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P0238, P0239
(Website) 4698397...edf2926, c5e51e6...P0239
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:stripe: Stripe is now properly integrated into this website as an alternative to PayPal! Now, you can also financially support the project if PayPal doesn't work for you, or if you prefer using a provider out of Stripe's greater variety. It's unfortunate that I had to ship this integration while the store is still sold out, but the Shuusou Gyoku OpenGL backend has turned out way too complicated to be finished next to these two pushes within a month. It will take quite a while until the store reopens and you all can start using Stripe, so I'll just link back to this blog post when it happens.

Integrating Stripe wasn't the simplest task in the world either. At first, the Checkout API seems pretty friendly to developers: The entire payment flow is handled on the backend, in the server language of your choice, and requires no frontend JavaScript except for the UI feedback code you choose to write. Your backend API endpoint initiates the Stripe Checkout session, answers with a redirect to Stripe, and Stripe then sends a redirect back to your server if the customer completed the payment. Superficially, this server-based approach seems much more GDPR-friendly than PayPal, because there are no remote scripts to obtain consent for. In reality though, Stripe shares much more potential personal data about your credit card or bank account with a merchant, compared to PayPal's almost bare minimum of necessary data. :thonk:
It's also rather annoying how the backend has to persist the order form information throughout the entire Checkout session, because it would otherwise be lost if the server restarts while a customer is still busy entering data into Stripe's Checkout form. Compare that to the PayPal JavaScript SDK, which only POSTs back to your server after the customer completed a payment. In Stripe's case, more JavaScript actually only makes the integration harder: If you trigger the initial payment HTTP request from JavaScript, you will have to improvise a bit to avoid the CORS error when redirecting away to a different domain.

But sure, it's all not too bad… for regular orders at least. With subscriptions, however, things get much worse. Unlike PayPal, Stripe kind of wants to stay out of the way of the payment process as much as possible, and just be a wrapper around its supported payment methods. So if customers aren't really meant to register with Stripe, how would they cancel their subscriptions? :thonk:
Answer: Through the… merchant? Which I quite dislike in principle, because why should you have to trust me to actually cancel your subscription after you requested it? It also means that I probably should add some sort of UI for self-canceling a Stripe subscription, ideally without adding full-blown user accounts. Not that this solves the underlying trust issue, but it's more convenient than contacting me via email or, worse, going through your bank somehow. Here is how my solution works:

I might have gone a bit overboard with the crypto there, but I liked the idea of not storing any of the Stripe session IDs in the server database. It's not like that makes the system more complex anyway, and it's nice to have a separate confirmation step before canceling a subscription.

But even that wasn't everything I had to keep in mind here. Once you switch from test to production mode for the final tests, you'll notice that certain SEPA-based payment providers take their sweet time to process and activate new subscriptions. The Checkout session object even informs you about that, by including a payment status field. Which initially seems just like another field that could indicate hacking attempts, but treating it as such and rejecting any unpaid session can also reject perfectly valid subscriptions. I don't want all this control… 🥲
Instead, all I can do in this case is to tell you about it. In my test, the Stripe dashboard said that it might take days or even weeks for the initial subscription transaction to be confirmed. In such a case, the respective fraction of the cap will unfortunately need to remain red for that entire time.

And that was 1½ pushes just to replicate the basic functionality of a simple PayPal integration with the simplest type of Stripe integration. On the architectural site, all the necessary refactoring work made me finally upgrade my frontend code to TypeScript at least, using the amazing esbuild to handle transpilation inside the server binary. Let's see how long it will now take for me to upgrade to SCSS…

With the new payment options, it makes sense to go for another slight price increase, from up to per push. The amount of taxes I have to pay on this income is slowly becoming significant, and the store has been selling out almost immediately for the last few months anyway. If demand remains at the current level or even increases, I plan to gradually go up to by the end of the year.
📝 As 📝 usual, I'm going to deliver existing orders in the backlog at the value they were originally purchased at. Due to the way the cap has to be calculated, these contributions now appear to have increased in value by a rather awkward 13.33%.

This left ½ of a push for some more work on the TH01 Anniversary Edition. Unfortunately, this was too little time for the grand issue of removing byte-aligned rendering of bigger sprites, which will need some additional blitting performance research. Instead, I went for a bunch of smaller bugfixes:

The final point, however, raised the question of what we're now going to do about 📝 a certain issue in the 地獄/Jigoku Bad Ending. ZUN's original expensive way of switching the accessed VRAM page was the main reason behind the lag frames on slower PC-98 systems, and search-replacing the respective function calls would immediately get us to the optimized version shown in that blog post. But is this something we actually want? If we wanted to retain the lag, we could surely preserve that function just for this one instance…
The discovery of this issue predates the clear distinction between bloat, quirks, and bugs, so it makes sense to first classify what this issue even is. The distinction comes all down to observability, which I defined as changes to rendered frames between explicitly defined frame boundaries. That alone would be enough to categorize any cause behind lag frames as bloat, but it can't hurt to be more explicit here.

Therefore, I now officially judge observability in terms of an infinitely fast PC-98 that can instantly render everything between two explicitly defined frames, and will never add additional lag frames. If we plan to port the games to faster architectures that aren't bottlenecked by disappointing blitter chips, this is the only reasonable assumption to make, in my opinion: The minimum system requirements in the games' README files are minimums, after all, not recommendations. Chasing the exact frame drop behavior that ZUN must have experienced during the time he developed these games can only be a guessing game at best, because how can we know which PC-98 model ZUN actually developed the games on? There might even be more than one model, especially when it comes to TH01 which had been in development for at least two years before ZUN first sold it. It's also not like any current PC-98 emulator even claims to emulate the specific timing of any existing model, and I sure hope that nobody expects me to import a bunch of bulky obsolete hardware just to count dropped frames.

That leaves the tearing, where it's much more obvious how it's a bug. On an infinitely fast PC-98, the ドカーン frame would never be visible, and thus falls into the same category as the 📝 two unused animations in the Sariel fight. With only a single unconditional 2-frame delay inside the animation loop, it becomes clear that ZUN intended both frames of the animation to be displayed for 2 frames each:

No tearing, and 34 frames in total for the first of the two instances of this animation.

:th01: TH01 Anniversary Edition, version P0239 2023-05-01-th01-anniv.zip

Next up: Taking the oldest still undelivered push and working towards TH04 position independence in preparation for multilingual translations. The Shuusou Gyoku OpenGL backend shouldn't take that much longer either, so I should have lots of stuff coming up in May afterward.

📝 Posted:
🚚 Summary of:
P0214, P0215
158a91e...414770c, 414770c...3123c9d
💰 Funded by:
Ember2528, Yanga
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Last blog post before the 100% completion of TH01! The final parts of REIIDEN.EXE would feel rather out of place in a celebratory blog post, after all. They provided quite a neat summary of the typical technical details that are wrong with this game, and that I now get to mention for one final time:

But hey, there's an error message if you start REIIDEN.EXE without a resident MDRV2 or a correctly prepared resident structure! And even a good, user-friendly one, asking the user to launch the batch file instead. For some reason, this convenience went out of fashion in the later games.

The Game Over animation (how fitting) gives us TH01's final piece of weird sprite blitting code, which seriously manages to include 2 bugs and 3 quirks in under 50 lines of code. In test mode (game t or game d), you can trigger this effect by pressing the ⬇️ down arrow key, which certainly explains why I encountered seemingly random Game Over events during all the tests I did with this game…
The animation appears to have changed quite a bit during development, to the point that probably even ZUN himself didn't know what he wanted it to look like in the end:

The original version unblits a 32×32 rectangle around Reimu that only grows on the X axis… for the first 5 frames. The unblitting call is only run if the corresponding sprite wasn't clipped at the edges of the playfield in the frame before, and ZUN uses the animation's frame number rather than the sprite loop variable to index the per-sprite clip flag array. The resulting out-of-bounds access then reads the sprite coordinates instead, which are never 0, thus interpreting all 5 sprites as clipped.
This variant would interpret the declared 5 effect coordinates as distinct sprites and unblit them correctly every frame. The end result is rather wimpy though… hardly appropriate for a Game Over, especially with the original animation in mind.
This variant would not unblit anything, and is probably closest to what the final animation should have been.

Finally, we get to the big main() function, serving as the duct tape that holds this game together. It may read rather disorganized with all the (actually necessary) assignments and function calls, but the only actual minor issue I've seen there is that you're robbed of any pellet destroy bonus collected on the final frame of the final boss. There is a certain charm in directly nesting the infinite main gameplay loop within the infinite per-life loop within the infinite stage loop. But come on, why is there no fourth scene loop? :zunpet: Instead, the game just starts a new REIIDEN.EXE process before and after a boss fight. With all the wildly mutated global state, that was probably a much saner choice.

The final secrets can be found in the debug stage selection. ZUN implemented the prompts using the C standard library's scanf() function, which is the natural choice for quick-and-dirty testing features like this one. However, the C standard library is also complete and utter trash, and so it's not surprising that both of the scanf() calls do… well, probably not what ZUN intended. The guaranteed out-of-bounds memory access in the select_flag route prompt thankfully has no real effect on the game, but it gets really interesting with the 面数 stage prompt.
Back in 2020, I already wrote about 📝 stages 21-24, and how they're loaded from actual data that ZUN shipped with the game. As it now turns out, the code that maps stage IDs to STAGE?.DAT scene numbers contains an explicit branch that maps any (1-based) stage number ≥21 to scene 7. Does this mean that an Extra Stage was indeed planned at some point? That branch seems way too specific to just be meant as a fallback. Maybe Asprey was on to something after all…

However, since ZUN passed the stage ID as a signed integer to scanf(), you can also enter negative numbers. The only place that kind of accidentally checks for them is the aforementioned stage ID → scene mapping, which ensures that (1-based) stages < 5 use the shrine's background image and BGM. With no checks anywhere else, we get a new set of "glitch stages":

TH01's stage -1
Stage -1
TH01's stage -2
Stage -2
TH01's stage -3
Stage -3
TH01's stage -4
Stage -4
TH01's stage -5
Stage -5

The scene loading function takes the entered 0-based stage ID value modulo 5, so these 4 are the only ones that "exist", and lower stage numbers will simply loop around to them. When loading these stages, the function accesses the data in REIIDEN.EXE that lies before the statically allocated 5-element stages-of-scene array, which happens to encompass Borland C++'s locale and exception handling data, as well as a small bit of ZUN's global variables. In particular, the obstacle/card HP on the tile I highlighted in green corresponds to the lowest byte of the 32-bit RNG seed. If it weren't for that and the fact that the obstacles/card HP on the few tiles before are similarly controlled by the x86 segment values of certain initialization function addresses, these glitch stages would be completely deterministic across PC-98 systems, and technically canon… :tannedcirno:
Stage -4 is the only playable one here as it's the only stage to end up below the 📝 heap corruption limit of 102 stage objects. Completing it loads Stage -3, which crashes with a Divide Error just like it does if it's directly selected. Unsurprisingly, this happens because all 50 card bytes at that memory location are 0, so one division (or in this case, modulo operation) by the number of cards is enough to crash the game.
Stage -5 is modulo'd to 0 and thus loads the first regular stage. The only apparent broken element there is the timer, which is handled by a completely different function that still operates with a (0-based) stage ID value of -5. Completing the stage loads Stage -4, which also crashes, but only because its 61 cards naturally cause the 📝 stack overflow in the flip-in animation for any stage with more than 50 cards.

And that's REIIDEN.EXE, the biggest and most bloated PC-98 Touhou executable, fully decompiled! Next up: Finishing this game with the main menu, and hoping I'll actually pull it off within 24 hours. (If I do, we might all have to thank 32th System, who independently decompiled half of the remaining 14 functions…)