Last blog post before the 100% completion of TH01! The final parts of
REIIDEN.EXE would feel rather out of place in a celebratory
blog post, after all. They provided quite a neat summary of the typical
technical details that are wrong with this game, and that I now get to
mention for one final time:
The Orb's animation cycle is maybe two frames shorter than it should
have been, showing its last sprite for just 1 frame rather than 3:
The text in the Pause and Continue menus is not quite correctly
The memory info screen hides quite a bit of information about the .PTN
buffers, and obscures even the info that it does show behind
misleading labels. The most vital information would have been that ZUN could
have easily saved 20% of the memory by using a structure without the
unneeded alpha plane… Oh, and the REWIRTE option
mapped to the ⬇️ down arrow key simply redraws the info screen. Might be
useful after a NODE CHEAK, which replaces the output
with its own, but stays within the same input loop.
But hey, there's an error message if you start REIIDEN.EXE
without a resident MDRV2 or a correctly prepared resident structure! And
even a good, user-friendly one, asking the user to launch the batch file
instead. For some reason, this convenience went out of fashion in the later
The Game Over animation (how fitting) gives us TH01's final piece of weird
sprite blitting code, which seriously manages to include 2 bugs and 3 quirks
in under 50 lines of code. In test mode (game t or game
d), you can trigger this effect by pressing the ⬇️ down arrow key,
which certainly explains why I encountered seemingly random Game Over events
during all the tests I did with this game…
The animation appears to have changed quite a bit during development, to the
point that probably even ZUN himself didn't know what he wanted it to look
like in the end:
Finally, we get to the big main() function, serving as the duct
tape that holds this game together. It may read rather disorganized with all
the (actually necessary) assignments and function calls, but the only
actual minor issue I've seen there is that you're robbed of any
pellet destroy bonus collected on the final frame of the final boss. There
is a certain charm in directly nesting the infinite main gameplay loop
within the infinite per-life loop within the infinite stage loop. But come
on, why is there no fourth scene loop? Instead, the
game just starts a new REIIDEN.EXE process before and after a
boss fight. With all the wildly mutated global state, that was probably a
much saner choice.
The final secrets can be found in the debug stage selection. ZUN
implemented the prompts using the C standard library's scanf()
function, which is the natural choice for quick-and-dirty testing features
like this one. However, the C standard library is also complete and utter
trash, and so it's not surprising that both of the scanf()
calls do… well, probably not what ZUN intended. The guaranteed out-of-bounds
memory access in the select_flag route prompt thankfully has no
real effect on the game, but it gets really interesting with the 面数 stage prompt.
Back in 2020, I already wrote about
📝 stages 21-24, and how they're loaded from actual data that ZUN shipped with the game.
As it now turns out, the code that maps stage IDs to STAGE?.DAT
scene numbers contains an explicit branch that maps any (1-based) stage
number ≥21 to scene 7. Does this mean that an Extra Stage was indeed planned
at some point? That branch seems way too specific to just be meant as a
fallback. Maybe
Asprey was on to something after all…
However, since ZUN passed the stage ID as a signed integer to
scanf(), you can also enter negative numbers. The only place
that kind of accidentally checks for them is the aforementioned stage
ID → scene mapping, which ensures that (1-based) stages < 5 use
the shrine's background image and BGM. With no checks anywhere else, we get
a new set of "glitch stages":
The scene loading function takes the entered 0-based stage ID value modulo
5, so these 4 are the only ones that "exist", and lower stage numbers will
simply loop around to them. When loading these stages, the function accesses
the data in REIIDEN.EXE that lies before the statically
allocated 5-element stages-of-scene array, which happens to encompass
Borland C++'s locale and exception handling data, as well as a small bit of
ZUN's global variables. In particular, the obstacle/card HP on the tile I
highlighted in green corresponds to the
lowest byte of the 32-bit RNG seed. If it weren't for that and the fact that
the obstacles/card HP on the few tiles before are similarly controlled by
the x86 segment values of certain initialization function addresses, these
glitch stages would be completely deterministic across PC-98 systems, and
technically canon…
Stage -4 is the only playable one here as it's the only stage to end up
below the
📝 heap corruption limit of 102 stage objects.
Completing it loads Stage -3, which crashes with a Divide Error
just like it does if it's directly selected. Unsurprisingly, this happens
because all 50 card bytes at that memory location are 0, so one division (or
in this case, modulo operation) by the number of cards is enough to crash
the game.
Stage -5 is modulo'd to 0 and thus loads the first regular stage. The only
apparent broken element there is the timer, which is handled by a completely
different function that still operates with a (0-based) stage ID value of
-5. Completing the stage loads Stage -4, which also crashes, but only
because its 61 cards naturally cause the
📝 stack overflow in the flip-in animation for any stage with more than 50 cards.
And that's REIIDEN.EXE, the biggest and most bloated PC-98
Touhou executable, fully decompiled! Next up: Finishing this game with the
main menu, and hoping I'll actually pull it off within 24 hours. (If I do,
we might all have to thank 32th
System, who independently decompiled half of the remaining 14
More than 50% of all PC-98 Touhou game code has now been
reverse-engineered! 🎉 While this number isn't equally distributed among the
games, we've got one game very close to 100% and reverse-engineered most of
the core features of two others. During the last 32 months of continuous
funding, I've averaged an overall speed of 1.11% total RE per month. That
looks like a decent prediction of how much more time it will take for 100%
across all games – unless, of course, I'd get to work towards some of the
non-RE goals in the meantime.
70 functions left in TH01, with less than 10,000 ASM instructions
remaining! Due to immense hype, I've temporarily raised the cap by 50% until
August 15. With the last TH01 pushes delivering at roughly 1.5× of the
currently calculated average speed, that should be more than enough to get
TH01 done – especially since I expect YuugenMagan to come with lots of
redundant code. Therefore, please also request a secondary priority for
these final TH01 RE contributions.
So, how did this card-flipping stage obstacle delivery get so horribly
delayed? With all the different layouts showcased in the 28 card-flipping
stages, you'd expect this to be among the more stable and bug-free parts of
the codebase. Heck, with all stage objects being placed on a 32×32-pixel
grid, this is the first TH01-related blog post this year that doesn't have
to describe an alignment-related unblitting glitch!
That alone doesn't mean that this code is free from quirky behavior though,
and we have to look no further than the first few lines of the collision
handling for round bumpers to already find a whole lot of that. Simplified,
they do the following:
Immediately, you wonder why these assignments only exist for the Y
coordinate. Sure, hitting a bumper from the left or right side should happen
less often, but it's definitely possible. Is it really a good idea to warp
the Orb to the top or bottom edge of a bumper regardless?
What's more important though: The fact that these immediate assignments
exist at all. The game's regular Orb physics work by producing a Y velocity
from the single force acting on the Orb and a gravity factor, and are
completely independent of its current Y position. A bumper collision does
also apply a new force onto the Orb further down in the code, but these
assignments still bypass the physics system and are bound to have
some knock-on effect on the Orb's movement.
To observe that effect, we just have to enter Stage 18 on the 地獄/Jigoku route, where it's particularly trivial to
reproduce. At a 📝 horizontal velocity of ±4,
these assignments are exactly what can cause the Orb to endlessly
bounce between two bumpers. As rudimentary as the Orb's physics may be, just
letting them do their work would have entirely prevented these loops:
One of at least three infinite bumper loop constellations within just
this 10×5-tile section of TH01's Stage 18 on the 地獄/Jigoku route. With an effective 56 horizontal
pixels between both hitboxes, the Orb would have to travel an absolute
Y distance of at least 16 vertical pixels within
(56 / 4) = 14 frames to escape the
other bumper's hitbox. If the initial bounce reduces the Orb's Y
velocity far enough for it to not manage that distance the first time,
it will never reach the necessary speed again. In this loop, the
bounce-off force even stabilizes, though this doesn't have to happen.
The blue areas indicate the pixel-perfect* hitboxes of each bumper.
TH01 bumper collision handling without ZUN's manual assignment of the Y
coordinate. The Orb still bounces back and forth between two bumpers
for a while, but its top position always follows naturally
from its Y velocity and the force applied to it, and gravity wins out
in the end. The blue areas indicate the pixel-perfect* hitboxes of each bumper.
Now, you might be thinking that these Y assignments were just an attempt to
prevent the Orb from colliding with the same bumper again on the next frame.
After all, those 24 pixels exactly correspond to ⅓ of the height of a
bumper's hitbox with an additional pixel added on top. However, the game
already perfectly prevents repeated collisions by turning off collision
testing with the same bumper for the next 7 frames after a collision. Thus,
we can conclude that ZUN either explicitly coded bumper collision handling
to facilitate these loops, or just didn't take out that code after
inevitably discovering what it did. This is not janky code, it's not a
glitch, it's not sarcasm from my end, and it's not the game's physics being
But wait. Couldn't these assignments just be a remnant from a time in
development before ZUN decided on the 7-frame delay on further
collisions? Well, even that explanation stops holding water after the next
few lines of code. Simplified, again:
What's important here is the part that's not in the code – namely,
anything that handles X velocities of -8 or +8. In those cases, the Orb
simply continues in the same horizontal direction. The manual Y assignment
is the only part of the code that actually prevents a collision there, as
the newly applied force is not guaranteed to be enough:
An infinite loop across three bumpers, made possible by the edge of the
playfield and bumper bars on opposite sides, an unchanged horizontal
direction, and the Y assignments neatly placing the Orb on either the
top or bottom side of a bumper. The alternating sign of the force
further ensures that the Orb will travel upwards half the time,
canceling out gravity during the short time between two hitboxes.
With the unchanged horizontal direction and the Y assignments removed,
nothing keeps an Orb at ±8 pixels per frame from flying into/over a
bumper. The collision force pushes the Orb slightly, but not enough to
truly matter. The final force sends the Orb on a significant downward
trajectory beyond the next bumper's hitbox, breaking the original loop.
Forgetting to handle ⅖ of your discrete X velocity cases is simply not
something you do by accident. So we might as well say that ZUN deliberately
designed the game to behave exactly as it does in this regard.
Bumpers also come in vertical or horizontal bar shapes. Their collision
handling also turns off further collision testing for the next 7 frames, and
doesn't do any manual coordinate assignment. That's definitely a step up in
cleanliness from round bumpers, but it doesn't seem to keep in mind that the
player can fire a new shot every 4 frames when standing still. That makes it
immediately obvious why this works:
The green numbers show the amount of
frames since the last detected collision with the respective bumper bar,
and indicate that collision testing with the bar below is currently
That's the most well-known case of reducing the Orb's horizontal velocity to
0 by exactly hitting it with shots in its center and then button-mashing it
through a horizontal bar. This also works with vertical bars and yields even
more interesting results there, but if we want to have any chance of
understanding what happens there, we have to first go over some basics:
Collision detection for all stage obstacles is done in row-major
order from the top-left to the bottom-right corner of the
All obstacles are collision-tested independently from each other, with
the collision response code immediately following the test.
The hitboxes for bumper bars extend far past their 32×32 sprites to make
sure that the Orb can collide with them from any side. They are a
pixel-perfect* 87×56 pixels for horizontal bars, and 57×87 pixels for
vertical ones. Yes, that's no typo, they really do differ in one pixel.
Changing the Y velocity during such a collision just involves applying a
new force with the magnitude of the negated current Y velocity, which can be
done multiple times during a frame without changing the result. This
explains why the force is correctly inverted in the clip above, despite the
Orb colliding with two bumpers simultaneously.
Lacking a similar force system, the X coordinate is simply directly
However, if that were everything the game did, kicking the Orb into a column
of vertical bumper bars would lead them to behave more like a rope that the
Orb can climb, as the initial collision with two hitboxes cancels out the
intended sign change that reflects the Orb away from the bars:
This footage was recorded without the workaround I am about to describe.
It does not reflect the behavior of the original game. You
cannot do this in the original game.
While the visualization reveals small sections where three hitboxes
overlap, the Orb can never actually collide with three of them at the
same time, as those 3-hitbox regions are 2 pixels smaller than they
would need to be to fit the Orb. That's exactly the difference between
using < rather than <= in these hitbox
While that would have been a fun gameplay mechanic on its own, it
immediately breaks apart once you place two vertical bumper bars next to
each other. Due to how these bumper bar hitboxes extend past their sprites,
any two adjacent vertical bars will end up with the exact same hitbox in
absolute screen coordinates. Stage 17 on the
魔界/Makai route contains exactly such a layout:
The collision handlers of adjacent vertical bars always activate in the
same frame, independently invert the Orb's X velocity, and therefore
fully cancel out their intended effect on the Orb… if the game did not
have the workaround I am about to describe. This cannot happen
in the original game.
ZUN's workaround: Setting a "vertical bumper bar block flag" after any
collision with such a bar, which simply disables any collision with
any vertical bar for the next 7 frames. This quick hack made all
vertical bars work as intended, and avoided the need for involving the Orb's
X velocity in any kind of physics system.
Edit (2022-07-12): This flag only works around glitches
that would be caused by simultaneously colliding with more than one vertical
bar. The actual response to a bumper bar collision still remains unaffected,
and is very naive:
Horizontal bars always invert the Orb's Y velocity
Vertical bars invert either the Y or X velocity depending on whether
the Orb's current X velocity is 0 (Y) or not (X)
These conditions are only correct if the Orb comes in at an angle roughly
between 45° and 135° on either side of a bar. If it's anywhere close to 0°
or 180°, this response will be incorrect, and send the Orb straight
through the bar. Since the large hitboxes make this easily possible, you can
still get the Orb to climb a vertical column, or glide along a horizontal
Here's the hitbox overlay for
地獄/Jigoku Stage 19, and here's an updated
version of the 📝 Orb physics debug mod that
now also shows bumper bar collision frame numbers:
See the th01_orb_debug
branch for the code. To use it, simply replace REIIDEN.EXE, and
run the game in debug mode, via game d on the DOS prompt. If you
encounter a gameplay situation that doesn't seem to be covered by this blog
post, you can now verify it for yourself. Thanks to touhou-memories for bringing these
issues to my attention! That definitely was a glaring omission from the
initial version of this blog post.
With that clarified, we can now try mashing the Orb into these two vertical
At first, that workaround doesn't seem to make a difference here. As we
expect, the frame numbers now tell us that only one of the two bumper bars
in a row activates, but we couldn't have told otherwise as the number of
bars has no effect on newly applied Y velocity forces. On a closer look, the
Orb's rise to the top of the playfield is in fact caused by that
workaround though, combined with the unchanged top-to-bottom order of
collision testing. As soon as any bumper bar completed its 7
collision delay frames, it resets the aforementioned flag, which already
reactivates collision handling for any remaining vertical bumper bars during
the same frame. Look out for frames with both a 7 and a 1, like the one marked in the video above:
The 7 will always appear before
the 1 in the row-major order. Whenever
this happens, the current oscillation period is cut down from 7 to 6
frames – and because collision testing runs from top to bottom, this will
always happen during the falling part. Depending on the Y velocity, the
rising part may also be cut down to 6 frames from time to time, but that one
at least has a chance to last for the full 7 frames. This difference
adds those crucial extra frames of upward movement, which add up to send the
Orb to the top. Without the flag, you'd always see the Orb oscillating
between a fixed range of the bar column.
Finally, it's the "top of playfield" force that gradually slows down the Orb
and makes sure it ultimately only moves at sub-pixel velocities, which have
no visible effect. Because
📝 the regular effect of gravity is reset with
each newly applied force, it's completely negated during most of the climb.
This even holds true once the Orb reached the top: Since the Orb requires a
negative force to repeatedly arrive up there and be bounced back, this force
will stay active for the first 5 of the 7 collision frames and not move the
Orb at all. Once gravity kicks in at the 5th frame and adds 1 to
the Y velocity, it's already too late: The new velocity can't be larger than
0.5, and the Orb only has 1 or 2 frames before the flag reset causes it to
be bounced back up to the top again.
Portals, on the other hand, turn out to be much simpler than the old
description that ended up on Touhou Wiki in October 2005 might suggest.
Everything about their teleportations is random: The destination portal, the
exit force (as an integer between -9 and +9), as well as the exit X
velocity, with each of the
📝 5 distinct horizontal velocities having an
equal chance of being chosen. Of course, if the destination portal is next
to the left or right edge of the playfield and it chooses to fire the Orb
towards that edge, it immediately bounces off into the opposite direction,
whereas the 0 velocity is always selected with a constant 20% probability.
The selection process for the destination portal involves a bit more than a
single rand() call. The game bundles all obstacles in a single
structure of dynamically allocated arrays, and only knows how many obstacles
there are in total, not per type. Now, that alone wouldn't have much
of an impact on random portal selection, as you could simply roll a random
obstacle ID and try again if it's not a portal. But just to be extra cute,
ZUN instead iterates over all obstacles, selects any non-entered portal with
a chance of ¼, and just gives up if that dice roll wasn't successful after
16 loops over the whole array, defaulting to the entered portal in that
In all its silliness though, this works perfectly fine, and results in a
chance of 0.7516(𝑛 - 1) for the Orb exiting out of the
same portal it entered, with 𝑛 being the total number of portals in a
stage. That's 1% for two portals, and 0.01% for three. Pretty decent for a
random result you don't want to happen, but that hurts nobody if it does.
The one tiny ZUN bug with portals is technically not even part of the newly
decompiled code here. If Reimu gets hit while the Orb is being sent through
a portal, the Orb is immediately kicked out of the portal it entered, no
matter whether it already shows up inside the sprite of the destination
portal. Neither of the two portal sprites is reset when this happens,
leading to "two Orbs" being visible simultaneously.
This makes very little sense no matter how you look at it. The Orb doesn't
receive a new velocity or force when this happens, so it will simply
re-enter the same portal once the gameplay resumes on Reimu's next life:
That left another ½ of a push over at the end. Way too much time to finish
FUUIN.exe, way too little time to start with Mima… but the bomb
animation fit perfectly in there. No secrets or bugs there, just a bunch of
sprite animation code wasting at least another 82 bytes in the data segment.
The special effect after the kuji-in sprites uses the same single-bitplane
32×32 square inversion effect seen at the end of Kikuri's and Sariel's
entrance animation, except that it's a 3-stack of 16-rings moving at 6, 7,
and 8 pixels per frame respectively. At these comparatively slow speeds, the
byte alignment of each square adds some further noise to the discoloration
pattern… if you even notice it below all the shaking and seizure-inducing
hardware palette manipulation.
And yes, due to the very destructive nature of the effect, the game does in
fact rely on it only being applied to VRAM page 0. While that will cause
every moving sprite to tear holes into the inverted squares along its
trajectory, keeping a clean playfield on VRAM page 1 is what allows all that
pixel damage to be easily undone at the end of this 89-frame animation.
Next up: Mima! Let's hope that stage obstacles already were the most complex
part remaining in TH01…
Of course, Sariel's potentially bloated and copy-pasted code is blocked by
even more definitely bloated and copy-pasted code. It's TH01, what did you
But even then, TH01's item code is on a new level of software architecture
ridiculousness. First, ZUN uses distinct arrays for both types of items,
with their own caps of 4 for bomb items, and 10 for point items. Since that
obviously makes any type-related switch statement redundant,
he also used distinct functions for both types, with copy-pasted
boilerplate code. The main per-item update and render function is
shared though… and takes every single accessed member of the item
structure as its own reference parameter. Like, why, you have a
structure, right there?! That's one way to really practice the C++ language
concept of passing arbitrary structure fields by mutable reference…
To complete the unwarranted grand generic design of this function, it calls
back into per-type collision detection, drop, and collect functions with
another three reference parameters. Yeah, why use C++ virtual methods when
you can also implement the effectively same polymorphism functionality by
hand? Oh, and the coordinate clamping code in one of these callbacks could
only possibly have come from nested min() and
max() preprocessor macros. And that's how you extend such
dead-simple functionality to 1¼ pushes…
Amidst all this jank, we've at least got a sensible item↔player hitbox this
time, with 24 pixels around Reimu's center point to the left and right, and
extending from 24 pixels above Reimu down to the bottom of the playfield.
It absolutely didn't look like that from the initial naive decompilation
though. Changing entity coordinates from left/top to center was one of the
better lessons from TH01 that ZUN implemented in later games, it really
makes collision detection code much more intuitive to grasp.
The card flip code is where we find out some slightly more interesting
aspects about item drops in this game, and how they're controlled by a
hidden cycle variable:
At the beginning of every 5-stage scene, this variable is set to a
random value in the [0..59] range
Point items are dropped at every multiple of 10
Every card flip adds 1 to its value after this mod 10
At a value of 140, the point item is replaced with a bomb item, but only
if no damaging bomb is active. In any case, its value is then reset to
Then again, score players largely ignore point items anyway, as card
combos simply have a much bigger effect on the score. With this, I should
have RE'd all information necessary to construct a tool-assisted score run,
though? Edit: Turns out that 1) point items are becoming
increasingly important in score runs, and 2) Pearl already did a TAS some
months ago. Thanks to
spaztron64 for the info!
The Orb↔card hitbox also makes perfect sense, with 24 pixels around
the center point of a card in every direction.
The rest of the code confirms the
flip score formula documented on Touhou Wiki, as well as the way cards
are flipped by bombs: During every of the 90 "damaging" frames of the
140-frame bomb animation, there is a 75% chance to flip the card at the
[bomb_frame % total_card_count_in_stage] array index. Since
stages can only have up to 50 cards
📝 thanks to a bug, even a 75% chance is high
enough to typically flip most cards during a bomb. Each of these flips
still only removes a single card HP, just like after a regular collision
with the Orb.
Also, why are the card score popups rendered before the cards
themselves? That's two needless frames of flicker during that 25-frame
animation. Not all too noticeable, but still.
And that's over 50% of REIIDEN.EXE decompiled as well! Next
up: More HUD update and rendering code… with a direct dependency on
rank pellet speed modifications?
So, only one card-flipping function missing, and then we can start
decompiling TH01's two final bosses? Unfortunately, that had to be the one
big function that initializes and renders all gameplay objects. #17 on the
list of longest functions in all of PC-98 Touhou, requiring two pushes to
fully understand what's going on there… and then it immediately returns
for all "boss" stages whose number is divisible by 5, yet is still called
during Sariel's and Konngara's initialization 🤦
Oh well. This also involved the final file format we hadn't looked at
yet – the STAGE?.DAT files that describe the layout for all
stages within a single 5-stage scene. Which, for a change is a very
well-designed form– no, of course it's completely weird, what did you
expect? Development must have looked somewhat like this:
Weirdness #1: "Hm, the stage format should
include the file names for the background graphics and music… or should
it?" And so, the 22-byte header still references some music and
background files that aren't part of the final game. The game doesn't use
anything from there, and instead derives those file names from the
scene ID.
That's probably nothing new to anyone who has ever looked at TH01's data
files. In a slightly more interesting discovery though, seeing the
📝 .GRF extension, in some of the file names
that are short enough to not cut it off, confirms that .GRF was initially
used for background images. Probably before ZUN learned about .PI, and how
it achieves better compression than his own per-bitplane RLE approach?
Weirdness #2: "Hm, I might want to put
obstacles on top of cards?" You'd probably expect this format to
contain one single array for every stage, describing which object to place
on every 32×32 tile, if any. Well, the real format uses two arrays:
One for the cards, and a combined one for all "obstacles" – bumpers, bumper
bars, turrets, and portals. However, none of the card-flipping stages in
the final game come with any such overlaps. That's quite unfortunate, as it
would have made for some quite interesting level designs:
As you can see, the final version of the blitting code was not written
with such overlaps in mind either, blitting the cards on top of all
the obstacles, and not the other way round.
Weirdness #3: "In contrast to obstacles, of
which there are multiple types, cards only really need 1 bit. Time for some
bit twiddling!" Not the worst idea, given that the 640×336 playfield
can fit 20×10 cards, which would fit exactly into 25 bytes if you use a
single bit to indicate card or no card. But for whatever
reason, ZUN only stored 4 card bits per byte, leaving the other 4 bits
unused, and needlessly blowing up that array to 50 bytes. 🤷
Oh, and did I mention that the contents of the STAGE?.DAT files are
loaded into the main data segment, even though the game immediately parses
them into something more conveniently accessible? That's another 1250 bytes
of memory wasted for no reason…
Weirdness #4: "Hm, how about requiring the
player to flip some of the cards multiple times? But I've already written
all this bit twiddling code to store 4 cards in 1 byte. And if cards should
need anywhere from 1 to 4 flips, that would need at least 2 more bits,
which won't fit into the unused 4 bits either…" This feature
must have come later, because the final game uses 3 "obstacle" type
IDs to act as a flip count modifier for a card at the same relative array
position. Complete with lookup code to find the actual card index these
modifiers belong to, and ridiculous switch statements to not include
those non-obstacles in the game's internal obstacle array.
With all that, it's almost not worth mentioning how there are 12 turret
types, which only differ in which hardcoded pellet group they fire at a
hardcoded interval of either 100 or 200 frames, and that they're all
explicitly spelled out in every single switch statement. Or
how the layout of the internal card and obstacle SoA classes is quite
disjointed. So here's the new ZUN bugs you've probably already been
Cards and obstacles are blitted to both VRAM pages. This way, any other
entities moving on top of them can simply be unblitted by restoring pixels
from VRAM page 1, without requiring the stationary objects to be redrawn
from main memory. Obviously, the backgrounds behind the cards have to be
stored somewhere, since the player can remove them. For faster transitions
between stages of a scene, ZUN chose to store the backgrounds behind
obstacles as well. This way, the background image really only needs to be
blitted for the first stage in a scene.
All that memory for the object backgrounds adds up quite a bit though. ZUN
actually made the correct choice here and picked a memory allocation
function that can return more than the 64 KiB of a single x86 Real Mode
segment. He then accesses the individual backgrounds via regular array
subscripts… and that's where the bug lies, because he stores the returned
address in a regular far pointer rather than a
huge one. This way, the game still can only display a
total of 102 objects (i. e., cards and obstacles combined) per stage,
without any unblitting glitches.
What a shame, that limit could have been 127 if ZUN didn't needlessly
allocate memory for alpha planes when backing up VRAM content.
And since array subscripts on far pointers wrap around after
64 KiB, trying to save the background of the 103rd object is guaranteed to
corrupt the memory block header at the beginning of the returned segment.
When TH01 runs in debug mode, it
correctly reports a corrupted heap in this case.
After detecting such a corruption, the game loudly reports it by playing the
"player hit" sound effect and locking up, freezing any further gameplay or
rendering. The locking loop can be left by pressing ↵ Return, but the
game will simply re-enter it if the corruption is still present during the
next heapcheck(), in the next frame. And since heap
corruptions don't tend to repair themselves, you'd have to constantly hold
↵ Return to resume gameplay. Doing that could actually get you
safely to the next boss, since the game doesn't allocate or free any further
heap memory during a 5-stage card-flipping scene, and
just throws away its C heap when restarting the process for a boss. But then
again, holding ↵ Return will also auto-flip all cards on the way there…
Finally, some unused content! Upon discovering TH01's stage selection debug
feature, probably everyone tried to access Stage 21,
just to see what happens, and indeed landed in an actual stage, with a
black background and a weird color palette. Turns out that ZUN did
ship an unused scene in SCENE7.DAT, which is exactly what's
loaded there.
However, it's easy to believe that this is just garbage data (as I
initially did): At the beginning of "Stage 22", the game seems to enter an
infinite loop somewhere during the flip-in animation.
Well, we've had a heap overflow above, and the cause here is nothing but a
stack buffer overflow – a perhaps more modern kind of classic C bug,
given its prevalence in the Windows Touhou games. Explained in a few lines
of code:
void stageobjs_init_and_render()
int card_animation_frames[50]; // even though there can be up to 200?!
int total_frames = 0;
(code that would end up resetting total_frames if it ever tried to reset
The number of cards in "Stage 22"? 76. There you have it.
But of course, it's trivial to disable this animation and fix these stage
transitions. So here they are, Stages 21 to 24, as shipped with the game
Wow, what a mess. All that was just a bit too much to be covered in two
pushes… Next up, assuming the current subscriptions: Taking a vacation with
one smaller TH01 push, covering some smaller functions here and there to
ensure some uninterrupted Konngara progress later on.