- 📝 Posted:
- 💰 Funded by:
- Blue Bolt, [Anonymous], Splashman
- 🏷️ Tags:
? It's not one of the 📝 main blockers for multilingual translation support, but fine, let's push it to 100% RE. This didn't go all too quickly after all, though – sure, we were only missing the High Score viewer, but that's technically a menu. By now, we all know the level of code quality we can reasonably expect from ZUN's menu code, especially if we simultaneously look at how it's implemented in TH04 as well. But how much could I possibly say about even a static screen?
- Generating the initial High Score lists
- TH04/TH05's High Score viewer
- 9-digit scores?
- The High Score viewer's actual highest supported score
- Hidden BGM fades
- TH05-exclusive palette bugs when switching between the main menu and the High Score viewer
- Please don't fund ZUN Soft logo finalization just yet 🙇
Then again, with half of the funding for this push not being constrained to RE, OP.EXE
wasn't the worst choice. In both TH04 and TH05, the High Score viewer's code is preceded by all the functions needed to handle the GENSOU.SCR
scorefile format, which I already RE'd 📝 in late 2019. Back then, it turned out to be one of the most needlessly inconsistent pieces of code in all of PC-98 Touhou, with a slightly different implementation in each of the 6 binaries that was waiting for its equally messy decompilation ever since.
Most of these inconsistencies just add bloat, but TH05's different stage number defaults for the Extra Stage do have the tiniest visible impact on the game. Since 2019 was before we had our current system of classifying weird code, let's take a quick look at this again:

always needs to load GENSOU.SCR
to determine whether the Extra Stage is unlocked and can be selected in the main menu. If that file is corrupted or doesn't exist yet, OP.EXE
will always recreate it. Therefore, MAINE.EXE
's recreation code would only ever run if GENSOU.SCR
got deleted or corrupted while playing the game. This can only happen through code that runs outside the game or as the result of failing hardware, and thus goes beyond our criteria for observability.
On to the actual High Score screen then! The OP.EXE
code I decompiled here only covers the viewer, the actual score registration is part of MAINE.EXE
and is a completely different beast that only shares a few code snippets at best. This means that I'll have to do this all over again at some point down the line, which will result in another few pushes that look very similar to this one. 🥲
By now, it's no surprise that even this static screen has more or less the same density of bugs, landmines, and bloat as ZUN's more dynamic and animated menus. This time however, the worst source of bloat lies more on the meta level: TH04's version explicitly spells out every single loading and rendering call for both of that game's playable characters, rather than covering them with loops like TH05 does for its four characters. As a result, the two games only share 3¼ out of the 7 functions in even this simple viewer screen. It definitely didn't have to be this way.
On the bright side, the code starts off with a feature that probably only scoreplayers and their followers have been consciously aware of: The High Score screens can display 9-digit scores without glitches, unlike the in-game HUD's infamous overflow that turns the 8th digit into a letter once the score exceeds 100 million points.
To understand why this is such a surprise, we have to look at how scores are tracked in-game where the glitch does happen. This brings us back to the binary-coded decimal format that the final three PC-98 Touhou games use for their scores, which we didn't have to deal with 📝 for almost three years. On paper, the fixed-size array of 8 digits used by the three games would leave no room for a 9th one, so why don't we get a counterstop at 99,999,999 points, similar to what happens in modern Touhou? Let's look at the concrete example of adding, say, 200,000 points to a score of 99,899,990 points, and step through the algorithm for the most significant four digits:
score |
BCD delta |
09 09 08 09 09 09 09 00 | + 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 |
= 09 09 08 09 09 09 09 00 | + 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 |
= 09 0A 00 09 09 09 09 00 | + 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 |
= 0A 00 00 09 09 09 09 00 | + 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 |
= 0A 00 00 09 09 09 09 00 |
) and 159,999,999 (F9999999
) inclusive.Formatted as big-endian for easier reading. Here's the relevant undecompilable ASM code, featuring the venerable
In other words: The carry of each addition is regularly added to the next digit as if it were binary, and then the next iteration has to adjust that value as necessary and pass along any carry to the digit after that. But once we've reached the most significant digit, there is no way for its carry to go. So it just stays there, leaving the last digit with a value greater than 9 and effectively turning it from a BCD digit into a regular old 8-bit binary value. This leaves us with a maximum representable score of 2,559,999,999 points (FF 09 09 09 09 09 09 09
) – and with the scores achieved by current TAS runs being far below that limit in both games, it's definitely not worth it to bother about rendering that 10th score digit anywhere.
In the High Score screens, ZUN also zero-padded each score to 8 digits, but only blitted the 9th digit into the padding between name and score if it's nonzero. From this code detail alone, we can tell that ZUN was fully aware of ≥100 million points being possible, but probably considered such high scores unlikely enough to not bother rearranging the in-game HUD to support 9 digits. After all, it only looks like there's plenty of unused space next to the HUD, but in reality, it's tightly surrounded by important VRAM regions on both sides: The 32 pixels to the left provide the much-needed sprite garbage area to support 📝 visually clipped sprites despite master.lib's lack of sprite clipping, and the 64 pixels to the right are home to the 📝 tile source area:

And sure enough, ZUN confirms this awareness in TH04's OMAKE.TXT
However, the highest score that the High Score screens of both games can display without visual glitches is not 999,999,999, as you would expect from 9 digits, but rather…

(Also, this 9th digit nicely highlights a slight asymmetry in TH04's screen, where Marisa gets 4 fewer pixels of padding between names and scores.)
What a weird limit. Regardless of whether GENSOU.SCR
saves its scores in a sane unsigned 32-bit format or a silly 8-digit BCD one, this limit makes no sense in either representation. In fact, GENSOU.SCR
goes even further than BCD values, and instead uses… the ID of the corresponding gaiji in the 📝 bold font?
How cute. No matter how you look at it, storing digits with an added offset of 160 makes no sense:
- It's suboptimal for the High Score screens (which want to display scores with the digit sprites from
and thus have to subtract 160 from every digit), - it's suboptimal for the HiScore row in the in-game HUD (which also needs actual digits under the hood for easier comparison and replacement with the current Score, and rendering just adds 160 again), and
- it doesn't even work as obfuscation (with an offset of 160 /
, you can always read the number by just looking at the lower 4 bits, and each character/rank section inGENSOU.SCR
is encrypted with its own key anyway).
It does start to explain the 959 million limit, though. Since each digit in GENSOU.SCR
takes up 1 byte as well, they are indeed limited to a maximum value of (255 - 160) =
95 before they wrap back to 0.
But wait. If the game simply subtracts 160 from the gaiji index to get the digit value, shouldn't this subtraction also wrap back around from 0 to 255 and recover higher values without issue? The answer is, 📝 again, C's integer promotion: Splitting the binary value into two digits involves a division by 10, the C standard mandates that a regular untyped 10
is always of type int
, the uint8_t
digit operand gets promoted to match, and the result is actually negative and thus doesn't even get recognized as a 9th digit because no negative value is ≥10.
So what would happen if we were to enter a score that exceeds this limit? The registration screen in MAINE.EXE
doesn't display the 9th digit and the 8th one wraps around. But it still sorts the score correctly, so at least the internal processing seems to work without any problem…

(160 + 99) = 259
, which wraps around to 3, so this makes perfect sense. We'll figure out the exact logic behind the differently colored sprite once RE progress reaches this screen.
But once you try viewing this score, you're instead greeted with VRAM corruption resulting from master.lib's super_put()
function not bounds-checking the negative sprite IDs passed by the viewer:

In a rare case for PC-98 Touhou, the High Score viewer also hides two interesting details regarding its BGM. Just like for the graphics, ZUN also coded a fade-in call for the music. In abbreviated ASM code:
mov ax, 0000h ; PMD AH=00H (start music playback) int 60h mov ax, 0280h ; PMD AH=02H (fade in/out) int 60h
However, the AH=02H
fade-in call has no effect because AH=00h
resets the music volume and would need to be followed by a volume-lowering AH=19h
call. But even if there was such a call, the fade-in would sound terrible. 80h
corresponds to the fastest possible fade-in speed of -128, which is almost but not quite instant. As such, the fade-in would leave the initial note on each channel muted while the rest of the track fades in very abruptly, which clashes badly with the bass and chord notes you'd expect to hear in the name registration themes of the two games:
At least the first issue could have been avoided if PMD's AH=00h
call took optional parameters that describe the initial playback state instead of relying on these mutating calls later on. After all, it might be entirely possible for a bunch of interrupts to fire between AH=00h
and these further calls, and if those interrupts take a while, the FM chip might have already played a few samples at PMD's default volume. Sure, Real Mode doesn't stop you from wrapping this sequence in CLI
and STI
instructions to work around this issue, but why rely on even more CPU state mutation when there would have been plenty of free x86 registers for passing more initial state to AH=00h
The second detail is the complete opposite: It's a fade-out when leaving the menu, it uses PMD's slowest fade speed, and it does work and sound good. However, the speed is so slow that you typically barely notice the feature before the main menu theme starts playing again. But ZUN hid a small easter egg in the code: After the title screen background faded back in, the games wait for all inputs to be released before moving back into the main menu and playing the title screen theme. By holding any key when leaving the High Score viewer, you can therefore listen to the fade-out for as long as you want.
Although when I said that it works, this does not include TH04. 📝 As 📝 usual, this game's menus do not address the PC-98's keyboard scancode quirk with regard to held keys, causing the loop to break even while the player is still holding a key. There are 21 not yet RE'd input polling calls in TH02 and TH04 that will most certainly reveal similar inconsistencies, are you excited yet?
But in TH05, holding a key indeed reveals the hidden-content of a 37-second fade-out:
As you can already tell by the markers, the final bugs in TH05's (and only TH05's) OP.EXE
are palette-related and revealed by switching between these two screens:
- Why does the title screen initially use an ever so slightly darker palette than it does when returning from the menu?
- What's with the sudden palette change between frames 1 and 2? Why are the colors suddenly much brighter?
1) is easily traced and attributed to an off-by-one error in the animation's palette fade code, but 2) is slightly more complex. This palette glitch only happens if the High Score viewer is the first palette-changing submenu you enter after the 📝 title animation. Just like 📝 TH03's character portraits, both TH04 and TH05 load the sprites for the High Score screen's digits (SCNUM.BFT
) and rank indicator (HI_M.BFT
) as soon as the title animation has finished. Since these are regular BFNT sprite sheets, ZUN loads them using master.lib's super_entry_bfnt()
, and that's where the issue hides: master.lib's blocking palette fade functions operate on master.lib's main 8-bit palette, and super_entry_bfnt()
overwrites this palette with the one in the BFNT header. Synchronizing the hardware palette with this newly loaded one would have immediately revealed this possibly unintended state mutation, but I get why master.lib might not have wanted to do that – after all, 📝 palette uploads aren't exactly cheap and would be very noticeable when loading multiple sprite sheets in a row.
In any case, this is no problem in TH04 as that game's HI_M.BFT
and OP1.PI
have identical palettes. But in TH05, HI_M.BFT
has a significantly brighter palette:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |
OP1.PI | ||||||||||||||||
HI01.PI / HI_M.BFT |
And that's 100% RE for TH05's OP.EXE
! 🎉 TH04's counterpart is not far behind either now, and only misses its title screen animation to reach the same mark.
As for 100% finalization, there's still the not yet decompiled TH04/TH05 version of the ZUN Soft logo that separates both OP.EXE
binaries from this goal. But as I've mentioned 📝 time and time again, the most fitting moment for decompiling that animation would be right before reaching 100% on the entirety of either game. Really – as long as we aren't there, your funding is better invested into literally anything else. The ZUN Soft logo does not interact with or block work on any other part of the game, and any potential modding should be easy enough on the ASM level.
But thankfully, nobody actually scrolls down to the Finalized section. So I can rest assured that no one will take that moment away from me!
Next up: I'd kinda like to stay with PC-98 Touhou for a little longer, but the current backlog is pulling into too many different directions and doesn't convincingly point toward one goal over any other. TH02 is close, but with an active subscription, it makes more sense to accumulate 3 pushes of funding and then go for that game's bullet system in January. This is why I'm OK with subscriptions exceeding the cap every once in a while, because they do allow me to plan ahead in the long term.
So, let's wait a few days for all of you to capture the open towards something more specific. But if the backlog stays as indecisive as it is now, I'll instead go for finishing the Shuusou Gyoku Linux port, hopefully in time for the holiday season.
As for prices, indeed seems to be the point where my supply meets the community's demand for this project and the store no longer sells out immediately. So for the time being, we're going to stay at that push price and I won't increase it any further upon hitting the cap.