function, and even resorts to setting that field through the digit iteration pointer via self-modifying code… yup. TH05, on the other hand, simply calculates the width once when spawning a new popup number, during the conversion of the point value to binary-coded decimal. The "×2" multiplier suffix being removed in TH05 certainly also helped in simplifying that feature in this game.

And that's ⅓ of TH05 reverse-engineered! Next up, one more TH05 PI push, in which the stage enemies hopefully finish all the big entity types. Maybe it will also be accompanied by another RE push? In any case, that will be the last piece of TH05 progress for quite some time. The next TH01 stretch will consist of 6 pushes at the very least, and I currently have no idea of how much time I can spend on ReC98 a month from now…