
📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, [Anonymous], Splashman
🏷️ Tags:

TH05's OP.EXE? It's not one of the 📝 main blockers for multilingual translation support, but fine, let's push it to 100% RE. This didn't go all too quickly after all, though – sure, we were only missing the High Score viewer, but that's technically a menu. By now, we all know the level of code quality we can reasonably expect from ZUN's menu code, especially if we simultaneously look at how it's implemented in TH04 as well. But how much could I possibly say about even a static screen?

  1. Generating the initial High Score lists
  2. TH04/TH05's High Score viewer
  3. TH05-exclusive palette bugs when switching between the main menu and the High Score viewer
  4. Please don't fund ZUN Soft logo finalization just yet 🙇

Then again, with half of the funding for this push not being constrained to RE, OP.EXE wasn't the worst choice. In both TH04 and TH05, the High Score viewer's code is preceded by all the functions needed to handle the GENSOU.SCR scorefile format, which I already RE'd 📝 in late 2019. Back then, it turned out to be one of the most needlessly inconsistent pieces of code in all of PC-98 Touhou, with a slightly different implementation in each of the 6 binaries that was waiting for its equally messy decompilation ever since.
Most of these inconsistencies just add bloat, but TH05's different stage number defaults for the Extra Stage do have the tiniest visible impact on the game. Since 2019 was before we had our current system of classifying weird code, let's take a quick look at this again:

Screenshot of TH05's High Score viewer, showing the default GENSOU.SCR data for the Extra Stage as generated by OP.EXE Screenshot of TH05's High Score viewer, showing the default GENSOU.SCR data for the Extra Stage as generated by MAINE.EXE with the same decreasing stage numbers as for the regular stages
In the end, this is a landmine, albeit a slightly unusual one. OP.EXE always needs to load GENSOU.SCR to determine whether the Extra Stage is unlocked and can be selected in the main menu. If that file is corrupted or doesn't exist yet, OP.EXE will always recreate it. Therefore, MAINE.EXE's recreation code would only ever run if GENSOU.SCR got deleted or corrupted while playing the game. This can only happen through code that runs outside the game or as the result of failing hardware, and thus goes beyond our criteria for observability.

On to the actual High Score screen then! The OP.EXE code I decompiled here only covers the viewer, the actual score registration is part of MAINE.EXE and is a completely different beast that only shares a few code snippets at best. This means that I'll have to do this all over again at some point down the line, which will result in another few pushes that look very similar to this one. 🥲
By now, it's no surprise that even this static screen has more or less the same density of bugs, landmines, and bloat as ZUN's more dynamic and animated menus. This time however, the worst source of bloat lies more on the meta level: TH04's version explicitly spells out every single loading and rendering call for both of that game's playable characters, rather than covering them with loops like TH05 does for its four characters. As a result, the two games only share 3¼ out of the 7 functions in even this simple viewer screen. It definitely didn't have to be this way.

On the bright side, the code starts off with a feature that probably only scoreplayers and their followers have been consciously aware of: The High Score screens can display 9-digit scores without glitches, unlike the in-game HUD's infamous overflow that turns the 8th digit into a letter once the score exceeds 100 million points.
To understand why this is such a surprise, we have to look at how scores are tracked in-game where the glitch does happen. This brings us back to the binary-coded decimal format that the final three PC-98 Touhou games use for their scores, which we didn't have to deal with 📝 for almost three years. On paper, the fixed-size array of 8 digits used by the three games would leave no room for a 9th one, so why don't we get a counterstop at 99,999,999 points, similar to what happens in modern Touhou? Let's look at the concrete example of adding, say, 200,000 points to a score of 99,899,990 points, and step through the algorithm for the most significant four digits:

score BCD delta
09 09 08 09 09 09 09 00 + 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00
= 09 09 08 09 09 09 09 00 + 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00
= 09 0A 00 09 09 09 09 00 + 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00
= 0A 00 00 09 09 09 09 00 + 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00
= 0A 00 00 09 09 09 09 00
It sure is neat how ZUN arranged the gaiji font in such a way that the HUD's rendering is an exact visual representation of the bytes in memory… at least for scores between 100,000,000 (A0000000) and 159,999,999 (F9999999) inclusive.
Formatted as big-endian for easier reading. Here's the relevant undecompilable ASM code, featuring the venerable AAA instruction.

In other words: The carry of each addition is regularly added to the next digit as if it were binary, and then the next iteration has to adjust that value as necessary and pass along any carry to the digit after that. But once we've reached the most significant digit, there is no way for its carry to go. So it just stays there, leaving the last digit with a value greater than 9 and effectively turning it from a BCD digit into a regular old 8-bit binary value. This leaves us with a maximum representable score of 2,559,999,999 points (FF 09 09 09 09 09 09 09) – and with the scores achieved by current TAS runs being far below that limit in both games, it's definitely not worth it to bother about rendering that 10th score digit anywhere.
In the High Score screens, ZUN also zero-padded each score to 8 digits, but only blitted the 9th digit into the padding between name and score if it's nonzero. From this code detail alone, we can tell that ZUN was fully aware of ≥100 million points being possible, but probably considered such high scores unlikely enough to not bother rearranging the in-game HUD to support 9 digits. After all, it only looks like there's plenty of unused space next to the HUD, but in reality, it's tightly surrounded by important VRAM regions on both sides: The 32 pixels to the left provide the much-needed sprite garbage area to support 📝 visually clipped sprites despite master.lib's lack of sprite clipping, and the 64 pixels to the right are home to the 📝 tile source area:

Constructed screenshot of TH04's in-game layout during the Elly boss fight, showing off how a score of 99,999,999 points would be reduced to the 8-digit 🎝9999999 string, with the PC-98's text layer hidden to reveal the sprite garbage areas and tile source areas that tightly surround the HUD Constructed screenshot of TH04's in-game layout during the Elly boss fight, showing off how a score of 99,999,999 points would be reduced to the 8-digit 🎝9999999 string; with the PC-98's text layer visible, it might seem as if it was no big deal to expand the HUD into render 9-digit scores
It sure wouldn't have been impossible. You could either sacrifice the two tiles that would cover the 9th digit in both the HiScore and Score row, or – even better – move these tiles under the existing padding space within the HUD. 📝 The tile sections of TH04 and TH05 already address their images using raw VRAM addresses, so this wouldn't have even required an additional tile index→VRAM address lookup table.

And sure enough, ZUN confirms this awareness in TH04's OMAKE.TXT:

9999万でもカンストしませんが、ゲーム中の得点表示、1千万の位が英字 表記となります。つまり、100000000点はA0000000点と表示 されます。(ネームレジスト画面は普通に表示されます) でも、1億点以上出せる人いるのかな。

(And indeed, the first documented legitimate run that crossed 100 million only happened 11 years after the game's release, with Reimu A on Normal difficulty.)

However, the highest score that the High Score screens of both games can display without visual glitches is not 999,999,999, as you would expect from 9 digits, but rather…

Screenshot of TH04's High Score viewer showing a score of 959,999,999 points for both Reimu and Marisa, which is the highest score that this screen can display without glitches Screenshot of TH05's High Score viewer showing a score of 959,999,999 points for all characters, which is the highest score that this screen can display without glitches
959 million?
(Also, this 9th digit nicely highlights a slight asymmetry in TH04's screen, where Marisa gets 4 fewer pixels of padding between names and scores.)

What a weird limit. Regardless of whether GENSOU.SCR saves its scores in a sane unsigned 32-bit format or a silly 8-digit BCD one, this limit makes no sense in either representation. In fact, GENSOU.SCR goes even further than BCD values, and instead uses… the ID of the corresponding gaiji in the 📝 bold font? :zunpet:
How cute. No matter how you look at it, storing digits with an added offset of 160 makes no sense:

It does start to explain the 959 million limit, though. Since each digit in GENSOU.SCR takes up 1 byte as well, they are indeed limited to a maximum value of (255 - 160) = 95 before they wrap back to 0.
But wait. If the game simply subtracts 160 from the gaiji index to get the digit value, shouldn't this subtraction also wrap back around from 0 to 255 and recover higher values without issue? The answer is, 📝 again, C's integer promotion: Splitting the binary value into two digits involves a division by 10, the C standard mandates that a regular untyped 10 is always of type int, the uint8_t digit operand gets promoted to match, and the result is actually negative and thus doesn't even get recognized as a 9th digit because no negative value is ≥10.

So what would happen if we were to enter a score that exceeds this limit? The registration screen in MAINE.EXE doesn't display the 9th digit and the 8th one wraps around. But it still sorts the score correctly, so at least the internal processing seems to work without any problem…

Screenshot of registering a score of 999,999,999 points in TH04, showing off how such a score would wrap around to 39,999,999 points, despite being sorted correctly. Screenshot of registering a score of 999,999,999 points in TH05, showing off how such a score would wrap around to 39,999,999 points, despite being sorted correctly.
(160 + 99) = 259, which wraps around to 3, so this makes perfect sense. We'll figure out the exact logic behind the differently colored sprite once RE progress reaches this screen.

But once you try viewing this score, you're instead greeted with VRAM corruption resulting from master.lib's super_put() function not bounds-checking the negative sprite IDs passed by the viewer:

Screenshot showing how trying to view a score above 959 million points in TH04's High Score viewer leads to VRAM corruption due to master.lib trying to blit a sprite with a negative ID Screenshot showing how trying to view a score above 959 million points in TH05's High Score viewer leads to VRAM corruption due to master.lib trying to blit a sprite with a negative ID

In a rare case for PC-98 Touhou, the High Score viewer also hides two interesting details regarding its BGM. Just like for the graphics, ZUN also coded a fade-in call for the music. In abbreviated ASM code:

mov ax, 0000h ; PMD AH=00H (start music playback)
int 60h
mov ax, 0280h ; PMD AH=02H (fade in/out)
int 60h
PMD API documentation is here.

However, the AH=02H fade-in call has no effect because AH=00h resets the music volume and would need to be followed by a volume-lowering AH=19h call. But even if there was such a call, the fade-in would sound terrible. 80h corresponds to the fastest possible fade-in speed of -128, which is almost but not quite instant. As such, the fade-in would leave the initial note on each channel muted while the rest of the track fades in very abruptly, which clashes badly with the bass and chord notes you'd expect to hear in the name registration themes of the two games:

At least the first issue could have been avoided if PMD's AH=00h call took optional parameters that describe the initial playback state instead of relying on these mutating calls later on. After all, it might be entirely possible for a bunch of interrupts to fire between AH=00h and these further calls, and if those interrupts take a while, the FM chip might have already played a few samples at PMD's default volume. Sure, Real Mode doesn't stop you from wrapping this sequence in CLI and STI instructions to work around this issue, but why rely on even more CPU state mutation when there would have been plenty of free x86 registers for passing more initial state to AH=00h?

The second detail is the complete opposite: It's a fade-out when leaving the menu, it uses PMD's slowest fade speed, and it does work and sound good. However, the speed is so slow that you typically barely notice the feature before the main menu theme starts playing again. But ZUN hid a small easter egg in the code: After the title screen background faded back in, the games wait for all inputs to be released before moving back into the main menu and playing the title screen theme. By holding any key when leaving the High Score viewer, you can therefore listen to the fade-out for as long as you want.
Although when I said that it works, this does not include TH04. 📝 As 📝 usual, this game's menus do not address the PC-98's keyboard scancode quirk with regard to held keys, causing the loop to break even while the player is still holding a key. There are 21 not yet RE'd input polling calls in TH02 and TH04 that will most certainly reveal similar inconsistencies, are you excited yet? :tannedcirno:
But in TH05, holding a key indeed reveals the hidden-content of a 37-second fade-out:

I'm holding Esc here, but this works with any key, even the ⬅️ left and ➡️ right arrow keys that don't quit out of the menu.

As you can already tell by the markers, the final bugs in TH05's (and only TH05's) OP.EXE are palette-related and revealed by switching between these two screens:

  1. Why does the title screen initially use an ever so slightly darker palette than it does when returning from the menu?
  2. What's with the sudden palette change between frames 1 and 2? Why are the colors suddenly much brighter?

1) is easily traced and attributed to an off-by-one error in the animation's palette fade code, but 2) is slightly more complex. This palette glitch only happens if the High Score viewer is the first palette-changing submenu you enter after the 📝 title animation. Just like 📝 TH03's character portraits, both TH04 and TH05 load the sprites for the High Score screen's digits (SCNUM.BFT) and rank indicator (HI_M.BFT) as soon as the title animation has finished. Since these are regular BFNT sprite sheets, ZUN loads them using master.lib's super_entry_bfnt(), and that's where the issue hides: master.lib's blocking palette fade functions operate on master.lib's main 8-bit palette, and super_entry_bfnt() overwrites this palette with the one in the BFNT header. Synchronizing the hardware palette with this newly loaded one would have immediately revealed this possibly unintended state mutation, but I get why master.lib might not have wanted to do that – after all, 📝 palette uploads aren't exactly cheap and would be very noticeable when loading multiple sprite sheets in a row.
In any case, this is no problem in TH04 as that game's HI_M.BFT and OP1.PI have identical palettes. But in TH05, HI_M.BFT has a significantly brighter palette:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

And that's 100% RE for TH05's OP.EXE! 🎉 TH04's counterpart is not far behind either now, and only misses its title screen animation to reach the same mark.
As for 100% finalization, there's still the not yet decompiled TH04/TH05 version of the ZUN Soft logo that separates both OP.EXE binaries from this goal. But as I've mentioned 📝 time and time again, the most fitting moment for decompiling that animation would be right before reaching 100% on the entirety of either game. Really – as long as we aren't there, your funding is better invested into literally anything else. The ZUN Soft logo does not interact with or block work on any other part of the game, and any potential modding should be easy enough on the ASM level.
But thankfully, nobody actually scrolls down to the Finalized section. So I can rest assured that no one will take that moment away from me! :onricdennat:

Next up: I'd kinda like to stay with PC-98 Touhou for a little longer, but the current backlog is pulling into too many different directions and doesn't convincingly point toward one goal over any other. TH02 is close, but with an active subscription, it makes more sense to accumulate 3 pushes of funding and then go for that game's bullet system in January. This is why I'm OK with subscriptions exceeding the cap every once in a while, because they do allow me to plan ahead in the long term.
So, let's wait a few days for all of you to capture the open towards something more specific. But if the backlog stays as indecisive as it is now, I'll instead go for finishing the Shuusou Gyoku Linux port, hopefully in time for the holiday season.
As for prices, indeed seems to be the point where my supply meets the community's demand for this project and the store no longer sells out immediately. So for the time being, we're going to stay at that push price and I won't increase it any further upon hitting the cap.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
[Anonymous], 32th System
🏷️ Tags:

Remember when ReC98 was about researching the PC-98 Touhou games? After over half a year, we're finally back with some actual RE and decompilation work. The 📝 build system improvement break was definitely worth it though, the new system is a pure joy to use and injected some newfound excitement into day-to-day development.
And what game would be better suited for this occasion than TH03, which currently has the highest number of individual backers interested in it. Funding the full decompilation of TH03's OP.EXE is the clearest signal you can send me that 📝 you want your future TH03 netplay to be as seamlessly integrated and user-friendly as possible. We're just two menu screens away from reaching that goal anyway, and the character selection screen fits nicely into a single push.

  1. TH03's character selection screen
  2. Improved blog navigability

The code of a menu typically starts with loading all its graphics, and TH03's character selection already stands out in that regard due to the sheer amount of image data it involves. Each of the game's 9 selectable characters comes with

  1. a 192×192-pixel portrait (??SL.CD2),
  2. a 32×44-pixel pictogram describing her Extra Attack (in SLEX.CD2), and
  3. a 128×16-pixel image of her name (in CHNAME.BFT). While this image just consists of regular boldfaced versions of font ROM glyphs that the game could just render procedurally, pre-rendering these names and keeping them around in memory does make sense for performance reasons, as we're soon going to see. What doesn't make sense, though, is the fact that this is a 16-color BFNT image instead of a monochrome one, wasting both memory and rendering time.

Luckily, ZUN was sane enough to draw each character's stats programmatically. If you've ever looked through this game's data, you might have wondered where the game stores the sprite for an individual stat star. There's SLWIN.CDG, but that file just contains a full stat window with five stars in all three rows. And sure enough, ZUN renders each character's stats not by blitting sprites, but by painting (5 - value) yellow rectangles over the existing stars in that image. :tannedcirno:

TH03's SLWIN.CDG, showing off how ZUN baked all 15 possible stat stars into the image
The only stat-related image you will find as part of the game files. The number of stat stars per character is hardcoded and not based on any other internal constant we know about.
Together with the EXTRA🎔 window and the question mark portrait for Story Mode, all of this sums up to 255,216 bytes of image data across 14 files. You could remove the unnecessary alpha plane from SLEX.CD2 (-1,584 bytes) or store CHNAME.BFT in a 1-bit format (-6,912 bytes), but using 3.3% less memory barely makes a difference in the grand scheme of things.
From the code, we can assume that loading such an amount of data all at once would have led to a noticeable pause on the game's target PC-98 models. The obvious alternative would be to just start out with the initially visible images and lazy-load the data for other characters as the cursors move through the menu, but the resulting mini-latencies would have been bound to cause minor frame drops as well. Instead, ZUN opted for a rather creative solution: By segmenting the loading process into four parts and moving three of these parts ahead into the main menu, we instead get four smaller latencies in places where they don't stick out as much, if at all:

  1. The loading process starts at the logo animation, with Ellen's, Kotohime's, and Kana's portraits getting loaded after the 東方時空 letters finished sliding in. Why ZUN chose to start with characters #3, #4, and #5 is anyone's guess. :zunpet:
  2. Reimu's, Mima's, and Marisa's portraits as well as all 9 EXTRA🎔 attack pictograms are loaded at the end of the flash animation once the full title image is shown on screen and before the game is waiting for the player to press a key.
  3. The stat and EXTRA🎔 windows are loaded at the end of the main menu's slide-in animation… together with the question mark portrait for Story Mode, even though the player might not actually want to play Story Mode.
  4. Finally, the game loads Rikako's, Chiyuri's, and Yumemi's portraits after it cleared VRAM upon entering the Select screen, regardless of whether the latter two are even unlocked.

I don't like how ZUN implemented this split by using three separately named standalone functions with their own copy-pasted character loop, and the load calls for specific files could have also been arranged in a more optimal order. But otherwise, this has all the ingredients of good-code. As usual, though, ZUN then definitively ruins it all by counteracting the intended latency hiding with… deliberately added latency frames:

Sure, maybe loading the fourth part's 69,120 bytes from a highly fragmented hard drive might have even taken longer than 30 frames on a period-correct PC-98, but the point still stands that these delays don't solve the problem they are supposed to solve.

But the unquestionable main attraction of this menu is its fancy background animation. Mathematically, it consists of Lissajous curves with a twist: Instead of calculating each point as x = sin((fx·t)+ẟx) y = sin((fy·t)+ẟy) , TH03 effectively calculates its points as x = cos(fx·((t+ẟx) % 0xFF)) y = sin(fy·((t+ẟy) % 0xFF)) , due to t and being 📝 8-bit angles. Since the result of the addition remains 8-bit as well, it can and will regularly overflow before the frequency scaling factors fx and fy are applied, thus leading to sudden jumps between both ends of the 8-bit value range. The combination of this overflow and the gradual changes to fx and fy create all these interesting splits along the 360° of the curve:

At a high level, there really is just one big curve and one small curve, plus an array of trailing curves that approximate motion blur by subtracting from ẟx and ẟy.

In a rather unusual display of mathematical purity, ZUN fully re-calculates all variables and every point on every frame from just the single byte of state that indicates the current time within the animation's 128-frame cycle. However, that beauty is quickly tarnished by the actual cost of fully recalculating these curves every frame:

This is decidedly more than the 1.17 million cycles we have between each VSync on the game's target 66 MHz CPUs. So it's not surprising that this effect is not rendered at 56.4 FPS, but instead drops the frame rate of the entire menu by targeting a hardcoded 1 frame per 3 VSync interrupts, or 18.8 FPS. Accordingly, I reduced the frame rate of the video above to represent the actual animation cycle as cleanly as possible.
Apparently, ZUN also tested the game on the 33 MHz PC-98 model that he targeted with TH01 and TH02, and realized that 4,096 points were way too much even at 18.8 FPS. So he also added a mechanism that decrements the number of trailing curves if the last frame took ≥5 VSync interrupts, down to a minimum of only a single extra curve. You can see this in action by underclocking the CPU in your Neko Project fork of choice.

But were any of these measures really necessary? Couldn't ZUN just have allocated a 12 KiB ring buffer to keep the coordinates of previous curves, thus reducing per-frame calculations to just 512 points? Well, he could have, but we now can't use such a buffer to optimize the original animation. The 8-bit main angle offset/animation cycle variable advances by 0x02 every frame, but some of the trailing curves subtract odd numbers from this variable and thus fall between two frames of the main curves.
So let's shelve the idea of high-level algorithmic optimizations. In this particular case though, even micro-optimizations can have massive benefits. The sheer number of points magnifies the performance impact of every suboptimal code generation decision within the inner point loop:

Multiplied by the number of points, even these low-hanging fruit already save a whopping ≥753,664 cycles per frame on an i486, without writing a single line of ASM! On Pentium CPUs such as the one in the PC-9821Xa7 that ZUN supposedly developed this game on, the savings are slightly smaller because far calls are much faster, but still come in at a hefty ≥491,520 cycles. Thus, this animation easily beats 📝 TH01's sprite blitting and unblitting code, which just barely hit the 6-digit mark of wasted cycles, and snatches the crown of being the single most unoptimized code in all of PC-98 Touhou.
The incredible irony here is that TH03 is the point where ZUN 📝 really 📝 started 📝 going 📝 overboard with useless ASM micro-optimizations, yet he didn't even begin to optimize the one thing that would have actually benefitted from it. Maybe he 📝 once again went for the 📽️ cinematic look 📽️ on purpose?

Unlike TH01's sprites though, all this wasted performance doesn't really matter much in the end. Sure, optimizing the animation would give us more trailing curves on slower PC-98 models, but any attempt to increase the frame rate by interpolating angles would send us straight into fanfiction territory. Due to the 0x02/2.8125° increment per cycle, tripling the frame rate of this animation would require a change to a very awkward (log2384) = 8.58-bit angle format, complete with a new 384-entry sine/cosine lookup table. And honestly, the effect does look quite impressive even at 18.8 FPS.

There are three more bugs and quirks in this animation that are unrelated to performance:

Now with the full 18 curves, a direction change of the smaller trailing curves at the end of the loop that only looks slightly odd, and a reversed and more natural plotting order.

If you want to play with the math in a more user-friendly and high-res way, here's a Desmos graph of the full animation, converted to 360° angles and with toggles for the discontinuity and trail count fixes.

Now that we fully understand how the curve animation works, there's one more issue left to investigate. Let's actually try holding the Z key to auto-select Reimu on the very first frame of the Story Mode Select screen:

The confirmation flash even happens before the menu's first page flip.

Stepping through the individual frames of the video above reveals quite a bit of tearing, particularly when VRAM is cleared in frame 1 and during the menu's first page flip in frame 49. This might remind you of 📝 the tearing issues in the Music Rooms – and indeed, this tearing is once again the expected result of ZUN landmines in the code, not an emulation bug. In fact, quite the contrary: Scanline-based rendering is a mark of quality in an emulator, as it always requires more coding effort and processing power than not doing it. Everyone's favorite two PC-98 emulators from 20 years ago might look nicer on a per-frame basis, but only because they effectively hide ZUN's frequent confusion around VRAM page flips.
To understand these tearing issues, we need to consider two more code details:

  1. If a frame took longer than 3 VSync interrupts to render, ZUN flips the VRAM pages immediately without waiting for the next VSync interrupt.
  2. The hardware palette fade-out is the last thing done at the end of the per-frame rendering loop, but before busy-waiting for the VSync interrupt.

The combination of 1) and the aforementioned 30-frame delay quirk explains Frame 49. There, the page flip happens within the second frame of the three-frame chunk while the electron beam is drawing row #156. DOSBox-X doesn't try to be cycle-accurate to specific CPUs, but 1 menu frame taking 1.39 real-time frames at 56.4 FPS is roughly in line with the cycle counting we did earlier.
Frame 97 is the much more intriguing one, though. While it's mildly amusing to see the palette actually go brighter for a single frame before it fades out, the interesting aspect here is that 2) practically guarantees its palette changes to happen mid-frame. And since the CRT's electron beam might be anywhere at that point… yup, that's how you'd get more than 16 colors out of the PC-98's 16-color graphics mode. 🎨
Let's exaggerate the brightness difference a bit in case the original difference doesn't come across too clearly on your display:

Frame 97 of the video above, with a brighter initial palette to highlight the mid-frame palette change
Probably not too much of a reason for demosceners to get excited; generic PC-98 code that doesn't try to target specific CPUs would still need a way of reliably timing such mid-frame palette changes. Bit 6 (0x40) of I/O port 0xA0 indicates HBlank, and the usual documentation suggests that you could just busy-wait for that bit to flip, but an HBlank interrupt would be much nicer.

This reproduces on both DOSBox-X and Neko Project 21/W, although the latter needs the Screen → Real palettes option enabled to actually emulate a CRT electron beam. Unfortunately, I couldn't confirm it on real hardware because my PC-9821Nw133's screen vinegar'd at the beginning of the year. But just as with the image loading times, TH03's remaining code sorts of indicate that mid-frame palette changes were noticeable on real hardware, by means of this little flag I RE'd way back in March 2019. Sure, palette_show() takes >2,850 cycles on a 486 to downconvert master.lib's 8-bit palette to the GDC's 4-bit format and send it over, and that might add up with more than one palette-changing effect per frame. But tearing is a way more likely explanation for deferring all palette updates until after VSync and to the next frame.

And that completes another menu, placing us a very likely 2 pushes away from completing TH03's OP.EXE! Not many of those left now…

To balance out this heavy research into a comparatively small amount of code, I slotted in 2024's Part 2 of my usual bi-annual website improvements. This time, they went toward future-proofing the blog and making it a lot more navigable. You've probably already noticed the changes, but here's the full changelog:

Speaking of microblogging platforms, I've now also followed a good chunk of the Touhou community to Bluesky! The algorithms there seem to treat my posts much more favorably than Twitter has been doing lately, despite me having less than 1/10 of mostly automatically migrated followers there. For now, I'm going to cross-post new stuff to both platforms, but I might eventually spend a push to migrate my entire tweet history over to a self-hosted PDS to own the primary source of this data.

Next up: Staying with main menus, but jumping forward to TH04 and TH05 and finalizing some code there. Should be a quick one.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Ember2528, [Anonymous]
🏷️ Tags:

And then, the Shuusou Gyoku renderer rewrite escalated to another 10-push monster that delayed the planned Seihou Summer™ straight into mid-fall. Guess that's just how things go these days at my current level of quality. Testing and polish made up half of the development time of this new build, which probably doesn't surprise anyone who has ever dealt with GPUs and drivers…

  1. Codebase cleanup and portability
  2. Rolling out C++ Standard Library Modules
  3. Pearls uncovered by static analysis (← start here if you don't particularly care about C++)
  4. Finishing the new graphics architecture (and discovering every remaining 8-bit/16-bit inconsistency)
  5. Starting the SDL port with the simple things
  6. Porting the lens ball effect
  7. Adding scaled window and borderless fullscreen modes
  8. Screenshots, and how they force us to rethink scaling
  9. Achieving subpixel accuracy
  10. Future work
  11. Recreating the Sound Canvas VA BGM packs (now with panning delay)

But first, let's finally deploy C++23 Standard Library Modules! I've been waiting for the promised compile-time improvements of modules for 4 years now, so I was bound to jump at the very first possible opportunity to use them in a project. Unfortunately, MSVC further complicates such a migration by adding one particularly annoying proprietary requirement:

… which means we're now faced with hundreds of little warnings and C++ Core Guideline violations from pbg's code. Sure, we could just disable all warnings when compiling pbg's source files and get on with rolling out modules, because they would still count as "statically analyzed" in this case. :tannedcirno: But that's silly. As development continues and we write more of our own modern code, more and more of it will invariably end up within pbg's files, merging and intertwining with original game code. Therefore, not analyzing these files is bound to leave more and more potential issues undetected. Heck, I've already committed a static initialization order fiasco by accident that only turned into an actual crash halfway through the development of these 10 pushes. Static analysis would have caught that issue.
So let's meet in the middle. Focus on a sensible subset of warnings that we would appreciate in our own code or that could reveal bugs or portability issues in pbg's code, but disable anything that would lead to giant and dangerous refactors or that won't apply to our own code. For example, it would sure be nice to rewrite certain instances of goto spaghetti into something more structured, but since we ourselves won't use goto, it's not worth worrying about within a porting project.

After deduplicating lots of code to reduce the sheer number of warnings, the single biggest remaining group of issues were the C-style casts littered throughout the code. These combine the unconstrained unsafety of C with the fact that most of them use the classic uppercase integer types from <windows.h>, adding a further portability aspect to this class of issues.
The perhaps biggest problem about them, however, is that casts are a unary operator with its own place in the precedence hierarchy. If you don't surround them with even more brackets to indicate the exact order of operations, you can confuse and mislead the hell out of anyone trying to read your code. This is how we end up with the single most devious piece of arithmetic I've found in this game so far:

BYTE d = (BYTE)(t->d+4)/8;	// 修正 8 ごとで 32 分割だからズラシは 4
t->d is a BYTE as well.

If you don't look at vintage C code all day, this cast looks redundant at first glance. Why would you separately cast the result of this expression to the type of the receiving variable? However, casting has higher precedence than division, so the code actually downcasts the dividend, (t->d+4), not the result of the division. And why would pbg do that? Because the regular, untyped 4 is implicitly an int, C promotes t->d to int as well, thus avoiding the intended 8-bit overflow. If t->d is 252, removing the cast would therefore result in ((int{ 252 } + int{ 4 }) / 8) = 256 / 8 = 32, not the 0 we wanted to have. And since this line is part of the sprite selection for VIVIT-captured-'s feather bullets, omitting the cast has a visible effect on the game:

A circle of VIVIT-captured-'s feather bullets as shown shortly after the beginning of her final form, but with one feather bullet turned into a "YZ" sprite due to a removed downcast of the dividend in the angle calculationA circle of VIVIT-captured-'s feather bullets as shown shortly after the beginning of her final form, rendered correctly
The first file in GRAPH.DAT explains what we're seeing here.

So let's add brackets and replace the C-style cast with a C++ static_cast to make this more readable:

const auto d = (static_cast<uint8_t>(t->d + 4) / 8);

But that only addresses the precedence pitfall and doesn't tell us why we need that cast in the first place. Can we be more explicit?

const auto d = (((t->d + 4) & 0xFF) / 8);

That might be better, but still assumes familiarity with integer promotion for that mask to not appear redundant. What's the strongest way we could scream integer promotion to anyone trying to touch this code?

const auto d = (Cast::down_sign<uint8_t>(t->d + 4) / 8);
Of course, I also added a lengthy comment above this line.

Now we're talking! Cast::down_sign() uses static_asserts to enforce that its argument must be both larger and differently signed than the target type inside the angle brackets. This unmistakably clarifies that we want to truncate a promoted integer addition because the code wouldn't even compile if the argument was already a uint8_t. As such, this new set of casts I came up with goes even further in terms of clarifying intent than the gsl::narrow_cast() proposed by the C++ Core Guidelines, which is purely informational.

OK, so replacing C-style casts is better for readability, but why care about it during a porting project? Wouldn't it be more efficient to just typedef the <windows.h> types for the Linux code and be done with it? Well, the ECL and SCL interpreters provide another good reason not to do that:

case(ECL_SETUP): // 敵の初期化
	e->hp    = *(DWORD *)(&cmd[1]);
	e->score = *(DWORD *)(&cmd[1+4]);

In these instances, the DWORD type communicates that this codebase originally targeted Windows, and implies that the cmd buffer stores these 32-bit values in little-endian format. Therefore, replacing DWORD with the seemingly more portable uint32_t would actually be worse as it no longer communicates the endianness assumption. Instead, let's make the endianness explicit:

case(ECL_SETUP): // 敵の初期化
+	e->hp    = U32LEAt(&cmd[1 + 0]);
+	e->score = U32LEAt(&cmd[1 + 4]);
No surprises once we port this game to a big-endian system – and much fewer characters than a pedantic reinterpret_cast, too.

With that and another pile of improvements for my Tup building blocks, we finally get to deploy import std; across the codebase, and improve our build times by…
…not exactly the mid-three-digit percentages I was hoping for. Previously, a full parallel compilation of the Debug build took roughly 23.9s on my 6-year-old 6-core Intel Core i5-8400T. With modules, we now need to compile the C++ standard library a single time on every from-scratch rebuild or after a compiler version update, which adds an unparallelizable ~5.8s to the build time. After that though, all C++ code compiles within ~12.4s, yielding a still decent 92% speedup for regular development. 🎉 Let's look more closely into these numbers and the resulting state of the codebase:

But in the end, the halved compile times during regular development are well worth sacrificing IntelliSense for the time being… especially given that I am the only one who has to live in this codebase. 🧠 And besides, modules bring their own set of productivity boosts to further offset this loss: We can now freely use modern C++ standard library features at a minuscule fraction of their usual compile time cost, and get to cut down the number of necessary #include directives. Once you've experienced the simplicity of import std;, headers and their associated micro-optimization of #include costs immediately feels archaic. Try the equally undocumented /d1reportTime flag to get an idea of the compile time impact of function definitions and template instantiations inside headers… I've definitely been moving quite a few of those to .cpp files within these 10 pushes.

However, it still felt like the earliest possible point in time where doing this was feasible at all. Without LSP support, modules still feel way too bleeding-edge for a feature that was added to the C++ standard 4 years ago. This is why I only chose to use them for covering the C++ standard library for now, as we have yet to see how well GCC or Clang handle it all for the Linux port. If we run into any issues, it makes sense to polyfill any workarounds as part of the Tup building blocks instead of bloating the code with all the standard library header inclusions I'm so glad to have gotten rid of.
Well, almost all of them, because we still have to #include <assert.h> and <stdlib.h> because modules can't expose preprocessor macros and C++23 has no macro-less alternative for assert() and offsetof(). 🤦 [[assume()]] exists, but it's the exact opposite of assert(). How disappointing.

As expected, static analysis also brought a small number of pbg code pearls into focus. This list would have fit better into the static analysis section, but I figured that my audience might not necessarily care about C++ all that much, so here it is:

Alright, on to graphics! With font rendering and surface management mostly taken care of last year, the main focus for this final stretch was on all the geometric shapes and color gradients. pbg placed a bunch of rather game-specific code in the platform layer directly next to the Direct3D API calls, including point generation for circles and even the colors of gradient rectangles, gradient polygons, and the Music Room's spectrum analyzer. We don't want to duplicate any of this as part of the new SDL graphics layer, so I moved it all into a new game-level geometry system. By placing both the 8-bit and 16-bit approaches next to each other, this new system also draws more attention to the different approaches used at each bit depth.
So far, so boring. Said differences themselves are rather interesting though, as this refactor uncovered all of the remaining inconsistencies between the two modes:

  1. In 8-bit mode, the game draws circles by writing pixels along the accurate outline into the framebuffer. The hardware-accelerated equivalent for the 16-bit mode would be a large unwieldy point list, so the game instead approximates circles by drawing straight lines along a regular 32-sided polygon:
    Screenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's circle drawing in 8-bit mode as shown during the Marisa boss fightScreenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's circle drawing in 16-bit mode as shown during the Marisa boss fight
    It's not like the APIs prevent the 16-bit mode from taking the same approach as the 8-bit mode, so I suppose that pbg profiled this and concluded that lines offloaded to the GPU performed better than locking the framebuffer and writing pixels? Then again, given Shuusou Gyoku's comparatively high system requirements…

    For preservation and consistency reasons, the SDL backend will also go with the approximation, although we could provide the accurate rendering of 8-bit mode via point lists if there's interest.

  2. There's an off-by-one error in the playfield clipping region for Direct3D-rendered shapes, which ends at (511, 479) instead of (512, 480):
    Screenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's circle drawing in 8-bit mode as shown during the Marisa boss fightScreenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's circle drawing in 16-bit mode as shown during the Marisa boss fight
    The fix is obvious.
  3. There's an off-by-one error in the 8-bit rendering code for opaque rectangles that causes them to appear 1 pixel wider than in 16-bit mode. The red backgrounds behind the currently entered score are the only such boxes in the entire game; the transparent rectangles used everywhere else are drawn with the same width in both modes.
    Screenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's High Score entry menu in 8-bit mode, highlighting 1st place with red backgrounds that are 1 pixel wider than in 16-bit modeScreenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's High Score entry menu in 16-bit mode, highlighting 1st place with red backgrounds at the correct size passed by game code
    The game code also clearly asks for 400 and 14 pixels, respectively.
  4. If we move the nice and accurate 8-bit circle outlines closer to the edge of the playfield, we discover, you guessed it, yet another off-by-one error:
    Screenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's circle drawing in 8-bit mode as shown during the Marisa boss fight, this time with the circles closer to the right edge of the playfield to highlight the off-by-one error in their clipping conditionScreenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's circle drawing in 16-bit mode as shown during the Marisa boss fight and with a fixed playfield clipping region for Direct3D shapes, this time with the circles closer to the right edge of the playfield to compare their correct clipping against the off-by-one error in 8-bit mode
    No circle pixels at the right edge of the playfield. Obviously, I had to fix bug #2 in order for the line approximation to not also get clipped at the same coordinate.
  5. The final off-by-one clipping error can be found in the filled circle part of homing lasers in 8-bit mode, but it's so minor that it doesn't deserve its own screenshot.
  6. Also, how about 16-bit circles being off by one full rotation? pbg's code originally generated and rendered 720° worth of points, thus unnecessarily duplicating the number of lines rendered.

Now that all of the more complex geometry is generated as part of game code, I could simplify most of the engine's graphics layer down to the classic immediate primitives of early 3D rendering: Line strips, triangle strips, and triangle fans, although I'm retaining pbg's dedicated functions for filled boxes and single gradient lines in case a backend can or needs to use special abstractions for these. (Hint, hint…)

So, let's add an SDL graphics backend! With all the earlier preparation work, most of the SDL-specific sprite and geometry code turned out as a very thin wrapper around the, for once, truly simple function calls of the DirectMedia layer. Texture loading from the original color-keyed BMP files, for example, turned into a sequence of 7 straight-line function calls, with most of the work done by SDL_LoadBMP_RW(), SDL_SetColorKey(), and SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(). And although SDL_LoadBMP_RW() definitely has its fair share of unnecessary allocations and copies, the whole sequence still loads textures ~300 µs faster than the old GDI and DirectDraw backend.

Being more modern than our immediate geometry primitives, SDL's triangle renderer only either renders vertex buffers as triangle lists or requires a corresponding index buffer to realize triangle strips and fans. On paper, this would require an additional memory allocation for each rendered shape. But since we know that Shuusou Gyoku never passes more than 66 vertices at once to the backend, we can be fancy and compute two constant index buffers at compile time. 🧠 SDL_RenderGeometryRaw() is the true star of the show here: Not only does it allow us to decouple position and color data compared to SDL's default packed vertex structure, but it even allows the neat size optimization of 8-bit index buffers instead of enforcing 32-bit ones.

By far the funniest porting solution can be found in the Music Room's spectrum analyzer, which calls for 144 1-pixel gradient lines of varying heights. SDL_Renderer has no API for rendering lines with multiple colors… which means that we have to render them as 144 quads with a width of 1 pixel. :onricdennat:

The spectrum analyzer in Shuusou Gyoku's Music Room, at 6× magnificationThe spectrum analyzer in Shuusou Gyoku's Music Room, with a wireframe render of the spectrum overlaid to demonstrate how the new SDL backend renders these gradient lines, at 6× magnification
The wireframe was generated via a raw glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);

But all these simple abstractions have to be implemented somehow, and this is where we get to perhaps the biggest technical advantage of SDL_Renderer over pbg's old graphics backend. We're no longer locked into just a single underlying graphics API like Direct3D 2, but can choose any of the APIs that the team implemented the high-level renderer abstraction for. We can even switch between them at runtime!
On Windows, we have the choice between 3 Direct3D versions, 2 OpenGL versions, and the software renderer. And as we're going to see, all we should do here is define a sensible default and then allow players to override it in a dedicated menu:

Screenshot of the new API configuration submenu in the P0295 build of Shuusou Gyoku, highlighting the default OpenGL API
Huh, we default to OpenGL 2.1? Aren't we still on Windows? :thonk:

Since such a menu is pretty much asking for people to try every GPU ever with every one of these APIs, there are bound to be bugs with certain combinations. To prevent the potentially infinite workload, these bugs are exempt from my usual free bugfix policy as long as we can get the game working on at least one API without issues. The new initialization code should be resilient enough to automatically fall back on one of SDL's other driver APIs in case the default OpenGL 2.1 fails to initialize for whatever reason, and we can still fight about the best default API.

But let's assume the hopefully usual case of a functional GPU with at least decently written drivers where most of the APIs will work without visible issues. Which of them is the most performant/power-saving one on any given system? With every API having a slightly different idea about 3D rendering, there are bound to be some performance differences, and maybe these even differ between GPUs. But just how large would they be?
The answer is yes:

SystemFPS (lowest | median) / API
Intel Core i5-2520M (2011)
Intel HD Graphics 3000 (2011)
66190Direct3D 9
150288OpenGL 2.1
Intel Core i5-8400T (2018)
Intel UHD Graphics 630 (2018)
217485Direct3D 9
104331Direct3D 11
59143Direct3D 12
438569OpenGL 2.1
Intel Core i7-7700HQ (2017)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Max Q, thermal-throttled (2017)
141445Direct3D 9
155468Direct3D 11
218520Direct3D 12
528682OpenGL 2.1
652721OpenGL ES 2.0
Intel i7-4790 (2017)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER (2019)
640×480, scaled to 1760×1320
20042172Direct3D 9
11421249OpenGL 2.1
AMD Ryzen 5800X (2020)
Radeon RX 7900XTX (2022)
5551219Direct3D 9
7501440OpenGL 2.1
SystemFPS (lowest | median) / API
Intel Core i5-2520M (2011)
Intel HD Graphics 3000 (2011)
3390Direct3D 9
63176OpenGL 2.1
Intel Core i5-8400T (2018)
Intel UHD Graphics 630 (2018)
133379Direct3D 9
5872Direct3D 11
33105Direct3D 12
367503OpenGL 2.1
Intel Core i7-7700HQ (2017)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Max Q, thermal-throttled (2017)
19202Direct3D 9
134330Direct3D 11
218390Direct3D 12
510618OpenGL 2.1
339675OpenGL ES 2.0
Intel i7-4790 (2017)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER (2019)
640×480, scaled to 1760×1320
16361990Direct3D 9
6751047OpenGL 2.1
AMD Ryzen 5800X (2020)
Radeon RX 7900XTX (2022)
276487Direct3D 9
6811011OpenGL 2.1
Computed using pbg's original per-second debugging algorithm. Except for the Intel i7-4790 test, all of these use SDL's default geometry scaling mode as explained further below. The GeForce GTX 1070 could probably be twice as fast if it weren't inside a laptop that thermal-throttles after about 10 seconds of unlimited rendering.
The two tested replays decently represent the entire game: In Stage 6, the software renderer frequently drops into low 1-digit FPS numbers as it struggles with the blending effects used by the Laser shot type's bomb, whereas GPUs enjoy the absence of background tiles. In the Extra Stage, it's the other way round: The tiled background and a certain large bullet cancel emphasize the inefficiency of unbatched rendering on GPUs, but the software renderer has a comparatively much easier time.

And that's why I picked OpenGL as the default. It's either the best or close to the best choice everywhere, and in the one case where it isn't, it doesn't matter because the GPU is powerful enough for the game anyway.

If those numbers still look way too low for what Shuusou Gyoku is (because they kind of do), you can try enabling SDL's draw call batching by setting the environment variable SDL_RENDER_BATCHING to 1. This at least doubles the FPS for all hardware-accelerated APIs on the Intel UHD 630 in the Extra Stage, and astonishingly turns Direct3D 11 from the slowest API into by far the fastest one, speeding it up by 22× for a median FPS of 1617. I only didn't activate batching by default because it causes stability issues with OpenGL ES 2.0 on the same system. But honestly, if even a mid-range laptop from 13 years ago manages a stable 60 FPS on the default OpenGL driver while still scaling the game, there's no real need to spend budget on performance improvements.
If anything, these numbers justify my choice of not focusing on a specific one of these APIs when coding retro games. There are only very few fields that target a wider range of systems with their software than retrogaming, and as we've seen, each of SDL's supported APIs could be the optimal choice on some system out there.

The replays we used for testing:

📝 Last year, it seemed as if the 西方Project logo screen's lens ball effect would be one of the more tricky things to port to SDL_Renderer, and that impression was definitely accurate.

The effect works by capturing the original 140×140 pixels under the moving lens ball from the framebuffer into a temporary buffer and then overwriting the framebuffer pixels by shifting and stretching the captured ones according to a pre-calculated table. With DirectDraw, this is no big deal because you can simply lock the framebuffer for read and write access. If it weren't for the fact that you need to either generate or hand-write different code for every support bit depth, this would be one of the most natural effects you could implement with such an API. Modern graphics APIs, however, don't offer this luxury because it didn't take long for this feature to become a liability. Even 20 years ago, you'd rather write this sort of effect as a pixel shader that would directly run on the GPU in a much more accelerated way. Which is a non-starter for us – we sure ain't breaking SDL's abstractions to write a separate shader for every one of SDL_Renderer's supported APIs just for a single effect in the logo screen.
As such, SDL_Renderer doesn't even begin to provide framebuffer locking. We can only get close by splitting the two operations:

Within these API limitations, we can now cobble together a first solution:

  1. Rely on render-to-texture being supported. This is the case for all APIs that are currently implemented for SDL 2's renderer and SDL 3 even made support mandatory, but who knows if we ever get our hands on one of the elusive SDL 2 console ports under NDA and encounter one of them that doesn't support it… :thonk:
  2. Create a 640×480 texture that serves as our editable framebuffer.
  3. Create a 140×140 buffer in main memory, serving as the input and output buffer for the effect. We don't need the full 640×480 here because the effect only modifies the pixels below the magnified 140×140 area and doesn't push them further outside.
  4. Retain the original main-memory 140×140 buffer from the DirectDraw implementation that captures the current frame's pixels under the lens ball before we modify the pixels.
  5. Each frame, we then
    1. render the scene onto 2),
    2. capture the magnified area using SDL_RenderReadPixels(), reading from 2) and writing to 3),
    3. copy 3) to 4) using a regular memcpy(),
    4. apply the lens effect by shifting around pixels, reading from 4) and writing to 3),
    5. write 3) back to 2), and finally
    6. use 2) as the texture for a quad that scales the texture to the size of the window.

Compared to the DirectDraw approach, this adds the technical insecurity of render-to-texture support, one additional texture, one additional fullscreen blit, at least one additional buffer, and two additional copies that comprise a round-trip from GPU to CPU and back. It surely would have worked, but the documentation suggestions and horror stories surrounding SDL_RenderReadPixels() put me off even trying that approach. Also, it would turn out to clash with an implementation detail we're going to look at later.
However, our scene merely consists of a 320×42 image on top of a black background. If we need the resulting pixels in CPU-accessible memory anyway, there's little point in hardware-rendering such a simple scene to begin with, especially if SDL lets you create independent software renderers that support the same draw calls but explicitly write pixels to buffers in regular system memory under your full control.
This simplifies our solution to the following:

  1. Create a 640×480 surface in main memory, acting as the target surface for SDL_CreateSoftwareRenderer(). But since the potentially hardware-accelerated renderer drivers can't render pixels from such surfaces, we still have to
  2. create an additional 640×480 texture in write-only GPU memory.
  3. Retain the original main-memory 140×140 buffer from the DirectDraw implementation that captures the current frame's pixels under the lens ball before we modify the pixels.
  4. Each frame, we then
    1. software-render the scene onto 1),
    2. capture the magnified area using a regular memcpy(), reading from 1) and writing to 3),
    3. apply the lens effect by shifting around pixels, reading from 3) and writing to 1),
    4. upload all of 1) onto 2), and finally
    5. use 2) as the texture for a quad that scales the texture to the size of the window.

This cuts out the GPU→CPU pixel transfer and replaces the second lens pixel buffer with a software-rendered surface that we can freely manipulate. This seems to require more memory at first, but this memory would actually come in handy for screenshots later on. It also requires the game to enter and leave the new dedicated software rendering mode to ensure that the 西方Project image gets loaded as a system-memory "texture" instead of a GPU-memory one, but that's just two additional calls in the logo and title loading functions.
Also, we would now software-render all of these 256 frames, including the fades. Since software rendering requires the 西方Project image to reside in main memory, it's hard to justify an additional GPU upload just to render the 127 frames surrounding the animation.

Still, we've only eliminated a single copy, and SDL_UpdateTexture() can and will do even more under the hood. Suddenly, SDL having its own shader language seems like the lesser evil, doesn't it? When writing it out like this, it sure looks as if hardware rendering adds nothing but overhead here. So how about full-on dropping into software rendering and handling the scaling from 640×480 to the window resolution in software as well? This would allow us to cut out steps 2) and d), leaving 1) as our one and only framebuffer.
It sure sounds a lot more efficient. But actually trying this solution revealed that I had a completely wrong idea of the inefficiencies here:

  1. We do want to hardware-render the rest of the game, so we'd need to switch from software to hardware at the end of the logo animation. As it turns out, this switch is a rather expensive operation that would add an awkward ~500 ms pause between logo and title screen.
  2. Most importantly, though: Hardware-accelerating the final scaling step is kind of important these days. SDL's CPU scaling implementation can get really slow if a bilinear filter is involved; on my system, software-scaling 62.5 frames per second by 1.75× to 1120×840 pixels increases CPU usage by ~10%-20% in Release mode, and even drops FPS to 50 in Debug mode.

This was perhaps the biggest lesson in this sudden 25-year jump from optimizing for a PC-98 and suffering under slow DirectDraw and Direct3D wrappers into the present of GPU rendering. Even though some drivers technically don't need these redundant CPU copies, a slight bit of added CPU time is still more than worth it if it means that we get to offload the actually expensive stuff onto the GPU.

But we all know that 4-digit frame rates aren't the main draw of rendering graphics through SDL. Besides cross-platform compatibility, the most useful aspect for Shuusou Gyoku is how SDL greatly simplifies the addition of the scaled window and borderless fullscreen modes you'd expect for retro pixel graphics on modern displays. Of course, allowing all of these settings to be changed in-engine from inside the Graphic options menu is the minimum UX comfort level we would accept here – after all, something like a separate DPI-aware dialog window at startup would be harder to port anyway.
For each setting, we can achieve this level of comfort in one of two ways:

  1. We could simply shut down SDL's underlying render driver, close the window, and reopen/reinitialize the window and driver, reloading any game graphics as necessary. This is the simplest way: We can just reuse our backend's full initialization code that runs at startup and don't need any code on top. However, it would feel rather janky and cheap.
  2. Or we could use SDL's various setter functions to only apply the single change to the specific setting… and anything that setting depends on. This would feel really smooth to use, but would require additional code with a couple of branches.

pbg's code already geared slightly towards 2) with its feature to seamlessly change the bit depth. And with the amount of budget I'm given these days, it should be obvious what I went with. This definitely wasn't trivial and involved lots of state juggling and careful ordering of these procedural, imperative operations, even at the level of "just" using high-level SDL API calls for everything. It must have undoubtedly been worse for the SDL developers; after all, every new option for a specific parameter multiplies the amount of potential window state transitions.
In the end though, most of it ended up working at our preferred high level of quality, leaving only a few cases where either SDL or the driver API forces us to throw away and recreate the window after all:

As for the actual settings, I decided on making the windowed-mode scale factor customizable at intervals of 0.25, or 160×120 pixels, up to the taskbar-excluding resolution of the current display the game window is placed on. Sure, restricting the factor to integer values is the idealistically correct thing to do, but 640×480 is a rather large source resolution compared to the retro consoles where integer scaling is typically brought up. Hence, such a limitation would be suboptimal for a large number of displays, most notably any old 720p display or those laptop screens with 1366×768 resolutions.
In the new borderless fullscreen mode, the configurable scaling factor breaks down into all three possible interpretations of "fitting the game window onto the whole screen":

What currently can't be configured is the image filter used for scaling. The game always uses nearest-neighbor at integer scaling factors and bilinear filtering at fractional ones.

Screenshot of the Integer fit option in the borderless fullscreen mode of the P0295 Shuusou Gyoku build, as captured on a 1280×720 displayScreenshot of the 4:3 fit option in the borderless fullscreen mode of the P0295 Shuusou Gyoku build, as captured on a 1280×720 displayScreenshot of the Stretch fit option in the borderless fullscreen mode of the P0295 Shuusou Gyoku build, as captured on a 1280×720 display
The three scaling options available in borderless fullscreen mode as rendered on a 1280×720 display, which is one of the worst display resolutions you could play this game on.
And yes – as the presence of the FullScr[Borderless] option implies, the new build also still supports exclusive, display mode-changing 640×480 boomer fullscreen. 🙌
That ScaleMode, though… :thonk:

And then, I was looking for one more small optional feature to complete the 9th push and came up with the idea of hotkeys that would allow changing any of these settings at any point. Ember2528 considered it the best one of my ideas, so I went ahead… but little did I know that moving these graphics settings out of the main menu would not only significantly reshape the architecture of my code, but also uncover more bugs in my code and even a replay-related one from the original game. Paraphrasing the release notes:

The original game had three bugs that affected the configured difficulty setting when playing the Extra Stage or watching an Extra Stage replay. When returning to the main menu from an Extra Stage replay, the configured difficulty would be overridden with either
  1. the difficulty selected before the last time the Extra Stage's Weapon Select screen was entered, or
  2. Easy, when watching the replay before having been to the Extra Stage's Weapon Select screen during one run of the program.
  3. Also, closing the game window during the Extra Stage (both self-played and replayed) would override the configured difficulty with Hard (the internal difficulty level of the Extra Stage).
This had always been slightly annoying during development as I'd been closing the game window quite a bit during the Extra Stage. But the true nature of this bug only became obvious once these hotkeys allowed graphics settings to be changed during the Extra Stage: pbg had been creating a copy of the full configuration structure just because lives, bombs, the difficulty level, and the input flags need to be overwritten with their values from the replay file, only to then recover the user's values by restoring the full structure to its state from before the replay.

But the award for the greatest annoyance goes to this SDL quirk that would reset a render target's clipping region when returning to raw framebuffer rendering, which causes sprites to suddenly appear in the two black 128-pixel sidebars for the one frame after such a change. As long as graphics settings were only available from the unclipped main menu, this quirk only required a single silly workaround of manually backing up and restoring the clipping region. But once hotkeys allowed these settings to be changed while SDL_Renderer clips all draw calls to the 384×480 playfield region, I had to deploy the same exact workaround in three additional places… 🥲 At least I wrote it in a way that allows it to be easily deleted if we ever update to SDL 3, where the team fixed the underlying issue.

In the end, I'm not at all confident in the resulting jumbled mess of imperative code and conditional branches, but at least it proved itself during the 1½ months this feature has existed on my machine. If it's any indication, the testers in the Seihou development Discord group thought it was fine at the beginning of October when there were still 8 bugs left to be discovered. :onricdennat:
As for the mappings themselves: F10 and F11 cycle the window scaling factor or borderless fullscreen fit, F9 toggles the ScaleMode described below, and F8 toggles the frame rate limiter. The latter in particular is very useful for not only benchmarking, but also as a makeshift fast-forward function for replays. Wouldn't rewinding also be cool?

So we've ported everything the game draws, including its most tricky pixel-level effect, and added windowed modes and scaling on top. That only leaves screenshots and then the SDL backend work would be complete. Now that's where we just call SDL_RenderReadPixels() and write the returned pixels into a file, right? We've been scaling the game with the very convenient SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(), so I'd expect to get back the logical 640×480 image to match the original behavior of the screenshot key…
…except that we don't? Why do we only get back the 640×480 pixels in the top-left corner of the game's scaled output, right before it hits the screen? How unfortunate – if SDL forces us to save screenshots at their scaled output resolution, we'd needlessly multiply the disk space that these uncompressed .BMP files take up. But even if we did compress them, there should be no technical reason to blow up the pixels of these screenshots past the logical size we specified…

Taking a closer look at SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize() explains what's going on there. This function merely calculates a scale factor by comparing the requested logical size with the renderer's output size, as well as a viewport within the game window if it has a different aspect ratio than the logical size. Then, it's up to the SDL_Renderer frontend to multiply and offset the coordinates of each incoming vertex using these values.
Therefore, SDL_RenderReadPixels() can't possibly give us back a 640×480 screenshot because there simply is no 640×480 framebuffer that could be captured. As soon as the draw calls hit the render API and could be captured, their coordinates have already been transformed into the scaled viewport.

The solution is obvious: Let's just create that 640×480 image ourselves. We'd first render every frame at that resolution into a texture, and then scale that texture to the window size by placing it on a single quad. From a preservation standpoint, this is also the academically correct thing to do, as it ensures that the entire game is still rendered at its original pixel grid. That's why this framebuffer scaling mode is the default, in contrast to the geometry scaling that SDL comes with.

With integer scaling factors and nearest-neighbor filtering, we'd expect the two approaches to deliver exactly identical pixels as far as sprite rendering is concerned. At fractional resolutions though, we can observe the first difference right in the menu. While geometry scaling always renders boxes with sharp edges, it noticeably darkens the text inside the boxes because it separately scales and alpha-blends each shadowed line of text on top of the already scaled pixels below – remember, 📝 the shadow for each line is baked into the same sprite. Framebuffer scaling, on the other hand, doesn't work on layers and always blurs every edge, but consequently also blends together all pixels in a much more natural way:

Look closer, and you can even see texture coordinate glitches at the edges of the individual text line quads.
Screenshot of the new Graphic option menu in the Shuusou Gyoku P0295 build, as rendered at a scale factor of 3.75× using geometry scaling, showing off both the sharp edges on boxes and the darker, individually-blended lines of textScreenshot of the new Graphic option menu in the Shuusou Gyoku P0295 build, as rendered at a scale factor of 3.75× using framebuffer scaling, showing off the more natural bilinearly-filtered look that blends the entire screen together and results in brighter text

Surprisingly though, we don't see much of a difference with the circles in the Weapon Select screen. If geometry scaling only multiplies and offsets vertices, shouldn't the lines along the 32-sided polygons still be just one pixel thick? As it turns out, SDL puts in quite a bit of effort here: It never actually uses the API's line primitive when scaling the output, but instead takes the endpoints, rasterizes the line on the CPU, and turns each point on the resulting line into a quad the size of the scale factor. Of course, this completely nullifies pbg's original intent of approximating circles with lines for performance reasons. :onricdennat:
The result looks better and better the larger the window is scaled. On low fractional scale factors like 1.25×, however, lines end up looking truly horrid as the complete lack of anti-aliasing causes the 1.25×1.25-pixel point quads to be rasterized as 2 pixels rather than a single one at regular intervals:

Screenshot of the Wide Shot selection in Shuusou Gyoku's Weapon Select screen, as rendered at a scale factor of 1.25× using geometry scaling, showing off the inconsistent rasterization of point quads without anti-aliasingScreenshot of the Wide Shot selection in Shuusou Gyoku's Weapon Select screen, as rendered at a scale factor of 1.25× using framebuffer scaling
Also note how you can either have bright circle colors or bright text colors, but not both.
But once we move in-game, we can even spot differences at integer resolutions if we look closely at all the shapes and gradients. In contrast to lines, software-rasterizing triangles with different vertex colors would be significantly more expensive as you'd suddenly have to cover a triangle's entire filled area with point quads. But thanks to that filled nature, SDL doesn't have to bother: It can merely scale the vertex coordinates as you'd expect and pass them onto the driver. Thus, the triangles get rasterized at the output resolution and end up as smooth and detailed as the output resolution allows:

Screenshot of a long laser used by Shuusou Gyoku's Extra Stage midboss, rendered at a scale factor of 3× and using geometry scaling for smooth edges at the scaled resolutionScreenshot of a long laser used by Shuusou Gyoku's Extra Stage midboss, rendered at 640×480 and framebuffer-scaled to 3× of the original resolution
Note how the HP gauge, being a gradient, also looks smoother with geometry scaling, whereas the Evade gauge, being 9 additively-blended red boxes with decreasing widths, doesn't differ between the modes.
For an even smoother rendering, enable anti-aliasing in your GPU's control panel; SDL unfortunately doesn't offer an API-independent way of enabling it.

You might now either like geometry scaling for adding these high-res elements on top of the pixelated sprites, or you might hate it for blatantly disrespecting the original game's pixel grid. But the main reasons for implementing and offering both modes are technical: As we've learned earlier when porting the lens ball effect, render-to-texture support is technically not guaranteed in SDL 2, and creating an additional texture is technically a fallible operation. Geometry scaling, on the other hand, will always work, as it's just additional arithmetic.
If geometry scaling does find its fans though, we can use it as a foundation for further high-res improvements. After all, this mode can't ever deliver a pixel-perfect rendition of the original Direct3D output, so we're free to add whatever enhancements we like while any accuracy concerns would remain exclusive to framebuffer scaling.

Just don't use geometry scaling with fractional scaling factors. :tannedcirno: These look even worse in-game than they do in the menus: The glitching texture coordinates reveal both the boundaries of on-screen tiles as well as the edge pixels of adjacent tiles within the set, and the scaling can even discolor certain dithered transparency effects, what the…?!

That green color is supposed to be the color key of this sprite sheet… 🤨
Screenshot of a frame of Shuusou Gyoku's Stage 3 intro, rendered at a scale factor of 1.5× using geometry scaling, showing off tons of tilemap texture coordinate glitches and the usually half-transparent shadow of Gates' plane showing up in a strange green colorScreenshot of a frame of Shuusou Gyoku's Stage 3 intro, rendered at a scale factor of 1.5× using framebuffer scaling, with no graphical glitches

With both scaling paradigms in place, we now have a screenshot strategy for every possible rendering mode:

  1. Software-rendering (i.e., showing the 西方Project logo)?
    This is the optimal case. We've already rendered everything into a system-memory framebuffer anyway, so we can just take that buffer and write it to a file.

  2. Hardware-rendering at unscaled 640×480?
    Requires a transfer of the GPU framebuffer to the system-memory buffer we initially allocate for software rendering, but no big deal otherwise.

  3. Hardware-rendering with framebuffer scaling?
    As we've seen with the initial solution for the lens ball effect, flagging a texture as a render target thankfully always allows us to read pixels back from the texture, so this is identical to the case above.

  4. Hardware-rendering with geometry scaling?
    This is the initial case where we must indeed bite the bullet and save the screenshot at the scaled resolution because that's all we can get back from the GPU. Sure, we could software-scale the resulting image back to 640×480, but:

    • That would defeat the entire point of geometry scaling as it would throw away all the increased detail displayed in the screenshots above. Maybe that is something you'd like to capture if you deliberately selected this scale mode.
    • If we scaled back an image rendered at a fractional scaling factor, we'd lose every last trace of sharpness.

    The only sort of reasonable alternative: We could respond to the keypress by setting up a parallel 640×480 software renderer, rendering the next frame in both hardware and software in parallel, and delivering the requested screenshot with a 1-frame lag. This might be closer to what players expect, but it would make quite a mess of this already way too stateful graphics backend. And maybe, the lag is even longer than 1 frame because we simultaneously have to recreate all active textures in CPU-accessible memory…

Now that we can take screenshots, let's take a few and compare our 640×480 output to pbg's original Direct3D backend to see how close we got. Certain small details might vary across all the APIs we can use with SDL_Renderer, but at least for Direct3D 9, we'd expect nothing less than a pixel-perfect match if we pass the exact same vertices to the exact same APIs. But something seems to be wrong with the SDL backend at the subpixel level with any triangle-based geometry, regardless of which rendering API we choose…

Screenshot of the laser-heavy pattern of VIVIT-captured-'s first form, as rendered by pbg's original Direct3D backendScreenshot of the laser-heavy pattern of VIVIT-captured-'s first form, as rendered by the initial state of the SDL graphics backend, showing slightly displaced vertices compared to pbg's original Direct3D backend
As if each polygon was shifted slightly up and to the left…

The culprit is found quickly: SDL's Direct3D 9 driver displaces each vertex by (-0.5, -0.5) after scaling, which is necessary for Direct3D to perfectly match the output of what OpenGL, Direct3D 11, Direct3D 12, and the software renderer would display without this offset. SDL is probably right here, but still, pbg's code doesn't do this. So it's up to us to counteract this displacement by adding (1.0 /(2.0 * scale)) to every vertex. 🤷

The other, much trickier accuracy issue is the line rendering. We saw earlier that SDL software-rasterizes any lines if we geometry-scale, but we do expect it to use the driver's line primitive if we framebuffer-scale or regularly render at 640×480. And at one point, it did, until the SDL team discovered accuracy bugs in various OpenGL implementations and decided to just always software-rasterize lines by default to achieve identical rendered images regardless of the chosen API. Just like with the half-pixel offset above, this is the correct choice for new code, but the wrong one for accurately porting an existing Direct3D game.
Thankfully, you can opt into the API's native line primitive via SDL's hint system, but the emphasis here is on API. This hint can still only ensure a pixel-perfect match if SDL renders via any version of Direct3D and you either use framebuffer scaling or no scaling at all. OpenGL will draw lines differently, and the software renderer just uses the same point rasterizing algorithm that SDL uses when scaling.

Pixels written into the framebuffer along the accurate outline, as we've covered above. Also note the slightly brighter color compared to the 3D-rendered variants.
The original Direct3D line rendering used in pbg's original code, touching a total of 568 pixels.
OpenGL's line rendering gets close, but still puts 16 pixels into different positions. Still, 97.2% of points are accurate to the original game.
The result of SDL's software line rasterizer, which you'd still see in the P0295 build when using either the software renderer or geometry scaling with any API. Slightly more accurate than OpenGL in this particular case with only 14 diverging pixels, matching 97.5% of the original circle.
As another alternative, SDL also offers a mode that renders each line as two triangles. This method naturally scales to any scale factor, but ends up drawing slightly thicker diagonals. You can opt into this mode via SDL's hint system by setting the environment variable SDL_RENDER_LINE_METHOD to 3.
The triangle method would also fit great with the spirit of geometry scaling, rendering smooth high-res circles analogous to the laser examples we saw earlier. This is how it would look like with the game scaled to 3200×2400… yeah, maybe we do want the point list after all, you can clearly see the 32 corners at this scale.
Screenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's Homing Missile weapon option with the circular selection cursor as rendered by pbg's original 8-bit drawing code Screenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's Homing Missile weapon option with the circular selection cursor as rendered by Direct3D's line drawing algorithm Screenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's Homing Missile weapon option with the circular selection cursor as rendered by OpenGL's line drawing algorithm Screenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's Homing Missile weapon option with the circular selection cursor as rendered by SDL's point-based line drawing algorithm Screenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's Homing Missile weapon option with the circular selection cursor as rendered by SDL's triangle-based line drawing algorithm at a scale factor of 1× Screenshot of Shuusou Gyoku's Homing Missile weapon option with the circular selection cursor as rendered by SDL's triangle-based line drawing algorithm at a geometry scale factor of 5×.

Replacing circles with point lists, as mentioned earlier, won't solve everything though, because Shuusou Gyoku also has plenty of non-circle lines:

The final 5-instance frame of Shuusou Gyoku's pre-boss WARNING wireframe animation against a black background, as rendered by pbg's original 8-bit drawing code The final 5-instance frame of Shuusou Gyoku's pre-boss WARNING wireframe animation against a black background, as rendered by Direct3D's line drawing algorithm The final 5-instance frame of Shuusou Gyoku's pre-boss WARNING wireframe animation against a black background, as rendered by OpenGL's line drawing algorithm The final 5-instance frame of Shuusou Gyoku's pre-boss WARNING wireframe animation against a black background, as rendered by SDL's point-based line drawing algorithm The final 5-instance frame of Shuusou Gyoku's pre-boss WARNING wireframe animation against a black background, as rendered by SDL's triangle-based line drawing algorithm at a scale factor of 1× The final 5-instance frame of Shuusou Gyoku's pre-boss WARNING wireframe animation against a black background, as rendered by SDL's triangle-based line drawing algorithm at a geometry scale factor of 5×.
6884 pixels touched by the Direct3D line renderer, a 98.3% match by the OpenGL rasterizer with 119 diverging pixels, and a 97.9% match by the SDL rasterizer with 147 diverging pixels. Looks like OpenGL gets better the longer the lines get, making line render method #2 the better choice even on non-Direct3D drivers.

So yeah, this one's kind of unfortunate, but also very minor as both OpenGL's and SDL's algorithms are at least 97% accurate to the original game. For now, this does mean that you'll manually have to change SDL_Renderer's driver from the OpenGL default to any of the Direct3D ones to get those last 3% of accuracy. However, I strongly believe that everyone who does care at this level will eventually read this sentence. And if we ever actually want 100% accuracy across every driver, we can always reverse-engineer and reimplement the exact algorithm used by Direct3D as part of our game code.

That completes the SDL renderer port for now! As all the GitHub issue links throughout this post have already indicated, I could have gone even further, but this is a convincing enough state for a first release. And once I've added a Linux-native font rendering backend, removed the few remaining <windows.h> types, and compiled the whole thing with GCC or Clang as a 64-bit binary, this will be up and running on Linux as well.

If we take a step back and look at what I've actually ended up writing during these SDL porting endeavors, we see a piece of almost generic retro game input, audio, window, rendering, and scaling middleware code, on top of SDL 2. After a slight bit of additional decoupling, most of this work should be reusable for not only Kioh Gyoku, but even the eventual cross-platform ports of PC-98 Touhou.
Perhaps surprisingly, I'm actually looking forward to Kioh Gyoku now. That game seems to require raw access to the underlying 3D API due to a few effects that seem to involve a Z coordinate, but all of these are transformed in software just like the few 3D effects in Shuusou Gyoku. Coming from a time when hardware T&L wasn't a ubiquitous standard feature on GPUs yet, both games don't even bother and only ever pass Z coordinates of 0 to the graphics API, thus staying within the scope of SDL_Renderer. The only true additional high-level features that Kioh Gyoku requires from a renderer are sprite rotation and scaling, which SDL_Renderer conveniently supports as well. I remember some of my backers thinking that Kioh Gyoku was going to be a huge mess, but looking at its code and not seeing a separate 8-bit render path makes me rather excited to be facing a fraction of Shuusou Gyoku's complexity. The 3D engine sure seems featureful at the surface, and the hundreds of source files sure feel intimidating, but a lot of the harder-to-port parts remained unused in the final game. Kind of ironic that pbg wrote a largely new engine for this game, but we're closer to porting it back to our own enhanced, now almost fully cross-platform version of the Shuusou Gyoku engine.

Speaking of 8-bit render paths though, you might have noticed that I didn't even bother to port that one to SDL. This is certainly suboptimal from a preservation point of view; after all, pbg specifically highlights in the source code's README how the split between palettized 8-bit and direct-color 16-bit modes was a particularly noteworthy aspect of the period in time when this game was written:


Times have changed though, and SDL_Renderer doesn't even expose the concept of rendering bit depth at the API level. 📝 If we remember the initial motivation for these Shuusou Gyoku mods, Windows ≥8 doesn't even support anything below 32-bit anymore, and neither do most of SDL_Renderer's hardware-accelerated drivers as far as texture formats are concerned. While support for 24-bit textures without an alpha channel is still relatively common, only the Linux DirectFB driver might support 16-bit and 8-bit textures, and you'd have to go back to the PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 2, or the software renderer to find guaranteed 16-bit support.

Therefore, full software rendering would be our only option. And sure enough, SDL_Renderer does have the necessary palette mapping code required for software-rendering onto a palettized 8-bit surface in system memory. That would take care of accurately constraining this render path to its intended 256 colors, but we'd still have to upconvert the resulting image to 32-bit every frame and upload it to GPU for hardware-accelerated scaling. This raises the question of whether it's even worth it to have 8-bit rendering in the SDL port to begin with if it will be undeniably slower than the GPU-accelerated direct-color port. If you think it's still a worthwhile thing to have, here is the issue to invest in.

In the meantime though, there is a much simpler way of continuing to preserve the 8-bit mode. As usual, I've kept pbg's old DirectX graphics code working all the way through the architectural cleanup work, which makes it almost trivial to compile that old backend into a separate binary and continue preserving the 8-bit mode in that way.
This binary is also going to evolve into the upcoming Windows 98 backport, and will be accompanied by its own SDL DLL that throws out the Direct3D 11, 12, OpenGL 2, and WASAPI backends as they don't exist on Windows 98. I've already thrown out the SSE2 and AVX implementations of the BLAKE3 hash function in preparation, which explains the smaller binary size. These Windows 98-compatible binaries will obviously have to remain 32-bit, but I'm undecided on whether I should update the regular Windows build to a 64-bit binary or keep it 32-bit:

I'm open to strong opinions that sway me in one or the other direction, but I'm not going to do both – unless, of course, someone subscribes for the continued maintenance of three Windows builds. 😛

Speaking about SDL, we'll probably want to update from SDL 2 to SDL 3 somewhere down the line. It's going to be the future, cleans up the API in a few particularly annoying places, and adds a Vulkan driver to SDL_Renderer. Too bad that the documentation still deters me from using the audio subsystem despite the significant improvements it made in other regards…
For now, I'm still staying on SDL 2 for two main reasons:

Finally, I decided against a Japanese translation of the new menu options for now because the help text communicates too much important information. That will have to wait until we make the whole game translatable into other languages.

📝 I promised to recreate the Sound Canvas VA packs once I know about the exact way real hardware handles the 📝 invalid Reverb Macro messages in ZUN's MIDI files, and what better time to keep that promise than to tack it onto the end of an already long overdue delivery. For some reason, Sound Canvas VA exhibited several weird glitches during the re-rendering processes, which prompted some rather extensive research and validation work to ensure that all tracks generally sound like they did in the previous version of the packages. Figuring out why this patch was necessary could have certainly taken a push on its own…

Interestingly enough, all these comparisons of renderings against each other revealed that the fix only makes a difference in a lot fewer than the expected 34 out of 39 MIDIs. Only 19 tracks – 11 in the OST and 8 in the AST – actually sound different depending on the Reverb Macro, because the remaining 15 set the reverb effect's main level to 0 and are therefore unaffected by the fix.
And then, there is the Stage 1 theme, which only activates reverb during a brief portion of its loop:

Screenshot of the all SysEx messages appearing in the original MIDI file of the OST version of フォルスストロベリー, Shuusou Gyoku's Stage 1 theme, as decoded by DominoScreenshot of the all SysEx messages appearing in the a SysEx-fixed MIDI file of the OST version of フォルスストロベリー, Shuusou Gyoku's Stage 1 theme, as decoded by Domino
As visualized by 📝 Domino.

Thus, this track definitely counts toward the 11 with a distinct echo version. But comparing that version against the no-echo one reveals something truly mind-blowing: The Sound Canvas VA rendering only differs within exactly the 8 bars of the loop, and is bit-by-bit identical anywhere else. 🤯 This is why you use softsynths.

This is the OST version, but it works just as well with the AST.
This is the OST version, but it works just as well with the AST.
Since the no-echo and echo BGM packs are aligned in both time and volume, you can reproduce this result – and explore the differences for any other track across both soundtracks – by simply phase-inverting a no-echo variant file and mixing it into the corresponding echo file. Obviously, this works best with the FLAC files.
Since the no-echo and echo BGM packs are aligned in both time and volume, you can reproduce this result – and explore the differences for any other track across both soundtracks – by simply phase-inverting a no-echo variant file and mixing it into the corresponding echo file. Obviously, this works best with the FLAC files. Trying it with the lossy versions gets surprisingly close though, and simultaneously reveals the infamous Vorbis pre-echo on the drums.

So yeah, the fact that ZUN enabled reverb by suddenly increasing the level for just this 8-bar piano solo erases any doubt about the panning delay having been a quirk or accident. There is no way this wasn't done intentionally; whether the SC-88Pro's default reverb is at 0 or 40 barely makes an audible difference with all the notes played in this section, and wouldn't have been worth the unfortunate chore of inserting another GS SysEx message into the sequence. That's enough evidence to relegate the previous no-echo Sound Canvas VA packs to a strictly unofficial status, and only preserve them for reference purposes. If you downloaded the earlier ones, you might want to update… or maybe not if you don't like the echo, it's all about personal preference at the end of the day.

While we're that deep into reproducibility, it makes sense to address another slight issue with the March release. Back then, I rendered 📝 our favorite three MIDI files, the AST versions of the three Extra Stage themes, with their original long setup area and then trimmed the respective samples at the audio level. But since the MIDI-only BGM pack features a shortened setup area at the MIDI level, rendering these modified MIDI files yourself wouldn't give you back the exact waveforms. 📝 As PCM behaves like a lollipop graph, any change to the position of a note at a tempo that isn't an integer factor of the sampling rate will most likely result in completely different samples and thus be uncomparable via simple phase-cancelling.
In our case though, all three of the tracks in question render with a slightly higher maximum peak amplitude when shortening their MIDI setup area. Normally, I wouldn't bother with such a fluctuation, but remember that シルクロードアリス is by far the loudest piece across both soundtracks, and thus defines the peak volume that every other track gets normalized to.
But wait a moment, doesn't this mean that there's maybe a setup area length that could yield a lower or even much lower peak amplitude? :thonk:

And so I tested all setup area lengths at regular intervals between our target 2-beat length and ZUN's original lengths, and indeed found a great solution: When manipulating the setup area of the Extra Stage theme to an exact length of 2850 MIDI pulses, the conversion process renders it with a peak amplitude of 1.900, compared to its previous peak amplitude of 2.130 from the March release. That translates to an extra +0.56 dB of volume tricked out of all other tracks in the AST! :onricdennat: Yeah, it's not much, but hey, at least it's not worse than what it used to be. The shipped MIDIs of the Extra Stage themes still don't correspond to the rendered files, but now this is at least documented together with the MIDI-level patch to reproduce the exact optimal length of the setup area.
Still, all that testing effort for tracks that, in my subjective opinion, don't even sound all that good… The resulting shrill resonant effects stick out like a sore thumb compared to the more basic General MIDI sound of every other track across both soundtrack variants. Once again, unofficial remixes such as Romantique Tp's one edit to 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Ancients can be the only solution here. As far as preservation is concerned, this is as good as it gets, and my job here is done.

Then again, now that I've further refined (and actually scripted) the loop construction logic, I'd love to also apply it to Kioh Gyoku's MIDI soundtrack once its codebase is operational. Obviously, there's much less of an incentive for putting SC-88Pro recordings back into that game given that Kioh Gyoku already comes with an official (and, dare I say, significantly more polished) waveform soundtrack. And even if there was an incentive, it might not extend to a separate Sound Canvas VA version: As frustrating as ZUN's sequencing techniques in the final three Shuusou Gyoku Extra Stage arrangements are when dealing with rendered output, the fact that he reserved a lot more setup space to fit the more detailed sound design of each Kioh Gyoku track is a good thing as far as real-hardware playback is concerned. Consequently, the Romantique Tp recordings suffer far less from 📝 the SC-88Pro's processing lag issues, and thus might already constitute all the preservation anyone would ever want.
Once again though, generous MIDI setup space also means that Kioh Gyoku's MIDI soundtrack has lots of long and awkward pauses at the beginning of stages before the music starts. The two worst offenders here are 天鵞絨少女戦 ~ Velvet Battle and 桜花之恋塚 ~ Flower of Japan, with a 3:429s pause each. So, preserving the MIDI soundtrack in its originally intended sound might still be a worthwhile thing to fund if only to get rid of those pauses. After all, we can't ever safely remove these pauses at the MIDI level unless users promise that they use a GS-supporting device.

What we can do as part of the game, however, is hotpatch the original MIDI files from Shuusou Gyoku's MUSIC.DAT with the Reverb Macro fix. This way, the fix is also available for people who want to listen to the OST through their own copy of Sound Canvas VA or a SC-8850 and don't want to download recordings. This isn't necessary for the AST because we can simply bake the fix into the MIDI-only BGM pack, but we can't do this for the OST due to copyright reasons. This hotpatch should be an option just because hotpatching MIDIs is rather insidious in principle, but it's enabled by default due to the evidence we found earlier.
The game currently pauses when it loses focus, which also silences any currently playing MIDI notes. Thus, we can verify the active reverb type by switching between the game and VST windows:

Maximum volume recommended.
Still saying Panning Delay, even though we obviously hear the default reverb. A clear bug in the Sound Canvas VA UI.

Anything I forgot? Oh, right, download links:

Next up: You decide! This delivery has opened up quite a bit of budget, so this would be a good occasion to take a look at something else while we wait for a few more funded pushes to complete the Shuusou Gyoku Linux port. With the previous price increases effectively increasing the monetary value of earlier contributions, it might not always be exactly obvious how much money is needed right now to secure another push. So I took a slight bit out of the Anything funds to add the exact € amount to the crowdfunding log.
In the meantime, I'll see how far I can get with porting all of the previous SDL work back to Windows 98 within one push-equivalent microtransaction, and do some internal website work to address some long-standing pain points.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
GhostPhanom, [Anonymous], Blue Bolt, Yanga
🏷️ Tags:

I'm 13 days late, but 🎉 ReC98 is now 10 years old! 🎉 On June 26, 2014, I first tried exporting IDA's disassembly of TH05's OP.EXE and reassembling and linking the resulting file back into a binary, and was amazed that it actually yielded an identical binary. Now, this doesn't actually mean that I've spent 10 years working on this project; priorities have been shifting and continue to shift, and time-consuming mistakes were certainly made. Still, it's a good occasion to finally fully realize the good future for ReC98 that GhostPhanom invested in with the very first financial contribution back in 2018, deliver the last three of the first four reserved pushes, cross another piece of time-consuming maintenance off the list, and prepare the build process for hopefully the next 10 years.
But why did it take 8 pushes and over two months to restore feature parity with the old system? 🥲

  1. The previous build system(s)
  2. Migrating the 16-bit build part to Tup
  3. Optimizing MS-DOS Player
  4. Continued support for building on 32-bit Windows
  5. The new tier list of supported build platforms
  6. Cleaning up #include lists
  7. TH02's High Score menu

The original plan for ReC98's good future was quite different from what I ended up shipping here. Before I started writing the code for this website in August 2019, I focused on feature-completing the experimental 16-bit DOS build system for Borland compilers that I'd been developing since 2018, and which would form the foundation of my internal development work in the following years. Eventually, I wanted to polish and publicly release this system as soon as people stopped throwing money at me. But as of November 2019, just one month after launch, the store kept selling out with everyone investing into all the flashier goals, so that release never happened.

In theory, this build system remains the optimal way of developing with old Borland compilers on a real PC-98 (or any other 32-bit single-core system) and outside of Borland's IDE, even after the changes introduced by this delivery. In practice though, you're soon going to realize that there are lots of issues I'd have to revisit in case any PC-98 homebrew developers are interested in funding me to finish and release this tool…

The main idea behind the system still has its charm: Your build script is a regular C++ program that #includes the build system as a static library and passes fixed structures with names of source files and build flags. By employing static constructors, even a 1994 Turbo C++ would let you define the whole build at compile time, although this certainly requires some dank preprocessor magic to remain anywhere near readable at ReC98 scale. 🪄 While this system does require a bootstrapping process, the resulting binary can then use the same dependency-checking mechanisms to recompile and overwrite itself if you change the C++ build code later. Since DOS just simply loads an entire binary into RAM before executing it, there is no lock to worry about, and overwriting the originating binary is something you can just do.
Later on, the system also made use of batched compilation: By passing more than one source file to TCC.EXE, you get to avoid TCC's quite noticeable startup times, thus speeding up the build proportional to the number of translation units in each batch. Of course, this requires that every passed source file is supposed to be compiled with the same set of command-line flags, but that's a generally good complexity-reducing guideline to follow in a build script. I went even further and enforced this guideline in the system itself, thus truly making per-file compiler command line switches considered harmful. Thanks to Turbo C++'s #pragma option, changing the command line isn't even necessary for the few unfortunate cases where parts of ZUN's code were compiled with inconsistent flags.
I combined all these ideas with a general approach of "targeting DOSBox": By maximizing DOS syscalls and minimizing algorithms and data structures, we spend as much time as possible in DOSBox's native-code DOS implementation, which should give us a performance advantage over DOS-native implementations of MAKE that typically follow the opposite approach.

Of course, all this only matters if the system is correct and reliable at its core. Tup teaches us that it's fundamentally impossible to have a reliable generic build system without

  1. augmenting the build graph with all actual files read and written by each invoked build tool, which involves tracing all file-related syscalls, and
  2. persistently serializing the full build graph every time the system runs, allowing later runs to detect every possible kind of change in the build script and rebuild or clean up accordingly.

Unfortunately, the design limitations of my system only allowed half-baked attempts at solving both of these prerequisites:

  1. If your build system is not supposed to be generic and only intended to work with specific tools that emit reliable dependency information, you can replace syscall tracing with a parser for those specific formats. This is what my build system was doing, reading dependency information out of each .OBJ file's OMF COMENT record.
  2. Since DOS command lines are limited to 127 bytes, DOS compilers support reading additional arguments from response files, typically indicated with an @ next to their path on the command line. If we now put every parameter passed to TCC or TLINK into a response file and leave these files on disk afterward, we've effectively serialized all command-line arguments of the entire build into a makeshift database. In later builds, the system can then detect changed command-line arguments by comparing the existing response files from the previous run with the new contents it would write based on the current build structures. This way, we still only recompile the parts of the codebase that are affected by the changed arguments, which is fundamentally impossible with Makefiles.

But this strategy only covers changes within each binary's compile or link arguments, and ignores the required deletions in "the database" when removing binaries between build runs. This is a non-issue as long as we keep decompiling on master, but as soon as we switch between master and similarly old commits on the debloated/anniversary branches, we can get very confusing errors:

Screenshot of a seemingly weird error in my 16-bit build system that complains about TH01's vector functions being undefined when linking REIIDEN.EXE, shown when switching between the `anniversary` and `master` branches.
The symptom is a calling convention mismatch: The two vector functions use __cdecl on master and pascal on debloated/anniversary. We've switched from anniversary (which compiles to ANNIV.EXE) back to master (which compiles to REIIDEN.EXE) here, so the .obj file on disk still uses the pascal calling convention. The build system, however, only checks the response files associated with the current target binary (REIIDEN.EXE) and therefore assumes that the .obj files still reflect the (unchanged) command-line flags in the TCC response file associated with this binary. And if none of the inputs of these .obj files changed between the two branches, they aren't rebuilt after switching, even though they would need to be.

Apparently, there's also such a thing as "too much batching", because TCC would suddenly stop applying certain compiler optimizations at very specific places if too many files were compiled within a single process? At least you quickly remember which source files you then need to manually touch and recompile to make the binaries match ZUN's original ones again…

But the final nail in the coffin was something I'd notice on every single build: 5 years down the line, even the performance argument wasn't convincing anymore. The strategy of minimizing emulated code still left me with an 𝑂(𝑛) algorithm, and with this entire thing still being single-threaded, there was no force to counteract the dependency check times as they grew linearly with the number of source files.
At P0280, each build run would perform a total of 28,130 file-related DOS syscalls to figure out which source files have changed and need to be rebuilt. At some point, this was bound to become noticeable even despite these syscalls being native, not to mention that they're still surrounded by emulator code that must convert their parameters and results to and from the DOS ABI. And with the increasing delays before TCC would do its actual work, the entire thing started feeling increasingly jankier.

While this system was waiting to be eventually finished, the public master branch kept using the Makefile that dates back to early 2015. Back then, it didn't take long for me to abandon raw dumb batch files because Make was simply the most straightforward way of ensuring that the build process would abort on the first compile error.
The following years also proved that Makefile syntax is quite well-suited for expressing the build rules of a codebase at this scale. The built-in support for automatically turning long commands into response files was especially helpful because of how naturally it works together with batched compilation. Both of these advantages culminate in this wonderfully arcane incantation of ASCII special characters and syntactically significant linebreaks:

tcc … @&&|
Which translates to "take the filenames of all dependents of this explicit rule, write them into a temporary file with an autogenerated name, insert this filename into the tcc … @ command line, and delete the file after the command finished executing". The @ is part of TCC's command-line interface, the rest is all MAKE syntax.

But 📝 as we all know by now, these surface-level niceties change nothing about Makefiles inherently being unreliable trash due to implementing none of the aforementioned two essential properties of a generic build system. Borland got so close to a correct and reliable implementation of autodependencies, but that would have just covered one of the two properties. Due to this unreliability, the old build16b.bat called Borland's MAKER.EXE with the -B flag, recompiling everything all the time. Not only did this leave modders with a much worse build process than I was using internally, but it also eventually got old for me to merge my internal branch onto master before every delivery. Let's finally rectify that and work towards a single good build process for everyone.

As you would expect by now, I've once again migrated to Tup's Lua syntax. Rewriting it all makes you realize once again how complex the PC-98 Touhou build process is: It has to cover 2 programming languages, 2 pipeline steps, and 3 third-party libraries, and currently generates a total of 39 executables, including the small programs I wrote for research. The final Lua code comprises over 1,300 lines – but then again, if I had written it in 📝 Zig, it would certainly be as long or even longer due to manual memory management. The Tup building blocks I constructed for Shuusou Gyoku quickly turned out to be the wrong abstraction for a project that has no debug builds, but their 📝 basic idea of a branching tree of command-line options remained at the foundation of this script as well.
This rewrite also provided an excellent opportunity for finally dumping all the intermediate compilation outputs into a separate dedicated obj/ subdirectory, finally leaving bin/ nice and clean with only the final executables. I've also merged this new system into most of the public branches of the GitHub repo.

As soon as I first tried to build it all though, I was greeted with a particularly nasty Tup bug. Due to how DOS specified file metadata mutation, MS-DOS Player has to open every file in a way that current Tup treats as a write access… but since unannotated file writes introduce the risk of a malformed build graph if these files are read by another build command later on, Tup providently deletes these files after the command finished executing. And by these files, I mean TCC.EXE as well as every one of its C library header files opened during compilation. :tannedcirno:
Due to a minor unsolved question about a failing test case, my fix has not been merged yet. But even if it was, we're now faced with a problem: If you previously chose to set up Tup for ReC98 or 📝 Shuusou Gyoku and are maybe still running 📝 my 32-bit build from September 2020, running the new build.bat would in fact delete the most important files of your Turbo C++ 4.0J installation, forcing you to reinstall it or restore it from a backup. So what do we do?

The easiest solution, however, is to just put a fixed Tup binary directly into the ReC98 repo. This not only allows me to make Tup mandatory for 64-bit builds, but also cuts out one step in the build environment setup that at least one person previously complained about. :onricdennat: *nix users might not like this idea all too much (or do they?), but then again, TASM32 and the Windows-exclusive MS-DOS Player require Wine anyway. Running Tup through Wine as well means that there's only one PATH to worry about, and you get to take advantage of the tool checks in the surrounding batch file.
If you're one of those people who doesn't trust binaries in Git repos, the repo also links to instructions for building this binary yourself. Replicating this specific optimized binary is slightly more involved than the classic ./configure && make && make install trinity, so having these instructions is a good idea regardless of the fact that Tup's GPL license requires it.

One particularly interesting aspect of the Lua code is the way it handles sprite dependencies:

th04:branch(MODEL_LARGE):link("main", {
	{ "th04_main.asm", extra_inputs = {
	} },
	-- …

If build commands read from files that were created by other build commands, Tup requires these input dependencies to be spelled out so that it can arrange the build graph and parallelize the build correctly. We could simply put every sprite into a single array and automatically pass that as an extra input to every source file, but that would effectively split the build into a "sprite convert" and "code compile" phase. Spelling out every individual dependency allows such source files to be compiled as soon as possible, before (and in parallel to) the rest of the sprites they don't depend on. Similarly, code files without sprite dependencies can compile before the first sprite got converted, or even before the sprite converter itself got compiled and linked, maximizing the throughput of the overall build process.

Running a 30-year-old DOS toolchain in a parallel build system also introduces new issues, though. The easiest and recommended way of compiling and linking a program in Turbo C++ is a single tcc invocation:

tcc … main.cpp utils.cpp master.lib

This performs a batched compilation of main.cpp and utils.cpp within a single TCC process, and then launches TLINK to link the resulting .obj files into main.exe, together with the C++ runtime library and any needed objects from master.lib. The linking step works by TCC generating a TLINK command line and writing it into a response file with the fixed name turboc.$ln… which obviously can't work in a parallel build where multiple TCC processes will want to link different executables via the same response file.
Therefore, we have to launch TLINK with a custom response file ourselves. This file is echo'd as a separate parallel build rule, and the Lua code that constructs its contents has to replicate TCC's logic for picking the correct C++ runtime .lib file for the selected memory model.

	-c -s -t c0t.obj obj\th02\zun_res1.obj obj\th02\zun_res2.obj, bin\th02\, obj\th02\, bin\masters.lib emu.lib maths.lib ct.lib
The response file for TH02's ZUN_RES.COM, consisting of the C++ standard library, two files of ZUN code, and master.lib.

While this does add more string formatting logic, not relying on TCC to launch TLINK actually removes the one possible PATH-related error case I previously documented in the README. Back in 2021 when I first stumbled over the issue, it took a few hours of RE to figure this out. I don't like these hours to go to waste, so here's a Gist, and here's the text replicated for SEO reasons:

Issue: TCC compiles, but fails to link, with Unable to execute command 'tlink.exe'

Cause: This happens when invoking TCC as a compiler+linker, without the -c flag. To locate TLINK, TCC needlessly copies the PATH environment variable into a statically allocated 128-byte buffer. It then constructs absolute tlink.exe filenames for each of the semicolon- or \0-terminated paths, writing these into a buffer that immediately follows the 128-byte PATH buffer in memory. The search is finished as soon as TCC finds an existing file, which gives precedence to earlier paths in the PATH. If the search didn't complete until a potential "final" path that runs past the 128 bytes, the final attempted filename will consist of the part that still managed to fit into the buffer, followed by the previously attempted path.

Workaround: Make sure that the BIN\ path to Turbo C++ is fully contained within the first 127 bytes of the PATH inside your DOS system. (The 128th byte must either be a separating ; or the terminating \0 of the PATH string.)

Now that DOS emulation is an integral component of the single-part build process, it even makes sense to compile our pipeline tools as 16-bit DOS executables and then emulate them as part of the build. Sure, it's technically slower, but realistically it doesn't matter: Our only current pipeline tools are 📝 the converter for hardcoded sprites and the 📝 ZUN.COM generators, both of which involve very little code and are rarely run during regular development after the initial full build. In return, we get to drop that awkward dependency on the separate Borland C++ 5.5 compiler for Windows and yet another additional manual setup step. 🗑️ Once PC-98 Touhou becomes portable, we're probably going to require a modern compiler anyway, so you can now delete that one as well.

That gives us perfect dependency tracking and minimal parallel rebuilds across the whole codebase! While MS-DOS Player is noticeably slower than DOSBox-X, it's not going to matter all too much; unless you change one of the more central header files, you're rarely if ever going to cause a full rebuild. Then again, given that I'm going to use this setup for at least a couple of years, it's worth taking a closer look at why exactly the compilation performance is so underwhelming …

On the surface, MS-DOS Player seems like the right tool for our job, with a lot of advantages over DOSBox:

But once I began integrating it, I quickly noticed two glaring flaws:

Granted, even the DOSBox-X performance is much slower than we would like it to be. Most of it can be blamed on the awkward time in the early-to-mid-90s when Turbo C++ 4.0J came out. This was the time when DOS applications had long grown past the limitations of the x86 Real Mode and required DOS extenders or even sillier hacks to actually use all the RAM in a typical system of that period, but Win32 didn't exist yet to put developers out of this misery. As such, this compiler not only requires at least a 386 CPU, but also brings its own DOS extender (DPMI16BI.OVL) plus a loader for said extender (RTM.EXE), both of which need to be emulated alongside the compiler, to the great annoyance of emulator maintainers 30 years later. Even MS-DOS Player's README file notes how Protected Mode adds a lot of complexity and slowdown:

8086 binaries are much faster than 80286/80386/80486/Pentium4/IA32 binaries. If you don't need the protected mode or new mnemonics added after 80286, I recommend i86_x86 or i86_x64 binary.

The immediate reaction to these performance numbers is obvious: Let's just put DOSBox-X's dynamic recompiler into MS-DOS Player, right?! 🙌 Except that once you look at DOSBox-X, you immediately get why Takeda Toshiya might have preferred to start from scratch. Its codebase is a historically grown tangled mess, requiring intimate familiarity and a significant engineering effort to isolate the dynamic core in the first place. I did spend a few days trying to untangle and copy it all over into MS-DOS Player… only to be greeted with an infinite loop as soon as everything compiled for the first time. 😶 Yeah, no, that's bound to turn into a budget-exceeding maintenance nightmare.

Instead, let's look at squeezing at least some additional performance out of what we already have. A generic emulator for the entire CISCy instruction set of the 80386, with complete support for Protected Mode, but it's only supposed to run the subset of instructions and features used by a specific compiler and linker as fast as possible… wait a moment, that sounds like a use case for profile-guided optimization! This is the first time I've encountered a situation that would justify the required 2-phase build process and lengthy profile collection – after all, writing into some sort of database for every function call does slow down MS-DOS Player by roughly 15×. However, profiling just the compilation of our most complex translation unit (📝 TH01 YuugenMagan) and the linking of our largest executable (TH01's REIIDEN.EXE) should be representative enough.
I'll get to the performance numbers later, but even the build output is quite intriguing. Based on this profile, Visual Studio chooses to optimize only 104 out of MS-DOS Player's 1976 functions for speed and the rest for size, shaving off a nice 109 KiB from the binary. Presumably, keeping rare code small is also considered kind of fast these days because it takes up less space in your CPU's instruction cache once it does get executed?

With PGO as our foundation, let's run a performance profile and see if there are any further code-level optimizations worth trying out:

So, what do we get?

MS-DOS Player build Full build (Pipeline + 5 games + research code) Median translation unit + median link 📝 YuugenMagan compile + link
MAME x86 core 46.522s / 50.854s32.162s / 34.885s1.346s / 1.429s0.966s / 0.963s6.975s / 7.155s4.024s / 3.981s
NP21/W core,
before optimizations
34.620s / 36.151s30.218s / 31.318s1.031s / 1.065s0.885s / 0.916s5.294s / 5.330s4.260s / 4.299s
No initial memset() 31.886s / 34.398s27.151s / 29.184s0.945s / 1.009s0.802s / 0.852s5.094s / 5.266s4.104s / 4.190s
Limited instructions 32.404s / 34.276s26.602s / 27.833s0.963s / 1.001s0.783s / 0.819s5.086s / 5.182s3.886s / 3.987s
No paging 29.836s / 31.646s25.124s / 26.356s0.865s / 0.918s0.748s / 0.769s4.611s / 4.717s3.500s / 3.572s
No cycle counting 25.407s / 26.691s21.461s / 22.599s0.735s / 0.752s0.617s / 0.625s3.747s / 3.868s2.873s / 2.979s
2024-06-27 build 26.297s / 27.629s21.014s / 22.143s0.771s / 0.779s0.612s / 0.632s4.372s / 4.506s3.253s / 3.272s
Risky optimizations 23.168s / 24.193s20.711s / 21.782s0.658s / 0.663s0.582s / 0.603s3.269s / 3.414s2.823s / 2.805s
Measured on a 6-year-old 6-core Intel Core i5 8400T on Windows 11. The first number in each column represents the codebase before the #include cleanup explained below, and the second one corresponds to this commit. All builds are 64-bit, 32-bit builds were ≈5% slower across the board. I kept the fastest run within three attempts; as Tup parallelizes the build process across all CPU cores, it's common for the long-running full build to take up to a few seconds longer depending on what else is running on your system. Tup's standard output is also redirected to a file here; its regular terminal output and nice progress bar will add more slowdown on top.

The key takeaways:

But how does this compare to DOSBox-X's dynamic core? Dynamic recompilers need some kind of cache to ensure that every block of original ASM gets recompiled only once, which gives them an advantage in long-running processes after the initial warmup. As a result, DOSBox-X compiles and links YuugenMagan in , ≈92% faster than even our optimized MS-DOS Player build. That percentage resembles the slowdown we were initially getting when comparing full rebuilds between DOSBox-X and MS-DOS Player, as if we hadn't optimized anything.
On paper, this would mean that DOSBox-X barely lost any of its huge advantage when it comes to single-threaded compile+link performance. In practice, though, this metric is supposed to measure a typical decompilation or modding workflow that focuses on repeatedly editing a single file. Thus, a more appropriate comparison would also have to add the aforementioned constant 28,130 syscalls that my old build system required to detect that this is the one file/binary that needs to be recompiled/relinked. The video at the top of this blog post happens to capture the best time () I got for the detection process on DOSBox-X. This is almost as slow as the compilation and linking itself, and would have only gotten slower as we continue decompiling the rest of the games. Tup, on the other hand, performs its filesystem scan in a near-constant , matching the claim in Section 4.7 of its paper, and thus shrinking the performance difference to ≈14% after all. Sure, merging the dynamic core would have been even better (contribution-ideas, anyone?), but this is good enough for now.
Just like with Tup, I've also placed this optimized binary directly into the ReC98 repo and added the specific build instructions to the GitHub release page.

I do have more far-reaching ideas for further optimizing Neko Project 21/W's x86 core for this specific case of repeated switches between Real Mode and Protected Mode while still retaining the interpreted nature of this core, but these already strained the budget enough.
The perhaps more important remaining bottleneck, however, is hiding in the actual DOS emulation. Right now, a Tup-driven full rebuild spawns a total of 361 MS-DOS Player processes, which means that we're booting an emulated DOS 361 times. This isn't as bad as it sounds, as "booting DOS" basically just involves initializing a bunch of internal DOS structures in conventional memory to meaningful values. However, these structures also include a few environment variables like PATH, APPEND, or TEMP/TMP, which MS-DOS Player seamlessly integrates by translating them from their value on the Windows host system to the DOS 8.3 format. This could be one of the main reasons why MS-DOS Player is a native Windows program rather than being cross-platform:

However, the NT kernel doesn't actually use drive letters either, and views them as just a legacy abstraction over its reality of volume GUIDs. Converting paths back and forth between these two views therefore requires it to communicate with a mount point manager service, which can coincidentally also be observed in debug builds of Tup.
As a result, calling any path-retrieving API is a surprisingly expensive operation on modern Windows. When running a small sprite through our 📝 sprite converter, MS-DOS Player's boot process makes up 56% of the runtime, with 64% of that boot time (or 36% of the entire runtime) being spent on path translation. The actual x86 emulation to run the program only takes up 6.5% of the runtime, with the remaining 37.5% spent on initializing the multithreaded C++ runtime.

But then again, the truly optimal solution would not involve MS-DOS Player at all. If you followed general video game hacking news in May, you'll probably remember the N64 community putting the concept of statically recompiled game ports on the map. In case you're wondering where this seemingly sudden innovation came from and whether a reverse-engineered decompilation project like ReC98 is obsolete now, I wrote a new FAQ entry about why this hype, although justified, is at least in part misguided. tl;dr: None of this can be meaningfully applied to PC-98 games at the moment.
On the other hand, recompiling our compiler would not only be a reasonable thing to attempt, but exactly the kind of problem that recompilation solves best. A 16-bit command-line tool has none of the pesky hardware factors that drag down the usefulness of recompilations when it comes to game ports, and a recompiled port could run even faster than it would on 32-bit Windows. Sure, it's not as flashy as a recompiled game, but if we got a few generous backers, it would still be a great investment into improving the state of static x86 recompilation by simply having another open-source project in that space. Not to mention that it would be a great foundation for improving Turbo C++ 4.0J's code generation and optimizations, which would allow us to simplify lots of awkward pieces of ZUN code… 🤩

That takes care of building ReC98 on 64-bit platforms, but what about the 32-bit ones we used to support? The previous split of the build process into a Tup-driven 32-bit part and a Makefile-driven 16-bit part sure was awkward and I'm glad it's gone, but it did give you the choice between 1) emulating the 16-bit part or 2) running both parts natively on 32-bit Windows. While Tup's upstream Windows builds are 64-bit-only, it made sense to 📝 compile a custom 32-bit version and thus turn any 32-bit Windows ≥Vista into the perfect build platform for ReC98. Older Windows versions that can't run Tup had to build the 32-bit part using a separately maintained dumb batch script created by tup generate, but again, due to Make being trash, they were fully rebuilding the entire codebase every time anyway.
Driving the entire build via Tup changes all of that. Now, it makes little sense to continue using 32-bit Tup:

This means that we could now only support 32-bit Windows via an even larger tup generated batch file. We'd have to move the MS-DOS Player prefix of the respective command lines into an environment variable to make Tup use the same rules for both itself and the batch file, but the result seems to work…

…but it's really slow, especially on Windows 9x. 🐌 If we look back at the theory behind my previous custom build system, we can already tell why: Efficiently building ReC98 requires a completely different approach depending on whether you're running a typical modern multi-core 64-bit system or a vintage single-core 32-bit system. On the former, you'd want to parallelize the slow emulation as much as you can, so you maximize the amount of TCC processes to keep all CPU cores as busy as possible. But on the latter, you'd want the exact opposite – there, the biggest annoyance is the repeated startup and shutdown of the VDM, TCC, and its DOS extender, so you want to continue batching translation units into as few TCC processes as possible.

CMake fans will probably feel vindicated now, thinking "that sounds exactly like you need a meta build system 🤪". Leaving aside the fact that the output vomited by all of CMake's Makefile generators is a disgusting monstrosity that's far removed from addressing any performance concerns, we sure could solve this problem by adding another layer of abstraction. But then, I'd have to rewrite my working Lua script into either C++ or (heaven forbid) Batch, which are the only options we'd have for bootstrapping without adding any further dependencies, and I really wouldn't want to do that. Alternatively, we could fork Tup and modify tup generate to rewrite the low-level build rules that end up in Tup's database.
But why should we go for any of these if the Lua script already describes the build in a high-level declarative way? The most appropriate place for transforming the build rules is the Lua script itself…

… if there wasn't the slight problem of Tup forbidding file writes from Lua. 🥲 Presumably, this limitation exists because there is no way of replicating these writes in a tup generated dumb shell script, and it does make sense from that point of view.
But wait, printing to stdout or stderr works, and we always invoke Tup from a batch file anyway. You can now tell where this is going. :tannedcirno: Hey, exfiltrating commands from a build script to the build system via standard I/O streams works for Rust's Cargo too!

Just like Cargo, we want to add a sufficiently unique prefix to every line of the generated batch script to distinguish it from Tup's other output. Since Tup only reruns the Lua script – and would therefore print the batch file – if the script changed between the previous and current build run, we only want to overwrite the batch file if we got one or more lines. Getting all of this to work wasn't all too easy; we're once again entering the more awful parts of Batch syntax here, which apparently are so terrible that Wine doesn't even bother to correctly implement parts of it. 😩
Most importantly, we don't really want to redirect any of Tup's standard I/O streams. Redirecting stdout disables console output coloring and the pretty progress bar at the bottom, and looping over stderr instead of stdout in Batch is incredibly awkward. Ideally, we'd run a second Tup process with a sub-command that would just evaluate the Lua script if it changed - and fortunately, tup parse does exactly that. 😌
In the end, the optimally fast and ERRORLEVEL-preserving solution involves two temporary files. But since creating files between two Tup runs causes it to reparse the Lua code, which would print the batch file to the unfiltered stdout, we have to hide these temporary files from Tup by placing them into its .tup/ database directory. 🤪

On a more positive note, programmatically generating batches from single-file TCC rules turned out to be a great idea. Since the Lua code maps command-line flags to arrays of input files, it can also batch across binaries, surpassing my old system in this regard. This works especially well on the debloated and anniversary branches, which replace ZUN's little command-line flag inconsistencies with a single set of good optimization flags that every translation unit is compiled with.

Time to fire up some VMs then… only to see the build failing on Windows 9x with multiple unhelpful Bad command or file name errors. Clearly, the long echo lines that write our response files run up against some length limit in and need to be split into multiple ones. Windows 9x's limit is larger than the 127 characters of DOS, that's for sure, and the exact number should just be one search away…
…except that it's not the 1024 characters recounted in a surviving newsgroup post. Sure, lines are truncated to 1023 bytes and that off-by-one error is no big deal in this context, but that's not the whole story:

: This not unrealistic command line is 137 bytes long and fails on Windows 9x?!
> echo -DA=1 2 3 a/b/c/d/1 a/b/c/d/2 a/b/c/d/3 a/b/c/d/4 a/b/c/d/5 a/b/c/d/6 a/b/c/d/7 a/b/c/d/8 a/b/c/d/9 a/b/c/d/10 a/b/c/d/11 a/b/c/d/12
Bad command or file name

Wait, what, something about / being the SWITCHAR? And not even just that…

: Down to 132 bytes… and 32 "assignments"?
> echo a=0 b=1 c=2 d=3 e=4 f=5 g=6 h=7 i=8 j=9 k=0 l=1 m=2 n=3 o=4 p=5 q=6 r=7 s=8 t=9 u=0 v=1 w=2 x=3 y=4 z=5 a=0 b=1 c=2 d=3 e=4 f=5
Bad command or file name

And what's perhaps the worst example:

: 64 slashes. Works on DOS, works on `cmd.exe`, fails on 9x.
> echo ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Bad command or file name

My complete set of test cases: 2024-07-09-Win9x-batch-tokenizer-tests.bat So, time to load into DOSBox-X's debugger and step through some code. 🤷 The earliest NT-based Windows versions were ported to a variety of CPUs and therefore received the then-all-new cmd.exe shell written in C, whereas Windows 9x's was still built on top of the dense hand-written ASM code that originated in the very first DOS versions. Fortunately though, Microsoft open-sourced one of the later DOS versions in April. This made it somewhat easier to cross-reference the disassembly even though the Windows 9x version significantly diverged in the parts we're interested in.
And indeed: After truncating to 1023 bytes and parsing out any redirectors, each line is split into tokens around whitespace and = signs and before every occurrence of the SWITCHAR. These tokens are written into a statically allocated 64-element array, and once the code tries to write the 65th element, we get the Bad command or file name error instead.

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
String echo -DA 1 2 3 a /B /C /D /1 a /B /C /D /2
Switch flag 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩
The first few elements of's internal argument array after calling the Windows 9x equivalent of parseline with my initial example string. Note how all the "switches" got capitalized and annotated with a flag, whereas the = sign no longer appears in either string or flag form.

Needless to say, this makes no sense. Both DOS and Windows pass command lines as a single string to newly created processes, and since this tokenization is lossy, will just have to pass the original string anyway. If your shell wants to handle tokenization at a central place, it should happen after it decided that the command matches a builtin that can actually make use of a pointer to the resulting token array – or better yet, as the first call of each builtin's code. Doing it before is patently ridiculous.
I don't know what's worse – the fact that Windows 9x blindly grinds each batch line through this tokenizer, or the fact that no documentation of this behavior has survived on today's Internet, if any even ever existed. The closest thing I found was this page that doesn't exist anymore, and it also just contains a mere hint rather than a clear description of the issue. Even the usual Batch experts who document everything else seem to have a blind spot when it comes to this specific issue. As do emulators: DOSBox and FreeDOS only reimplement the sane DOS versions of, and Wine only reimplements cmd.exe.

Oh well. 71 lines of Lua later, the resulting batch file does in fact work everywhere:

The clear performance winner at 11.15 seconds after the initial tool check, though sadly bottlenecked by strangely long TASM32 startup times. As for TCC though, even this performance is the slowest a recompiled port would be. Modern compiler optimizations are probably going to shave off another second or two, and implementing support for #pragma once into the recompiled code will get us the aforementioned 5% on top.
If you run this on VirtualBox on modern Windows, make sure to disable Hyper-V to avoid the slower snail execution mode. 🐢
Building in Windows XP under Hyper-V exchanges Windows 98's slow TASM32 startup times for slightly slower DOS performance, resulting in a still decent 13.4 seconds.
29.5 seconds?! Surely something is getting emulated here. And this is the best time I randomly got; my initial preview recording took 55 seconds which is closer to DOSBox-X's dynamic core than it is to Windows 9x. Given how poorly 32-bit Windows 10 performs, Microsoft should have probably discontinued 32-bit Windows after 8 already. If any 16-bit program you could possibly want to run is either too slow or likely to exhibit other compatibility issues (📝 Shuusou Gyoku, anyone?), the existence of 32-bit Windows 10 is nothing but a maintenance burden. Especially because Windows 10 simultaneously overhauled the console subsystem, which is bound to cause compatibility issues anyway. It sure did for me back in 2019 when I tried to get my build system to work…

But wait, there's more! The codebase now compiles on all 32-bit Windows systems I've tested, and yields binaries that are equivalent to ZUN's… except on 32-bit Windows 10. 🙄 Suddenly, we're facing the exact same batched compilation bug from my custom build system again, with REIIDEN.EXE being 16 bytes larger than it's supposed to be.
Looks like I have to look into that issue after all, but figuring out the exact cause by debugging TCC would take ages again. Thankfully, trial and error quickly revealed a functioning workaround: Separating translation unit filenames in the response file with two spaces rather than one. Really, I couldn't make this up. This is the most ridiculous workaround for a bug I've encountered in a long time.

echo -c  -I.  -O  -b-  -3  -Z  -d  -DGAME=4  -ml  -nobj/th04/  th04/op_main.cpp  th04/input_w.cpp  th04/vector.cpp  th04/snd_pmdr.c  th04/snd_mmdr.c  th04/snd_kaja.cpp  th04/snd_mode.cpp  th04/snd_dlym.cpp  th04/snd_load.cpp  th04/exit.cpp  th04/initop.cpp  th04/cdg_p_na.cpp  th04/snd_se.cpp  th04/egcrect.cpp  th04/bgimage.cpp  th04/op_setup.cpp  th04/zunsoft.cpp  th04/op_music.cpp  th04/m_char.cpp  th04/slowdown.cpp  th04/demo.cpp  th04/ems.cpp  th04/tile_set.cpp  th04/std.cpp  th04/tile.cpp>obj\batch014.@c
echo th04/playfld.cpp  th04/midboss4.cpp  th04/f_dialog.cpp  th04/dialog.cpp  th04/boss_exp.cpp  th04/stages.cpp  th04/player_m.cpp  th04/player_p.cpp  th04/hud_ovrl.cpp  th04/cfg_lres.cpp  th04/checkerb.cpp  th04/mb_inv.cpp  th04/boss_bd.cpp  th04/mpn_free.cpp  th04/mpn_l_i.cpp  th04/initmain.cpp  th04/gather.cpp  th04/scrolly3.cpp  th04/midboss.cpp  th04/hud_hp.cpp  th04/mb_dft.cpp  th04/grcg_3.cpp  th04/it_spl_u.cpp  th04/boss_4m.cpp  th04/bullet_u.cpp  th04/bullet_a.cpp  th04/boss.cpp  th04/boss_4r.cpp  th04/boss_x2.cpp  th04/maine_e.cpp  th04/cutscene.cpp>>obj\batch014.@c
echo th04/staff.cpp>>obj\batch014.@c
The TCC response file generation code for all current decompiled TH04 code, split into multiple echo calls based on the Windows 9x batch tokenizer rules and with double spaces between each parameter for added "safety". Would this also have been the solution for the batched compilation bugs I was experiencing with my old build system in DOSBox? I suddenly was unable to reproduce these bugs, so we won't know for the time being…

Hopefully, you've now got the impression that supporting any kind of 32-bit Windows build is way more of a liability than an asset these days, at least for this specific project. "Real hardware", "motivating a TCC recompilation", and "not dropping previous features" really were the only reasons for putting up with the sheer jank and testing effort I had to go through. And I wouldn't even be surprised if real-hardware developers told me that the first reason doesn't actually hold up because compiling ReC98 on actual PC-98 hardware is slow enough that they'd rather compile it on their main machine and then transfer the binaries over some kind of network connection. :onricdennat:
I guess it also made for some mildly interesting blog content, but this was definitely the last time I bothered with such a wide variety of Windows versions without being explicitly funded to do so. If I ever get to recompile TCC, it will be 64-bit only by default as well.

Instead, let's have a tier list of supported build platforms that clearly defines what I am maintaining, with just the most convincing 32-bit Windows version in Tier 1. Initially, that was supposed to be Windows 98 SE due to its superior performance, but that's just unreasonable if key parts of the OS remain undocumented and make no sense. So, XP it is.
*nix fans will probably once again be disappointed to see their preferred OS in Tier 2. But at least, all we'd need for that to move up to Tier 1 is a CI configuration, contributed either via funding me or sending a PR. (Look, even more contribution-ideas!)
Getting rid of the Wine requirement for a fully cross-platform build process wouldn't be too unrealistic either, but would require us to make a few quality decisions, as usual:

Y'know what I think would be the best idea for right now, though? Savoring this new build system and spending an extended amount of time doing actual decompilation or modding for a change. :tannedcirno:

Now that even full rebuilds are decently fast, let's make use of that productivity boost by doing some urgent and far-reaching code cleanup that touches almost every single C++ source file. The most immediately annoying quirk of this codebase was the silly way each translation unit #included the headers it needed. Many years ago, I measured that repeatedly including the same header did significantly impact Turbo C++ 4.0J's compilation times, regardless of any include guards inside. As a consequence of this discovery, I slightly overreacted and decided to just not use any include guards, ever. After all, this emulated build process is slow enough, and we don't want it to needlessly slow down even more! :onricdennat: This way, redundantly including any file that adds more than just a few #define macros won't even compile, throwing lots of Multiple definition errors.
Consequently, the headers themselves #included almost nothing. Starting a new translation unit therefore always involved figuring and spelling out the transitive dependencies of the headers the new unit actually wants to use, in a short trial-and-error process. While not too bad by itself, this was bound to become quite counterproductive once we get closer to porting these games: If some inlined function in a header needed access to, let's say, PC-98-specific I/O ports as an implementation detail, the header would have externalized this dependency to the top-level translation unit, which in turn made that that unit appear to contain PC-98-native code even if the unit's code itself was perfectly portable.

But once we start making some of these implicit transitive dependencies optional, it all stops being justifiable. Sometimes, a.hpp declared things that required declarations from b.hpp but these things are used so rarely that it didn't justify adding #include "b.hpp" to all translation units that #include "a.hpp". So how about conditionally declaring these things based on previously #included headers? :tannedcirno:

#if (defined(SUBPIXEL_HPP) && defined(PLANAR_H))
	// Sets the [tile_ring] tile at (x, y) to the given VRAM offset.
	void tile_ring_set_vo(subpixel_t x, subpixel_t y, vram_offset_t image_vo);
You can maybe do this in a project that consistently sorts the #include lists in every translation unit… err, no, don't do this, ever, it's awful. Just separate that declaration out into another header.

Now that we've measured that the sane alternative of include guards comes with a performance cost of just 5% and we've further reduced its effective impact by parallelizing the build, it's worth it to take that cost in exchange for a tidy codebase without such surprises. From now on, every header file will #include its own dependencies and be a valid translation unit that must compile on its own without errors. In turn, this allows us to remove at least 1,000 #include of transitive dependencies from .cpp files. 🗑️
However, that 5% number was only measured after I reduced these redundant #includes to their absolute minimum. So it still makes sense to only add include guards where they are absolutely necessary – i.e., transitively dependent headers included from more than one other file – and continue to (ab)use the Multiple definition compiler errors as a way of communicating "you're probably #including too many headers, try removing a few". Certainly a less annoying error than Undefined symbol.

Since all of this went way over the 7-push mark, we've got some small bits of RE and PI work to round it all out. The .REC loader in TH04 and TH05 is completely unremarkable, but I've got at least a bit to say about TH02's High Score menu. I already decompiled MAINE.EXE's post-Staff Roll variant in 2015, so we were only missing the almost identical MAIN.EXE variant shown after a Game Over or when quitting out of the game. The two variants are similar enough that it mostly needed just a small bit of work to bring my old 2015 code up to current standards, and allowed me to quickly push TH02 over the 40% RE mark.
Functionally, the two variants only differ in two assignments, but ZUN once again chose to copy-paste the entire code to handle them. :zunpet: This was one of ZUN's better copy-pasting jobs though – and honestly, I can't even imagine how you would mess up a menu that's entirely rendered on the PC-98's text RAM. It almost makes you wonder whether ZUN actually used the same #if ENDING preprocessor branching that my decompilation uses… until the visual inconsistencies in the alignment of the place numbers and the POINT and ST labels clearly give it away as copy-pasted:

Screenshot of TH02's High Score screen as seen in MAIN.EXE when quitting out of the game, with scores initialized to show off the maximum number of digits and the incorrect alignment of the POINT and ST headersScreenshot of TH02's High Score screen as seen in MAINE.EXE when entering a new high score after the Staff Roll, with scores initialized to show off the maximum number of digits and the incorrect alignment of the POINT header

Next up: Starting the big Seihou summer! Fortunately, waiting two more months was worth it: In mid-June, Microsoft released a preview version of Visual Studio that, in response to my bug report, finally, finally makes C++ standard library modules fully usable. Let's clean up that codebase for real, and put this game into a window.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, JonathKane, [Anonymous]
🏷️ Tags:

TH03 gameplay! 📝 It's been over two years. People have been investing some decent money with the intention of eventually getting netplay, so let's cover some more foundations around player movement… and quickly notice that there's almost no overlap between gameplay RE and netplay preparations?

  1. The plan for TH03 netplay
  2. TH03's single hit circle

That makes for a fitting opportunity to think about what TH03 netplay would look like. Regardless of how we implement them into TH03 in particular, these features should always be part of the netcode:

Integrating all of this into TH03 can be done in one, a few, or all of the following 6 ways, depending on what the backers prefer. Sorted from the most generic to the most specialized solution (and, coincidentally, from least to most total effort required):

  1. Generic PC-98 netcode for one or more emulators

    This is the most basic and puristic variant that implements generic netplay for PC-98 games in general by effectively providing remote control of the emulated keyboard and joypad. The emulator will be unaware of the game, and the game will be unaware of being netplayed, which makes this solution particularly interesting for the non-Touhou PC-98 scene, or competitive players who absolutely insist on using ZUN's original binaries and won't trust any of my modded game builds.
    Applied to TH03, this means that players would select the regular hot-seat 1P vs 2P mode and then initiate a match through a new menu in the emulator UI. The same UI must then provide an option to manually remap incoming key and button presses to the 2P controls (newly introducing remapping to the emulator if necessary), as well as blocking any non-2P keys. The host then sends an initial savestate to the guest to ensure an identical starting state, and starts synchronizing and rolling back inputs at VSync boundaries.

    This generic nature means that we don't get to include any of the TH03-specific rollback optimizations mentioned above, leading to the highest CPU and memory requirements out of all the variants. It sure is the easiest to implement though, as we get to freely use modern C++ WebRTC libraries that are designed to work with the network stack of the underlying OS.
    I can try to build this netcode as a generic library that can work with any PC-98 emulator, but it would ultimately be up to the respective upstream developers to integrate it into official releases. Therefore, expect this variant to require separate funding and custom builds for each individual emulator codebase that we'd like to support.

  2. Emulator-level netcode with optional game integration

    Takes the generic netcode developed in 1) and adds the possibility for the game to control it via a special interrupt API. This enables several improvements:

    • Online matches could be initiated through new options in TH03's main menu rather than the emulator's UI.
    • The game could communicate the memory region that should be backed up every frame, cutting down memory usage as described above.
    • The exchanged input data could use the game's internal format instead of keyboard or joypad inputs. This removes the need for key remapping at the emulator level and naturally prevents the inherent issue of remote control where players could mess with each other's controls.
    • The game could be aware of the rollbacks, allowing it to jump over its rendering code while processing the queue of remote inputs and thus gain some performance as explained above.
    • The game could add synchronization points that block gameplay until both players have reached them, preventing the rollback queue from growing infinitely. This solves the issue of 1) not having any inherent way of working around desyncs and the resulting growth of the rollback queue. As an example, if one of the two emulators in 1) took, say, 2 seconds longer to load the game due to a random CPU spike caused by some bloatware on their system, the two players would be out of sync by 2 seconds for the rest of the session, forcing the faster system to render 113 frames every time an input prediction turned out to be incorrect.
      Good places for synchronization points include the beginning of each round, the WARNING!! You are forced to evade / Your life is in peril popups that pause the game for a few frames anyway, and whenever the game is paused via the ESC key.
    • During such pauses, the game could then also block the resuming ESC key of the player who didn't pause the game.

  3. Edit (2024-04-30): Emulated serial port communicating over named pipes with a standalone netplay tool

    This approach would take the netcode developed in 2) out of the emulator and into a separate application running on the (modern) host OS, just like Ju.N.Owen or Adonis. The previous interrupt API would then be turned into binary protocol communicated over the PC-98's serial port, while the rollback snapshots would be stored inside the emulated PC-98 in EMS or XMS/Protected Mode memory. Netplay data would then move through these stages:

    🖥️ PC-98 game logic ⇄ Serial port ⇄ Emulator ⇄ Named pipe ⇄ Netcode logic ⇄ WebRTC Data Channel ⇄ Internet 🛜
    All green steps run natively on the host OS.

    Sending serial port data over named pipes is only a semi-common feature in PC-98 emulators, and would currently restrict netplay to Neko Project 21/W and NP2kai on Windows. This is a pretty clean and generally useful feature to have in an emulator though, and emulator maintainers will be much more likely to include this than the custom netplay code I proposed in 1) and 2). DOSBox-X has an open issue that we could help implement, and the NP2kai Linux port would probably also appreciate a mkfifo(3) implementation.
    This could even work with emulators that only implement PC-98 serial ports in terms of, well, native Windows serial ports. This group currently includes Neko Project II fmgen, SL9821, T98-Next, and rare bundles of Anex86 that replace MIDI support with COM port emulation. These would require separately installed and configured virtual serial port software in place of the named pipe connection, as well as support for actual serial ports in the netplay tool itself. In fact, this is the only way that die-hard Anex86 and T98-Next fans could enjoy any kind of netplay on these two ancient emulators.

    If it works though, it's the optimal solution for the emulated use case if we don't want to fork the emulator. From the point of view of the PC-98, the serial port is the cheapest way to send a couple of bytes to some external thing, and named pipes are one of many native ways for two Windows/Linux applications to efficiently communicate.
    The only slight drawback of this approach is the expected high DOS memory requirement for rollback. Unless we find a way to really compress game state snapshots to just a few KB, this approach will require a more modern DOS setup with EMS/XMS support instead of the pre-installed MS-DOS 3.30C on a certain widely circulated .HDI copy. But apart from that, all you'd need to do is run the separate netplay tool, pick the same pipe name in both the tool and the emulator, and you're good to go.

    Screenshot of Neko Project 21/W's Serial option menu, with COM1 being configured to send over a named pipe
    It could even work for real hardware, but would require the PC-98 to be linked to the separately running modern system via a null modem cable.

  4. Native PC-98 Windows 9x netcode (only for real PC-98 hardware equipped with an Ethernet card)

    Equivalent in features to 2), but pulls the netcode into the PC-98 system itself. The tool developed in 3) would then as a separate 32-bit or 16-bit Windows application that somehow communicates with the game running in a DOS window. The handful of real-hardware owners who have actually equipped their PC-98 with a network card such as the LGY-98 would then no longer require the modern PC from 3) as a bridge in the middle.
    This specific card also happens to be low-level-emulated by the 21/W fork of Neko Project. However, it makes little sense to use this technique in an emulator when compared to 3), as NP21/W requires a separately installed and configured TAP driver to actually be able to access your native Windows Internet connection. While the setup is well-documented and I did manage to get a working Internet connection inside an emulated Windows 95, it's definitely not foolproof. Not to mention DOSBox-X, which currently emulates the apparently hardware-compatible NE2000 card, but disables its emulation in PC-98 mode, most likely because its I/O ports clash with the typical peripherals of a PC-98 system.

    And that's not the end of the drawbacks:

    • Netplay would depend on the PC-98 versions of Windows 9x and its full network stack, nothing of which is required for the game itself.
    • Porting libdatachannel (and especially the required transport encryption) to Windows 95 will probably involve a bit of effort as well.
    • As would actually finding a way to access V86 mode memory from a 32-bit or 16-bit Windows process, particularly due to how isolated DOS processes are from the rest of the system and even each other. A quick investigation revealed three potential approaches:
      • A 32-bit process could read the memory out of the address space of the console host process (WINOA32.MOD). There seems to be no way of locating the specific base address of a DOS process, but you could always do a brute-force search through the memory map.
      • If started before Windows, TSRs will share their resident memory with both DOS and Win16 processes. The segment pointer would then be retrieved through a typical interrupt API.
      • Writing a VxD driver 😩
    • Correctly setting up TH03 to run within Windows 95 to begin with can be rather tricky. The GDC clock speed check needs to be either patched out or overridden using mode-setting tools, Windows needs to be blocked from accessing the FM chip, and even then, MAIN.EXE might still immediately crash during the first frame and leave all of VRAM corrupted:
      Screenshot of the TH03 crash on a Windows 95 system emulated in Neko Project 21/W ver0.86 rev92β3
      This is probably a bug in the latest ver0.86 rev92β3 version of Neko Project 21/W; I got it to work fine on real hardware. 📝 StormySpace did run on the same emulated Windows 95 system without any issues, though. Regardless, it's still worth mentioning as a symbol of everything that can go wrong.
    • A matchmaking server would be much more of a requirement than in any of the emulator variants. Players are unlikely to run their favorite chat client on the same PC-98 system, and the signaling codes are way too unwieldy to type them in manually. (Then again, IRC is always an option, and the people who would fund this variant are probably the exact same people who are already running IRC clients on their PC-98.)

  5. Native PC-98 DOS netcode (only for real PC-98 hardware equipped with an Ethernet card)

    Conceptually the same as 4), but going yet another level deeper, replacing the Windows 9x network stack with a DOS-based one. This might look even more intimidating and error-prone, but after I got ping and even Telnet working, I was pleasantly surprised at how much simpler it is when compared to the Windows variant. The whole stack consists of just one LGY-98 hardware information tool, a LGY-98 packet driver TSR, and a TSR that implements TCP/IP/UDP/DNS/ICMP and is configured with a plaintext file. I don't have any deep experience with these protocols, so I was quite surprised that you can implement all of them in a single 40 KiB binary. Installed as TSRs, the entire stack takes up an acceptable 82 KiB of conventional memory, leaving more than enough space for the game itself. And since both of the TSRs are open-source, we can even legally bundle them with the future modified game binaries.
    The matchmaking issue from the Windows 9x approach remains though, along with the following issues:

    • Porting libdatachannel and the required transport encryption to the TEEN stack seems even more time-consuming than a Windows 95 port.
    • The TEEN stack has no UI for specifying the system's or gateway's IP addresses outside of its plaintext configuration file. This provides a nice opportunity for adding a new Internet settings menu with great error feedback to the game itself. Great for UX, but it's another thing I'd have to write.
    • The LGY-98 is not the only network card for the PC-98. Others might have more complicated DOS drivers that might not work as seamlessly with the TEEN stack, or have no preserved DOS drivers at all. Heck, the most time-consuming part of the DOS setup was finding the correct download link for the LGY-98 packet driver, as the one link that appears in a lot of places only throws an access denied error these days. Edit (2024-04-30): spaztron64 is now hosting both the LGY-98 packet driver and the entire TEEN bundle on his homepage.
      If you're interested in funding this variant and are using a non-LGY-98 card on real hardware, make sure you get general Internet working on DOS first.
  6. Porting the game first

    As always, this is the premium option. If the entire game already runs as a standalone executable on a modern system, we can just put all the netcode into the same binary and have the most seamless integration possible.

That leaves us with these prerequisites:

Once we've reached any of these prerequisites, I'll set up a separate campaign funding method that runs parallel to the cap. As netplay is one of those big features where incremental progress makes little sense and we can expect wide community support for the idea, I'll go for a more classic crowdfunding model with a fixed goal for the minimum feature set and stretch goals for optional quality-of-life features. Since I've still got two other big projects waiting to be finished, I'd like to at least complete the Shuusou Gyoku Linux port before I start working on TH03 netplay, even if we manage to hit any of the funding goals before that.

For the first time in a long while, the actual content of this push can be listed fairly quickly. I've now RE'd:

It's also the third TH03 gameplay push in a row that features inappropriate ASM code in places that really, really didn't need any. As usual, the code is worse than what Turbo C++ 4.0J would generate for idiomatic C code, and the surrounding code remains full of untapped and quick optimization opportunities anyway. This time, the biggest joke is the sprite offset calculation in the hit circle rendering code:

_BX = (circle->age - 1);
_BX >>= 2;
_BX *= 2;
uint16_t sprite_offset_in_sprite16_area = (0x1910 + _BX + _BX + _BX);
A multiplication with 6 would have compiled into a single IMUL instruction. This compiles into 4 MOVs, one IMUL (with 2), and two ADDs. :zunpet: This surely must have been left in on purpose for us to laugh about it one day?

But while we've all come to expect the usual share of ZUN bloat by now, this is also the first push without either a ZUN bug or a landmine since I started using these terms! 🎉 It does contain a single ZUN quirk though, which can also be found in the hit circles. This animation comes in two types with different caps: 12 animation slots across both playfields for the enemy circles shown in alternating bright/dark yellow colors, whereas the white animation for the player characters has a cap of… 1? P2 takes precedence over P1 because its update code always runs last, which explains what happens when both players get hit within the 16 frames of the animation:

If they both get hit on the exact same frame, the animation for P1 never plays, as P2 takes precedence.
If the other player gets hit within 16 frames of an active white circle animation, the animation is reinitialized for the other player as there's only a single slot to hold it. Is this supposed to telegraph that the other player got hit without them having to look over to the other playfield? After all, they're drawn on top of most other entities, but below the player. :onricdennat:
SPRITE16 uses the PC-98's EGC to draw these single-color sprites. If the EGC is already set up, it can be set into a GRCG-equivalent RMW mode using the pattern/read plane register (0x4A2) and foreground color register (0x4A6), together with setting the mode register (0x4A4) to 0x0CAC. Unlike the typical blitting operations that involve its 16-dot pattern register, the EGC even supports 8- or 32-bit writes in this mode, just like the GRCG. 📝 As expected for EGC features beyond the most ordinary ones though, T98-Next simply sets every written pixel to black on a 32-bit write. :tannedcirno: Comparing the actual performance of such writes to the GRCG would be 📝 yet another interesting question to benchmark.

Next up: I think it's time for ReC98's build system to reach its final form. For almost 5 years, I've been using an unreleased sane build system on a parallel private branch that was just missing some final polish and bugfixes. Meanwhile, the public repo is still using the project's initial Makefile that, 📝 as typical for Makefiles, is so unreliable that BUILD16B.BAT force-rebuilds everything by default anyway. While my build system has scaled decently over the years, something even better happened in the meantime: MS-DOS Player, a DOS emulator exclusively meant for seamless integration of CLI programs into the Windows console, has been forked and enhanced enough to finally run Turbo C++ 4.0J at an acceptable speed. So let's remove DOSBox from the equation, merge the 32-bit and 16-bit build steps into a single 32-bit one, set all of this up in a user-friendly way, and maybe squeeze even more performance out of MS-DOS Player specifically for this use case.

📝 Posted:
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That was quick: In a surprising turn of events, Romantique Tp themselves came in just one day after the last blog post went up, updated me with their current and much more positive opinion on Sound Canvas VA, and confirmed that real SC-88Pro hardware clamps invalid Reverb Macro values to the specified range. I promised to release a new Sound Canvas VA BGM pack for free once I knew the exact behavior of real hardware, so let's go right back to Seihou and also integrate the necessary SysEx patches into the game's MIDI player behind a toggle. This would also be a great occasion to quickly incorporate some long overdue code maintenance and build system improvements, and a migration to C++ modules in particular. When I started the Shuusou Gyoku Linux port a year ago, the combination of modules and <windows.h> threw lots of weird errors and even crashed the Visual Studio compiler. But nowadays, Microsoft even uses modules in the Office code base. This must mean that these issues are fixed by now, right?
Well, there's still a bug that causes the modularized C++ standard library to be basically unusable in combination with the static analyzer, and somehow, I was the first one to report it. So it's 3½ years after C++20 was finalized, and somehow, modules are still a bleeding-edge feature and a second-class citizen in even the compiler that supports them the best. I want fast compile times already! 😕
Thankfully, Microsoft agrees that this is a bug, and will work on it at some point. While we're waiting, let's return to the original plan of decompiling the endings of the one PC-98 Touhou game that still needed them decompiled.

  1. TH02's endings
  2. TH02's Staff Roll
  3. TH02's verdict screen, and its hidden challenge
  4. TH02's end-of-stage bonus screens

After the textless slideshows of TH01, TH02 was the first Touhou game to feature lore text in its endings. Given that this game stores its 📝 in-game dialog text in fixed-size plaintext files, you wouldn't expect anything more fancy for the endings either, so it's not surprising to see that the END?.TXT files use the same concept, with 44 visible bytes per line followed by two bytes of padding for the CR/LF newline sequence. Each of these lines is typed to the screen in full, with all whitespace and a fixed time for each 2-byte chunk.
As a result, everything surrounding the text is just as hardcoded as TH01's endings were, which once again opens up the possibility of freely integrating all sorts of creative animations without the overhead of an interpreter. Sadly, TH02 only makes use of this freedom in a mere two cases: the picture scrolling effect from Reimu's head to Marisa's head in the Bad Endings, and a single hardware palette change in the Good Endings.

Powered by master.lib's egc_shift_down().
Screenshot of the (0-based) line #13 in TH02's Good Endings, together with its associated (and colored) pictureScreenshot of the (0-based) line #14 in TH02's Good Endings, showing off how it doesn't change the picture of the previous line and only applies a different grayscale palette
Same image, different palette. Note how the palette for 2️⃣ must still contain a green color for the VRAM-rendered bold text, which the image is not supposed to use.

Hardcoding also still made sense for this game because of how the ending text is structured. The Good and Bad Endings for the individual shot types respectively share 55% and 77% of their text, and both only diverge after the first 27 lines. In straight-line procedural code, this translates to one branch for each shot type at a single point, neatly matching the high-level structure of these endings.

But that's the end of the positive or neutral aspects I can find in these scripts. The worst part, by far, is ZUN's approach to displaying the text in alternating colors, and how it impacts the entire structure of the code.
The simplest solution would have involved a hardcoded array with the color of each line, just like how the in-game dialogs store the face IDs for each text box. But for whatever reason, ZUN did not apply this piece of wisdom to the endings and instead hardcoded these color changes by… mutating a global variable before calling the text typing function for every individual line.:zunpet: This approach ruins any possibility of compressing the script code into loops. While ZUN did use loops, all of them are very short because they can only last until the next color change. In the end, the code contains 90 explicitly spelled-out calls to the 5-parameter line typing function that only vary in the pointer to each line and in the slower speed used for the one or two final lines of each ending. As usual, I've deduplicated the code in the ReC98 repository down to a sensible level, but here's the full inlined and macro-expanded horror:

Raw decompilation of TH02's script function for its three Bad Endings, without inline function or macro trickeryRaw decompilation of TH02's script function for its three Good Endings, without inline function or macro trickery
It's highly likely that this is what ZUN hacked into his PC-98 and was staring at back in 1997. :godzun:

All this redundancy bloats the two script functions for the 6 endings to a whopping 3,344 bytes inside TH02's MAINE.EXE. In particular, the single function that covers the three Good Endings ends up with a total of 631 x86 ASM instructions, making it the single largest function in TH02 and the 7th longest function in all of PC-98 Touhou. If the 📝 single-executable build for TH02's debloated and anniversary branches ends up needing a few more KB to reduce its size below the original MAIN.EXE, there are lots of opportunities to compress it all.

The ending text can also be fast-forwarded by holding any key. As we've come to expect for this sort of ZUN code, the text typing function runs its own rendering loop with VSync delays and input detection, which means that we 📝 once 📝 again have to talk about the infamous quirk of the PC-98 keyboard controller in relation to held keys. We've still got 54 not yet decompiled calls to input detection functions left in this codebase, are you excited yet?! :tannedcirno:
Holding any key speeds up the text of all ending lines before the last one by displaying two kana/kanji instead of one per rendered frame and reducing the delay between the rendered frames to 1/3 of its regular length. In pseudocode:

for(i = 0; i < number_of_2_byte_chunks_on_displayed_line; i++) {
	input = convert_current_pc98_bios_input_state_to_game_specific_bitflags();
	if(input == INPUT_NONE) {
		// Basic case, no key pressed
	} else if((i % 2) == 1) {
		// Key pressed, chunk number is odd.
		frame_delay(frames_per_chunk / 3);
	} else {
		// Key pressed, chunk number is even.
		// No delay; next iteration adds to the same frame.

This is exactly the kind of code you would write if you wanted to deliberately maximize the impact of this hardware quirk. If the game happens to read the current input state right after a key up scancode for the last previously held and game-relevant key, it will then wrongly take the branch that uninterruptibly waits for the regular, non-divided amount of VSync interrupts. In my tests, this broke the rhythm of the fast-forwarded text about once per line. Note how this branch can also be taken on an even chunk: Rendering glyphs straight from font ROM to VRAM is not exactly cheap, and if each iteration (needlessly) blits one more full-width glyph than the last one, the probability of a key up scancode arriving in the middle of a frame only increases.
The fact that TH02 allows any of the supported input keys to be held points to another detail of this quirk I haven't mentioned so far. If you press multiple keys at once, the PC-98's keyboard controller only sends the periodic key up scancodes as long as you are holding the last key you pressed. Because the controller only remembers this last key, pressing and releasing any other key would get rid of these scancodes for all keys you are still holding.
As usual, this ZUN bug only occurs on real hardware and with DOSBox-X's correct emulation of the PC-98 keyboard controller.

After the ending, we get to witness the most seamless transition between ending and Staff Roll in any Touhou game as the BGM immediately changes to the Staff Roll theme, and the ending picture is shifted into the same place where the Staff Roll pictures will appear. Except that the code misses the exact position by four pixels, and cuts off another four pixels at the right edge of the picture:

Also, note the green 1-pixel line at the right edge of this specific picture. This is a bug in the .PI file where the picture is indeed shifted one pixel to the left. :zunpet:

What follows is a comparatively large amount of unused content for a single scene. It starts right at the end of this underappreciated 11-frame animation loaded from ENDFT.BFT:

Wastefully using the 4bpp BFNT format. The single ZUN frame at the end of the animation is unused; while it might look identical to the ZUN glyphs later on in the Staff Roll, that's only because both are independently rendered boldfaced versions of the same font ROM glyphs. Then again, it does prove that ZUN created this animation on a PC-98 model made by NEC, as the Epson clones used a font ROM with a distinctly different look.

TH02's Staff Roll is also unique for the pre-made screenshots of all 5 stages that get shown together with a fancy rotating rectangle animation while the Staff Roll progresses in sync with the BGM. The first interesting detail shows up immediately after the first image, where the code jumps over one of the 320×200 quarters in ED06.PI, leaving the screenshot of the Stage 2 midboss unused.
All of the cutscenes in PC-98 Touhou store their pictures as 320×200 quarters within a single 640×400 .PI file. Anywhere else, all four quarters are supposed to be displayed with the same palette specified in the .PI header, but TH02's Staff Roll screenshots are also unique in how all quarters beyond the top-left one require palettes loaded from external .RGB files to look right. Consequently, the game doesn't clearly specify the intended palette of this unused screenshot, and leaves two possibilities:

The unused second 320×200 quarter of TH02's ED06.PI, displayed in the Stage 2 color palette used in-game.
The unused second 320×200 quarter of TH02's ED06.PI, displayed in the palette specified in the .PI header. These are the colors you'd see when looking at the file in a .PI viewer, when converting it into another format with the usual tools, or in sprite rips that don't take TH02's hardcoded palette changes into account. These colors are only intended for the Stage 1 screenshot in the top-left quarter of the file.
The unused second 320×200 quarter of TH02's ED06.PI, displayed in the palette from ED06B.RGB, which the game uses for the following screenshot of the Meira fight. As it's from the same stage, it almost matches the in-game colors seen in 1️⃣, and only differs in the white color (#FFF) being slightly red-tinted (#FCC).

It might seem obvious that the Stage 2 palette in 1️⃣ is the correct one, but ZUN indeed uses ED06B.RGB with the red-tinted white color for the following screenshot of the Meira fight. Not only does this palette not match Meira's in-game appearance, but it also discolors the rectangle animation and the surrounding Staff Roll text:

Also, that tearing on frame #1 is not a recording artifact, but the expected result of yet another VSync-related landmine. 💣 This time, it's caused by the combination of 1) the entire sequence from the ending to the verdict screen being single-buffered, and 2) this animation always running immediately after an expensive operation (640×400 .PI image loading and blitting to VRAM, 320×200 VRAM inter-page copy, or hardware palette loading from a packed file), without waiting for the VSync interrupt. This makes it highly likely for the first frame of this animation to start rendering at a point where the (real or emulated) electron beam has already traveled over a significant portion of the screen.

But when I went into Stage 2 to compare these colors to the in-game palette, I found something even more curious. ZUN obviously made this screenshot with the Reimu-C shot type, but one of the shot sprites looks slightly different from how it does in-game. :thonk: These screenshots must have been made earlier in development when the sprite didn't yet feature the second ring at the top. The same applies to the Stage 4 screenshot later on:

Original version of the third 320×200 quarter from TH02's ED06.PI, representing the Meira boss fight and showing off an old version of the Reimu-C shot spritesOriginal version of the first 320×200 quarter from TH02's ED07.PI, representing Stage 4 and showing off an old version of the Reimu-C shot sprites
Edited version of the third 320×200 quarter from TH02's ED06.PI, representing the Meira boss fight; Reimu-C's shot sprites were replaced with their final versionEdited version of the first 320×200 quarter from TH02's ED07.PI, representing Stage 4; Reimu-C's shot sprites were replaced with their final version

Finally, the rotating rectangle animation delivers one more minor rendering bug. Each of the 20 frames removes the largest and outermost rectangle from VRAM by redrawing it in the same black color of the background before drawing the remaining rectangles on top. The corners of these rectangles are placed on a shrinking circle that starts with a radius of 256 pixels and is centered at (192, 200), which results in a maximum possible X coordinate of 448 for the rightmost corner of the rectangle. However, the Staff Roll text starts at an X coordinate of 416, causing the first two full-width glyphs to still fall within the area of the circle. Each line of text is also only rendered once before the animation. So if any of the rectangles then happens to be placed at an angle that causes its edges to overlap the text, its removal will cut small holes of black pixels into the glyphs:

The green dotted circle corresponds to the newest/smallest rectangle. Note how ZUN only happened to avoid the holes for the two final animations by choosing an initial angle and angular velocity that causes the resulting rectangles to just barely avoid touching the TEST PLAYER glyphs.

At least the following verdict screen manages to have no bugs aside from the slightly imperfect centering of its table values, and only comes with a small amount of additional bloat. Let's get right to the mapping from skill points to the 12 title strings from END3.TXT, because one of them is not like the others:

90 - 99もはや神の領域!!
80 - 99A級シューター!!
78 - 79うきうきゲーマー!
70 - 76うきうきゲーマー!
60 - 69どきどきゲーマー!
50 - 59要練習ゲーマー
40 - 49非ゲーマー級
30 - 39ちょっとだめ
20 - 29非人間級
10 - 19人間でない何か
Looks like I'm the first one to document the required skill points as well? Everyone else just copy-pastes END3.TXT without providing context.

So how would you get exactly 77 and achieve vanilla harmony? Here's the formula:

Difficulty level* × 20
+10 - (Continues used × 3)
+max((50 - (Lives lost × 3) - Bombs used), 0)
+min(max(📝 item_skill, 0), 25)
* Ranges from 0 (Easy) to 3 (Lunatic).
Across all 5 stages.
With Easy Mode capping out at 85, this is possible on every difficulty, although it requires increasingly perfect play the lower you go. Reaching 77 on purpose, however, pretty much demands a careful route through the entire game, as every collected and missed item will influence the item_skill in some way. This almost feels it's like the ultimate challenge that this game has to offer. Looking forward to the first Vanilla Harmony% run!

And with that, TH02's MAINE.EXE is both fully position-independent and ready for translation. There's a tiny bit of undecompiled bit of code left in the binary, but I'll leave that for rounding up a future TH02 decompilation push.

With one of the game's skill-based formulas decompiled, it's fitting to round out the second push with the other two. The in-game bonus tables at the end of a stage also have labels that we'd eventually like to translate, after all.
The bonus formula for the 4 regular stages is also the first place where we encounter TH02's rank value, as well as the only instance in PC-98 Touhou where the game actually displays a rank-derived value to the player. KirbyComment and Colin Douglas Howell accurately documented the rank mechanics over at Touhou Wiki two years ago, which helped quite a bit as rank would have been slightly out of scope for these two pushes. 📝 Similar to TH01, TH02's rank value only affects bullet speed, but the exact details of how rank is factored in will have to wait until RE progress arrives at this game's bullet system.
These bonuses are calculated by taking a sum of various gameplay metrics and multiplying it with the amount of point items collected during the stage. In the 4 regular stages, the sum consists of:

 難易度 Difficulty level* × 2,000
ステージ (Rank + 16) ×   200
ボム max((2,500 - (Bombs used* ×   500)), 0)
ミス max((3,000 - (Lives lost* × 1,000)), 0)
靈撃初期数 (4 - Starting bombs) ×   800
靈夢初期数 (5 - Starting lives) × 1,000
* Within this stage, across all continues.
Yup, 封魔録.TXT does indeed document this correctly.

As rank can range from -6 to +4 on Easy and +16 on the other difficulties, this sum can range between:

Minimum 2,8004,8006,8008,800
Maximum 16,70021,10023,10025,100

The sum for the Extra Stage is not documented in 封魔録.TXT:

クリア 10,000
ミス回数 max((20,000 - (Lives lost × 4,000)), 0)
ボム回数 max((20,000 - (Bombs used × 4,000)), 0)
クリアタイム ⌊max((20,000 - Boss fight frames*), 0) ÷ 10⌋ × 10
* Amount of frames spent fighting Evil Eye Σ, counted from the end of the pre-boss dialog until the start of the defeat animation.

And that's two pushes packed full of the most bloated and copy-pasted code that's unique to TH02! So bloated, in fact, that TH02 RE as a whole jumped by almost 7%, which in turn finally pushed overall RE% over the 60% mark. 🎉 It's been a while since we hit a similar milestone; 50% overall RE happened almost 2 years ago during 📝 P0204, a month before I completed the TH01 decompilation.
Next up: Continuing to wait for Microsoft to fix the static analyzer bug until May at the latest, and working towards the newly popular dreams of TH03 netplay by looking at some of its foundational gameplay code.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Ember2528, [Anonymous]
🏷️ Tags:

📝 Over two years since the previous largest delivery, we've now got a new record in every regard: 12 pushes across 5 repos, 215 commits, and a blog post with over 14,000 words and 48 pieces of media. 😱 Who would have thought that the superficially simple task of putting SC-88Pro recordings into Shuusou Gyoku would actually mainly focus on deep research into the underlying MIDI files? I don't typically cover much music-related content because it's a non-issue as far as PC-98 Touhou code is concerned, so it's quite fitting how extensive this one turned out. So here we go, the result of virtually unlimited funding and patience:

  1. The SC-88Pro recording controversy
  2. Undefined SysEx behavior
  3. Resolving the controversy, and making a choice (contains personal opinion)
  4. A Unix-style command-line MIDI filter (in Rust BTW)
  5. Visualizing MIDI files (for science, and not for playing them on a keyboard)
  6. Shuusou Gyoku's individual loop quirks 🎺
  7. Rewriting pbg's MIDI code
  8. Putting together the BGM packs
  9. Outgrowing miniaudio (and raging about single-file C libraries for a while)
  10. Remaining implementation details
  11. Pricing changes (and no, not everything's getting more expensive)

So where's the controversy? Romantique Tp obviously made the best and most careful real-hardware SC-88Pro recordings of all of ZUN's old MIDIs, including the original (OST) and arranged (AST) soundtrack of Shuusou Gyoku, right? Surely all I have to do now is to cut them into seamless loops to save a bit of disk space, and then put them into the game? Let's start at the end of the track list with the name registration theme, since it's light on instruments and has an obvious loop point that will be easy to spot in the waveform. But, um… wait a moment, that very first drum note comes a bit late, doesn't it?

This can also be heard in Romantique Tp's YouTube upload.
At a notated tempo of 96 BPM, these first four beats should take exactly 2.5 seconds, which they do in this seamlessly looping softsynth rendering.

That's… not quite the accuracy and perfection I was expecting. :thonk: But I think I know what we're seeing and hearing there. Let's look at the first few MIDI events across all channels:

Delta	Pulse	 Beat	Channel	Event
 +540	   960	  2:000	      1	Controller { CC   0, value   0 }
   +0	   960	  2:000	      1	Controller { CC  32, value   0 }
   +0	   960	  2:000	      1	ProgramChange {  37 }
   +0	   960	  2:000	      2	Controller { CC   0, value   0 }
   +0	   960	  2:000	      2	Controller { CC  32, value   0 }
   +0	   960	  2:000	      2	ProgramChange {  19 }
   +0	   960	  2:000	      3	Controller { CC   0, value   0 }
   +0	   960	  2:000	      3	Controller { CC  32, value   0 }
   +0	   960	  2:000	      3	ProgramChange {   6 }
   +0	   960	  2:000	      4	Controller { CC   0, value   0 }
   +0	   960	  2:000	      4	Controller { CC  32, value   0 }
   +0	   960	  2:000	      4	ProgramChange {   2 }
Delta	Pulse	 Beat	Channel	Event
   +0	  960	2:000	     10	Controller { CC   0, value   0 }
   +0	  960	2:000	     10	Controller { CC  32, value   0 }
   +0	  960	2:000	     10	ProgramChange {  25 }
   +0	  960	2:000	     10	Controller { CC   7, value 127 }
   +0	  960	2:000	     10	Controller { CC  11, value 127 }
   +0	  960	2:000	     10	Controller { CC  10, value  64 }
   +0	  960	2:000	     10	Controller { CC  91, value  80 }
   +0	  960	2:000	     10	Controller { CC  93, value  40 }
   +0	  960	2:000	     10	NoteOn { Key  42, Vel.  94 }
   +0	  960	2:000	     10	NoteOn { Key  36, Vel. 110 }
   +1	  961	2:001	     10	NoteOn { Key  42, Vel.   0 }
   +0	  961	2:001	     10	NoteOn { Key  36, Vel.   0 }
 +119	 1080	2:120	     10	NoteOn { Key  42, Vel.  34 }
   +1	 1081	2:121	     10	NoteOn { Key  42, Vel.   0 }
 +119	 1200	2:240	     10	NoteOn { Key  42, Vel.  64 }
   +0	 1200	2:240	     10	NoteOn { Key  36, Vel.  64 }
Also, the fact that GS doesn't put its drums on a non-general voice bank and instead relies on external channel configuration to differentiate drums from pitched instruments is making this Yamaha kid uncontrollably furious. 🤬

Yup. That's the sound of a vintage hardware synth being slow and taking a two-digit number of milliseconds to process a barrage of simultaneous Program Change messages, playing a MIDI file that doesn't take this reality into account and expects program changes to happen instantly.
I can only speak from my own experience of writing MIDIs for hardware synths here, but having the first note displaced by 50 ms is very much not the way a composer would have intended the music to be heard if the note is clearly notated to occur on the beat. If you had told me about such an issue when playing one of my MIDIs on a certain synth, I would have thanked you for the bug report! And I would have promptly released a fixed version of the MIDI with the Program Change events moved back by a beat or two. In the case of Shuusou Gyoku's MIDIs, this wouldn't even have added any additional delay in-game, as all of these files already start with at least one beat of leading silence to make room for setting Roland-specific synth parameters.

OK, but that's just a single isolated bass drum hit. If we wanted to, we could even fix this issue ourselves by splicing the same note from around the loop end point. Maybe this is just an isolated case and the rest of Romantique Tp's recordings are fine? Well…

Again, check Romantique Tp's YouTube upload for proof.
By the way, this seamless audio player is what consumed most of the two website pushes this time. The rest went to the slightly redesigned main page, whose progress bars now use the cap bar style and the GitHub badge colors.

This one is even worse. Here, the delay is so long relative to the tempo of the piece that the intended five drum hits pretty much turn into four.

This type of issue doesn't even have to be isolated to the very beginning of a piece. A few of the tracks in both the OST and AST start with an anacrusis on just one or two channels and leave the Program Change event barrage at the beginning of the first full measure. In 幻想科学 ~ Doll's Phantom for example, this creates a flam-like glitch where the bass on channel 2 is pretty much on time, but the crash hit on channel 10 only follows 50 ms later, after the SC-88Pro took its sweet time to process all the Program Change events on the channels between:

This is from the arranged soundtrack for a change. In that one, ZUN at least fixed the issue in the final three MIDIs (シルクロードアリス, 魔女達の舞踏会, and 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Ancients) that closed out this rearranging project in May 2001, which spread out their per-channel setup events over at least a single measure before playing any note.

Let's listen to that at half speed:

Romantique Tp's YouTube upload.
Still on point.

Sure, all of this is barely noticeable in casual listening, but very noticeable if you're the one who now has to cut these recordings into seamless loops. And these are just the most obvious timing issues that can be easily pinpointed and documented – the actual worst aspects are all the minor tempo and timing fluctuations throughout most of the pieces. With recordings that deviate ever so slightly from the tempo defined in the MIDI files, you can no longer rely on mathematically exact sample positions when cutting loops. Even if those positions do work out from time to time, there'd pretty much always be a discontinuity in the waveform at both ends of the loop, manifesting as a clearly audible click. In the end, the only way of finding good loop points in existing recordings involves straining your ears and listening very, very closely to avoid any audible glitches. 😩

But if you've taken a look at the second tabs in the clips above, you will have noticed that we don't necessarily have to be stuck with recordings from real hardware. In late 2015, Roland released Sound Canvas VA, a VST plugin that emulates the classic core of Roland's old Sound Canvas lineup, including the SC-88Pro. As long as we run such a software synthesizer through a quality VST host, a purely software-based solution should be way superior for recording looped BGM:

Any drawbacks? For our use case, all of them are found in the abysmal software quality of everything around the synth engine. As it's typical for the VST industry, Sound Canvas VA is excessively DRM'd – it takes multiple seconds to start up, and even then only allows a single process to run at any given time, immediately quitting every process beyond the first one with a misleading Parameter File1 Read Error message box. I totally believe anyone who claims that this makes SCVA more annoying than real hardware when composing new music. Retro gamers also dislike how Roland themselves no longer sells the 32-bit builds they used to offer for the first few versions. These old versions are now exclusively available through resellers, or on the seven seas.
But as far as the SC-88Pro emulation is concerned, there don't seem to be any technical reasons against it. There is a long thread over at VOGONS discussing all sorts of issues, but you have to dig quite deep to find any clear descriptions of bugs in SCVA's synth engine. Everything I found either only applies to the SC-55 emulation and not the SC-88Pro, was fixed by Roland in the meantime, or turned out to be a fixable bug in a MIDI file.

Nevertheless, Romantique Tp has a very negative opinion about SCVA, getting quite angry and defensive in this instance where someone favorably compared SCVA to their recordings. Edit (2024-03-10): These days, Romantique Tp has a much more favorable opinion on SCVA as well.
8 years after their release, however, the community unanimously accepts the Romantique Tp recordings as the intended way to listen to ZUN's old MIDIs, so choosing Sound Canvas VA for our Shuusou Gyoku builds might be a bad idea purely for PR reasons. At best, people would slightly wonder why I intentionally went with the opposite of the accepted reference recordings, but at worst, this entire project could face a violent backlash…

But wait, we've already heard one obvious difference between the real SC-88Pro and Sound Canvas VA. Let's listen to the very first clip again:

Ha! You can clearly hear a panning echo in the real-hardware recording that is missing from the Sound Canvas VA rendering. That's an obvious case of a core system effect not being reproduced correctly. If even that's undeniably broken, who knows which other subtle bugs SCVA suffers from, right? Case closed, Romantique Tp was right all along, SCVA is trash, real hardware reigns supreme :godzun:

Actually, let's look closer into this one. Panning delay effects like this are typically reverb-related, but General MIDI only specifies a single controller to specify the per-channel reverb level from 0 to 127. Any specific characteristics of the reverb therefore have to be configured using vendor-specific system-exclusive messages, or SysEx for short.
So it's down to one of the four SysEx messages at the beginning of the MIDI file:

Delta	Pulse	 Beat	Event
   +0	    0	0:000	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7)
 +240	  240	0:240	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 30 14 7B F7)
 +120	  360	0:360	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 33 0F 7D F7)
  +60	  420	0:420	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 34 30 5B F7)

Since these byte strings represent Roland-specific instructions, we can't learn anything from a raw MIDI event dump alone here. No problem though, let's just load these files into some old MIDI sequencer that targeted Roland synths, open its MIDI event list, and then they will be automatically decoded into a human-readable representation…
…or at least that's what I expected. In Yamaha land, XGworks has done that for Yamaha's own XG SysEx messages ever since 1997:

Screenshot of the MIDI Event Viewer in Yamaha's XGworks, showing off its automatic XG SysEx decoding feature.
No configuration required. You can even edit the textual Value1 representation and XGworks parses it back into the closest supported value!

But for Roland synths, there's… nothing similar? Seriously? 😶 Roland fanboys, how do you even live?! I mean, they are quick to recommend the typical bloated and sluggish big-name DAWs that take up multiple gigabytes of disk space, but none of the ones I tried seemed to have this feature. They can't have possibly been flinging around raw byte strings for the past 33 years?!
But once you look more into today's MIDI community, it becomes clear that this is exactly what they've been doing. Why else would so many people use the word complicated to describe Roland SysEx, or call it an old school/cryptic communication protocol in hexadecimal format? The latter is particularly hilarious because if you removed the word cryptic, this might as well describe all of MIDI, not just SysEx. :tannedcirno: Everything about this is a tooling issue, and Yamaha showed how easily it could have been solved. Instead, we get Sound Canvas experts, who should know more about the ecosystem than I do, making the incredible mental leap from "my DAW doesn't decode or easily generate SysEx" to "SysEx is antiquated" to "please just lift up these settings to the VST level and into my proprietary DAW's proprietary project format, that would be so much better"

Thankfully that's not entirely true. After some more digging and configuration, I found a somewhat workable solution involving a comparatively modern sequencer called Domino:

  1. Download either Domino's original Japanese version or the partial English translation. The .zip file on the release page contains a full standalone build.
  2. Open the File → Preferences menu and associate your MIDI output device with a module map. This makes sense for SysEx encoding/generation since it can limit the options in the UI to what's actually available on your target hardware, but is also required for selecting the respective SysEx map into Domino's SysEx decoder. There is no technical reason for this because SC-88Pro SysEx messages can be uniquely identified by the three vendor, device, and model ID bytes that every message starts with, but would be too easy and user-friendly. The perception of SysEx being a black art must be upheld at all costs.
    Screenshot of Domino's MIDI-OUT window, complete with garbled text
    I've kept the garbled text of the partial translation to emphasize the sheer amount of jank involved in this entire process.
  3. Load a MIDI file and let Domino "analyze" it:
    Screenshot of Domino's analysis message box
  4. Strangely enough, this will take quite a while – on my system, this analysis step runs at a speed of roughly 4.25 KB/s of MIDI data. Yes, kilobytes.
  5. Unfortunately, "control change macro restoration" also seems to mean that you don't get to see any raw bytes when selecting the respective MIDI track in the UI, but at least we get what we were looking for:
    Screenshot of the four SysEx messages of タイトルドメイド, Shuusou Gyoku's name registration theme, as decoded by Domino
    …for the most part?
    Pulse	Event
        0	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7)
      240	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 30 14 7B F7)
      360	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 33 0F 7D F7)
      420	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 34 30 5B F7)

Alright, that's something we can work with. The GS Reset message is something that every Roland GS MIDI should start with, but it's immediately followed by a message that Domino failed to decode? The two subsequent reverb parameters make sense, but panning delays typically have more parameters than just a reverb level and time.
That unknown SysEx message shares much of the same bytes with the decoded ones though. So let's do what we maybe should have done all along, return to caveman, and check the SC-88Pro manual:

The relevant section from page 194. We can see how the address and value correspond to bytes 5-7 and 8 in the SysEx messages. Byte 9 is a checksum and byte 10 signals the end of the message.

And that's where we find what this particular issue boils down to. The missing SysEx message is clearly intended to be a Reverb Macro command, whose value can range from 0 to 7 inclusive on the SC-88Pro, but ZUN tries to specify Reverb Macro #14h, or 20 in decimal. The SC-88Pro manual does not specify what happens if a SysEx message wants to write an invalid value to a valid address, which means that we've firmly entered the territory of undefined behavior.
Edit (2024-03-10): Romantique Tp confirmed that the real SC-88Pro clamps these Reverb Macro IDs to the supported range of 0-7. Therefore, the appropriate course of action for guaranteeing the same sound on other Roland synths would be to fix the MIDI file and specify Reverb Macro #7 instead. But since this behavior remains technically undefined, we can still argue about ZUN's intention behind specifying the Reverb Macro like this:

In fact, 32 out of the 39 MIDIs across both of Shuusou Gyoku's soundtrack use this invalid Reverb Macro. The only ones that don't are

And that's where this quest seemed to end, until Romantique Tp themselves came in and suggested that I take a closer look at the GS Advanced Editor, or GSAE for short.

The splash screen of GSAE version 4.01e.
Make sure to connect a MIDI input device before starting GSAE, or it will silently crash immediately after this splash screen. At least it accepts any controller, so this might just be a bug instead of the typical user-hostile kind of hardware dongle DRM that is pervasive in today's synth industry. 1999 would seem a bit too early for that, thankfully.

I was aware of this tool, but hadn't initially considered it because it's always described as just a SysEx generator/encoder. In fact, the very existence of such a tool made no sense to me at first, and seemed to prove my point that the usability of GS SysEx was wholly inferior to what I was used to in Yamaha land. Like, why not build at least a tiny and stripped-down MIDI sequencer around this functionality that would allow you to insert SC-88Pro-specific messages at any point within a sequence, and not just the beginning? I can see the need for such a tool in today's world of closed-source DAWs where hardware MIDI modules are niche and retro and are only kept alive by a small community of enthusiasts. But why would its developers guarantee that MIDI composers would have to hop between programs even back in 1997? I can only imagine that they saw how every just slightly advanced MIDI sequencer or DAW back then already used its own project format instead of raw Standard MIDI Files, and assumed that composers would therefore be program-hopping anyway?
However, GSAE does support the import of settings from a MIDI file and features a SysEx history window that decodes every newly processed Roland SysEx byte string, which is all I was looking for. So let's throw in that same MIDI and…

Screenshot of GSAE's SysEx history window,showing the results of sending a GS Reverb Macro #20 message
That's the result of sending just the single F0 41 10 42 12 40 01 30 14 7B F7 message at the top.

Now that's some wild numbers. An equally invalid Reverb Character, and Reverb Level and Time values that even exceed their defined range of 0-127? Could it be that GSAE emulates the real-hardware response to invalid Reverb Macros here, and gives us the exact reverb setting we can hear in Romantique Tp's recording? This could even be the reason why GSAE is still used and recommended within today's Roland MIDI sequencing scene, and hasn't been supplanted by some more modern open-source tool written by the community.

In any case, these values have to come from somewhere, so let's reverse-engineer GSAE and figure out the logic behind them. Shoutout to IDR for being a great help with its automatic generation of IDC debug symbols for the Delphi standard library, and even including a few names of application-level widget class methods by reading Delphi-specific type information from the binary. This little sub-project made me also come around to appreciating Ghidra, whose decompiler and data type manager helped a lot and allowed me to find the relevant code section within just a few hours.
A~nd it turns out that the values all come from out-of-bounds accesses into arrays on the stack. :onricdennat: If we combine 25, 235, and 132 back into a 32-bit value, we get 0x19EB84, which is the virtual address of the relevant function's stack frame base pointer.
But it gets even more hilarious: If you enable debug text output via Option → Other Options → SMF → Insert text events to setup measures and export these imported settings back into a MIDI file, GSAE not only retains these invalid Reverb Macro IDs, but stringifies them via a simple lookup into a hardcoded string pointer array, again without any bounds checks. The effects of this are roughly what you would expect:

In the end, we have Domino not decoding the Reverb Macro message, and GSAE, the premier SysEx tool for Roland synths, responding to it in even more undefined and clearly bugged ways than real hardware apparently does. That's two programs confirming that whatever ZUN intended was never supposed to work reliably. And while we still don't know exactly what these reverb parameters are supposed to be, these observations solve the mystery as far as I'm concerned, and solidify my personal opinion on the matter.

So what do we do now, and which version do we go with? Optimally, I'd offer both versions and turn this controversy into a personal choice so that everybody wins… and Ember2528 agreed and generously provided all the funding to make it happen. 💸
If you haven't picked your favorite yet, here are some final arguments:

The Romantique Tp recordings certainly have something going for them with their provenance of coming from real hardware, and the care that Romantique Tp put into manually recording every single track, warts and all. I wholeheartedly agree that preserving the raw sound of playing the MIDI files into the hardware without thinking about bugs or quirks is an important angle to take when it comes to preservation. It's good that these recordings exist – after all, you wouldn't know which musical elements you'd possibly be missing in an emulation if you have nothing to compare it to. Even the muffled sound in the half-speed clip above can be an argument in their favor, as the SC-88Pro's DAC operates at 32 kHz and you wouldn't expect any meaningful frequency content between 16,000 and 22,050 Hz to begin with. Any frequency content in that range that does remain in Romantique Tp's recording is simply 📝 rolled-off imaging noise added during the ADC's resampling process.
All this is why they are a definite improvement over kaorin's 2007 recordings of only the AST, which used to be the previous reference recordings within the community. Those had all of the same timing issues and more, in addition to being so excessively volume-boosted that 0.15% of the samples across the entire soundtrack ended up clipped. That's 6.25 seconds out of 68:39m being lost to pure digital noise.

Most importantly though: ZUN himself said that only the real SC-88Pro will play back these files as he intended them to sound. This quote is likely where the tagline of Romantique Tp's entire recording project came from in the first place:

> 全てのデエタはSC-88ProもしくはSC-8850(ロオランド社)にて最適に聴けるように調整してあります > それ以外の音源でも、作者の意図した音ではない場合があります。 — ZUN on 東方幻想的音楽, his old MIDI page

However. ZUN is not exactly known for accurately and carefully preserving the legacy of his series, or really doing anything beyond parading his old games as unobtainable showpieces at conventions. With all the issues we've seen, preferring real hardware is ultimately just that: an angle, and a preference. This is why I disagree with the heavy and uncritical advertising that is mainly responsible for elevating the Romantique Tp recordings to their current reference status within the community, especially if at least half of the alleged superiority of real hardware is founded on undefined behavior that can easily be fixed in the MIDI files themselves if people only bothered to look.

Here's where I stand: MIDI files are digital sheet music first and foremost, not an inferior version of tracker modules where the samples are sold separately. As such, the specific synth a MIDI file was written for is merely a secondary property of the composition – and even more so if the MIDI file contains little to nothing in terms of sound design and mostly restricts itself to the basic feature set of General MIDI. In turn, synth quirks and bugs are not a defined part of the composition either, unless they are clearly annotated and documented in the file itself. And most importantly: If the MIDI file specifies a certain timing and a recording fails to reproduce that timing, then that recording is not an accurate representation of the MIDI file.
In that regard, Sound Canvas VA is not only the closest alternative to the real thing, as a few people in the MIDI and retrogaming scene do have to admit, but superior to the real thing. I'll gladly take clarity and perfect timing accuracy in exchange for minor differences in effects, especially if the MIDI file does not explicitly and correctly define said effects to begin with. If I want a panning delay as part of the reverb, I add the respective and correct SysEx message to define one – and if I don't, I do not care about the reverb. You might still get a panning delay on a certain synth, and you might even prefer how it sounds, but it's ultimately a rendering artifact and not a consciously intended part of the composition. In that way, it's similar to the individual flavor a musician adds to a performance of a piece of classical music.
And as far as the differences in frequency response and resonant filters are concerned: In Yamaha land, these are exactly the main distinguishing factors between vintage WF-192XG sound cards (resembling the real SC-88Pro in these characteristics) and the S-YXG50 softsynth (resembling SCVA). Once I found out about that softsynth and how much clearer it sounded in comparison, I sold that old PCI sound card soon after.

In the interest of preservation though, there's still one more unexplored solution that could be the ideal middle ground between the two approaches:

  1. Play the MIDIs through a real-hardware SC-88Pro again
  2. Capture the actually observed system-exclusive settings that fall within the synth's supported and documented ranges
  3. Insert them back into the MIDI file, creating a new bugfixed version
  4. Re-record that bugfixed version through Sound Canvas VA

Edit (2024-03-10): And since Romantique Tp has confirmed what exactly happens on real hardware, I'm going to do exactly that. These bugfixed Sound Canvas VA renderings will be a free bonus of the single next Shuusou Gyoku push, and will add another angle to the preservation of these soundtracks. In the meantime though, the Sound Canvas VA packs will sound like they do in the preview videos above.

Or, you know… Maybe none of this actually matters. Here's beatMARIO streaming some Shuusou Gyoku gameplay using what looks like a real-hardware SC-8850, which plays these MIDIs with occasionally noticeably different instrument patches and no panning delay in the name registration theme, and he still enjoyed every second of it. Imagine undefined SysEx behavior not even being consistent within the same family of Roland synths… nah, I'm done arguing, let's get back to the actual work and cut some loops.

Just to be clear: I'm not suggesting that Romantique Tp should have been the one to cut their recordings into loops, or even just the one who defined where the loop points are supposed to be. On the surface, this seems to be a non-issue, and you'd just pick a point wherever each track appears to loop, right? But with 39 MIDIs to cut and all the financial support from Ember2528, it made sense to also solve this problem more thoroughly, and algorithmically detect provably correct loop points for all of these files. Who knows, maybe we even find some surprises that make it all worth it?
This is the algorithm I came up with:

Of course, this algorithm isn't perfect and won't work for every MIDI file out there. It doesn't consider things like differently ordered events within the same MIDI pulse, (non-)registered parameter numbers, or the effect that SysEx messages can have on the state of individual channels. The latter would require the general SysEx decoding logic that I would have liked to have for the research above… actually, let's add an issue and add the project to the order form. I'd really like to see a comprehensive open-source cross-vendor SysEx decoder library in my lifetime.

As for the implementation, I was happy to write some Rust again for a change, as it's a great fit for these standalone greenfield command-line tools that don't have to directly interact with the legacy C++ code bases that this project usually deals with. It's even better if the foundational functionality is not just available in a crate, but in four, with the community already having gone through multiple iterations to arrive at a tried and tested winner. Who knows, maybe I even get to rewrite this website in it one day? Just for the sheer meme value of doing so, of course.
I also enjoyed this a lot from a technical point of view:

This algorithm works well for the long MIDI files of Shuusou Gyoku's OST that all contain multiple duplicates of their loop section, but it quickly reaches its limit with the AST. Following the classic two-loop + fade-out format, that soundtrack was meant to be played back in generic MIDI players, and not to actually be put back into the game in looped form. Since the loop algorithm did, in fact, find inconsistencies even in the OST, two copies of the apparent loop are sometimes not enough to prove cases where the actual loop ends much later than you think it does. In a few cases, it would be enough to simply remove all volume change events from the fade-out to prove the actual loop, but in others, the algorithm would need MIDI event data far past the end of the fade-out.

However, just giving up and not looping any of these tracks would be equally unfortunate. So how about shifting the question, from what's the best loop in this MIDI file to what's the best loop if the MIDI didn't fade out and instead repeated its apparent second loop a third time? As long as the detected loop in such a pre-processed file ends before the repeated range, it's still a valid loop in terms of the unmodified original.
Ideally, we want to do this pre-processing programmatically with the same Rust library instead of manually editing the MIDI. Many sequencers (and especially XGworks) apply significant changes to a MIDI file's internal structure when saving its internal representation back to a MIDI file, which might even mess with our loop algorithm. So it would be very nice to have a more trustworthy tool that applies only the edit we actually want, and perfectly retains the rest of the MIDI.

And that's how this sub-project turned into a small suite of command-line MIDI operations in the classic Unix filter/pipeline style: Each command reads a MIDI file from stdin, transforms it, and outputs text or the resulting MIDI file on stdout. This way, we gain maximum transparency and reproducibility as I can document the unique pre-processing steps for each AST track by simply providing the command lines. And sure, we're re-encoding and re-decoding the full MIDI sequence at every step along such a pipeline, but computers are fast, Rust and the midly library in particular are ⚡ blazingly fast ⚡, and the usability benefits of this pipeline model far outweigh any theoretical performance drops.
Here's the full list of commands that made it into the resulting mly tool:

This feature set should strike a good balance between not spending too much of the Shuusou Gyoku budget on tangential problems, but still offering a decent solution for the problem at hand. As a counterexample, the obvious killer feature – deserializing a dump back into a Standard MIDI File – would have gone way past the budget. While there are crates that free you from the need to write manual parsing code for basic data structures, they would instead require a lot of attribute boilerplate – and if the library that provided the structures doesn't already come with these attributes, you now have to duplicate all the structures, and convert back and forth between the original structures and your copies. Not to mention that we'd still have to write code for the high-level structure of the dump output…

If we put it all together, this is what we can do:

$ <ssg_02.mid mly loop-find
Best loop in note space: 4 events (between event #[117, 121[ and [121, 125[)
First note: event    71 / pulse    960 / beat   2:000 / 0:00:800m
Loop start: event   117 / pulse   1680 / beat   3:240 / 0:01:400m
  Loop end: event   121 / pulse   1920 / beat   4:000 / 0:01:600m

$ <ssg_02.mid mly cut 466: | mly loop-unfold 240: | mly -r 44100 loop-find
Track #0: Removing events #[16439, 19881[
Track #0: Repeating events #[8344, 16439[ at the end of the sequence
Best loop in note space: 8095 events (between event #[5625, 13720[ and [13720, 21815[)
First note: event    71 / pulse    960 / beat   2:000 / 0:00:800m
Loop start: event  5625 / pulse  75361 / beat 157:001 / 1:03:531m
  Loop end: event 13720 / pulse 183841 / beat 383:001 / 2:34:726m

Best loop in recording space:  8095 events (between event #[5709, 13804[ and [13804, 21899[)
First note: event    71 / pulse    960 / beat   2:000 / 0:00:800m / sample    35280.00
Loop start: event  5709 / pulse  77280 / beat 161:000 / 1:05:163m / sample  2873667.66
  Loop end: event 13804 / pulse 185760 / beat 387:000 / 2:36:358m / sample  6895375.27


So, where are these loop quirks that justify why some of these audio files are longer than you'd think they should be? Just listing them as text wouldn't really communicate just how minor these are. It would be much nicer to visualize them in a way that highlights the exact inconsistencies within a fixed range of MIDI measures. Screenshots of MIDI sequencer or DAW windows won't capture these aspects all too well because these programs are geared toward fine-grained editing of single tracks, not visualization of details across all channels.

Screenshot of the first 8 measures of Shuusou Gyoku's Stage 1 theme (フォルスストロベリー) in its OST version, as visualized by REAPER's piano roll
REAPER's piano roll nicely snaps to a certain range, but good luck picking out the individual lines from the single volume lane at the bottom of the screen, or spotting a 7-point difference. Not to mention that CC #11 (Expression) makes up an equal part of a channel's final perceived volume, which is the metric we'd actually want to visualize.

Typical MIDI visualizers, however, are on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. In recent years, MIDI visualization has become synonymous with the typical Synthesia style of YouTube videos with a big keyboard at the bottom, note bars flying in from the top, and optional fancy effects once those notes hit the top of the keyboard. The Black MIDI community has been churning out tons of identically looking MIDI visualizers in recent years that mainly seem to differ in the programming language they're written in, and in how well they can cope with the blackest of black MIDIs.
Thankfully, most of these visualizers are open-source and have small and manageable codebases. The project with the most GitHub stars and the most generic name seemed to be the best starting point for hacking in the missing features, despite using GLSL shaders which I had no prior experience with. It was long overdue that I did something with GLSL though – it added a nice educational aspect to these hacks, and it still was easier than deciphering whatever the fastest and hyper-optimized Rust visualizer is doing.
Still, this visualizer needed a total of 18 small features and bugfixes to be actually usable for demonstrating Shuusou Gyoku's loop quirks. As such, these hacks turned into yet another tangential sub-project that could have easily consumed another two pushes if I cleaned up the code and published the result. But that would have really gone way past the budget for something that people might not even care about. So here's what we're going to do:

Alright then! Here's how to read the visualizations:

Before we package up these looped soundtracks, let's take a quick look at how they would be shown off in the Music Room. The Seihou Music Rooms carry over the per-channel keyboards from TH05, add the current per-channel volume, expression, and pan pot values, and top it off with a fake spectrum analyzer. All of these visualizations rely on MIDI data, and the Music Room would feel very dull and boring without them. Just look at Kioh Gyoku, whose Music Room basically turns into a still image in WAVE mode.
Retaining these visualizations even when playing waveform BGM was very important for me, and not just because it would make for a unique high-quality feature that would break new ground. It can also double as proof that the waveform versions are, in fact, in perfect sync with both the MIDIs they are based on, and, by extension, the respective stage scripts.
However, this would require the game to process the MIDIs and update the internal visualization state without simultaneously playing them back through the WinMM / MME / midiOut*() API. And just like graphics and text rendering, Shuusou Gyoku's original code came with zero architectural separation between platform-independent processing logic and platform-specific playback…

So I accidentally rewrote almost the entire MIDI code to achieve said separation. :tannedcirno: This also provided a great occasion to modernize this code and add some much-needed robustness for potential MIDI mods, while retaining the original code's approach of iterating over raw SMF byte streams. It might all have been very excessive for a delivery that was supposed to be just about waveform BGM support, but on the plus side, MIDI output is now portable to any other system's MIDI API as well.

Surprisingly though, it was Shuusou Gyoku's original MIDI timing that quickly turned out to be rather inaccurate, and not the waveforms. The exact numbers vary depending on the piece, but the game played back every MIDI about 1% slower than notated, adding about 2 or 3 seconds to their total playback time after 5 minutes. Tempo changes in particular were the biggest causes of desynchronizations with the waveforms… :thonk:
To understand how this can happen to begin with, we have to look closer at how you're supposed to use the midiOut*() API. This API is as low-level as it gets, only covering the transmission of a single MIDI message to the selected output device right now. There is no concept of note timing at this low level, so it's completely up to the program to parse delta times and tempo change events out of the MIDI file and correctly time the calls to this API for each MIDI message. With all the code that runs between the API and the actual renderer of the synth for every single message, the resulting timing can only ever be an approximation of the MIDI file. This doesn't really matter for the timescales and polyphony levels of typical music because, again, computers are fast, but such an API is fundamentally unsuitable for accurately playing back even just a moderately complex million-note Black MIDI. :onricdennat:

Shuusou Gyoku handles this required manual timing in the simplest possible way: It runs a MIDI processing function (Mid_Proc() in the code) at an interval of 10 ms, which processes and instantly sends out all MIDI events that have occurred at any point within the last 10 ms, maintaining merely their order. This explains not only why the original game incremented its MIDI TIMER by multiples of 10, but also the infamous missing drums when playing the soundtrack through the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth:

But while sending MIDI events in such quantized chunks might not be perfect, it can't be the cause behind multi-second playback slowdowns. Instead, this issue has to boil down to the way Shuusou Gyoku times each individual message, and specifically how it converts between MIDI pulse units and real-time (milli)seconds. pbg's original MIDI code chose to do this in an equally confusing and inaccurate way: it kept two counters that tracked the current MIDI pulse before and after the latest tempo change, used the value of the latter counter to decide which events to process, and only added the pulse equivalent of 10 ms to this counter at the end of Mid_Proc() in the then current tempo. The commit message for my rewritten algorithm details the problems with this approach using nice ASCII art in case you're interested, but in short, the main problem lies in how the single final addition can only consider a single tempo change within each call to Mid_Proc(). If a MIDI file contains tempo ramps with less than 10 ms between each different tempo, the original game would only use the last of these tempo values as the basis for converting the entire 10 ms back into MIDI pulses. Not to mention that maybe MIDI pulses aren't the best unit in a game that still 📝 treats the FPU as lava and doesn't use any fixed-point means of increasing the resolution of the 10 ms→pulse division either…

On the contrary, it's much more accurate to immediately convert every encountered MIDI delta time to a real-time quantity and use that unit for event timing, especially if we want to restrict ourselves to integer math. Signed 64-bit integers are enough to fit the product of the slowest possible MIDI tempo ((224 - 1) µs per quarter note) and the highest possible MIDI delta time (228 - 1) at nanosecond precision (103), with one bit to spare. Then, we arrive at a much simpler timing algorithm:

The additive nature of this timer not only naturally allows more than one event to happen within a single Mid_Proc() call, but also averages out any minor timing inconsistencies across the length of a track.

This new algorithm did improve the overall timing accuracy, but only barely, shaving off just ≈100 ms of the total duration. Turns out that the main source behind the slowness was hiding somewhere else entirely, in the single line that deserializes tempo values from MIDI's big-endian representation into the native integer format:

assert(length_of_tempo_message == 3);
uint32_t tempo = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < length_of_tempo_message; i++) {
-	tempo += ((tempo << 8) + (*track_data++));
+	tempo  = ((tempo << 8) + (*track_data++));

Yup – the original code performed two additions per byte, which incorrectly added the interim value at every byte to the final result, and yielded a tempo that is ≈0.8% / ≈1 BPM slower than notated in the MIDI file, matching the number we were looking for. That's why the |/OR operator is the safer one to use in such a bit-twiddling context…
But now I'm curious. This is such a tiny bug that is bound to remain unnoticed until someone compares the game's MIDI output to another renderer. It must have certainly made it into other games whose MIDI code is based on Shuusou Gyoku's, or that pbg was involved with. And sure enough, not only did this bug survive Kioh Gyoku's OOP refactoring, but it even traveled into Windows Touhou, where it remained in every single game that supported MIDI playback. Now we know for a fact that pbg's Program Support role in the TH06 credits involved sharing ready-made, finished code with ZUN:

Disassembly of the Shuusou Gyoku MIDI tempo deserialization bug in TH06Disassembly of the Shuusou Gyoku MIDI tempo deserialization bug in TH07Disassembly of the Shuusou Gyoku MIDI tempo deserialization bug in TH08Disassembly of the Shuusou Gyoku MIDI tempo deserialization bug in TH09Disassembly of the Shuusou Gyoku MIDI tempo deserialization bug in TH10
The broken tempo deserialization in the respective latest full versions of TH06 through TH10. And yes, that's TH10 – even though TH09's trial version was the last game to ship MIDI versions of its soundtrack, TH10 still contained all of pbg's MIDI code that originated back in Shuusou Gyoku, before TH11 finally removed it.
Amusingly, ZUN's compiler even started optimizing the combination of left-shifting and addition to a multiplication with 257 for TH09, which even sort of highlights this bug if you're used to reading x86 ASM.

That leaves support for MIDI loop points as the only missing feature for syncing MIDI data with a looping waveform track. While it didn't require all too much code, pbg's original zero-copy approach of iterating over raw MIDI data definitely injected a lot of complexity into the required branches. Multi-track/SMF Type 1 files require quite a bit of extra thought to correctly calculate delta times across loop boundaries that reach past the end of the respective track, while still allowing the real-time delta values to be resynchronized at tempo changes within the loop – and yes, 3 of ZUN's 19 arranged MIDI files actually do use more than one track, so this wasn't just about maximizing MIDI compatibility for mods. I stuck to the original approach mostly as a challenge and to prove that it's possible without first parsing the entire MIDI sequence into a friendlier internal representation, but I absolutely do not recommend this to anyone else. :tannedcirno:

After hardcoding the loop points detected by mly into the binary, we only need to call Mid_Proc() once per frame in the Music Room and pass the frame delta time instead of the 10 ms constant. And then, we get this:

The MIDI TIMER now shows off the arguably more interesting current MIDI pulse value rather than just formatting the PASSED TIME in milliseconds. Ironically, displaying this value in a constantly counting way takes more effort now – the new nanosecond-based timing code doesn't use any measure of total MIDI pulses anymore, and they don't naturally fall out of the algorithm either. Instead, the code remembers the total pulse value of the last event it processed and adds the real-time duration that has passed since, similar to the original timing algorithm.
This naturally causes the timer to jump from the loop end pulse to the loop start pulse, proving that Mid_Proc() is in fact looping the sequence.

Alright, now we know what to package:

Unfortunately, we still haven't reached the end of the complications and weird issues that haunt Shuusou Gyoku's music:

  1. The original game reads the in-game track title directly out of the first Sequence Name event of the playing MIDI file. The waveform equivalent would be the Vorbis comment TITLE tag, which therefore should exactly match the original track's title, down to the exact placement of whitespace. As usual, if I emphasize minor things like this, it's not without reason: 幻想科学 ~ Doll's Phantom inconsistently uses halfwidth spaces at both sides of the , and wouldn't fit into the Music Room's limited space otherwise.

  2. However, the AST MIDI files jam a bunch of other metadata into their Sequence Names, roughly following the format
    【 $title 】 from 秋霜玉  for sc88Pro comp.ZUN
    The track titles should definitely not appear in this format in-game, but how do we get rid of this format without hardcoding either the names or the magic to parse the names out of this format? :thonk:
  3. The absolute state of GS SysEx tooling rears its ugly head one final time in three of the AST MIDIs, which for some reason are missing the Roland vendor prefix byte in all of their SysEx messages and are therefore undeniably bugged. There even seemed to be another SysEx-related bug which Romantique Tp explained away, but not this one:


    0:000	SysEx(   10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7)
    0:240	SysEx(   10 42 12 40 01 30 14 7B F7)
    0:360	SysEx(   10 42 12 40 01 33 14 78 F7)
    0:420	SysEx(   10 42 12 40 01 34 50 3B F7)


    0:000	SysEx(   10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7)
    0:240	SysEx(   10 42 12 40 01 30 14 7B F7)
    0:360	SysEx(   10 42 12 40 01 33 00 0C F7)
    0:420	SysEx(   10 42 12 40 01 34 14 77 F7)


    0:000	SysEx(   10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7)
    0:240	SysEx(   10 42 12 40 01 30 14 7B F7)
    0:360	SysEx(   10 42 12 40 01 33 00 0C F7)
    0:420	SysEx(   10 42 12 40 01 34 60 2B F7)


    0:000	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7)	GS Reset
    0:240	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 30 14 7B F7)	Reverb Macro #20
    0:360	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 33 14 78 F7)	Reverb Level 20
    0:420	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 34 50 3B F7)	Reverb Time 80


    0:000	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7)	GS Reset
    0:240	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 30 14 7B F7)	Reverb Macro #20
    0:360	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 33 00 0C F7)	Reverb Level 0
    0:420	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 34 14 77 F7)	Reverb Time 20


    0:000	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7)	GS Reset
    0:240	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 30 14 7B F7)	Reverb Macro #20
    0:360	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 33 00 0C F7)	Reverb Level 0
    0:420	SysEx(41 10 42 12 40 01 34 60 2B F7)	Reverb Time 96
    The irony of using invalid Reverb Macros within already invalid SysEx messages is not lost on me.

    This is something we should fix even before running these files through Sound Canvas VA in order to render these with the reverb settings that ZUN clearly (and, for once, unironically) intended.

  4. For perfect preservation of the original BGM/gameplay synchronicity, it makes sense for the waveform versions to retain the leading 1 or 2 beats of silence that the original MIDI files use for their SysEx setup. While some of the AST tracks use a slightly different tempo compared to their OST counterparts, they would still be largely in sync as ZUN didn't rearrange the layout of their setup area… except for, once again, the three tracks used in the Extra Stage. :zunpet: Marisa's and Reimu's boss themes aren't too bad with their 4 beats of setup, but シルクロードアリス takes the cake with a whopping 12 beats of leading silence. That's 5 seconds from the start of the Extra Stage to the first note you'd hear. 🐌

2) and 4) could theoretically be worked around in Shuusou Gyoku's MIDI code, but there's no way around editing the MIDI files themselves as far as 3) is concerned. Thus, it makes sense to apply all of the workarounds to the AST MIDIs as part of the BGM build process – parsing the titles out of the 【brackets】, inserting the Roland vendor prefix byte where necessary, and compressing the setup bars in the Extra Stage themes to match their OST counterparts. Adding any hidden magic to the MIDI code would only have needlessly increased complexity and/or annoyed some modder in the future who would then have to work around it.
Ideally, these edits would involve taking the mly dump output, performing the necessary replacements at a plaintext level, and rebuilding the result back into a MIDI file, bu~t we're unfortunately missing the latter feature. Luckily, someone else had the same idea 13 years ago and wrote a tool in C that does exactly what we need. Getting it to compile in 2024 only required fixing a typical C thing… why are students and boomers defending this antique of a language again? 🙄

The single most glaring issue, however, is the drastic difference in volume between the individual tracks in both soundtracks. While Romantique Tp had to normalize each track to the maximum possible volume individually as a consequence of the recording process, the Sound Canvas VA renderings reveal just how inconsistent the volume levels of these MIDI files really are:

The peak amplitudes of every track in both soundtracks, as rendered by Sound Canvas VA at maximum volume. Looking at these, you might think that kaorin's 2007 recordings were purposely trying to preserve the clipping that would come out of an SC-88Pro if you don't manually adjust the volume knob for each song, but those recordings are still much louder than even these numbers.

So how do we interpret this? Is this a bug, because no one in their right mind would want their music to clip on purpose, and that in turn means that everything about these volume levels is arbitrary and unintentional? Or is this a quirk, and ZUN deliberately chose these volume levels for compositional reasons? It certainly would make sense for the name registration theme.
Once again, the AST version of シルクロードアリス is the worst offender in this regard as well, but it might also provide some evidence for the quirk interpretation. The fact that almost all of its MIDI channels blast away at full volume might have been an accident that could have gone unnoticed if the volume knob of ZUN's SC-88Pro was turned rather low during the time he arranged this piece, but the excessive left-panning must have been deliberate. Even Romantique Tp agrees:

Stereo waveform of the Sound Canvas VA rendering of Shuusou Gyoku's Extra Stage theme (シルクロードアリス), highlighting the excessive left-panningStereo waveform of Romantique Tp's recording of Shuusou Gyoku's Extra Stage theme (シルクロードアリス), highlighting the excessive left-panning
It might have even made compositional sense if Silk Road Alice was supposed to be a "Western-style piece", but it's not. :zunpet:

And that's with the volume already normalized. Because this one channel of this one track is almost twice as loud as anything else in the AST, we would consequently have to bring down the volume of every other arranged track and the right channel of the same track by almost 50% if we wanted to maintain the volume differences between the individual tracks of the AST. In the process, we lose almost one entire bit of dynamic range. At this rate, you might even consider remixing and remastering the entire thing, but that would involve so many creative decisions to definitely fall into fanfiction territory…

However, normalizing each track to a peak level of 0 dBFS makes much more sense for in-game playback if you consider how loud Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects are. Once again, the best solution would involve offering both versions, but should we really add two more SCVA BGM packs just to cover volume differences? :thonk:
ReplayGain solves this exact problem for regular music listening in a non-destructive way by writing the per-track and per-album gain levels into an audio file's metadata. Since we need metadata support for titles anyway, we can do something similar, albeit not exactly the same for two reasons:

And so, we hard-apply the album-level gain during the conversion from 32-bit float to FLAC to preserve the volume differences between the tracks, calculate the track-level GAIN FACTOR based on the resulting peak levels, add a volume normalization toggle to the Sound / Config menu, enable it by default, and thus make everyone happy. ✅

The final interesting tidbit in building these packages can be found in the way the Sound Canvas VA recordings are looped. When manually cutting loops, you always have to consider that the intro might end with unique notes that aren't present at the end of the loop, which will still be fading out at the calculated loop start point. This necessitates shifting the loop start point by a few bars until these notes are no longer audible – or you could simply ignore the issue because ZUN's compositions are so frantic that no one would ever notice. :onricdennat:
With the separate intro and loop files generated by mly, on the other hand, the reverb/release trails are immediately visible and, after trimming trailing silence, exactly define the number of samples that the calculated loop start point needs to be shifted by. The .loop file then remains always exactly as long, in samples, as the duration of the loop reported by mly. If a piece happens to have a constant tempo whose beat duration corresponds to an integer number of samples, we get some very satisfying, round loop durations out of this process. ☺️

So let's play it all back in-game… and immediately run into two unexpected miniaudio limitations, what the…?!

  1. miniaudio uses a fixed linear function for its fade-out envelope, and doesn't offer anything else? We might not even want a logarithmic one this time because symmetry with MIDI's simple quadratic curve would be neat, but we sure don't want a linear function – those stay near the original volume for too long, and then turn quiet way too quickly.
  2. There is no way to access FLAC metadata from miniaudio's public API, even though the library bundles the author's own FLAC library which has this feature?

📝 Back when I evaluated miniaudio, I alluded that I consider single-file C libraries to be massively overrated, and this is exactly why: Once they grow as massive as miniaudio (how ironic), they can quickly lead to their authors treating their dependencies as implementation details and melting down the interfaces that would naturally arise. In a regular library, dr_flac would be a separate, proper dependency, and the API would have a way to initialize a stream from an externally loaded drflac object. But since the C community collectively pretends that multi-file libraries are a burden on other developers, miniaudio ended up with dr_flac copy-pasted into its giant single file, with a silly ma_ namespacing prefix added to all its functions. And why? Did we have to move so far in the other direction just because CMake doesn't support globbing? That's a symptom of CMake not actually solving any problem, not a valid architectural decision that libraries should bend around. 🙄
So unless we fork and hack around in miniaudio, there's now no way around depending on a second, regular copy of dr_flac. Which has now led to the same project organization bloat that single-file libraries originally set out to prevent…

Sigh. At this rate, it makes more sense to just copy-paste and adapt the old BGM streaming code I wrote for thcrap in late 2018, which used dr_flac directly, and extend it with metadata support. With the streaming code moved out of the platform layer and into game logic, it also makes much more sense to implement the squared fade-out curve at that same level instead of copy-pasting and adjusting an unhealthy amount of miniaudio's verbose C code.
While I'm doing the same for the old Vorbis streaming code, it would also make sense to rewrite that one to use stb_vorbis instead of the old libogg+libvorbis reference libraries. There's no need to add two more dependencies if miniaudio already comes with stb_vorbis.c, and that library is widely acclaimed. So, integration should be a breeze, right?
Well, surprise, rarely have I seen a C library so actively hostile toward being integrated. Both of its API variants are completely unreasonable:

What happened to the tried-and-true idea of providing a structure with read, tell, and seek callbacks, and then providing an optional variant for C FILE* handles if you absolutely must? Sure, the whole point of Vorbis is to be small and nobody these days would care about spending a few MB on keeping an entire Vorbis file in memory, but come on. If pulldata made the deliberate and opinionated choice to only support buffers of complete Vorbis streams and argued in the name of simplicity that hand-coded disk streaming isn't worth it in this day and age, I might have even been convinced. And this is from the guy who popularized the concept of single-file C libraries in the first place? :thonk:

Oh well, tupblocks go brrr. libvorbis definitely shows its age with all the old command-line tools in the lib/ directory that they never moved away and that we now have to remove from our glob. But even that just adds a single line to the Tupfile, and then we get to enjoy its much friendlier API. That sure beats the almost 800 lines of code that miniaudio had to write to integrate stb_vorbis… which I can't even link because the file is too big for GitHub. 🤷
At this point, it would have even made sense to upgrade from a 24-year-old lossy codec to an 11-year-old lossy codec and use Opus instead, since the enforced 48,000 Hz sampling rate is a non-issue when you control the entire audio pipeline. But let's keep compatibility with existing thcrap mods for now.

The last time I added dependencies, 📝 I wondered whether just downloading and extracting official Windows binary builds might be superior to pasting batch script duct tape over the usability issues of Git submodules. However, I still wanted to try out Git's sparse checkout feature before, in an attempt to remove all the unneeded bloat… and as it turned out, this might just be the idealistic and perfect nirvana of vendoring libraries in C++ projects. I particularly like how the limitations of its default mode (always checking out all files within each directory level that shows up in a filter) can be turned into a guideline about how to structure a repository: All non-essential stuff that consumers of your code might not need – tests, high-level documentation, or optional features – should go into a subdirectory where it can be easily filtered.
And that's how the size of our libs/ directory went down from 82.7 MiB in the P0256 build to 30.4 MiB in the P0275 build, despite adding 4 more libraries in the latter. Now if only this didn't require even more duct tape to actually set up shallow clones correctly

In the end, the Windows build ended up using only a single one of the miniaudio features that DirectSound doesn't have, and that's the ability to use the more modern WASAPI instead of DirectSound. We're still going to use miniaudio for the Linux port, but as far as Windows is concerned, it would be quite nice to backport BGM streaming to the game's original DirectSound backend. The P0275 build is pushing 1 MiB of binary size for a game that originally came in a 220 KiB binary, so it would remove a noticeable amount of bloat from GIAN07.EXE, but it would also allow waveform BGM to work in the Windows 98-compatible i586 build. If that sounds cool to you, this is the issue you want to fund.

That only left some logic and UI busywork to put it all together, which means that we've almost reached the end of things to talk about! Here's what it all looks like:

After half a year of being bought out way past the cap, I've finally got some small room left for new orders again. If it weren't for this blog post and the required research and web development work, this delivery would have probably come out in early January, taking half the time it ended up taking. So I really have to start factoring the blog posts into the push prices in a better and fairer way.
Meanwhile, the hate toward my day job only keeps growing, but there's little point in looking for a new one as long as ReC98 remains this motivating and complex. It leaves pretty much no cognitive room for any similarly demanding job. Thus, I want 2024 to be the year where ReC98 either becomes profitable enough to be my only full-time job, or where we conclusively find out that it can't, I go look for a better day job, and ReC98 shifts to a slower pace. Here's the plan:

With the new price of per push, this means that there's now a small window in which you can get a full push worth of functionality for , until the current cap is filled up again.

Next up: Probably TH02's endings to relax a bit. Maybe we're also getting some new Touhou-related contributions?

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, [Anonymous], iruleatgames
🏷️ Tags:

Oh, it's 2024 already and I didn't even have a delivery for December or January? Yeah… I can only repeat what I said at the end of November, although the finish line is actually in sight now. With 10 pushes across 4 repositories and a blog post that has already reached a word count of 9,240, the Shuusou Gyoku SC-88Pro BGM release is going to break 📝 both the push record set by TH01 Sariel two years ago, and 📝 the blog post length record set by the last Shuusou Gyoku delivery. Until that's done though, let's clear some more PC-98 Touhou pushes out of the backlog, and continue the preparation work for the non-ASCII translation project starting later this year.

But first, we got another free bugfix according to my policy! 📝 Back in April 2022 when I researched the Divide Error crash that can occur in TH04's Stage 4 Marisa fight, I proposed and implemented four possible workarounds and let the community pick one of them for the generally recommended small bugfix mod. I still pushed the others onto individual branches in case the gameplay community ever wants to look more closely into them and maybe pick a different one… except that I accidentally pushed the wrong code for the warp workaround, probably because I got confused with the second warp variant I developed later on.
Fortunately, I still had the intended code for both variants lying around, and used the occasion to merge the current master branch into all of these mod branches. Thanks to wyatt8740 for spotting and reporting this oversight!

  1. The Music Room background masking effect
  2. The GRCG's plane disabling flags
  3. Text color restrictions
  4. The entire messy rest of the Music Room code
  5. TH04's partially consistent congratulation picture on Easy Mode
  6. TH02's boss position and damage variables

As the final piece of code shared in largely identical form between 4 of the 5 games, the Music Rooms were the biggest remaining piece of low-hanging fruit that guaranteed big finalization% gains for comparatively little effort. They seemed to be especially easy because I already decompiled TH02's Music Room together with the rest of that game's OP.EXE back in early 2015, when this project focused on just raw decompilation with little to no research. 9 years of increased standards later though, it turns out that I missed a lot of details, and ended up renaming most variables and functions. Combined with larger-than-expected changes in later games and the usual quality level of ZUN's menu code, this ended up taking noticeably longer than the single push I expected.

The undoubtedly most interesting part about this screen is the animation in the background, with the spinning and falling polygons cutting into a single-color background to reveal a spacey image below. However, the only background image loaded in the Music Room is OP3.PI (TH02/TH03) or MUSIC3.PI (TH04/TH05), which looks like this in a .PI viewer or when converted into another image format with the usual tools:

TH02's Music Room background in its on-disk state TH03's Music Room background in its on-disk state TH04's Music Room background in its on-disk state TH05's Music Room background in its on-disk state
Let's call this "the blank image".

That is definitely the color that appears on top of the polygons, but where is the spacey background? If there is no other .PI file where it could come from, it has to be somewhere in that same file, right? :thonk:
And indeed: This effect is another bitplane/color palette trick, exactly like the 📝 three falling stars in the background of TH04's Stage 5. If we set every bit on the first bitplane and thus change any of the resulting even hardware palette color indices to odd ones, we reveal a full second 8-color sub-image hiding in the same .PI file:

TH02's Music Room background, with all bits in the first bitplane set to reveal the spacey background image, and the full color palette at the bottom TH03's Music Room background, with all bits in the first bitplane set to reveal the spacey background image, and the full color palette at the bottom TH04's Music Room background, with all bits in the first bitplane set to reveal the spacey background image, and the full color palette at the bottom TH05's Music Room background, with all bits in the first bitplane set to reveal the spacey background image, and the full color palette at the bottom
The spacey sub-image. Never before seen!1!! …OK, touhou-memories beat me by a month. Let's add each image's full 16-color palette to deliver some additional value.

On a high level, the first bitplane therefore acts as a stencil buffer that selects between the blank and spacey sub-image for every pixel. The important part here, however, is that the first bitplane of the blank sub-images does not consist entirely of 0 bits, but does have 1 bits at the pixels that represent the caption that's supposed to be overlaid on top of the animation. Since there now are some pixels that should always be taken from the spacey sub-image regardless of whether they're covered by a polygon, the game can no longer just clear the first bitplane at the start of every frame. Instead, it has to keep a separate copy of the first bitplane's original state (called nopoly_B in the code), captured right after it blitted the .PI image to VRAM. Turns out that this copy also comes in quite handy with the text, but more on that later.

Then, the game simply draws polygons onto only the reblitted first bitplane to conditionally set the respective bits. ZUN used master.lib's grcg_polygon_c() function for this, which means that we can entirely thank the uncredited master.lib developers for this iconic animation – if they hadn't included such a function, the Music Rooms would most certainly look completely different.
This is where we get to complete the series on the PC-98 GRCG chip with the last remaining four bits of its mode register. So far, we only needed the highest bit (0x80) to either activate or deactivate it, and the bit below (0x40) to choose between the 📝 RMW and 📝 TCR/📝 TDW modes. But you can also use the lowest four bits to restrict the GRCG's operations to any subset of the four bitplanes, leaving the other ones untouched:

// Enable the GRCG (0x80) in regular RMW mode (0x40). All bitplanes are
// enabled and written according to the contents of the tile register.
outportb(0x7C, 0xC0);

// The same, but limiting writes to the first bitplane by disabling the
// second (0x02), third (0x04), and fourth (0x08) one, as done in the
// PC-98 Touhou Music Rooms.
outportb(0x7C, 0xCE);

// Regular GRCG blitting code to any VRAM segment…
pokeb(0xA8000, offset, …);

// We're done, turn off the GRCG.
outportb(0x7C, 0x00);

This could be used for some unusual effects when writing to two or three of the four planes, but it seems rather pointless for this specific case at first. If we only want to write to a single plane, why not just do so directly, without the GRCG? Using that chip only involves more hardware and is therefore slower by definition, and the blitting code would be the same, right?
This is another one of these questions that would be interesting to benchmark one day, but in this case, the reason is purely practical: All of master.lib's polygon drawing functions expect the GRCG to be running in RMW mode. They write their pixels as bitmasks where 1 and 0 represent pixels that should or should not change, and leave it to the GRCG to combine these masks with its tile register and OR the result into the bitplanes instead of doing so themselves. Since GRCG writes are done via MOV instructions, not using the GRCG would turn these bitmasks into actual dot patterns, overwriting any previous contents of each VRAM byte that gets modified.
Technically, you'd only have to replace a few MOV instructions with OR to build a non-GRCG version of such a function, but why would you do that if you haven't measured polygon drawing to be an actual bottleneck.

Three overlapping Music Room polygons rendered using master.lib's grcg_polygon_c() function with a disabled GRCGThree overlapping Music Room polygons rendered as in the original game, with the GRCG enabled
An example with three polygons drawn from top to bottom. Without the GRCG, edges of later polygons overwrite any previously drawn pixels within the same VRAM byte. Note how treating bitmasks as dot patterns corrupts even those areas where the background image had nonzero bits in its first bitplane.

As far as complexity is concerned though, the worst part is the implicit logic that allows all this text to show up on top of the polygons in the first place. If every single piece of text is only rendered a single time, how can it appear on top of the polygons if those are drawn every frame?
Depending on the game (because of course it's game-specific), the answer involves either the individual bits of the text color index or the actual contents of the palette:

The contents of nopoly_B with each game's first track selected.

Finally, here's a list of all the smaller details that turn the Music Rooms into such a mess:

And that's all the Music Rooms! The OP.EXE binaries of TH04 and especially TH05 are now very close to being 100% RE'd, with only the respective High Score menus and TH04's title animation still missing. As for actual completion though, the finalization% metric is more relevant as it also includes the ZUN Soft logo, which I RE'd on paper but haven't decompiled. I'm 📝 still hoping that this will be the final piece of code I decompile for these two games, and that no one pays to get it done earlier… :onricdennat:

For the rest of the second push, there was a specific goal I wanted to reach for the remaining anything budget, which was blocked by a few functions at the beginning of TH04's and TH05's MAINE.EXE. In another anticlimactic development, this involved yet another way too early decompilation of a main() function…
Generally, this main() function just calls the top-level functions of all other ending-related screens in sequence, but it also handles the TH04-exclusive congratulating All Clear images within itself. After a 1CC, these are an additional reward on top of the Good Ending, showing the player character wearing a different outfit depending on the selected difficulty. On Easy Mode, however, the Good Ending is unattainable because the game always ends after Stage 5 with a Bad Ending, but ZUN still chose to show the EASY ALL CLEAR!! image in this case, regardless of how many continues you used.
While this might seem inconsistent with the other difficulties, it is consistent within Easy Mode itself, as the enforced Bad Ending after Stage 5 also doesn't distinguish between the number of continues. Also, Try to Normal Rank!! could very well be ZUN's roundabout way of implying "because this is how you avoid the Bad Ending".

With that out of the way, I was finally able to separate the VRAM text renderer of TH04 and TH05 into its own assembly unit, 📝 finishing the technical debt repayment project that I couldn't complete in 2021 due to assembly-time code segment label arithmetic in the data segment. This now allows me to translate this undecompilable self-modifying mess of ASM into C++ for the non-ASCII translation project, and thus unify the text renderers of all games and enhance them with support for Unicode characters loaded from a bitmap font. As the final finalized function in the SHARED segment, it also allowed me to remove 143 lines of particularly ugly segmentation workarounds 🙌

The remaining 1/6th of the second push provided the perfect occasion for some light TH02 PI work. The global boss position and damage variables represented some equally low-hanging fruit, being easily identified global variables that aren't part of a larger structure in this game. In an interesting twist, TH02 is the only game that uses an increasing damage value to track boss health rather than decreasing HP, and also doesn't internally distinguish between bosses and midbosses as far as these variables are concerned. Obviously, there's quite a bit of state left to be RE'd, not least because Marisa is doing her own thing with a bunch of redundant copies of her position, but that was too complex to figure out right now.

Also doing their own thing are the Five Magic Stones, which need five positions rather than a single one. Since they don't move, the game doesn't have to keep 📝 separate position variables for both VRAM pages, and can handle their positions in a much simpler way that made for a nice final commit.
And for the first time in a long while, I quite like what ZUN did there! Not only are their positions stored in an array that is indexed with a consistent ID for every stone, but these IDs also follow the order you fight the stones in: The two inner ones use 0 and 1, the two outer ones use 2 and 3, and the one in the center uses 4. This might look like an odd choice at first because it doesn't match their horizontal order on the playfield. But then you notice that ZUN uses this property in the respective phase control functions to iterate over only the subrange of active stones, and you realize how brilliant it actually is.

Screenshot of TH02's Five Magic Stones, with the first two (both internally and in the order you fight them in) alive and activated Screenshot of TH02's Five Magic Stones, with the second two (both internally and in the order you fight them in) alive and activated Screenshot of TH02's Five Magic Stones, with the last one (both internally and in the order you fight them in) alive and activated

This seems like a really basic thing to get excited about, especially since the rest of their data layout sure isn't perfect. Splitting each piece of state and even the individual X and Y coordinates into separate 5-element arrays is still counter-productive because the game ends up paying more memory and CPU cycles to recalculate the element offsets over and over again than this would have ever saved in cache misses on a 486. But that's a minor issue that could be fixed with a few regex replacements, not a misdesigned architecture that would require a full rewrite to clean it up. Compared to the hardcoded and bloated mess that was 📝 YuugenMagan's five eyes, this is definitely an improvement worthy of the good-code tag. The first actual one in two years, and a welcome change after the Music Room!

These three pieces of data alone yielded a whopping 5% of overall TH02 PI in just 1/6th of a push, bringing that game comfortably over the 60% PI mark. MAINE.EXE is guaranteed to reach 100% PI before I start working on the non-ASCII translations, but at this rate, it might even be realistic to go for 100% PI on MAIN.EXE as well? Or at least technical position independence, without the false positives.

Next up: Shuusou Gyoku SC-88Pro BGM. It's going to be wild.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, [Anonymous]
🏷️ Tags:

And once again, the Shuusou Gyoku task was too complex to be satisfyingly solved within a single month. Even just finding provably correct loop sections in both the original and arranged MIDI files required some rather involved detection algorithms. I could have just defined what sounded like correct loops, but the results of these algorithms were quite surprising indeed. Turns out that not even Seihou is safe from ZUN quirks, and some tracks technically loop much later than you'd think they do, or don't loop at all. And since I then wanted to put these MIDI loops back into the game to ensure perfect synchronization between the recordings and MIDI versions, I ended up rewriting basically all the MIDI code in a cross-platform way. This rewrite also uncovered a pbg bug that has traveled from Shuusou Gyoku into Windows Touhou, where it survived until ZUN ultimately removed all MIDI code in TH11 (!)

Fortunately, the backlog still had enough general PC-98 Touhou funds that I could spend on picking some soon-important low-hanging fruit, giving me something to deliver for the end of the month after all. TH04 and TH05 use almost identical code for their main/option menus, so decompiling it would make number go up quite significantly and the associated blog post won't be that long…

Wait, what's this, a bug report from touhou-memories concerning the website?

  1. Tab switchers tended to break on certain Firefox versions, and
  2. video playback didn't work on Microsoft Edge at all?

Those are definitely some high-priority bugs that demand immediate attention.

  1. Microsoft Edge's anti-support of AV1
  2. TH04/TH05's main/option menu
  3. TH04/TH05's first-launch sound setup menu
  4. TH05's title animation ☯️

The tab switcher issue was easily fixed by replacing the previous z-index trickery with a more robust solution involving the hidden attribute. The second one, however, is much more aggravating, because video playback on Edge has been broken ever since I 📝 switched the preferred video codec to AV1.
This goes so far beyond not supporting a specific codec. Usually, unsupported codecs aren't supposed to be an issue: As soon as you start using the HTML <video> tag, you'll learn that not every browser supports all codecs. And so you set up an encoding pipeline to serve each video in a mix of new and ancient formats, put the <source> tag of the most preferred codec first, and rest assured that browsers will fall back on the best-supported option as necessary. Except that Edge doesn't even try, and insists on staying on a non-playing AV1 video. 🙄

The codecs parameter for the <source> type attribute was the first potential solution I came across. Specifying the video codec down to the finest encoding details right in the HTML markup sounds like a good idea, similar to specifying sizes of images and videos to prevent layout reflows on long pages during the initial page load. So why was this the first time I heard of this feature? The fact that there isn't a simple ffprobe -show_html_codecs_string command to retrieve this string might already give a clue about how useful it is in practice. Instead, you have to manually piece the string together by grepping your way through all of a video's metadata
…and then it still doesn't change anything about Edge's behavior, even when also specifying the string for the VP9 and VP8 sources. Calling the infamously ridiculous HTMLMediaElement.canPlayType() method with a representative parameter of "video/webm; codecs=av01.1.04M." explains why: Both the AV1-supporting Chrome and Edge return "probably", but only the former can actually play this format. 🤦

But wait, there is an AV1 video extension in the Microsoft Store that would add support to any unspecified favorite video app. Except that it stopped working inside Edge as of version 116. And even if it did: If you can't query the presence of this extension via JavaScript, it might as well not exist at all.
Not to mention that the favorite video app part is obviously a lie as a lot of widely preferred Windows video apps are bundled with their own codecs, and have probably long supported AV1.

In the end, there's no way around the utter desperation move of removing the AV1 <source> for Edge users. Serving each video in two other formats means that we can at least do something here – try visiting the GitHub release page of the P0234-1 TH01 Anniversary Edition build in Edge and you also don't get to see anything, because that video uses AV1 and GitHub understandably doesn't re-encode every uploaded video into a variety of old formats.
Just for comparison, I tried both that page and the ReC98 blog on an old Android 6 phone from 2014, and even that phone picked and played the AV1 videos with the latest available Chrome and Firefox versions. This was the phone whose available Firefox version didn't support VP9 in 2019, which was my initial reason for adding the VP8 versions. Looks like it's finally time to drop those… 🤔 Maybe in the far future once I start running out of space on this server.

Removing the <source> tags can be done in one of two places:

  1. server-side, detecting Edge via the User-Agent header, or
  2. client-side, using navigator.userAgentData.brands.

I went with 2) because more dynamic server-side code would only move us further away from static site generation, which would make a lot of sense as the next evolutionary step in the architecture of this website. The client-side solution is much simpler too, and we can defer the deletion until a user actually hovers over a specific video.
And while we're at it, let's also add a popup complaining about this whole state of affairs. Edge is heavily marketed inside Windows as "the modern browser recommended by Microsoft", and you sure wouldn't expect low-quality chroma-subsampled VP9 from such a tagline. With such a level of anti-support for AV1, Edge users deserve to know exactly what's going on, especially since this post also explains what they will encounter on other websites.

A popup on top of a ReC98 blog video, showing the caption "⚠️ Edge does not support AV1, falling back on low-quality video…"
That's the polite way of putting it.

Alright, where was I? For TH01, the main menu was the last thing I decompiled before the 100% finalization mark, so it's rather anticlimactic to already cover the TH04/TH05 one now, with both of the games still being very far away from 100%, just because people will soon want to translate the description text in the bottom-right corner of the screen. But then again, the ZUN Soft logo animation would make for an even nicer final piece of decompiled code, especially since the bouncing-ball logo from TH01, TH02, and TH03 was the very first decompilation I did, all the way back in 2015.

The code quality of ZUN's VRAM-based menus has barely increased between TH01 and TH05. Both the top-level and option menu still need to know the bounding rectangle of the other one to unblit the right pixels when switching between the two. And since ZUN sure loved hardcoded and copy-pasted numbers in the PC-98 days, the coordinates both tend to be excessively large, and excessively wrong. :zunpet: Luckily, each menu item comes with its own correct unblitting rectangle, which avoids any graphical glitches that would otherwise occur.
As for actual observable quirks and bugs, these menus only contain one of each, and both are exclusive to TH04:

And yes, these videos do have a frame rate of 2 FPS.

Now that 100% finalization of their OP.EXE binaries is within reach, all this bloat made me think about the viability of a 📝 single-executable build for TH04's and TH05's debloated and anniversary versions. It would be really nice to have such a build ready before I start working on the non-ASCII translations – not just because they will be based on the anniversary branch by default, but also because it would significantly help their development if there are 4 fewer executables to worry about.
However, it's not as simple for these games as it was for TH01. The unique code in their OP.EXE and MAINE.EXE binaries is much larger than Borland's easily removed C++ exception handler, so I'd have to remove a lot more bloat to keep the resulting single binary at or below the size of the original MAIN.EXE. But I'm sure going to try.

Speaking of code that can be debloated for great effect: The second push of this delivery focused on the first-launch sound setup menu, whose BGM and sound effect submenus are almost complete code duplicates of each other. The debloated branch could easily remove more than half of the code in there, yielding another ≈800 bytes in case we need them.
If hex-editing MIKO.CFG is more convenient for you than deleting that file, you can set its first byte to FF to re-trigger this menu. Decompiling this screen was not only relevant now because it contains text rendered with font ROM glyphs and it would help dig our way towards more important strings in the data segment, but also because of its visual style. I can imagine many potential mods that might want to use the same backgrounds and box graphics for their menus.

TH04's first-launch sound setup menu, showing the BGM mode selectionTH05's first-launch sound setup menu, showing the sound effect mode selection
How about an initial language selection menu in the same style?

With the two submenus being shown in a fixed sequence, there's not a lot of room for the code to do anything wrong, and it's even more identical between the two games than the main menu already was. Thankfully, ZUN just reblits the respective options in the new color when moving the cursor, with no 📝 palette tricks. TH04's background image only uses 7 colors, so he could have easily reserved 3 colors for that. In exchange, the TH05 image gets to use the full 16 colors with no change to the code.

Rounding out this delivery, we also got TH05's rolling Yin-Yang Orb animation before the title screen… and it's just more bloat and landmines on a smaller scale that might be noticeable on slower PC-98 models. In total, there are three unnecessary inter-page copies of the entire VRAM that can easily insert lag frames, and two minor page-switching landmines that can potentially lead to tearing on the first frame of the roll or fade animation. Clearly, ZUN did not have smoothness or code quality in mind there, as evidenced by the fact that this animation simply displays 8 .PI files in sequence. But hey, a short animation like this is 📝 another perfectly appropriate place for a quick-and-dirty solution if you develop with a deadline.
And that's 1.30% of all PC-98 Touhou code finalized in two pushes! We're slowly running out of these big shared pieces of ASM code…

I've been neglecting TH03's OP.EXE quite a bit since it simply doesn't contain any translatable plaintext outside the Music Room. All menu labels are gaiji, and even the character selection menu displays its monochrome character names using the 4-plane sprites from CHNAME.BFT. Splitting off half of its data into a separate .ASM file was more akin to getting out a jackhammer to free up the room in front of the third remaining Music Room, but now we're there, and I can decompile all three of them in a natural way, with all referenced data.
Next up, therefore: Doing just that, securing another important piece of text for the upcoming non-ASCII translations and delivering another big piece of easily finalized code. I'm going to work full-time on ReC98 for almost all of December, and delivering that and the Shuusou Gyoku SC-88Pro recording BGM back-to-back should free up about half of the slightly higher cap for this month.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, [Anonymous], Yanga, Splashman
🏷️ Tags:

And we're back to PC-98 Touhou for a brief interruption of the ongoing Shuusou Gyoku Linux port. Let's clear some of the Touhou-related progress from the backlog, and use the unconstrained nature of these contributions to prepare the 📝 upcoming non-ASCII translations commissioned by Touhou Patch Center. The current budget won't cover all of my ambitions, but it would at least be nice if all text in these games was feasibly translatable by the time I officially start working on that project.

At a little over 3 pushes, it might be surprising to see that this took longer than the 📝 TH03/TH04/TH05 cutscene system. It's obvious that TH02 started out with a different system for in-game dialog, but while TH04 and TH05 look identical on the surface, they only actually share 30% of their dialog code. So this felt more like decompiling 2.4 distinct systems, as opposed to one identical base with tons of game-specific differences on top.

The table of contents was pretty popular last time around, so let's have another one:

  1. Overview of TH04's dialog system
  2. Changes introduced in TH05
  3. Command reference for the TH04 and TH05 systems
  4. Overview of TH02's dialog system
  5. TH02's face portrait images
  6. Bugs during TH02's dialog box slide-in animation
  7. Bugs and quirks in Mima's defeat dialog (might be lore-relevant)
  8. TH03 win messages

Let's start with the ones from TH04 and TH05, since they are not that broken. For TH04, ZUN started out by copy-pasting the cutscene system, causing the result to inherit many of the caveats I already described in the cutscene blog post:

Then, however, he greatly simplified the system. Mainly, this was done by moving text rendering from the PC-98 graphics chip to the text chip, which avoids the need for any text-related unblitting code, but ZUN also added a bunch of smaller changes:

While it would seem that TH05 has no issues with ASCII 0x20 spaces, the text as a whole is still blindly processed two bytes at a time, and any commands can only appear at even byte positions within a line. I dimmed the VRAM pixels to 25% of their original brightness to make the text easier to read.
The same text backported to TH04, additionally demonstrating how that game's dialog system inherited the whitespace skipping behavior of TH03's cutscene system. Just like there, ASCII 0x20 spaces only work at odd byte positions because the game treats them as the trailing byte of a full-width Shift-JIS codepoint. I don't know how large the budget for the upcoming non-ASCII translations will be, but I'm going to fix this even in the very basic fully static variant. I dimmed the VRAM pixels to 25% of their original brightness to make the text easier to read.
Demonstrating the lack of automatic line or box breaks in TH05's dialog systemDemonstrating the lack of automatic line or box breaks in TH04's dialog system, in addition to its lack of support for ASCII 0x20 spaces carried over from TH03's cutscene system

TH05 then moved from TH04's plaintext scripts to the binary .TX2 format while removing all the unused commands copy-pasted from the cutscene system. Except for a single additional command intended to clear a text box, TH05's dialog system only supports a strict subset of the features of TH04's system.
This change also introduced the following differences compared to TH04:

Writing the 0x02 byte to text RAM results in an SX character, which is simply the PC-98 font ROM's glyph for that Shift-JIS codepoint.
Also note how each face change is now preceded by two frames of delay.
No problem in TH04. Note how the dialog also runs a bit faster – TH04 only adds the aforementioned one frame of delay to each face change, and has fewer two-byte chunks of text to display overall.

For modding these files, you probably want to use TXDEF from -Tom-'s MysticTK. It decodes these files into a text representation, and its encoder then takes care of the character-specific byte offsets in the 10-byte header. This text representation simplifies the format a lot by avoiding all corner cases and landmines you'd experience during hex-editing – most notably by interpreting the box-starting 0x0D as a command to show text that takes a string parameter, avoiding the broken calls to script commands in the middle of text. However, you'd still have to manually ensure an even number of bytes on every line of text.

In the entry function of TH05's dialog loop, we also encounter the hack that is responsible for properly handling 📝 ZUN's hidden Extra Stage replay. Since the dialog loop doesn't access the replay inputs but still requires key presses to advance through the boxes, ZUN chose to just skip the dialog altogether in the specific case of the Extra Stage replay being active, and replicated all sprite management commands from the dialog script by just hardcoding them.
And you know what? Not only do I not mind this hack, but I would have preferred it over the actual dialog system! The aforementioned sprite management commands effectively boil down to manual memory management, deallocating all stage enemy and midboss sprites and thus ensuring that the boss sprites end up at specific master.lib sprite IDs (patnums). The hardcoded boss rendering function then expects these sprites to be available at these exact IDs… which means that the otherwise hardcoded bosses can't render properly without the dialog script running before them. :zunpet:
There is absolutely no excuse for the game to burden dialog scripts with this functionality. Sure, delayed deallocation would allow them to blit stage-specific sprites, but the original games don't do that; probably because none of the two games feature an unblitting command. And even if they did, it would have still been cleaner to expose the boss-specific sprite setup as a single script command that can then also be called from game code if the script didn't do so. Commands like these just are a recipe for crashes, especially with parsers that expect fullwidth Shift-JIS text and where misaligned ASCII text can easily cause these commands to be skipped.

But then again, it does make for funny screenshot material if you accidentally the deallocation and then see bosses being turned into stage enemies:

TH04's dialog before the Stage 4 Marisa fight without deallocating the stage sprites inside the script, causing Marisa to be turned into one of the stage enemiesTH04's dialog before the Stage 6 Yuuka fight without deallocating the stage sprites inside the script, causing Yuuka to be turned into two different cels of the same stage enemyTH05's dialog before the Louise fight without deallocating the stage sprites inside the script, causing Louise to be turned into one of the ice enemies from TH05's Stage 2TH05's dialog before the Louise fight without deallocating the stage sprites inside the script, causing Mai and Yuki to be turned into a windmill and fairy/demon enemy, respectively
Some of the more amusing consequences of not calling the sprite-deallocating :th04: \c /  :th05: 0x04 command inside a dialog script.
In the case of 4️⃣, the game then even crashes on this frame at the end of the dialog, in a way that resembles the infamous 📝 TH04 crash before Stage 5 Yuuka if no EMS driver is loaded. Both the stage- and boss-specific BFNT sprites are loaded into memory at this point, leaving no room for the 256×256-pixel background image on the size-limited master.lib heap.

With all the general details out of the way, here's the command reference:

:th04: :th05:
Selects either the player character (0) or the boss (1) as the currently speaking character, and moves the cursor to the beginning of the text box. In TH04, this command also directly starts the new dialog box, which is probably why it's not prefixed with a \ as it only makes sense outside of text. TH05 requires a separate 0x0D command to do the same.
\=1 0x02 0x!! Replaces the face portrait of the currently active speaking character with image #1 within her .CD2 file.
\=255 0x02 0xFF Removes the face portrait from the currently active text box.
\l,filename 0x03 filename 0x00 Calls master.lib's super_entry_bfnt() function, which loads sprites from a BFNT file to consecutive IDs starting at the current patnum write cursor.
\c 0x04 Deallocates all stage-specific BFNT sprites (i.e., stage enemies and midbosses), freeing up conventional RAM for the boss sprites and ensuring that master.lib's patnum write cursor ends up at :th04: 128 / :th05: 180.
In TH05's Extra Stage, this command also replaces 📝 the sprites loaded from MIKO16.BFT with the ones from ST06_16.BFT.
\d Deallocates all face portrait images.
The game automatically does this at the end of each dialog sequence. However, ZUN wanted to load Stage 6 Yuuka's 76 KiB of additional animations inside the script via \l, and would have once again run up against the master.lib heap size limit without that extra free memory.
\m,filename 0x05 filename 0x00 Stops the currently playing BGM, loads a new one from the given file, and starts playback.
\m$ 0x05 $ 0x00 Stops the currently playing BGM.
Note that TH05 interprets $ as a null-terminated filename as well.
\m* Restarts playback of the currently loaded BGM from the beginning.
\b0,0,0 0x06 0x!!!! 0x!!!! 0x!! Blits the master.lib patnum with the ID indicated by the third parameter to the current VRAM page at the top-left screen position indicated by the first two parameters.
\e0 Plays the sound effect with the given ID.
\t100 Sets palette brightness via master.lib's palette_settone() to any value from 0 (fully black) to 200 (fully white). 100 corresponds to the palette's original colors.
Calls master.lib's palette_black_out() or palette_black_in() to play a hardware palette fade animation from or to black, spending roughly 1 frame on each of the 16 fade steps.
0x09 0x!!
0x0A 0x!!
Calls master.lib's palette_white_out() or palette_white_in() to play a hardware palette fade animation from or to white, spending roughly 1 frame on each of the 16 fade steps.
The TH05 version of 0x09 also clears the text in both boxes before the animation.
\n 0x0B Starts a new line by resetting the X coordinate of the TRAM cursor to the left edge of the text area and incrementing the Y coordinate.
The new line will always be the next one below the last one that was properly started, regardless of whether the text previously wrapped to the next TRAM row at the edge of the screen.
\g8 Plays a blocking 8-frame screen shake animation. Copy-pasted from the cutscene parser, but actually used right at the end of the dialog shown before TH04's Bad Ending.
\ga0 0x0C 0x!! Shows the gaiji with the given ID from 0 to 255 at the current cursor position, ignoring the per-glyph delay.
\k0 Waits 0 frames (0 = forever) for any key to be pressed before continuing script execution.
0x0D Starts a new dialog box with the previously selected speaker. All text until the next 0xFF command will appear on screen.
Inside dialogs, this is a no-op.
0x0E Takes the current dialog cursor as the top-left corner of a 240×48-pixel rectangle, and replaces all text RAM characters within that rectangle with whitespace.
This is only used to clear the player character's text box before Shinki's final いくよ‼ box. Shinki has two consecutive text boxes in all 4 scripts here, and ZUN probably wanted to clear the otherwise blue text to imply a dramatic pause before Shinki's final sentence. Nice touch.
(You could, however, also use it after a box-ending 0xFF command to mess with text RAM in general.)
\# Quits the currently running loop. This returns from either the text loop to the command loop, or it ends the dialog sequence by returning from the command loop back to gameplay. If this stage of the game later starts another dialog sequence, it will start at the next script byte.
\$ Like \#, but first waits for any key to be pressed.
0xFF Behaves like TH04's \$ in the text loop, and like \# in the command loop. Hence, it's not possible in TH05 to automatically end a text box and advance to the next one without waiting for a key press.
Unused commands are in gray.

At the end of the day, you might criticize the system for how its landmines make it annoying to mod in ASCII text, but it all works and does what it's supposed to. ZUN could have written the cleanest single and central Shift-JIS iterator that properly chunks a byte buffer into halfwidth and fullwidth codepoints, and I'd still be throwing it out for the upcoming non-ASCII translations in favor of something that either also supports UTF-8 or performs dictionary lookups with a full box of text.
The only actual bug can be found in the input detection, which once again doesn't correctly handle the infamous key up/key down scancode quirk of PC-98 keyboards. All it takes is one wrongly placed input polling call, and suddenly you have to think about how the update cycle behind the PC-98 keyboard state bytes might cause the game to run the regular 2-frame delay for a single 2-byte chunk of text before it shows the full text of a box after all… But even this bug is highly theoretical and could probably only be observed very, very rarely, and exclusively on real hardware.

The same can't be said about TH02 though, but more on that later. Let's first take a look at its data, which started out much simpler in that game. The STAGE?.TXT files contain just raw Shift-JIS text with no trace of commands or structure. Turning on the whitespace display feature in your editor reveals how the dialog system even assumes a fixed byte length for each box: 36 bytes per line which will appear on screen, followed by 4 bytes of padding, which the original files conveniently use to visually split the lines via a CR/LF newline sequence. Make sure to disable trimming of trailing whitespace in your editor to not ruin the file when modding the text… :onricdennat:

Two boxes from TH02's STAGE5.TXT with visualized whitespace. These also demonstrate how the CR/LF newlines only make up 2 of the 4 padding bytes, and require each line to be padded with two more bytes; you could not use these trailing spaces for actual text. Also note how the exquisite mixture of fullwidth and halfwidth spaces demands the text to be viewed with only the most metrically consistent monospace fonts to preserve the intended alignment. 🍷 It appears quite misaligned on my phone.

Consequently, everything else is hardcoded – every effect shown between text boxes, the face portrait shown for each box, and even how many boxes are part of each dialog sequence. Which means that the source code now contains a long hardcoded list of face IDs for most of the text boxes in the game, with the rest being part of the dedicated hardcoded dialog scripts for 2/3 of the game's stages.
Without the restriction to a fixed set of scripting commands, TH02 naturally gravitated to having the most varied dialog sequences of all PC-98 Touhou games. This flexibility certainly facilitated Mima's grand entrance animation in Stage 4, or the different lines in Stage 4 and 5 depending on whether you already used a continue or not. Marisa's post-boss dialog even inserts the number of continues into the text itself – by, you guessed it, writing to hardcoded byte offsets inside the dialog text before printing it to the screen. :godzun: But once again, I have nothing to criticize here – not even the fact that the alternate dialog scripts have to mutate the "box cursor" to jump to the intended boxes within the file. I know that some people in my audience like VMs, but I would have considered it more bloated if ZUN had implemented a full-blown scripting language just to handle all these special cases.

Another unique aspect of TH02 is the way it stores its face portraits, which are infamous for how hard they are to find in the original data files. These sprites are actually map tiles, stored in MIKO_K.MPN, and drawn using the same functions used to blit the regular map tiles to the 📝 tile source area in VRAM. We can only guess why ZUN chose this one out of the three graphics formats he used in TH02:

TH02's MIKO_K.PTN, arranged into a 16×16-tile layout that reveals how these tiles are combined into face portraits.
MPNDEF from -Tom-'s MysticTK conveniently uses this exact layout in its .BMP output. Earlier MPNDEF versions crashed when converting this file as its 256 tiles led to an 8-bit overflow bug, so make sure you've updated to the current version from the end of October 2023 if you want to convert this file yourself. The format stores the 4 bitplanes of each 16×16 tile in order, so good luck finding a different planar image viewer that would support both such a tiled layout and a custom palette. Sometimes, a weird internal format is the best type of obfuscation. :tannedcirno:
TH02's MIKO_K.PTN with the 16×16 tile grid overlaid

And since you're certainly wondering about all these black tiles at the edges: Yes, these are not only part of the file and pad it from the required 240×192 pixels to 256×256, but also kept in memory during a stage, wasting 9.5 KiB of conventional RAM. That's 172 seconds of potential input replay data, just for those people who might still think that we need EMS for replays.

Alright, we've got the text, we've got the faces, let's slide in the box and display it all on screen. Apparently though, we also have to blit the player and option sprites using raw, low-level master.lib function calls in the process? :thonk: This can't be right, especially because ZUN always blits the option sprite associated with the Reimu-A shot type, regardless of which one the player actually selected. And if you keep moving above the box area before the dialog starts, you get to see exactly how wrong this is:

Let's look closer at Reimu's sprite during the slide-in animation, and in the two frames before:

Zoomed-in area around Reimu's sprite from frame 35 of the video aboveZoomed-in area around Reimu's sprite from frame 36 of the video aboveZoomed-in area around Reimu's sprite from frame 37 of the video above

This one image shows off no less than 4 bugs:

  1. ZUN blits the stationary player sprite here, regardless of whether the player was previously moving left or right. This is a nice way of indicating that Reimu stops moving once the dialog starts, but maybe ZUN should have unblitted the old sprite so that the new one wouldn't have appeared on top. The game only unblits the 384×64 pixels covered by the dialog box on every frame of the slide-in animation, so Reimu would only appear correctly if her sprite happened to be entirely located within that area.
  2. All sprites are shifted up by 1 pixel in frame 2️⃣. This one is not a bug in the dialog system, but in the main game loop. The game runs the relevant actions in the following order:

    1. Invalidate any map tiles covered by entities
    2. Redraw invalidated tiles
    3. Decrement the Y coordinate at the top of VRAM according to the scroll speed
    4. Update and render all game entities
    5. Scroll in new tiles as necessary according to the scroll speed, and report whether the game has scrolled one pixel past the end of the map
    6. If that happened, pretend it didn't by incrementing the value calculated in #3 for all further frames and skipping to #8.
    7. Issue a GDC SCROLL command to reflect the line calculated in #3 on the display
    8. Wait for VSync
    9. Flip VRAM pages
    10. Start boss if we're past the end of the map

    The problem here: Once the dialog starts, the game has already rendered an entire new frame, with all sprites being offset by a new Y scroll offset, without adjusting the graphics GDC's scroll registers to compensate. Hence, the Y position in 3️⃣ is the correct one, and the whole existence of frame 2️⃣ is a bug in itself. (Well… OK, probably a quirk because speedrunning exists, and it would be pretty annoying to synchronize any video regression tests of the future TH02 Anniversary Edition if it renders one fewer frame in the middle of a stage.)

  3. ZUN blits the option sprites to their position from frame 1️⃣. This brings us back to 📝 TH02's special way of retaining the previous and current position in a two-element array, indexed with a VRAM page ID. Normally, this would be equivalent to using dedicated prev and cur structure fields and you'd just index it with the back page for every rendering call. But if you then decide to go single-buffered for dialogs and render them onto the front page instead… :zunpet:
    Note that fixing bug #2 would not cancel out this one – the sprites would then simply be rendered to their position in the frame before 1️⃣.

  4. And of course, the fixed option sprite ID also counts as a bug.

As for the boxes themselves, it's yet another loop that prints 2-byte chunks of Shift-JIS text at an even slower fixed interval of 3 frames. In an interesting quirk though, ZUN assumes that every box starts with the name of the speaking character in its first two fullwidth Shift-JIS characters, followed by a fullwidth colon. These 6 bytes are displayed immediately at the start of every box, without the usual delay. The resulting alignment looks rather janky with Genjii, whose single right-padded kanji looks quite awkward with the fullwidth space between the name and the colon. Kind of makes you wonder why ZUN just didn't spell out his proper name, 玄爺, instead, but I get the stylistic difference.
In Stage 4, the two-kanji assumption then breaks with Marisa's three-kanji name, which causes the full-width colon to be printed as the first delayed character in each of her boxes:

That's all the issues and quirks in the system itself. The scripts themselves don't leave much room for bugs as they basically just loop over the hardcoded face ID array at this level… until we reach the end of the game. Previously, the slide-in animation could simply use the tile invalidation and re-rendering system to unblit the box on each frame, which also explained why Reimu had to be separately rendered on top. But this no longer works with a custom-rendered boss background, and so the game just chooses to flood-fill the area with graphics chip color #0:

Then again, transferring pixels from the back page would be just as wrong as they lag one frame behind. No way around capturing these 384×64 pixels to main memory here… Oh well, this flood-fill at least adds even more legibility on top of the already half-transparent text box. A property that the following dialog sequence unfortunately lacks…

For Mima's final defeat dialog though, ZUN chose to not even show the box. He might have realized the issue by that point, or simply preferred the more dramatic effect this had on the lines. The resulting issues, however, might even have ramifications for such un-technical things as lore and character dynamics. :zunpet: As it turns out, the code for this dialog sequence does in fact render Mima's smiling face for all boxes?! You only don't see it in the original game because it's rendered to the other VRAM page that remains invisible during the dialog sequence:

Caution, flashing lights.

Here's how I interpret the situation:

So, the future TH02 Anniversary Edition will fix the bug by showing the back page, but retain the quirk by rewriting the dialog code to not blit the face.

And with that, we've secured all in-game dialog for the upcoming non-ASCII translations! The remaining 2/3 of the last push made for a good occasion to also decompile the small amount of code related to TH03's win messages, stored in the @0?TX.TXT files. Similar to TH02's dialog format, these files are also split into fixed-size blocks of 3×60 bytes. But this time, TH03 loads all 60 bytes of a line, including the CR/LF line breaking codepoints in the original files, into the statically allocated buffer that it renders from. These control characters are then only filtered to whitespace by ZUN's graph_putsa_fx() function. If you remove the line breaks, you get to use the full 60 bytes on every line.
The final commits went to the MIKO.CFG loading and saving functions used in TH04's and TH05's OP.EXE, as well as TH04's game startup code to finally catch up with 📝 TH05's counterpart from over 3 years ago. This brought us right in front of the main menu rendering code in both TH04 and TH05, which is identical in both games and will be tackled in the next PC-98 Touhou delivery.

Next up, though: Returning to Shuusou Gyoku, and adding support for SC-88Pro recordings as BGM. Which may or may not come with a slight controversy…

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Arandui, Ember2528, [Anonymous]
🏷️ Tags:

And now we're taking this small indie game from the year 2000 and porting its game window, input, and sound to the industry-standard cross-platform API with "simple" in its name.

Why did this have to be so complicated?! I expected this to take maybe 1-2 weeks and result in an equally short blog post. Instead, it raised so many questions that I ended up with the longest blog post so far, by quite a wide margin. These pushes ended up covering so many aspects that could be interesting to a general and non-Seihou-adjacent audience, so I think we need a table of contents for this one:

  1. Evaluating Zig
  2. Visual Studio doesn't implement concepts correctly?
  3. Reusable building blocks for Tup
  4. Compiling SDL 2
  5. The new frame rate limiter
  6. Audio via SDL or SDL_mixer? (Nope, neither)
  7. miniaudio
  8. Resampling defective sound effects (including FLAC not always being lossless)
  9. Joypad input with SDL
  10. Restoring the original screenshot feature
  11. Integer math in hand-written ASM

Before we can start migrating to SDL, we of course have to integrate it into the build somehow. On Linux, we'd ideally like to just dynamically link to a distribution's SDL development package, but since there's no such thing on Windows, we'd like to compile SDL from source there. This allows us to reuse our debug and release flags and ensures that we get debug information, without needing to clone build scripts for every C++ library ever in the process or something.
So let's get my Tup build scripts ready for compiling vendored libraries… or maybe not? Recently, I've kept hearing about a hot new technology that not only provides the rare kind of jank-free cross-compiling build system for C/C++ code, but innovates by even bundling a C++ compiler into a single 279 MiB package with no further dependencies. Realistically replacing both Visual Studio and Tup with a single tool that could target every OS is quite a selling point. The upcoming Linux port makes for the perfect occasion to evaluate Zig, and to find out whether Tup is still my favorite build system in 2023.

Even apart from its main selling point, there's a lot to like about Zig:

However, as a version number of 0.11.0 might already suggest, the whole experience was then bogged down by quite a lot of issues:

So for the time being, I still prefer Tup. But give it maybe two or three years, and I'm sure that Zig will eventually become the best tool for resurrecting legacy C++ codebases. That is, if the proposed divorce of the core Zig compiler from LLVM isn't an indication that the productive parts of the Zig community consider the C/C++ building features to be "good enough", and are about to de-emphasize them to focus more strongly on the actual Zig language. Gaining adoption for your new systems language by bundling it with a C/C++ build system is such a great and unique strategy, and it almost worked in my case. And who knows, maybe Zig will already be good enough by the time I get to port PC-98 Touhou to modern systems.

(If you came from the Zig wiki, you can stop reading here.)

A few remnants of the Zig experiment still remain in the final delivery. If that experiment worked out, I would have had to immediately change the execution encoding to UTF-8, and decompile a few ASM functions exclusive to the 8-bit rendering mode which we could have otherwise ignored. While Clang does support inline assembly with Intel syntax via -fms-extensions, it has trouble with ; comments and instructions like REP STOSD, and if I have to touch that code anyway… (The REP STOSD function translated into a single call to memcpy(), by the way.)

Another smaller issue was Visual Studio's lack of standard library header hygiene, where #including some of the high-level STL features also includes more foundational headers that Clang requires to be included separately, but I've already known about that. Instead, the biggest shocker was that Visual Studio accepts invalid syntax for a language feature as recent as C++20 concepts:

// Defines the interface of a text rendering session class. To simplify this
// example, it only has a single `Print(const char* str)` method.
template <class T> concept Session = requires(T t, const char* str) {

// Once the rendering backend has started a new session, it passes the session
// object as a parameter to a user-defined function, which can then freely call
// any of the functions defined in the `Session` concept to render some text.
template <class F, class S> concept UserFunctionForSession = (
	Session<S> && requires(F f, S& s) {
		{ f(s) };

// The rendering backend defines a `Prerender()` method that takes the
// aforementioned user-defined function object. Unfortunately, C++ concepts
// don't work like this: The standard doesn't allow `auto` in the parameter
// list of a `requires` expression because it defines another implicit
// template parameter. Nevertheless, Visual Studio compiles this code without
// errors.
template <class T, class S> concept BackendAttempt = requires(
	T t, UserFunctionForSession<S> auto func
) {

// A syntactically correct definition would use a different constraint term for
// the type of the user-defined function. But this effectively makes the
// resulting concept unusable for actual validation because you are forced to
// specify a type for `F`.
template <class T, class S, class F> concept SyntacticallyFixedBackend = (
	UserFunctionForSession<F, S> && requires(T t, F func) {

// The solution: Defining a dummy structure that behaves like a lambda as an
// "archetype" for the user-defined function.
struct UserFunctionArchetype {
	void operator ()(Session auto& s) {

// Now, the session type disappears from the template parameter list, which
// even allows the concrete session type to be private.
template <class T> concept CorrectBackend = requires(
	T t, UserFunctionArchetype func
) {
Here's a Godbolt link, configured with both Visual Studio and Clang compilers.

What's this, Visual Studio's infamous delayed template parsing applied to concepts, because they're templates as well? Didn't they get rid of that 6 years ago? You would think that we've moved beyond the age where compilers differed in their interpretation of the core language, and that opting into a current C++ standard turns off any remaining antiquated behaviors…

So let's actually get my Tup build scripts ready for compiling vendored libraries, because the 📝 previous 70 lines of Lua definitely weren't. For this use case, we'd like to have some notion of distinct build targets that can have a unique set of compilation and linking flags. We'd also like to always build them in debug and release versions even if you only intend to build your actual program in one of those versions – with the previous system of specifying a single version for all code, Tup would delete the other one, which forces a time-consuming and ultimately needless rebuild once you switch to the other version.

The solution I came up with treats the set of compiler command-line options like a tree whose branches can concatenate new options and/or filter the versions that are built on this branch. In total, this is my 4th attempt at writing a compiler abstraction layer for Tup. Since we're effectively forced to write such layers in Lua, it will always be a bit janky, but I think I've finally arrived at a solid underlying design that might also be interesting for others. Hence, I've split off the result into its own separate repository and added high-level documentation and a documented example. And yes, that's a Code Nutrition label! I've wanted to add one of these ever since I first heard about the idea, since it communicates nicely how seriously such an open-source project should be taken. Which, in this case, is actually not all too seriously, especially since development of the core Tup project has all but stagnated. If Zig does indeed get better and better at being a Clang frontend/build system, the only niches left for Tup will be Visual Studio-exclusive projects, or retrocoding with nonstandard toolchains (i.e., ReC98). Quite ironic, given Tup's Unix heritage…
Oh, and maybe general Makefile-like tasks where you just want to run specific programs. Maybe once the general hype swings back around and people start demanding proper graph-based dependency tracking instead of just a command runner

Alright, alternatives evaluated, build system ready, time to include SDL! Once again, I went for Git submodules, but this time they're held together by a batch file that ensures that the intended versions are checked out before starting Tup. Git submodules have a bad rap mainly because of their usability issues, and such a script should hopefully work around them? Let's see how this plays out. If it ends up causing issues after all, I'll just switch to a Zig-like model of downloading and unzipping a source archive. Since Windows comes with curl and tar these days, this can even work without any further dependencies, and will also remove all the test code bloat.

Compiling SDL from a non-standard build system requires a bit of globbing to include all the code that is being referenced, as well as a few linker settings, but it's ultimately not much of a big deal. I'm quite happy that it was possible at all without pre-configuring a build, but hey, that's what maintaining a Visual Studio project file does to a project. :tannedcirno:
By building SDL with the stock Windows configuration, we then end up with exactly what the SDL developers want us to use… which is a DLL. You can statically link SDL, but they really don't want you to do that. So strongly, in fact, that they not merely argue how well the textbook advantages of dynamic linking have worked for them and gamers as a whole, but implemented a whole dynamic API system that enforces overridable dynamic function loading even in static builds. Nudging developers to their preferred solution by removing most advantages from static linking by default… that's certainly a strategy. It definitely fits with SDL's grassroots marketing, which is very good at painting SDL as the industry standard and the only reliable way to keep your game running on all originally supported operating systems. Well, at least until SDL 3 is so stable that SDL 2 gets deprecated and won't receive any code for new backends…

However, dynamic linking does make sense if you consider what SDL is. Offering all those multiple rendering, input, and sound backends is what sets it apart from its more hip competition, and you want to have all of them available at any time so that SDL can dynamically select them based on what works best on a system. As a result, everything in SDL is being referenced somewhere, so there's no dead code for the linker to eliminate. Linking SDL statically with link-time code generation just prolongs your link time for no benefit, even without the dynamic API thwarting any chance of SDL calls getting inlined.
There's one thing I still don't like about all this, though. The dynamic API's table references force you to include all of SDL's subsystems in the DLL even if your game doesn't need some of them. But it does fit with their intention of having SDL2.dll be swappable: If an older game stopped working because of an outdated SDL2.dll, it should be possible for anyone to get that game working again by replacing that DLL with any newer version that was bundled with any random newer game. And since that would fail if the newer SDL2.dll was size-optimized to not include some of the subsystems that the older game required, they simply removed (or de-prioritized) the possibility altogether. Maybe that was their train of thought? You can always just use the official Windows DLL, whose whole point is to include everything, after all. 🤷

So, what do we get in these 1.5 MiB? There are:

Unfortunately, SDL 2 also statically references some newer Windows API functions and therefore doesn't run on Windows 98. Since this build of Shuusou Gyoku doesn't introduce any new features to the input or sound interfaces, we can still use pbg's original DirectSound and DirectInput code for the i586 build to keep it working with the rest of the platform-independent game logic code, but it will start to lag behind in features as soon as we add support for SC-88Pro BGM or more sophisticated input remapping. If we do want to keep this build at the same feature level as the SDL one, we now have a choice: Do we write new DirectInput and DirectSound code and get it done quickly but only for Shuusou Gyoku, or do we port SDL 2 to Windows 98 and benefit all other SDL 2 games as well? I leave that for my backers to decide.

Immediately after writing the first bits of actual SDL code to initialize the library and create the game window, you notice that SDL makes it very simple to gradually migrate a game. After creating the game window, you can call SDL_GetWindowWMInfo() to retrieve HWND and HINSTANCE handles that allow you to continue using your original DirectDraw, DirectSound, and DirectInput code and focus on porting one subsystem at a time.
Sadly, D3DWindower can no longer turn SDL's fullscreen mode into a windowed one, but DxWnd still works, albeit behaving a bit janky and insisting on minimizing the game whenever its window loses focus. But in exchange, the game window can surprisingly be moved now! Turns out that the originally fixed window position had nothing to do with the way the game created its DirectDraw context, and everything to do with pbg blocking the Win32 "syscommand" that allows a window to be moved. By deleting a system menu… seriously?! Now I'm dying to hear the Raymond Chen explanation for how this behavior dates back to an unfortunate decision during the Win16 days or something.
As implied by that commit, I immediately backported window movability to the i586 build.

However, the most important part of Shuusou Gyoku's main loop is its frame rate limiter, whose Win32 version leaves a bit of room for improvement. Outside of the uncapped [おまけ] DrawMode, the original main loop continuously checks whether at least 16 milliseconds have elapsed since the last simulated (but not necessarily rendered) frame. And by that I mean continuously, and deliberately without using any of the Windows system facilities to sleep the process in the meantime, as evidenced by a commented-out Sleep(1) call. This has two important effects on the game:

Unsurprisingly, SDL features a delay function that properly sleeps the process for a given number of milliseconds. But just specifying 16 here is not exactly what we want:

  1. Sure, modern computers are fast, but a frame won't ever take an infinitely fast 0 milliseconds to render. So we still need to take the current frame time into account.
  2. SDL_Delay()'s documentation says that the wake-up could be further delayed due to OS scheduling.

To address both of these issues, I went with a base delay time of 15 ms minus the time spent on the current frame, followed by busy-waiting for the last millisecond to make sure that the next frame starts on the exact frame boundary. And lo and behold: Even though this still technically wastes up to 1 ms of CPU time, it still dropped CPU usage into the 0%-2% range during gameplay on my Intel Core i5-8400T CPU, which is over 5 years old at this point. Your laptop battery will appreciate this new build quite a bit.

Time to look at audio then, because it sure looks less complicated than input, doesn't it? Loading sounds from .WAV file buffers, playing a fixed number of instances of every sound at a given position within the stereo field and with optional looping… and that's everything already. The DirectSound implementation is so straightforward that the most complex part of its code is the .WAV file parser.
Well, the big problem with audio is actually finding a cross-platform backend that implements these features in a way that seamlessly works with Shuusou Gyoku's original files. DirectSound really is the perfect sound API for this game:

The last point can't really be an argument against anything, but we'd still be left with 7 other boxes that a cross-platform alternative would have to tick. We already picked SDL for our portability needs, so how does its audio subsystem stack up? Unfortunately, not great:

OK, sure, but you're not supposed to use it for anything more than a single stream of audio. SDL_mixer exists precisely to cover such non-trivial use cases, and it even supports sound effect looping and panning with just a single function call! But as far as the rest of the library is concerned, it manages to be an even bigger disappointment than raw SDL audio:

There is a fork that does add support for an arbitrary number of music streams, but the rest of its features leave me questioning the priorities and focus of this project. Because surely, when I think about missing features in an audio backend, I immediately think about support for a vast array of chiptune file formats… 🤪
And wait, what, they merged this piece of bloat back into the official SDL_mixer library?! Thanks for opening up a vast attack surface for potential security vulnerabilities in code that would never run for the majority of users, just to cover some niche formats that nobody would seriously expect in a general audio library. And that's coming from someone who loves listening to that stuff!
At this rate, I'm expecting SDL_mixer to gain a mail client by the end of the decade. Hmm, what's the closest audio thing to a mail client… oh, right, WebRTC! Yeah, let's just casually drop a giant part of the Chromium codebase into SDL_mixer, what could possibly go wrong?

This dire situation made me wonder if SDL was the wrong choice for Shuusou Gyoku to begin with. Looking at other low-level cross-platform game libraries, you'll quickly notice that all of them come with mostly equally capable 2D renderers these days, and mainly differentiate themselves in minute API details that you'd only notice upon a really close look.
raylib is another one of those libraries and has been getting exceptionally popular in recent years, to the point of even having more than twice as many GitHub stars as SDL. By restricting itself to OpenGL, it can even offer an abstraction for shaders, which we'd really like for the 西方Project lens ball effect.
In the case of raylib's audio system, the lack of sound effect looping is the minute API detail that would make it annoying to use for Shuusou Gyoku. But it might be worth a look at how raylib implements all this if it doesn't use SDL… which turned out to be the best look I've taken in a long time, because raylib builds on top of miniaudio which is exactly the kind of audio library I was hoping to find. Let's check the list from above:

Oh, and it's written by the same developer who also wrote the best FLAC library back in 2018. And that's despite them being single-file C libraries, which I consider to be massively overrated…

The drawback? Similar to Zig, it's only on version 0.11.18, and also focuses on good high-level documentation at the expense of an API reference. Unlike Zig though, the three issues I ran into turned out to be actual and fixable bugs: Two minor ones related to looping of streamed sounds shorter than 2 seconds which won't ever actually affect us before we get into BGM modding, and a critical one that added high-frequency corruption to any mono sound effect during its expansion to stereo. The latter took days to track down – with symptoms like these, you'd immediately suspect the bug to lie in the resampler or its low-pass filter, both of which are so much more of a fickle and configurable part of the conversion chain here. Compared to that, stereo expansion is so conceptually simple that you wouldn't imagine anyone getting it wrong.
While the latter PR has been merged, the fix is still only part of the dev branch and hasn't been properly released yet. Fortunately, raylib is not affected by this bug: It does currently ship version 0.11.16 of miniaudio, but its usage of the library predates miniaudio's high-level API and it therefore uses a different, non-SSE-optimized code path for its format conversions.

The only slightly tricky part of implementing a miniaudio backend for Shuusou Gyoku lies in setting up multiple simultaneously playing instances for each individual sound. The documentation and answers on the issue tracker heavily push you toward miniaudio's resource manager and its file abstractions to handle this use case. We surely could turn Shuusou Gyoku's numeric sound effect IDs into fake file names, but it doesn't really fit the existing architecture where the sound interface just receives in-memory .WAV file buffers loaded from the SOUND.DAT packfile.
In that case, this seems to be the best way:

As a side effect of hunting that one critical bug in miniaudio, I've now learned a fair bit about audio resampling in general. You'll probably need some knowledge about basic digital signal behavior to follow this section, and that video is still probably the best introduction to the topic.

So, how could this ever be an issue? The only time I ever consciously thought about resampling used to be in the context of the Opus codec and its enforced sampling rate of 48,000 Hz, and how Opus advocates claim that resampling is a solved problem and nothing to worry about, especially in the context of a lossy codec. Still, I didn't add Opus to thcrap's BGM modding feature entirely because the mere thought of having to downsample to 44,100 Hz in the decoder was off-putting enough. But even if my worries were unfounded in that specific case: Recording the Stereo Mix of Shuusou Gyoku's now two audio backends revealed that apparently not every audio processing chain features an Opus-quality resampler…

If we take a look at the material that resamplers actually have to work with here, it quickly becomes obvious why their results are so varied. As mentioned above, Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects use rather low sampling rates that are pretty far away from the 48,000 Hz your audio device is most definitely outputting. Therefore, any potential imaging noise across the extended high-frequency range – i.e., from the original Nyquist frequencies of 11,025 Hz/5,512.5 Hz up to the new limit of 24,000 Hz – is still within the audible range of most humans and can clearly color the resulting sound.
But it gets worse if the audio data you put into the resampler is objectively defective to begin with, which is exactly the problem we're facing with over half of Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects. Encoding them all as 8-bit PCM is definitely excusable because it was the turn of the millennium and the resulting noise floor is masked by the BGM anyway, but the blatant clipping and DC offsets definitely aren't:

<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 1/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 2/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 3/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 4/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 5/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 6/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 7/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 8/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 9/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 10/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 11/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 12/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 13/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 14/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 15/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 16/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 17/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 18/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 19/20<code>SOUND.DAT</code>, file 20/20
Waveforms for all 20 of Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects, in the order they appear inside SOUND.DAT and with their internal names. We can see quite an abundance of clipping, as well as a significant DC offset in WARNING, BUZZ, JOINT, SBBOMB, and BOSSBOMB.

Wait a moment, true peaks? Where do those come from? And, equally importantly, how can we even observe, measure, and store anything above the maximum amplitude of a digital signal?

The answer to the first question can be directly derived from the video I linked above: Digital signals are lollipop graphs, not stairsteps as commonly depicted in audio editing software. Converting them back to an analog signal involves constructing a continuous curve that passes through each sample point, and whose frequency components stay below the Nyquist frequency. And if the amplitude of that reconstructed wave changes too strongly and too rapidly, the resulting curve can easily overshoot the maximum digital amplitude of 0 dBFS even if none of the defined samples are above that limit.

But I can assure you that I did not create the waveform images above by recording the analog output of some speakers or headphones and then matching the levels to the original files, so how did I end up with that image? It's not an Audacity feature either because the development team argues that there is no "true waveform" to be visualized as every DAC behaves differently. While this is correct in theory, we'd be happy just to get a rough approximation here.
ffmpeg's ebur128 filter has a parameter to measure the true peak of a waveform and fairly understandable source code, and once I looked at it, all the pieces suddenly started to make sense: For our purpose of only looking at digital signals, 💡 resampling to a floating-point signal with an infinite sampling rate is equivalent to a DAC. And that's exactly what this filter does: It picks 192,000 Hz and 64-bit float as a format that's close enough to the ideal of "analog infinity" for all practical purposes that involve digital audio, and then simply converts each incoming 100 ms of audio and keeps the sample with the largest floating-point value.

So let's store the resampled output as a FLAC file and load it into Audacity to visualize the clipped peaks… only to find all of them replaced with the typical kind of clipping distortion? 😕 Turns out that I've stumbled over the one case where the FLAC format isn't lossless and there's actually no alternative to .WAV: FLAC just doesn't support floating-point samples and simply truncates them to discrete integers during encoding. When we measured inter-sample peaks above, we weren't only resampling to a floating-point format to avoid any quantization to discrete integer values, but also to make it possible to store amplitudes beyond the 0 dBFS point of ±1.0 in the first place. Once we lose that ability, these amplitudes are clipped to the maximum value of the integer bit depth, and baked into the waveform with no way to get rid of them again. After all, the resampled file now uses a higher sampling rate, and the clipping distortion is now a defined part of what the sound is.
Finally, storing a digital signal with inter-sample peaks in a floating-point format also makes it possible for you to reduce the volume, which moves these peaks back into the regular, unclipped amplitude range. This is especially relevant for Shuusou Gyoku as you'll probably never listen to sound effects at full volume.

Now that we understand what's going on there, we can finally compare the output of various resamplers and pick a suitable one to use with miniaudio. And immediately, we see how they fall into two categories:

miniaudio only comes with a linear resampler – but so does DirectSound as it turns out, so we can get actually pretty close to how the game sounded originally:

All of Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects combined and resampled into a single 48,000 Hz / 32-bit float .WAV file, using GoldWave's File Merger tool. By converting to 32-bit float first and then resampling, the conversion preserved the exact frequency range of the original 22,050 Hz and 11,025 Hz files, even despite clipping. There are small noise peaks across the entire frequency range, but they only occur at the exact boundary between individual sound effects. These are a simple result of the discontinuities that naturally occur in the waveform when concatenating signals that don't start or end at a 0 sample.
As mentioned above, you'll only get this sound out of your DAC at lower volumes where all of the resampled peaks still fit within 0 dBFS. But you most likely will have reduced your volume anyway, because these effects would be ear-splittingly loud otherwise.
The result of converting 1️⃣ into FLAC. The necessary bit depth conversion from 32-bit float to 16-bit integers clamps any data above 0 dBFS or ±1.0f to the discrete -32,678 32,767, the maximum value of such an integer. The resulting straight lines at maximum amplitude in the time domain then turn into distortion across the entire 24,000 Hz frequency domain, which then remains a part of the waveform even at lower volumes. The locations of the high-frequency noise exactly match the clipped locations in the time-domain waveform images above.
The resulting additional distortion can be best heard in BOSSBOMB, where the low source frequency ensures that any distortion stays firmly within the hearing range of most humans.
All of Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects as played through DirectSound and recorded through Stereo Mix. DirectSound also seems to use a linear low-pass filter that leaves quite a bit of high-frequency noise in the signals, making these effects sound crispier than they should be. Depending on where you stand, this is either highly inaccurate and something that should be fixed, or actually good because the sound effects really benefit from that added high end. I myself am definitely in the latter camp – and hey, this sound is the result of original game code, so it is accurate at least in that regard. :tannedcirno:
All of Shuusou Gyoku's sound effects as converted by miniaudio and directly saved to a file, with the same low-pass filter setting used in the P0256 build. This first-order low-pass filter is a decent approximation of DirectSound's resampler, even though it sounds slightly crispier as the high-frequency noise is boosted a little further. By default, miniaudio would use a 4th-order low-pass filter, so this is the second-lowest resampling quality you can get, short of disabling the low-pass filter altogether.
Conversion results when using miniaudio's 8th-order low-pass filter for resampling, the highest quality supported. This is the closest we can get to the reference conversion without using a custom resampler. If we do want to go for perfect accuracy though, we might as well go for 1️⃣ directly?

These spectrum images were initially created using ffmpeg's -lavfi showspectrumpic=mode=combined:s=1280x720 filter. The samples appear in the same order as in the waveform above.

And yes, these are indeed the first videos on this blog to have sound! I spent another push on preparing the 📝 video conversion pipeline for audio support, and on adding the highly important volume control to the player. Web video codecs only support lossy audio, so the sound in these videos will not exactly match the spectrum image, but the lossless source files do contain the original audio as uncompressed PCM streams.

Compared to that whole mess of signals and noise, keyboard and joypad input is indeed much simpler. Thanks to SDL, it's almost trivial, and only slightly complicated because SDL offers two subsystems with seemingly identical APIs:

To match Shuusou Gyoku's original WinMM backend, we'd ideally want to keep the best aspects from both APIs but without being restricted to SDL_GameController's idea of a controller. The Joy Pad menu just identifies each button with a numeric ID, so SDL_Joystick would be a natural fit. But what do we do about directional controls if SDL_Joystick doesn't tell us which joypad axes correspond to the X and Y directions, and we don't have the SDL-recommended configuration UI yet? Doing that right would also mean supporting POV hats and D-pads, after all… Luckily, all joypads we've tested map their main X axis to ID 0 and their main Y axis to ID 1, so this seems like a reasonable default guess.

Fortunately, there is a solution for our exact issue. We can still try to open a joypad via SDL_GameController, and if that succeeds, we can use a function to retrieve the SDL_Joystick ID for the main X and Y axis, close the SDL_GameController instance, and keep using SDL_Joystick for the rest of the game.
And with that, the SDL build no longer needs DirectInput 7, certain antivirus scanners will no longer complain about its low-level keyboard hook, and I turned the original game's single-joypad hot-plugging into multi-joypad hot-plugging with barely any code. 🎮

The necessary consolidation of the game's original input handling uncovered several minor bugs around the High Score and Game Over screen that I sufficiently described in the release notes of the new build. But it also revealed an interesting detail about the Joy Pad screen: Did you know that Shuusou Gyoku lets you unbind all these actions by pressing more than one joypad button at the same time? The original game indicated unbound actions with a [Button 0] label, which is pretty confusing if you have ever programmed anything because you now no longer know whether the game starts numbering buttons at 0 or 1. This is now communicated much more clearly.

Joypad button unbinding in the original version of Shuusou Gyoku, indicated by a rather confusing [Button 0] labelJoypad button unbinding in the P0256 build of Shuusou Gyoku, using a much clearer [--------] label
ESC is not bound to any joypad button in either screenshot, but it's only really obvious in the P0256 build.

With that, we're finally feature-complete as far as this delivery is concerned! Let's send a build over to the backers as a quick sanity check… a~nd they quickly found a bug when running on Linux and Wine. When holding a button, the game randomly stops registering directional inputs for a short while on some joypads? Sounds very much like a Wine bug, especially if the same pad works without issues on Windows.
And indeed, on certain joypads, Wine maps the buttons to completely different and disconnected IDs, as if it simply invents new buttons or axes to fill the resulting gaps. Until we can differentiate joypad bindings per controller, it's therefore unlikely that you can use the same joypad mapping on both Windows and Linux/Wine without entering the Joy Pad menu and remapping the buttons every time you switch operating systems.

Still, by itself, this shouldn't cause any issues with my SDL event handling code… except, of course, if I forget a break; in a switch case. 🫠
This completely preventable implicit fallthrough has now caused a few hours of debugging on my end. I'd better crank up the warning level to keep this from ever happening again. Opting into this specific warning also revealed why we haven't been getting it so far: Visual Studio did gain a whole host of new warnings related to the C++ Core Guidelines a while ago, including the one I was looking for, but actually getting the compiler to throw these requires activating a separate static analysis mode together with a plugin, which significantly slows down build times. Therefore I only activate them for release builds, since these already take long enough. :onricdennat:

But that wasn't the only step I took as a result of this blunder. In addition, I now offer free fixes for regressions in my mod releases if anyone else reports an issue before I find it myself. I've already been following this policy 📝 earlier this year when mu021 reported the unblitting bug in the initial release of the TH01 Anniversary Edition, and merely made it official now. If I was the one who broke a thing, I'll fix it for free.

Since all that input debugging already started a 5th push, I might as well fill that one by restoring the original screenshot feature. After all, it's triggered by a key press (and is thus related to the input backend), reads the contents of the frame buffer (and is thus related to the graphics backend), and it honestly looks bad to have this disclaimer in the release notes just because we're one small feature away from 100% parity with pbg's original binary.
Coincidentally, I had already written code to save a DirectDraw surface to a .BMP file for all the debugging I did in the last delivery, so we were basically only missing filename generation. Except that Shuusou Gyoku's original choice of mapping screenshots to the PrintScreen key did not age all too well:

As a result, both Arandui and I independently arrived at the idea of remapping screenshots to the P key, which is the same screenshot key used by every Windows Touhou game since TH08.

The rest of the feature remains unchanged from how it was in pbg's original build and will save every distinct frame rendered by the game (i.e., before flipping the two framebuffers) to a .BMP file as long as the P key is being held. At a 32-bit color depth, these screenshots take up 1.2 MB per frame, which will quickly add up – especially since you'll probably hold the P key for more than 1/60 of a second and therefore end up saving multiple frames in a row. We should probably compress them one day.

Since I already translated some of Shuusou Gyoku's ASM code to C++ during the Zig experiment, it made sense to finish the fifth push by covering the rest of those functions. The integer math functions are used all throughout the game logic, and are the main reason why this goal is important for a Linux port, or any port to a 64-bit architecture for that matter. If you've ever read a micro-optimization-related blog post, you'll know that hand-written ASM is a great recipe that often results in the finest jank, and the game's square root function definitely delivers in that regard, right out of the gate.
What slightly differentiates this algorithm from the typical definition of an integer square root is that it rounds up: In real numbers, √3 is ≈ 1.73, so isqrt(3) returns 2 instead of 1. However, if the result is always rounded down, you can determine whether you have to round up by simply squaring the calculated root and comparing it to the radicand. And even that is only necessary if the difference between the two doesn't naturally fall out of the algorithm – which is what also happens with Shuusou Gyoku's original ASM code, but pbg didn't realize this and squared the result regardless. :tannedcirno:

That's one suboptimal detail already. Let's call the original ASM function in a loop over the entire supported range of radicands from 0 to 231 and produce a list of results that I can verify my C++ translation against… and watch as the function's linear time complexity with regard to the radicand causes the loop to run for over 15 hours on my system. 🐌 In a way, I've found the literal opposite of Q_rsqrt() here: Not fast, not inverse, no bit hacks, and surely without the awe-inspiring kind of WTF.
I really didn't want to run the same loop over a literal C++ translation of the same algorithm afterward. Calculating integer square roots is a common problem with lots of solutions, so let's see if we can go better than linear.

And indeed, Wikipedia also has a bitwise algorithm that runs in logarithmic time, uses only additions, subtractions, and bit shifts, and even ends up with an error term that we can use to round up the result as necessary, without a multiplication. And this algorithm delivers the exact same results over the exact same range in… 50 seconds. 🏎️ And that's with the I/O to print the first value that returns each of the 46,341 different square root results.

"But wait a moment!", I hear you say. "Why are you bothering with an integer square root algorithm to begin with? Shouldn't good old round(sqrt(x)) from <math.h> do the trick just fine? Our CPUs have had SSE for a long time, and this probably compiles into the single SQRTSD instruction. All that extra floating-point hardware might mean that this instruction could even run in parallel with non-SSE code!"
And yes, all of that is technically true. So I tested it, and my very synthetic and constructed micro-benchmark did indeed deliver the same results in… 48 seconds. :thonk: That's not enough of a difference to justify breaking the spirit of treating the FPU as lava that permeates Shuusou Gyoku's code base. Besides, it's not used for that much to begin with:

After a quick C++ translation of the RNG function that spells out a 32-bit multiplication on a 32-bit CPU using 16-bit instructions, we reach the final pieces of ASM code for the 8-bit atan2() and trapezoid rendering. These could actually pass for well-written ASM code in how they express their 64-bit calculations: atan8() prepares its 64-bit dividend in the combined EDX and EAX registers in a way that isn't obvious at all from a cursory look at the code, and the trapezoid functions effectively use Q32.32 subpixels. C++ allows us to cleanly model all these calculations with 64-bit variables, but unfortunately compiles the divisions into a call to a comparatively much more bloated 64-bit/64-bit-division polyfill function. So yeah, we've actually found a well-optimized piece of inline assembly that even Visual Studio 2022's optimizer can't compete with. But then again, this is all about code generation details that are specific to 32-bit code, and it wouldn't be surprising if that part of the optimizer isn't getting much attention anymore. Whether that optimization was useful, on the other hand… Oh well, the new C++ version will be much more efficient in 64-bit builds.

And with that, there's no more ASM code left in Shuusou Gyoku's codebase, and the original DirectXUTYs directory is slowly getting emptier and emptier.

Phew! Was that everything for this delivery? I think that was everything. Here's the new build, which checks off 7 of the 15 remaining portability boxes:

:sh01: Shuusou Gyoku P0256

Next up: Taking a well-earned break from Shuusou Gyoku and starting with the preparations for multilingual PC-98 Touhou translatability by looking at TH04's and TH05's in-game dialog system, and definitely writing a shorter blog post about all that…

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Ember2528, Arandui, alp-bib
🏷️ Tags:

And then I'm even late by yet another two days… For some reason, preparing Shuusou Gyoku for an OpenGL port has been the most difficult and drawn-out task I've worked on so far throughout this project. These pushes were in development since April, and over two months in total. Tackling a legacy codebase with such a rather vague goal while simultaneously wanting to keep everything running did not do me any favors, and it was pretty hard to resist the urge to fix everything that had better be fixed to make this game portable…
📝 2022 ended with Shuusou Gyoku working at full speed on Windows ≥8 by itself, without external tools, for the first time. However, since it all came down to just one small bugfix, the resulting build still had several issues:

Now, we could tackle all of these issues one by one, in focused pushes… or wait for one hero to fund a full-on OpenGL backend as part of the larger goal of porting this game to Linux. This would take much longer, but fix all these issues at once while bringing us significantly closer to Shuusou Gyoku being cross-platform. Which is exactly what Ember2528 did.

  1. The migration strategy
  2. Learning DirectDraw and its surface management
  3. Reverse-engineering the palette logic in 8-bit mode
  4. Portable, offscreen text rendering
  5. The new, forward-compatible configuration file format
  6. SDL_Renderer as the perfect abstraction?

Shuusou Gyoku is a very Windows-native codebase. Its usage of types declared in <windows.h> even extends to core gameplay code, the rendering code is completely architected around DirectDraw's features and drawbacks, and text rendering is not abstracted at all. Looks like it's now my task to write all the abstractions that pbg didn't manage to write…
Therefore, I chose to stay with DirectDraw for a few more pushes while I would build these abstractions. In hindsight, this was the least efficient approach one could possibly imagine for the exact goal of porting the game to Linux. Suddenly, I had to understand all this DirectDraw and GDI jank, just to keep the game running at every step along the way. Retaining Shuusou Gyoku's 8-bit mode in particular was a huge pain, but I didn't want to remove it because it's currently the only way I can easily debug the game in windowed mode at a scaled resolution, through DxWnd. In 16-bit or 32-bit mode, DxWnd slows down to a crawl, roughly resembling the performance drop we used to get with Windows' own compatibility mitigations for the original build.
The upside, though, is that everything I've built so far still works with the original 8-bit and 16-bit graphics modes. And with just one compiler flag to disable any modern x86 instructions, my build can still run on i586/P5 Pentium CPUs, and only requires KernelEx and its latest Kstub822 patches to run on Windows 98. And, surprisingly, my core audience does appreciate this fact. Thus, I will include an i586 build in all of my upcoming Shuusou Gyoku releases from now on. Once this codebase can compile into a 64-bit binary (which will obviously be required for a native Linux build), the i586 build will remain the only 32-bit Windows build I'll include in my releases.

So, what was DirectDraw? In the shortest way that still describes it accurately from the point of view of a developer: "A hardware acceleration layer over Ye Olde Win32 GDI, providing double-buffering and fast blitting of rectangles." There's the primary double-buffered framebuffer surface, the offscreen surfaces that you create (which are comparable to what 3D rendering APIs would call textures), and you can blit rectangular regions between the two. That's it. Except for double-buffering, DirectDraw offers no feature that GDI wouldn't also support, while not covering some of GDI's more complex features. I mean, DirectDraw can blit rectangles only? How lame. :tannedcirno:

However, DirectDraw's relative lack of features is not as much of a problem as it might appear at first. The reason for that lies in what I consider to be DirectDraw's actual killer feature: compatibility with GDI's device context (DC) abstraction. By acquiring a DC for a DirectDraw surface, you can use all existing GDI functions to draw onto the surface, and, in general, it will all just work. 😮 Most notably, you can use GDI's blitting functions (i.e., BitBlt() and friends) to transfer pixel data from a GDI HBITMAP in system memory onto a DirectDraw surface in video memory, which is the easiest and most straightforward way to, well, get sprite data onto a DirectDraw surface in the first place.
In theory, you could do that without ever touching GDI by locking the surface memory and writing the raw bytes yourself. But in practice, you probably won't, because your game has to run under multiple bit depths and your data files typically only store one copy of all your sprites in a single bit depth. And the necessary conversion and palette color matching… is a mere implementation detail of GDI's blitting functions, using a supposedly optimized code path for every permutation of source and destination bit depths.

All in all, DirectDraw doesn't look too bad so far, does it? Fast blitting, and you can still use the full wealth of GDI functions whenever needed… at the small cost of potentially losing your surface memory at any time. 🙄 Yup, if a DirectDraw game runs in true resolution-changing fullscreen mode and you switch to the Windows desktop, all your surface memory is freed and you have to manually restore it once the game regains focus, followed by manually copying all intended bitmap data back onto all surfaces. DirectDraw is where this concept of surface loss originated, which later carried over to the earlier versions of Direct3D and, infamously, Direct2D as well.
Looking at it from the point of view of the mid-90s, it does make sense to let the application handle trashed video memory if that's an unfortunate reality that your graphics API implementation has to deal with. You don't want to retain a second copy of each surface in a less volatile part of memory because you didn't have that much of it. Instead, the application can now choose the most appropriate way to restore each individual surface. For procedurally generated surfaces, it could just re-run the generating code, whereas all the fixed sprite sheets could be reloaded from disk.

In practice though, this well-intentioned freedom turns into a huge pain. Suddenly, it's no longer enough to load every sprite sheet once before it's needed, blit its pixel data onto the DirectDraw surface, and forget about it. Now, the renderer must also be able to refresh the pixel data of every surface from within itself whenever any of DirectDraw's blitting functions fails with a DDERR_SURFACELOST error. This fact alone is enough to push your renderer interface towards central management and allocation of surfaces. You could maybe avoid the conceptual SurfaceManager by bundling each surface with a regeneration callback, but why should you? Any other graphics API would work with straight-line procedural load-and-forget initialization code, so why slice that code into little parts just because of some DirectDraw quirk?

So if your surfaces can get trashed at any time, and you already use GDI to copy them from system memory to DirectDraw-managed video memory, and your game features at least one procedurally generated surface… you might as well retain every currently loaded surface in the form of an additional GDI device-independent bitmap. 🤷 In fact, that's even better than what Shuusou Gyoku did originally: For all .BMP-sourced surfaces, it only kept a buffer of the entire decompressed .BMP file data, which means that it had to recreate said intermediate GDI bitmap every time it needed to restore a surface. The in-game music title was originally restored via regeneration callback that re-rendered the intended title directly onto the DirectDraw surface, but this was handled by an additional "restore hook" system that remained unused for anything else.
Anything more involved would be a micro-optimization, especially since the goal is to get away from DirectDraw here. Not much point in "neatly" reloading sprite surfaces from disk if the total size of all loaded sprite sheets barely exceeds the 1 MiB mark. Also, keeping these GDI DIBs loaded and initialized does speed up getting back into the game… in theory, at least. After all, the game still runs in fullscreen mode, and resolution switching already takes longer on modern flat-panel displays than any surface restoration method we could come up with. :tannedcirno:

So that was all pretty annoying. But once we start rendering in 8-bit mode, it gets even worse as we suddenly have to bother with palette management. Similar to PC-98 Touhou, Shuusou Gyoku uses way too many different palettes. In fact, it creates a separate DirectDraw palette to retain the palette embedded into every loaded .BMP file, and simply sets the palette of the primary surface and the backbuffer to the one it loaded last. Like, why would you retain per-surface palettes, and what effect does this even have? What even happens when you blit between two DirectDraw surfaces that have different palettes? Might this be the cause of the discolored in-game music title when playing under DxWnd? 😵
But if we try throwing out those extra palettes, it only takes until Stage 3 for us to be greeted with… the infamous golf course:

Shuusou Gyoku's Stage 3 if it only used the palette it loaded last
Looks familiar? You might remember these colors from your attempts to run the original build using D3DWindower.

As you might have guessed, these exact colors come from Gates' face sprite, whose palette apparently doesn't match the sprite sheets used in Stage 3. Turns out that 256 colors are not enough for what Shuusou Gyoku would like to use across the entire stage. In sprite loading order:

Sprite sheet GRAPH.DAT file Additional unique colors Total unique colors
General system sprites #0 +96 96
Stage 3 enemies #3 +42 138
Stage 3 map tiles #9 +40 178
Wide Shot bomb cut-in #26 +3 181
VIVIT's faceset #13 +40 221
Unknown face #14 +35 256
Gates' faceset #17 +40 296

And that's why Shuusou Gyoku does not only have to retain these palettes, but also contains stage script commands (!) to switch the current palette back to either the map or enemy one, after the dialog system enforced the face palette.

But the worst aspects about palettes rear their ugly head at the boundary between GDI and DirectDraw, when GDI adds its own palettes into the mix. None of the following points are clearly documented in either ancient or current MSDN, forcing each new DirectDraw developer to figure them out on their own:

Ultimately, all of this is why Shuusou Gyoku's original DirectDraw backend looks the way it does. It might seem redundant and inefficient in places, but pbg did in fact discover the only way where all the undocumented GDI and DirectDraw color mapping internals come together to make the game look as intended. 🧑‍🔬
And what else are you going to do if you want to target old hardware? My PC-9821Nw133, for example, can only run the original Shuusou Gyoku in 8-bit mode. For a Windows game on such old hardware, 8-bit DirectDraw looks like the only viable option. You certainly don't want to use GDI alone, because that's probably slow and you'd have to worry about even more palette-related issues. Although people have reported that Shuusou Gyoku does actually run faster on their old Windows 9x machine if they disable DirectDraw acceleration…?
In that case, it might be worth a try to write a completely new 8-bit software renderer, employing the same retained VRAM techniques that the PC-98 Touhou games used to implement their scrolling playfields with a minimum of redraws. The hardware scrolling feature of the PC-98 GDC would then be replicated by blitting the playfield in two halves every frame. I wonder how fast that would be…
Or you go straight back to DOS, and bring your own font renderer and MIDI/PCM sound driver. :thonk:

So why did we have to learn about all this? Well, if GDI functions can directly render onto any kind of DirectDraw surface, this also includes text rendering functions like TextOut() and DrawText(). If you're really lazy, you can even render your text directly onto the DirectDraw backbuffer, which probably re-rasterizes all glyphs every frame!
Which, you guessed it, is exactly how Shuusou Gyoku renders most of its text. 🐷 Granted, it's not too bad with MS Gothic thanks to its embedded bitmaps for font heights between 7 and 22 inclusive, which replace the usual Bézier curve rasterization for TrueType fonts with a rather quick bitmap lookup. However, it would not only become a hypothetical problem if future translations end up choosing more complex fonts without embedded bitmaps, but also as soon as we port the game to other systems. Nobody in their right mind would integrate a cross-platform font renderer directly with a 3D graphics API… right? :onricdennat:

Instead, let's refactor the game to render all its existing text to and from a bitmap, extending the way the in-game music title is rendered to the rest of the game. Conceptually, this is also how the Windows Touhou games have always rendered their text. Since they've always used Direct3D, they've always had to blit GDI's output onto a texture. Through the definitions in text.anm, this fixed-size texture is then turned into a sprite sheet, allowing every rendered line of text to be individually placed on the screen and animated.
However, the static nature of both the sprite sheet and the texture caused its fair share of problems for thcrap's translation support. Some of the sprites, particularly the ones for spell card titles, don't originally take up the entire width of the playfield, cutting off translations long before they reach the left edge. Consequently, thcrap's base patch for the Windows Touhou games has to resize the respective sprites to make translators happy. Before I added .ANM header patching in late 2018, this had to be done through a complete modified copy of text.anm for every game – with possibly additional variants if ZUN changed the layout of this file between game versions. Not to mention that it's bound to be quite annoying to manually allocate a rectangle for every line of text we want to show. After all, I have at least two text-heavy future features in mind already…

So let's not do exactly that. Since DirectDraw wants us to manage all surfaces in a central place, we keep the idea of using a single surface for all text. But instead of predefining anything about the surface layout, we fully build up the surface at runtime based on whatever rectangles we need, using a rectangle packing algorithm… yup, I wouldn't have expected to enter such territory either. For now, we still hardcode a fixed size that each piece of text is allowed to maximally take up. But once we get translations, nothing is stopping us from dynamically extending this size to fit even longer strings, and fitting them onto the fixed screen space via smooth scrolling.
To prevent the surface from arbitrarily growing as the game wants to render more and more text, we also reset all allocated rectangles whenever the game state changes. In turn, this will also recreate the text surface to match the new bounding box of all rectangles before the first prerendering call with the new layout. And if you remember the first bullet point about DirectDraw palettes in 8-bit mode, this also means that the text surface automatically receives the current palette of the primary surface, giving us correct colors even without requiring DxWnd's DC palette tweak. 🎨

In fact, the need to dynamically create surfaces at custom sizes was the main reason why I had to look into DirectDraw surface management to begin with. The original game created all of its surfaces at once, at startup or after changing the bit depth in the main menu, which was a bad idea for many reasons:

In the end, we get four different layouts for the text surface: One for the main menu, the Music Room, the in-game portion, and the ending. With, perhaps surprisingly, not too much text on either of them:

The font-rendered text from Shuusou Gyoku's sound option menu, packed into a texture. The font-rendered text from Shuusou Gyoku's Music Room, packed into a texture. The font-rendered text from Shuusou Gyoku's Stage 1, packed into a texture. The font-rendered text from Shuusou Gyoku's ending, packed into a texture.
Yes, the ending uses just a single rectangle that takes up the entire screen space below the pictures and credits.
For the menus, the resulting packed layout reveals how I'm assigning a separately cached rectangle to each possible option – otherwise, they couldn't be arranged vertically on screen with this bitmap layout. Right now, I'm only storing all text for the current menu level, which requires text to be rendered again when entering or leaving submenus. However, I'm allocating as many rectangles as required for the submenu with the most amount of items to at least prevent the single text surface from being resized while navigating through the menu. As a side effect, this is also why you can see multiple Exit labels: These simply come from other submenus with more elements than the currently visited Sound / Music one.

Still, we're re-rasterizing whole lines of text exactly as they appear on screen, and are even doing so multiple times to apply any drop shadows. Isn't that exactly what every text rendering tutorial nowadays advises against doing? Why not directly go for the classic solution to this problem and render using a font texture atlas? Well…

While the Music Room and the ending can be easily migrated to a prerendering system, it's much harder for the main menu. Technically, all option strings of the currently active submenu are rewritten every frame, even though that would only be necessary for the scrolling MIDI device name in the Sound / Music submenu. And since all this rewriting is done via a classic sprintf() on fixed-size char buffers, we'd have to deploy our own change detection before prerendering can have any performance difference.
In essence, we'd be shifting the text rendering paradigm from the original immediate approach to a more retained one. If you've ever used any of the hot new immediate-mode GUI or web frameworks that have become popular over the last 10 years, your alarm bells are probably already ringing by now. Adding retained elements is always a step back in terms of code quality, as it increases complexity by storing UI state in a second place.

Wouldn't it be better if we could just stay with the original immediate approach then? Absolutely, and we only need a simple cache system to get there. By remembering the string that was last rendered to every registered rectangle, the text renderer can offer an immediate API that combines the distinct Prerender() and Blit() steps into a single Render() call. There still has to be an initialization point that registers all rectangles for each game state (which, surprisingly, was not present for the in-game portion in the original code), but the rendering code remains architecturally unchanged in how we call the text renderer every frame. As long as the text doesn't change, the text renderer just blits whatever it previously rendered to the respective rectangle. With an API like this, the whole pre-rendering part turns into a mere implementation detail.

So, how much faster is the result? Since I can only measure non-VSynced performance in a quite rudimentary way using DxWnd's FPS counter, it highly depends on the selected renderer. Weirdly enough, even just switching font creation to the Unicode APIs tripled the FPS inside the Music Room when rendering with OpenGL? That said, the primary surface renderer seems to yield the most realistic numbers, as we still stay entirely within DirectDraw and perform no API wrapping. Using this renderer, I get speedups of roughly:

Not bad for something I had to do anyway to port the game away from DirectDraw! Shuusou Gyoku is rather infamous among the vintage computer scene for being ridiculously unoptimized, so I should definitely be able to get some performance gains out of the in-game portion as well.

For a final test of all the new blitting code, I also tried running outside DxWnd to verify everything against real and unpatched DirectDraw. Amusingly, this revealed how blitting from the new text surface seems to reach the color mapping limits of the DWM mitigation in 8-bit mode:

For some reason, my system maps the intended #FFFFFF text color to #E4E3BB in the main menu?

8-bit mode does render correctly when I ran the same build in a Windows 98 VirtualBox on the same system though, so it's not worth looking into a mode that the system reports as unsupported to begin with. Let's leave this as somewhat of a visual reminder for players to select 32-bit mode instead.

Alright, enough about the annoying parts of GDI and DirectDraw for now. Let's stop looking back and start looking forward, to a time within this Seihou revolution when we're going to have lots of new options in the main menu. Due to the nature of delivering individual pushes, we can expect lots of revisions to the config file format. Therefore, we'd like to have a backward-compatible system that allows players to upgrade from any older build, including the original 秋霜玉.exe, to a newer one. The original game predominantly used single-byte values for all its options, but we'd like our system to work with variables of any size, including strings to store things like the name of the selected MIDI device in a more robust way. Also, it's pure evil to reset the entire configuration just because someone tried to hex-edit the config file and didn't keep the checksum in mind.

It didn't take long for me to arrive at a common Size()/Read()/Write() interface. By using the same interface for both arrays and individual values, new config file versions can naturally expand older ones by taking the array of option references from the previous version and wrapping it into a new array, together with the new options.
The classic way of implementing this in C++ involves a typical object-oriented class hierarchy: An Option base class would define the interface in the form of virtual abstract functions, and the Value, Array, and ConfigVersion subclasses would provide different implementations. This works, but introduces quite a bit of boilerplate, not to mention the runtime bloat from all the virtual functions which Visual C++ can't inline. Why should we do any runtime dispatch here? We know the set of configuration options at compile time, after all… :thonk:

Let's try looking into the modern C++ toolbox and see if we can do better. The only real challenge here is that the array type has to support arbitrarily sized option value types, which sounds like a job for template parameter packs. If we save these into a std::tuple, we can then "iterate" over all options with std::apply and fold expressions, in a nice functional style.
I was amazed by just how clearly the "crazy" modern C++ approach with template parameter packs, std::apply() over giant std::tuples, and fold expressions beats a classic polymorphic hierarchy of abstract virtual functions. With the interface moved into an even optional concept, the class hierarchy can be completely flattened, which surprisingly also makes the code easier to both read and write.

Here's how the new system works from the player's point of view:

With that, we've got more than enough code for a new build:

:sh01: Shuusou Gyoku P0251

This build also contains two more fixes that didn't fit into the big DirectDraw or configuration categories:

These 6 pushes still left several of Shuusou Gyoku's DirectDraw portability issues unsolved, but I'd better look at them once I've set up a basic OpenGL skeleton to avoid any more premature abstraction. Since the ultimate goal is a Linux port, I might as well already start looking at the current best platform layer libraries. SDL would be the standard choice here, and while SDL_ttf looks regrettably misdesigned, the core SDL library seems to cover all we could possibly want for Shuusou Gyoku, including a 2D renderer… wait, what?!

Yup. Admittedly, I've been living under a rock as far as SDL is concerned, and thus wasn't aware that SDL 2 introduced its own abstraction for 2D rendering that just happens to almost exactly cover everything we need for Shuusou Gyoku. This API even covers all of the game's Direct3D code, which only draws alpha-blended, untextured, and pre-transformed vertex-colored triangles and lines. It's the exact abstraction over OpenGL I thought I had to write myself, and such a perfect match for this game that it would be foolish to go for a custom OpenGL backend – especially since SDL will automatically target the ideal graphics API for any given operating system.

Sadly, the one thing SDL_Renderer is missing is something equivalent to pixel shaders, which we would need to replicate the 西方Project lens ball effect shown at startup. Looks like we have to drop into a completely separate, unaccelerated rendering mode and continue to software-render this one effect before switching to hardware-accelerated rendering for the rest of the game. But at least we can do that in a cross-platform way, and don't have to bother with shading languages – or, perhaps even worse, SDL's own shading language.
If we were extremely pedantic, we'd also have to do the same for the 📝 unused spiral effect that was originally intended for the staff roll. Software rendering would be even more annoying there, since we don't just have to software-render these staff sprites, but also the ending picture and text, complete with their respective fade effects. And while I typically do go the extra mile to preserve whatever code was present in these games, keeping this effect would just needlessly drive up the cost of the SDL backend. Let's just move this one to the museum of unused code and no longer actively compile it. RIP spiral 🥲 At least you're still preserved in lossless video form.

Now that SDL has become an integral part of Shuusou Gyoku's portability plan rather than just being one potential platform layer among many, the optimal order of tasks has slightly changed. If we stayed within the raw Win32 API any longer than absolutely necessary, we'd only risk writing more Win32-native code for things like audio streaming that we'd then have to throw away and rewrite in SDL later. Next up, therefore: Staying with Shuusou Gyoku, but continuing in a much more focused manner by fixing the input system and starting the SDL migration with input and sound.

📝 Posted:
🏷️ Tags:

Yet another small interruption before we get to Shuusou Gyoku, but only because I've got a big announcement to make! Touhou Patch Center has just commissioned the basic feature set that would allow PC-98 Touhou to be translated into non-ASCII languages. 💰 And we're in fact doing it on PC-98, and don't wait for the games to be ported to other systems first.

How is this going to work?

This project will start sometime after I've completed the current big project of porting Shuusou Gyoku to Linux, so probably during the summer of 2024. Similar to the previous MediaWiki update, this will bypass the ReC98 push and cap model: Touhou Patch Center is going to guarantee a minimum budget out of their Open Collective funds, which can be increased with further donations from the community, and I'm going to send an invoice once I'm done. In addition, I'm also going to keep in contact with all interested translators and backers via a Discord room throughout the process for additional technical quality control.
Edit (2024-04-11): Over the last few months, I've focused all unconstrained RE funding on increasing the amount of moddable text-related code. As a result, the translation project could now cover the majority of text in PC-98 Touhou, including:

With still a bit of time left until the Shuusou Gyoku Linux port is done, I'll put any general and unconstrained reverse-engineering, position independence, or anything contributions that come in during the next few months towards covering everything that's still missing there:

In total, that's the next 4 general pushes that will go towards ensuring translatability of most of PC-98 Touhou. If you'd like your contribution (or existing subscription) to go to gameplay code instead, be sure to tell me!

What's the minimum guaranteed set of features?

The main feature will be a custom renderer for a subsetted, monospaced Unicode bitmap font, and its integration into any translatable part of the game. For the script files, this means UTF-8 support with Shift-JIS fallback. For the glyphs, I'll use GNU Unifont by default, but we could also use any other freely licensed bitmap font with 8×16 or 16×16 glyphs for alphabets of certain languages. Everything about this will be the real deal: The system will potentially support all of Unicode without font ROM hacks so that the translations will work on real hardware, and there will be no shortcuts for just a few Latin characters. And if someone wants to translate this game into a language with more complex shaping rules, I'll make sure that they look pretty as well if there's some budget left.
This will allow translation teams to build static translation patches into any language by editing the original script files, and using -Tom-'s existing tools for any images. Modifications of hardcoded strings would still require recompiling the binary, and each group would have to distribute and advertise the result on their own.

🌐 Which languages are we getting?

As of 2023-10-10, the following translators and teams have expressed interest:

Wait, Arabic?! On my PC-98?! What's the plan there?

The two challenges with Arabic scripts are transforming a text to use the codepoints for contextual glyph forms (shaping), and right-to-left rendering. Shaping requires not too much code, which is easily added to the font subsetting build step. Right-to-left rendering, on the other hand, must be a feature of the new PC-98-native text renderer, because there are several places in PC-98 Touhou where text is gradually typed character-by-character. So it will require a bit of dedicated budget, but not all too much from what I can tell. Bidirectional text would add a great deal of complexity here, but we most likely won't need to implement it – I'll simply pick a direction based on the first codepoint on a line, and ask translators to manually reverse any Latin-script runs of text in the middle of an Arabic-script line.

How much better could it all be?

You might remember most of this from 📝 my initial pitch back in November, but I did have quite a bit of additional ideas since then.

These features are mostly independent of each other, and it will be up to Touhou Patch Center to pick a priority order. That's also where all of you could come in and influence this order with your donations. So it's closer to a traditional crowdfunding campaign with stretch goals, where the sky is the limit, than it is to the usual ReC98 model. And while there can be no fixed prices for any of the goals, you can be sure that anything you invest will improve the quality of the final product.

:opencollective: Touhou Patch Center on Open Collective

From now on, this will be the only way of funding any translation-related goals; I've removed the respective options from the ReC98 order form. Looking forward to how many of these additional ideas I get to implement – but, as always, please invest responsibly.

Shuusou Gyoku finally coming this weekend.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, Ember2528, [Anonymous]
🏷️ Tags:

And then, the supposed boilerplate code revealed yet another confusing issue that quickly forced me back to serial work, leading to no parallel progress made with Shuusou Gyoku after all. 🥲 The list of functions I put together for the first ½ of this push seemed so boring at first, and I was so sure that there was almost nothing I could possibly talk about:

That's three instances of ZUN removing sprites way earlier than you'd want to, intentionally deciding against those sprites flying smoothly in and out of the playfield. Clearly, there has to be a system and a reason behind it.

Turns out that it can be almost completely blamed on master.lib. None of the super_*() sprite blitting functions can clip the rendered sprite to the edges of VRAM, and much less to the custom playfield rectangle we would actually want here. This is exactly the wrong choice to make for a game engine: Not only is the game developer now stuck with either rendering the sprite in full or not at all, but they're also left with the burden of manually calculating when not to display a sprite.
However, strictly limiting the top-left screen-space coordinate to (0, 0) and the bottom-right one to (640, 400) would actually stop rendering some of the sprites much earlier than the clipping conditions we encounter in these games. So what's going on there?

The answer is a combination of playfield borders, hardware scrolling, and master.lib needing to provide at least some help to support the latter. Hardware scrolling on PC-98 works by dividing VRAM into two vertical partitions along the Y-axis and telling the GDC to display one of them at the top of the screen and the other one below. The contents of VRAM remain unmodified throughout, which raises the interesting question of how to deal with sprites that reach the vertical edges of VRAM. If the top VRAM row that starts at offset 0x0000 ends up being displayed below the bottom row of VRAM that starts at offset 0x7CB0 for 399 of the 400 possible scrolling positions, wouldn't we then need to vertically wrap most of the rendered sprites?
For this reason, master.lib provides the super_roll_*() functions, which unconditionally perform exactly this vertical wrapping. But this creates a new problem: If these functions still can't clip, and don't even know which VRAM rows currently correspond to the top and bottom row of the screen (since master.lib's graph_scrollup() function doesn't retain this information), won't we also see sprites wrapping around the actual edges of the screen? That's something we certainly wouldn't want in a vertically scrolling game…
The answer is yes, and master.lib offers no solution for this issue. But this is where the playfield borders come in, and helpfully cover 16 pixels at the top and 16 pixels at the bottom of the screen. As a result, they can hide up to 32 rows of potentially wrapped sprite pixels below them:

The earliest possible frame that TH05 can start rendering the Stage 5 midboss on. Hiding the text layer reveals how master.lib did in fact "blindly" render the top part of her sprite to the bottom of the playfield. That's where her sprite starts before it is correctly wrapped around to the top of VRAM.
If we scrolled VRAM by another 200 pixels (and faked an equally shifted TRAM for demonstration purposes), we get an equally valid game scene that points out why a vertically scrolling PC-98 game must wrap all sprites at the vertical edges of VRAM to begin with.
Also, note how the HP bar has filled up quite a bit before the midboss can actually appear on screen.
VRAM contents of the first possible frame that TH05's Stage 5 midboss can appear on, at their original scrolling position. Also featuring the 64×64 bounding box of the midboss sprite.VRAM contents of the first possible frame that TH05's Stage 5 midboss can appear on, scrolled down by a further 200 pixels. Also featuring the 64×64 bounding box of the midboss sprite.

And that's how the lowest possible top Y coordinate for sprites blitted using the master.lib super_roll_*() functions during the scrolling portions of TH02, TH04, and TH05 is not 0, but -16. Any lower, and you would actually see some of the sprite's upper pixels at the bottom of the playfield, as there are no more opaque black text cells to cover them. Theoretically, you could lower this number for some animation frames that start with multiple rows of transparent pixels, but I thankfully haven't found any instance of ZUN using such a hack. So far, at least… :godzun:
Visualized like that, it all looks quite simple and logical, but for days, I did not realize that these sprites were rendered to a scrolling VRAM. This led to a much more complicated initial explanation involving the invisible extra space of VRAM between offsets 0x7D00 and 0x7FFF that effectively grant a hidden additional 9.6 lines below the playfield. Or even above, since PC-98 hardware ignores the highest bit of any offset into a VRAM bitplane segment (& 0x7FFF), which prevents blitting operations from accidentally reaching into a different bitplane. Together with the aforementioned rows of transparent pixels at the top of these midboss sprites, the math would have almost worked out exactly. :tannedcirno:

The need for manual clipping also applies to the X-axis. Due to the lack of scrolling in this dimension, the boundaries there are much more straightforward though. The minimum left coordinate of a sprite can't fall below 0 because any smaller coordinate would wrap around into the 📝 tile source area and overwrite some of the pixels there, which we obviously don't want to re-blit every frame. Similarly, the right coordinate must not extend into the HUD, which starts at 448 pixels.
The last part might be surprising if you aren't familiar with the PC-98 text chip. Contrary to the CGA and VGA text modes of IBM-compatibles, PC-98 text cells can only use a single color for either their foreground or background, with the other pixels being transparent and always revealing the pixels in VRAM below. If you look closely at the HUD in the images above, you can see how the background of cells with gaiji glyphs is slightly brighter (◼ #100) than the opaque black cells (◼ #000) surrounding them. This rather custom color clearly implies that those pixels must have been rendered by the graphics GDC. If any other sprite was rendered below the HUD, you would equally see it below the glyphs.

So in the end, I did find the clear and logical system I was looking for, and managed to reduce the new clipping conditions down to a set of basic rules for each edge. Unfortunately, we also need a second macro for each edge to differentiate between sprites that are smaller or larger than the playfield border, which is treated as either 32×32 (for super_roll_*()) or 32×16 (for non-"rolling" super_*() functions). Since smaller sprites can be fully contained within this border, the games can stop rendering them as soon as their bottom-right coordinate is no longer seen within the playfield, by comparing against the clipping boundaries with <= and >=. For example, a 16×16 sprite would be completely invisible once it reaches (16, 0), so it would still be rendered at (17, 1). A larger sprite during the scrolling part of a stage, like, say, the 64×64 midbosses, would still be rendered if their top-left coordinate was (0, -16), so ZUN used < and > comparisons to at least get an additional pixel before having to stop rendering such a sprite. Turbo C++ 4.0J sadly can't constant-fold away such a difference in comparison operators.

And for the most part, ZUN did follow this system consistently. Except for, of course, the typical mistakes you make when faced with such manual decisions, like how he treated TH04's Stage 4 midboss as a "small" sprite below 32×32 pixels (it's 64×64), losing that precious one extra pixel. Or how the entire rendering code for the 48×48 boss explosion sprite pretends that it's actually 64×64 pixels large, which causes even the initial transformation into screen space to be misaligned from the get-go. :zunpet: But these are additional bugs on top of the single one that led to all this research.
Because that's what this is, a bug. 🐞 Every resulting pixel boundary is a systematic result of master.lib's unfortunate lack of clipping. It's as much of a bug as TH01's byte-aligned rendering of entities whose internal position is not byte-aligned. In both cases, the entities are alive, simulated, and partake in collision detection, but their rendered appearance doesn't accurately reflect their internal position.
Initially, I classified 📝 the sudden pop-in of TH05's Stage 5 midboss as a quirk because we had no conclusive evidence that this wasn't intentional, but now we do. There have been multiple explanations for why ZUN put borders around the playfield, but master.lib's lack of sprite clipping might be the biggest reason.

And just like byte-aligned rendering, the clipping conditions can easily be removed when porting the game away from PC-98 hardware. That's also what uth05win chose to do: By using OpenGL and not having to rely on hardware scrolling, it can simply place every sprite as a textured quad at its exact position in screen space, and then draw the black playfield borders on top in the end to clip everything in a single draw call. This way, the Stage 5 midboss can smoothly fly into the playfield, just as defined by its movement code:

The entire smooth Stage 5 midboss entrance animation as shown in uth05win. If the simultaneous appearance of the Enemy!! label doesn't lend further proof to this having been ZUN's actual intention, I don't know what will.

Meanwhile, I designed the interface of the 📝 generic blitter used in the TH01 Anniversary Edition entirely around clipping the blitted sprite at any explicit combination of VRAM edges. This was nothing I tacked on in the end, but a core aspect that informed the architecture of the code from the very beginning. You really want to have one and only one place where sprite clipping is done right – and only once per sprite, regardless of how many bitplanes you want to write to.

Which brings us to the goal that the final ¼ of this push went toward. I thought I was going to start cleaning up the 📝 player movement and rendering code, but that turned out too complicated for that amount of time – especially if you want to start with just cleanup, preserving all original bugs for the time being.
Fixing and smoothening player and Orb movement would be the next big task in Anniversary Edition development, needing about 3 pushes. It would start with more performance research into runtime-shifting of larger sprites, followed by extending my generic blitter according to the results, writing new optimized loaders for the original image formats, and finally rewriting all rendering code accordingly. With that code in place, we can then start cleaning up and fixing the unique code for each boss, one by one.

Until that's funded, the code still contains a few smaller and easier pieces of code that are equally related to rendering bugs, but could be dealt with in a more incremental way. Line rendering is one of those, and first needs some refactoring of every call site, including 📝 the rotating squares around Mima and 📝 YuugenMagan's pentagram. So far, I managed to remove another 1,360 bytes from the binary within this final ¼ of a push, but there's still quite a bit to do in that regard.
This is the perfect kind of feature for smaller (micro-)transactions. Which means that we've now got meaningful TH01 code cleanup and Anniversary Edition subtasks at every price range, no matter whether you want to invest a lot or just a little into this goal.

If you can, because Ember2528 revealed the plan behind his Shuusou Gyoku contributions: A full-on Linux port of the game, which will be receiving all the funding it needs to happen. 🐧 Next up, therefore: Turning this into my main project within ReC98 for the next couple of months, and getting started by shipping the long-awaited first step towards that goal.
I've raised the cap to avoid the potential of rounding errors, which might prevent the last needed Shuusou Gyoku push from being correctly funded. I already had to pick the larger one of the two pending TH02 transactions for this push, because we would have mathematically ended up 1/25500 short of a full push with the smaller transaction. :onricdennat: And if I'm already at it, I might as well free up enough capacity to potentially ship the complete OpenGL backend in a single delivery, which is currently estimated to cost 7 pushes in total.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Blue Bolt, [Anonymous]
🏷️ Tags:

🎉 After almost 3 years, TH04 finally caught up to TH05 and is now 100% position-independent as well! 🎉

For a refresher on what this means and does not mean, check the announcements from back in 2019 and 2020 when we chased the goal for TH05's 📝 OP.EXE and 📝 the rest of the game. These also feature some demo videos that show off the kind of mods you were able to efficiently code back then. With the occasional reverse-engineering attention it received over the years, TH04's code should now be slightly easier to work with than TH05's was back in the day. Although not by much – TH04 has remained relatively unpopular among backers, and only received more than the funded attention because it shares most of its core code with the more popular TH05. Which, coincidentally, ended up becoming 📝 the reason for getting this done now.
Not that it matters a lot. Ever since we reached 100% PI for TH05, community and backer interest in position independence has dropped to near zero. We just didn't end up seeing the expected large amount of community-made mods that PI was meant to facilitate, and even the 📝 100% decompilation of TH01 changed nothing about that. But that's OK; after all, I do appreciate the business of continually getting commissioned for all the 📝 large-scale mods. Not focusing on PI is also the correct choice for everyone who likes reading these blog posts, as it often means that I can't go that much into detail due to cutting corners and piling up technical debt left and right.

Surprisingly, this only took 1.25 pushes, almost twice as fast as expected. As that's closer to 1 push than it is to 2, I'm OK with releasing it like this – especially since it was originally meant to come out three days ago. 🍋 Unfortunately, it was delayed thanks to surprising website bugs and a certain piece of code that was way more difficult to document than it was to decompile… The next push will have slightly less content in exchange, though.

📝 P0240 and P0241 already covered the final remaining structures, so I only needed to do some superficial RE to prove the remaining numeric literals as either constants or memory addresses. For example, I initially thought I'd have to decompile the dissolve animations in the staff roll, but I only needed to identify a single function pointer type to prove all false positives as screen coordinates there. Now, the TH04 staff roll would be another fast and cheap decompilation, similar to the custom entity types of TH04. (And TH05 as well!)

The one piece of code I did have to decompile was Stage 4's carpet lighting animation, thanks to hex literals that were way too complicated to leave in ASM. And this one probably takes the crown for TH04's worst set of landmines and bloat that still somehow results in no observable bugs or quirks.
This animation starts at frame 1664, roughly 29.5 seconds into the stage, and quickly turns the stage background into a repeated row of dark-red plaid carpet tiles by moving out from the center of the playfield towards the edges. Afterward, the animation repeats with a brighter set of tiles that is then used for the rest of the stage. As I explained 📝 a while ago in the context of TH02, the stage tile and map formats in PC-98 Touhou can't express animations, so all of this needed to be hardcoded in the binary.

A row of the carpet tiles from TH04's Stage 4, at the lowest light levelA row of the carpet tiles from TH04's Stage 4, at the medium light levelA row of the carpet tiles from TH04's Stage 4, at the highest light level
The repeating 384×16 row of carpet tiles at the beginning of TH04's Stage 4 in all three light levels, shown twice for better visibility.

And ZUN did start out making the right decision by only using fully-lit carpet tiles for all tile sections defined in ST03.MAP. This way, the animation can simply disable itself after it completed, letting the rest of the stage render normally and use new tile sections that are only defined for the final light level. This means that the "initial" dark version of the carpet is as much a result of hardcoded tile manipulation as the animation itself.
But then, ZUN proceeded to implement it all by directly manipulating the ring buffer of on-screen tiles. This is the lowest level before the tiles are rendered, and rather detached from the defined content of the 📝 .MAP tile sections. Which leads to a whole lot of problems:

  1. If you decide to do this kind of tile ring modification, it should ideally happen at a very specific point: after scrolling in new tiles into the ring buffer, but before blitting any scrolled or invalidated tiles to VRAM based on the ring buffer. Which is not where ZUN chose to put it, as he placed the call to the stage-specific render function after both of those operations. :zunpet: By the time the function is called, the tile renderer has already blitted a few lines of the fully-lit carpet tiles from the defined .MAP tile section, matching the scroll speed. Fortunately, these are hidden behind the black TRAM cells above and below the playfield…

  2. Still, the code needs to get rid of them before they would become visible. ZUN uses the regular tile invalidation function for this, which will only cause actual redraws on the next frame. Again, the tile rendering call has already happened by the time the Stage 4-specific rendering function gets called.
    But wait, this game also flips VRAM pages between frames to provide a tear-free gameplay experience. This means that the intended redraw of the new tiles actually hits the wrong VRAM page. :tannedcirno: And sure, the code does attempt to invalidate these newly blitted lines every frame – but only relative to the current VRAM Y coordinate that represents the top of the hardware-scrolled screen. Once we're back on the original VRAM page on the next frame, the lines we initially set out to remove could have already scrolled past that point, making it impossible to ever catch up with them in this way.
    The only real "solution": Defining the height of the tile invalidation rectangle at 3× the scroll speed, which ensures that each invalidation call covers 3 frames worth of newly scrolled-in lines. This is not intuitive at all, and requires an understanding of everything I have just written to even arrive at this conclusion. Needless to say that ZUN didn't comprehend it either, and just hardcoded an invalidation height that happened to be enough for the small scroll speeds defined in ST03.STD for the first 30 seconds of the stage.

  3. The effect must consistently modify the tile ring buffer to "fix" any new tiles, overriding them with the intended light level. During the animation, the code not only needs to set the old light level for any tiles that are still waiting to be replaced, but also the new light level for any tiles that were replaced – and ZUN forgot the second part. :zunpet: As a result, newly scrolled-in tiles within the already animated area will "remain" untouched at light level 2 if the scroll speed is fast enough during the transition from light level 0 to 1.

All that means that we only have to raise the scroll speed for the effect to fall apart. Let's try, say, 4 pixels per frame rather than the original 0.25:

By hiding the text RAM layer and revealing what's below the usually opaque black cells above and below the playfield, we can observe all three landmines – 1) and 2) throughout light level 0, and 3) during the transition from level 0 to 1.

All of this could have been so much simpler and actually stable if ZUN applied the tile changes directly onto the .MAP. This is a much more intuitive way of expressing what is supposed to happen to the map, and would have reduced the code to the actually necessary tile changes for the first frame and each individual frame of the animation. It would have still required a way to force these changes into the tile ring buffer, but ZUN could have just used his existing full-playfield redraw functions for that. In any case, there would have been no need for any per-frame tile fixing and redrawing. The CPU cycles saved this way could have then maybe been put towards writing the tile-replacing part of the animation in C++ rather than ASM…

Wow, that was an unreasonable amount of research into a feature that superficially works fine, just because its decompiled code didn't make sense. :onricdennat: To end on a more positive note, here are some minor new discoveries that might actually matter to someone:

Next up: ¾ of a push filled with random boilerplate, finalization, and TH01 code cleanup work, while I finish the preparations for Shuusou Gyoku's OpenGL backend. This month, everything should finally work out as intended: I'll complete both tasks in parallel, ship the former to free up the cap, and then ship the latter once its 5th push is fully funded.

📝 Posted:
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OK, let's decompile TH02's HUD code first, gain a solid understanding of how increasing the score works, and then look at the item system of this game. Should be no big deal, no surprises expected, let's go!

…Yeah, right, that's never how things end up in ReC98 land. :godzun: And so, we get the usual host of newly discovered oddities in addition to the expected insights into the item mechanics. Let's start with the latter:

Onto score tracking then, which only took a single commit to raise another big research question. It's widely known that TH02 grants extra lives upon reaching a score of 1, 2, 3, 5, or 8 million points. But what hasn't been documented is the fact that the game does not stop at the end of the hardcoded extend score array. ZUN merely ends it with a sentinel value of 999,999,990 points, but if the score ever increased beyond this value, the game will interpret adjacent memory as signed 32-bit score values and continue giving out extra lives based on whatever thresholds it ends up finding there. Since the following bytes happen to turn into a negative number, the next extra life would be awarded right after gaining another 10 points at exactly 1,000,000,000 points, and the threshold after that would be 11,114,905,600 points. Without an explicit counterstop, the number of score-based extra lives is theoretically unlimited, and would even continue after the signed 32-bit value overflowed into the negative range. Although we certainly have bigger problems once scores ever reach that point… :tannedcirno:
That said, it seems impossible that any of this could ever happen legitimately. The current high scores of 42,942,800 points on Lunatic and 42,603,800 points on Extra don't even reach 1/20 of ZUN's sentinel value. Without either a graze or a bullet cancel system, the scoring potential in this game is fairly limited, making it unlikely for high scores to ever increase by that additional order of magnitude to end up anywhere near the 1 billion mark.
But can we really be sure? Is this a landmine because it's impossible to ever reach such high scores, or is it a quirk because these extends could be observed under rare conditions, perhaps as the result of other quirks? And if it's the latter, how many of these adjacent bytes do we need to preserve in cleaned-up versions and ports? We'd pretty much need to know the upper bound of high scores within the original stage and boss scripts to tell. This value should be rather easy to calculate in a game with such a simple scoring system, but doing that only makes sense after we RE'd all scoring-related code and could efficiently run such simulations. It's definitely something we'd need to look at before working on this game's debloated version in the far future, which is when the difference between quirks and landmines will become relevant. Still, all that uncertainty just because ZUN didn't restrict a loop to the size of the extend threshold array…

TH02 marks a pivotal point in how the PC-98 Touhou games handle the current score. It's the last game to use a 32-bit variable before the later games would regrettably start using arrays of binary-coded decimals. More importantly though, TH02 is also the first game to introduce the delayed score counting animation, where the displayed score intentionally lags behind and gradually counts towards the real one over multiple frames. This could be implemented in one of two ways:

  1. Keep the displayed score as a separate variable inside the presentation layer, and let it gradually count up to the real score value passed in from the logic layer
  2. Burden the game logic with this presentation detail, and split the score into two variables: One for the displayed score, and another for the delta between that score and the actual one. Newly gained points are first added to the delta variable, and then gradually subtracted from there and added to the real score before being displayed.

And by now, we can all tell which option ZUN picked for the rest of the PC-98 games, even if you don't remember 📝 me mentioning this system last year. 📝 Once again, TH02 immortalized ZUN's initial attempt at the concept, which lacks the abstraction boundaries you'd want for managing this one piece of state across two variables, and messes up the abstractions it does have. In addition to the regular score transfer/render function, the codebase therefore has

And – you guessed it – I wouldn't have mentioned any of this if it didn't result in one bug and one quirk in TH02. The bug resulting from 1) is pretty minor: The function is called when losing a life, and simply stops any active score-counting animation at the value rendered on the frame where the player got hit. This one is only a rendering issue – no points are lost, and you just need to gain 10 more for the rendered value to jump back up to its actual value. You'll probably never notice this one because you're likely busy collecting the single 5-power spawned around Reimu when losing a life, which always awards at least 10 points.

The quirk resulting from 2) is more intriguing though. Without a separate reset of the score delta, the function effectively awards the current delta value as a one-time point bonus, since the same delta will still be regularly transferred to the score on further game frames.
This function is called at the start of every dialog sequence. However, TH02 stops running the regular game loop between the post-boss dialog and the next stage where the delta is reset, so we can only observe this quirk for the pre-boss sequences and the dialog before Mima's form change. Unfortunately, it's not all too exploitable in either case: Each of the pre-boss dialog sequences is preceded by an ungrazeable pellet pattern and followed by multiple seconds of flying over an empty playfield with zero scoring opportunities. By the time the sequence starts, the game will have long transferred any big score delta from max-valued point items. It's slightly better with Mima since you can at least shoot her and use a bomb to keep the delta at a nonzero value, but without a health bar, there is little indication of when the dialog starts, and it'd be long after Mima gave out her last bonus items in any case.
But two of the bosses – that is, Rika, and the Five Magic Stones – are scrolled onto the playfield as part of the stage script, and can also be hit with player shots and bombs for a few seconds before their dialog starts. While I'll only get to cover shot types and bomb damage within the next few TH02 pushes, there is an obvious initial strategy for maximizing the effect of this quirk: Spreading out the A-Type / Wide / High Mobility shot to land as many hits as possible on all Five Magic Stones, while firing off a bomb.

Turns out that the infamous button-mashing mechanics of the player shot are also more complicated than simply pressing and releasing the Shot key at alternating frames. Even this result took way too many takes.

Wow, a grand total of 1,750 extra points! Totally worth wasting a bomb for… yeah, probably not. :onricdennat: But at the very least, it's something that a TAS score run would want to keep in mind. And all that just because ZUN "forgot" a single score_delta = 0; assignment at the end of one function…

And that brings TH02 over the 30% RE mark! Next up: 100% position independence for TH04. If anyone wants to grab the that have now been freed up in the cap: Any small Touhou-related task would be perfect to round out that upcoming TH04 PI delivery.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
JonathKane, Blue Bolt, [Anonymous]
🏷️ Tags:

Well, well. My original plan was to ship the first step of Shuusou Gyoku OpenGL support on the next day after this delivery. But unfortunately, the complications just kept piling up, to a point where the required solutions definitely blow the current budget for that goal. I'm currently sitting on over 70 commits that would take at least 5 pushes to deliver as a meaningful release, and all of that is just rearchitecting work, preparing the game for a not too Windows-specific OpenGL backend in the first place. I haven't even written a single line of OpenGL yet… 🥲
This shifts the intended Big Release Month™ to June after all. Now I know that the next round of Shuusou Gyoku features should better start with the SC-88Pro recordings, which are much more likely to get done within their current budget. At least I've already completed the configuration versioning system required for that goal, which leaves only the actual audio part.

So, TH04 position independence. Thanks to a bit of funding for stage dialogue RE, non-ASCII translations will soon become viable, which finally presents a reason to push TH04 to 100% position independence after 📝 TH05 had been there for almost 3 years. I haven't heard back from Touhou Patch Center about how much they want to be involved in funding this goal, if at all, but maybe other backers are interested as well.
And sure, it would be entirely possible to implement non-ASCII translations in a way that retains the layout of the original binaries and can be easily compared at a binary level, in case we consider translations to be a critical piece of infrastructure. This wouldn't even just be an exercise in needless perfectionism, and we only have to look to Shuusou Gyoku to realize why: Players expected that my builds were compatible with existing SpoilerAL SSG files, which was something I hadn't even considered the need for. I mean, the game is open-source 📝 and I made it easy to build. You can just fork the code, implement all the practice features you want in a much more efficient way, and I'd probably even merge your code into my builds then?
But I get it – recompiling the game yields just yet another build that can't be easily compared to the original release. A cheat table is much more trustworthy in giving players the confidence that they're still practicing the same original game. And given the current priorities of my backers, it'll still take a while for me to implement proof by replay validation, which will ultimately free every part of the community from depending on the original builds of both Seihou and PC-98 Touhou.

However, such an implementation within the original binary layout would significantly drive up the budget of non-ASCII translations, and I sure don't want to constantly maintain this layout during development. So, let's chase TH04 position independence like it's 2020, and quickly cover a larger amount of PI-relevant structures and functions at a shallow level. The only parts I decompiled for now contain calculations whose intent can't be clearly communicated in ASM. Hitbox visualizations or other more in-depth research would have to wait until I get to the proper decompilation of these features.
But even this shallow work left us with a large amount of TH04-exclusive code that had its worst parts RE'd and could be decompiled fairly quickly. If you want to see big TH04 finalization% gains, general TH04 progress would be a very good investment.

The first push went to the often-mentioned stage-specific custom entities that share a single statically allocated buffer. Back in 2020, I 📝 wrongly claimed that these were a TH05 innovation, but the system actually originated in TH04. Both games use a 26-byte structure, but TH04 only allocates a 32-element array rather than TH05's 64-element one. The conclusions from back then still apply, but I also kept wondering why these games used a static array for these entities to begin with. You know what they call an area of memory that you can cleanly repurpose for things? That's right, a heap! :tannedcirno: And absolutely no one would mind one additional heap allocation at the start of a stage, next to the ones for all the sprites and portraits.
However, we are still running in Real Mode with segmented memory. Accessing anything outside a common data segment involves modifying segment registers, which has a nonzero CPU cycle cost, and Turbo C++ 4.0J is terrible at optimizing away the respective instructions. Does this matter? Probably not, but you don't take "risks" like these if you're in a permanent micro-optimization mindset… :godzun:

In TH04, this system is used for:

  1. Kurumi's symmetric bullet spawn rays, fired from her hands towards the left and right edges of the playfield. These are rather infamous for being the last thing you see before 📝 the Divide Error crash that can happen in ZUN's original build. Capped to 6 entities.

  2. The 4 📝 bits used in Marisa's Stage 4 boss fight. Coincidentally also related to the rare Divide Error crash in that fight.

  3. Stage 4 Reimu's spinning orbs. Note how the game uses two different sets of sprites just to have two different outline colors. This was probably better than messing with the palette, which can easily cause unintended effects if you only have 16 colors to work with. Heck, I have an entire blog post tag just to highlight these cases. Capped to the full 32 entities.

  4. The chasing cross bullets, seen in Phase 14 of the same Stage 6 Yuuka fight. Featuring some smart sprite work, making use of point symmetry to achieve a fluid animation in just 4 frames. This is good-code in sprite form. Capped to 31 entities, because the 32nd custom entity during this fight is defined to be…

  5. The single purple pulsating and shrinking safety circle, seen in Phase 4 of the same fight. The most interesting aspect here is actually still related to the cross bullets, whose spawn function is wrongly limited to 32 entities and could theoretically overwrite this circle. :zunpet: This is strictly landmine territory though:

    • Yuuka never uses these bullets and the safety circle simultaneously
    • She never spawns more than 24 cross bullets
    • All cross bullets are fast enough to have left the screen by the time Yuuka restarts the corresponding subpattern
    • The cross bullets spawn at Yuuka's center position, and assign its Q12.4 coordinates to structure fields that the safety circle interprets as raw pixels. The game does try to render the circle afterward, but since Yuuka's static position during this phase is nowhere near a valid pixel coordinate, it is immediately clipped.

  6. The flashing lines seen in Phase 5 of the Gengetsu fight, telegraphing the slightly random bullet columns.

    The spawn column lines in the TH05 Gengetsu fight, in the first of their two flashing colors.The spawn column lines in the TH05 Gengetsu fight, in the second of their two flashing colors.

These structures only took 1 push to reverse-engineer rather than the 2 I needed for their TH05 counterparts because they are much simpler in this game. The "structure" for Gengetsu's lines literally uses just a single X position, with the remaining 24 bytes being basically padding. The only minor bug I found on this shallow level concerns Marisa's bits, which are clipped at the right and bottom edges of the playfield 16 pixels earlier than you would expect:

The remaining push went to a bunch of smaller structures and functions:

To top off the second push, we've got the vertically scrolling checkerboard background during the Stage 6 Yuuka fight, made up of 32×32 squares. This one deserves a special highlight just because of its needless complexity. You'd think that even a performant implementation would be pretty simple:

  1. Set the GRCG to TDW mode
  2. Set the GRCG tile to one of the two square colors
  3. Start with Y as the current scroll offset, and X as some indicator of which color is currently shown at the start of each row of squares
  4. Iterate over all lines of the playfield, filling in all pixels that should be displayed in the current color, skipping over the other ones
  5. Count down Y for each line drawn
  6. If Y reaches 0, reset it to 32 and flip X
  7. At the bottom of the playfield, change the GRCG tile to the other color, and repeat with the initial value of X flipped

The most important aspect of this algorithm is how it reduces GRCG state changes to a minimum, avoiding the costly port I/O that we've identified time and time again as one of the main bottlenecks in TH01. With just 2 state variables and 3 loops, the resulting code isn't that complex either. A naive implementation that just drew the squares from top to bottom in a single pass would barely be simpler, but much slower: By changing the GRCG tile on every color, such an implementation would burn a low 5-digit number of CPU cycles per frame for the 12×11.5-square checkerboard used in the game.
And indeed, ZUN retained all important aspects of this algorithm… but still implemented it all in ASM, with a ridiculous layer of x86 segment arithmetic on top? :zunpet: Which blows up the complexity to 4 state variables, 5 nested loops, and a bunch of constants in unusual units. I'm not sure what this code is supposed to optimize for, especially with that rather questionable register allocation that nevertheless leaves one of the general-purpose registers unused. :onricdennat: Fortunately, the function was still decompilable without too many code generation hacks, and retains the 5 nested loops in all their goto-connected glory. If you want to add a checkerboard to your next PC-98 demo, just stick to the algorithm I gave above.
(Using a single XOR for flipping the starting X offset between 32 and 64 pixels is pretty nice though, I have to give him that.)

This makes for a good occasion to talk about the third and final GRCG mode, completing the series I started with my previous coverage of the 📝 RMW and 📝 TCR modes. The TDW (Tile Data Write) mode is the simplest of the three and just writes the 8×1 GRCG tile into VRAM as-is, without applying any alpha bitmask. This makes it perfect for clearing rectangular areas of pixels – or even all of VRAM by doing a single memset():

// Set up the GRCG in TDW mode.
outportb(0x7C, 0x80);

// Fill the tile register with color #7 (0111 in binary).
outportb(0x7E, 0xFF); // Plane 0: (B): (********)
outportb(0x7E, 0xFF); // Plane 1: (R): (********)
outportb(0x7E, 0xFF); // Plane 2: (G): (********)
outportb(0x7E, 0x00); // Plane 3: (E): (        )

// Set the 32 pixels at the top-left corner of VRAM to the exact contents of
// the tile register, effectively repeating the tile 4 times. In TDW mode, the
// GRCG ignores the CPU-supplied operand, so we might as well just pass the
// contents of a register with the intended width. This eliminates useless load
// instructions in the compiled assembly, and even sort of signals to readers
// of this code that we do not care about the source value.
*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t far *>(MK_FP(0xA800, 0)) = _EAX;

// Fill the entirety of VRAM with the GRCG tile. A simple C one-liner that will
// probably compile into a single `REP STOS` instruction. Unfortunately, Turbo
// C++ 4.0J only ever generates the 16-bit `REP STOSW` here, even when using
// the `__memset__` intrinsic and when compiling in 386 mode. When targeting
// that CPU and above, you'd ideally want `REP STOSD` for twice the speed.
memset(MK_FP(0xA800, 0), _AL, ((640 / 8) * 400));

However, this might make you wonder why TDW mode is even necessary. If it's functionally equivalent to RMW mode with a CPU-supplied bitmask made up entirely of 1 bits (i.e., 0xFF, 0xFFFF, or 0xFFFFFFFF), what's the point? The difference lies in the hardware implementation: If all you need to do is write tile data to VRAM, you don't need the read and modify parts of RMW mode which require additional processing time. The PC-9801 Programmers' Bible claims a speedup of almost 2× when using TDW mode over equivalent operations in RMW mode.
And that's the only performance claim I found, because none of these old PC-98 hardware and programming books did any benchmarks. Then again, it's not too interesting of a question to benchmark either, as the byte-aligned nature of TDW blitting severely limits its use in a game engine anyway. Sure, maybe it makes sense to temporarily switch from RMW to TDW mode if you've identified a large rectangular and byte-aligned section within a sprite that could be blitted without a bitmask? But the necessary identification work likely nullifies the performance gained from TDW mode, I'd say. In any case, that's pretty deep micro-optimization territory. Just use TDW mode for the few cases it's good at, and stick to RMW mode for the rest.

So is this all that can be said about the GRCG? Not quite, because there are 4 bits I haven't talked about yet…

And now we're just 5.37% away from 100% position independence for TH04! From this point, another 2 pushes should be enough to reach this goal. It might not look like we're that close based on the current estimate, but a big chunk of the remaining numbers are false positives from the player shot control functions. Since we've got a very special deadline to hit, I'm going to cobble these two pushes together from the two current general subscriptions and the rest of the backlog. But you can, of course, still invest in this goal to allow the existing contributions to go to something else.
… Well, if the store was actually open. :thonk: So I'd better continue with a quick task to free up some capacity sooner rather than later. Next up, therefore: Back to TH02, and its item and player systems. Shouldn't take that long, I'm not expecting any surprises there. (Yeah, I know, famous last words…)

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:stripe: Stripe is now properly integrated into this website as an alternative to PayPal! Now, you can also financially support the project if PayPal doesn't work for you, or if you prefer using a provider out of Stripe's greater variety. It's unfortunate that I had to ship this integration while the store is still sold out, but the Shuusou Gyoku OpenGL backend has turned out way too complicated to be finished next to these two pushes within a month. It will take quite a while until the store reopens and you all can start using Stripe, so I'll just link back to this blog post when it happens.

Integrating Stripe wasn't the simplest task in the world either. At first, the Checkout API seems pretty friendly to developers: The entire payment flow is handled on the backend, in the server language of your choice, and requires no frontend JavaScript except for the UI feedback code you choose to write. Your backend API endpoint initiates the Stripe Checkout session, answers with a redirect to Stripe, and Stripe then sends a redirect back to your server if the customer completed the payment. Superficially, this server-based approach seems much more GDPR-friendly than PayPal, because there are no remote scripts to obtain consent for. In reality though, Stripe shares much more potential personal data about your credit card or bank account with a merchant, compared to PayPal's almost bare minimum of necessary data. :thonk:
It's also rather annoying how the backend has to persist the order form information throughout the entire Checkout session, because it would otherwise be lost if the server restarts while a customer is still busy entering data into Stripe's Checkout form. Compare that to the PayPal JavaScript SDK, which only POSTs back to your server after the customer completed a payment. In Stripe's case, more JavaScript actually only makes the integration harder: If you trigger the initial payment HTTP request from JavaScript, you will have to improvise a bit to avoid the CORS error when redirecting away to a different domain.

But sure, it's all not too bad… for regular orders at least. With subscriptions, however, things get much worse. Unlike PayPal, Stripe kind of wants to stay out of the way of the payment process as much as possible, and just be a wrapper around its supported payment methods. So if customers aren't really meant to register with Stripe, how would they cancel their subscriptions? :thonk:
Answer: Through the… merchant? Which I quite dislike in principle, because why should you have to trust me to actually cancel your subscription after you requested it? It also means that I probably should add some sort of UI for self-canceling a Stripe subscription, ideally without adding full-blown user accounts. Not that this solves the underlying trust issue, but it's more convenient than contacting me via email or, worse, going through your bank somehow. Here is how my solution works:

I might have gone a bit overboard with the crypto there, but I liked the idea of not storing any of the Stripe session IDs in the server database. It's not like that makes the system more complex anyway, and it's nice to have a separate confirmation step before canceling a subscription.

But even that wasn't everything I had to keep in mind here. Once you switch from test to production mode for the final tests, you'll notice that certain SEPA-based payment providers take their sweet time to process and activate new subscriptions. The Checkout session object even informs you about that, by including a payment status field. Which initially seems just like another field that could indicate hacking attempts, but treating it as such and rejecting any unpaid session can also reject perfectly valid subscriptions. I don't want all this control… 🥲
Instead, all I can do in this case is to tell you about it. In my test, the Stripe dashboard said that it might take days or even weeks for the initial subscription transaction to be confirmed. In such a case, the respective fraction of the cap will unfortunately need to remain red for that entire time.

And that was 1½ pushes just to replicate the basic functionality of a simple PayPal integration with the simplest type of Stripe integration. On the architectural site, all the necessary refactoring work made me finally upgrade my frontend code to TypeScript at least, using the amazing esbuild to handle transpilation inside the server binary. Let's see how long it will now take for me to upgrade to SCSS…

With the new payment options, it makes sense to go for another slight price increase, from up to per push. The amount of taxes I have to pay on this income is slowly becoming significant, and the store has been selling out almost immediately for the last few months anyway. If demand remains at the current level or even increases, I plan to gradually go up to by the end of the year.
📝 As 📝 usual, I'm going to deliver existing orders in the backlog at the value they were originally purchased at. Due to the way the cap has to be calculated, these contributions now appear to have increased in value by a rather awkward 13.33%.

This left ½ of a push for some more work on the TH01 Anniversary Edition. Unfortunately, this was too little time for the grand issue of removing byte-aligned rendering of bigger sprites, which will need some additional blitting performance research. Instead, I went for a bunch of smaller bugfixes:

The final point, however, raised the question of what we're now going to do about 📝 a certain issue in the 地獄/Jigoku Bad Ending. ZUN's original expensive way of switching the accessed VRAM page was the main reason behind the lag frames on slower PC-98 systems, and search-replacing the respective function calls would immediately get us to the optimized version shown in that blog post. But is this something we actually want? If we wanted to retain the lag, we could surely preserve that function just for this one instance…
The discovery of this issue predates the clear distinction between bloat, quirks, and bugs, so it makes sense to first classify what this issue even is. The distinction comes all down to observability, which I defined as changes to rendered frames between explicitly defined frame boundaries. That alone would be enough to categorize any cause behind lag frames as bloat, but it can't hurt to be more explicit here.

Therefore, I now officially judge observability in terms of an infinitely fast PC-98 that can instantly render everything between two explicitly defined frames, and will never add additional lag frames. If we plan to port the games to faster architectures that aren't bottlenecked by disappointing blitter chips, this is the only reasonable assumption to make, in my opinion: The minimum system requirements in the games' README files are minimums, after all, not recommendations. Chasing the exact frame drop behavior that ZUN must have experienced during the time he developed these games can only be a guessing game at best, because how can we know which PC-98 model ZUN actually developed the games on? There might even be more than one model, especially when it comes to TH01 which had been in development for at least two years before ZUN first sold it. It's also not like any current PC-98 emulator even claims to emulate the specific timing of any existing model, and I sure hope that nobody expects me to import a bunch of bulky obsolete hardware just to count dropped frames.

That leaves the tearing, where it's much more obvious how it's a bug. On an infinitely fast PC-98, the ドカーン frame would never be visible, and thus falls into the same category as the 📝 two unused animations in the Sariel fight. With only a single unconditional 2-frame delay inside the animation loop, it becomes clear that ZUN intended both frames of the animation to be displayed for 2 frames each:

No tearing, and 34 frames in total for the first of the two instances of this animation.

:th01: TH01 Anniversary Edition, version P0239

Next up: Taking the oldest still undelivered push and working towards TH04 position independence in preparation for multilingual translations. The Shuusou Gyoku OpenGL backend shouldn't take that much longer either, so I should have lots of stuff coming up in May afterward.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Ember2528, Yanga
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So, TH02! Being the only game whose main binary hadn't seen any dedicated attention ever, we get to start the TH02-related blog posts at the very beginning with the most foundational pieces of code. The stage tile system is the best place to start here: It not only blocks every entity that is rendered on top of these tiles, but is curiously placed right next to master.lib code in TH02, and would need to be separated out into its own translation unit before we can do the same with all the master.lib functions.

  1. The stage tile system in TH02, TH04, and TH05
  2. TH02's unused Stage 5 tile sections
  3. TH02's implementation of vertical scrolling
  4. Mistakes in hand-written ASM, and how to fix them
  5. TH02's unique sprite position system

In late 2018, I already RE'd 📝 TH04's and TH05's stage tile implementation, but haven't properly documented it on this blog yet, so this post is also going to include the details that are unique to those games. On a high level, the stage tile system works identically in all three games:

The differences between the three games can best be summarized in a table:

:th02: TH02 :th04: TH04 :th05: TH05
Tile image file extension .MPN
Tile section format .MAP
Tile section order defined as part of .DT1 .STD
Tile section index format 0-based ID 0-based ID × 2
Tile image index format Index between 0 and 100, 1 byte VRAM offset in tile source area, 2 bytes
Scroll speed control Hardcoded Part of the .STD format, defined per referenced tile section
Redraw granularity Full tiles (16×16) Half tiles (16×8)
Rows per tile section 8 5
Maximum number of tile sections 16 32
Lowest number of tile sections used 5 (Stage 3 / Extra) 8 (Stage 6) 11 (Stage 2 / 4)
Highest number of tile sections used 13 (Stage 4) 19 (Extra) 24 (Stage 3)
Maximum length of a map 320 sections (static buffer) 256 sections (format limitation)
Shortest map 14 sections (Stage 5) 20 sections (Stage 5) 15 sections (Stage 2)
Longest map 143 sections (Stage 4) 95 sections (Stage 4) 40 sections (Stage 1 / 4 / Extra)

The most interesting part about stage tiles is probably the fact that some of the .MAP files contain unused tile sections. 👀 Many of these are empty, duplicates, or don't really make sense, but a few are unique, fit naturally into their respective stage, and might have been part of the map during development. In TH02, we can find three unused sections in Stage 5:

Section 0 of TH02's STAGE4.MAPSection 1 of TH02's STAGE4.MAPSection 2 of TH02's STAGE4.MAPSection 3 of TH02's STAGE4.MAPSection 4 of TH02's STAGE4.MAPSection 5 of TH02's STAGE4.MAPSection 6 of TH02's STAGE4.MAPSection 7 of TH02's STAGE4.MAP
The non-empty tile sections defined in TH02's STAGE4.MAP, showing off three unused ones.
These unused tile sections are much more common in the later games though, where we can find them in TH04's Stage 3, 4, and 5, and TH05's Stage 1, 2, and 4. I'll document those once I get to finalize the tile rendering code of these games, to leave some more content for that blog post. TH04/TH05 tile code would be quite an effective investment of your money in general, as most of it is identical across both games. Or how about going for a full-on PC-98 Touhou map viewer and editor GUI?

Compared to TH04 and TH05, TH02's stage tile code definitely feels like ZUN was just starting to understand how to pull off smooth vertical scrolling on a PC-98. As such, it comes with a few inefficiencies and suboptimal implementation choices:

Even though this was ZUN's first attempt at scrolling tiles, he already saw it fit to write most of the code in assembly. This was probably a reaction to all of TH01's performance issues, and the frame rate reduction workarounds he implemented to keep the game from slowing down too much in busy places. "If TH01 was all C++ and slow, TH02 better contain more ASM code, and then it will be fast, right?" :zunpet:
Another reason for going with ASM might be found in the kind of documentation that may have been available to ZUN. Last year, the PC-98 community discovered and scanned two new game programming tutorial books from 1991 (1, 2). Their example code is not only entirely written in assembly, but restricts itself to the bare minimum of x86 instructions that were available on the 8086 CPU used by the original PC-9801 model 9 years earlier. Such code is not only suboptimal on the 486, but can often be actually worse than what your C++ compiler would generate. TH02 is where the trend of bad hand-written ASM code started, and it 📝 only intensified in ZUN's later games. So, don't copy code from these books unless you absolutely want to target the earlier 8086 and 286 models. Which, 📝 as we've gathered from the recent blitting benchmark results, are not all too common among current real-hardware owners.
That said, all that ASM code really only impacts readability and maintainability. Apart from the aforementioned issues, the algorithms themselves are mostly fine – especially since most EGC and GRCG operations are decently batched this time around, in contrast to TH01.

Luckily, the tile functions merely use inline assembly within a typical C function and can therefore be at least part of a C++ source file, even if the result is pretty ugly. This time, we can actually be sure that they weren't written directly in a .ASM file, because they feature x86 instruction encodings that can only be generated with Turbo C++ 4.0J's inline assembler, not with TASM. The same can't unfortunately be said about the following function in the same segment, which marks the tiles covered by the spark sprites for redrawing. In this one, it took just one dumb hand-written ASM inconsistency in the function's epilog to make the entire function undecompilable.
The standard x86 instruction sequence to set up a stack frame in a function prolog looks like this:

SUB 	SP, ?? ; if the function needs the stack for local variables
When compiling without optimizations, Turbo C++ 4.0J will replace this sequence with a single ENTER instruction. That one is two bytes smaller, but much slower on every x86 CPU except for the 80186 where it was introduced.
In functions without local variables, BP and SP remain identical, and a single POP BP is all that's needed in the epilog to tear down such a stack frame before returning from the function. Otherwise, the function needs an additional MOV SP, BP instruction to pop all local variables. With x86 being the helpful CISC architecture that it is, the 80186 also introduced the LEAVE instruction to perform both tasks. Unlike ENTER, this single instruction is faster than the raw two instructions on a lot of x86 CPUs (and even current ones!), and it's always smaller, taking up just 1 byte instead of 3.
So what if you use LEAVE even if your function doesn't use local variables? :thonk: The fact that the instruction first does the equivalent of MOV SP, BP doesn't matter if these registers are identical, and who cares about the additional CPU cycles of LEAVE compared to just POP BP, right? So that's definitely something you could theoretically do, but not something that any compiler would ever generate.

And so, TH02 MAIN.EXE decompilation already hits the first brick wall after two pushes. Awesome! :godzun: Theoretically, we could slowly mash through this wall using the 📝 code generator. But having such an inconsistency in the function epilog would mean that we'd have to keep Turbo C++ 4.0J from emitting any epilog or prolog code so that we can write our own. This means that we'd once again have to hide any use of the SI and DI registers from the compiler… and doing that requires code generation macros for 22 of the 49 instructions of the function in question, almost none of which we currently have. So, this gets quite silly quite fast, especially if we only need to do it for one single byte.

Instead, wouldn't it be much better if we had a separate build step between compile and link time that allowed us to replicate mistakes like these by just patching the compiled .OBJ files? These files still contain the names of exported functions for linking, which would allow us to look up the code of a function in a robust manner, navigate to specific instructions using a disassembler, replace them, and write the modified .OBJ back to disk before linking. Such a system could then naturally expand to cover all other decompilation issues, culminating in a full-on optimizer that could even recreate ZUN's self-modifying code. At that point, we would have sealed away all of ZUN's ugly ASM code within a separate build step, and could finally decompile everything into readable C++.

Pulling that off would require a significant tooling investment though. Patching that one byte in TH02's spark invalidation function could be done within 1 or 2 pushes, but that's just one issue, and we currently have 32 other .ASM files with undecompilable code. Also, note that this is fundamentally different from what we're doing with the debloated branch and the Anniversary Editions. Mistake patching would purely be about having readable code on master that compiles into ZUN's exact binaries, without fixing weird code. The Anniversary Editions go much further and rewrite such code in a much more fundamental way, improving it further than mistake patching ever could.
Right now, the Anniversary Editions seem much more popular, which suggests that people just want 100% RE as fast as possible so that I can start working on them. In that case, why bother with such undecompilable functions, and not just leave them in raw and unreadable x86 opcode form if necessary… :tannedcirno: But let's first see how much backer support there actually is for mistake patching before falling back on that.

The best part though: Once we've made a decision and then covered TH02's spark and particle systems, that was it, and we will have already RE'd all ZUN-written PC-98-specific blitting code in this game. Every further sprite or shape is rendered via master.lib, and is thus decently abstracted. Guess I'll need to update 📝 the assessment of which PC-98 Touhou game is the easiest to port, because it sure isn't TH01, as we've seen with all the work required for the first Anniversary Edition build.

Until then, there are still enough parts of the game that don't use any of the remaining few functions in the _TEXT segment. Previously, I mentioned in the 📝 status overview blog post that TH02 had a seemingly weird sprite system, but the spark and point popup (〇一二三四五六七八九十×÷) structures showed that the game just stores the current and previous position of its entities in a slightly different way compared to the rest of PC-98 Touhou. Instead of having dedicated structure fields, TH02 uses two-element arrays indexed with the active VRAM page. Same thing, and such a pattern even helps during RE since it's easy to spot once you know what to look for.
There's not much to criticize about the point popup system, except for maybe a landmine that causes sprite glitches when trying to display more than 99,990 points. Sadly, the final push in this delivery was rounded out by yet another piece of code at the opposite end of the quality spectrum. The particle and smear effects for Reimu's bomb animations consist almost entirely of assembly bloat, which would just be replaced with generic calls to the generic blitter in this game's future Anniversary Edition.

If I continue to decompile TH02 while avoiding the brick wall, items would be next, but they probably require two pushes. Next up, therefore: Integrating Stripe as an alternative payment provider into the order form. There have been at least three people who reported issues with PayPal, and Stripe has been working much better in tests. In the meantime, here's a temporary Stripe order link for everyone. This one is not connected to the cap yet, so please make sure to stay within whatever value is currently shown on the front page – I will treat any excess money as donations. :onricdennat: If there's some time left afterward, I might also add some small improvements to the TH01 Anniversary Edition.

📝 Posted:
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Turns out I was not quite done with the TH01 Anniversary Edition yet. You might have noticed some white streaks at the beginning of Sariel's second form, which are in fact a bug that I accidentally added to the initial release. :tannedcirno:
These can be traced back to a quirk I wasn't aware of, and hadn't documented so far. When defeating Sariel's first form during a pattern that spawns pellets, it's likely for the second form to start with additional pellets that resemble the previous pattern, but come out of seemingly nowhere. This shouldn't really happen if you look at the code: Nothing outside the typical pattern code spawns new pellets, and all existing ones are reset before the form transition…

Except if they're currently showing the 10-frame delay cloud animation , activated for all pellets during the symmetrical radial 2-ring pattern in Phase 2 and left activated for the rest of the fight. These pellets will continue their animation after the transition to the second form, and turn into regular pellets you have to dodge once their animation completed.

By itself, this is just one more quirk to keep in mind during refactoring. It only turned into a bug in the Anniversary Edition because the game tracks the number of living pellets in a separate counter variable. After resetting all pellets, this counter is simply set to 0, regardless of any delay cloud pellets that may still be alive, and it's merely incremented or decremented when pellets are spawned or leave the playfield. :zunpet:
In the original game, this counter is only used as an optimization to skip spawning new pellets once the cap is reached. But with batched EGC-accelerated unblitting, it also makes sense to skip the rather costly setup and shutdown of the EGC if no pellets are active anyway. Except if the counter you use to check for that case can be 0 even if there are pellets alive, which consequently don't get unblitted… :onricdennat:
There is an optimal fix though: Instead of unconditionally resetting the living pellet counter to 0, we decrement it for every pellet that does get reset. This preserves the quirk and gives us a consistently correct counter, allowing us to still skip every unnecessary loop over the pellet array.

Cutting out the lengthy defeat animation makes it easier to see where the additional pellets come from.
Cutting out the lengthy defeat animation makes it easier to see where the additional pellets come from. Also, note how regular unblitting resumes once the first pellet gets clipped at the top of the playfield – the living pellet counter then gets decremented to -1, and who uses <= rather than == on a seemingly unsigned counter, right?
Cutting out the lengthy defeat animation makes it easier to see where the additional pellets come from.

Ultimately, this was a harmless bug that didn't affect gameplay, but it's still something that players would have probably reported a few more times. So here's a free bugfix:

:th01: TH01 Anniversary Edition, version P0234-1

Thanks to mu021 for reporting this issue and providing helpful videos to identify the cause!

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Ember2528, [Anonymous]
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128 commits! Who would have thought that the ideal first release of the TH01 Anniversary Edition would involve so much maintenance, and raise so many research questions? It's almost as if the real work only starts after the 100% finalization mark… Once again, I had to steal some funding from the reserved JIS trail word pushes to cover everything I liked to research, which means that the next towards the anything goal will repay this debt. Luckily, this doesn't affect any immediate plans, as I'll be spending March with tasks that are already fully funded.

  1. Combining TH01's three executables into a single one
  2. Starting MDRV98 from within the game binary
  3. Buffer overflows in packfile decompression (and an entire new distinction of weird code)
  4. Preserving the negative glitch stages with a different binary layout
  5. Benchmarking and optimizing unaligned blitting of small sprites
  6. Optimizing EGC-powered unblitting
  7. Summary and future work

So, how did this end up so massive? The list of things I originally set out to do was pretty short:

  1. Build entire game into single executable
  2. Fix rendering issues in the one or two most important parts of the game for a good initial impression

But even the first point already started with tons of little cleanup commits. A part of them can definitely be blamed on the rush to hit the 100% decompilation mark before the 25th anniversary last August. However, all the structural changes that I can't commit to master reveal how much of a mess the TH01 codebase actually is.
Merging the executables is mainly difficult because of all the inconsistencies between REIIDEN.EXE and FUUIN.EXE. The worst parts can be found in the REYHI*.DAT format code and the High Score menu, but the little things are just as annoying, like how the current score is an unsigned variable in REIIDEN.EXE, but a signed one in FUUIN.EXE. :zunpet: If it takes me this long and this many commits just to sort out all of these issues, it's no wonder that the only thing I've seen being done with this codebase since TH01's 100% decompilation was a single porting attempt that ended in a rather quick ragequit.
So why are we merging the executables in preparation for the Anniversary Edition, and not waiting with it until we start doing ports?

The game actually is so bloated that the combined binary ended up smaller than the original REIIDEN.EXE. If all you see are the file sizes of the original three executables, this might look like a pretty impressive feat. Like, how can we possibly get 407,812 bytes into less than 238,612 bytes, without using compression?
If you've ever looked at the linker map though, it's not at all surprising. Excluding the aforementioned inconsistencies that are hard to quantify, OP.EXE and FUUIN.EXE only feature 5,767 and 6,475 bytes of unique code and data, respectively. All other code in these binaries is already part of REIIDEN.EXE, with more than half of the size coming from the Borland C++ runtime. The single worst offender here is the C++ exception handler that Borland forces onto every non-.COM binary by default, which alone adds 20,512 bytes even if your binary doesn't use C++ exceptions.
On a more hilarious note, this single line is responsible for pulling another unnecessary 14,242 bytes into OP.EXE and FUUIN.EXE. This floating-point multiplication is completely unnecessary in this context because all possible parameters are integers, but it's enough for Turbo C++ and TLINK to pull in the entire x87 FPU emulation machinery. These two binaries don't even draw lines, but since this function is part of the general graphics code translation unit and contains other functions that these binaries do need, TLINK links in the entire thing. Maybe, multiple executables aren't the best choice either if you use a linker that can't do dead code elimination…

Since the 📝 Orb's physics do turn the entire precision of a double variable into gameplay effects, it's not feasible to ever get rid of all FPU code in TH01. The exception handler, however, can be removed, which easily brings the combined binary below the size of the original REIIDEN.EXE. Compiling all code with a single set of compiler optimization flags, including the more x86-friendly pascal calling convention, then gets us a few more KB on top. As does, of course, removing unused code: The only remaining purpose of features such as 📝 resident palettes is to potentially make porting more difficult for anyone who doesn't immediately realize that nothing in the game uses these functions.
Technically, all unused code would be bloat, but for now, I'm keeping the parts that may tell stories about the game's development history (such as unused effects or the 📝 mouse cursor), or that might help with debugging. Even with that in mind, I've only scratched the surface when it comes to bloat removal, and the binary is only going to get smaller from here. A lot smaller.

If only we now could start MDRV98 from this new combined binary, we wouldn't need a second batch file either…

Which brings us to the first big research question of this delivery. Using the C spawn() function works fine on this compiler, so spawn("MDRV98.COM") would be all we need to do, right? Except that the game crashes very soon after that subprocess returned. :thonk:
So it's not going to be that easy if the spawned process is a TSR. But why should this be a problem? Let's take a look at the DOS heap, and how DOS lays out processes in conventional memory if we launch the game regularly through GAME.BAT:

The rough layout of the DOS heap when launching TH01 from GAME.BAT.

The batch file starts MDRV98 first, which will therefore end up below the game in conventional memory. This is perfect for a TSR: The program can resize itself arbitrarily before returning to DOS, and the rest of memory will be left over for the game. If we assume such a layout, a DOS program can implement a custom memory allocator in a very simple way, as it only has to search for free memory in one direction – and this is exactly how Borland implemented the C heap for functions like malloc() and free(), and the C++ new and delete operators.
But if we spawn MDRV98 after starting TH01, well…

MDRV98 will spawn in the next free memory location, allocate itself, return to TH01… which suddenly finds its C heap blocked from growing. As a result, the next big allocation will immediately fail with a rather misleading "out of memory" error.

So, what can we do about this? Still in a bloat removal mindset, my gut reaction was to just throw out Borland's C heap implementation, and replace it with a very thin wrapper around the DOS heap as managed by INT 21h, AH=48h/49h/4Ah. Like, why did these DOS compilers even bother with a custom allocator in the first place if DOS already comes with a perfectly fine native one? Using the native allocator would completely erase the distinction between TSR memory and game memory, and inherently allow the game to allocate beyond MDRV98.
I did in fact implement this, and noticed even more benefits:

Ultimately though, the drawbacks became too significant. Most of them are related to the PC-98 Touhou games only ever creating a single DOS process, even though they contain multiple executables. Switching executables is done via exec(), which resizes a program's main allocation to match the new binary and then overwrites the old program image with the new one. If you've ever wondered why DOSBox-X only ever shows OP as the active process name in the title bar, you now know why. As far as DOS is concerned, it's still the same OP.EXE process rooted at the same segment, and exec() doesn't bother rewriting the name either. Most importantly though, this is how REIIDEN.EXE can launch into another REIIDEN.EXE process even if there are less than 238,612 bytes free when exec() is called, and without consuming more memory for every successive binary.
For now, ANNIV.EXE still re-exec()s itself at every point where the original game did, as ZUN's original code really depends on being reinitialized at boss and scene boundaries. The resulting accidental semi-hot reloading is also a useful property to retain during development.
So why is the DOS heap a bad idea for regular game allocation after all?

I could release this DOS heap wrapper in unused form for another push if anyone's interested, but for now, I'm pretty happy with not actually using it in the games. Instead, let's stay with the Borland C heap, and find a way to push MDRV98 to the very top of conventional RAM. Like this:

Which is much easier said than done. It would be nice if we could just use the last fit allocation strategy here, but .COM executables always receive all free memory by default anyway, which eliminates any difference between the strategies.
But we can still change memory itself. So let's temporarily claim all remaining free memory, minus the exact amount we need for MDRV98, for our process. Then, the only remaining free space to spawn MDRV98 is at the exact place where we want it to be:

Obviously, we release all the additional memory after spawning MDRV98.

Now we only need to know how much memory to not temporarily allocate. First, we need to replicate the assumption that MDRV98's -M7 command-line parameter corresponds to a resident size of 23,552 bytes. This is not as bad as it seems, because the -M parameter explicitly has a KiB unit, and we can nicely abstract it away for the API.
The (env.) block though? Its minimum size equals the combined length of all environment variables passed to the process, but its maximum size is… not limited at all?! As in, DOS implementations can add and have historically added more free space because some programs insisted on storing their own new environment variables in this exact segment. DOSBox and DOSBox-X follow this tradition by providing a configuration option for the additional amount of environment space, with the latter adding 1024 additional bytes by default, y'know, just in case someone wants to compile FreeDOS on a slow emulator. It's not even worth sending a bug report for this specific case, because it's only a symptom of the fact that unexpectedly large program environment blocks can and will happen, and are to be expected in DOS land.
So thanks to this cruel joke, it's technically impossible to achieve what we want to do there. Hooray! The only thing we can kind of do here is an educated guess: Sum up the length of all environment variables in our environment block, compare that length against the allocated size of the block, and assume that the MDRV98 process will get as much additional memory as our process got. 🤷

The remaining hurdles came courtesy of some Borland C runtime implementation details. You would think that the temporary reallocation could even be done in pure C using the sbrk(), coreleft(), and brk() functions, but all values passed to or returned from these functions are inaccurate because they don't factor in the aforementioned KiB padding to the underlying DOS memory block. So we have to directly use the DOS syscalls after all. Which at least means that learning about them wasn't completely useless…
The final issue is caused inside Borland's spawn() implementation. The environment block for the child process is built out of all the strings reachable from C's environ pointer, which is what that FreeDOS build process should have used. Coalescing them into a single buffer involves yet another C heap allocation… and since we didn't report our DOS memory block manipulation back to the C heap, the malloc() call might think it needs to request more memory from DOS. This resets the DOS memory block back to its intended level, undoing our manipulation right before the actual INT 21h, AH=4Bh EXEC syscall. Or in short:

Manipulate DOS heap ➜ spawn() call ➜ _LoadProg() ➜ allocate and prepare environment block ➜ _spawn() ➜ DOS EXEC syscall

The obvious solution: Replace _LoadProg(), implement the coalescing ourselves, and do it before the heap manipulation. Fortunately, Borland's internal low-level _spawn() function is not static, so we can call it ourselves whenever we want to:

Allocate and prepare environment block ➜ manipulate DOS heap ➜ _spawn() call ➜ EXEC syscall

So yes, launching MDRV98 from C can be done, but it involves advanced witchcraft and is completely ridiculous. :tannedcirno: Launching external sound drivers from a batch file is the right way of doing things.
Fortunately, you don't have to rely on this auto-launching feature. You can still launch DEBLOAT.EXE or ANNIV.EXE from a batch file that launched MDRV98.COM before, and the binaries will detect this case and skip the attempt of launching MDRV98 from C. It's unlikely that my heuristic will ever break, but I definitely recommend replicating GAME.BAT just to be completely sure – especially for user-friendly repacks that don't want to include the original game anyway.
This is also why ANNIV.EXE doesn't launch ZUNSOFT.COM: The "correct" and stable way to launch ANNIV.EXE still involves a batch file, and I would say that expecting people to remove ZUNSOFT.COM from that file is worse than not playing the animation. It's certainly a debate we can have, though.

This deep dive into memory allocation revealed another previously undocumented bug in the original game. The RLE decompression code for the 東方靈異.伝 packfile contains two heap overflows, which are actually triggered by SinGyoku's BOSS1_3.BOS and Konngara's BOSS8_1.BOS. They only do not immediately crash the game when loading these bosses thanks to two implementation details of Borland's C heap. :zunpet:
Obviously, this is a bug we should fix, but according to the definition of bugs, that fix would be exclusive to the anniversary branch. Isn't that too restrictive for something this critical? This code is guaranteed to blow up with a different heap implementation, if only in a Debug build. :thonk: And besides, nobody would notice a fix just by looking at the game's rendered output…

Looks like we have to introduce a fourth category of weird code, in addition to the previous bloat, bug, and quirk categories, for invisible internal issues like these. Let's call it landmine, and fix them on the debloated branch as well. Thanks to Clerish for the naming inspiration!
With this new category, the full definitions for all categories have become quite extensive. Thus, they now live in inside the ReC98 repository.

With the new discoveries and the new landmine category, TH01 is now at 67 bugs and 20 landmines. And the solution for the landmine in question? Simplifying the 61 lines of the original code down to 16. And yes, I'm including comments in these numbers – if the interactions of the code are complex enough to require multi-paragraph comments, these are a necessary and valid part of the code.

While we're on the topic of weird code and its visible or invisible effects, there's one thing you might be concerned about. With all the rearchitecting and data shifting we're doing on the debloated branch, what will happen to the 📝 negative glitch stages? These are the result of a clearly observable bug that, by definition, must not be fixed on the debloated branch. But given that the observable layout of the glitch stages is defined by the memory surrounding the scene stage variable, won't the debloated branch inherently alter their appearance (= ⚠️ fanfiction ⚠️), or even remove them completely?

Well, yes, it will. But we can still preserve their layout by hardcoding the exact original data that the game would originally read, and even emulate the original segment relocations and other pieces of global data.
Doing this is feasible thanks to the fact that there are only 4 glitch stages. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the timer values, which are determined by an array lookup with the un-modulo'd stage ID. If we wanted to preserve those as well, we'd have to bundle an exact copy of the original REIIDEN.EXE data segment to preserve the values of all 32,768 negative stages you could possibly enter, together with a map of all relocations in this segment. 😵 Which I've decided against for now, since this has been going on for far too long already. Let's first see if anyone ever actually complains about details like this…

Alright, time to start the anniversary branch by rendering everything at its correct internal unaligned X position? Eh… maybe not quite yet. If we just hacked all the necessary bit-shifting code into all the format-specific blitting functions, we'd still retain all this largely redundant, bad, and slow code, and would make no progress in terms of portability. It'd be much better to first write a single generic blitter that's decently optimized, but supports all kinds of sprites to make this optimization actually worth something.
So, next research question: How would such a blitter look like? After I learned during my 📝 first foray into cycle counting that port I/O is slow on 486 CPUs, it became clear that TH04's 📝 GRCG batching for pellets was one of the more useful optimizations that probably contributed a big deal towards achieving the high bullet counts of that game. This leads to two conclusions:

Maybe we should also start by not even doing these unaligned bit shifts ourselves, and instead expect the call site to 📝 always deliver a byte-aligned sprite that is correctly preshifted, if necessary? Some day, we definitely should measure how slow runtime shifting would really be…

What we should do, however, are some further general optimizations that I would have expected from master.lib: Unrolling the vertical loop, and baking a single function for every sprite width to eliminate the horizontal loop. We can then use the widest possible x86 MOV instruction for the lowest possible number of cycles per row – for example, we'd blit a 56-wide sprite with three MOVs (32-bit + 16-bit + 8-bit), and a 64-wide one with two 32-bit MOVs.
Or maybe not? There's a lot of blitting code in both master.lib and PC-98 Touhou that checks for empty bytes within sprites to skip needlessly writing them to VRAM:

uint8_t left_half = ((uint8_t *)(sprite))[0];
uint8_t right_half = ((uint8_t *)(sprite))[1];
if(right_half != 0x00) {
	pokeb(VRAM_SEGMENT, (vram_offset + 0), left_half);
if(right_half != 0x00) {
	pokeb(VRAM_SEGMENT, (vram_offset + 1), right_half);

Which goes against everything you seem to know about computers. We aren't running on an 8-bit CPU here, so wouldn't it be faster to always write both halves of a sprite in a single operation?

uint16_t both_halves = ((uint16_t *)(sprite))[0];
pokew(VRAM_SEGMENT, vram_offset, both_halves);

That's a single CPU instruction, compared to two instructions and two branches. The only possible explanation for this would be that VRAM writes are so slow on PC-98 that you'd want to avoid them at all costs, even if that means additional branching on the CPU to do so. Or maybe that was something you would want to do on certain models with slow VRAM, but not on others?

So I wrote a benchmark to answer all these questions, and to compare my new blitter against typical TH01 blitting code:

A not really representative run on DOSBox-X. Since the master.lib sprite functions are also unbatched, I expect them to not be much faster than the naive C implementation. And here are the real-hardware results I've got from the PC-9800 Central Discord server:

PC-286LS PC-9801ES PC-9821Cb/Cx PC-9821Ap3 PC-9821An PC-9821Nw133 PC-9821Ra20
80286, 12 MHz i386SX, 16 MHz 486SX, 33 MHz 486DX4, 100 MHz Pentium, 90 MHz Pentium, 133 MHz Pentium Pro, 200 MHz
1987 1989 1994 1994 1994 1997 1996
Unchecked C GRCG 36,85 38,42 26,02 26,87 3,98 4,13 2,08 2,16 1,81 1,87 0,86 0,89 1,25 1,25
MOVS GRCG 15,22 16,87 9,33 10,19 1,22 1,37 0,44 0,44
MOV GRCG 15,42 17,08 9,65 10,53 1,15 1,3 0,44 0,44
4-plane 37,23 43,97 29,2 32,96 4,44 5,01 4,39 4,67 5,11 5,32 5,61 5,74 6,63 6,64
Checking first GRCG 17,49 19,15 10,84 11,72 1,27 1,44 1,04 1,07 0,54 0,54
4-plane 46,49 53,36 35,01 38,79 5,66 6,26 5,43 5,74 6,56 6,8 8,08 8,29 10,25 10,29
Checking second GRCG 16,47 18,12 10,77 11,65 1,25 1,39 1,02 0,51 0,51
4-plane 43,41 50,26 33,79 37,82 5,22 5,81 5,14 5,43 6,18 6,4 7,57 7,77 9,58 9,62
Checking both GRCG 16,14 18,03 10,84 11,71 1,33 1,49 1,01 0,49 0,49
4-plane 43,61 50,45 34,11 37,87 5,39 5,99 4,92 5,23 5,88 6,11 7,19 7,43 9,1 9,13
Amount of frames required to render 2000 16×8 pellet sprites on a variety of PC-98 models, using the new generic blitter. Both preshifted (first column) and runtime-shifted (second column) sprites were tested; empty columns correspond to times faster than a single frame. Thanks to cuba200611, Shoutmon, cybermind, and Digmac for running the tests!

The key takeaways:

Since this won't be the only piece of game-independent and explicitly PC-98-specific custom code involved in this delivery, it makes sense to start a dedicated PC-98 platform layer. This code will gradually eliminate the dependency on master.lib and replace it with better optimized and more readable C++ code. The blitting benchmark, for example, is already implemented completely without master.lib.
While this platform layer is mainly written to generate optimal code within Turbo C++ 4.0J, it can also serve as general PC-98 documentation for everyone who prefers code over machine-translating old Japanese books. Not to mention the immediacy of having all actual relevant information in one place, which might otherwise be pretty well hidden in these books, or some obscure old text file. For example, did you know that uploading gaiji via INT 18h might end up disabling the VSync interrupt trigger, deadlocking the process on the next frame delay loop? This nuisance is not replicated by any emulators, and it's quite frustrating to encounter it when trying to run your code on real hardware. master.lib works around it by simply hooking INT 18h and unconditionally reenabling the VSync interrupt trigger after the original handler returns, and so does our platform layer.

So, with the pellet draw calls batched and routed through the new renderer, we should have gained enough free CPU cycles to disable 📝 interlaced pellet rendering without any impact on frame rates?

Well, kinda. We do get 56.4 FPS, but only together with noticeable and reproducible tearing in the top part of the playfield, suggesting exactly why ZUN interlaced the rendering in the first place. 😕 So have we already reached the limit of single-buffered PC-98 games here, or can we still do something about it?
As it turns out, the main bottleneck actually lies in the pellet unblitting code. Every EGC-"accelerated" unblitting call in TH01 is as unbatched as the pellet blitting calls were, spending an additional 17 I/O port writes per call to completely set up and shut down the EGC, every time. And since this is TH01, the two-instruction operation of changing the active PC-98 VRAM page isn't inlined either, but instead done via a function call to a faraway segment. On the 486, that's:

This sums up to

And this calculation even ignores the lack of small micro-optimizations that could further optimize the blitting loop. Multiply that by the game's pellet cap of 100, and we get a 6-digit number of wasted CPU cycles. On paper, that's roughly 1/6 of the time we have for each of our target 56.423 FPS on the game's target 33 MHz systems. Might not sound all too critical, but the single-buffered nature of the game means that we're effectively racing the beam on every frame. In turn, we have to be even more serious about performance.

So, time to also add a batched EGC API to our PC-98 platform layer? Writing our own EGC code presents a nice opportunity to finally look deeper into all its registers and configuration options, and see what exactly we can do about ZUN's enforced 16-pixel alignment.
To nobody's surprise, this alignment is completely unnecessary, and only displays a lack of knowledge about the chip. While it is true that the EGC wants VRAM to be exclusively addressed in 16-bit chunks at 16-bit-aligned addresses, it specifically provides

And it gets even better: After ⌈bitlength ÷ 16⌉ write instructions, the EGC's internal shifter state automatically reinitializes itself in preparation for blitting another row of pixels with the same initially configured bit addresses and length. This is perfect for blitting rectangles, as two I/O port writes before the start of your blitting loop are enough to define your entire rectangle.

The manual nature of reading and writing in 16-pixel chunks does come with a slight pitfall though. If the source bit address is larger than the destination bit address, the first 16-bit read won't fill the EGC's internal shift register with all pixels that should appear in the first 16-pixel destination chunk. In this case, the EGC simply won't write anything and leave the first chunk unchanged. In a 📝 regular blitting loop, however, you expect that memory to be written and immediately move on to the next chunks within the row. As a result, the actual blitting process for such a rectangle will no longer be aligned to the configured address and bit length. The first row of the rectangle will appear 16 pixels to the right of the destination address, and the second one will start at bit offset 0 with pixels from the rightmost byte of the first line, which weren't blitted and remained in the tile register.
There is an easy solution though: Before the horizontal loop on each line of the rectangle, simply read one additional 16-pixel chunk from the source location to prefill the shift register. Thankfully, it's large enough to also fit the second read of the then full 16 pixels, without dropping any pixels along the way.

And that's how we get arbitrarily unaligned rectangle copies with the EGC! Except for a small register allocation trick to use two-register addressing, there's not much use in further optimizations, as the runtime of these inter-page blit operations is dominated by the VRAM page switches anyway.

Except that T98-Next seems to disagree about the register prefilling issue:

Glitched blitting results on T98-Next when trying EGC copies where the source bit address is larger than the destination bit address

Every other emulator agrees with real hardware in this regard, so we can safely assume this to be a bug in T98-Next. Just in case this old emulator with its last release from June 2010 still has any fans left nowadays… For now though, even they can still enjoy the TH01 Anniversary Edition: The only EGC copy algorithm that TH01 actually needs is the left one during the single-buffered tests, which even that emulator gets right.
That only leaves 📝 my old offer of documenting the EGC raster ops, and we've got the EGC figured out completely!

And that did in fact remove tearing from the pellet rendering function! For the first time, we can now fight Elis, Kikuri, Sariel, and Konngara with a doubled pellet frame rate:

Switchable videos like these can nicely provide evidence that these changes have no effect on gameplay, making it easy to see that the Orb still collides with all pellets on the same frames. Also, check out the difference in remaining conventional memory (coreleft)…

With only pellets and no other animation on screen, this exact pattern presents the optimal demonstration case for the new unblitter. But as you can already tell from the invincibility sprites, we'd also need to route every other kind of sprite through the same new code. This isn't all too trivial: Most sprites are still rendered at byte-aligned positions, and their blitting APIs hide that fact by taking a pixel position regardless. This is why we can't just replace ZUN's original 16-pixel-aligned EGC unblitting function with ours, and always have to replace both the blitter and the unblitter on a per-sprite basis.
To completely remove all flickering, we'd also like to get rid of all the sprite-specific unblit ➜ update ➜ render sequences, and instead gather all unblitting code to the beginning of the game loop, before any update and rendering calls. So yeah, it will take a long time to completely get rid of all flickering. Until we're there, I recommend any backer to tell me their favorite boss, so that I can focus on getting that one rendered without any flickering. Remember that here at ReC98, we can have a Touhou character popularity contest at any time during the year, whenever the store is open! :tannedcirno:

In the meantime, the consistent use of 8×8 rectangles during pellet unblitting does significantly reduce flickering across the entire game, and shrinks certain holes that pellets tend to rip into lazily reblitted sprites:

TH01 SinGyoku's crossing pellet pattern in the Anniversary Edition, demonstrating smaller unblitting artifactsThe same frame in the original game, featuring much more giant holes ripped into the sphere sprite
SinGyoku's "crossing pellets" pattern, shortly before completing the transformation back to the sphere.

To round out the first release, I added all the other bug fixes to achieve parity with my previously released patched REIIDEN.EXE builds:

So here it is, the first build of TH01's Anniversary Edition: Edit (2023-03-12): If you're playing on Neko Project and seeing more flickering than in the original game, make sure you've checked the Screen → Disp vsync option.

Next up: The long overdue extended trip through the depths of TH02's low-level code. From what I've seen of it so far, the work on this project is finally going to become a bit more relaxing. Which is quite welcome after, what, 6 months of stressful research-heavy work?

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
nrook, [Anonymous]
🏷️ Tags:

Starting the year with a delivery that wasn't delayed until the last day of the month for once, nice! Still, very soon and high-maintenance did not go well together…

It definitely wasn't Sara's fault though. As you would expect from a Stage 1 Boss, her code was no challenge at all. Most of the TH02, TH04, and TH05 bosses follow the same overall structure, so let's introduce a new table to replace most of the boilerplate overview text:

Phase # Patterns HP boundary Timeout condition
Sprite of Sara in TH05 (Entrance) 4,650 288 frames
2 4 2,550 2,568 frames (= 32 patterns)
3 4 450 5,296 frames (= 24 patterns)
4 1 0 1,300 frames
Total 9 9,452 frames

And that's all the gameplay-relevant detail that ZUN put into Sara's code. It doesn't even make sense to describe the remaining patterns in depth, as their groups can significantly change between difficulties and rank values. The 📝 general code structure of TH05 bosses won't ever make for good-code, but Sara's code is just a lesser example of what I already documented for Shinki.
So, no bugs, no unused content, only inconsequential bloat to be found here, and less than 1 push to get it done… That makes 9 PC-98 Touhou bosses decompiled, with 22 to go, and gets us over the sweet 50% overall finalization mark! 🎉 And sure, it might be possible to pass through the lasers in Sara's final pattern, but the boss script just controls the origin, angle, and activity of lasers, so any quirk there would be part of the laser code… wait, you can do what?!?

TH05 expands TH04's one-off code for Yuuka's Master and Double Sparks into a more featureful laser system, and Sara is the first boss to show it off. Thus, it made sense to look at it again in more detail and finalize the code I had purportedly 📝 reverse-engineered over 4 years ago. That very short delivery notice already hinted at a very time-consuming future finalization of this code, and that prediction certainly came true. On the surface, all of the low-level laser ray rendering and collision detection code is undecompilable: It uses the SI and DI registers without Turbo C++'s safety backups on the stack, and its helper functions take their input and output parameters from convenient registers, completely ignoring common calling conventions. And just to raise the confusion even further, the code doesn't just set these registers for the helper function calls and then restores their original values, but permanently shifts them via additions and subtractions. Unfortunately, these convenient registers also include the BP base pointer to the stack frame of a function… and shifting that register throws any intuition behind accessed local variables right out of the window for a good part of the function, requiring a correctly shifted view of the stack frame just to make sense of it again. :godzun: How could such code even have been written?! This goes well beyond the already wrong assumption that using more stack space is somehow bad, and straight into the territory of self-inflicted pain.

So while it's not a lot of instructions, it's quite dense and really hard to follow. This code would really benefit from a decompilation that anchors all this madness as much as possible in existing C++ structures… so let's decompile it anyway? :tannedcirno:
Doing so would involve emitting lots of raw machine code bytes to hide the SI and DI registers from the compiler, but I already had a certain 📝 batshit insane compiler bug workaround abstraction lying around that could make such code more readable. Hilariously, it only took this one additional use case for that abstraction to reveal itself as premature and way too complicated. :onricdennat: Expanding the core idea into a full-on x86 instruction generator ended up simplifying the code structure a lot. All we really want there is a way to set all potential parameters to e.g. a specific form of the MOV instruction, which can all be expressed as the parameters to a force-inlined __emit__() function. Type safety can help by providing overloads for different operand widths here, but there really is no need for classes, templates, or explicit specialization of templates based on classes. We only need a couple of enums with opcode, register, and prefix constants from the x86 reference documentation, and a set of associated macros that token-paste pseudoregisters onto the prefixes of these enum constants.
And that's how you get a custom compile-time assembler in a 1994 C++ compiler and expand the limits of decompilability even further. What's even truly left now? Self-modifying code, layout tricks that can't be replicated with regularly structured control flow… and that's it. That leaves quite a few functions I previously considered undecompilable to be revisited once I get to work on making this game more portable.

With that, we've turned the low-level laser code into the expected horrible monstrosity that exposes all the hidden complexity in those few ASM instructions. The high-level part should be no big deal now… except that we're immediately bombarded with Fixup overflow errors at link time? Oh well, time to finally learn the true way of fixing this highly annoying issue in a second new piece of decompilation tech – and one that might actually be useful for other x86 Real Mode retro developers at that.
Earlier in the RE history of TH04 and TH05, I often wrote about the need to split the two original code segments into multiple segments within two groups, which makes it possible to slot in code from different translation units at arbitrary places within the original segment. If we don't want to define a unique segment name for each of these slotted-in translation units, we need a way to set custom segment and group names in C land. Turbo C++ offers two #pragmas for that:

For the most part, these #pragmas work well, but they seemed to not help much when it came to calling near functions declared in different segments within the same group. It took a bit of trial and error to figure out what was actually going on in that case, but there is a clear logic to it:

Summarized in code:

#pragma option -zCfoo_TEXT -zPfoo

void bar(void);
void near qux(void); // defined somewhere else, maybe in a different segment

#pragma codeseg baz_TEXT baz

// Despite the segment change in the line above, this function will still be
// put into `foo_TEXT`, the active segment during the first appearance of the
// function name.
void bar(void) {

// This function hasn't been declared yet, so it will go into `baz_TEXT` as
// expected.
void baz(void) {
	// This `near` function pointer will be calculated by subtracting the
	// flat/linear address of qux() inside the binary from the base address
	// of qux()'s declared segment, i.e., `foo_TEXT`.
	void (near *ptr_to_qux)(void) = qux;

So yeah, you might have to put #pragma codeseg into your headers to tell the linker about the correct segment of a near function in advance. 🤯 This is an important insight for everyone using this compiler, and I'm shocked that none of the Borland C++ books documented the interaction of code segment definitions and near references at least at this level of clarity. The TASM manuals did have a few pages on the topic of groups, but that syntax obviously doesn't apply to a C compiler. Fixup overflows in particular are such a common error and really deserved better than the unhelpful 🤷 of an explanation that ended up in the User's Guide. Maybe this whole technique of custom code segment names was considered arcane even by 1993, judging from the mere three sentences that #pragma codeseg was documented with? Still, it must have been common knowledge among Amusement Makers, because they couldn't have built these exact binaries without knowing about these details. This is the true solution to 📝 any issues involving references to near functions, and I'm glad to see that ZUN did not in fact lie to the compiler. 👍

OK, but now the remaining laser code compiles, and we get to write C++ code to draw some hitboxes during the two collision-detected states of each laser. These confirm what the low-level code from earlier already uncovered: Collision detection against lasers is done by testing a 12×12-pixel box at every 16 pixels along the length of a laser, which leaves obvious 4-pixel gaps at regular intervals that the player can just pass through. :zunpet: This adds 📝 yet 📝 another 📝 quirk to the growing list of quirks that were either intentional or must have been deliberately left in the game after their initial discovery. This is what constants were invented for, and there really is no excuse for not using them – especially during intoxicated coding, and/or if you don't have a compile-time abstraction for Q12.4 literals.

When detecting laser collisions, the game checks the player's single center coordinate against any of the aforementioned 12×12-pixel boxes. Therefore, it's correct to split these 12×12 pixels into two 6×6-pixel boxes and assign the other half to the player for a more natural visualization. Always remember that hitbox visualizations need to keep all colliding entities in mind – 📝 assigning a constant-sized hitbox to "the player" and "the bullets" will be wrong in most other cases.

Using subpixel coordinates in collision detection also introduces a slight inaccuracy into any hitbox visualization recorded in-engine on a 16-color PC-98. Since we have to render discrete pixels, we cannot exactly place a Q12.4 coordinate in the 93.75% of cases where the fractional part is non-zero. This is why pretty much every laser segment hitbox in the video above shows up as 7×7 rather than 6×6: The actual W×H area of each box is 13 pixels smaller, but since the hitbox lies between these pixels, we cannot indicate where it lies exactly, and have to err on the side of caution. It's also why Reimu's box slightly changes size as she moves: Her non-diagonal movement speed is 3.5 pixels per frame, and the constant focused movement in the video above halves that to 1.75 pixels, making her end up on an exact pixel every 4 frames. Looking forward to the glorious future of displays that will allow us to scale up the playfield to 16× its original pixel size, thus rendering the game at its exact internal resolution of 6144×5888 pixels. Such a port would definitely add a lot of value to the game…

The remaining high-level laser code is rather unremarkable for the most part, but raises one final interesting question: With no explicitly defined limit, how wide can a laser be? Looking at the laser structure's 1-byte width field and the unsigned comparisons all throughout the update and rendering code, the answer seems to be an obvious 255 pixels. However, the laser system also contains an automated shrinking state, which can be most notably seen in Mai's wheel pattern. This state shrinks a laser by 2 pixels every 2 frames until it reached a width of 0. This presents a problem with odd widths, which would fall below 0 and overflow back to 255 due to the unsigned nature of this variable. So rather than, I don't know, treating width values of 0 as invalid and stopping at a width of 1, or even adding a condition for that specific case, the code just performs a signed comparison, effectively limiting the width of a shrinkable laser to a maximum of 127 pixels. :zunpet: This small signedness inconsistency now forces the distinction between shrinkable and non-shrinkable lasers onto every single piece of code that uses lasers. Yet another instance where 📝 aiming for a cinematic 30 FPS look made the resulting code much more complicated than if ZUN had just evenly spread out the subtraction across 2 frames. 🤷
Oh well, it's not as if any of the fixed lasers in the original scripts came close to any of these limits. Moving lasers are much more streamlined and limited to begin with: Since they're hardcoded to 6 pixels, the game can safely assume that they're always thinner than the 28 pixels they get gradually widened to during their decay animation.

Finally, in case you were missing a mention of hitboxes in the previous paragraph: Yes, the game always uses the aforementioned 12×12 boxes, regardless of a laser's width.

This video also showcases the 127-pixel limit because I wanted to include the shrink animation for a seamless loop.

That was what, 50% of this blog post just being about complications that made laser difficult for no reason? Next up: The first TH01 Anniversary Edition build, where I finally get to reap the rewards of having a 100% decompiled game and write some good code for once.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
Arandui, alp-bib
🏷️ Tags:
> "OK, TH03/TH04/TH05 cutscenes done, let's quickly finish the Touhou Patch Center MediaWiki upgrade. Just some scripting and verification left, it will be done so quickly that I don't even have to mention it on this blog" > Still not done after 3 weeks > Blocked by one final critical bug that really should be fixed upstream > Code reviewers are probably on vacation

And so, the year unfortunately ended with yet another slow month. During the MediaWiki upgrade, I was slowly decompiling the TH05 Sara fight on the side, but stumbled over one interesting but high-maintenance detail there that would really enhance her blog post. TH02 would need a lot of attention for the basic rendering calls as well…

…so let's end the year with Shuusou Gyoku instead, looking at its most critical issue in particular. As if that were the easy option here… :tannedcirno:
The game does not run properly on modern Windows systems due to its usage of the ancient DirectDraw APIs, with issues ranging from unbearable slowdown to glitched colors to the game not even starting at all. Thankfully, Shuusou Gyoku is not the only ancient Windows game affected by these issues, and people have developed a variety of generic DirectDraw wrappers and patches for playing such games on modern systems. Out of all these, DDrawCompat is one of the simpler solutions for Shuusou Gyoku in particular: Just drop its ddraw proxy DLL into the game directory, and the game will run as it's supposed to.
So let's just bundle that DLL with all my future Shuusou Gyoku releases then? That would have been the quick and dirty option, coming with several drawbacks:

Fortunately, I had the budget to dig a bit deeper and figure out what exactly DDrawCompat does to make Shuusou Gyoku work properly. Turns out that among all the hooks and patches, the game only needs the most central one: Enforcing a 32-bit display mode regardless of whatever lower bit depth the game requests natively, combined with converting the game's pixel buffer to 32-bit on the fly.
So does this mean that adding 32-bit to the game's list of supported bit depths is everything we have to do?

The new 32-bit rendering option in the Shuusou Gyoku P0226 build.
Interestingly, Shuusou Gyoku already saved the DirectDraw enumeration flag that indicates support for 32-bit display modes. The official version just did nothing with it.

Well, almost everything. Initially, this surprised me as well: With all the if statements checking for precise bit depths, you would think that supporting one more bit depth would be way harder in this code base. As it turned out though, these conditional branches are not really about 8-bit or 16-bit color for the most part, but instead differentiate between two very distinct rendering approaches:

Consequently, most of these branches deal with differences between these two approaches that couldn't be nicely abstracted away in pbg's renderer interface: Specific palette changes that are exclusive to "8-bit" mode, or certain entities and effects whose Direct3D draw calls in "16-bit" mode require tailor-made approximations for the "8-bit" mode. Since our new 32-bit mode is equivalent to the 16-bit mode in all of these branches, I only needed to replace the raw number comparisons with more meaningful method calls.

That only left a very small number of 2D raster effects that directly write to or read from DirectDraw surface memory, and therefore do need to know the bit size of each pixel. Thanks to std::variant and std::visit(), adding 32-bit support becomes trivial here: By rewriting the code in a generic manner that derives all offsets from the template type, you only have to say hey, I'd like to have 32-bit as well, and C++ will automatically instantiate correct 32-bit variants of all bit depth-dependent code snippets.
There are only three features in the entire game that access pixel buffers this way: a color key retrieval function, the lens ball animation on the logo screen, and… the ending staff roll? Sure, the text sprites fade in and out, but so does the picture next to it, using Direct3D alpha blending or palette color ramping depending on the current rendering mode. Instead, the only reason why these sprites directly access their pixel buffer is… an unused and pretty wild spiral effect. 😮 It's still part of the code, and only doesn't show up because the parameters that control its timing were commented out before release:

They probably considered it too wild for the mood of this ending.
The main ending text was the only remaining issue of mojibake present in my previous Shuusou Gyoku builds, and is now fixed as well. Windows can render Shift-JIS text via GDI even outside Japanese locale, but only when explicitly selecting a font that supports the SHIFTJIS_CHARSET, and the game simply didn't select any font for rendering this text. Thus, GDI fell back onto its default font, which obviously is only guaranteed to support the SHIFTJIS_CHARSET if your system locale is set to Japanese. This is why the font in the original game might look different between systems. For my build, I chose the font that would appear on a clean Windows installation – a basic 400-weighted MS Gothic at font size 16, which is already used all throughout the game.

Alright, 32-bit mode complete, let's set it as the default if possible… and break compatibility to the original 秋霜CFG.DAT format in the process? When validating this file, the original game only allows the originally supported 8-bit or 16-bit modes. Setting the BitDepth field to any other value causes the entire file to be reset to its defaults, re-locking the Extra Stage in the process. :onricdennat:
Introducing a backward-compatible version system for 秋霜CFG.DAT was beyond the scope of this push. Changing the validation to a per-field approach was a good small first step to take though. The new build no longer validates the BitDepth field against a fixed list, but against the actually supported bit depths on your system, picking a different supported one if necessary. With the original approach, this would have caused your entire configuration to fail the validation check. Instead, you can now safely update to the new build without losing your option settings, or your previously unlocked access to the Extra Stage.
Side note: The validation limit for starting bombs is off by one, and the one for starting lives check is off by two. By modifying 秋霜CFG.DAT, you could theoretically get new games to start with 7 lives and 3 bombs… if you then calculate a correct checksum for your hacked config file, that is. 🧑‍💻

Interestingly, DirectDraw doesn't even indicate support for 8-bit or 16-bit color on systems that are affected by the initially mentioned issues. Therefore, these issues are not the fault of DirectDraw, but of Shuusou Gyoku, as the original release requested a bit depth that it has even verified to be unsupported. Unfortunately, Windows sides with Sim City Shuusou Gyoku here: If you previously experimented with the Windows app compatibility settings, you might have ended up with the DWM8And16BitMitigation flag assigned to the full file path of your Shuusou Gyoku executable in either

As the term mitigation suggests, these modes are (poorly) emulated, which is exactly what causes the issues with this game in the first place. Sure, this might be the lesser evil from the point of view of an operating system: If you don't have the budget for a full-blown DDrawCompat-style DirectDraw wrapper, you might consider it better for users to have the game run poorly than have it fail at startup due to incorrect API usage. Controlling this with a flag that sticks around for future runs of a binary is definitely suboptimal though, especially given how hard it is to programmatically remove this flag within the binary itself. It only adds additional complexity to the ideal clean upgrade path.
So, make sure to check your registry and manually remove these flags for the time being. Without them, the new Config → Graphic menu will correctly prevent you from selecting anything else but 32-bit on modern Windows.

After all that, there was just enough time left in this push to implement basic locale independence, as requested by the Seihou development Discord group, without looking into automatic fixes for previous mojibake filenames yet. Combining std::filesystem::path with the native Win32 API should be straightforward and bloat-free, especially with all the abstractions I've been building, right?
Well, turns out that std::filesystem::path does not actually meet my expectations. At least as long as it's not constexpr-enabled, because you still get the unfortunate conversion from narrow to wide encoding at runtime, even for globals with static storage duration. That brings us back to writing our path abstraction in terms of the regular std::string and std::wstring containers, which at least allow us to enforce the respective encoding at compile time. Even std::string_view only adds to the complexity here, as its strings are never inherently null-terminated, which is required by both the POSIX and Win32 APIs. Not to mention dynamic filenames: C++20's std::format() would be the obvious idiomatic choice here, but using it almost doubles the size of the compiled binary… 🤮
In the end, the most bloat-free way of implementing C++ file I/O in 2023 is still the same as it was 30 years ago: Call system APIs, roll a custom abstraction that conditionally uses the L prefix, and pass around raw pointers. And if you need a dynamic filename, just write the dynamic characters into arrays at fixed positions. Just as PC-98 Touhou used to do… :zunpet:
Oh, and the game's window also uses a Unicode title bar now.

And that's it for this push! Make sure to rename your configuration (秋霜CFG.DAT), score (秋霜SC.DAT), and replay (秋霜りぷ*.DAT) filenames if you were previously running the game on a non-Japanese locale, and then grab the new build:

:sh01: Shuusou Gyoku P0226

With that, we've got the most critical bugs out of the way, but the number of potential fixes and features in Shuusou Gyoku has only increased. Looking forward to what's next in this apparent Seihou revolution, later in 2023!

Next up: Starting the new year with all my plans hopefully working out for once. TH05 Sara very soon, ZMBV code review afterward, low-hanging fruit of the TH01 Anniversary Edition after that, and then kicking off TH02 with a bunch of low-level blitting code.

📝 Posted:
💰 Funded by:
rosenrose, Blue Bolt, Splashman, -Tom-, Yanga, Enderwolf, 32th System
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